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Dedicated to Kiyoshi Kuromiya

(1943 – 2000)

Jeffrey Charles Beadle


I offer these songs to the global spirit of Humankind in the glory of an awakening
of the empowerment that each man, woman and child is a star capable of lighting up
the world. This is my act, a ritual, heralding the completion of a cycle of events, and
the beginning of a new one. So with the Grace of God the spiral may move
heavenward as we climb inward to the light of service and the angelic presence that
is intrinsically ours.



For only in the light of discipline and truth are we free to meet our destiny. The
Great Work of overcoming the horrors of this age and springing forth into the next
Aeon is our greatest glory.
So I call on Mary, Joseph of Aramathea and the architects of the resurrection of
Christ in man to assist us in the healing of this divine planet and it's inhabitants.

Each one of us has our work to do and not one of us can do it alone. So we forge
an alliance with the higher aspects of nature and divine will to expand ourselves
beyond our wildest hopes, dreams, and yes fears. As we seek to relinquish all the
deadening patterns that hold us back we live to see something in ourselves that
remains untouched except by the light of God. Calling on great faith and courage we
may empower ourselves in the wisdom of sharing and relinquishing our innermost
tears, fears and secrets. We may yet succeed in a planetary healing. There is only
one, simple thing we need to do; keep the eternal light of truth burning within the
chalice of our hearts. This is the alchemists’ crucible that keeps us all on the path to
overcoming numbness and awakening to a bliss that is our birthright.




Spring forth the spirit in the heart of the storm
all is well rejoicing in the movement that is life
we now live to forgive all the trespasses of our forbearers
seize the issues of liberty and truth all is new and well
listening to all the opportunities at hand is victory!

We may proclaim in the inspiration of the glory that is

oh yes! let us sing and rejoice and learn to dance again
leaving blindness, ignorance behind arising out of the ashes
into the purple light of the new dawn of our dreams
for liberation is the secret passion of all humankind.

May we come out into the public life of the streets

know all is well our Lord is present within our being
nourishing the creative life giving force that we are
Godlike holding fast to the vision in the light.

Beyond the fears and silent screams of a night past

reaching out for the glory hidden within the framework
our precious human family at it's greatest peak
all we are doing listening to each other think
in the blink of an eye I wonder why
once forgotten dreams faded into the woodwork
of the walls between you and I.

Touching the sky earth firmly at my feet

an ancient song reaches the furthest star
listening closely is the presently expanding vision
embracing the heart presently emerging
I stand awestruck staring at the moon
cherishing the sacredness of my brothers and sisters.

The veil is lifted tears washing the wounds

generations arise cherishing the moment
hope is at hand the dance never ends
in the eternal circle of friends
a star drops down from heaven
to kiss the earth between the eyes.

May we heal the earth in all its trauma

life giving forces stolen for the industry
of the passing age into the timeless aeon
become the time an actualization
all beings eternal revealed
within the heart of all mankind.

We call on the life giving forces of this age

in all it's wonder splendor and heartache
whose tears possess alchemical formula for eternity.

In this time we know what is life as all

is present within this moment
golden horses wings fill the sky
eclipse the moon and sun
taking our dreams to the limit as our own.

We call on the divine will to restore

sanity, balance, presence, order
within the illusion of chaos
we only appear to be lost in.

The magickal power of prayer is restored as we

listen to the humming of the golden wings
within the hearts/minds/bodies
of the gods that we are.

All becomes sacred once again my love

all is to the limit of the atomic
macro cosmic glory that we are.

Oh yes my love I thank you in all humility

may thy will be done in divine accordance.

The liberator shines forth his rainbow

heartfelt in the house of friends
we live as a unity forbearing the children
laughing eternally at the cosmic riddle
once the prize of pride
now just to amuse the many souls
within the realm of light
across the sky is a rainbow
justice is done in the equilibrium
of the heavens within our very eyes
you may see it all some day
or you may see it now
the choice is yours.

To Mary the Goddess of birth

walk with a sacredness

upon this very Earth
delivering a silent kiss
shivers all over to awaken
an urgency within need
only excesses forsaken
cherish always we heed
since a child delivered
upon golden prayers weathered
bearing heart for all to hear
calling all to be so dear.

A cup across the land

this is time to awaken
at your side and in hand
fools and wise men taken
far past night and day
only to life as you are
your smile in this bray
awaiting a lull from afar
no illusion of time and matter
dense forms in this spar
spirits only wish to scatter
all with hearts imprisoned
darkness political torment
lustful power poisoned
all voices made silent
awakened in your bosom
life worth listening
for rich and the poor
songs worth singing
our ears open ever more.

Orphans of the tempest

take the moon and the sun
as your mother and father
prepare yourselves
receiving the torch
of the ancient ones
scorching the earth
fertile fresh renewed
so becoming to glory
ashes of power and lust
blow off to the sunset.

We are free again to become

powerful whole and truthful
the house of paper and lies
no longer supported but confused
as deceit collapses unto itself.

I go off to the shores

washing off the shame
of our ancestors
listening to the birds
in the golden dawn
a new song begins.

We listen to the hearts of many

in a song living this moment
I stand united in every breath
listening to the light in our eyes
we reflect each other endlessly.

May we cherish this moment always!!!



The Supreme Incarnate

Light Everlasting
Awaken to your Destiny
The Earth is waiting
Expansion is inevitable
so relax.

Our work is here

nowhere else so we are free
to touch the sky
with feet firmly on the ground
living to fulfill
the all loving Divine Will.

Uncluttered and empowered

living this moment
intrinsically to roam
the Earth and witness
a new birth
of the golden one
which is


I stand alone
united with each breath
moving deeper into the heart
existence opens it's arms
greeting lovingly
cherishing the light
reflecting our flesh.
Though we may be further
in appearance only
from celebration
endlessly at hand
the dreams gathered
in the palms of glory
we are touching
feet of awakening
a song of fusion and fury
blissfully calling out to all
with ears to bear
ancient songs of reckoning
our destiny is apparent
the earth opens
we stand in awe
at the precipice
beckoning angels
in the moonlight.



Four magicians stand proud, tall, erect,

armor shining in the light of day,
relaxed for no one in power may suspect,
purpose intent of the victory at hand.

Facing north, south, west and east

fission is in hand and mind
forever we dissolve the beast
lurking in our very shadow.

Humankind is free
Uranus to Vulcan
up the Great Tree
in Earth-light's glory
praise the heavens evermore.

Beyond the bondage of time is a silent star

beckoning with the love of the angels
an eager traveler from afar
gifted with the tongue of the birds.

Praise is his nature victory is his name

clothed in red, white and black
well versed in the eternal game
he disappears in the moonlight.

* * *

[Note: inspired by the fall of the Berlin wall.]



The earth is moist cool wet

dripping with promise
soothing the souls of my feet
pulsating in rapture
ancient voices echo
ARISE!!! From the depths
ancient souls remain
standing, we rejoice
in the halls of time
willows sheltering
exquisite chrysalis
emerging within our hearts
humankind never the same again
as we embrace the inevitable
fothright nature of survival
uncertainty beckons to courage
remaining in the balance
between night and day
destiny beckons outright
passages to other spheres
betwixt being and naught
is the life revealed
as stars collapse
listening in reverence
the earth at our feet
fulfills the promise.

Generals of the lie
enter battle
we awaken our ally
in truth we rely
of this we spoke a
heavenly aspiring sigh
life is becoming
the water breaks
so forthcoming
are no mistakes
we hold destiny
always in our hands
fates of many
in tragicosmic lands
zealots rush in
fulfilling the unspeakable
acts of doom!

Be silent and listen!
Heralding your own
we stand tall proud
erecting this life
perishing the thought
you've had us bought
we now disclaim
all reality of your lie
death is the enemy
we befriend life once again!
Transparently nourishing
thoughts in our bellies
empowerment grows by the hour!
So bold in nature
this very posture
is ours!

*Tezcatlipoca Aztec God of destruction.

*Quetzalcoatl Aztec God of creation.

KALI's Restless Night

Up all night and wept

preparing to meet the day
entire nations slept
reckoning in the balance
power grows deadly poisons
washing away the tides
time takes me for a walk
through a tunnel of light
reality speaks listening
with ears to the ground
thundering in the distance
light follows rain angels
wept through this rhyme
listen NOW!!! for it may
soon become a crime
poets imprisoned
enslaved as computers
fight for our souls
Kali's eyes gleaming
in the twilight
awaiting the night
to end all thoughts
in a puff of smoke.

Politicians laughing
in the jaws life/death
sensation is the means
becoming to livelihood
criminals write laws
to serve fires burning
within their hearts.
Appearance is the life
led by many fools
politicos alike
groveling at the feet
of many a salesmen.
Voices in the moonlight
this ancient song
becomes alive again
in Kali's dream.

*Kali = Goddess of death & destruction.

*Shiva = the destroyer
In the swampland
dreck supports muck
REJOICE!!! in the arrival
Kali's golden wings of light
in her compassionate
destruction as HOPE!
arrives in her shadow.

We wait for the light

to return to the mirror
YES!!! we live for freedom
in love hope and solitude
dispassionate incorporated lies
waiting in cathedrals
amidst spiders/cobwebs/dust
sacrament choking our hearts
as the father looks down
straightening his collar
pity in good intention
we ask thrice:


new moon's silent light
gleaming between your eyes
resurrecting wholeness
life beckons boldly
bliss at hand
silence clarity
on the Horizon
behold this life
shall make us FREE!!!

To the Muse Eternal

Diana crowning Olympus

you shine the glory of the ages
into the heart of all humankind
your soft voice keeps me awake
touched by the golden thread
across the seas to a land
where glory is always unfolding
amongst the palms and willows
ancient shores wash sand
from my feet as I walk in step
to your heart enchanted
breathing deeply together
alliance victorious a land
divided amongst itself
collapses to meet the falling star
in union we fall to the depths
only to arise as the moon waxes.

Your light is kept burning in waiting

as rhyme meets reason in a journey
foretold by passionate ones at your feet
this is the bubble bursting in the temples
as blood\tears\shame erupt
held within your golden locks
vanishing without a trace
we move on and on
arriving to a cavern
butterflies dragons unicorns dance
silently on feathers of the Plumed Serpent
coals still burning between your eyes
realizing where we've met before as
your eyes meet mine silenced in awe I am
it was in the darkest night of my dreams
awakened by your touch
a child betwixt naught and plenty
staring into the vast emptiness within your eyes
pools reflecting my own until eternity rings.
Baptized in the fluids dripping from your flesh
the heat rages out of control until we melt
in each other's arms floating
downstream to the river's end the oceans of Olympia.
To be found in uncharted waters where many imagine
many different realities on the shores of lands
unknown except to the simple pure in heart

we live to greet them as they offer their hands

only to be exploited by our descendants.
In hollow hills they will carve hollow homes and fill
them with hollow hearths cold and damp
the sun comes in to warm the cat curled up in the corner.

You stand patiently on Olympus and swim the waters below

this is the time for you now as many may hear
an echo hauntingly familiar to waxen ears
melted by warm tears siblings yielding
no more as the way to my heart
is straight and true path winding
behind me straight down a cliff
looking from the shores of Olympia
waving farewell as this work nears completion.

* * * *

* *


It is the poet's work to wrestle with the many archetypes from the land of Mythos,
that sphere of existence that resides in the right hemisphere of the human brain.
Eventually when the conquest is over we find ourselves at the center of our being.
As long as we open our hearts and call on the Gods and Goddesses of all traditions,
to our voice, we will encounter these beings in the shadow of our existence. Bathing
them in the light of the fission of "hand and mind" the conquest is won and we are
made whole again.
To win our rightful place in existence which resides outside the time space
continuum. It is the aim of this work to act as a unifying voice between all the
different polarized forces in today's world; east & west, male & female, Pagan &
Christian. In the resurrection of the Gnostic tradition so that the ancient orally
transmitted truths that have been attempted to be silenced by the walls of the
church. Burying the hearts and souls of many, in the foolish attempt to create a
religion without any roots deeper than the first layer of, so soil. The tree is bound to
fall and fertilize the soil once again, so the many hearts may resound in a unifying
voice, to reconstruct wholeness in a land divided.
We are the beings, whose vision may bring redemption, or destruction, depending
on where our hearts lay. We have seen in this century alone the completion of two
major socio-political cycles. The period of affirmation - 1923-1952, where western
action of the Russo-Japanese war disrupted the inner sanctum of Tibet. Hitler's first
attempt at power with the infamous 'Beer Hall Putsch', later resulting in the Axis
powers to divide the Western Hemisphere against itself.
The next period may be called the period of denial, 1952-1981. When we first
split the hydrogen atom. The beginning of the 'Psychological War' or battle for
souls. Also marked by the Bodily translation from flesh to light of Anna Lee Skarin,
see 'Ye Are Gods' - DeVorss Press; 1952. With the influence of eastern thought to
neutralize western aggression and our preoccupation with the development of
technological destructive toys.
Finally the period of reconciliation, 1981-2010, where we may each take
responsibility for reconciling the polarized forces within our lives and the life of the
planet as a whole. Unless we regain our rightful place as responsible stewards of the
planet we will not live to see the end of the current cycle. This period was marked by
the appearance of Mary at Medjugorje and the relocation of the late Bhagwan Shree
Rajneesh to America to finish acting out the psychic trauma left on the planet from
World War II.
This work was begun around the spring equinox of 1990. The year we saw time
speed up as the millennial cycle comes to an end. It is the purpose of all rituals, to
herald the completion of the cycle and to assist in the raising of the planetary
vibration to the next octave. Thus the evolution of the species remains an upwardly
moving spiral.
Twelve is the number of celestial cycles that define time. Thirteen is symbolic of
the Magi's Great Work to conquer time, or the center of the cycle, and thus carry out
the work that will raise the planetary vibration to the eternal heart of existence,
continuing to weave the golden thread of light that holds all of humanity together.
So work hard my brothers and sisters may we all meet in the golden sphere of
light that the Earth shall become in the next eighteen years.
To Expansion, Wholeness, Integration, Endless Light.

Jeffrey Charles Beadle

San Francisco, CA 11/23/1990
{{{Revised - 5/3/92}}}

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