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Question No: 1 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.

Information should be tailored in accordance ith the or!anization"s culture and structure.
%eference & 'a!e No.1(
) Information should be tailored in accordance ith the or!anization*s culture and

Question No: + ( M a r k s: 1 )
#he information from the s,stem not used for control purpose called&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-pen loop s,stem
.losed loop s,stem
-pen end /,stem
%eference & 'a!e No.+0
1.(.1 -pen&2oop /,stem
#he determinant factor is in an open loop s,stem is that the information from the s,stem
not used forcontrol purpose

Question No: ( ( M a r k s: 1 )
3 s,stem is a !roup of &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&that are inte!rated ith the
common purpose of achievin! an ob4ective.
5ata /ets
%eference & 'a!e No.+0
3 s,stem is a !roup of elements that are inte!rated ith the common purpose of
achievin! an ob4ective.

Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 )
8ith a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&decision environment9 there is the possibilit, of havin! ver, :uick
and ver, accurate
feedback on the decision process.
.losed /,stem
%eference & 'a!e No.+;
8ith a closed&loop decision environment9 there is the possibilit, of havin! ver, :uick
and ver, accurate feedback on the decision process.

Question No: < ( M a r k s: 1 )
#he departmental structures are &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in bankin! and financial sector.
%eference & 'a!e No.71
1(.1 $inancial /ector
#he departmental structures are different in bankin! and financial sector.

Question No: ; ( M a r k s: 1 )
Information b, itself is provin! to be the most critical resource for or!anizations.
%eference & 'a!e No.<1
17.( I# 5epartment
Information b, itself is provin! to be the most critical resource for or!anizations.

Question No: 1 ( M a r k s: 1 )
'lans provide a direction but not frameork for action.
%eference & 'a!e No.;1
'lans provide a direction and frameork for action.

Question No: > ( M a r k s: 1 )
'rotot,pin! is the process of :uickl, puttin! to!ether a orkin! model in order to test
various aspects of the desi!n to !ather earl, user feedback.
%eference & 'a!e No.>?
+1.+ 'rotot,pin!
@'rotot,pin! is the process of :uickl, puttin! to!ether a orkin! model in order to test
various aspects of the desi!n to !ather earl, user feedback.A

Question No: ? ( M a r k s: 1 )
5ecision makin! is the co!nitive process of selectin! a course of action from amon!
multiple alternatives:
%eference & 'a!e No.<?
5ecision makin! is the co!nitive process of selectin! a course of action from amon!
multiple alternatives.

Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 )
#he procedures to follo hen decision is needed can be specified in advance
(zh9 parish,9+<&1&+011)

Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 )
.ompanies are investin! in data&driven decision support application frameorks to help
them respond to
) .han!in! market conditions
) .ustomer needs
%ef : 3s opposed to model driven 5//9 these s,stems use lar!e pools of data found in
ma4or or!anizational s,stems. #he, help to e=tract information from the lar!e :uantities
of data stored. #hese s,stems rel, on 5ata 8arehouses created from #ransaction
'rocessin! s,stems.
(zh9 parish,9+<&1&+011)
Question No: 1+ ( M a r k s: 1 )
Coard of 5irectors are elected from DDDDDDDDDDD
/hare holders
(zh9 parish,9+<&1&+011)

Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 )
In DDDDDD st,le mana!ers allo emplo,ees to take part in decision makin!.
%eference & 'a!e No.1+
7.+.+ 'articipative
In a 5emocratic st,le9 the mana!er allos the emplo,ees to take part in decision&makin!:

Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 )
.losed /,stem depends on DDDDDDDDDD and data.
Internal resources
6=ternal resources
%eference & 'a!e No.+7
8hen e refer to a closed s,stem e talk
of a s,stem that is dependant on internal resources and data for decision makin! rather
than e=ternal environment.

Question No: 1< ( M a r k s: 1 )
#he spiral model emphasizes the need to !o back and reiterate earlier steps a number of
times as the pro4ect pro!resses.
%eference & 'a!e No.>>
#he spiral model emphasizes the need to !o back and reiterate earlier steps a number of
times as the pro4ect pro!resses.

Question No: 1; ( M a r k s: 1 )
/,stem anal,sis creates the understandin! and la,s out the necessar, relationships that
ill assist in definin! a solution to the problem or the desi!n of the proposed softare
that ill meet the user needs.
%eference & 'a!e No.?+
) /,stem anal,sis creates the understandin! and la,s out the necessar, relationships that
ill assist in definin! a solution to the problem or the desi!n of the proposed softare
that ill meet the user needs.

Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Information re:uirements keep var,in! in accordance ith /ize of or!anization9 its
structure. Is it trueE
%eference & 'a!e No.;
+.7 -r!anization G Information %e:uirements
-r!anizations have various attributes hich distin!uish them from each other. No to
or!anizations are similar in all respects. #here have to have certain distinctive lines
keepin! them uni:ue from each other.
Information re:uirements keep var,in! in accordance ith
) /ize of or!anization
) Its structure
) #he .ulture it follos
) 5ecision Makin! /tructures
) Interested parties both internal and e=ternal

Question No: 1> ( M a r k s: 1 )
3ccounts should have a control over various recordin! points in the entire process from
procurement to finished !oods store room.
%eference & 'a!e No.<<
) 3ccounts and $inance
3ccounts should have a control over various recordin! points in the entire process from
procurement to finished !ood store room.

Question No: 1? ( M a r k s: 1 )
8hich of the folloin! are the e=amples of 'rimar, sourcesE
.ommentaries9 revie articles and literature revies
5irectories9 Huidebooks9 manuals9 .hronolo!ies
Intervies9 surve,s and fieldork
None of the
%eference & 'a!e No.+
/ome e=amples of primar, sources:
1. /cientific 4ournal articles reportin! e=perimental research results
+. 'roceedin!s of Meetin!s9 .onferences.
(. #echnical reports
7. 5issertations or theses (ma, also be secondar,)
<. 'atents
;. /ets of data9 such as census statistics
1. 8orks of literature (such as poems and fiction)
>. 5iaries
?. 3utobio!raphies
10. Intervies9 surve,s and fieldork

Question No: +0 ( M a r k s: 1 )
3n information s,stem that automaticall, !enerates report on re!ular basis and are not
used to monitor
input or activities is called:
-pen loop s,stem
.losed loop s,stem
.losed end /,stem
%eference & 'a!e No.+0
1.(.1 -pen&2oop /,stem
#he determinant factor is in an open loop s,stem is that the information from the s,stem
not used for control purpose. #his is done b, usin! the output to !enerate feed back for
control purposes.
) #he output is not coupled to the input for measurement.
) Ience the components of open loop s,stem do not include control and feedback
mechanism due to non&e=istence of internall, defined ob4ectives. #hat is9
o Input
o 'rocess
o -utput
3n information s,stem that automaticall, !enerates report on re!ular basis and are not
used to monitor
input or activities.

Question No: +1 ( M a r k s: + )
6nlist the t,pes of models used in 5//.
'a!e 7>
#,pes of Models Bsed in 5//
) 'h,sical Models
) Narrative Models
) Hraphic Models
) Mathematical Models

Question No: ++ ( M a r k s: + )
8h, protot,pes are usedE
reference & 'a!e 100
8h, protot,pes are usedE
In man, fields9 there is !reat uncertaint, as to hether a ne desi!n ill actuall, do hat
is desired. Ne desi!ns often have une=pected problems. 3 protot,pe is built to test the
function of the ne desi!n before startin! production of a product. Cuildin! the full
desi!n is often e=pensive and can be time&consumin!. 3 protot,pe allos manufacturers
to rapidl, and ine=pensivel, test the parts of the desi!n that are most likel, to have
problems9 solve those problems9 and then build the full desi!n.

Question No: +( ( M a r k s: ( )
Jarious considerations need to be kept in mind hile definin! parameters for desired
output in s,stem desi!nin!. 8hat should be themE Identif, an, three.

Question No: +7 ( M a r k s: ( )
2ist an, three benefits of .%M.
Cenefits of .%M
) Maintains and enhances customer base
) 6ncoura!es customer lo,alt,
) Hainin! more customers* allet&share
) #he more effective a compan,"s customer retention and defection mana!ement strate!,9
the less the, need to plu! the !ap ith ne customers9 ho are e=pensive to recruit.
) .%M help in establishin! communication to encoura!e customers to share information
about their
) Iabits9
) #astes and preferences
) Interests in .o*s brand e=tension initiatives

Question No: +< ( M a r k s: < )
5iscuss different t,pes of problems e faced in decision makin! processE
'a!e ;? (Ma, be u !et better anser from the book )
#,pes of 'roblems
Nature of problem determines the approach to decision makin! to be folloed to solve it.
#here are three broad cate!ories.
) /tructured: 8ell&structured problems are constrained problems ith conver!ent
solutions that en!a!e the application of a limited number of rules and principles ithin
ell&defined parameters.
) Bnstructured: 'roblems possess multiple solutions9 solution paths9 feer parameters
hich are less manipulate able9 and contain uncertaint, about hich concepts9 rules9 and
principles are necessar, for the solution or ho the, are or!anized and hich solution is
) /emi&structured K a !ra, area lies beteen the structured and unstructured ran!e. Iere
part of the decision can be specified alloin! for certain factors out of control.

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