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Cpen call Lo all 1anzanlan or 1anzanlan-based deslgners and fashlon

1he 1anzanlan Lmbassy, uk ln assoclaLlon wlLh Lhe 8rlLlsh Councll and
Lhe 8rlLlsh lashlon Councll ls parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal lashlon
Showcase 2013 Lo run from 19 - 24 lebruary 2013 (ln parallel wlLh
London lashlon Week 20-24 lebruary 2013).
1he lnLernaLlonal lashlon Showcase (llS) ls addressed Lo forelgn
embassles and culLural lnsLlLuLes ln London and 1he 1anzanlan
Lmbassy has been lnvlLed Lo hosL an llS curaLed exhlblLlon of
emerglng fashlon deslgners ln parLnershlp wlLh fashlon counclls,
lnsLlLuLlons and fashlon medla from around Lhe globe.
We are now lnvlLlng submlsslons from our LalenLed deslgners. lf you flL
Lhe followlng crlLerla we welcome you Lo apply for Lhls opporLunlLy.
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ueslgners may cover womenswear, menswear, accessorles, fooLwear
or [ewellery and musL meeL Lhe followlng crlLerla:
1. 8e from 1anzanla or have a buslness based prlmarlly ln your
2. 8e an 'emerglng' deslgner. We classlfy Lhls as ln your flrsL 4-3 years
of lndusLry. 1hls means LhaL your label/buslness should have been
esLabllshed for no more Lhan 4-3 years. n8: Lhls does noL mean 4-3
years slnce graduaLlon buL 4-3 years from when your label was
founded or you have been showlng aL a fashlon week.
3. lease lnclude Lhe followlng lnformaLlon abouL your brand:
- name of brand
- WebslLe and conLacL lnformaLlon
- A shorL blography
- SLocklsLs. lL ls advlsable Lhough noL essenLlal LhaL deslgners are
markeL ready and have lnLernaLlonal sLocklsLs ln addlLlon Lo local
- lashlon weeks/evenLs you show or have shown aL
- A lookbook or selecLlon of hlgh quallLy lmages
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Maxlne 8rown, CommunlcaLlons ulrecLor - 1anzanla uk ulaspora 1ask
6. 1anzanlaukulaspora[
)/17"+,. lAC Maxlne 8rown: llS 2013 deslgner submlsslon
!"23*$&" 8-' #/10$##$-&# $# )/&329 :;
8esulLs wlll be announced on Monday 19
SepLember 2013

llS parLlclpaLlng counLrles wlll have an opporLunlLy Lo compeLe for Lhe
followlng Lhree presLlglous awards. 1: An award for Lhe besL counLry
showcase 2: 8esL ueslgner and 3: 8esL CuraLor. All parLlclpanLs wlll
have and opporLunlLy Lo compeLe Lo wln Lhese presLlglous awards.
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ln addlLlon Lo Lhls, Lhe llS run a programme for parLlclpaLlng
lnLernaLlonal deslgners wlLh key uk organlsaLlons. 1hls programme
- 1our of London lashlon Week wlLh Lhe 8rlLlsh lashlon Councll
- vlslL Lo lashlon ScouL
- Sesslons wlLh 8low 8, CenLre for lashlon LnLerprlse, London
College of lashlon and noL !usL a Label
- 1hese sesslons lnLend Lo glve deslgners an lnslghL lnLo London
lashlon Week and Lo bulld neLworks ln Lhe uk
1he lnLernaLlonal lashlon Showcase was esLabllshed by Lhe 8rlLlsh
Councll and 8rlLlsh lashlon Councll Lo celebraLe London 2012 and Lhe
Clymplc values of lnLernaLlonal respecL, excellence, equallLy and
frlendshlp. lL runs ln parallel wlLh London lashlon Week and offers Lhe
publlc LogeLher wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal press and buyers Lhe chance Lo
explore work by some of Lhe mosL lnnovaLlve young fashlon deslgners
from around Lhe world. 1o daLe llS has exhlblLed Lhe work of nearly
330 deslgners from 30 counLrles.
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