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I. Goliath's Challenge (vv. 1-11)

A. Confrontation: Philistines and Israelites Face Each Other Goliath A!!ears (vv. 1-")
#. Challenge: Goliath $efies the %an&s of Israel (vv. '-1()
C. Consternation: )a*l and Israel Are $is+a,ed and -errified (v. 11)
II. $avid .itnesses Goliath's Challenge (vv. 1/-01)
A. Confrontation: $avid A!!ears in the Israelite Ca+! Philistines and Israelites Face Each Other (vv.
#. Challenge: $avid 2ears Goliath $ef,ing the %an&s of Israel (v. /0)
C. Consternation: $avid Converses .ith the Fearf*l Israelites3 2is Angr, #rother3 and an Indecisive
)a*l (vv. /4-01)
III. $avid 5eets Goliath's Challenge (vv. 4(-64)
A. Confrontation: $avid and Goliath Face Each Other (vv. 4(-41)
#. Challenge: $avid and Goliath )*++on Each Other $avid 7ills Goliath (vv. 4/-61a)
C. Consternation: Philistines Flee Fro+ Israelites (vv. 618-649)
Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Socoh in !dah" The# $itched
cam$ at E$hes %ammim& between Socoh and A'e(ah"
)ocoh :as controlled 8, the Israelites3 and A;e&ah :as controlled 8, the Philistines. )a*l<s sco*ts located
the ene+, forces.
=-his :ar :ith the Philistines in cha!ter 1" is the res*lt of )a*l<s foll, in cha!ter 143 a :ar :hich :o*ld
never have 8een fo*ght e>ce!t for )a*l<s edict.? (
Sa!l and the *sraelites assembled and cam$ed in the Valle# of Elah and drew !$ their battle line to
meet the Philistines"
-he .#C has3 =)a*l and the +en of Israel also asse+8led enca+!ing in the valle, of the -ere8inth3 the, got
read, for 8attle to +eet the Philistines.?
-he CE@ sa,s that the Israelite ar+, set *! ca+! =on a hill overloo&ing the Elah valle,.?
=)a*l never see+s to ta&e the initiative in !reci!itating a +ilitar, confrontation :ith the Philistines3 and this
is no e>ce!tion.? ( #*t can ,o* 8la+e )a*l. 2e has 8een told that he is finished as a &ing (13:13-
14; 15:23) that Samuel is through with him (15:35) and that the Spirit of God has
departed from him, replaed !" an e#il Spirit from the $ord% (1&:14)'
Aeither side see+s an>io*s to fight.
Valle# of Elah +-his :as an o8vio*s ro*te of advance for the Philistines fro+ their cities in the coastal
!lainB this is to 8e *nderstood as a locali;ed incident in the inter+ittent :arfareB retold as one of total :ar
8et:een the t:o !eo!le.? (C#C)
The Philistines occ!$ied one hill and the *sraelites another& with the -alle# between them"
-he ar+ies face each other across a ravine.
A cham$ion named /oliath& who was from /ath& came o!t of the Philistine cam$" He was o-er nine
feet tall"
cham$ion lit. Cthe +an 8et:een t:o Dar+iesEC or =hero? (CE@) 2e did not fight in the ran&s as a reg*lar
He was o-er nine feet tall Or 1<1? tall (C#C3 AI@) 11<1(? or 1?F? (C#) =si> c*8its and a s!an? (.#C)
"< (other a*thors)
-he )e!t*agint (Gree& O-)3 $ead )ea )crolls3 and Gose!h*s all sa, he :as F feet tall Dal+ost " feet3 (CE@)E3
:hich :as still tall 8, O- standards.
-here are significant differences 8et:een the 5asoretic (2e8re:)3 )e!t*agint (Gree&)3 and $ead )ea )crolls
versions of 1 )a+*el 1". One of the +ost interesting of these relates to Goliath's height: 4H)a+(a)3 the $ead
)ea )crolls te>t of )a+*el3 gives the height of Goliath as Cfo*r c*8its and a s!anC (a8o*t Fft "in tall)3 and
this is :hat the 4th cent*r, A$ )e!t*agint +an*scri!ts and the 1st cent*r, A$ historian Gose!h*s also
record. Iater )e!t*agint +an*scri!ts and the oldest 5asoretic te>ts (Ale!!o Code>3 1(th cent*r, A$) read
Csi> c*8its and a s!anC3 :hich :o*ld +a&e hi+ a8o*t nine feet si> inches tall. -he discre!anc, of height
+a, 8e d*e to conf*sion of t:o 2e8re: letters3 dalet and :a:. -he 2e8re: lang*age *ses letters to denote
n*+8ers3 and the n*+erical val*e of dalet is 4 and :a: F. It +a, 8e !ossi8le that the dalet and :a: have
8eco+e conf*sed in so+e ti+e d*ring the co!,ing !rocess. (.i&i+edia)
He had a bron'e helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bron'e weighing fi-e tho!sand
on his legs he wore bron'e grea-es& and a bron'e 3a-elin was sl!ng on his bac("

scale armor -his :as fashioned fro+ several h*ndred s+all 8ron;e !lates that rese+8led fish scales3
!ossi8l, scales ro*nded at the 8otto+ and sJ*ared at the to!3 and se:n to linen. -he :eight of Goliath's
ar+or :as a8o*t 1/6 !o*nds. $avid :ill &ee! Goliath<s ar+or and :ea!ons as so*venirs (v. 64)3 and
!ro8a8l, :eigh the+ later.
bron'e grea-es leg ar+or
bron'e 3a-elin =8ron;e s:ord? (CE@) =8ron;e sci+itar? (.#C)3 =Kavelin? (A+!.3 AI@) )o+e
co++entators 8eca*se his s:ord isn<t +entioned3 translate Kavelin as s:ord.
His s$ear shaft was li(e a wea-er4s rod& and its iron $oint weighed si5 h!ndred she(els" His shield
bearer went ahead of him"
li(e a wea-er4s rod -his :o*ld 8e a8o*t 6 feet long.
2is s!ear :eighted +ore than 16 !o*nds.
/oliath stood and sho!ted to the ran(s of *srael& 78h# do #o! come o!t and line !$ for battle9 Am *
not a Philistine& and are #o! not the ser-ants of Sa!l9 Choose a man and ha-e him come down to me"
8h# do #o! come o!t and line !$ for battle9 2e<s sa,ing that all ,o* need is one +an to fight +e.
Am * not a Philistine Or =A+ I not the Philistine9? or =I a+ the +an :ho re!resents the strength of the
Philistines.? (P2C) =I<+ the 8est soldier in the ar+,.? (CE@)
are #o! not the ser-ants of Sa!l 2e is i+!l,ing that the, all sho*ld ste! for:ard to fight hi+.
A logical choice :o*ld have 8een )a*l3 8*t he :as too afraid.
*f he is able to fight and (ill me& we will become #o!r s!b3ects1 b!t if * o-ercome him and (ill him&
#o! will become o!r s!b3ects and ser-e !s"7
#o!r s!b3ects 5eaning =,o*r slaves?.
Then the Philistine said& 7This da# * def# the ran(s of *srael< /i-e me a man and let !s fight each
-he calling o*t of threats and c*rses are all !art of the contest. =(is o)er is *rst a hallenge and
then it seems to !eome a taunt' (e is tr"ing to goad the +sraelites into ation'?
=n hearing the Philistine4s words& Sa!l and all the *sraelites were disma#ed and terrified"
#arring the res!onse of an Israelite hero3 Goliath :o*ld :in 8, defa*lt3 and the Philistines :o*ld contin*e to
8e Israel's +asters.
-he .#C o+its verses 1/-01. =Bthe )e!t*agint o+its verses 1/-013 413 6(3 66-6'. -he traditional 2e8re:
te>t3 &no:n as the 5asoretic -e>t3 does not o+it these verses. )ince the 5asoretic -e>t is the original te>t
and the )e!t*agint is onl, a translation (and so+eti+es a rather loose one)3 :e :ill ass*+e the translators of
the )e!t*agint !*r!osel, o+itted these verses :hich :ere a !art of the original te>t.? (
Aeither )a*l nor an,one in his ar+, had eno*gh doctrine to ste! for:ard.
Now %a-id was the son of an E$hrathite named esse& who was from >ethlehem in !dah" esse had
eight sons& and in Sa!l4s time he was old and well ad-anced in #ears"
Gesse :as too old to go to :ar.
-his +eans that 4 sons aren<t in the ar+,. 5a,8e the,<re too ,o*ng.
esse4s three oldest sons had followed Sa!l to the war: The firstborn was Eliab1 the second&
Abinadab1 and the third& Shammah"
%a-id was the #o!ngest" The three oldest followed Sa!l&
-he three 8rothers :ere officers. (-hie+e) E+!hasi;ed is that the oldest 8rother :ent to :ar :ith )a*l3
vss.103 14.
b!t %a-id went bac( and forth from Sa!l to tend his father4s shee$ at >ethlehem"
$avid<s 8rothers follo:ed )a*l3 8*t $avid :ent 8ac& and forth to tend his father<s shee! or to 8e s*re
:hoever :as tending the+ :as doing a good Ko8.
.hile $avid :ent 8ac& and forth3 Goliath :ent 8ac& and forth3 challenging the Israelites.
.e last sa: $avid as )a*l<s ar+or 8earer. .h, isn<t he still )a*l<s ar+or 8earer9
-his is !ossi8l, 6 ,ears later at the end of the !revio*s cha!ter. )a*l +a, have had several ar+or 8earers and
evidentl, :as o*t of his de!ression and didn<t need $avid +*sic to sooth hi+. )a*l :as also engaged in a
+ilitar, action and :as !reocc*!ied :ith that action3 :hich no do*8t alleviated his de!ression.
2ere is another e>!lanation. I :o*ld give credit to the a*thor if I &ne: :ho he :as. =$avid 8egan as one
:ho !la,ed +*sic3 !ro8a8l, in the 8ac&gro*nd3 in the !alace of )a*l3 to !rovide )a*l :ith co+fort and
solace. In this cha!ter3 $avid :ill !rove hi+self on the 8attlefield3 and )a*l :ill then +a&e hi+ his ar+or
8earer. Again3 this is t,!ical of 2e8re: narrativeL:e have a s*++ation of s*8seJ*ent events follo:ed 8,
the !la,ing o*t of those events.?
?or fort# da#s the Philistine came forward e-er# morning and e-ening and too( his stand"
Goliath ca+e for:ard t:ice a da, (v. 1F) for fort, da,s in contin*ing3 ta*nting defiance. 2e Ctoo& his stand3C
li&e the &ings of the earth in Psal+ /:/ Cagainst the IO%$ and against his anointed oneC (Ps /:/).
Now esse said to his son %a-id& 7Ta(e this e$hah of roasted grain and these ten loa-es of bread for
#o!r brothers and h!rr# to their cam$.
roasted grain Ears of corn !l*c&ed 8efore the, are ri!e and roasted in an iron !an. -he ar+, :as de!endent
on s*!!lies fro+ their ho+e village. Or 8arle, or :heat.
h!rr# to their cam$ Gesse is ver, concerned for his sons.
Ta(e along these ten cheeses to the commander of their !nit" See how #o!r brothers are and bring
bac( some ass!rance from them"
It also :o*ldn<t h*rt to gain favor fro+ the sectional co++ander.
are and bring bac( some ass!rance from them Possi8l, so+e ite+ that :o*ld give ass*rance of their :ell
8eing. Or3 $avid :ill ta&e his 8rothers s*!!lies3 and in e>change he gets a list of their needs and infor+ation
a8o*t ho: the,<re doing.
Others fa+ilies :ere !ro8a8l, doing the sa+e thing as Gesse.
The# are with Sa!l and all the men of *srael in the Valle# of Elah& fighting against the Philistines"7
fighting against the Philistines -his :as do*8tless s!o&en :ith !ride and intended as a gentle re8*&e to
$avid. (Mondervan) -he ar+, :as in fact +ane*vering3 stalling.
All the +en old eno*gh are fighting the Philistines.
Earl# in the morning %a-id left the floc( with a she$herd loaded !$ and set o!t& as esse had
directed" He reached the cam$ as the arm# was going o!t to its battle $ositions& sho!ting the war cr#"
%a-id left the floc( with a she$herd 2e is a ver, res!onsi8le !erson. .h, isn<t a 8rother !*t in charge of
:atching the shee!9
as esse had directed -oda, +an, sons :o*ld co+!lain a8o*t =it not 8eing +, Ko8? or =Iet the servant do
it or hel! +e3? or =:h, do I have to do all the hard :or&9?
cam$ C:agon-:heel trac&C and !ro8a8l, refers to the Ctrac&sC +ade 8, s*!!l, :agons that o*tlined the
!eri+eter of the ca+!. $avid *sed the :ord +eta!horicall, in the )he!herd Psal+ (C!aths of righteo*sness3C
Psa /0:0). Or =the circle or fortification of :agons.?
Each +orning the ar+, advanced and :ent o*t to the 8attle lines. #*t all the, e>!erienced :as Goliath
challenging the+. -his +*st have 8een reall, 8ad for +orale.

*srael and the Philistines were drawing !$ their lines facing each other"
%a-id left his things with
the (ee$er of s!$$lies ran to the battle lines and greeted his brothers"
(ee$er of s!$$lies H*arter+aster Again $avid sho:s his sense of res!onsi8ilit,. -oda, so+e sons :o*ld
K*st d*+! the s*!!lies on the gro*nd and sa, their did their d*t,.
greeted his brothers lit. Cas&ed concerning their :elfareN:ell-8eing DshalomE.
As he was tal(ing with them& /oliath& the Philistine cham$ion from /ath& ste$$ed o!t from his lines
and sho!ted his !s!al defiance& and %a-id heard it"
Even fro+ a distance Goliath's defiant challenge a!!ears to have 8een lo*d eno*gh to interr*!t $avid's
conversation :ith his 8rothers.
8hen the *sraelites saw the man& the# all ran from him in great fear"
Even after a +onth3 the Israelites are still terrified of Goliath.
Now the *sraelites had been sa#ing& 7%o #o! see how this man (ee$s coming o!t9 He comes o!t to
def# *srael" The (ing will gi-e great wealth to the man who (ills him" He will also gi-e him his
da!ghter in marriage and will e5em$t his father4s famil# from ta5es in *srael"7
)a*l &ee!s increasing the re:ard to the one to challenge Goliath. Goliath +a, 8e co+ing o*t closer and
closer to )a*l<s ar+, and )a*l &ee!s increasing the re:ard. Aothing is said of these re:ards after Goliath is
&illed. .e don<t &no: if )a*l offered these things to $avid. If he did3 $avid ref*sed the+.
I 8et )a*l<s da*ghter is a real loo&er.
Cale8 offered his da*ghter to :hoever too& 7iriath-se!her (Gosh*a 16:1F).
%a-id as(ed the men standing near him& 78hat will be done for the man who (ills this Philistine
and remo-es this disgrace from *srael9 8ho is this !ncirc!mcised Philistine that he sho!ld def# the
armies of the li-ing /od9C
-he soldiers are tal&ing a8o*t Goliath3 and $avid overheard their conversation. $avid :o*ld rather as& the
soldiers ne>t to hi+ than his 8rothers. @erse /' see+s to sho: the riff 8et:een the 8rothers. $avid :as after
all the one :ho !la,ed +*sic for the &ing and :as indeed anointed &ing loo&s li&e a case of Kealo*s,. Gose!h
s*ffered 8eca*se of the hatred of his older 8rothers. (Gen. 0":43 'O0F).
-he +en of Israel call Goliath Cthis +an3C $avid calls hi+ Cthis *ncirc*+cised PhilistineC the, sa, that
Goliath has co+e o*t to Cdef, Israel3C $avid sa,s that he has co+e o*t to Cdef, the ar+ies of the living
GodC the, refer to Goliath's !otential victor as Cthe +an :ho &ills hi+3C $avid refers to hi+ as Cthe +an
:ho &ills this Philistine and re+oves this disgrace fro+ Israel.C In short3 the +en of Israel Csee an
ins*!era8le3 fearso+e giant :ho is re!roaching Israel $avid sees +erel, an *ncirc*+cised Philistine :ho
has the a*dacit, to re!roach the ar+ies of the living GodC. (Mondervan)
-his is a title for those o*tside of the covenant of God.
that he sho!ld def# the armies of the li-ing /od9 $avid sho:s he had doctrine. 2e &no:s and 8elieves the
.ord of God. $avid defeated Goliath 8eca*se of doctrine in his so*l. (-hie+e)
li-ing /od @nli(e the Philistine gods of wood and sone

The# re$eated to him what the# had been sa#ing and told him& 7This is what will be done for the
man who (ills him"7
)ee+s $avid can<t 8elieve :ith all these re:ards no one :ill co+e o*t to challenge Goliath. 2e :ant
8hen Eliab& %a-id4s oldest brother& heard him s$ea(ing with the men& he b!rned with anger at him
and as(ed& 78h# ha-e #o! come down here9 And with whom did #o! lea-e those few shee$ in the
desert9 * (now how conceited #o! are and how wic(ed #o!r heart is1 #o! came down onl# to watch the
Elia8 :as !ro8a8l, angr, at hi+self for not +eeting the challenge and too& it o*t on $avid. Pn8elieving
fa+il, +e+8ers can 8e the greatest hindrance to the 8eliever.
And with whom did #o! lea-e those few shee$ in the desert9 $avid :as !ro8a8l, al:a,s so res!onsi8le
and o8edient to his father that his 8rothers resented hi+.
* (now how conceited #o! are and how wic(ed #o!r heart is =Qo* s!oiled 8ratR? (CE@)
#o! came down onl# to watch the battle Pnli&e +e and ,o*r 8rothers :ho are here to fight. 2e sa,s $avid
ca+e to 8e entertained 8, the 8attle.
7Now what ha-e * done97 said %a-id" 7Can4t * e-en s$ea(97
Can4t * e-en s$ea( Or =Can<t I even as& a J*estion9? (CE@) -hese are rhetorical J*estions in that $avid
doesn<t e>!ect an ans:er as seen in the ne>t verse :here he K*st t*rns a:a, to another soldier. 2e &no:s it<s
no *se to tal& to his 8rother.

He then t!rned awa# to someone else and bro!ght !$ the same matter& and the men answered him
as before"
$avid didn<t arg*e :ith his 8rother. 2e didn<t :aste his energ, on this !ettiness.
-his see+s to 8e the third ti+e $avid hears the re:ards for the one :ho &ills Goliath. 2e can 8arel, 8elieve
it :o*ld ta&e so +*ch to +ove a +an to &ill Goliath.
8hat %a-id said was o-erheard and re$orted to Sa!l& and Sa!l sent for him"

)everal soldiers ca+e to tell )a*l of $avid<s interest in &illing Goliath.
Sa!l sent for him Evidentl, )a*l didn<t &no: that the +an :as $avid. If he did3 he +a, not have sent for
%a-id said to Sa!l& 7Aet no one lose heart on acco!nt of this Philistine1 #o!r ser-ant will go and fight
-he .#C has3 =$avid said to )a*l3 S$on<t let +, lord<s heart 8e disco*raged *!on hi+R Qo*r servant :ill go
and fight :ith this Philistine.?
Sa!l re$lied& 7Bo! are not able to go o!t against this Philistine and fight him1 #o! are onl# a bo#&
and he has been a fighting man from his #o!th"7
$avid is a total contrast fro+ Goliath :ho is a !rofessional soldier.
#o! are onl# a bo# 5eaning he is ine>!erienced in :arfare.
$avid is !ro8a8l, a8o*t /F ,ears old. (-hie+e) Others !*t his age as /' or /1. Other co++entators sa,
$avid :as 16 ,ears old or ,o*nger. Even at /F $avid :o*ld see+ to 8e a 8o, co+!ared to Goliath.
>!t %a-id said to Sa!l& 7Bo!r ser-ant has been (ee$ing his father4s shee$" 8hen a lion or a bear
came and carried off a shee$ from the floc(&
-his is / se!arate incidents.
* went after it& str!c( it and resc!ed the shee$ from its mo!th" 8hen it t!rned on me& * sei'ed it b#
its hair& str!c( it and (illed it"
Ao !ro8a8l, &illed the lion :ith his staff and +a,8e a roc& or &nife. 2e resc*ed the shee! fro+ the +o*th of
the lion and 8ear. 2e<ll resc*e Israel fro+ the +o*th of Goliath.
2e sei;ed the lion 8, its +ane.
-he shee! :as resc*ed. Israel is li&e a shee! hel!less 8efore Goliath.
Bo!r ser-ant has (illed both the lion and the bear1 this !ncirc!mcised Philistine will be li(e one of
them& beca!se he has defied the armies of the li-ing /od"
+The A=R% has resc!ed me from the claws of lions and bears& and he will (ee$ me safe from the
hands of this Philistine"C DCEVE
=Qo*r servant has &illed 8oth lions and 8ears? (A%)@)
beca!se he has defied the armies of the li-ing /od -his is the doctrine s!ea&ing.
The A=R% who deli-ered me from the $aw of the lion and the $aw of the bear will deli-er me from
the hand of this Philistine"7 Sa!l said to %a-id& 7/o& and the A=R% be with #o!"7
-hese victories :ere done in !rivate and :ere dress rehearsals for Goliath.
Then Sa!l dressed %a-id in his own t!nic" He $!t a coat of armor on him and a bron'e helmet on his
)a*l had his o:n +ilitar, clothes and ar+or !*t on $avid. After 4( da,s of Goliath3 )a*l :as des!erate for
an,one to challenge hi+. -he Iord<s -i+ing is Perfect. If $avid had arrived earlier3 )a*l +ight have ref*sed
his reJ*est to challenge Goliath.
%a-id fastened on his sword o-er the t!nic and tried wal(ing aro!nd& beca!se he was not !sed to
them" 7* cannot go in these&7 he said to Sa!l& 7beca!se * am not !sed to them"7 So he too( them off"
$avid<s ina8ilit, to :ear )a*l<s ar+or sho:s that $avid :as not ,et to re!lace )a*l as &ing.
.e don<t see )a*l !*tting on his ar+or and choosing his :ea!ons and going to +eet the challenge. $avid
doesn<t need an, hel! fro+ )a*l. )a*l is o*t of the :ill of God. $avid chooses the grace and !o:er of God
to defeat Goliath.
Then he too( his staff in his hand& chose fi-e smooth stones from the stream& $!t them in the $o!ch
of his she$herd4s bag and& with his sling in his hand& a$$roached the Philistine"
$avid !*t the stones in a !o*ch3 :hich is a she!herd<s 8ag. Goliath !ro8a8l, sa: $avid !ic& *! the stones.
)lingers :ere !art of the ar+,. End Note: Slingers
Feanwhile& the Philistine& with his shield bearer in front of him& (e$t coming closer to %a-id"
loo(ed %a-id o-er and saw that he was onl# a bo#& r!dd# and handsome& and he des$ised him"
Goliath loo&ed $avid over caref*ll,. Co*ld this 8e so+e sort of a tra!9
r!dd# and handsome =!in&-chee&ed and fair in a!!earance.? (.#C) $avid<s da*ghter -a+ar is descri8ed
as 8eing 8ea*tif*l and fair (/ )a+*el 10:1). A8salo+<s da*ghter3 also na+ed -a+ar :as3 Sa :o+an :ith a
8ea*tif*l face< (/ )a+*el 14:/"). SIn all Israel there :as none to 8e so +*ch !raised as A8salo+ for his
8ea*t, fro+ the sole of his foot to the cro:n of his head3 he had no 8le+ish. .hen he c*t the hair of his head
at the end of each ,ear 8eca*se it :as heav, on hi+3 he :eighed the hair of his head at t:o h*ndred she&els
(a8o*t /T &ilogra+s)< (/ )a+*el 14:/63 /F). )ee 1 )a+. 1F:1'.

He said to %a-id& 7Am * a dog that #o! come at me with stic(s97 And the Philistine c!rsed %a-id
b# his gods"
$ogs :ere des!ised in the O- (1)a+. /4:14 /)a+. 0:' 1:' 1F:1 /7ings ':10). -he, :ere :ild and vicio*s
and !eo!le !rotected the+selves :ith stic&s.
All Goliath sees is :hat a!!ears to hi+ to 8e stic&s3 $avid<s staff and slingshot.
I Cor. 1:/"O/': God has chosen the foolish things of the :orld to sha+e the :ise3 and God has chosen the
:ea& things of the :orld to sha+e the things :hich are strong3 and the 8ase things of the :orld and the
des!ised3 God has chosen3 the things that are not3 that 2e +ight n*llif, the things that are3 that no +an
sho*ld 8oast 8efore God.
7Come here&7 he said& 7and *4ll gi-e #o!r flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field<7
-he .#C has3 =-he Philistine ta*nted $avid3 SCo+e to +e and I :ill give ,o*r flesh to the 8irds of the
heavens and the cattle of the field.?
-o 8e de!rived of a !ro!er 8*rial :as a terri8le thing in ancient Israel.
%a-id said to the Philistine& 7Bo! come against me with sword and s$ear and 3a-elin& b!t * come
against #o! in the name of the A=R% Almight#& the /od of the armies of *srael& whom #o! ha-e
a-elin =)ci+itar.? (.#C)
%efied =challengedNre!roached.? (.#C)
$avid ret*rns the ta*nts3 +oc&ing the one :ho tr*sts in h*+an strength and s*!!oses he can stand against
the God of Israel.
This da# the A=R% will hand #o! o-er to me& and *4ll stri(e #o! down and c!t off #o!r head" Toda#
* will gi-e the carcasses of the Philistine arm# to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth& and
the whole world will (now that there is a /od in *srael"
-he .#C has3 =-his da, Qah:eh :ill hand ,o* over into +, hand. I :ill stri&e ,o* do:n3 ta&e off ,o*r
head3 and give ,o*r cor!se and the cor!ses of the ca+! of the Philistines this da, to the 8irds of the heavens
and the ani+als of the earth. -hen the :hole earth :ill &no: that Israel has a God.?
All those gathered here will (now that it is not b# sword or s$ear that the A=R% sa-es1 for the battle
is the A=R%4s& and he will gi-e all of #o! into o!r hands"7
$avid :as the onl, +an :ho had eno*gh doctrine to +eet the crises.
As the Philistine mo-ed closer to attac( him& %a-id ran G!ic(l# toward the battle line to meet him"
All atte+!ts to inti+idate $avid have failed. 2e s!rings into action.
Reaching into his bag and ta(ing o!t a stone& he sl!ng it and str!c( the Philistine on the forehead"
The stone san( into his forehead& and he fell facedown on the gro!nd"
2e fell do:n 8*t :as not dead.
So %a-id tri!m$hed o-er the Philistine with a sling and a stone1 witho!t a sword in his hand he
str!c( down the Philistine and (illed him"
-he .#C o+its this verse.
%a-id ran and stood o-er him" He too( hold of the Philistine4s sword and drew it from the scabbard"
After he (illed him& he c!t off his head with the sword" 8hen the Philistines saw that their hero was
dead& the# t!rned and ran"
Then the men of *srael and !dah s!rged forward with a sho!t and
$!rs!ed the Philistines to the entrance of /ath and to the gates of E(ron" Their dead were strewn
along the Shaaraim road to /ath and E(ron"
with a sho!t Or +:ith a 8attle cr,.? (.#C)
=If this s+all Israelite can &ill their greatest cha+!ion3 then the, don<t see the+selves as standing a chance
against the entire Israeli ar+,. -herefore3 the Philistines r*n for their lives.?
Gath :as a strong Philistine fortress and chec&ed the !*rs*it of the Israelites.
.hat +ore can I sa,9 For ti+e :ill fail +e if I s!ea& of Gideon3 #ara&3 )a+son3 Ge!hthah3 or $avid and
)a+*el and the !ro!hets3 :ho 8, faith conJ*ered &ingdo+s3 !erfor+ed acts of righteo*sness3 o8tained
!ro+ises3 sh*t the +o*ths of lions3 J*enched the !o:er of fire3 esca!ed the edge of the s:ord3 fro+
:ea&ness :ere +ade strong3 8eca+e +ight, in :ar3 and !*t foreign ar+ies to flight. (2e8. 11:0/O04).
the men of *srael and !dah It :asn<t *ntil after )olo+on that Israel :as divided.
8hen the *sraelites ret!rned from chasing the Philistines& the# $l!ndered their cam$"
-he, tore it to !ieces3 ta&ing :ant the, :anted.
%a-id too( the Philistine4s head and bro!ght it to er!salem& and he $!t the Philistine4s wea$ons in
his own tent"
Ger*sale+ :as a non Israelite cit, at this ti+e (/ )a+. 6:4)
-he Ge8*sites lived in Ger*sale+ :ith the children of G*dah and #enKa+in (Gosh. >v. F0 G*dges i. /1).
-he dis!la, of Goliath<s h*ge head in the +iddle of Ger*sale+ :o*ld no do*8t send a clear +essage to an,
Ge8*site thin&ing a8o*t revolting against Israel.
-he s:ord later :as fo*nd at Ao8 (/1:1).
-here is another giant na+e Goliath +entioned in / )a+. /1:11.
-he .#C o+its verses 1":66-1':6
As Sa!l watched %a-id going o!t to meet the Philistine& he said to Abner& commander of the arm#&
7Abner& whose son is that #o!ng man97 Abner re$lied& 7As s!rel# as #o! li-e& = (ing& * don4t (now"7
)ho*ldn<t )a*l and A8ner 8e leading the soldiers into 8attle9

The (ing said& 7?ind o!t whose son this #o!ng man is"7
For so+e reason )a*l inJ*ires a8o*t $avid<s fa+il,. A!!arentl, )a*l never +et $avid<s fa+il,. -here :o*ld
8e re:ards for $avid<s fa+il,.
As soon as %a-id ret!rned from (illing the Philistine& Abner too( him and bro!ght him before Sa!l&
with %a-id still holding the Philistine4s head"
8hose son are #o!& #o!ng man9 Sa!l as(ed him"
%a-id said& 7* am the son of #o!r ser-ant esse of >ethlehem"7
)cri!t*res +a&es +*ch of $avid<s fa+il, line.
=In 1)a+. 1F:/13 :e si+!l, have a s*++ar, of the relationshi! 8et:een )a*l and $avid :ritten fro+ the
stand!oint of several ,ears later. $avid :as not a +*sician one da,3 and then ar+or 8earer the ne>t. After
$avid !roves hi+self in 8attle3 he 8eco+es )a*l<s ar+or 8earer.? (I :o*ld give credit for this J*ote if I &ne:
:ho said it.)
Goliath +a&es another a!!earance in )a+*el at / )a+*el /1:113 :hich tells ho: Goliath :as &illed 8,
CElhanan the son of Gaare-oregi+3 the #ethlehe+ite.C -he 4th cent*r, #C 1 Chronicles /( e>!lains the
second Goliath 8, sa,ing that Elhanan Csle: Iah+i the 8rother of Goliath3C a!!arentl, constr*cting the
na+e Iah+i fro+ the last !ortion of the :ord C#ethlehe+iteC (Cbeit-ha'lahmiC). -he 7ing Ga+es #i8le
translators ado!ted this into their translation of / )a+*el /1:1'-113 altho*gh the 2e8re: te>t at this !oint
+a&es no +ention of the :ord C8rotherC. CGaare-oregi+3C the na+e of Elhanan's father3 +eans a nonsensical
Cforest of :eaver's 8ea+sC3 and see+s to have 8een co!ied fro+ Goliath's :ea!onr, (Goliath has a s!ear
C:ith a shaft li&e a :eaver's 8ea+C). $r. #ar*ch 2al!ern 8elieves that $avid's o!!onent !ro8a8l, had no
na+e originall,3 8eing referred to si+!l, as Cthe PhilistineC (the na+e Goliath is a!!lied to hi+ onl, t:ice in
1 )a+*el 1"). (.i&i+edia)
-ell es-)afi3 the 8i8lical Gath and traditional ho+e of Goliath3 has 8een the s*8Kect of e>tensive e>cavations
8, Israel's #ar-Ilan Pniversit,. -he archaeologists have esta8lished that this :as one of the largest of the
Philistine cities *ntil destro,ed in the 1th cent*r, #C3 an event fro+ :hich it never recovered. A !otsherd
discovered at the site3 and relia8l, dated to the 1(th to +id 1th cent*ries #C3 is inscri8ed :ith the t:o na+es
Cal:tC and C:ltC. .hile the na+es are not directl, connected :ith the 8i8lical Goliath3 the, are
et,+ologicall, related and de+onstrate that the na+e fits :ith the conte>t of late-1(thNearl,-1th cent*r, #C
Philistine c*lt*re. -he na+e CGoliathC itself is non-)e+itic and has 8een lin&ed :ith the I,dian na+e
CAl,attesC3 :hich also fits the Philistine conte>t of the 8i8lical Goliath stor,. Aren 5aeir3 director of the
e>cavation3 co++ents: C2ere :e have ver, nice evidence DthatE the na+e Goliath a!!earing in the #i8le in
the conte>t of the stor, of $avid and Goliath ... is not so+e later literar, creation.C (.i&i+edia)
=-his matter of .illing giants seems to !eome almost routine' /ne 0a#id stands up
to Goliath, other might" men of #alor ta.e on Goliath1s famil" mem!ers' 0a#id1s
ourage is ontagious, as was Saul1s owardie' God did not intend for there !e one
giant who would !e .illed !" 0a#id so that no +sraelite had to fae suh a pro!lem
again' God purposed that 0a#id would stand up to the giant and .ill him, gi#ing other
men the e2ample and the faith to do li.ewise'? (,i!le'org)
1. -he oldest +ention of slingers is in the #i8le (Go8 41:/').
/. -he sling :as *sed in :ar3 for !rotection3 es!eciall, 8, she!herds3 and for h*nting.
0. -he tri8e of #enKa+in had "(( slingers.
4. -he sling :as a long-range :ea!on3 li&e the 8o:. In 8attle slingers and archers :ere generall, !ositioned
side 8, side.
6. After 8eing s:*ng aro*nd the head a fe: ti+es3 it :as discharged 8, letting go of one of the strings.
F. -his :ea!on :as a +enace not onl, to the defenders :ho fo*ght fro+ the to! of the :all to a 8esieged
cit,3 8*t also to the inha8itants inside3 since its high traKector, +ade it !ossi8le for stones to 8e shot over the
:all into the cit,'s streets.
". A slinger :as a highl, val*ed soldier. -he, :ere organi;ed in s!ecial *nits. )ings :ere also a 8ac&*!
:ea!on for reg*lar soldiers.
'. 5issiles *sed incl*ded stones3 8alls of fired cla,3 and lead 8*llets 8*t :ater !olished stones :ere the 8est
+issile and co*ld 8e thro:n F(( feet.
1. A slinger co*ld fire off +an, ti+es a +in*te.
1(. In Mech. 1:16 sling stones are re!resented as ene+ies of God that are tra+!led *nder feet.
Contin*ed in the ne>t cha!ter

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