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AssoclaLe rofessor
ueparLmenL of ManagemenL hone: (C) 479-3736232
Sam M. WalLon College of 8uslness (8) 479-9739931
unlverslLy of Arkansas lax: 479-3733241
layeLLevllle, A8 72701 emall: vlkas[


2004 - resenL

AssoclaLe rofessor Sam M. WalLon College of
8uslness, unlverslLy of Arkansas

1999-2004 AsslsLanL rofessor Sam M. WalLon College of
8uslness, unlverslLy of Arkansas


h. u

Arlzona SLaLe unlverslLy: AugusL, 1999.

M. 8. A.
lnLernaLlonal 8uslness.
lndlan lnsLlLuLe of lorelgn 1rade, new uelhl, lndla. 1990.

M. Sc (Ponors)
8lrla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology and Sclence, llanl, lndla. 1988

8. L. (Ponors)
Clvll Lnglneerlng.
8lrla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology and Sclence, llanl, lndla. 1988


Cuerber, A., 8a[agopalan, A., and Anand, v. (ln ress). 1he lnfluence of naLlonal culLure on Lhe
raLlonallzaLlon of corrupLlon. ln 8. 8urke, Cary Cooper and Ld 1omllnson (Lds), Crlme
and CorrupLlon ln CrganlzaLlons: Why lL Pappens and WhaL Lo do abouL lL?. London, uk:
AshgaLe ubllshlng.

Anand, v., LllsLrand, A., 8a[agopalan, A., & !oshl, M. (ln ress). CrganlzaLlonal responses Lo
allegaLlons of corrupLlons. ln 8. 8urke & C. Cooper (Lds.), keseotcb compooloo to ctlme
ooJ cottoptloo lo Otqoolzotloos. London: Ldward Llgar.

Manz, C. C., Anand v., and !oshl, M. (2008). Lmerglng aradoxes ln LxecuLlve Leadershlp: A 1heoreLlcal
lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe 1enslons beLween CorrupLlon and vlrLuous values. Leadershlp CuarLerly.
19 (3): 383-392.
Anand, v. and C. 8osen. (2008). 1he eLhlcs of organlzaLlonal secreLs. !ournal of ManagemenL lnqulry. 17:

!oshl, M., Anand, v., and Penderson, k. (2007) 1he 8ole of CrganlzaLlonal racLlces and 8ouLlnes ln
laclllLaLlng normallzed CorrupLlon. ln Langan-lox, !., Cooper, C., and kllmoskl, 8. !. keseotcb
compooloo to tbe uysfooctloool wotkploce. Moooqemeot cbolleoqes ooJ 5ymptom. (pp 233-
232) ChelLenham, uk: Ldward Llgar ubllshlng.

Anand, v., AshforLh, 8. L., and !oshl, M. 2004. 8uslness as usual: 1he AccepLance and erpeLuaLlon of
CorrupLlon ln CrganlzaLlons. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot xecotlve. 18(2): 39-33. 1h|s paper was
awarded the Academy of Management Lxecut|ve 200S best paper award. 1h|s art|c|e was a|so
repr|nted as one of the featured art|c|es |n the Academy of Management Lxecut|ve Spec|a|
Issue on C|ass|c Art|c|es from the past twenty years:

Anand, v., AshforLh, 8. L., and !oshl, M. 2003. 8uslness as usual: 1he AccepLance and
erpeLuaLlon of CorrupLlon ln CrganlzaLlons. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot xecotlve
(5peclol lssoe. closslc ottlcles ftom AM). 19(4): 9-24

AshforLh, 8lake, & vlkas Anand. 2003. 1he normallzaLlon of corrupLlon ln organlzaLlons.. ln 8. M. kramer
and 8. M. SLaw (Lds), keseotcb lo Otqoolzotloool 8ebovlot. 23: 1-32.

1ledL, . u., and Anand, v. (2003). "knowledge Self-Leadershlp: Coplng wlLh 8uslness LnvlronmenLs of
Lhe 1wenLy llrsL CenLury." ln Manz, C. C. and neck, C. ., Mostetloq 5elf-leoJetsblp.
mpowetloq ootself fot letsoool xcelleoce (Je), renLlce Pall.

Anand, v., Clark, M., and Zellmer-8ruhn, M. (2003) ueslgnlng work Leams: 1he role of knowledge
dlsLrlbuLlon. Iootool of Moooqetlol lssoes. 13(1): 13-32.

PoughLon, !. u., Anand, v., neck, C. ., (2003) "1oward a lramework of CorporaLe Merger rocesses and
CuLcomes: A 8ehavloral erspecLlve," lotetootloool Iootool
of lobllc AJmlolsttotloo. vol 26, pp 97-117

Anand, v., Cllck, W. P., & Manz, C. C. (2002). 1hrlvlng on Lhe knowledge of ouLslders: 1applng
organlzaLlonal soclal caplLal. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot xecotlve. 16 (1): 87-101.
-1bls ottlcle bos beeo ttoosloteJ loto lottoqese ooJ pobllsbeJ lo tbe jootool. kA kevlsto Je
oJmlolsttocoo Je mptesos (vol 42, lssoe 4)(

8happu, A., Zellmer-8ruhn, M. & Anand, v. (2001). 1he effecLs of demographlc dlverslLy and vlrLual work
envlronmenLs on knowledge processlng ln Leams. AJvooces lo tbe lotetJlsclpllooty 5toJles of
wotk 1eoms. vol 8. pp 165-181.

Anand, v. & Parrlson, u. l. (2001). Superleadershlp ln Lhe lnformaLlon age -- leadlng by creaLlng
knowledge self-leaders. ChapLer proflle ln 1be New 5opetleoJetsblp by Charles C. Manz & Penry
. Slms (pp 119-123). 8erreLL-koehler.

Clark, M. A., Anand, v., & 8oberson, L. (2000). 8esolvlng meanlng: lnLerpreLaLlon ln dlverse declslon-
maklng groups. Ctoop uyoomlcs. 1beoty, keseotcb, ooJ ltoctlce, 4(3): 211-221.

Anand, v., lugaLe, M., & Manz, C. C. (2000). Lmpowerlng work-Leams wlLh knowledge. AJvooces lo tbe
lotetJlsclpllooty 5toJles of wotk 1eoms. vol 6: 1-36.

neck, C. ., Manz, C. C., and Anand, v., (2000) "Self-Managlng 1eams ln A CrysLal 8all: luLure
ulrecLlons for Self-Managlng 1eam 8esearch and racLlce." ln M. 8eyerleln (Ld.), wotk 1eoms.
lost, lteseot, ooJ lotote. Polland: kluwer Academlc ubllshers (2000, 311-322).

Anand, v., Manz, C. C. & Cllck, W. P. (1998). An organlzaLlonal memory approach Lo lnformaLlon
managemenL. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot kevlew 23(4): 796-809.


Anand, v. (2008). 8ook 8evlew lrom Plre Lo Llar: 1he 8ole of uecepLlon ln Lhe Workplace by uavld
Shulman. lndusLrlal and Labor 8elaLlons 8evlew, vol 61, lssue 3: 432-434.


AshforLh, 8. L., !oshl, M., Anand v., and C'Leary-kelly, A. CrganlzaLlonal and CccupaLlonal ldenLlflcaLlon:
1he case of lndlan Call CenLers. Second 8evlse and 8esubmlL: !ournal of ManagemenL SLudles.

Langan-lox, !. L., CranL, S., and Anand, v. 1he Pldden CrganlzaLlon: 1he ArL of CrganlzaLlonal Colluslon.
under second revlew aL Lhe Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew

C'Leary-kelly, A., Penderson, k., Anand, v., and AshforLh, 8. L. Worklng aL Lhe nexus of change:
sychologlcal ConLracLs ln Lhe body-shopplng lndusLry. 8evlse and 8esubmlL aL CrganlzaLlon

!oshl, M., C'Leary-kelly, and vlkas Anand: An Lxpanded Model of SLraLeglc Croup ldenLlflcaLlon. 8evlse
and 8esubmlL aL CrganlzaLlon Sclence.


Charles C. Manz, M. !oshl, and v. Anand. 1he 8ole of values and LmoLlons ln newcomers' SoclallzaLlon
lnLo CrganlzaLlonal CorrupLlon. roceedlngs of Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs
ln Ponolulu (2003).

Clark, M. A., Anand, v., & Zellmer-8ruhn, M. lmplemenLlng organlzaLlonal knowledge processes: 1he role
of Leam knowledge sLrucLures. roceedlngs of Lhe Annual MeeLlng of Lhe SouLhern
ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, Crlando, 2000. pp76-79.

PoughLon, !. A., Anand v. and neck, C. C. A Puman 8esource erspecLlve on Lhe LffecLlveness of
CorporaLe Mergers. roceedlngs of Lhe Annual MeeLlngs of Lhe SouLhern ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon ln ALlanLa, 1999. p.p. 119-121.

Clark, M. A., Anand, v., & 8oberson, L. 1999. lnLerpreLlng Lhe role of dlverslLy ln declslon-maklng
groups. roceedlngs of Lhe SouLh WesLern Academy of ManagemenL, Annual Conference,
PousLon. 1998

Anand, v., and SkllLon, . l. 1993. 1ransacLlve memory ln organlzaLlons: lmpllcaLlons for performance.
roceedlngs of Lhe lnsLlLuLe of 8ehavloral and Applled ManagemenL, Annual Conference,


Manz, C. C., !oshl, M., and Anand v. 1he 8ole of values and LmoLlon ln CounLerlng SoclallzaLlon lnLo
CrganlzaLlonal CorrupLlon.

Anand, v., CupLa, n. and Penderson, k. knowledge, lgnorance and ulsLorLlon: An Lxpanded
8epresenLaLlon of 8ellef SLrucLures ln Croups. aper presenLed as parL of a symposlum Lo Lhe
Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2003).

Anand, v., C'Leary-kelly, A. M., AshforLh, 8.L., and Penderson, k. 1ake Lhls [ob and.keep lL? 1he effecLs
of psychologlcal conLracL breach on [ob-consLralned employees aper presenLed aL Lhe Academy
of ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2003) and belng readled for !ournal of CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor

LllsLrand, A. L. and Anand v. A knowledge 8ased erspecLlve on 8oard of ulrecLors' LffecLlveness. under
8evlew. Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew.


Cuerber, A, 8a[agopal, A., and Anand, v. 1he lnfluence of naLlonal culLure on Lhe raLlonallzaLlon of
corrupLlon. aper presenLed aL Lhe 2010 SouLwesLern Academy of ManagemenL Conference
(uallas, 2010).

Anand, v., LllsLrand, A., 8a[agopal, A., Waller, M., 8eychav, l., & uaLLa, M. (2009). 1he effecLlveness of
organlzaLlonal accounLs ln response Lo corrupLlon allegaLlons. aper presenLed as parL of Lhe
symposlum: 8espondlng Lo AllegaLlons of CorporaLe Wrongdolng (SlM ulvlslon)" aL Lhe Annual
Academy of ManagemenL Conference, Chlcago, 2009.

AshforLh, 8. L., !oshl, M., Anand v., and C'Leary-kelly, A. CrganlzaLlonal and CccupaLlonal ldenLlflcaLlon:
1he case of lndlan Call CenLers. under 8evlew, aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL MeeLlngs, Crlando (2008).

C'Leary-kelly, A., Penderson, k., Anand, v., and AshforLh, 8. L. Worklng aL Lhe nexus of change:
sychologlcal ConLracLs ln Lhe body-shopplng lndusLry. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy
of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, Crlando (2008).

Anand, v., CupLa, n., Penderson, k., and Wlndeler, A. 1he lmpacL of knowledge and lrrelevance on
group lnformaLlon seeklng and performance. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL MeeLlngs, Crlando (2008).

Anand, v., !oshl, M., and Wlndeler, A. CrganlzaLlonal responses Lo dlscovery of uneLhlcal acLs and
ouLcomes. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, hlladelphla

LllsLrand, A. L. and Anand v. A knowledge 8ased erspecLlve on 8oard of ulrecLors' LffecLlveness. aper
presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, hlladelphla (2007).

Anand, v. and CupLa, n. 2007. knowledge, lgnorance and ulsLorLlon: An Lxpanded 8epresenLaLlon of
8ellef SLrucLures ln Croups. aper Lo be presenLed aL Lhe Annual CrganlzaLlonal Learnlng and
knowledge Conference, London, Cn (Canada).

Anand, v., Clark, M. A. and SkllLon, . l. knowledge dlsLrlbuLlons and Lhelr lmpacL on knowledge
processlng ln groups. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL, ALlanLa, 2006.

Charles C. Manz, M. !oshl, and v. Anand. 1he 8ole of values and LmoLlons ln newcomers' SoclallzaLlon
lnLo CrganlzaLlonal CorrupLlon. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL,
Ponolulu, 2003. 1h|s paper was a f|na||st for the best paper award by the SIM d|v|s|on.

Anand, v., n. CupLa, and k. Penderson. knowledge, lgnorance, and ulsLorLlon: An Lxpanded
8epresenLaLlon of 8ellef SLrucLures ln Croups. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL, Ponolulu, 2003.

Anand, v., A. C'Leary-kelly, 8. L. AshforLh, and k. Penderson. 1ake Lhls !ob and.keep lL? 1he LffecLs of
sychologlcal ConLracL 8reach on !ob-ConsLralned Lmployees aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual
Academy of ManagemenL, Ponolulu, 2003.

!oshl, M., v. Anand, and C. C. Manz. 1op ManagemenL 1eam Member LmpowermenL ln Plgh-Lech llrms.
aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual SouLhern ManagemenL Academy MeeLlngs ln San AnLonlo, 2004.

!oshl, M., v. Anand., and Anne M. C'Leary-kelly. An Lxpanded Model of SLraLeglc Croup ldenLlflcaLlon.
aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs ln new Crleans, 2004.

Anand, v., Luls 8. Comez-Me[la and aul 1ledL. 1he effecL of compensaLlon deslgn on execuLlve
lnformaLlon processlng. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs ln
SeaLLle, 2003.

Wllllam P. Cllck and vlkas Anand. ConflguraLlons of knowledge ManagemenL racLlces:
1hree ldeal 1ypes. aper presenLed aL Lhe 1hlrd Luropean Conference on CrganlzaLlonal
knowledge, Learnlng, and CapablllLles. ALhens, 2002.

AshforLh, 8. L., C'Leary-kelley, A, and vlkas Anand. 8elng conLlngenL lnLernaLlonal: 1he experlences
of P1-8 lnformaLlon Lechnology workers ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. aper presenLed as parL of Lhe
symposlum: ConLlngenL Work ln Lhe new Lconomy aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL
Conference, uenver, 2002.

Anand, v., Manz, C. C., & Pom, . W. Ceo lnformaLlon seeklng behavlor and flrm performance. aper
presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs ln uenver, 2002.

Clark, M. A., Anand, v., & Zellmer-8ruhn, M. lmplemenLlng organlzaLlonal knowledge processes: 1he role
of Leam knowledge sLrucLures. resenLed aL Lhe Annual MeeLlng of Lhe SouLhern ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon, Crlando, 2000.

Parrlson, u. 8., and Anand, v. 2000. 1he Consequences of 1lme on knowledge ulsLrlbuLlon
And 1ransformaLlon. resenLed (parL of symposlum) aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL
MeeLlngs, 1oronLo, 2000.

Anand, v. & Comez-Me[la, L. 8. 2000. ldenLlfylng Lools for managlng organlzaLlonal knowledge: 1he role
of execuLlve compensaLlon. resenLed (parL of symposlum) aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL MeeLlngs, 1oronLo, 2000.

Anand, v. & Comez-Me[la, L. 8. 2000. Crganlzed Lhe symposlum: CompensaLlon ueslgn: new dlrecLlons
for Lhe new Llmes, for presenLaLlon aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, 1oronLo,

8happu, A., Zellmer-8ruhn, M. & Anand, v. 2000. 1he effecLs of demographlc dlverslLy and vlrLual work
envlronmenLs on knowledge processlng ln Leams. AccepLed for presenLaLlon aL Lhe unlverslLy of
norLh 1exas, Advanced ConcepLs on Work 1eams, uenLon, 1x. May, 2000.

PoughLon, !. A., Anand v. and neck, C. C. A Puman 8esource erspecLlve on Lhe LffecLlveness of
CorporaLe Mergers. resenLed aL Lhe Annual MeeLlngs of Lhe SouLhern ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon ln ALlanLa, 1999.

Anand, v., Manz, C. C., & Pom, . W. 1999. 1he role of exLernal knowledge ln deLermlnlng flrm
performance. aper presenLed as parL of Lhe symposlum: "Looklng for an edge: 8oundary
crosslng and boundary malnLenance ln plurallsLlc knowledge processes", aL Lhe Annual Academy
of ManagemenL MeeLlngs ln Chlcago, 1999.

Anand, v., SkllLon, . l, & keaLs, 8. W. 1999. aLLerns of knowledge ulsLrlbuLlon ln CrganlzaLlons. aper
presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs ln Chlcago, 1999.

Clark, M. A., Anand, v., & 8oberson, L. 1999. lnLerpreLlng Lhe role of dlverslLy ln declslon-maklng
groups. resenLed aL Lhe SouLh WesLern Academy of ManagemenL, Annual Conference,
PousLon, 1999.

Anand, v., lugaLe, M., & Manz, C. C. Lmpowerlng work-Leams wlLh knowledge. aper presenLed aL Lhe
unlverslLy of norLh 1exas, Advanced ConcepLs on Work 1eams, uenLon, 1x. May, 1998.

Anand, v. & Manz, C. C. 1997. knowledge LmpowermenL ln Lhe LxecuLlve SulLe: An CrganlzaLlonal
Memory Approach. aper presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, 8osLon,

Anand, v., SkllLon, . l. & keaLs, 8. W. 1996. 8econcepLuallzlng CrganlzaLlonal Memory. aper
presenLed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, ClnclnnaLLl, CP.

Anand, v., and SkllLon, . l. 1993. 1ransacLlve memory ln organlzaLlons: lmpllcaLlons for performance.
resenLed aL Lhe Annual MeeLlng of Lhe lnsLlLuLe of 8ehavloral and Applled ManagemenL,
Annual Conference, SeaLLle.


Several years of lnLernaLlonal buslness experlence. My sLlnLs aL l1C LLd. (Subsldlary of
8A1 plc.) were ln Lhe paper and allled producLs lndusLry (wood pulp, rosln, eLc.). Pad
responslblllLy for markeLlng paper producLs ln Srl-Lanka, Slngapore, Mld-LasL Asla, 8angladesh
and AusLralla. Also had slgnlflcanL lnvolvemenL ln lnLernaLlonal loglsLlcs lncludlng warehouslng,
shlpmenL and handllng of porL procedures. Cn a dlfferenL asslgnmenL wlLh Lhe same company l
worked on seLLlng up an lmporL and dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork ln SouLh Asla LhaL purchased paper
and pulp on Lhe lnLernaLlonal markeL, and dlsLrlbuLed lL ln SouLh Asla.
Whlle worklng wlLh Llcher (a [olnL venLure wlLh MlLsublshl MoLors), l focused on
developlng dlsLrlbuLors ln Afrlca and was also responslble for ldenLlfylng and seLLlng up [olnL
venLures almed aL dlsLrlbuLlon of auLo componenLs ln Afrlca. l was able Lo achleve slgnlflcanL
breakLhroughs ln several Aslan and Afrlcan counLrles. l have Lraveled exLenslvely ln Afrlca and


8eclplenL of Lhe 2009 unlverslLy of Arkansas Award of Lxcellence for CuLsLandlng 1eachlng and
lnducLlon lnLo Lhe unlverslLy of Arkansas 1eachlng Academy.
8eclplenL of Lhe 2008 unlverslLy of Arkansas Alumnl AssoclaLlon ulsLlngulshed AchlevemenL Award
ln 1eachlng
8eclplenL of Lhe 2007 WalLon College of 8uslness Award ln 1eachlng Lxcellence
vlslLlng laculLy, !ones CraduaLe School of 8uslness, 8lce unlverslLy aL PousLon (Summer 2007).
1aughL 8uslness SLraLegy ln Lhe 8lce rofesslonal M8A program.
8eclplenL of an Ponors College Colloqulum CranL for $22,000 (wlLh co-proposer: A[ay Malshe) Lo
develop a new course: Managlng Lnglneerlng lnnovaLlons and 8uslness rocesses ln a llaL World":
Low CosL and SusLalnable Plgh 1echnology ln CloballzaLlon.
1aughL SLraLeglc ManagemenL aL Lhe Senlor, LxecuLlve M8A, and h. u levels aL Lhe Sam M. WalLon
College of 8uslness. 1he LxecuLlve M8A Leachlng lncludes slmulLaneously Leachlng aL mulLlple slLes
uslng compressed vldeo Lechnology.
1aughL Managerlal ueclslon Maklng (MC1 433 - 6 Llmes) and sLraLeglc managemenL (MC1 463,
LaughL 8 Llmes) aL Lhe College of 8uslness ln Arlzona SLaLe unlverslLy.
Awarded Lhe Co||ege of 8us|ness 1each|ng Lxce||ence Award |n 1998. 1hls award ls glven Lo [usL one
sLudenL every year (along wlLh Lwo oLher faculLy).
ConducLed mulLl-sesslon programs on lnLegraLlng lnLer-culLural dlverslLy ln Lhe work place aL
organlzaLlons such as !8 PunL and Amerlcan Lxpress.
l have also recelved exLenslve Lralnlng ln Lechnlques such as co-operaLlve learnlng, sub[ecLlve
evaluaLlon and enhanclng sLlmulaLlon ln learnlng aL semlnars conducLed by ASu's CraduaLe College.
Pave also recelved Lralnlng ln WebCL and 8lackboard Lechnologles for web-based Leachlng.
ueLalled Leachlng evaluaLlons aL Lhe end of Lhe vlLa.


- ueans CranL for $4,100. 2009
- uean's 8esearch CranL: Summer 2009, 3,400.
- 8ecelved Lhe !ames P. enwlck LndowmenL (admlnlsLered by 8ank of Amerlca) CranL for
$10,000 for a sLudy enLlLled: lmprovlng 8anklng ueclslons ln uncerLaln LnvlronmenLs". 2007.

- Am Lhe prlnclpal lnvesLlgaLor (wlLh 8lake L. AshforLh and Anne C'Leary kelly) for a $23,000 granL
recelved Lo sLudy call cenLer employees ln lndla. 1he granL ls provlded by a lorLune 30
mulLlnaLlonal LhaL has requesLed confldenLlallLy. Sprlng 2004.

- Summer CranL: 2002: lnformaLlon 1echnology and 8esearch CenLer: $13,000.
- $7,000 from Lhe World aL Work (formerly Amerlcan CompensaLlon AssoclaLlon) for
compensaLlon research. (AugusL 2000)

- 8eclplenL of summer research supporL from Lhe College of 8uslness aL Lhe unlverslLy of Arkansas
- 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2003, 2006.


hD D|ssertat|on Comm|ttees
Mahendra !oshl - Chalr (2006-2008)
kevln Penderson - CommlLLee Member (2003 Lo presenL)
PeaLher ulxon-lowler - CommlLLee Member (2008 Lo presenL)
!amle newell - CommlLLee member (2009 - ).

- h. u. rogram CoordlnaLor: ManagemenL ueparLmenL, Sam WalLon College of 8uslness.
- Ad-hoc revlewer: !ournal of 8uslness LLhlcs, CrganlzaLlon Sclence, Academy of ManagemenL
- naLlonal Sclence loundaLlon Commerclal 8evlewer for S8l8 hase 1 ro[ecL - anel on
1ransporLaLlon and AuLomoLlve. S8l8 panel SepL 2009 on AuLomoLlve.
- Member of Lhe M8A admlsslons commlLLee
- Member, laculLy CommlLLee on unlverslLy Admlsslons and 1ransfer of CredlL. u of Arkansas
- Member, SelecLlon CommlLLee for Senlor Ponors ClLaLlon Award, unlverslLy of Arkansas Alumnl

- h. u. rogram CoordlnaLor: ManagemenL ueparLmenL, Sam WalLon College of 8uslness.
- Ad-hoc revlewer: !ournal of 8uslness LLhlcs, CrganlzaLlon Sclence, Academy of ManagemenL
erspecLlve, Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew, C8Pu
- naLlonal Sclence loundaLlon Commerclal 8evlewer for S8l8 hase 1 ro[ecL - anel on 8loluels.
- Member of Lhe M8A admlsslons commlLLee

- h. u. rogram CoordlnaLor: ManagemenL ueparLmenL, Sam WalLon College of 8uslness.
- Crganlzer of Lhe uW: Learnlng from Mlcro and Macro lnvesLlgaLlons of Croup ueclslon
rocess" organlzed aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL, hlladelphla.
- Member of Lhe naLlonal Sclence loundaLlon 8evlew anel - S8l8/S118, luel Cells, hase 2.
- Member of Lhe naLlonal Sclence loundaLlon 8evlew anel - S8l8/S118, LlecLronlcs (LL) hase 2.
- Ad-hoc !ournal revlews: AM8 , AM!, !ournal of ManagemenL SLudles, C8Pu, !ournal of Pl-1ech
ManagemenL 8esearch, !ournal of 8uslness LLhlcs

200S- 2006:
- Adhoc revlewer: Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew (4), CrganlzaLlon Sclence (2), !ournal of
8uslness LLhlcs (2), AdmlnlsLraLlve Sclence CuarLerly (2), CrganlzaLlon SLudles (1), C8Pu (3).
- Co-Crgan|zer]ane||st of Sympos|um: 'uslng Self-Leaderhslp Lo manage your dlsserLaLlon.
Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2006) ln ALlanLa.
- Co-Crgan|zer]ane||st of Sympos|um: SLraLegles for collecLlng daLa ln lnLernaLlonal seLLlngs.
Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2006) ln ALlanLa.
- Member of Search CommlLLee for AssoclaLe ulrecLor (lnsLrucLlon ueslgn) aL Lhe WalLon College
of 8uslness
- LdlLorlal 8oard: Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew Speclal lssue on LLhlcs ln CrganlzaLlons,

2004 and ear||er

- lnvlLed Lo serve on Lhe edlLorlal panel for Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew's forLhcomlng
speclal lssue on corrupLlon ln organlzaLlons.

- laclllLaLor of Lhe lnLeracLlve aper Sesslon: CompensaLlon, SLraLegy and erformance aL Lhe
Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, SeaLLle 2003.

- LdlLorlal 8oard Member: !ournal of ManagemenL (1999-2002).

- Member: laculLy CommlLLee on Admlsslons and 1ransfer of CredlL, unlverslLy of Arkansas (1999-

- Member: Awards and Ponors CommlLLee aL Lhe Sam WalLon College of 8uslness ln Lhe unlverslLy of
Arkansas (1999- resenL).

- Chalred Lhe Lheses of Lwo honors sLudenLs: 8achel 8rown and Surabhl varshney

- Comprehenslve Lxam CommlLLee for h. u SLudenLs: !oanna newman, aul 1ledL, and uon Parrlson
2001, 2002.

- Crganlzer of Lhe Symposlum (wlLh Anne C'Leary kelley, and 8lake AshforLh): ConLlngenL Work ln Lhe
new Lconomy aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2002) aL uenver. 1he symposlum
was selecLed as a Showcase Sympos|um, and kece|ved the Most Innovat|ve Sympos|um (C8
D|v|s|on) Award.

- Crganlzer (wlLh Candace !ones, Mark Meckler, and Mark !enklns) of Lhe uW: Cranfleld and WalLon
College ConversaLlons on CrganlzaLlonal knowledge aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL (2002)
ln uenver.

- Ad-hoc revlewer for Academy of ManagemenL LxecuLlve, Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew,
AdmlnlsLraLlve Sclence CuarLerly, !ournal of ManagemenL SLudles, !ournal of lnLernaLlonal
ManagemenL, !ournal of 8uslness 8esearch, !ournal of Plgh 1ech ManagemenL 8esearch,
CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor and Puman ueclslon rocesses, and CrganlzaLlon Sclence.

o 2004 revlewlng lncludes: Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew, CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor and
Puman ueclslon rocesses, !ournal of ManagemenL SLudles.

- Crganlzer (wlLh Candace !ones, Mark Meckler, and Mark !enklns) of Lhe uW: 3 ConversaLlons on
CrganlzaLlonal knowledge aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL (2001) ln WashlngLon uC

- Chalr of Lhe aper Sesslon: new 1rends ln Lhe new Lconomy aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL (2001) ln WashlngLon uC

- laclllLaLor of Lhe Sesslon: lnslde Lhe CorporaLe 8oardroom aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL
(2001) ln WashlngLon uC

- WlLh Mark Meckler and Mark !enklns, l organlzed Lhe pre-conference workshop: Cranfleld
ConversaLlons on knowledge aL Lhe Annual Academy of ManagemenL MeeLlngs, 1oronLo, 2000.

- 8evlewer for Lhe CM1 dlvlslon ln Lhe Academy of ManagemenL Annual MeeLlngs (1996, 1997, 1999)
8S ulvlslon (1996) and P8 ulvlslon (1998).

-AsslsLed Luls 8. Comez-Me[la (Chalr, P8 dlvlslon of Lhe Academy of ManagemenL) ln Lhe handllng of
papers submlLLed Lo Lhe P8 dlvlslon for posslble presenLaLlon ln Lhe Academy of ManagemenL
Annual MeeLlngs ln San ulego, 1998.


2002 and |ater

8eclplenL of Lhe 2009 unlverslLy of Arkansas Award of Lxcellence for CuLsLandlng 1eachlng and
lnducLlon lnLo Lhe unlverslLy of Arkansas 1eachlng Academy.
8eclplenL of Lhe 2008 unlverslLy of Arkansas Alumnl AssoclaLlon ulsLlngulshed AchlevemenL Award
ln 1eachlng
8eclplenL of Lhe 2007 WalLon College of 8uslness Award ln 1eachlng Lxcellence
- leaLured on n8 ln a Lwo parL radlo program on coplng wlLh lnLer-culLural dlfferences.
- 1he followlng paper was a wlnner of Lhe 2003 AML besL paper award: Anand, v., AshforLh, 8. L., and
!oshl, M. 2004. 8uslness as usual: 1he AccepLance and erpeLuaLlon of CorrupLlon ln
CrganlzaLlons. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot xecotlve. 18(2): 39-33. 1h|s paper was awarded the
AML 200S best paper award.

- 1he followlng paper was a flnallsL for Lhe besL paper award aL Lhe Annual MeeLlngs of Lhe Academy of
ManagemenL (Ponolulu, 2003): Charles C. Manz, M. !oshl, and v. Anand. 1he 8ole of values and
LmoLlons ln newcomers' SoclallzaLlon lnLo CrganlzaLlonal CorrupLlon. aper presenLed aL Lhe
Annual Academy of ManagemenL, Ponolulu, 2003. 1hls paper has been nomlnaLed for Lhe besL
paper award by Lhe SlM dlvlslon.

- laculLy Advlsor of sLudenL Leam LhaL flnlshed second ln Lhe CapsLone Challenge (Sprlng 2004). 1hls
was a compeLlLlve slmulaLlon lnvolvlng 703 Leams from Lhe uS and abroad. 8ecelved Lhe WalLon
College Cold SLar" for Lhls.

- Crganlzer of Lhe Symposlum: ConLlngenL Work ln Lhe new Lconomy aL Lhe Annual Academy of
ManagemenL MeeLlngs (2002) aL uenver. 1he symposlum was awarded Lhe Most Innovat|ve
Sympos|um of the C8 d|v|s|on" award.

8efore 2002.
- 8eclplenL of l18C's granL of $2,300 dollars for research on conLlngenL knowledge workers.

- Summer 8esearch CranLs, unlverslLy of Arkansas, 1999 -2008.

- 1eachlng uevelopmenL CranL, Sam WalLon College of 8uslness, Summer, 2001.

- 8aum 1eachlng CranL, 1eachlng and laculLy SupporL CenLer, unlverslLy of Arkansas, Summer, 2001.

-- College of 8uslness (Arlzona SLaLe unlverslLy) Award for 1eachlng Lxcellence (1998).

- MerlL Scholarshlp aL Lhe lndlan lnsLlLuLe of lorelgn 1rade (all four semesLers). 1hls scholarshlp ls
provlded Lo Lhe Lop flve sLudenLs ln Lerms of exam scores on M8A exams.

- vlce resldenL: lnLernaLlonal MarkeLlng lorum, lndlan lnsLlLuLe of lorelgn 1rade. (1988-1989).

- 8esL CraduaLlng SLudenL (Clvll Lnglneerlng): 8lrla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology and Sclence, llanl (1988).

- !olnL SecreLary and SecreLary, Lngllsh Language AcLlvlLles SocleLy, 8lrla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology and
Sclence, llanl. (1983-1987).


l am llsLlng below Lhe courses l have LaughL whlle aL Lhe Sam M. WalLon College of 8uslness
AdmlnlsLraLlon aL Lhe unlverslLy of Arkansas. l have llsLed my Leachlng evaluaLlons, whlch reflecL Lhe
score on a quesLlon asklng Lhe overall effecLlveness of Lhe Leacher. 1hls score ls measured on a scale of 1
Lo 3, wlLh 3 represenLlng excellenL and 1 represenLlng poor.

Sca|e: S = exce||ent
1 = poor.

1erm Course
Course Name No of
MCM1 4383 lnLernaLlonal 8uslness 21 4.7
M8Au 3433 CapsLone ro[ecL 48 4.9
Sprlng 2008 M8Au 3433 CapsLone Class (MM8A) 40


Sprlng 2008 M8Au 3313 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
42 4.4
Sprlng 2008 MCM1 3363 lnnovaLlon and CreaLlvlLy 13

lall 2007/
Sprlng 2008
MCM1 6133/
MCM1 4633
lndla SLudy Abroad 18 4.9
lall 2007 MCM1 6133 Colloqulum Semlnar ln
8uslness LLhlcs (h. u.
Semlnar Module) (Co-
4 4.3
lall 2007 MCM1 4133P 8uslness and Lnglneerlng
lnnovaLlon ln a llaL World
12 4.8
lall 2007 MCM1 6133 h. u. semlnar ln SLraLegy
(!olnLly LaughL)
M8Au 3433 CapsLone Class 38 3.0
Sprlng 2007 M8Au 3313 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 38 4.6

MCM1 4333 lnLernaLlonal
23 4.2
Sprlng 2004 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
21 4.3
Sprlng 2004 M8Au 3433 CapsLone ro[ecL
(LxecuLlve M8A)
39 4.6
Sprlng 2004 M8Au 3313 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
(LxecuLlve M8A)
40 4.3
lall 2003 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 46 3.4
Sprlng 2003 M8Au 3414 CapsLone ro[ecL
(Managerlal M8A-
36 4.7
Sprlng 2003 M8Au 3313 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
(Managerlal M8A)
34 4.4
Sprlng 2003 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
(Ponors SecLlon)
24 4.0
lall 2002 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 43 4.3
Sprlng 2002 M8Au 3313 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
(Managerlal M8A)
38 4.4
Sprlng 2002 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL
(Ponors SecLlon)
13 4.8
lall, 2001 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 31 4.3
lall, 2001 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 47 4.1
MCM1 6911 SLraLeglc managemenL
(h. u. Semlnar)
2 3.00
MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc managemenL 22 4.3
Sprlng 2001 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 43 4.1
lall, 2000 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc managemenL 44 4.2
MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc managemenL 41 4.1
Sprlng 2000 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 37 4.0
lall, 1999 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 33 4.0
lall, 1999 MCM1 4833 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 28 4.6


l am llsLlng below Lhe courses l have LaughL whlle aL Lhe College of 8uslness, Arlzona SLaLe unlv.
l have llsLed my Leachlng evaluaLlons, whlch reflecL Lhe average score assesslng my overall effecLlveness
as a Leacher. 1hls score ls measured on a scale of 1 Lo 3, wlLh 1 represenLlng excellenL and 3
represenLlng poor.

Sca|e: 1 = exce||ent
S = poor.

1erm Course
Course Name No of
MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 22 1.06
Sprlng 1999 MC1463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 21 1.00
MC1 380 rlnclples of ManagemenL 67 1.06
lall 1998 MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
23 1.11
MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 31 1.03
MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
22 1.00
Sprlng, 1998 MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
22 1.03
lall, 1997 MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
41 1.16
MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 30 1.13
MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
18 1.06
Sprlng 1997 MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
22 1.20
lall 1996 MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
43 1.26
MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 48 1.10
MC1 433 Managerlal ueclslon
23 1.31
MC1 463a SLraLeglc ManagemenL 22 1.06
MC1 463b SLraLeglc ManagemenL 49 1.39
MC1 463c SLraLeglc ManagemenL 46 1.41
Sprlng 1993 MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 43 1.91
Sprlng 1993 MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 43 2.01
lall 1994 MC1 463 SLraLeglc ManagemenL 44 2.47

The evaluation represents the score of the question asking for an assessment of overall teaching efficiency. The
rating is done on a 5 point scale, with 1 representing excellent and 5 representing very poor.
The evaluation represents the score of the question asking for an assessment of overall teaching efficiency. The
rating is done on a 5 point scale, with 1 representing excellent and 5 representing very poor.

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