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Deployment Readiness Assessment Checklist

For Assessment of:

Agency Name
Project Name
Criteria Yes / No / NA
a. Are system requirements documented
!. "a#e system requirements !een re#ie$ed and a%%ro#ed !y the designated a%%ro#ers
c. "as the system design !een re#ie$ed and a%%ro#ed !y the designated a%%ro#ers
d. Are soft$are requirements documented
e. "a#e soft$are requirements !een re#ie$ed and a%%ro#ed !y the designated a%%ro#ers
f. "as the soft$are design !een re#ie$ed and a%%ro#ed !y the designated a%%ro#ers
g. &s there a Requirements 'racea!ility (atri) indicating tracea!ility !et$een requirements* design*
and testing
h. Do test %lanning documents that descri!e the o#erall %lanning efforts and test a%%roach e)ist
i. &s testing* as s%ecified in the test %lanning documents* com%lete
j. Are test results documented
+. &s %roduct defect,free
l. "a#e all remaining defects !een documented
m. &s %roduct acce%tance sign,off -e.g.* Final Acce%tance. com%lete
n. &s the %roduct in com%liance $ith documented security standards
o. "a#e security acti#ities !een im%lemented or com%leted
%. "a#e %lanned configuration audits !een e)ecuted
q. "a#e configuration audit results !een documented
r. "a#e %lanned data creation/con#ersion acti#ities !een e)ecuted* or are they on schedule to !e
com%leted as %lanned
s. "a#e %lanned training acti#ities !een e)ecuted* or are they on schedule to !e com%leted as
t. Are documents to !e %roduced for the %ur%ose of aiding in installation* su%%ort* or use of the
%roduct com%lete* %u!lished* and distri!uted* or are they on schedule to !e com%leted* %u!lished*
and distri!uted %rior to de%loyment
u. Are transition to su%%ort acti#ities com%lete* or are they on schedule to !e com%leted as %lanned
#. Are acti#ities for notifying sta+eholders of the release on schedule to !e com%leted as %lanned
$. Are acti#ities to ena!le the o%eration and maintenance of the %roduct on schedule to !e
com%leted as %lanned
'e)as Project Deli#ery Frame$or+
De%loyment Readiness Assessment Chec+list /.0 /
Criteria Yes / No / NA
). "a#e site %re%aration acti#ities !een com%leted
y. "a#e en#ironment %re%aration acti#ities -e.g.* correct 12* memory* etc.. !een com%leted
3. &s the selected soft$are technology for the %roject listed on the enter%rise4s technology catalog* or
has the a%%ro%riate authority a%%ro#ed the e)ce%tion
aa. &f the %roject requires %urchased a%%lication soft$are %roducts* are all license agreements
!!. &f the %roject requires %urchased a%%lication soft$are %roducts* are all maintenance agreements
in %lace and documented
cc. &f the %roject requires %urchased soft$are %roducts* ha#e those items !een installed in the
%roduction en#ironment and tested
dd. &s the selected hard$are technology for the %roject listed on the enter%rise4s technology catalog*
or has the a%%ro%riate authority a%%ro#ed an e)ce%tion
ee. &f the %roject requires %urchased hard$are %roducts* ha#e those items !een installed and
ff. &f the %roject requires %urchased hard$are %roducts* has all !ase a%%lication soft$are !een
installed and tested
gg. &f the %roject requires %urchased hard$are %roducts* are all maintenance agreements in %lace
and documented
hh. &s the %roduction en#ironment staged and %re%ared for release of the %roduct for o%erational
'e)as Project Deli#ery Frame$or+
De%loyment Readiness Assessment Chec+list /.0 5

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