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As this play opens, we are loosely introduced to a ragtag band of six soon-to-be college
graduates, held together by their love of the fictional The Chosen Ones book series. Each
character is dressed up as their favorite person from the books. They are eagerly clutching the
sixth (and final) installment of the series, ready to begin reading it. Throughout the play, each
character will step up and give a monologue about what they are afraid of after graduating, and
this is how we come to know them.
The first monologue is given by Maria, who is dressed as her favorite character, Sonique.
Sonique has the power to control sounds, and this reflects Marias monologue. Maria wants to be
an opera singer after college. She finds out that she has an intracordal cyst, and that the surgery
to remove it could prevent her from singing.
The crew stops at the gas station before heading to a lake house where they will spend the
two days they have left before graduation. Franklin is the next member of the group to step out.
He is dressed in drag as his favorite character, Boreala, who has the power to control the
elements. His fears are more reflected by the fact that he is dressed in drag than his favorite
characters powers. He is a dance major, the only one left in his class. He is afraid that he will be
a failure, and that he will be laughed at, and will never amount to anything. He brings forth a
central point of the play: that he is strong when he is with his friends, but without them, he feels
like he cant do anything. The group begins reading their novels out loud and together. Every
time a passage of time is indicated, they change positions.
The next member of the group to give a monologue is Jack. Jack is dressed as Chronis,
who has the power to control time. This reflects his desire to go back so that the happiest times
of his life do not end. He is afraid that he will live a mediocre life, and that his friends will all
forget him. He wishes that he could turn back time to the day that he first met his friends, so that
they could relive the fun times theyve had and not have to worry about graduation or what
comes after it. The group continues reading as he makes his speech to the audience.
The group reads another passage of their book before the next individual steps out to
address the crowd. This time, it is Felix, who steps out to tell us that he does not fit in with the
rest of his group, just like the character he is dressed as (Empatho, who has the power to control
emotions). Felix forces out his confession of how he only pretended to like the Chosen Ones
books to make Maria like him (that was before Maria and Jack started dating). He says that if
anyone has to die in this final book, he hopes it is Empatho, that way his friends know what he is
actually feeling. Through the series, Empatho has never shown his emotions (much as Felix has
never shown his true feelings about the books), and Felix says he wants Empatho to break down
during this book, so that everyone knows that he can feel as well. Felix steps back and the group
reads another passage.
The penultimate monologue belongs to Maddie. She tells us about how she began college
as a dance major, but was discouraged by people who told her that dancers do not succeed. She
let that get to her, and decided to become a gynecologist instead, a much more stable career. Her
favorite character is Elixera, who has the power to heal others. This really only correlates to
Maddys story as now she wishes to be a type of doctor. Maddies monologue ends and her
friends continue reading their books.
We lastly hear Edies monologue. Edie is regarded by the group as the crazy one who
always overreacts, and she knows it. She talks about how she is afraid of water due to a bad
experience earlier in life, and how she is afraid of being alone. Her favorite character is
Telepathia, who, you guessed it, has the power to read others minds. This reflects Edies desire
to know what other people are thinking, as she wants everyone to accept her. They do, and she
will realize that during her monologue.
After the completion of the monologues, the book reading becomes very intense. After a
few passages, the characters have reached the climax of the play, when the six superheroes must
battle Omegon, the supreme evil, but first must pass through The Room of One Thousand
Demons. As the group reads this section, they are transported into the fictional settling (in
reality, still the same room), where they are all attacked. They are all seeing different demons,
and it is Felix who realizes that they each have their own one thousand demons who all reflect
their different fears. They cannot work together for the rest of their lives, and this reflects that
fact. They all defeat their demons, but at the end of the fight, Sonique is wounded and dies. All
of the characters work together to amplify Elixeras healing powers, and they manage to bring
Sonique back to life. After this, however, they discover that they are no longer able to help each
other and magnify each others powers. The book then ends with the heroes battered and
changed, but victorious nonetheless.
After they finish the books, the actors discuss briefly the implications of what they have
just read. The lights darken and they begin to clear the set. Maria steps forward and begins to
sing her favorite aria, Connais-tu le Pays, from the opera Mignon, by Ambrose Thomas. This
song reflects the bittersweet mood of the play, as it describes a beautiful land that the singer
longs to return to, but never can. This is also symbolic of the friends graduating and possibly
never seeing each other again.
After the song is song, the actors quickly change into graduation caps and gowns, and
climb onto the stage at their graduation ceremony. They have a brief chat before Pomp and
Circumstance begins to play. It ends on a final note as the curtain closes and lights dim.

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