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.... . --.......-
ODSP.!<V A TIOJS :!..n Timor and Java Uuring 1942 on<l aftcrvwrdo.
A.I.F. in Timor Jmown as "Sparrow" Force.
E:r.:ternnl Security
Dispositions of Sparrow Force
InternDl Security
MAlll EVENTS between 26 Jan. - 19 Feb.; 1942
DURDJG 'I'Jm /1.CTICH: 19-24 Feb.
Fighting I3ADOE following paratp. lnnding
Force move onto Tjruuplong R<l.
2nd. Por:1tp. luncling
Force nclv. through Baboe.
Rcnr- f, U9rd oction success
Bn on Oesaoe Ridge success
Force holt at AIR KOhl
Cnnturcd map
Jop wllite flngs on tanks.
Est. Enemy Casualties; Force casualties nn<l
of en. engaged.
'l'otal En. Forces in Dutch Ti:nor
N iGlliyru;Ja

"J\untrolian" lWT "PI'J Camp"
Jap "Umbrella" Of'frs account of Timor Fighting
ConfirJn:J.tion of "I" information
Inquiry re Frt.. [,'11!18
Enenty lnc!ccd inside lnformotion
Nankin Chinese in Australia
Dora in Air-raid
Hcasons for Jup. white flags
V:ornl c''
Honourn grentell to Jnps. for T:lJ:10r Piehting
Geneva Cards 8nd Dispersal of Force
JaVH J ap . Army Ner;spapcr, "Java Shinbun"
Brig. Veale ond
1.+6, 48, ..
51 a.
56 . .
19, .36, 63.
nsparron" Force Coflllnandcr Lt./Col. \;.;:. Leggott, 1l.L.A., nov;
Vic tor bn l\gcn t General in London.
Capt. F.G. East, (G.S.0.3) Aust. H.Q. Intelligence Officer.

; I
TIMOR. l"HO:,l 12 <YilL . TO 23 SEP. h2 J\ I;D sue:-3; :r; UEilTLY.
Extcrnnl Secur 1 ty -
1. AA defence at ;r:oepang jetty was a Le1>io gun, no AA guns
having yet arrived (19/1/42). At 2/1 Hy I3y Frt. the 2-6"
guns of Fixed Defence y;cre not concealed or ca::nouflnc ed.
Frt. site r;aa being \:ell out-lined by new \7hi te coral rock
rondo ond by new hutments. In view of my experiences ot
AMBOH, my first Force Security Report emphasised the
relevant paras. in "Notes on Conco ond Co.i11. 1937" Action
was tsken by :Frt. C01nd. and tvro wooden dllillilJY guns r1ere also
used. 2/40 Bn. concealment was excellent.
2. KOEP/dlG was not a Naval Port of Wnr Stn.
TElll\U \'/as the Flying Boat Base.
PEHFOEI KlHLlil ocrodrome nas the RAAF Operntional Stn.
P 40's ond other aircraft re-fuelled nt Penfoei en route
to Denpasnr drome BALI, JAVA, STiiGAPORE.
"SPARRO','I" FORCE defence of drome formed an arc on seaY/ard
side of drrnne and Frt.
3 American aircraft did not al\'/ays come in correctly.
Foiling to circ6e KERA IS. twice, drop lnug. gear and cane
in on brng. 120 , ono flight of hod several
plane wings holed by Lewis gun fire from A nnd B Cays.
4. My connections with Dutch Admin . 'iiere:-
Reoident NIEI30R ond his Se0r-et3ry EZEFJJ1AH
Asst. Resident GOEDHART and the HPB Bureau (County Council)
Arm,v Comd. L t-Col. DZI"riGER
. Hovy Lt-Gomd. De Visscher .
Police ConUTiissioner HART11ANN and his Field Inspecto!' HEISER
Rnjnhs of Districts. Head of the Cl:ineso, Mr. SAl'l.
District Agents similar to hlRCi' s but paid and with
Police Commr. Hartmann.
Dispoo1t1ons of Force -
Sparrow Force HQ
B . Coy.
A. Coy.
c. Coy.
D. Coy. (Mobile)
R. Coy.
2/11 Fd. Eng.
2/1 By Dy.. l
2/1 Frt .. Eng.
2/1 Frt. Sigs.
1 Tp. 2/13 AT. Reg.
On Force Hill overlooking the Boy and drome.
On beach frcm W/T Stn. E. Koepung incl.
W. to A Coy. positions covering the
from the Buy to Frt.
On R of B Coy. along Bay Beach to Oeeapa
Be sur.
Inner drome defence.
Based on B/...3AOE villuge.
Inner line cf beach defence on Force Hill
in rear o:f A Coy. and covering El' \'.'/'f S tn.,
on Porce Hill.
Baoernnta (source of Pcnfoei Camp natt e r supp)
and di sperr; ed on roadms king. \
At Frt .. (t\:o /3UJ1s calib. prov8d a t range
G I '
2 guns at Enbooe , 2 nr. bea ch.
-------- ------ -- ---

2/12 Fd. Amb. 1 Coy.
No. 22 Spec. Dental Unit
2/40 Bn. Tpt.
Corps Tps. ASC
. Sec. LAD
Sec. Aust. APC & Post31
Fwd. Supp. Kitchens )
2 Ech.
4 Arnd. Cars
- 2 -
Based at Hospital, Tjnmplong.
Based on re-fUel pt. Babaoe.
Force Base, Tjarnplong and Babaoe.
. Babaoe
Frt. and drome.
Combined Defence-
Report Centre
At RAAF llQ on drome.
Dutch 300 pative soldiers on beach defence U
-- - -- - H.,
from Koepgng incl., under Lt-Col. Dettigcr
and 7 Offrs., with uircd positions at Tcnau.
R9 mine-fields in r;ocpr:mg BDX,_. Bench
defence positions at Oesupa Besar a:l:1
Tenau heavily wired. No Tsnks.
79 LAA (less B Tp.) arrived ot Tenau
early in the week ending 20th Feb. from
6. Internal Security Tias included in the Daily Security Reports,
copies of ;;hich r;ere sent south, and, after his arrivnl, to
Bde. Comd. (Brig., Veale).
l..iost Dutch Officials mointainecl their peace-time custom of
afternoon siesta, from 1330 holll'S to 1700 hours, and then con-
tinued work into the nicht.
1. Police Corrmr. Hartmann y;ss always available and his effective
assistance nas referred. to in Security reports. His infor!lill tion
proved to be rcligble but to friction between Dutch An1zy
ond Police Chiefs I had to deal vith thrnu separately. Such
bet\:een Army and Police as r1as experienced at s.
Comd. llQ during 1940/1 r.'aB lacking at Xo6pung.
Under instructions of Resident Nicbor, all Jap. nationals hod
already been sent to Java, before I arrived on 19th Jan.
The Reeident snd Col. Dettiger ft::>ked for Ail to be posted \'11th
their tus. in order, as they said, to stiffen the native
soldiers and to avoid accidents due to identity if
they operated separately. This not then practicable.
10. Eventually there were ttiTee only potentially dangerous suspects
listed (Chitlnno, Chof'or, Selarn) ond they nere under surveilln..."lce.
11. Although there v;ere mony miles of tel. rliring, mostly through
bush country, no deliberate interference \'r'DS reported but sane
suspects were suitably dealt nith.
12. Resident Niebor was concerned abcut infiltration of Jnp. propa-
ganda fran Portuguese T'imor, from the Ocussi
Encl8Vt: later, 1nany nntives Ghor:ed most definite
hostility to Dutch B!ld Australions by urr-anging y;ith Japa. for
their capture.
13. The incidence of v. Discnse was upprox. 11% of Force.
14. o:f uircroft, shipping c\lltl nll inccllling meGsnses r18re
_,...,...,....,..,,1 _r1 "'l ... -


. I
- 3-
Hn joho r1ero seen and c irculnrir;ed pnrticulorly regarding
oction and worning errangemcnts in tho event of' pnrachutcG
being dropped in their areoo.
Bn. I. o. Yl!3s used by Force Comd. for eo cor t ond other du tics
in addition to reccco rood vork. !. Sec. had been much
used by Bn .Adjutant for Offlcc nork, mopping und
:for Coys. They ncre no\Y concentrated on "lcnorling the
but it r:ss not then pr8cticnble to start their
instruction in the Mnley lanUugo.
Ployfair vnd "D" Code Here used. Corruptions sometimes
occurred in messoges from Don;in. CDRC rwrc unnble to
decipher 2 X I.Jachine ruessogeo marked "Ops Urgent" and
oth8r messages.
Possnords used contained syllobles.not correctly pronounce-
able by Ja_p3 ar.d Jil3lays. :.ACtio:l wss pending "Stand
Fast" and canplementory numbers were used.
19. KEHDARI and TARAKA.N reports as sent South v1ere from first-
hand reports and sever31 poL""'lts ncre for usc in
Spol'T O'\'! l''oi'co training and. pr C})t3ra tions.
MAIN EVE1l TS 'between 25th Jnn, nnd. 19,th Feb .. l-1-2.
Prolonged, w1hindered reccc. by en. aircraft particularly
over Frt. and Ten3u by several boniliings mostly
ri! tll 100 und 200 lb .An ti-perGonnel bombs, 1:1any :1ear
7 "Ott type fighters ohot-up the drome at 0850 hr:3. 26th Jun.
after dorming the plnne csrrying Asst. Resident Gocdhart
and others to Dilli.
Brig. Veale arrived with Bdet Staff'. Capt. Callinan or 2/4
(Pnr.) Bn. arrived. Col. Phillips Comd. of Americnn 75mm
By. OlTived.
Reinforccrt1cnts for Timor 'bombed bf!.Ck to Darwin by 37 en.
air craft.
Dispersal pta. for 14 Dive b om'bers and 25 Pursuit planes
not completed owing mainly to difflcul ty of mo in tailling
native labour supply. Those uircraft, therefore, did not
20. Local reports received between 13-16th Feb. were to the
following e:tfect:-
"The Japanese will come soon in their thousands and thousands
with supply ships fer native people. Goods '17111 l.Je cheap
and there will be no taxes. Everything will be better for
the native peoples."
"The JHJ.X.tncse will lund on the 8. Ccno t."
"There nill be a lunding 'On Friday' "
foiling to establish on OP 0::1 Plateau, arrunge-
ruents nere made with the new Asst. nesitl.ent end H.ajahs to
cover the likely areu. Ii. Coast watch nt Cape Oisina and
Bl1 Sigs. post on Semaoe Is. r;ere reini'orced.
21 As far as the exigencies of tho Service permitted, r1unours
ru1d reports of parachutes being dropped were investigated.
22. 79 LAA h sd di:fficul ties in:-
unloading n t 1'enau OYiing to locl-:: o-r facilities
tro.nsport of' o1m1. to diGperoeJ. clUL:lps os Force iJT
wns nlresdy
the type or country was dif.ficul t for the use of'
The B1i t/.Aunt. Consular Rcpresen tativcs ot Dilli (Ross
passed through en their South.
Brig. Venle and Party retired 'up country'. Brig. rccon:mcndcd
Tjamplong as a good defensive position
' /
i i
: I
' I
: I
' ;
- 4 "7"
Penfoei Y/OS made a Re-f'uel Stn. and not now Ops. Station.
Warnings received were:-
Fro;;l MSS, "Eight en. tpta. with tps left .AJabon procce<ling
direction Timor."
From 1\.lJDii.CGJ.J. 5 Bnndoeng,
Four en. cruisers off SE canst
Port Timor, brng. eo. Timor and vicinity considered in
grnve and inunediote dan,:,er.
Also 5 unidentified obips were said to be approaching
Tinor from N.
27. Bali (Denpasar drome) reported as under en. control, Penfoel
drome became neutralised.
28. Len.flctg in J!nlay longuage v1ere dropped on two occuoiono,
some 'being illuotra ted. The main paints in the.rn were:-
(a) use of the word 'Indonesian', no doubt to suggest
recial of the various
(b) Jap protection of native \"IC>iaen and children.
(c) Instructions to natives to Jdll all Tihi te ofi'iccro.
(d) damaging oil or petrol installations would
be shot together 11ith their wives and families.
On 1qth Feb. communications with Dnrt;in nere erratic.
Oi119tll Feb:" at 1 ]50 hours the remaining 6 L. H. pl fme s do-
parted S :11th approximately 50 per:Jonnel mostly gromld
staff, incl. also Col. Phillips and. Capt .. Callinan.
Baoe Sick end at Baoe, totalled
appl'Oxilwtel7 200; 2/40 !.ln. was 850 strong.
At 1600 hours Sig. Post Sernaoe oignalled, "13 unidentified
ships 10 1niles E. Trav. s. Visibility poor.
Tha Dutch Besch positions at Tenau und their Barracks in
Koepsng v:ere reported, unofficially, as being evacuated..
Bn. I. o. T/BB sick vri th malaria and was not able to :function
during the action.
The J< r.J nh of Amarassi reported from BAOEN at 01)00 hours 20th
Feb. en. lndgs. hnd t sken plF.lce tn area h \.HA. Hiv -
of.f.JIU\T;.; ornr, a destroyer being on either side of the Pnha
Ri v. ;,;;:>u th. 1\t OC:iOO hom's the Asst. Resident confirmed this
and ::J.<ld ed, "Also saae tractor-dravm Arty.
D Coy. wns ordered to intercept en. snd proceeded towards
Bsoen (via Babooe then nas left with a :few
20th Feb:
34 D. Coy. hod not contacted en. by 1030 houro tlhen est. 200-300
en. p:wntps. dropped hE of R.J.booe and eventually ccc'..!picd the
village. D Coy. retuPned and attacl<eri.
35 Demolitions nere carr ieu. uu.t, IJ1Us 60 lana mliwu
dromc u.n. Ccnti nuous nir att !! Cl'.:o on Frt. and dror:1 e;'{.
Prt. Q.J.ns repar te<l to be 'out of action'.
36. Frt. c3sucltics incl. Frt. Com. Frt. Persoimel '17ithdreil'
as prc-nrrnnGe cl. CDRC ;.'ithdr e1r to Force
At 2.)00 b ours Feo., S p o.rl'GYi Fvrce r.10vcd in coln. rri t h
.. e n :1'11 fn. ,t-,-,J., Prl H n \ 'T'ho
i .
- :; -
21 ot Fr.b. a further lnug. of en. -pnrnt}'Jo. took place llE B3baoe,
nnd 11 :JJ1d B Coys. proceeded to re tnl:c l3sbnoc.
Force Coln. moved tonards Ocbelo dth nooo okirmiobing en tho
flunks und en. nircrnft Tho '!'JOnition at Tj
was olH;cure r.ncl runncro did not get throullb. Ho nord YIL\:3
received from Brig. Veale and p3rty.
22nd Feb:
A and B Cays. Tient throur;h Babaoe and Force Coln. f'ollo-.7ed at
dawn on 22ncl Feb. 2 m. in our rear, I identified en. tpo.
Tii th 1\FV' s coming up very cautiously. After sea ttcring u
party o:f Japs in maize on R., flank on the 113y bock to CQl::-1.
an Ambon soldier (Sllillual 9506) 1:as csptured. His nrl'!l.-bs.nd
in Jap characters read,
3nrochi" indicating, "carried 2\'JDY''
He Md been brought f'rom Ambon. na Jap Officer's serv:mt and.
ran rmoy from thoa when tllc party scattered. llio stntc:1ents
conformed to pr'eviouo ini'onna tion nnd coni'ir;;Ied est. of en.
strength on our flunks and betueen Tjn.'llplong and Force Coln.
He and. mtives interro[pted. later insisted that Japs hod
gone through rjruilplong out not stopped there. Written
reportn were forrwrded to Force HQ ond ack by DR. Some
questions by HQ. I also answered by DR.
"I" (Pte. Sec. patrol reported est. 300-500 cna Inf.
approaching OE:JAOE from direction Oclwbiti, ruoving through
bush, nlso en. tps. on Oeknbiti Rd. moving tor:ards
T j a.mpl ong Rd.
39. En. road block on bridge covered by mg. uncl mortar fire
caused sane delay. F.n. also reported us digging on Oesaoc
Ridge y;hich runs across the Tjamplong Rd. and comm.ands
approaches to the Rldga oncl village.
40. En. intcn.ti on appeared to be to hold our Force at Oeonoc lihi1c
their nnin farce with Armd. Coln .. attacked our reor. Force
took poHi tion for rear-guard action while Bn.
were made to take Oesooe Ridge where en. occupied
weapon pits with est. strength 500-700.
41. Ihe Rear-guard nction Tins successful due to:-
Spotter directing Mar tar fire nccura tely.
Superiority of our 3" Mortar over en. 2" Mortar.
A.T. gun fire accuracy.
42. In tho by Bn. on Oesaoe Ridce, C A ond R Coys. adv.
on left of Tjamplong Rd. with B ond Frt. tps. on R. D. and
HQ Coy. 1ri support. start Time 1730 hours following mortar
and m.g. prep. Bn. bayonet charge canpletely broke the Jnp
line. Some en. escaped. Force Coln. moved forward in
darknens to AIR KOM.
43. Follol7ing Unit Comds' Conference culled by Force Comd.,
Farce hal ted vlith the intention of moving to
Tjamplong at dm-m.
some exhaustion omong tps.
1.ounded o till being brought in.
mare information about en. dispositions at Tjamplong
was desired

At D":'o-dnnn on 2A'l[fl Feb. a Jop sketch map nns handed me.
De toils imncclla tely given to Force Comd. incl:-
a blue pencilled line shovling Paratp. route up to
Babaoe from lndg. place.
the rond b.locjt uu ui'luge (pnra. 39)
tha Jop position at Oessoc H.idgt:!. pencil the en. Anny route f'rorn Koepang to D3bnoe.
A and l3 Coys. beach w:!.ring nas referred to aG, "liire
arrone;emen t." At Paha Riv. mouth, the charnctcro
- 6-
mooning "2 big 11Q1t.o" were shmm. Unfortunately this
mop had, I ofterYmrds was told, been left in o c:u
pocket since 21st Feb. Other docwnen ts me on
21/22 Feb. indic.nted the Paratps. to be L!urineo,
2nd claos.
45. At dmm en. light tonlcs a:ppegred round the road 1lend in our
reur. Tllcy appeared to be flying Hhitc flogs und Force Ca..-:d.
instructed 111c to go and sea y,ho t they rirulted. Ao I approached
the coln. hnl ted and it could seen that all \'lerc
rolled back around their oto:f1's leaving only nh 1 te strips
showing. En. tps. lined both sides of the road, est. 2000.
Their Capt. 1\osaki met roo and in Jap:mese I referred to the
white flngo and their surrender but he noid, "We thought you
might like to put <loi'ln." I insisted,
You put-dorm." "Yes,"
he said,
Dut you, put-down first.': EVading his enquiry as
to hon r.wny tps. we had I asked him his numbers ond got the
reply, "Oh, about t\7enty thousand." I enquired where they
were and he pointed back and ooid, "Here, at Koepung and on
your n flank and on your left fla.."1k." En. tps. ,.-ere then GOing
into the bush on s. side of the road and I protested against
this 811d reported to Force Comd. Y/ho orr i ved and told
indign:.mtly that, ";ie were sent here to fiaht," and could not
consider his suggestion. A senior Jap Officer cn.r:1e up untl
discuss ion followed. Doth the Jap Of1'r3. spoke r;ood En r.;li :Jh
and I left for othc r dutie o. Later, 1.hile nm:li tine nrri val
of the Jop Comd. as demanded by our Force Coorl. /.: o::wld re-
peatedly nsked me how long our Comd. would be in coming ao
he \70uld not . believe that a Lt-Col. was our Corrrl.. At l:lst
he soid, "If your Co;:ud. does not come you will be bcmbeu nt
half-past ten."
At our ce Unit Comus.' Conference some Offrs. rnmted to
fight on despite ou.r lack of water, food nnd chor t anm. Md the
gmeral position. "on principle") At the
final mce tine with tile Jsp Cornd. I d him ir1 Jopmese if
it would be U...'1der InternatiOlul Law. "Ho," he anm:ered .
"JapMeoe Lnr: " The 'put-<la,:n' was agreed on at obou t 1000
hrs. At 1045 hours, 7 or moxe en. bo!nbcrs mude o double run
over our otntioMry coln. Vihile Japs ron in all
wavinG their flags fr::mtically nnd uselessly. As they
slrendy cr.m;ded into come of our trucks \'.'h ich received direct
hits, they 1 os t probably 1 00--1 50 men. It Tiaa the ''first time
they hod been bombed,
they enid.
The Jap Col. could not reconcile the size of our Force r11 th his
losses and asked for the 70 paratp. but there Tiere
46. Est. F.n. Cr.sualties:
Inf. Coy. on
Oc oc l d d p,e
82 ncre fit and 29 lightly Y/Ounded.
If 550 l anded, ns they said, then 439
100 ncre fit after the action.
were pr eswnably lost.
The m.1.r1'hr..r of en. cnrpp;ed n rw est. as:
Inf. on Oesaoe
---:ff:i!J r, e
0 c J::: lJ :!. t 1 :R d
With Coln.

.. ,
. I
c_D!-1Upl tico were:-
Rillcd in Action (incl. 5 Offro.)
Died ter
Ghot Ylhen PYI
48. En. ll..trc:t>Rft casual ties cJ.sirrled by 72 LAA:-
Shot down - 12 b ember a incl. 2 Tp. carriers, 1 JU 88,
1 Douglo.s, 1 navnl Di-pla.'1c Flying Boo. t
which WO.l3 a per siotent d
Hit - 18 bombers nnd 1'ightera.
Some bombers had similnl' turret and i'uselago to Blenheim.
All banbers uere tnin-eng.
49. Jap Cnpt. FUEH.ADA of the KAMDE Coy. HishiyruJn "nee" Bn., said
tho t noout 20 of their plo.nes had not returned. Iln tivcs
clnim8cl to have seen t11o crashed Jap planes in the bush r;i th
nuout 23 bodies in each.
,;n. rorccs in Dutch Timor fl1JPC8rgd to incl:
1 Div. of 20,000 tps. under' a Maj-Gen. (nU!llcd Ito?)
ArmJ. o Coln. ni th light
500 Cnv. BOO Trac-drnwn Arty.
4 mountain guns o:f' est. cal. 40 QJU.
4 cruisers, 3 1 Air Craft Carrier.
Some Jnpo said they had had five years 1n Chinn, then Hongkong
and /\muon but had never been bor.1bed. Several were natives of
Osaka tmcl Nagoya. Pte. Goto of Ni:Jhiyamn. Bn. (a professed
Luthersn Uinistcr) ::wid hio Bn. 1)rnct::!.ced pill-bo:t attack in
Chinn in Oct., 1941., nnd real in ed the reasan r;hen they
arrived near Hong Kong and took pnrt in that attack r;here
they loGt heavily.
50. The l'orce C3illp after the ':put-dmm' ':iaB at Oeoapa Besar.
Between July 'L!-2 alld Sept. 23, 1942 p8.rts of li'orce were
shipped last party leaving on 23 Sept. In
this 1 ast ccnvoy were the N ishiy::mw l3n. and the Dutch Off'rs.
and civs. It war: stnted that this Bn. wos re-fitted nt
Sournbn;)'u and then- went to the Bougnin'ville area. Capt.
Fukhadn was in charge of the Auat. on board the
Ds.1 Nichi
51. While at Cesepa Besar, it was often found thnt a urittcn
requcs t r1ri tten in Jnponese drew better responce than verbal
requc s t3. The Co.Hlp Cornd t. Lt. Harada, hm-:ever, innis ted
to me the od<lress U"as not "PrV Car::rp" but, "The Australian
51 n. Copt. GiHieo A .A.:-J.. C. nnd Chaplain Father hsd sl:etch
mspo, numbers, ranks onu names of cur men :found at Babnoe on
21/22 Feb. tied to trees ond their cut.
in d. in T j::;;nplo;Jg till Jap
occupntion aftet> tho Action su:td that the tel" rang but
they mel been
tolcl not .to nnsner.
'l'cl. there in
war order until 2Gth Feb. "Brie. Veale und pnr ty spent
some dE\ys shii' ting stores but left before the Action s tn:.."te d.
- 8 -
52. Capt. ho srd to J;cmsrk th:::. t theil caG\131 ties
>Jere 8 to vur 1, ''due 13rgclyu to crm bombing.
Dutch Dra. v,llo ussisted the Jap Drs. at Tjur.plong und.
were )?usitive thut the Jap cnsucltic8 oetr;ce:l G00-900,
very mnny of their wounded b.aving died in the bush.

53. .I.!Ll'&"h .. __, 191.!3, the ncmcpauer "fl,sis Rpya"
cont;drlG:l on nrth!le trmH.;.lntcd nc
"Less than o month &fter their descent on z,:onndc JapsncGo
ago in otc.rtled the uorld by dropping on 'i'i.r.4o>:- after
the landing there.
In an interview, 3 Jnponese 'Umbrella' Of1'icer s wto to ole part
in this exploit said:-
cur b88C at 0700 on 20th Feb. and errived
over the target r.;t 1030 honr3. Onr objective v:nr; r:n
acrcdrame about 4. k.r.i. E cf Fclloning bcmlJin{I
by our planes wherever enemy Povcment was seen, cnr
men went out in Oil orderly IreJlner. All -r.ere in the
of e;:-iritn. Very soan we the t1nemy
nbc u t 2 50 s tr or: g with 2 nn c1 mo'h:l.le r.uns in
D!'f'!.';'E.J":'ed :r;'Cf'i tl ons. Ar.. vre had no A T nome of our
Ire!L got cl oce to the tru:olr:s nnd no captured t}H;m. After
n r.cul' we prcr:?eedcd to\tsrClfl our obj()ct.iv\1 nnd
root of tho o<.:Eer:w 'Y:ho had rrovlou sly retreated.
VIe met no opposition. Then, oucl.denlyt there wns a
larner bcdy of' enem.y tL>oopa and thl3 very ne-vore righting
lssted for six l:.ours. !lf'ter fit;htir.g c1urine the evening
snd nic:ht agninst a very nUJi1croun Rncuy ue V/cre not
t)n 21st l!'eo,. i'r0JTI "' h:lll Y?f3 Ol.O:' 0.r.:rr.r2.dcs
dropping E'.nd so that we coulc'l. UJ1ite force a ne eent tso
men to shOY! theru the It Tias 18 k.m. throu,r::h thick
jurglc there end back. At 1600 hou.ra on Peb .. we
attacked the drome. 1'hc enemy wan nwucrous. The bnttle
lE<.sted for two deys. We fllBo capture.ct a mobile gun and
dentroyed 2 trmks EUJd 7 mobile guns.
over 300 of the enerrzy- wero killec1.'
54. Sgt * 8R1caY:urn of Jap I. Sec. said thn t after lndg,. on T:l.mor
on night 19/20 Feb. all tps. were Given 1 day's rest
a Coy. aent to help tho Pc.ratps.
55. Our Frt. Officer o held an in'lu:l.r:r to hr:r-N the Frt.
guns bcc!Jl!l.e u.s. on 20th Feb. as nome evidence that
siftl ts uerB drunEHjCd bei'ore ni thdrmw.J. rras ordcre d snd not by
bombi '!",'!. 1To sn tisfaction YIDB obtained. The :::;uns w8re
ordered to prepare to !'ire before they were reported 'out of
action' apparently.
56. Evidence thnt the Jape lncked ini'orlll3 tlon in Dutch
rinlOl' wno the of' Kera Is. and \H. Coast of Bay.
NeitheP place hnd any target.
57. Sgt. !\iolw rws henrd to sny in June, 191l2, that, "we
rrhwyo hn(l monthly reports from 30 Jiunl:in Chinese in Aust.
but ncr .. e lunt illonth.''
58 A Jnl) enid that the raid on Darwin i9th Feb. y,as done from
Air Crc;i't Cu.l.T ie r "Egaki
or "Kaga
cr.rry iii[; f;C 1 t. t..o:nb crs
?.hich ](;:ft in 1mves of iiO frorJl a lli8ts.nce o:i.' 105 milcc.
7 GiG. r:oL rc;turn. Sowe J,ust. 11::::re coU;Jht on tLG f,l'ound.
59. Prohoole; reasons :for the Jvp nhitc fl8es on 24th Fnh.
( a) They were in need of' !I!T- DJl(l. ail;led t n onr s bei'or'J
they were
(b) They expected much bip,neP forces to orpot::e theTJ nnd
absolute lnc.;;: of uny t,:d,r"iruncl! to their a<.lvancc to
Timor led them to ee1 o.
i I
- 9-
Their n:.<:in otjcctivc, the <1rcmo. woa u.s. ond ol1eacly
in their handn.
(d) Tl'..eir canunl tieo y;ere up.
(c;) They Ticrc movine in co1;ntry r;here AFV' e and !JT 11er"
confined to the rood and against un.J.';J1ovm forces.
60. Morale bs s been called
The will to

2/40 Er:. although
knc-;:iug the position frCiil the l'irst showed 100}; fighting
dcbplLe l.Jei11g unly u1w l"lt..::cm-:!. Only the Jup
Tlhito flags and order to '_::;J.t.-da-:m'
Therefore Morale must be,

to ficht CT\.r_
60a. In nctnv"ia during 1943 Jop language ner;spapers were seen
\7hich cc.:1taincd to 'L'imor as l.'ollo-:;;s:
1\'e flil:i.!3t ne::vel' f'ort;ct the heroic accomplis:1r:;enta of' cur
in. Timer'' ''Y ref. to Cltatio.::
grnntcJ to theiO.
'l'he Coy. of the llinhiyruuu "Ace" Bn. vw.o given high
praise 1'or ito 1:-ork :.iloo in Dutch Tii:?or and E:rE:r!tetl a
Citntion. Individuals, including the Major cc.':ldg. the
p5r,tp:;. hcnoul'eC.. "but they wete l'lle !!Sjc::;
killcu at Babace end his paper-G pasGod to ICe at the ti;nc.
61. At "Cycle Bat&--ri9 (Djnk3.rta) oll Geneva C2rdn rel3tinG
to PiJ's :passing throuh thot transit C811ip ;1ere reta1nct1 r:nd
msrked tncir eve:ltJsl dest1n-stion or death. Th0l'efore,
ue knew th<J t the Force was to Japnn, JaYa, Thnilund, <.md loet on tc-I'pcdced 8hi;s.
62. The 1nn gua!;e lJI."3W!3pap3r liJ37::!. 3hint'l.!l" \133 f to oo
more renl.btic the p3pers its ncwc
:fil10d the gops when it wss !lOC sai'e b use the
63. Lt. FrJst (son for Repatriation) 0/'J Bn. tpt. r;ho
WB!3 ov.t nith our tpt. for J3QS P.eb. 24
nnd ;r;.:3rh-: l.fJ:'\.t1J" conts0ls .ra:J :!e2.l .:::cq!l:J.inted
T'li th the mov'3!'1en. ts of I3rJ.g' s. :pnrty befac:J r-:o. 2 Ind.. Coy.
arr ."".nzcd theiP "?? EDU!3e to Austral ill :m t thi:::: r19pCl' t 3lresdy
seenl8 too lnngthy.
Certnin controversial rn tters, names Off'rs. a.Tld other are thfJref)r<3 inf'..l ud ed h'3rc.
Mel bo'.l r::1e,
29th oc too er, 19h5.
( Sgcl.) G.. B.:\3T,
Capt., VX ,
AJ.1q 1o.

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