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Enrolment No.
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50
nstru!tion "or students:
Attempt all Questions in a given sequence.
Writing should be neat and legible.
Bringing cell phone, electronic gadget/programmable calculators are strictly prohibited, only
scientific calculator is permitted.
Do not write anything on the Question paper ecept your !nrolment number.
T#$e o" %uestions: "ultiple choice
!ach questions carries #.$ mar%s. Total &A': 5
Q. &o. '
'. ((((( is defined as the process of ma%ing money, earning profits and increasing
wealth while posing characteristics such as ris% ta%ing, management, leadership and
a. )alesmanship
b. !ntrepreneurship
c. *ntrapreneurship
d. &one of the above
+. ,he word entrepreneur has a ((((( origin
a. -oman
b. .rench
c. /erman
d. *talian
0. 1ey elements of entrepreneurship ((((((
*. *nnovation
**. -is% ,a%ing
***. /ood loo%ing
*2. 2ision
2. )ocial help to needy people
2*. 3rgani4ing s%ills
a. *, ***, *2
b. *,**,***,2*
c. *,**,***,2,2*
d. *,**,*2,2*
5. (((((( has highly been identified with the individual, as success of enterprise
depends upon imagination, vision, innovativeness and ris% ta%ing.
a. )alesmanship
b. !ntrepreneurship
c. *ntrapreneurship
d. Any of the above
$. ,he production is possible due to the cooperation of the various factors of production,
popularly %nown as ((
a. 6and, labour and of course entrepreneurship
b. 6and, labour, capita and of course entrepreneurship
c. 6and, labour, capital, mar%et and of course entrepreneurship
' 7 8 a g e
d. 6and, labour, capital, mar%et, management and of course entrepreneurship
9. )uperstar type of entrepreneur is lead by
a. :harisma
b. :harm
c. ;igh energy
d. All of the above
<. Which of the following can be treated as trait of entrepreneur=
a. ;e is a moderate ris% ta%er
b. ;e is innovative
c. ;e peruses the deviant pursuits
d. All of the above
>. -esearch indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes,
a. 6eadership
b. 8assion
c. )elf@confidence
d. All of the above
A. Which of the following is characteristicBsC of an entrepreneur=
a. !ntrepreneur must have creative thin%ing and must be able to analy4e problems and
b. ;e should guard his business secrets from his competitors
c. ;e must have clear obDectives as to the eact nature of business or the nature of
d. All of the above
'#. (((((.. is the most common type of entrepreneur. ;e li%es innovation and enDoys
wor%ing on something new or creative. ;e is guided by more ideals while %eeping in view
the ideas that are formulated by him in order to pursue his innovation.
a. ;ard wor%er
b. 3ptimi4er
c. *dealist
d. )ustainer
T#$e o" %uestions: )tatement/ Definition/)hort type question
!ach question carries '.$ mar%s. Total &(': )5
Q.&o. +
Define the term E!ntrepreneurshipF.
Q.&o. 0
What wound you understand of the concept of self actuali4ation in terms of
Q.&o. 5
EBeing a ;ero entrepreneur might be harmfulF. Discuss
Q.&o. $
EAn analyst entrepreneur is at a ris%, in his future years of business.F ;ow do you agree
to this=
Q.&o. 9
What good opportunity can you spot in relation to the innovative idea you have=
+ 7 8 a g e
Q.&o. <
G)ell dreams and not productsH. Iustify the statement.
Q.&o. >
Define creativity.
Q.&o. A
What are the important elements for an entrepreneurial venture=
Q.&o. '#
!plore the nature of strategic planning.
Q.&o. ''
Describe the functions of !ntrepreneur.
T#$e o" %uestions: Derivation Based, !ssay ,ype question Total &*': 30
Q.&o. '+
Bring out the role of entrepreneurs in the process of economic growth with special
reference to *ndia.
Q.&o. '0
!plain the factors which lead to a winning performance of an entrepreneur.
Q.&o. '5
G3nce a business has been established, a business plan is not required as it is meant
only for startup companies.H :ritically evaluate.
Q.&o. '$
What are the %ey dimensions that influence a firmFs planning process=
0 7 8 a g e
5 7 8 a g e

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