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1. You are highly encouraged to truthfully write your reflections. Feel free to write you thoughts although there
are suggested questions that i hope you will answer as well.
2. The reflection page is posted as an online exam to ensure confidentiality and that only your facilitator can
read your posts.
3. Nine activities and questions were posted. hoose only 3 to do and answer.
!. You are expected to su"mit your reflections "efore #ugust 2$% 2&1!.
'. (f you are having difficulty accessing e)leap at home% it is suggested that you use the Nursing (nformatics
la"oratory first floor on your free time *onday)Friday +)!,* or you may do the wor- outside e)leap then .ust
copy and paste it on the text "ox of each set of questions in school.
Question 1

1. Visualize one happy moment in your childhood. Write down in detail what you remember about this event: the
people involved, the date, the time of day, the place and your emotions. Why were you feeling this way? If you
have a photograph related to this event, you may attach it or if you wish, you may draw the event.
. Write a than!sgiving letter to "od about this speci#c event in your life. In hindsightm how did he manifest his
love to you at that time?
$. %llow your present self and the child in you to dialogue with each other. &ou may start with a single 'uestion
which you may allow the child in you to answer. (he name of the present self can be in capital letters, while the
child)in)you*s name may be written in small letters.
Question 2

What particular e+perience, happy or sad, easily comes to your mind? %s! "od to reveal to you a di,erent angle
about this e+perience which you may not have paid attention to in the past. It would be li!e e+amining a
diamond from another side. &es, turn the diamond around. -ee what you have not yet e+plored.
Question 3

1. .hoose a place where your heart can be set free to play, to have fun, where you can allow yourself to be loved
by "od and by yourself. Why do you li!e this place?
. %llow "od to be your playmate. Is this di/cult to imagine, that he can have fun with you? What game
would you li!e to play with him? 0eep a picture of this playground or draw it and place it in your room. 1et it
remind you to !eep a sense of fun amidst the serioussness of life.
Question 4

1. What is your favorite bedtime story or song when you were a child? What was it about this story or song that
resonated with you or that struc! you bac! then?
. 2ow at your age, how does recalling this bedtime story or song ma!e you feel? What childish ways are you
being invited to transform through the recollection of this story or song? What childli!e ways are you being
reminded to practice?
$. What would you consider as a point of stuc!ness in your life? What is the 3ather revealing to you about your
worth regarding this point of stuc!ness?
Question 5

1. Write a few lines with the theme, 4(he 3ather*s heart, my home.4
. %llow the 3ather to write you a love letter. It begins with, 45ear 6your name74
$. What do the words, 4I am my 5ivine 3ater*s child4 mean to you?
Question 6

1. Recall a time when you felt deeply loved. Reexperience the scene, breathing that love into your self once again. 2. Now, recall the time
from the play age, especially a time when you were hurt. Reexperience the scene, using all your senses to imagine it. Get in touch with any
feelings of hurt. 3. Let jesus join you in the scene. Watch what he says and does for you. 4. Breathe in all the ways Jesus is loving you, and
breathe out any hurt
Question 7

1. 8a!e a #st with your hand. 3eel the tension in it, and as! 9esus to show you one area of your life where you
feel tension, especially if it bloc!s you from giving and receiving love.
. 9oin 9esus in the garden of "ethsemane, as he feels tension over situations that bloc! giving and receiving
love. :epeat with 9esus his words, 43ather, if it be possible, let this pass from me.4 :epeat these words several
times until you can say them with the same intensity as 9esus does. %s you say them, breathe deeply and ta!e in
from 9esus the power to change what you can change
Question 8

1. "et in touch with a memory from between the ages si+ and twelve, especially a hurtful memory of a time
when you felt incompetent. &ou might imagine entering your old classroom. %s! yourself when you felt stupid
and unable to do things right. :ather than begin by recalling a school age memory, you might prefer to get in
touch with a time in your present life when you feel incompetent, and then see if 9esus shows you when it began.
. ;rie<y share your feelings with 9esus in writing. &ou might begin with 45ear 9esus4, and then write as if you
were writing a love letter to your best friend, sharing what you feel most deeply. 5on*t worry about having the
4right4 words, but only try to share your heart.2ow get in touch with 9esus* response to you, as he is already
spea!ing to you within. &ou might do this by as!ing what are the most loving words that you want him to say to
you in response, or perhaps by imagining that what you have =ust written is a note to you from the person you
love most, and you want to respond to that person in the most loving possible words.
$. Write 9esus* response. >erhaps it will be =ust one word or one sentence. &ou can be sure that anything you write
which helps you to !now more clearly that you are loved is not =ust your own thoughts or imagination but is really
what 9esus wants to say to you.
Question 9

1. >rayerfully read or recall the story of 9esus entering into the lowest moment of 9airus* daughter and healing her
61!. ?:@A)@, @B)CD7. 1et go of any unhealthy image of 9esus in which he is li!e a distant parent or teacher.
. 1et yourself become 9esus and reach out your right hand as he reached out his hand to 9airus* daughter. 3or
two minutes, silently pour his life and strength into that teenage girl.
$. :ecall your lowest moment as a teenager in your present life.E+tend your left hand and imagine 9esus ta!ing it
with his right hand. ;reathe in 9esus* life and strength through your left hand.
@. 1et that life and strength #ll you in your lowest moment.

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