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Lingua Inglese L3 (5 credits) Exam Information

Required study material = The Dispensa, The Seven Ages of Man 2013-2014 + Glossary
The exam (CT = com!uter "ased testing) consists of the follo#ing exercises$
Translaion! English to Italian% an &'()'' #ord unseen !assage on a !sychology related to!ic
"e#is! *ulti(choice definitions "ased on +ey ,oca"ulary selected from the -lossary
$o%prehension! *ulti(choice questions in English on extract(s) from the .is!ensa
Synony%s$ *atching synonyms / definitions to selected #ords in an extract from the .is!ensa
General gra%%ar! *ulti(choice ga! filling "ased on an extract from the .is!ensa
"in&ing 'or(s$ -a! filling
Tenses! *ulti(choice
S)%%ary! 0ummari1e(in Italian) a short extract from one of the articles in the .is!ensa
*ass %ar& = 2'3
Ti%e allo'e( + ) hour )' mins
The )se of (i,ionaries - noes is no per%ie(
You must sign up with Uniweb beforehand. Your result is valid for a year but must be registered on one of the official
registration dates (sign up in Uniweb under reg+int)
.negra/ione 0rale
0tudents #ho ha,e !assed a 4 le,el exam (for exam!le the 5irst Certificate) or a"o,e (not 67E7T7 or any other )
le,el exams) ha,e the o!tion of ta+ing an 8integra1ione orale9 as an alernaive to the #ritten exam7
The 8integra1ione orale9 ( held at the same time as the Registra1ione ( is an oral exam di,ided into t#o !arts$
:ou #ill "e tested on some ,oca"ulary from the 8-lossary of #ords commonly used in 6sychology9
#hich you #ill find on the course !latform on *oodle7
:ou #ill need to !re!are a translation of a ;(5 !age article (from English to Italian) on a !sychology
related to!ic of your choice7
<rticles can "e ta+en from text"oo+s or do#nloaded from Internet% ho#e,er% you should not use those in the
.is!ensa7 :ou #ill need to "ring a 8clean9 co!y of the original together #ith your translation and "e ready to
comment on the article (in English) and translate any !assages chosen at random7 :ou can come along to
any of the official registration dates (!lease sign u! ,ia =ni#e" to dates mar+ed 8int>reg9) "ut !lease note
that first year students must #ait until the course has "een taught "efore ta+ing the Integra1ione (i7e7 if the
course is in the second semester% you should #ait until the summer exam session)7
6lease "ring a co!y of your certificate on the day (12 I only acce!t certificates o"tained #ithin the last 4
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

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