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What is Lead Generation?

Lead Generation is primarily related to Business building where it is the list of enquiries
made by consumers over a certain product. It might also mean consumers interest over a
product which helps the company to work on improving products or providing genuine
information through newsletters over the internet or by paper.
Inbound Lead Generation
This is a category of lead generation where the company looks out for more number of leads
in order to get good business all over. For example, you might receive a random call from
Dominos Pizza and the caller asks you for feedback of their services you utilized, in this
process you become the lead and the whole scenario is an inbound lead generation for the
Pizza Company. It can be said that the more number of leads or simply the greater the lead
generation, the more chances for a business to flourish.
Is Lead Generation important for my business?
Lead Generation is a way of finding more efficient ways that attract customers towards you.
Utilizing lead generation, you in turn show how good your products are and what advantages
you can provide when compared with other companies. It has to be kept in mind that lead
generation is simply attracting customers to a level where they buy your products.
How can I get more leads for my business?
A lead is defined as the mediocre stage where a person is on the way to become a consumer
for your firm. You generally come across leads through telephonic medium, social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ and through surveys conducted directly
in person. When you put quality information about your company products in newspapers, e-
newspapers, social sites, blogs of your employees or your companys website, people read the
information and get to know about your firm. This simple step brings them a lot closer to
your business than you imagine. Also, when you generate and send invitation emails to
people describing your company, and some of them accept your invitation by signing up for
you, they are another step closer to becoming your lead. These leads can be further used to
acquire more number of leads. When a person who is presently acting as a lead for you
invites his associates by passing information about how good your business is, it becomes a
big advantage of getting more leads day-by-day. Till date, emails are the best way to acquire
good lead generation. Also, care must be taken that information put on other sites and
newspapers must be so genuine and attractive that it focuses on bringing you more leads with
every post of yours.
You have to update regularly the information you are currently providing on websites so that
more traffic is received. It is advised to employ a special team of individuals who dedicate
their time at improving the content of information over the internet.

How do I qualify a person as a lead?
Leads are very important for the growth of your company and it is absolutely important to
make sure that your leads are worthy individuals. This is very important because leads bring
to you consumers and in turn help you a lot indirectly. You have to order your group of
employees to look over the flow of leads and whether a lead is qualified enough for you in
the journey of becoming or fetching a customer. You can also determine the importance that
has to be given to a lead by taking into account the access of information he possess about
your company, the content he has downloaded from you or the products he has already
bought from you. A lead gets high priority if he requests for more information from your
company or indulged in getting you more leads.
The extent of interest a person shows in your company and the number of times in which
he/she has interacted with your firm also becomes a judging factor in deciding whether that
person is suitable to act as your lead. Some of the users on the web might click on your
information unknowingly or unintentionally and these kind of one time users should not be
given much important because they have no interest of buying your products. People of this
kind are not leads.
Observe what sources are generating good number of leads and improve these particular
factors by instructing your team members. When a lead shows immense interest in you, take
time to drop in a personal email in his inbox. A personalised email always creates a better
impression than an automated one.
Should I filter and group my leads?
Filtering the flow of your leads is always important as leads are secondary deciding factors
for the growth of your company. It is also advised to group your already existing leads so that
you can easily interact with each group depending on the importance associated with each
one. The best criteria to group your leads is by taking into consideration the extent of
interaction a lead has had with your company.
What should I do to improve my relationship with leads?
This is an important aspect in building your business. You have to maintain a constant flow
of information and interaction with your leads all through the time. You could use online
generated messages to reach out to customers whose numbers are stored in your company
records. Auto-generated emails are another way of staying in touch with leads over the
internet. The extent of importance to leads can be divided into categories with the leads
frequently responding to you with the highest priority.
When a lead has downloaded content from your website or has bought products from you in
the average range of five products in a gap of month or two, he/she acquires the highest
priority lead. It is necessary to not lose such leads and hence you have to constantly keep in
touch with them. It is also important that these leads should not be thinking that you are
invading their privacy or are pestering them by constantly calling/emailing them. So the
number of calls and emails are to be restricted to a number of two or three per month.
Balance has to be maintained among the existing leads and new leads so that your company
utilizes the most of Inbound Lead Generation and increases sales to a good extent.

Adithya B

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