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HM Ali`i Nui M`

Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

September 2, 2014
Subject: Questions and Answers.
Aloha Kakou,
Here in this communication, I am answering common questions often asked. Therefore, I decided to
write those questions and my answers to give you a better understanding regarding myself and the
work before me.
1. escribe the !rocess by which you learned "or woke u! to the idea# that there still was a $Kingdom
of Hawai%i$.
Answer: Ever since a boy I was tau!t t!at t!e "indom o# $awai%i was our true overnment and not
t!e &nited States o# America. 'y parents were care#u( not to impose t!eir prejudices and !ard neative
emotions upon me. )!ey e*pressed t!emse(ves in suc! a way to a((ow me to contemp(ate and consider
t!ins on my own. +ot! my parents and t!e many "upuna,s t!at came to visit us on a dai(y basis
!onored our )radition, -u(ture, and eac! ot!er. )!rou! t!em I (earned to not jude unwise(y, but to
consider and wei! care#u((y w!at my eyes saw and w!at my ears !eard. )!e reatest (esson was to
meditate on t!e matter to ain wisdom and to trust my na%au. I (earned about t!e "u%e and t!e many
sacri#ices our ancestors endured. )!e !ards!ips our iwi "upuna,s su##ered were !ars! and crue(. 'any
Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei
Nou Ke Aua Ke Au!uni O Hawaii
Internationa( .aw /ro#essor 0rancis +oy(e: 1...admittin t!at t!e invasion, overt!row, occupation and anne*ation startin in 1234 vio(ated a((
treaties and basic norms o# internationa( (aw, inc(udin t!e &nited States -onstitution. &nder internationa( (aw, w!en you !ave a vio(ation o#
treaties o# t!is manitude 5t!rou!6 t!e overt!row o# a (aw#u( overnment, t!e 7or(d -ourt !as ru(ed t!at t!e on(y appropriate remedy is
restitution. )!at #act a(one ives t!e "ana8a 'ao(i t!e entit(ement to restore t!eir independent status as a soverein nation state. 9ou don,t
need to petition -onress to do it. -onress !as iven you everyt!in you need ri!t !ere. )!e &nited :ations -!arter provides t!e rest o# t!e
aut!ority to do it.; <An autonomous inde!endent sovereign nation&state contem!lated under Article 1 of the 1'(( )ontevideo *onvention
on +ights and uties of ,tates requiring the state as a !erson of international law !ossessing the four qualifications of "a# a !ermanent
!o!ulation, "b# a defined territory, c# government- and "d# ca!acity to enter into relations with the other states.#
o# t!e women were bruta((y raped and beaten into se*ua( submission and #orced (abor. -!i(dren were
raped and beaten #or se* and a(so #orced to wor8 in t!e suar and pineapp(e #ie(ds.
)!e men were #orced to wor8 20 !ours a day wit! (itt(e to eat or #res! water to drin8 and many died
#rom !eat e*!austion and #ood deprivation. =ur peop(e were s(aves in t!eir own (ands. )!ey cou(d not
roam #ree(y upon t!eir (ands or #is! or !unt #or #ood wit!out t!e permission #rom t!eir tas8 masters.
I was to(d I wou(d someday be ca((ed to restore our :ation by my parents and "upunas, w!o o#ten came
to ta(8 story wit! my o!ana. )!e detai(s were never to(d but, my duty wi(( be a sacred one, b(essed o#
$eaven(y 0at!er. I (earned to m>(ama t!e %>ina #rom t!e mountains to t!e seas, I was tau!t .ua, a #orm
o# 'artia( arts. As a boy, I was tau!t t!at cu(ture and traditions are sacred to us as "ana8a 'ao(i.
.. escribe the !rocess by which you discovered that you were Ali%i /ui )0%1 King and how did you feel
about that2
Answer: As a boy, I (earned t!at in me ran t!e b(ood o# ancient roya(ty t!at went bac8 many
enerations, t!at I !ad t!e b(ood o# "in "ame!ame!a I and "in "ame!ame!a Ai (u%au o# t!e sacred
nau%opio b(ood (ines. )!at, education was very important and t!at a ma(e c!i(d wit! t!e sacred b(ood
(ines wou(d restore t!e "indom. Queen Emma, w!o was wi#e to "in "in "ame!ame!a I?, predicted
t!at #rom !er sacred (ine a ma(e c!i(d wou(d restore t!e "indom. )!at !e wou(d undero many
trans#ormations o# mind, body and spirit. And t!at !e wou(d be severe(y tested and c!a((ened. S!ou(d
!e overcome t!ose c!a((enes !e wou(d be t!at sacred c!i(d b(essed o# @od to restore t!e "indom as
"in anointed o# @od and b(essed amon men o# ancient $awai%i and present.
(. 3hat gives 456 the $right$ to call yourself, $King$2
Answer: I never ca((ed myse(# "in. :ot at #irst. I was sou!t out by t!ose w!ose #at!ers sat in counci(
wit! "in "ame!ame!a III, w!o were members o# t!e oriina( $ouse o# :ob(es. It was t!eir descendants
t!at sou!t me out. It was t!em t!at ca((ed me A(i%i :ui 'A%B "in. "in o# t!e "indom o# $awai%i, "in
b(essed and anointed by t!e !and o# A8ua. )!ey #irst came to my parents, !ome in $au%u(a and w!i(e
t!ere, t!ey as8ed to see t!eir son <meC. 'y parents to(d t!em t!at I was imprisoned but did not 8now
w!y. )!ey cou(d not understand w!y t!is !appened especia((y w!en I was never ever in troub(e #or
anyt!in rowin up, t!at I was we((Deducated and (oved by many. )!ese men (aunc!ed an investiation
and #ound my case was po(itica((y motivated and t!ey proceeded to c(ear my name and see me #reed. A
man w!om I consider brot!er <0edera( Attorney .anny Sin8inC spent !is own money and time to
investiate i# I was indeed a crimina( or not. $e reported bac8 to t!e :ob(es t!at I am an innocent man
and !e bean puttin t!ins in motion to promote t!e )rut!. )oday, I am !ome amon our peop(e
restorin t!e nation.
Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei
Nou Ke Aua Ke Au!uni O Hawaii
Why not someone else? Or someone who's elected?
Answer: I# t!ere is someone w!o wi(( #i!t to de#end t!e #reedom o# !is peop(e and t!is %>ina, w!o is
!i!(y educated, not se(#Dservin, (oves unconditiona((y, !as a reat (ove #or our %>ina and everyt!in t!at
(ives and breat!e upon it and puts t!e peop(e be#ore !imse(# t!en, I wi(( ta8e !im as my (eader.
7. 3hat are your intentions for Hawai%i2
Answer: I !ave no intentions or e*pectations to spea8 o#. =n(y oa(s t!at are rea(istic and attainab(e.
)!e A(o!a %Eina b(ue print detai(s my t!ou!ts and aspirations #or t!e return o# t!e "indom into t!e
community o# nations. In it I spea8 open(y about Se(#Dsustainab(e (ivin and t!e abundant b(essins t!e
(and wi(( ive usF suc! as #ood, water, !omes, medicine, education and muc! more.
8. 3hat is your vision for a $restored$ Kingdom of Hawai%i2
Answer: )!at we are a :ation t!at is re(iant upon ourse(ves, se(#Dsustainab(e and a nation t!at (ives in
!armony wit! nature and :ature,s @od. 7e s!a(( enter into )reaties wit! ot!er nations t!at wi(( ma8e
sense #or $awai%i. 7e s!a(( be a nonDa(ined nation. 7e s!a(( promote peace and create a /eace -enter
!ere in t!ese is(ands #or t!e :ations o# t!e 7or(d to come ta(8 story open(y about ta8in care o# t!eir
nations t!rou! peace#u( so(utions t!at are in $armony wit! t!e spirit o# a(o!a and t!e (ands t!ey (ive
What will happen to the "State of Hawaii"?
Answer: )!e 1State o# $awaii1 wi(( be no more. )!e "indom wi(( rep(ace bot! t!e State overnance
and t!e 0edera( <&nited StatesC overnance.
9. 3hat about the !eo!le who live here on the islands that have no $bloodline$ Hawai%ian
Answer: /rior to t!e i((ea( overt!row o# t!e "indom, "in "ame!ame!a III we(comed a(( into t!e
"indom wit! open arms. )!at tradition is as #res! now as it was t!en. A(( are we(comed and are
encouraed to ca(( t!e "indom o# $awai%i t!eir !ome and overnment.
After the Kingdom is again alive and operating, what would happen to them?
heir homes? heir companies?
Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei
Nou Ke Aua Ke Au!uni O Hawaii
Answer: )!is wi(( be a process #or us a((. I wi(( consu(t wit! t!e .ea( +ranc! o# our @overnment to wor8
out a #air and eGuitab(e p(an t!at is pono. I be(ieve t!at two wrons do not ma8e a ri!t. 'eanin,
a(t!ou! t!e &.S. sto(e t!e nation t!at t!ose w!o were uneducated o# t!is s!ou(d not bear t!e brunt o#
t!is evi( and t!ere wi(( be a so(ution t!at wi(( be pono #or t!em as we(( as #or us.
:. )any !eo!le likely have !reconce!tions about what it would be like to live in a Kingdom
"monarchy#. 3hat is your understanding of that2
Answer: )!ere wi(( be c!ec8s and ba(ances, #or no 8ins are dictators. )!e "in represents !is peop(e,
even at t!e cost o# !is own (i#e. $istory paints 8ins as rut!(ess and evi(. 'yse(#, I don,t !o(d to t!at way
o# overnance. 'y ancestors did not overn wit! rut!(ess be!avior eit!er. )!ere was !owever stron
superstitious be(ie#s (on be#ore ot!er nations came to t!ese is(ands t!at I wi(( not restore.
I be(ieve in #ree enterprise and #ree wi(( t!in8in t!at a(( o# man8ind is #ree in body and spirit and t!at
7omen s!a(( be treated wit! t!e reatest respect and eGua( in t!is "indom.
I do not support w!at I wou(d ca(( Hsuicide capita(ism,; w!ere everyt!in t!at can produce a pro#it is
(eitimate, even i# it means destroyin t!e ecosystems t!at support (i#e and $uman civi(iIation t!rou!
c(imate c!aos.
I (ove education and wi(( promote education t!at serves our nation,s economica( and spiritua( rowt!. I
be(ieve in science and t!at t!ere is a way to rid our bodies o# a(( #orms o# sic8nesses and diseases t!at
p(aues t!e !ea(t! and we((Dbein o# man8ind.
)!e "indom wi(( #ind so(utions #or t!e bene#it o# t!is "indom and a(( o# man8ind, so t!at we can (ive a
#ruit#u( and meanin#u( (i#e t!at is our natura( i#t, iven to us #rom @od. I a(so be(ieve t!at t!e "indom
can #ind a so(ution to !ea( our eart!, i.e. (ands, oceans, rivers, #orests, #rom t!e reed o# evi(. I (oo8
#orward to seein t!is reversa( in my (i#e time.
Will people living in the Kingdom !e e"pected to !ow down to you as you pass?
Or call you "His #a$esty"? Will you live in a palace?
Answer: Jespect is earnedF I s!a(( earn t!e respect o# our peop(e. I a(one cannot bui(d t!is nation on my
own. I need t!e peop(e to !e(p me, #or toet!er we wi(( bui(d a nation t!at ot!er nations can emu(ate.
Jespect#u((y, we are a(( sovereins and t!at is !ow I wi(( wa(8 amonst our peop(e. I wi(( (ead by e*amp(e
t!at ot!ers may #o((ow. 0or in a(( trut!, we a(( be(on to t!e !uman #ami(y as one.
Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei
Nou Ke Aua Ke Au!uni O Hawaii
;. 3hat will ha!!en to all of the military here on the islands2 3ill they be $kicked out$2
Same %uestion, for corporations, companies&
Answer: 9es, t!e &.S. 'i(itary wi(( be to(d to (eave. )!e companies and corporations wi(( be ab(e to stay,
as (on as t!ey are wi((in to !onor t!e princip(e o# m>(ama %>ina, !onor and respect o# t!e (and, waters,
p(ants, anima(s, sea (i#e, and !umans. 7e wi(( !ave our own Security 0orce to protect our (ands and seas.
7e wi(( not need ot!er nations as protectorates o# our "indom. 7e wi(( be a :eutra( "indom and wi((
not enae in t!e po(itica( drama o# ot!er nations bent on destruction. +ut, I wi(( enter into K)reaties,
wit! nations t!at, in t!e event o# mi(itary !osti(ity aainst us, t!ose w!om I !ave entered into K)reaty,
wit!, wi(( come to my assistance.
)!is wi(( a(so inc(ude t!e &nited States o# America.
'. 3hat kind of $government$ will be !resent in the Kingdom2 3ill there be elections2 3ill you
a!!oint everyone2
Answer: 0or now our overnment wi(( be a 'onarc!ica( overnment. )!en t!e 7i(( o# t!e /eop(e wi((
become t!e voice o# t!e "indom as to !ow t!ey #oresee it to be. )!ere wi(( be e(ections #or overnors
o# t!e various is(ands, mayors etcL
1<. How can !eo!le hel! you $bring back$ the Kingdom2
Answer: )!ey can !e(p me bui(d our :ation. 7e we(come a(( ta(ents and wa(8s o# (i#e to assist in
rebui(din t!e "indom.
Edmund K. Silva, Jr.
His Royal Majesty
cc: Na Kupuna Council O Hawaii Nei
Ali`i Mana`o Nui Lanny Sinkin

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei
Nou Ke Aua Ke Au!uni O Hawaii

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