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Revision by Aish Tamid

The History of Yosef and Asenath.
First Edition.
Revised by Aish Tamid.
Original translation by a!"#es Issaverdens$ %&'%.
All !ontent !o(yright ) *'%+ by Sim(li!ity ,est -#bli!ations.
To obtain li!ensing (ermission for the #se of this te.t in
non/!ommer!ial 0or1s$ or to !onta!t the (#blisher for general !omm#ni!ation$
feel free to e/mail aishtamid2torahdrivenlife.!om.
-haraoh gave Asenath$ the da#ghter of -oti(herah$ (riest of On$ to
Yosef of the Ivrim$ as his 0ife.
This is an a!!o#nt of their story$ restored for
the 3ommon0ealth of Yisra4el$ and #(dated to !ommon English by Aish Tamid5
based #(on the Armenian man#s!ri(t$ as translated by a!"#es Issaverdens$ in
the 6regorian year %&'%.
3ha(ter One
It !ame to (ass$ on the seventh day of the se!ond month in the first
year of the seven years of (lenty$ that -haraoh sent Yosef to ma1e a to#r
thro#gho#t all the land of Egy(t.
Yosef rea!hed the territory of the to0n of
Helio(olis on the eighteenth day of the month$
and the !orn that he gathered
!orn in that land 0as as (lentif#l the sand of the sea.
There 0as a man in that
to0n 0ho 0as a minister of -haraoh$ and 0ho$ thro#gh his 0isdom$ 0as the
greatest of all in -haraoh4s !o#rt.
His name 0as -oti(herah$ and he 0as a
(riest of the to0n of Helio(olis.
He had a virgin da#ghter$ abo#t eighteen
years old5 she 0as a tall and lovely maiden$ of very fair a((earan!e$ fairer than all
the maids that 0ere aro#nd.
She bore no resemblan!e at all to the da#ghters of
the Egy(tians$ b#t 0as li1e the da#ghters of the Ivrim.
She 0as tall as Sarah$ as
fair as Rebe1ah$ and more gra!ef#l than Ra!hel. The name of that maid 0as
and the fame of her bea#ty 0ent o#t into all the Earth. The sons of
the great men$ and of the governors$ and of the 1ings$ all the yo#ng and valiant
0arriors$ desired her for a 0ife$
and there 0as <ealo#sy and rivalry among them
be!a#se of her$ so that they 0ere (re(aring to fight.
The firstborn of -haraoh
heard of her$ and entreated his father to give her to him5
b#t -haraoh said to
him$ =>hy do yo# as1 for 0ife 0ho is inferior to yo#rself
to be 1ing of
Is not the da#ghter of the 1ing of the @oabites 0ho is betrothed to
yo# very fair?A
3ha(ter T0o
No0 Asenath herself disdained and des(ised all men$ and 0as very
(ro#d and !on!eited. No man had ever seen Asenath$ be!a#se -oti(herah had a
to0er near his (ala!e$ and in that to0er there 0as an #((er story ri!hly
f#rnished$ in 0hi!h Asenath d0elt$ o#t of the sight of all men.
That #((er
story 0as s(a!io#s and very high$ and there 0ere ten rooms in it.
The first room 0as large$ and 0as adorned 0ith bea#tif#l marbles$ and
dra(ed 0ith (#r(le. The 0alls glittered 0ith (re!io#s stones$
and the !eiling
0as of massive gold. In that room$ near the 0all of the se!ond room$ 0ere
(la!ed the inn#merable gold and silver elohim of the Egy(tians$
Asenath adored and revered. Every day she offered sa!rifi!es and b#rned in!ense
before them.
In the se!ond room there 0ere !hests !ontaining Asenath4s ornaments
of gold and silver in ab#ndan!e$
(re!io#s and rare <e0els$ !lothes 0oven 0ith
gold$ fine and !ostly linen$ and all the adornments of her maidenhood.
The third room 0as the storeho#se of Asenath4s ho#sehold.
Seven maidens had gro0n #( 0ith Asenath.
They 0ere e.a!tly her
o0n age$ having all been born the same night5 they 0ere as fair loo1ing as stars
of heaven$ and no man had ever s(o1en to them$ not even a yo#ng boy.
Asenath4s o0n room$ 0hi!h her maidens tended$ there 0ere three large 0indo0sB
the first one 0as very large$ and fa!ed to0ard east$ overloo1ing the !o#rtyard5
the se!ond fa!ed to0ard the so#th5 and the third fa!ed to0ard the north.
Near the eastern 0indo0 a golden board 0as fi.ed$ and a bed 0as
(la!ed #(on it$
adorned 0ith fine linen and !overings of hya!inth and (#r(le
embroidered 0ith gold.
Asenath alone sle(t on that bed$ for neither man nor
0oman ever even sat #(on it.
All aro#nd the (ala!e there 0as a large !o#rt$ the 0alls of 0hi!h$ b#ilt
of great s"#are stones$ 0ere very high.
The !o#rtyard had fo#r iron doors
0hi!h 0ere overseen by by gallant and 0ell armed men.
>ithin the !o#rtyard$
near the 0alls$ there 0ere different 1inds of bea#tif#l (lants 0hi!h bore all
manner of fr#its$ and all their fr#its 0ere ri(e and ready to be gathered.
the right side of the !o#rtyard there 0as a large fo#ntain of !lear 0ater$ and
#nder the fo#ntain 0as a large basin to re!eive the 0ater that flo0ed o#t thro#gh
the !o#rtyard and 0atered all of its trees.
3ha(ter Three
It !ame to (ass$ on the eighteenth day of the fo#rth month in the first
year of the seven years of (lenty$ that Yosef !ame to the bo#ndaries of the to0n
of Helio(olis$ and began to gather in the !orn.
>hen Yosef !ame near to that
to0n$ he sent messengers to -oti(herah the (riest$ and said$ =The heat is greatC
I 0ill rest at yo#r ho#se d#ring mid/day$ and rela. #nder the shado0 of yo#r
>hen -oti(herah heard this$ he felt great <oy$ and said$
=,lessed be
the Elohim of Yosef$ 0ho is (leased this very day to !ome to #sCA -oti(herah
!alled the ste0ard of his ho#se$ and said to him$
=H#rryC @a1e the ho#se
ready$ and (re(are a great dinner$ for Yosef/ the mighty man of Elohim/ is
!oming to #s todayCA
Asenath heard that her father and mother 0ere !oming from the
!o#ntry lands of their (ossession$
and she re<oi!ed and said$ =I 0ill go and see
my father and mother$ 0ho have !ome from the !o#ntry at harvest time.A
Asenath "#i!1ly (#t on fine linen and adorned herself 0ith a garment of gold
and hya!inth$ and bo#nd a golden girdle aro#nd her 0aist. She (#t bra!elets on
her hands and feet$ and !las(ed t0o (re!io#s ne!1la!es aro#nd her ne!1$ and (#t
golden shoes #(on her feet.
Her 0hole (erson 0as adorned 0ith (re!io#s
stones$ and the names of the elohim of the Egy(tians 0ere mar1ed #(on all the
ornaments$ and #(on the bra!elets5 there 0ere (ainted #(on the (re!io#s stones
the fig#res of the idols of Egy(t.
She (#t a hand1er!hief #(on her head$ and
fastened a !ro0n #nder the headbands$ and !overed her head 0ith a s#mmer veil.
3ha(ter Fo#r
She des!ended "#i!1ly do0n the stairs from the #((er story$ and !ame
to see her father and mother5 she (rostrated herself before them$ and hailed
-oti(herah and his 0ife felt a great <oy in their da#ghter$ for they sa0
her adorned li1e a bride 0ith the ornaments of the elohim.
They too1 o#t all
the good things they had bro#ght from the land of their (ossession$ and gave
them to her.
Asenath re<oi!ed be!a#se of all the good things they had bro#ghtB
gra(es$ figs$ dates$ and other fr#its.
-oti(herah said to Asenath his da#ghter$ =@y !hildCA
Asenath re(lied$ =Here am I$ my adonCA
-oti(herah said$ =3ome$ sit do0n bet0een #s$ and I 0ill tell yo# 0hat I
have to say.A
So Asenath sat bet0een her father and mother.
-oti(herah too1 hold
of the right hand of his da#ghter5 he 1issed it$ and said$ =Asenath$ my !hildCA
Asenath re(lied$ =Here am I$ my adon and fatherCA
-oti(herah said$ =Yosef$ mighty man of Elohim$ is !oming to #s today$
and he is the r#ler over all the land of Egy(t5 for -haraoh has a((ointed him as
head of his (ossessions$ and he is the savior of all this land5 for it is he 0ho
gives !orn to this !o#ntry$ and 0ill save men from the (resent famine and from
the !oming one.
Yosef is (io#s and !haste$ a virt#o#s man$ f#ll of 0isdom$ and
he resembles yo# 0ho are also virt#o#s. Yosef is (o0erf#l thro#gh his 0isdom
and 0it$ for the S(irit of Elohim and the gra!e of YH>H are 0ith him.
No0 my !hild$ listen to me$ and let me give yo# to him for a 0ife$ and let him
marry yo# and be yo#r h#sband from this day on0ard.A
It !ame to (ass$ 0hen Asenath heard the 0ords of her father$ the !olor
of her fa!e !hanged$ and she be!ame sad and f#ll of anger. She loo1ed at her
father 0ith disa((roval$ and said$
=>hy do yo#$ my adon and father$ say these
things$ to give me as a slave to a stranger and a f#gitive$ even to a servant 0ho
0as sold?
Is he not the son of a she(herd from the land of the 3anaanites$
0ho 0as !hided for having 0ronged his master4s 0ife? Did not his master (#t
him in a dar1 (rison$ altho#gh -haraoh the 1ing dre0 him o#t of the (rison for
having e.(lained his dream$ li1e the old 0omen of Egy(t also e.(lain dreams?
This m#st not be so$ for I 0ill marry the eldest son of -haraoh$ for he is the
1ing of all Egy(t.A
-oti(herah 0as afraid to s(ea1 again to his da#ghter !on!erning Yosef$
for she had ans0ered him 0ith boldness and indignation.
3ha(ter Five
A yo#ng man of the servants of -oti(herah !ame r#nning in$ and
anno#n!ed$ =,eholdC Yosef is at the doors of the ho#se$ near the !o#rtyard.A
Asenath then hastened from the (resen!e of her father and mother$
0hen she heard that Yosef 4s (resen!e had been anno#n!ed$ and 0ent to her room
in the #((er story. She stood before her large 0indo0 0hi!h fa!ed to0ard the
east$ that she might see Yosef 0hile he 0as entering the ho#se of her father.
-oti(herah and his 0ife$ along 0ith all of his servants and the 0hole
ho#sehold$ 0ent to meet Yosef.
They o(ened the gate of the !o#rt 0hi!h fa!ed
to0ard the east$ and Yosef entered$ seated in the golden !hariot of -haraoh$
0hi!h 0as dra0n by fo#r horses as 0hite as sno0 and adorned 0ith golden
Yosef 0as !lothed in a bea#tif#l 0hite t#ni!$ and 0ore a !loa1 of
(#r(le and fine linen 0oven 0ith gold5 on his head there 0as a !ro0n of gold$
and aro#nd the !ro0n there 0ere t0elve (re!io#s stones$ #(on 0hi!h there 0ere
t0elve radiant fig#res.
In his left hand he held a s!e(ter$ and in his right hand
he held a long olive bran!h f#ll of very bea#tif#l fr#it.
Yosef entered into the !o#rtyard$ and all the doors 0ere sh#t$
so that
all the (eo(le remained o#tside the !o#rt$ for the g#ardians of the doors had
lo!1ed them and did (ermit anyone to go in.
-oti(herah and his 0ife$ and all
his relatives$ e.!e(t Asenath their da#ghter$ !ame5 they (rostrated themselves
#(on their fa!es before Yosef$ and adored him.
Yosef got o#t of his !hariot$
and they re!eived him in their arms.
3ha(ter Si.
>hen Asenath sa0 Yosef$ she felt a strong love for him5 her so#l 0as
h#mbled$ her 1nees gre0 0ea1$ and her body trembled$
for she 0as seiDed 0ith
a great fear. She sighed from the bottom of her heart$ and said$
=>hat 0ill I
do no0$ miserable that I am? Is it not b#t <#st no0 that my father and mother
0ere s(ea1ing 0ith me$ and I regarded he 0ho 0as !oming to #s 0ith !ontem(t$
!alling him the son of a she(herd from the land of the 3anaanites? Did not they
tr#ly s(ea1 of Yosef ? And Yosef has !ome to #s li1e a s#n$ and entered into o#r
And I$ 0i!1ed and rash$ and vile that I am$ des(ised and disdained him$
and 0as offended by him$ and s(o1e evil 0ords !on!erning him. I did not 1no0
that Yosef 0as li1e the son of Elohim5 for 0ho else among men is gifted 0ith
s#!h bea#ty?
>ho !o#ld bring forth s#!h a glorio#s man? ,#t I$ 0ret!hed and
foolish that I am$ s(o1e evil 0ords !on!erning him to my father. >here 0ill I go
to hide myself from his (resen!e$ lest Yosef$ the beloved of Elohim$ might see
me? It seems that he 1no0s all se!rets$ and that nothing is hidden from him$
be!a#se of the great light that is in him. No0$ my ElohimB (ardon my ignoran!e
in s(ea1ing evil 0ords abo#t him$

and let my father give me to Yosef as a
maidservant to serve him$ and I 0ill be!ome his servant foreverCA
% Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =>here 0ill I go...A to =...s(ea1ing evil 0ords abo#t him.A
3ha(ter Seven
Yosef entered -oti(herah4s (ala!e and sat do0n on the throne. They
0ashed his feet$ and (re(ared that he sho#ld eat se(arately5 for Yosef did not eat
0ith the Egy(tians$ he !onsidering it a defilement to eat 0ith them.
Yosef said to -oti(herah$ and to all his relatives$ =>ho is that 0oman
0ho stands in the #((er story near the 0indo0? Eet her go a0ay from the
Yosef feared$ and tho#ght 0ithin himself$ =She may be a tro#ble to
me.A He tho#ght this be!a#se all the 0omen and da#ghters of the governors of
Egy(t$ 0hen they sa0 Yosef$ 0ere filled 0ith great (assion be!a#se of his bea#ty$
and they annoyed him.
,#t Yosef des(ised them5 he re(elled 0ith indignation
the messengers that the 0omen of the Egy(tians sent to him$ and re<e!ted 0ith
!ontem(t their gold and silver and !ostly gifts.
=For$A he said$ =I 0ill not sin
before YH>H$ the Savior of Yisra4el.A
He al0ays 1e(t in the forefront of his
mind the fig#re of Ya4a1ov his father$ and remembered his (re!e(ts. For Ya4a1ov
said to Yosef$ and to all his sons$ =@y !hildren$ 1ee( yo#rselves from the 0omen
of the strangers$ and have no fello0shi( 0ith them5 for their fello0shi( !a#ses
(erdition and !orr#(tion.A
It is be!a#se of this that Yosef said$ =Eet that
0oman go a0ay from the (ala!e.A
-oti(herah said to him$ =The 0oman yo# have seen in the #((er story
is not a stranger5 she is o#r da#ghter$ and yo#r servant$ a virgin$ 0hom no man
besides yo#rself has ever seen.
If yo# 0ill (ermit it$ she 0ill !ome and bo0
do0n before yo#$ for o#r da#ghter is as yo#r sister.A
Yosef greatly re<oi!ed 0hen -oti(herah said that she 0as a virgin$ and
that she hated to fall #nder the sight of any man. Yosef tho#ght 0ithin himself$
=If she is a virgin$ and she hates all men$ then (erha(s she 0ill not annoy me.A

Yosef then said to -oti(herah$ and to all his ho#sehold$ =If she is yo#r
da#ghter$ and a virgin$ let her !ome5 for she is my sister$ and I 0ill love her as my
sister from this (oint on0ard.A
* Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =Yosef tho#ght...A thro#gh =...she 0ill not annoy me.A
3ha(ter Eight
Her mother 0ent #( to the #((er story$ and bro#ght do0n Asenath to
(resent her before Yosef. -oti(herah said to Asenath his da#ghter$ =Hail yo#r
brother$ for he is (#re as yo#rself #ntil this day$ and he re<e!ts all foreign
0omen$ as yo# have re<e!ted all foreign men.A
Asenath said to YosefB =Re<oi!e$ my adon$ the blessed of the @ost
High Elohim.A
Yosef said to Asenath$ =@ay YH>H bless yo#$ for He gives life to
-oti(herah said to his da#ghter$ =3ome near$ and embra!e yo#r
It !ame to (ass$ 0hen Asenath did a((roa!h to embra!e him$ Yosef
stret!hed o#t his hand and (#t it against her breast$ and said$
=It is not fitting
that a righteo#s man$ 0ho adores the living Elohim$ 0ho eats of the ,read of
Eife$ and drin1s of the 3#( of Immortality$ and is anointed 0ith the Oil of
In!orr#(tibility$ sho#ld embra!e a foreign 0oman$ 0ho glorifies 0ith her o0n
mo#th the d#mb and deaf idols$ 0ho eats at their table strangled meats$ 0ho
drin1s 0ine at their table from the !#( of de!eit$ and 0ho anoints herself 0ith
the oil of (erdition.
,#t to a man 0ho adores Elohim$ it is right to embra!e his
friend and his (io#s mother and sister$ and all those 0ho are of his o0n family
and tribe$ and the 0oman 0ho is his 0ife$ and 0ho !onfesses the living Elohim
0ith her o0n mo#th.
Ei1e0ise$ it is not right that a (io#s 0oman sho#ld
embra!e a foreign man5 for it is a sin before Elohim.A
>hen Asenath heard the 0ords of Yosef$ she 0as filled 0ith sorro0ed$
and be!ame o((ressed 0ith grief5 she groaned and sighed$ and stared intensely at
Yosef the mee1$ 0ho feared Elohim. As she gaDed$ her eyes be!ame filled 0ith
Yosef sa0 her$ and had !om(assion on her5
he raised #( his right band$
and (#t it #(on her head$ and said$ =YH>H$ Elohim of Yisra4el my fatherB
Yo#$ the (o0erf#l Elohim and the @ost High of Ya4a1ov$ 0ho have given life to
all$ and have !alled them o#t of dar1ness to light$ and from error to tr#th$ and
from death to lifeB Yo#$ O YH>H$ bless this virgin$ and
rene0 her thro#gh
Yo#r S(irit$ 0hom Yo# have !reated$ and give her ne0 life thro#gh Yo#r se!ret
hand. Eet her eat of the bread of life$ and drin1 of the !#( of life5 #nite her
0ith the n#mber of Yo#r (eo(le$ 0hom Yo# have !hosen before anything 0as
!reated5 let her enter into Yo#r rest$ 0hi!h Yo# have (re(ared for Yo#r beloved$
and let her d0ell for all eternity in Yo#$ 0ho are the life.A
3ha(ter Nine
Asenath re<oi!ed greatly at Yosef 4s blessing$ and ret#rned to the #((er
story alone. She fell #(on her bed sighing$ be!a#se she felt <oy mi.ed 0ith
sadness$ 0ith fear and trembling. She had (ers(ired e.!essively 0hen she heard
the 0ords of Yosef$ 0hi!h he s(o1e to her in the name of the @ost High
She 0e(t very bitterly$ and re(ented in her heart be!a#se of her
elohim 0hi!h she adored5 she hated all her idols$ and 0aited for the evening.
Yosef ate and dran1$ and !ommanded the servants to harness the
horses to his !hariot$ for he said$ =I m#st go and visit this land.A
-oti(herah said to Yosef$ =Eet my adon rest here today$ and tomorro0
yo# may go yo#r 0ay.A
Yosef re(lied$ =That 0ill not do5 I m#st go today$ for this is the day in
0hi!h YH>H began to !reate all His !reation. I 0ill ret#rn to yo# on the
seventh day$ and 0ill ta1e my rest 0ith yo#.A
3ha(ter Ten
Yosef 0ent on his 0ay$ and -oti(herah$ together 0ith his family$
ret#rned to their (ossession.
Asenath remained alone 0ith her seven maidens5
she be!ame o((ressed 0ith sorro0$ and 0e(t #ntil the s#n disa((eared$ neither
eating bread$ nor drin1ing 0ater. It !ame to (ass$ 0hen night a((roa!hed$ that
everyone in the ho#se 0as aslee($ e.!e(t for Asenath.
She tho#ght of Yosef$
0ee(ing and beating her o0n !hest$ and she 0as e.tremely afraid$ trembling
>hen the 0hole ho#se 0as silent$ Asenath rose from her bed$ left the
#((er story$ softly !re(t do0n the stairs$ and 0ent near the millstones to the
miller$ only to find that the miller 0as aslee( 0ith his !hildren.
Asenath "#i!1ly
(#lled from the door the !#rtain of hair!loth$ and filled it 0ith ashes from the
fire(la!e5 then$ !arrying it to the #((er story$ she (#t it on the gro#nd.
sh#t the doors$ fastened them 0ith a bolt$ sighed heavily$ and shed many tears.
7 Some man#s!ri(ts omit verse 7.
The maidens$ 0ho 0ere bro#ght #( 0ith her$ along 0ith her n#rse$
0hom Asenath loved more than all of them$ heard her$ and !ame to her door.
They fo#nd it lo!1ed$ and as they heard the groaning and the 0ee(ing$ they
dre0 near$ and said$
=>hat is the matter$ Asenath$ o#r lady?
>hat is the
!a#se of yo#r affli!tion? O(en the door to #s$ and let #s see 0hat has ha((ened
to yo#.A
Asenath did not o(en the door$ b#t from 0ithin she said to them$ =I am
stri!1en by a bad heada!he$ and !annot rest5 I !annot even get #( to o(en the
door for yo#$ for my limbs are 0ea1. As for yo# allB everyone of yo# sho#ld
ret#rn to her o0n room and rest5 leave me to be!ome !alm and !olle!t myself.A
A!!ording to her order$ the maidens ea!h 0ent to her o0n room.
Asenath then arose$ softly o(ened the door$ and 0ent to the se!ond room$ 0here
the !hests 0ith her ornaments 0ere. She o(ened a !hest and too1 o#t her bla!1
!lothes$ 0hi!h 0as her mo#rning dress.
FShe had 0orn it before for mo#rning
the death of her yo#nger brother.G
Asenath too1 her bla!1 !lothes and bro#ght them into her room. She
sh#t the door behind her$ and fastened it 0ith a bolt. Asenath "#i!1ly too1 off
her royal !lothesB the fine linen and those of (#r(le inter0oven 0ith gold$ the
golden belt$ the !ro0n from her head$ and the bra!elets from her hands and feet5
she too1 all of them$ and thre0 them from the 0indo0 0hi!h fa!ed to0ard
the north.
In li1e manner$ Asenath h#rriedly too1 all the elohim of Egy(t$
0hi!h 0ere made of gold and silver$ and 0ere 0itho#t n#mber$ and thre0 them
do0n from the 0indo0 of the #((er story.
Asenath too1 her royal evening
mealB the bread$ the flesh of the heifer$ everything 0hi!h 0as sa!rifi!ed to her
elohim$ and the 0ine vessels in 0hi!h she (erformed the sa!rifi!es$ and thre0
them do0n from the 0indo0$ to be the (rey of strange dogs. Asenath said$ =@y
dogs 0ill not eat of the meal and of the lambs sa!rifi!ed to the idols$ and they
0ill not be defiled from this day on0ard5 b#t let the dogs of strangers eat them.A
It !ame to (ass$ after this$ that Asenath too1 the !#rtain of hair!loth
0hi!h she had filled 0ith ashes$ and (o#red the ashes on the floor of the ho#se.
She too1 the !#rtain of hair!loth$ and girded herself 0ith it5 then$ #ndoing
the tresses of her hair$ she (la!ed the ashes that 0ere on the gro#nd #(on her
She beat her breast$ and 0e(t bitterly for the 0hole night #ntil the
It !ame to (ass$ at da0n$ that Asenath sa0 that the ashes on the floor
of the ho#se had t#rned into m#d from her tears.
She fell on her fa!e again
#ntil s#nset$ 0hen evening had !ome.
Asenath did this again$ and again$ #ntil
the seventh day. She ill/treated and ve.ed herself all the seven days$ neither eating
bread nor drin1ing 0ater the entire time.
3ha(ter Eleven
On the eighth day at da0n$ 0hen the rooster began !ro0ing$ and the
dogs began to bar1 at those (assing by$ that she lifted #( her head$ and her
limbs 0ere 0ea1 and faint be!a#se she had not eaten for seven days.
She again
1nelt do0n on the floor of the room$ (la!ed her hand on the floor$ and bo0ed
do0n her head. Her hair$ be!a#se of the 0eight of the ashes$ 0as torn and
bro1en. Asenath$ <oining her hands together$ mo#rned be!a#se of her head$ and
beat her breast$ and lo#dly groaned and sighed. She (l#!1ed off her hair$ and
(#t on ashes5 th#s Asenath gre0 0eary and ve.ed in s(irit$ and lost her strength.
She t#rned to0ards the 0all and sat do0n by the 0indo0 0hi!h to0ard the east.
She bo0ed her head on her bosom$ !las(ed her hands on her 1nees$ and did
not s(ea1 any more 0ords. D#ring the seven days of her sadness$ Asenath did
not o(en her mo#th.
She said in her heart$ =>hat 0ill I do? >ho 0ill I ma1e my ref#ge?
>here 0ill I go$ seeing that I am a maiden$ lonely and hel(less?
Everyone has
abandoned and hated me5 even my father has hated me$ for I have des(ised their
elohim$ 0hom I have destroyed and !a#sed to be trodden #nder foot by all men.
@y father$ my mother$ and all my relatives therefore hate me. @y father said$
HAsenath 0ill no longer be !alled o#r da#ghter$ be!a#se she destroyed o#r elohim
made of gold and silverC4
And loo1C I have be!ome hatef#l to all men$ be!a#se
in my (ride. I did 0rong against all men$ and against the man to 0hom I 0as
betrothed. No0$ in this affli!tion of mine$ I have be!ome hatef#l to everyone$
and I !herish my affli!tion.A
She tho#ght$ and said$ =Adonai$ Elohim of Yosef$ Yo# 0ho are the
@ost HighC Yo# hate those 0ho adore idols that are lifeless$ d#mb$ and
senseless$ for Yo# are a vengef#l and terrible Elohim against strange elohim.
Yo#$ O Elohim$ m#st hate me also$ for I have adored the s(ee!hless$ deaf$ and
senseless idols$ and have offered (rayers to them.
I have eaten of their bread
and sa!rifi!es$ and my mo#th has been defiled at the table of their sa!rifi!es$ and
+ Some man#s!ri(ts omit from here thro#gh all of verse %;.
I do not dare invo1e the Elohim of heaven and earth$ the @ost High Savior of
Yosef$ for my so#l has been !ontaminated by the sa!rifi!es offered to idols.
No0 I have been told that the tr#e Elohim is that of the Ivrim$ and that He is
the Elohim of the living$ and that He is mer!if#l$ long/s#ffering$ !om(assionate$
and (atient$ and that He does not remember the sins of the man 0ho re(ents$
and that He does not (#nish man in the time of his distress.
Eet me have
!o#rage to t#rn to Him$ and to ma1e Him my ref#ge$ and !onfess to Him all my
sins$ and to offer my (rayers before Him5 and He 0ill be mer!if#l to me.
=-er!han!e that He may loo1 #(on my desolationC -er!han!e that He
may see my desolation$ and have (ity #(on me.
-er!han!e He may see my
distress and !ome to my hel($ be!a#se He is the Father of the or(han
and the
Hel(er of those 0ho s#ffer.
Eet me have !o#rage and !ry o#t to Him$ so that
He may grant me forgivenessCA
Asenath rose #( from the 0all by 0hi!h she sat and t#rned herself
to0ards the 0indo0 0hi!h fa!ed to0ard the east. She 1nelt do0n$ and raised #(
her hands to heaven$ b#t felt afraid to o(en her mo#th and invo1e the name of
Elohim. She t#rned again to the 0all and sat do0n5 she beat her breast 0ith her
hand$ and s(o1e in her o0n heart$ and said 0itho#t o(ening her mo#th$
0ret!hed one that I am$ or(han and desolate5 my mo#th is defiled by the
sa!rifi!es to the idols$ and by the (rayers I offered to the elohim of the
I have tort#red my body$ mingling ashes 0ith my tears$ b#t even
no0 I dare not o(en my mo#th and invo1e Yo#r holy and a0esome Name$ for it
may be that Elohim 0ill be angry 0ith me.
>hat am I to do$ 0ret!hed as I
am? Eet me ta1e !o#rage and o(en my mo#th to Him$ and sho#ld He be angry
and !r#sh me$ He !an again heal me. Sho#ld He (#nish me again 0ith
s#fferings$ He !an !omfort me on!e more$ and in (#nishing me$ He may rene0
me thro#gh His mer!y$ sho#ld He be angry be!a#se of of my sins. He may be
re!on!iled to me$ and grant me (ardon for all my sins. No0 let me have !o#rage$
and o(en my mo#th to Him$ so that He 0ill have mer!y #(on me and ta1e a0ay
my sins.A
8 -salm 9;B8.
3ha(ter T0elve
Asenath rose #( from the 0all$ and 1nelt do0n$ lifting #( her hands
to0ards the east$ and loo1ing #( to0ard heaven. She o(ened her mo#th to
Elohim$ and said$
=YH>H$ eternal Elohim$ 0ho has !reated all beings$ and
has given life to them5
=Yo# 0ho have given the breath of life to all Yo#r !reat#res5
=Yo# 0ho have bro#ght to light the invisible things5
=Yo# 0ho have !reated all visible !reation o#t of the invisible$ and o#t
of nothing5
=Yo# 0ho have made the heaven on high$ and have laid its fo#ndations
#(on the 0inds5
=Yo# 0ho$ 0ith Yo#r holy stones$ have b#ilt the earth #(on the 0aters5
=Yo# 0ho have thro0n h#ge stones #(on the de(ths of the 0aters$ so
that the stones are not s#bmerged$ b#t li1e leaves of the oa1 tree remain on the
0aters$ for those stones are alive$ and listen to Yo#r voi!e$ O YH>H.
=Yo#$ YH>H$ give life to all Yo#r !reat#res5
=I t#rn to Yo#$ O YH>H$ for <#sti!e5
=To Yo# I (o#r o#t my (rayers5
=To Yo# I 0ill reveal mine ini"#ities.
=Have (ity #(on me$ O YH>H$ for I have sinned and transgressed
before Yo#5
=O YH>H5 I have !ommitted many sins and transgressions5 I
!ommitted ini"#ities$ and I s(o1e evil and 0i!1ed 0ords. @y mo#th 0as defiled
0ith the sa!rifi!es of the idols5 be!a#se of this$ I have sinned many times
thro#gh ignoran!e$ and have adored the idols that are lifeless and d#mb.
,e!a#se of my many sins$ I am not 0orthy to o(en my mo#th.
=I$ Asenath$ da#ghter of -oti(herah the (riest$ and (rin!ess$ hereby
de!lareB I 0as on!e (ro#d and arrogant$ li1e hell itself$ gro0n in ri!hes more than
any other5 I have no0 be!ome an or(han$ hated and abandoned by all. I !onfide
in Yo#$ O YH>H$ and I !ry o#t to Yo#$ to save me before my (erse!#tion
begins. A !hild$ in his terror$ ta1es ref#ge 0ith his father$ and the father$
e.tending his hand$ ta1es hold of him$ and lifts him #( from the gro#nd5 the
!hild !lings aro#nd the ne!1 of his father$ and being soothed and !omforted$
rests in his arms. In the same 0ay I$ too$ (er(le.ed on all sides$ ta1e ref#ge 0ith
Yo#$ my @aster and Father.
=E.tend Yo#r hand$ and lift me #( from the gro#nd. ,eholdC The 0ild
and old Eion (erse!#tes me$
for he is the father of the elohim of the
Egy(tians. The idols of the heathen are sons of the Eion5 and I thre0 a0ay all
the elohim and destroyed them$ and the Eion their father$ filled 0ith anger$
(erse!#tes me.
=Save me$ O YH>H$ from his hands$ and deliver me from his
mo#thC He 0ill !arry me a0ay 0ith violen!e5 he 0ill tear me to (ie!es$ and
thro0 me into the fire of the f#rna!e. He 0ill !ast me into the h#rri!ane$ and
the h#rri!ane 0hirling aro#nd me 0ill leave me blinded. He 0ill thro0 me into
the de(ths of the abyss$ and the an!ient sea beast 0ill s0allo0 me #($ and I 0ill
(erish for ever.
=Deliver me$ O YH>H$ before all this !omes #(on me. Deliver me$
and save me 0hile I am estranged$ for my father and mother have !ast me off5
they have said$ HAsenath is not o#r da#ghter$ be!a#se she has destroyed o#r
elohim$ and has hated them.4 ,e!a#se of this I have be!ome hated by them$ and
have been abandoned and an or(han5 b#t my ho(e is in Yo#$ for there is none
beside Yo#$ O YH>H$ in 0hom I may have ref#ge. Yo# are the Father of the
or(han and the (erse!#ted$ and the Hel(er of the o((ressed. Have (ity on me$ a
maiden affli!ted and forsa1en$ for Yo# are a Father and a @other$ good and
s0eet. >ho else is a father$ as s0eet as Yo#? >ho else is a mother$ as
!om(assionate as Yo#? >ho else is as (atient as Yo# to0ard the sinners?
=Everything that my father -oti(herah gave me for an inheritan!e is
(erishable and tem(oral$ for they are not in!orr#(tible5 b#t all of Yo#r gifts and
inheritan!e 0ill not (ass not a0ay$ for they are eternal.A
3ha(ter Thirteen
=Eoo1 #(on me$ o((ressed as I am$ and have mer!y #(on me. I ran
a0ay from all the 0orld$ and have made Yo# my ref#ge$ O YH>H. I have
abandoned all the good things of the 0orld$ and have (#t my ho(e in Yo#. I
no0 re(ent$ in sa!1!loth and ashes$ and mo#rn for my sins.
9 Earge (ortions of verses :/%% are not (resent in all man#s!ri(ts.
=,ehold$ I have !ast off my royal garments$ the fine linen$ 0hi!h 0as
adorned 0ith <e0els and embroidered 0ith gold$ and have (#t on a dress of
=,ehold$ I have #ntied my golden girdle$ and have (#t on a hair!loth
I have !ast off my !ro0n and diadem$ and instead of them$ I have
anointed myself 0ith ashes.
=,ehold$ the floor of my ho#se 0as made of marble and bright (#r(le$
yet I (o#red #(on it (erf#mes and !leansed it 0ith !lean linen5 no0 my tears
have fallen #(on it$ and have mingled 0ith the ashes.
=,ehold$ thro#gh my tears these ashes have been !hanged into mire$
and have be!ome li1e the m#d of the streets and (#bli! roads.
=,ehold$ amidst my tears$ I have given my royal meal to the dogs of
and for seven days and seven nights ate no bread$ nor did I drin1
0ater. @y mo#th has dried #( li1e the (ar!hment of a dr#m5 my tong#e has
be!ome li1e horn$ and my li(s li1e bri!1. @y fa!e is bo0ed do0n$ and my eyes
are s0ollen and disfig#red be!a#se of my (rolifi! tears5 all my strength has
de(arted me. I 1no0 the elohim$ 0hi!h I on!e 0orshi(ed in ignoran!e5 they are
s(ee!hless and d#mb idols. I !ast them o#t$ to be trodden #(on$ and the vandals
have ravished those of gold and silver. I have destroyed them all from before my
I ta1e ref#ge in Yo#$ O YH>H$ Elohim of Yosef5 save me$ O YH>H$
and grant me (ardonC I have sinned thro#gh ignoran!e$ and I 0ent astray
thro#gh folly$ and s(o1e blas(hemo#s 0ords against o#r adon Yosef$
be!a#se I
did not 1no0 that Yo# love him as a son5 b#t there 0ere (eo(le 0ho s(o1e to me
in sin!erity$ saying that Yosef 0as the son of a she(herd from the land of the
3anaanites. I believed them$ and 0as 0rong in des(ising him5 I s(o1e 0i!1ed
0ords against him$ be!a#se I did not 1no0 that Yo# love Yosef li1e a son.
=>ho !an !reate s#!h bea#ty$ s#!h 0isdom and virt#e.
Iee( him$
O YH>H$ thro#gh the gra!e of Yo#r 0isdom$ and give me to him as a
handmaid and a slave$ so that I may (re(are his bed and 0ash his feet and be a
maidservant to him.A
3ha(ter Fo#rteen
It !ame to (ass$ 0hen Asenath had finished s(ea1ing to the YH>H$
that the morning star shone forth.
Asenath re<oi!ed 0hen she sa0 the star$ and
said$ =-erha(s YH>H has heard my (rayers$ for beholdC The star of Elohim$
0hi!h is an angel and a herald$ shines forth.A
Asenath loo1ed again$ and
beholdC Near the morning star$ the heaven 0as o(ened$ and a great light
and Asenath fell on her fa!e #(on the ashes at the sight of it.
One 0ith the li1eness of a man then des!ended from heaven5 standing
before Asenath$ he !alled to her$ and said$ =AsenathCA
She tho#ght to herself$ =>ho is it 0ho !alls me? The doors of my
room are sh#t$ and this to0er is high5 ho0 !o#ld he enter into my room?A
The man !alled to her a se!ond time$ and said$ =AsenathCA
Asenath re(lied$ =Here am I. ,#t tell me/ 0ho are yo#?A
The man said$ =I am the !hief r#ler over the Ho#se of YH>H$ and
!ommander of the host of the @ost High.
AriseC Stand #( #(on yo#r feet$
and I 0ill tell yo# 0hat I have to say.A
Asenath lifted #( her head$ and she sa0 that the man 0as "#ite li1e
Yosef 0ith his garment$ his !ro0n and his royal s!e(ter.
His fa!e 0as li1e
lightning5 his eyes 0ere li1e the rays of the s#n5 his hair 0as li1e flames5 his
hands 0ere li1e red hot iron5 and from his hands and feet fell do0n s(ar1s li1e
from roaring fire.
>hen Asenath sa0 him$ she fell do0n on her fa!e #(on the
gro#nd$ frightened$ 0ith all of her limbs trembling.
The man said to her$ =,e of good !heer$ Asenath. Do not be afraid$
b#t arise$ and stand on yo#r feet. I 0ill tell yo# 0hat I have to say.A
Asenath rose #( and stood #(on her feet. The man said$ =6o$ and
ta1e off that bla!1 garment of mo#rning that yo# 0ear$ that hair!loth !#rtain$
and sha1e off the ashes from yo#r head. >ash yo#rself 0ith living 0ater$
(#t on a ne0$ magnifi!ent garmentC 6ird yo#rself 0ith the golden girdle of yo#r
and allo0 me to tell yo# 0hat I have to say.A
: An alternate reading is as follo0sB =I am the -rin!e of Yisra4el$ and more (o0erf#l than all
the saints of the @ost High.A
Asenath "#i!1ly 0ent to her se!ond room$ in 0hi!h 0ere the !hests
0ith her ornaments. She o(ened one of the !hests and too1 from it magnifi!ent
linen !lothes 0hi!h had never been 0orn. She too1 off the bla!1 garment of
mo#rning$ and !ast the hair!loth !#rtain from her loins5 she dressed herself in
the magnifi!ent robes$
and girded her breasts and loins 0ith the girdles of her
She shoo1 the ashes off of her head$ and 0ashed her hands and
fa!e. She !overed her head 0ith a ne0 and !lean linen hand1er!hief.
3ha(ter Fifteen
She ret#rned to the first room$ and stood before the man. He said to
her$ =Ta1e off the hand1er!hief from yo#r head. >hy do yo# 0ear it today? To
this day yo# are a holy and !haste maiden$ and yo#r head resembles that of a
yo#ng man.A
Asenath too1 the hand1er!hief off of her head. The man said to her$
=,e of good !omfort$ Asenath$ holy maiden. I have heard yo#r !onfessions and
yo#r (rayers. ,eholdC I have seen yo#r seven days of s#ffering and destit#tion$
and I have seen the mire from the ashes and the tears.
,e of good !omfort$
Asenath$ holy maiden$ for yo#r name is 0ritten by the hand of Elohim in heaven
in the ,oo1 of Eife$ among those 0ho4s names 0ere 0ritten do0n from the very
beginning. ,y the 0itness of many$ yo#r name 0as 0ritten do0n for all eternity.
=,eholdC From this day for0ard$ yo# 0ill be rene0ed$ and on!e more
alive againC Yo# 0ill eat of the ,read of Eife$ and 0ill drin1 of the 3#( of
Immortality$ and 0ill be anointed 0ith the Oil of In!orr#(tibility.
,e of good
!heer$ Asenath$ holy maiden$ for I have given yo# today as a s(o#se to Yosef$ and
he 0ill be yo#r h#sband forever.
Yo# 0ill no longer be !alled Asenath$ b#t
rather HA 3ity of Ref#ge.4 Thro#gh yo# a great many generations 0ill ta1e ref#ge
in the YH>H$ Elohim of heaven$ and yo#r shado0 0ill shelter those 0ho have
(#t their ho(e in the YH>H Elohim$ and in yo#r 0alls those 0ho re(ent to
the @ost High 0ill entren!h themselves.
=Re(entan!e lifts a man near heaven$ and ma1es him dear to the @ost
High 0hen he see1s Him 0ith sin!erity. Elohim is the 6iver of all gifts$ and He
grants strength to all virgins. He see1s (#rity$ and loves it very m#!h5 He al0ays
0at!hes yo# 0ith tenderness. He re!eives those 0ho re(ent as near to Him in
His d0elling$ and (re(ares a heavenly (la!e of rest for them$ 0here all 0ho have
re(ented 0ill rest5 they 0ill al0ays be there$ #nder His eye forever$ and He 0ill
s(are them.
=Re(entan!e herself is as a virgin5 she is very bea#tif#l and (#re5 she is
!haste and gentle. The @ost High Elohim loves her$ and all His angels revere
=,eholdC I am going to Yosef$ and I 0ill s(ea1 to him all that I have to
say abo#t yo#. Yosef 0ill !ome to see yo# today$ and he 0ill re<oi!e be!a#se of
yo#. He 0ill love yo#$ and he 0ill be yo#r h#sband$ and yo# 0ill be his bride
Eisten to me$ maiden$ Asenath5 yo# have (#t on yo#r 0edding robe$
0hi!h 0as (re(ared for yo# from the beginning5 yo# have adorned and
embellished yo#rself 0ith all yo#r ornaments as a good bride. Rise #($ go$ and
meet Yosef$
for he is !oming to yo# today.A
It !ame to (ass$ 0hen the man finished s(ea1ing$ that Asenath felt a
great <oy for everything that he had said.
She fell #(on her fa!e at his feet and
adored him$ and said$ =,lessed be the @ost High Elohim$ 0ho sent yo#$ and
saved me from this dar1nessC He has raised me #( from the bottom of the
de(ths. ,lessed be His name foreverC
Tell me$ my adon$ 0hat is yo#r name?
Tell me$ my adon$ so that I might also give blessing to yo# for all eternity.A
The man said to her$ =@y name is 0ritten in heaven from all eternity$ in
the ,oo1 of the @ost High$ among those 0ho 0ere 0ritten in the very
beginning$ before all others$ for I am the !hief of the @ost High. All the names
that are 0ritten in the ,oo1 of the @ost High are #nfathomable$ and no man in
this 0orld !an either hear them or see them5 their names are great$ admirable$
and (raise0orthy.A
Asenath said$ =I have fo#nd favor before yo#$ and I #nderstand all that
yo# have said to me. Eet no0 me$ yo#r handmaiden$ s(ea1 before yo#.A
He re(lied$ =S(ea1.A
Asenath said$ =I besee!h yo#$ my adon.A In saying this$ she stret!hed o#t
her hand$ and made it rea!h his hand and his 1nee$ and earnestly (leading 0ith
him$ she said$ =Sit do0n on this bed$ for this bed is !lean and (#re$ and neither
man nor 0oman has ever sat #(on. I 0ill (re(are a table for yo#$ and 0ill bring
bread from the storeho#se$ and old and s0eet 0ine$ so that yo# may eat and
drin1 before going on yo#r 0ay.A
The man said to her$ =H#rry$ and bring it.A
; Some man#s!ri(ts omit verse ;.
& Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =0hat is yo#r name...A thro#gh =...(raise0orthy.A
3ha(ter Si.teen
Asenath bro#ght an em(ty table and set it before him$ and as she 0as
going to her (antry to bring bread for him$ he said to her$ =,ring me a
honey!omb also.A
Asenath sto((ed 0hat she 0as doing and be!ame sad$ for she had no
honey!omb in her (antry.
The man said$ =>hy did yo# sto($ and 0hy are yo# sad?A
Asenath re(lied$ =I 0ill send a boy o#t of o#r to0n$ for o#r !o#ntry
(ossession is near this (la!e$ and he 0ill fet!h from there a honey!omb for me to
give yo#$ my adon.A
The man said to her$ =6o into yo#r !ellar$ and yo# 0ill find a
honey!omb on the table5 bring it here.A
Asenath re(lied$ =There is no honey!omb in my !ellar.A
The man said$ =6o into the !ellar$ and yo# 0ill find one.A
Asenath 0ent into her !ellar$ and there she fo#nd a honey!omb on the
table5 the honey!omb that she fo#nd 0as large$ as 0hite as the sno0$ and entirely
f#ll of honey. It 0as li1e the de0 of heaven$ and its smell 0as li1e the ,reath of
Asenath 0as amaDed$ and she 0ondered if (erha(s the honey!omb had
!ome from the man4s mo#th$ sin!e it smelled li1e his breath.
Asenath too1 the
honey!omb$ bro#ght it before the man$ and (la!ed it #(on the em(ty table
0hi!h she had (re(ared. The man said to her$ =>hy did yo# say that there 0as
no honey!omb in yo#r !ellar? From 0here did this e.!ellent honey!omb !ome?A
Asenath 0as frightened$ and said$ =@y $ I had no honey!omb in my
!ellar$ b#t yo# have s(o1en$ and it 0as soC -erha(s it !ame forth from yo#r
mo#th$ for its smell is as the (erf#me of yo#r mo#th.A
The man smiled at Asenath4s modesty. He !alled her near him$ and (#t
his right hand #(on her head. Asenath 0as afraid of the man4s hand$ for from
his hand fell do0n s(ar1s as from a red hot iron. The man$ 0hen he sa0 her fear$
smiled$ and said$ =Yo# are blessed$ Asenath$ that the se!rets of the @ost High
Elohim have been revealed to yo#. ,lessed also are those 0ho stand before
YH>H thro#gh re(entan!e$ for they 0ill eat of this honey!omb.
honey!omb is the ,reath of Eife$ (re(ared by the bees in the 6arden of
%' Eiterally =odorA or =smell.A
Elohim4s Delight$ from the de0 of the roseb#shes of Elohim4s life. The angels
of Elohim 0ill eat of it$ as 0ill the sons of the @ost High$ also the !hosen of
Elohim$ for it is the honey!omb of life$ and 0hoever eats of it 0ill never die.A
The man stret!hed o#t his hand and bro1e a little (ie!e of the
honey!omb$ and ate from it$ and 0hat remained in his hand he (#t it into
Asenath4s mo#th. He said$ =,ehold$ yo# have eaten of the ,read of Eife$ and
dr#n1 of the 3#( of Immortality$ and have been anointed 0ith the Oil of
In!orr#(tibility. From this day for0ard$ yo#r body 0ill b#d li1e a flo0er$ and
0ill bring forth do#ble$ li1e a living flo0er of the 6arden of the @ost High.
Yo#r bones 0ill gro0 strong li1e the !edars of the 6arden of Elohim4s Delight$
and yo# 0ill be s#rro#nded by strength that 0ill never tire5 yo#r yo#th 0ill never
see old age$ and yo#r bea#ty 0ill never fail. Yo# 0ill be li1e a fortified to0n in
the name of the YH>H Elohim$ the eternal Iing.A
After this the man stret!hed forth his hand and to#!hed the
honey!omb 0hi!h he had bro1en$ and instantly the !avity 0as (erfe!tly filled
again$ and it be!ame !om(lete as it 0as before.
He stret!hed forth the
forefinger of his right hand and to#!hed the east side of the honey!omb$ and
bro#ght his it aro#nd to the 0est side$ and the (rint of his finger be!ame li1e
He stret!hed forth his hand a se!ond time and to#!hed the north side
of the honey!omb$ and bro#ght it aro#nd to the so#th side$ and the a((earan!e
of the (rint of his finger be!ame li1e blood.
Asenath 0at!hed in amaDement
to see 0hat the man 0as doing.
The man said to the honey!omb$ =3ome
here.A ,ees emerged from the !ells of the honey!omb$ and there 0ere !l#sters and
tho#sands of tho#sands of bees$ 0hite as the sno0$ and f#ll of honey. Their
0ings 0ere long and !rimson !olored$ and some of them 0ere li1e t0ined fine
linen. Aro#nd their heads they loo1ed as if they had golden !ro0ns. They 0ere
of a noble a((earan!e$ and had a shar( sting$ b#t they did not harm anyone.

They s#rro#nded Asenath from the feet to the head5 they 0ere the absol#te best
bees$ being large li1e "#eens. They arose from the s#rfa!e of the honey!omb and
sat #(on Asenath4s fa!e$ and 0or1ed aro#nd it$ and the o(ening of the
honey!omb 0as in the sha(e of Asenath4s mo#th.
The man said to the bees$ =6o to yo#r (la!e.A
%% Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =He said$ H,ehold...4A in verse & thro#gh =...!om(lete$ as it 0as
before.A in verse %'.
All the bees arose and fle0 a0ay$ and 0ent to0ards the s1y5
yet those
0ho 0o#ld have h#rt Asenath fell do0n and died.
The man e.tended his staff
to the dead bees$ and said$ =Arise also$ and go to yo#r (la!e.A The dead bees
arose and 0ent o((osite Asenath4s (ala!e$ and settled themselves #(on the fr#it/
bearing trees.
3ha(ter Seventeen
The man said to Asenath$ =Do yo# #nderstand 0hat yo# have seen?A
She re(lied$ =I do.A
The man said$ =A!!ording to all the 0ords I have s(o1en to yo# today$
so it 0ill ha((en to yo#.A
He stret!hed o#t his right hand a third time and to#!hed the
honey!omb5 a fire b#rst forth and !ons#med the honey!omb$ b#t the table 0as
not damaged5 the smell of the honey!omb filled the room$ and its s!ent 0as
e.tremely deli!io#s.
Asenath said to the man$ =>ith me there are seven maidens5 they have
gro0n #( 0ith me$ and 0ere born on the same night as myself. I love them li1e
my sisters5 let me !all them here$ that yo# might bless them li1e yo# blessed me.A
The man re(lied$ =3all them.A
Asenath !alled for them and (resented them to the man. He said to
them$ =YH>H$ the @ost High Elohim$ let Him bless yo#. Yo# 0ill be!ome as
seven !ol#mns of this to0n$ and the blessing of YH>H 0ill rest #(on yo# for
all eternity.A
He said to Asenath$ =Ta1e a0ay the table from its (la!e.A
Asenath too1 a0ay the table from its (la!e5 she t#rned to (#t it in its
(ro(er (la!e$ and the man disa((eared from Asenath4s sight.
Asenath sa0 0hat a((eared to be a !hariot going #( to0ard the east$
into heaven. The !hariot a((eared to be li1e fire$ 0ith its horses li1e lightning$
and the man stood in the !hariot.
Asenath said$ =I am foolish and rash$ for I
s(o1e rashly$ and said that a man !ame into my room$ 0hen I did not even
#nderstand that the angel of YH>H has !ome to me this day from heavenC
,ehold/ he has ret#rned to his (la!e.A
She 0ent on to say$ =-ardon me$ my adon$ and s(are yo#r handmaid5 for
I have s(o1en rashly and 0i!1edly before yo#.A
3ha(ter Eighteen
>hile Asenath 0as thin1ing on this$ one of -iti(herah4s servants$ a
yo#ng boy$ ran in$ and said$ =,ehold$ Yosef the mighty one of Elohim$ is
!oming to #sC Even no0$ his forer#nner is on the threshold of the !o#rtyard.A
Asenath hastened5 she !alled her head n#rse and said to her$ =H#rryC
-re(are the (ala!e$ and ma1e ready an e.!ellent meal for Yosef$ the mighty one
of Elohim$ 0ho is !oming here todayCA
Her n#rse loo1ed at her$ and realiDed ho0 her fa!e had fallen from her
seven days4 la!1 of food. She be!ame very sad$ and 0e(t5 she 1issed her right
hand$ and said$ =>hat is the matter 0ith yo#$ my !hild$ that yo#r fa!e has fallen
li1e this?A
Asenath re(lied$ =A heavy heada!he had seiDed me$ and my eyes lost
their slee(5 that is 0hy fa!e has fallen.A
The n#rse 0ent to (re(are the (ala!e and a meal.
Asenath remembered the man and his orders$ and "#i!1ly entered her
inner room$ 0here the !hests of her ornaments 0ere 1e(t. She o(ened the big
!hest and too1 o#t from it her 0edding dress$ the best of the best$ 0hi!h 0as as
brilliant as lightning. She (#t it on$
and girded herself 0ith a royal golden
girdle$ ornamented 0ith st#ds. She (#t on her arms and an1les bra!elets of gold$
and adorned her ne!1 0ith (re!io#s ornaments$ #(on 0hi!h there 0as a variety
of many (re!io#s stones. She (#t a !ro0n of gold #(on her head$ in front of
0hi!h 0as a gem$ and to the right and left of it there 0ere si. large (re!io#s and
val#able stones.
Ei1e a tr#e bride$ she (#t a s#mmer veil on her head$ and too1
the royal s!e(ter in her hand.
Asenath then remembered 0hat her n#rse had said$ that her !om(le.ion
loo1ed sad$ and she sighed and gre0 very sad. She said$ =If Yosef sees that my
fa!e has gro0n thin$ he 0ill hate meCA
She said to her n#rse$ =,ring me !lean 0ater from the fo#ntain$ and I
0ill 0ash my fa!e.A
The n#rse bro#ght her the 0ater and (o#red it into a hand/basin.
Asenath$ stoo(ing do0n to 0ash her fa!e$ sa0 her !om(le.ion in the 0ater$ that
it 0as li1e the s#n$ and her eyes resembled the da0ning of the morning star. Her
footste(s 0ere smooth and gra!ef#l5 her !hee1s 0ere red li1e (ie!es of
(omegranate$ and her li(s 0ere li1e a b#dding rose. Her teeth 0ere bea#tif#lly
set li1e shield/bearers in 0ar5 her hair 0as li1e a vineyard field f#ll of fr#its$ and
her ne!1 0as bea#tif#l li1e a to0er.
Asenath$ seeing herself li1e this in the 0ater$ 0as filled 0ith great <oy$
and she did not 0ash her fa!e any more.
Her n#rse !ame into the room to tell
Asenath 0hat she had (re(ared for her$ and 0hen she sa0 her she 0as lost in
0onder. She remained in 0onder for abo#t t0o ho#rs$ for Asenath4s bea#ty
!a#sed her a great fear. Falling at her feet$ she said$ =Ho0 !an this be$ my lady?
From 0here has this s#r(rising and 0onderf#l bea#ty !ome to yo#? I thin1 that
YH>H$ Elohim of heaven$ has !hosen yo# to be a bride for Yosef.A
3ha(ter Nineteen
>hile they 0ere tal1ing$ the servant/boy !ame to Asenath$ and
de!lared$ =,eholdC Yosef is at the doors of the !o#rtyardCA
Asenath "#i!1ly 0ent do0n the stairs$ together 0ith the seven virgins$
to meet Yosef$ and she sto((ed in the (assage of the (ala!e.
As soon as Yosef
entered the !o#rtyard$ the doors 0ere !losed$ leaving all the strangers to remain
Asenath 0ent in to the (assage0ay to meet Yosef. >hen Yosef sa0 her
he 0as str#!1 0ith 0onder by her great bea#ty5 he said to her$ =>ho are yo#?
Tell me$ "#i!1lyCA
She re(lied$ =I am Asenath$ yo#r handmaiden5 a!!ording to yo#r
!ommand$ I thre0 o#t and destroyed all my idols. A man !ame today5 he gave
me ,read of Eife$ and I ate it$ and I dran1 of the !#( of blessing. He said to me$
HI 0ill give yo# to Yosef as a bride$ and he 0ill be to yo# as a h#sband for
eternity.4 Again$ he said to me$ HYo# 0ill no longer be !alled Asenath$ b#t rather a
To0n of Ref#ge5 for thro#gh yo#$ many generations 0ill ta1e ref#ge in YH>H
the @ost High Elohim.4
Again$ he said$ HI 0ill go to Yosef$ and I 0ill tell him
0hat I have said abo#t yo#.4
No0$ my adon$ yo# 1no0 if the man has !ome to
yo#$ and 0hether or not he has told yo# these things.A
%* Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =Her footste(s 0ere smooth and gra!ef#l...A in verse & thro#gh
all of verse %%.
Yosef said to Asenath$ =Yo# are blessed by YH>H$ the @ost High
Elohim5 for YH>H Elohim has raised yo#r 0alls on immovable fo#ndations$ a
0all of life$ for many of the sons of men 0ill d0ell in that to0n of ref#ge$ and
YH>H Elohim 0ill reign over them for all eternity.
That man !ame to me
today$ and he said these 0ords abo#t yo#. No0 !ome to me$ holy maidenC >hy
do yo# sto( so far from me?A
He raised his hand and s#mmoned for Asenath to !ome near him5
Asenath hastened and 0ent near Yosef. She fell on his bosom$ and their so#ls
0ere revived$ and 0ere filled 0ith <oy.
Yosef 1issed her$ and the s(irit of life
0as given to her$ as 0ell as the s(irit of 0isdom and the s(irit of tr#th5 then$
embra!ing one another$ they fo#nd many ho#rs of am#sement.
3ha(ter T0enty
Asenath said$ =3ome$ my adon$ !ome into o#r ho#se5 for I have (#t
things here in order$ and have (re(ared a feast.A
She too1 him by the hand and
led him into the ho#se$ and$ seating him in her father4s !hair$ she bro#ght o#t
0ater to 0ash his feet.
Yosef said$ =Eet one of the maidens !ome to 0ash my feet.A
Asenath re(lied$ =Eet it not be$ my 5 from this day for0ard$ I am yo#r
handmaiden. >hy do yo# 0ish that another sho#ld 0ash yo#r feet? Yo#r feet are
as my feet$ and yo#r body is as my body.A
She (ressed on$ and 0ashed his feet. Yosef loo1ed$ and sa0 that her
hands 0ere li1e the hands of life$ and that her fingers 0ere li1e the (en of a
ready 0riter. At this$ Yosef too1 her right hand and 1issed it5 Asenath 1issed his
head$ and sat do0n at his right side.
Her father and mother !ame from their !o#ntry ho#se$ 0ith all their
relatives. They sa0 that Asenath 0as li1e a vision of light$ and that her bea#ty
resembled the bea#ty of heavenly beings. They sa0 that she sat 0ith Yosef$ and
0as dressed in 0edding attire.
They 0ere amaDed by this$ and 0ere str#!1 0ith
0onder be!a#se of her bea#ty5 they gave than1s to Elohim$ 0ho gives life to all
%7 Some man#s!ri(ts omit verses */%' and most of %%.
After these things$ they ate$ dran1$ and re<oi!ed.
-oti(herah said to
Yosef$ =Tomorro0$ !all for the governors and the great men of the Egy(t$ and I
0ill !elebrate yo#r 0edding$ and yo# 0ill ta1e Asenath my da#ghter as yo#r
Yosef re(lied$ =Eet it not be so5 for tomorro0$ I 0ill !all #(on the
1ing$ -haraoh$ for he is as my father. He a((ointed me r#ler over this land$ and I
0ill s(ea1 to him abo#t Asenath$ and he 0ill give her to me as my 0ife.A
-oti(herah said$ =6o in (ea!e.A
3ha(ter T0enty/One
Yosef remained at -oti(herah4s ho#se that day$ b#t he 1e(t himself
from Asenath5 =For$A he said$ =It is not be!oming of a (io#s man to lay 0ith his
0ife before the 0edding.A
Yosef arose in the morning. He 0ent to -haraoh$ and
said to him$ =6ive me Asenath$ the da#ghter of -oti(herah the (riest$ of the
to0n of Helio(olis$ as my 0ife.A
-haraoh re(lied$ =,ehold$ has she not been (romised to yo# to be yo#r
0ife from this day on0ard$ and for eternity?A
-haraoh !alled for -oti(herah5 -oti(herah$ in t#rn$ bro#ght Asenath$
and (resented her before -haraoh. -haraoh 0as str#!1 0ith 0onder at her
bea#ty$ and said$ =@ay the Elohim of Yosef bless yo#$ my !hild$ and may yo#r
bea#ty stay 0ith yo# forever. Tr#ly$ YH>H has indeed !hosen yo# to be!ome a
bride to Yosef forever$ be!a#se he is li1e the son of Elohim$ and yo# 0ill be
!alled from this day on0ard Hthe da#ghter of the @ost High4.A
-haraoh too1 Yosef and Asenath$ and (#t !ro0ns of gold on them$
0hi!h had long sin!e been in the treas#ries of his ho#se.
-haraoh (la!ed
Asenath at the right hand of Yosef5 he (la!ed his hand on his head$ and his right
hand on the head of Asenath$ and said to them$ =@ay the @ost High Elohim
bless yo#$ and glorify yo# al0ays.A
-haraoh t#rned them to0ard one another$ and they 1issed ea!h other.
-haraoh then made a great feast$ to 0hi!h he invited all the (rin!es of the
Egy(t and the 1ings of the nations. There 0as m#!h re<oi!ing for seven days$
and a (ro!lamation 0as made thro#gho#t all the land of Egy(t5 it said$ =Anyone
0ho does any 0or1 d#ring the seven days of Yosef and Asenath4s 0edding$ he
0ill die.A
It !ame to (ass$ after these things$ that Yosef 1ne0 Asenath5 she
!on!eived$ and bore @anasseh and Efrayim in the ho#se of Yosef$ to the glory
of Elohim. Amen.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
I$ Asenath$ am the da#ghter of -oti(herah the (riest of the to0n
of Helio(olis$ 0ho is offi!er of the elohim.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have
!ommitted 0rong. I have 0orshi(ed many elohim$ and have eaten of their
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have !ommitted 0rongs. I 0as a (ro#d
and ha#ghty maiden.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I have eaten of the strangled meat$ and have dran1 of the !#( of
de!e(tion$ and have eaten at the table of death.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I did not 1no0 YH>H$ the Elohim of heaven$ and did not (#t
my ho(e in @ost High Elohim$ the Eternally Eiving One.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I 0as (ro#d and ha#ghty$ tr#sting in the greatness of my o0n glory
and bea#ty.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I des(ised all men$ and there has been no one 0hom I have val#ed.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I de!lared there to be no (rin!e #(on the earth 0ho !o#ld loosen
the girdle of my virginity.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I have hated all 0ho 0o#ld ta1e me as a bride$ and have both
des(ised and disdained them.
I have sinned$ O YH>H5 I have sinned before Yo#$ and have greatly
transgressed. I !onsidered myself to be the bride of -haraoh4s eldest son5 forgive
me for thisC
=>hen Yosef$ the mighty one of Elohim$ !ame$ he !on"#ered me$
and bro#ght me do0n from my ha#ghtiness. He enti!ed me 0ith his bea#ty$ and
thro#gh his 0isdom he !a#sed me to be obedient5 he !a#ght me li1e a fish in a
Thro#gh his s(irit$ he has !a#sed made me drin1 of the Drin1 of Eife$
and thro#gh his (o0er he !onfirmed me$ and offered me to the Eternal Elohim.
He gave the ,read of Eife to me to eat$ and the 3#( of Immortality to drin1$
and I have be!ome his bride forever.
3ha(ter T0enty/T0o
After the seven years of (lenty !ame to an end$ the seven years of
famine began.
Ya4a1ov heard abo#t Yosef his son$ and he !ame into Egy(t 0ith all his
ho#sehold$ on the t0enty/first day of Nisan in the se!ond year of the famine$
and he settled in the land of 6oshen.
Asenath said to Yosef$ =I 0ill go and see
yo#r father$ for yo#r father Ya4a1ov is li1e my father.A
Yosef re(lied$ =Yes/ !ome 0ith me to see my father.A
Yosef and Asenath 0ent into the land of 6oshen$ 0here they 0ere met
by Yosef 4s brothers. They bo0ed do0n before Yosef and Asenath 0ith their fa!es
to0ard the gro#nd$ es(e!ially before Asenath.

Yosef and Asenath 0ent to see
Ya4a1ov as he sat on his bed5 he 0as gray/haired$ and very old.
Asenath 0as
amaDed 0hen she sa0 him$ for altho#gh he 0as old$ he had a res(e!table
a((earan!e$ and in his old age he loo1ed as handsome as an attra!tive yo#ng
man. His hair 0as as 0hite as sno0$ and very short$ stiff$ and !#rly5 his beard 0as
0hite and gra!ef#l$ lying on his !hest5 and His eyes 0ere f#ll of tenderness$
shining and handsome. His !hest$ sho#lders$ arms$ and fingers 0ere strong li1e
those of an angel5 his hi(s legs 0ere li1e those of a giant.
Ya4a1ov loo1ed li1e a
man 0ho !o#ld 0restle 0ith Elohim Himself. Asenath 0as amaDed 0hen she
sa0 him5 she bo0ed do0n before him 0ith her fa!e to0ard the gro#nd$ and had
reveren!e for him.
Ya4a1ov said to Yosef$ =Is this my da#ghter/in/la0$ yo#r 0ife? @ay she
be blessed by the @ost High Elohim.A
%+ Some man#s!ri(ts omit verses 9/&.
He !alled her !lose to him$ and 1issed her$ and blessed her. Asenath
stret!hed o#t her hands and !las(ed her hands aro#nd Ya4a1ov4s ne!1 li1e one
0ho$ after having been res!#ed from a battle$ ret#rned to her home$ and !ast
herself #(on her o0n father.
After0ard they ate and dran1$ and Yosef and
Asenath ret#rned to their home5 they gave (raise to Elohim$ 0ho is blessed
The sons of Eeah$ Yosef 4s brothers$ 0ent 0ith them to (rote!t and
es!ort them5 b#t the sons of Jil(ah and ,ilhah$ the handmaids of Eeah and
Ra!hel$ did not go 0ith them$ for they envied Yosef and Asenath as enemies.

Eevi 0al1ed on Asenath4s right side$ and Yosef 0al1ed on her left side$
Asenath held Eevi by the hand. She loved Eevi more than all Yosef 4s other
brothers$ be!a#se Eevi 0as a!"#ainted 0ith the se!ret mysteries of the @ost
High$ 0hi!h he revealed to her mysterio#s 0ords. Eevi felt a great affe!tion for
Asenath5 he sa0 her resting (la!e in heaven$ and its 0alls 0ere immovable$ and its
fo#ndations 0ere of stone.
3ha(ter T0enty/Three
It !ame to (ass$ 0hen Yosef and Asenath 0ere 0al1ing$ that -haraoh4s
oldest son sa0 them from the 0alls$ and be!ame very #nha((y5
he 0as grieved
be!a#se of Asenath4s bea#ty$ and said$ =This m#st not beCA
-haraoh4s son sent messengers to !all Shim4on and Eevi to him5 they
!ame and (resented themselves before him. -haraoh4s son said to them$ =I
a!1no0ledge this day that yo# t0o are the most (o0erf#l men in the 0orld$ for
thro#gh yo#r right hands the to0n of She!hem 0as destroyed$ and by yo#r t0o
s0ords thirty tho#sand 0arriors 0ere slain.
,ehold$ I 0ill !onsider yo# as my
friends$ and 0ill give yo# gold$ servants$ handmaidens$ ho#ses$ and many good
(ossessions5 I as1 that yo# deal 1indly 0ith me$ and do 0hat I am abo#t to as1. I
have been offended and des(ised by yo#r brother Yosef$ be!a#se he too1
Asenath$ 0ho 0as betrothed to be my 0ife from the beginning.
3ome$ and
fight against yo#r brother Yosef5 I 0ill 1ill him 0ith my s0ord$ and I 0ill ta1e
Asenath to be my 0ife. Yo# 0ill be!ome my brothers$ my favorite friends$ my
!onfidants5 all I as1 is that yo# do this for me.
,#t if yo# hesitate$ and yo#
des(ise my !ommand$ beholdC @y s0ord is ready for yo#.A In saying this$ he
%8 Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =b#t the sons of Jil(ah and ,ilhah...A thro#gh =...they envied
Yosef and Asenath as enemies.A
dre0 his s0ord to sho0 it to them.
>hen Shim4on and Eevi heard these things$ they 0ere very tro#bled$ for
-haraoh4s son s(o1e to them 0ith threats and arrogan!e.
Shim4on$ a rash and
bold man$ tho#ght to (#t his hand to the hilt of his o0n s0ord$ so as to dra0 it
o#t of its s!abbard and 1ill -haraoh4s son for having s(o1en to them ro#ghly.
Eevi$ ho0ever$ 1ne0 the tho#ght of his heart$ for Eevi 0as a (ro(het5 in the
(#rity of his mind sa0 se!rets$ and 0ith his o0n eyes he !o#ld read 0hat 0as
0ritten in the hearts of men. He stom(ed his foot #(on the right foot of
Shim4on$ and motioned to him to restrain his anger.
He 0his(ered to Shim4on$
=>hy do yo# give in to yo#r anger against this man? >e are (io#s (eo(le5 it is
not fitting for #s to re(ay his evil 0ith evil of o#r o0n.A
>ith no 0rath in his heart$ be!a#se he 0as a gentle man$ Eevi s(o1e
alo#d to -haraoh4s son$ =>hy do yo#$ o#r $ s(ea1 to #s li1e this? >e are (io#s
men$ and o#r father is beloved of the @ost High Elohim$ and this Elohim loves
o#r brother Yosef.
Ho0 !an 0e do this evil thing$ to sin before o#r Elohim$
before Ya4a1ov o#r father$ and before Yosef o#r brother?
Eisten to my 0ords.
It is not ordinarily fitting for a (io#s man to !a#se harm anyone in any 0ay5 b#t
if someone sho#ld in<#re a (io#s man$ and that (io#s man be!omes enraged$
then his hand is sa!red if he 1ills he 0ho in<#red him.

As for yo#$ be0are of
s(ea1ing li1e this again abo#t o#r brother Yosef$ for if yo# (ersist in this 0i!1ed
intention$ then beholdC O#r s0ords are dra0n in o#r right hands against yo#.A
Shim4on and Eevi dre0 their s0ords from their s!abbards$ and said$
=Yo# see in o#r hands these s0ords5 these are the s0ords thro#gh 0hi!h YH>H
too1 vengean!e #(on the She!hemites for the o#trage thro#gh 0hi!h they
offended the sons of Yisra4el be!a#se She!hem$ the son of Hamor$ defiled
-haraoh4s son sa0 the t0o/edged s0ords$ and a strong shiver ran
thro#gh his bones$ for the s0ords glistened li1e a flame. His eyes 0ere bedaDDled$
and he fell do0n on the gro#nd #(on his fa!e$ and 0as overta1en by terror.
Eevi stret!hed o#t his hand and$ ta1ing hold of him$ said$ =Arise$ and do
not be afraid$ b#t be0are of s(ea1ing 0i!1edly anymore against o#r brother
Shim4on and Eevi de(arted from the (resen!e of -haraoh4s son.
%9 Some man#s!ri(ts omit from =It is not ordinarily fitting...A to =...0ho in<#red him.A
3ha(ter T0enty/Fo#r
-haraoh4s son 0as filled 0ith fear and sorro0$ for he 0as afraid of
Shim4on and Eevi. He 0as o((ressed and ve.ed by Asenath4s bea#ty$ and 0as
tormented by bo#ndless affli!tion.
His servants s(o1e to him$ and said$ =The
sons of ,ilhah and the sons of Jil(ah$ the handmaidens of Ya4a1ov$ are enemies
to Yosef and Asenath5 they are envio#s of them$ and 0ill do a!!ording to yo#r
-haraoh4s son sent messengers to !all for them. >hen nighttime fell$
they !ame to (resent themselves before him. -haraoh4s son said to them$ =I have
something I m#st say to yo#$ for yo# are mighty men of valor.A
Dan and 6ad$ the older brothers$ res(onded$ and said$ =Eet o#r adon
s(ea1 no0$ and 0e$ yo#r servants$ 0ill listen and do a!!ording to yo#r 0ill.A
-haraoh4s son 0as filled 0ith great <oy$ and said to his servants$
=De(art from me for a little 0hile$ for I have a se!ret matter to dis!#ss 0ith
these men.A
His servants de(arted$ and -haraoh4s son said to them$ =,lessing and
death are before yo#r eyes5 !hoose blessing rather than deathC
Yo# are mighty
men$ and yo# do not die li1e 0omen5 rather$ yo# are of good !o#rage$ e"#i((ing
yo#rselves li1e men$ and ta1ing yo#r o0n vengean!e #(on yo#r enemiesC
=I have heard yo#r brother Yosef say to -haraoh my father !on!erning
yo#$ HThey are !hildren of my mother4s handmaidens5 they are not really my
I 0ait for my father4s death$ so that I may !r#sh them and their
generation$ lest they sho#ld inherit 0ith #s5 for they are the !hildren of mere
handmaidens. They sold me to the Ishmaelites$
so I 0ill re(ay to them all the
evil they did to me 0hen my father dies.4
@y father -haraoh !ommended him$
and said in res(onse$ H>hat yo# say is very good5 I 0ill give yo# a tho#sand
0arriors to hel(.4 A
>hen Yosef 4s brothers heard the 0ords of -haraoh4s son$ they be!ame
tro#bled and very grieved$ and said to him$ =>e besee!h yo#$ B hel( #sCA
He re(lied$ =I 0ill hel( yo#$ if yo# hear me o#t on this.A
They said$ =>e are yo#r servantsC 3ommand #s$ and 0e 0ill do
a!!ording to yo# 0ill.A
-haraoh4s son said to them$ =I 0ill slay my father -haraoh tonight$ for
he is also the father of Yosef. 6ive me yo#r hel(5 for I 0ill go before yo#$ and
yo# 0ill slay Yosef. I 0ill ta1e Asenath for my 0ife$ and yo# and yo#r brothers
0ill be!ome heirs 0ith me if yo# as I !ommand.A
Dan and 6ad said to him$ =>e are yo#r servants today$ and 0e 0ill
do 0hat yo# have !ommanded #s. #st today 0e have heard Yosef say to Asenath$
H6o home to o#r !o#ntry tomorro0$ for it is vintage time.4 He gave her si.
h#ndred valiant 0arriors$ and fifty forer#nners. No0 listen to #s$ and let #s
s(ea1 0ith yo#.A
So they s(o1e 0ith him se!retly.
-haraoh4s son gave to all of the fo#r brothers seven tho#sand men$ and
a((ointed them as !hiefs and leaders.
Dan and 6ad said to him$ =>e 0ill go
tonight and 0ill 0at!h the broo1$ and 0ill hide o#rselves among the thi!1ness
of the reeds.
Ta1e fifty ar!hers 0ith yo# on horses$ and go on afar$ for Asenath
0ill !ome and fall into o#r hands. >e 0ill destroy the soldiers that are 0ith her5
she 0ill then flee in her !arriage$ and 0ill fall into yo#r hands$ and yo# may do
0ith her a!!ording to the desires of yo#r heart.
After this 0e 0ill slay Yosef 4s
!hildren before his eyes$ and then 0e 0ill slay him 0hile he is mo#rning for
-haraoh4s son re<oi!ed 0hen he heard their 0ords$ and he sent t0o
tho#sand 0arriors to go 0ith them.
They !ame to the broo1 and hid
themselves among the thi!1ness of the reeds. They en!am(ed on the side of the
broo1$ and bet0een them there 0as a 0ide and s(a!io#s road.
3ha(ter T0enty/Five
-haraoh4s son arose that night and 0ent into his father4s ho#se to slay
him by the s0ord. His father4s g#ards hindered him from entering to see his
father$ and said to him$ =>hat do yo# 0ant$ o#r ?A
-haraoh4s son said to them$ =I 0ant to see my father$ as I am going to
gather gra(es from the ne0ly (lanted vineyard.A
The g#ards said to him$ =Yo#r
father is s#ffering a heada!he$ and has not sle(t the 0hole night$ and altho#gh
the the (ain has some0hat s#bsided$ he has said$ HDo not let anyone !ome near
to me.4 A
-haraoh4s son 0ent and too1 his soldiers$ and laid an amb#sh.
>hen Asenath a((roa!hed in a !hariot$ and soldiers 0ent before it and
behind it$ and the enemies/ Dan$ 6ad$ and -haraoh4s son/ lea(ed forth from
their hiding (la!e to atta!1 them.
As soon as Asenath sa0 them she !alled #(on the @ost High Elohim$
and beholdC The man of Elohim that had (revio#sly !ome to Asenath a((eared$
and YH>H too1 her #nder His (rote!tion. The s0ords of the enemies 0ere
shattered$ and all their 0ea(ons melted as 0a. before the fire.
-haraoh4s son fell
to the gro#nd before Asenath as if he 0as dead 0hen he heard that the sons of
Ya4a1ov 0ere !oming in anger.
3ha(ter T0enty/Si.
Dan and 6ad$ seeing that YH>H 0as fighting$ be!ame afraid$ and
said$ =It is YH>H 0ho fights against #sCA
They fell do0n before Asenath$ and
said to her$ =Yo#$ O lady$ are o#r "#een$ and 0e have !ommitted ini"#ity before
and YH>H has re(aid #s a!!ording to o#r deeds. >e$ yo#r servants$
besee!h yo#5 be mer!if#l to #s$ and save #s from the hands of o#r brothersC They
have !ome to #s to ta1e vengean!e #(on their enemies$ and their s0ords are
before o#r eyes.A
Asenath said$ =,e of good !omfort$ and do not fear yo#r brothers$ for
they are (eo(le 0ho fear YH>H5 they are (io#s$ and res(e!t every man.
hide in the thi!1ness of the reeds$ #ntil I am able to !alm their anger$ for yo#
have been very foolish and re!1less against them.
,e of good !o#rage$ and do
not fear5 let YH>H be the <#dge bet0een me and yo#.A
Dan$ 6ad$ and their brothers fled into the grove of reeds$
and the
sons of Eeah !ame r#nning li1e a herd of deer. Asenath ste((ed do0n from her
!overed !hariot and 0el!omed them 0ith tears.
They fell do0n on the gro#nd
and reveren!ed her$ and 0e(t 0ith a lo#d voi!e$ as1ing for their brothers.
Asenath said to them$ =S(are yo#r brothers$ and do not re(ay them evil for
evil$ for YH>H has (rote!ted me against them. Their s0ords 0ere bro1en to
(ie!es$ and melted on the gro#nd li1e 0a. before the fire5
this is eno#gh$ for it
%: Some man#s!ri(ts add m#!h elaboration here into 3ha(ters *8/*:$ b#t the story is still very
m#!h the same. The ne.t three verses are referen!ed in other translations as *9B8$ *:B;$ and
*:B&. 3ha(ters *9 and *: in this edition are alternatively referen!ed as 3ha(ters *; and *&
in other man#s!ri(ts and translations$ d#e to these elaborated a!!o#nts.
is YH>H 0ho has fo#ght for #s. S(are them$ for they are yo#r brothers5 they
are the blood of Yisra4el$ yo#r father.A
Shim4on said to her$ =>hy does o#r lady s(ea1 good 0ords for o#r
Eet it not be so5 rather$ let #s destroy them 0ith o#r s0ords. For this
is the third time they have (lotted to !ommit evilC First it 0as against o#r
brother$ Yosef5 then against o#r father$ Yisra4el5 and no0 against yo#$ o#r lady
and o#r "#een.A
Asenath stret!hed o#t her hand$ and too1 hold of his beard. She
embra!ed him$ and said$ =Eet it not be so$ my brother5 do not render evil for
evil$ for that 0ill be a sin against YH>H. They are yo#r brothers$ and sons of
yo#r father5 they have fled far a0ay from yo#r (resen!e.A
Eevi dre0 near and 1issed her hand5
he #nderstood that she
intended to save their brothers 0ho 0ere hiding in the thi!1ets of the reeds. Eevi
and his brothers 1ne0 that she did not dis!lose 0here they had been hiding for
fear that they might slay them in their anger.
3ha(ter T0enty/Seven
-haraoh4s son arose from the gro#nd and sat #($ 0ith blood flo0ing
o#t of his ears and mo#th.
,inyamin ran to0ard him 0ith his s0ord dra0n$
(re(ared to (l#nge it into his !hest to 1ill him5 b#t Eevi too1 hold of his hand$
and said$ =@y brother$ do not do thisC >e are (io#s men$ and it is not fitting for
a (io#s man to re(ay evil for evil. It is not (ermitted to tram(le on an enemy
0ho has fallen$ or to harass an enemy to the (oint of death. No0 (#t ba!1 yo#r
s0ord$ and !ome and hel( meC
Eet #s !#re his 0o#nds so that he may live$ and
be o#r friend from this day on0ard5 for -haraoh is as o#r father.A
Eevi raised #( -haraoh4s son$ and 0i(ed the blood from his fa!e$ and
0ra((ed his fa!e in a hand1er!hief. Eevi (la!ed him on his horse$ and !arried
him to his father -haraoh$
to 0hom he told everything that had trans(ired.
-haraoh arose from his throne and bo0ed do0n before Eevi.
-haraoh4s son then died on the third day$ having been stri!1en by a
(#nishment from Elohim.

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