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Joining the organization, Future Business Leaders of America was an opportunity that I

gladly pursued. When I was freshman I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself, what clubs
I wanted to do, what kind of career I was looking for. I knew these were high ambitions for a
freshman but I knew that it would become a vital factor for my future.

I was really introverted around people other than my regular group of friends. I was
awkward when anyone tried to strike a conversation with me, soon this began to affect how I
carried myself, and my freshman year just flew by. When I reached my sophomore year, I met
some new people that I gladly let into my bubble and they convinced to join FBLA, I was a bit
reluctant at first, because the idea of business has never crossed my mind, but eventually I
attended the meeting out of curiosity. As the sponsor droned on about the things they would be
doing in this organization, I felt drawn to it and it only heightened my curiosity since any aspect
of business was completely alien to me. As competition season rolled around, I cracked open
books and studied. Surprised by my eagerness to participate, it was refreshing to be doing
something I found enjoyable for once.

When it comes to speaking in front of crowds, whether it be big or small, I go completely
blank and shaky because of my horrendous stage fright that I had acquired after embarrassing
myself in front of the whole school at a 4th grade talent show. When it got to the actual
competition I expected myself to be completely going out of my mind for the role play portion of
my event, but I found that it was completely the opposite. As I sat in the waiting room, making
preparations, I realized that I felt so at ease, relaxes, and composed, it completely surprised me. I
was confused at first as to why I wasn't having my normal jitters but deep down I knew that this
was going to get me somewhere.

After discovering this new found confidence, I decided to take another step outside of my
comfort and tried to interact with other FBLA members, they were surprised by my sudden
change of character but soon we became close and I see them as family. This progress I was
making continued on throughout my sophomore and junior year and even though those two years
I had only participated in FBLA, it made each year worthwhile.

Starting my senior, I was a completely different person, more extroverted, active in
various organizations and activities, but deep down there was something nagging me; college.
Up until now I vaguely thought about what kind of career I wanted to pursue after high school
and I was conflicted with the various activities I engaged myself with. I spent months carefully
contemplating what kind of careers interested me, until I realized the answer was in front of me
all along, FBLA. As surprising as it was to me, I thoroughly enjoyed business, it fascinated me to
know the work that goes on when it comes to consumer goods and how they get broadcasted to
the public, and this realization helped narrow down the kind of occupations I saw myself doing
in the future.

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