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BTech (ECE) Major Project Evaluation (2014 2015)

The BTech (ECE) Major Projects in the seventh semester has the following components of

Originality : 10 Points
Technical Content : 10 Points
Results : 15 Points
Presentation: Clarity, Precision and Organization : 15 Points
Report (Interim and end-semester reports together) : 20 Points
(Total Points: 70, for end-semester evaluation)

There is no mid-term presentation. But a mid-term report showing the progress of the work is to be
submitted by Wednesday, 1 October 2014 by every project team. The interim and the end-semester
reports together will carry 20 points. The end-semester evaluation of the project has been tentatively
scheduled to be from 3 December 2014 to 5 December 2014.

The panel of examiners will award team-score out of 70 points. Your Project Advisor will award
points out of 30 to individual students of a team after redistributing the team-score among the team
members. The redistribution of the team-score is such as to maintain the team-score as the team-

Grading Policy: Absolute
S: 90 100; A: 80 89; B: 70 79; C: 60 69; D: 50 59; E: 40 49; F: 00 39.

Also, while evaluating a work, the cohesiveness of the team will be taken as an important factor. We
have not explicitly included it in the split-up of points, though.

The evaluation components under Results are: Review, Analysis, Demonstration, and Outcome of
exploration in case of negative results.

By negative results, we mean, results that may turn up contrary to the expectation when a team boldly
and genuinely works on a new, original idea or concept. Please note the conditions carefully. It is not
an escape route for any kind of laxity in your doing the work. Your laxity at work shall cost you

Note that the panel of examiners can enforce repetition of your project work, summarily, if the work
is found inadequate in its content or the team lacks integrity.

The component Technical Content includes the conceptual gravity of the problem, mathematical
formulations, hardware or software (or their combination) design and, design of data structure for
both hardware and software realizations.

Ensure that you visit your Project Advisor (not the coordinator) regularly for discussions and
distribute your work evenly throughout the semester. Your attendance is important. Your Project
Advisor is the authority who decides the score of each member of your project team.

We respect your dignity, esteem your work, and hope to provide you with a pleasant and academically
live discussion session during the presentation of your project work. It is not unconditional, though;
we expect you to live up to it under all circumstances!

G Abhilash PhD (BTech Project Coordinator)

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