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CR - Assumptions: Get your knives out!

1. Unt now, ony n|ectabe vaccnes aganst nuenza have been avaabe.
Parents are reuctant to sub|ect chdren to the pan of n|ectons, but aduts, who
are at rsk of serous compcatons from nuenza, are commony vaccnated. A
new nuenza vaccne, admnstered panessy n a nasa spray, s ehectve for
chdren. However, snce chdren sedom deveop serous compcatons from
nuenza, no sgncant pubc heath benet woud resut from wdespread
vaccnaton of chdren usng the nasa spray. Whch of the foowng s an
assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. Any person who has receved the n|ectabe vaccne can safey receve the
nasa-spray vaccne as we.
B. The new vaccne uses the same mechansm to ward oh nuenza as n|ectabe
vaccnes do.
C. The n|ectabe vaccne s ahordabe for a aduts.
D. Aduts do not contract nuenza prmary from chdren who have nuenza.
E. The nasa spray vaccne s not ehectve when admnstered to aduts.
|Revea| Spoer:
2. Last year a refuse coected by Shebyve cty servces was ncnerated. Ths
ncneraton generated a arge quantty of resdue ash. In order to reduce the
amount of resdue ash Shebyve generates ths year to haf of ast years tota,
the cty has revamped ts coecton program. Ths year cty servces w separate
for recycng enough refuse to reduce the number of truckoads of refuse to be
ncnerated to haf of ast years number. Whch of the foowng s requred for
the revamped coecton program to acheve ts am?
A. Ths year, no materas that cty servces coud separate for recycng w be
B. Separatng recycabe materas from materas to be ncnerated w cost
Shebyve ess than haf what t cost ast year to dspose of the resdue ash.
C. Refuse coected by cty servces w contan a arger proporton of recycabe
materas ths year than t dd ast year.
D. The refuse ncnerated ths year w generate no more resdue ash per
truckoad ncnerated than dd the refuse ncnerated ast year.
E. The tota quantty of refuse coected by Shebyve cty servces ths year w
be no greater than that coected ast year.
|Revea| Spoer:
3. Newspaper edtora: In an attempt to reduce the crme rate, the governor s
gettng tough on crmnas and makng prson condtons harsher. Part of ths
ehort has been to deny nmates the access they formery had to coege-eve
courses. However, ths acton s ceary counter to the governors utmate goa,
snce after beng reeased from prson, nmates who had taken such courses
commtted far fewer crmes overa than other nmates. Whch of the foowng s
an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. Not beng abe to take coege-eve courses whe n prson s unkey to deter
anyone from a crme that he or she mght otherwse have commtted.
B. Former nmates are no more key to commt crmes than are members of the
genera popuaton.
C. The group of nmates who chose to take coege-eve courses were not
aready ess key than other nmates to commt crmes after beng reeased.
D. Takng hgh schoo eve courses n prson has ess ehect on an nmates
subsequent behavor than takng coege-eve courses does.
E. The governors utmate goa actuay s to gan popuarty by convncng
peope that somethng ehectve s beng done about crme.
|Revea| Spoer:
4. Two centures ago, Tufe Pennsua became separated form the manand,
soatng on the newy formed Tufe Isand a popuaton of Tur sunowers. Ths
popuatons descendants grow to be, on average, 40 centmeters shorter than
Tur sunowers found on the manand. Tufe Isand s sgncanty drer than Tufe
Pennsua was. So the current average heght of Tufes Tur sunowers s
undoubtedy at east partay attrbutabe to changes n Tufes envronmenta
condtons. Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument
A. There are no types of vegetaton on Tufe Isand that are known to benet from
dry condtons.
B. There were about as many Tur sunowers on Tufe Pennsua two centures
ago as there are on Tufe Isand today.
C. The manands envronment has not changed n ways that have resuted n
Tur sunowers on the manand growng to be 40 centmeters taer than they
dd two centures ago.
D. The so on Tufe Isand, unke that on the manand, acks mportant nutrents
that hep Tur sunowers survve and grow ta n a dry envronment.
E. The 40-centmeter heght dherence between the Tur sunowers on Tufe
Isand and those on the manand s the ony dherence between the two
|Revea| Spoer:
5. The average houry wage of teevson assembers n Vernand has ong been
sgncanty ower than that n neghborng Boroda. Snce Boroda dropped a
tarhs on Vernandan teevsons three years ago, the number of teevsons sod
annuay n Boroda has not changed. However, recent statstcs show a drop n
the number of teevson assembers n Boroda. Therefore, updated trade
statstcs w probaby ndcate that the number of teevsons Boroda mports
annuay from Vernand has ncreased. Whch of the foowng s an assumpton
on whch the argument depends?
A. The number of teevson assembers n Vernand has ncreased by at east as
much as the number of teevson assembers n Boroda has decreased.
B. Teevsons assembed n Vernand have features that teevsons assembed n
Boroda do not have.
C. The average number of hours t takes a Borodan teevson assember to
assembe a teevson has not decreased sgncanty durng the past three
D. The number of teevsons assembed annuay n Vernand has ncreased
sgncanty durng the past three years.
E. The dherence between the houry wage of teevson assembers n Vernand
and the houry wage of teevson assembers n Boroda s key to decrease n
the next few years.
|Revea| Spoer:
6. In Teruva, the quantty of rce produced per year s currenty |ust arge enough
to satsfy domestc demand. Teruvas tota rce acreage w not be expanded n
the foreseeabe future, nor w rce yeds per acre ncrease apprecaby. Teruvas
popuaton, however, w be ncreasng sgncanty for years to come. Ceary,
therefore, Teruva w soon have to begn mportng rce.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. No pronounced trend of decreasng per capta demand for rce s mmnent n
B. Not a of the acreage n Teruva currenty panted wth rce s we suted to the
cutvaton of rce.
C. None of the strans of rce grown n Teruva are exceptonay hgh-yedng.
D. There are no popuated regons n Teruva n whch the popuaton w not
E. There are no ma|or crops other than rce for whch domestc producton and
domestc demand are currenty n baance n Teruva.
|Revea| Spoer:
7. In the past the country of Sdura has reed heavy on mported o. Sdura
recenty mpemented a program to convert heatng systems from o to natura
gas. Sdura aready produces more natura gas each year than t burns, and o
producton n Sduran o eds s ncreasng at a steady pace. If these trends n
fue producton and usage contnue, therefore, Sduran reance on foregn
sources for fue shoud decne soon. Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on
whch the argument depends?
A. In Sdura the rate of fue consumpton s rsng no more qucky than the rate
of fue producton.
B. Domestc producton of natura gas s rsng faster than s domestc producton
of o n Sdura.
C. No fue other than natura gas s expected to be used as a repacement for o
n Sdura.
D. Budngs cannot be heated by soar energy rather than by o or natura gas.
E. A new homes that are beng but w have natura-gas-burnng heatng
|Revea| Spoer:
8. Three arge companes and seven sma companes currenty manufacture a
product wth potenta mtary appcatons. If the government reguates the
ndustry, t w nsttute a snge set of manufacturng speccatons to whch a
ten companes w have to adhere. In ths case, therefore, snce none of the
seven sma companes can ahord to convert ther producton nes to a new set
of manufacturng speccatons, ony the three arge companes w be abe to
reman n busness. Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the
authors argument rees?
A. None of the three arge companes w go out of busness f the government
does not reguate the manufacture of the product.
B. It woud cost more to convert the producton nes of the sma companes to a
new set of manufacturng speccatons than t woud to convert the producton
nes of the arge companes.
C. Industry obbysts w be unabe to dssuade the government from reguatng
the ndustry.
D. Assemby of the product produced accordng to government manufacturng
speccatons woud be more compex than current assemby procedures.
E. None of the seven sma companes currenty manufactures the product to a
set of speccatons that woud match those the government woud nsttute f
the ndustry were to be reguated.
|Revea| Spoer:
9. Exposure to certan chemcas commony used n eementary schoos as
ceaners or pestcdes causes aergc reactons n some chdren. Eementary
schoo nurses n Renston report that the proporton of schoochdren sent to
them for treatment of aergc reactons to those chemcas has ncreased
sgncanty over the past ten years. Therefore, ether Renstons schoochdren
have been exposed to greater quanttes of the chemcas, or they are more
senstve to them than schoochdren were ten years ago. Whch of the foowng
s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. The number of schoo nurses empoyed by Renstons eementary schoos has
not decreased over the past ten years.
B. Chdren who are aergc to the chemcas are no more key than other
chdren to have aerges to other substances.
C. Chdren who have aergc reactons to the chemcas are not more key to be
sent to a schoo nurse now than they were ten years ago.
D. The chemcas are not commony used as ceaners or pestcdes n houses and
apartment budngs n Renston.
E. Chdren attendng eementary schoo do not make up a arger proporton of
Renstons popuaton now than they dd ten years ago.
|Revea| Spoer:
10. A sgncant number of compex repar |obs carred out by Ace Repars have
to be reworked under the companys warranty. The reworked |obs are nvaraby
satsfactory. When nta repars are nadequate, therefore, t s not because the
mechancs ack competence; rather, there s ceary a eve of focused
concentraton that compex repars requre that s ected more reaby by
rework |obs than by rst-tme |obs. The argument above assumes whch of the
A. There s no systematc dherence n membershp between the group of
mechancs who do rst-tme |obs and the group of those who do rework |obs.
B. There s no company that successfuy competes wth Ace Repars for compex
repar |obs.
C. Ace Repars warranty s good on rst-tme |obs but does not cover rework
D. Ace Repars does not n any way penaze mechancs who have worked on
compex repar |obs that ater had to be reworked.
E. There s no category of repar |obs n whch Ace Repars nvaraby carres out
rst-tme |obs satsfactory.
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. E
9. C
10. A
Unt now, ony n|ectabe vaccnes aganst nuenza have been avaabe.
Parents are reuctant to sub|ect chdren to the pan of n|ectons, but aduts, who
are at rsk of serous compcatons from nuenza, are commony vaccnated.
A new nuenza vaccne, admnstered panessy n a nasa spray, s ehectve for
Chdren sedom deveop serous compcatons from nuenza.
No sgncant pubc heath benet woud resut from wdespread vaccnaton of
chdren usng the nasa spray.
Assumpton:Chdren are not source of nfecton to others. Bec of they are then t
woud benet chdren as we others.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
D.Adults do not contract infuenza primarily from children who have
>> Correct.
E.The nasa spray vaccne s not ehectve when admnstered to aduts.
If the concuson had been "No sgncant pubc heath benet woud resut from
wdespread vaccnaton usng the nasa spray." then ths woud have been a
correct answer.
2. Last year a refuse coected by Shebyve cty servces was ncnerated. Ths
ncneraton generated a arge quantty of resdue ash.
In order to reduce the amount of resdue ash Shebyve generates ths year to
haf of ast years tota, the cty has revamped ts coecton program.
Ths year cty servces w |separate for recycng enough refuse| |to reduce the
number of truckoads of refuse to be ncnerated to haf of ast years number|.
Assumption: A truckload of refuse will not produce more ash compared to last
Whch of the foowng s requred for the revamped coecton program to
acheve ts am?
D. The refuse incinerated this year will generate no more residue ash
per truckload incinerated than did the refuse incinerated last year.
3. Newspaper edtora: In an attempt |to reduce the crme rate, the governor s
gettng tough on crmnas and makng prson condtons harsher.|
Part of ths ehort has been to deny nmates the access they formery had to
coege-eve courses.
However, ths acton s ceary counter to the governors utmate goa, snce
after beng reeased from prson, nmates who had taken such courses
commtted far fewer crmes overa than other nmates.
X leads to Y. What if instead of X there is Z.Or Y leads to X.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
C. The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were
not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after eing
4. Two centures ago, Tufe Pennsua became separated form the manand,
soatng on the newy formed Tufe Isand a popuaton of Tur sunowers.
Ths popuatons descendants grow to be, on average, 40 centmeters shorter
than Tur sunowers found on the manand.
Tufe Isand s sgncanty drer than Tufe Pennsua was. So the current average
heght of Tufes Tur sunowers s undoubtedy at east partay |attrbutabe to
changes n Tufes envronmenta condtons.|
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
C. The mainland!s environment has not changed in ways that have
resulted in Tur"l sunfowers on the mainland growing to e #$
centimeters taller than they did two centuries ago.
D. The so on Tufe Isand, unke that on the manand, acks mportant nutrents
that hep Tur sunowers survve and grow ta n a dry envronment.
>>Ths |ust add on another factor aong wth dry envronment.|Try to chek by
5. The average houry wage of teevson assembers n Vernand has ong been
sgncanty ower than that n neghborng Boroda.
Snce Boroda dropped a tarhs on Vernandan teevsons three years ago, |the
number of teevsons sod annuay |n Boroda has not changed.
However, recent statstcs show a drop n the number of teevson assembers n
Therefore, updated trade statstcs w probaby ndcate that the number of
teevsons Boroda mports annuay from Vernand has ncreased.
1)demand of television hasnt !one down.
")productivty of #orodian assem$les has not increased leadin! to more tv sets
than re%.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
C. The average numer of hours it takes a %orodian television
assemler to assemle a television has not decreased signi"cantly
during the past three years.
6. In Teruva, the quantty of rce produced per year s currenty |ust arge enough
to satsfy domestc demand.
Teruvas |tota rce acreage w not be expanded n the foreseeabe future, nor
w rce yeds per acre ncrease apprecaby. |
Teruvas popuaton, however, w be ncreasng sgncanty for years to come.
Ceary, therefore, |Teruva w soon have to begn mportng rce.|
Assumption :With the increase in pppulation demand will also !row.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. &o pronounced trend of decreasing per capita demand for rice is
imminent in Teruvia.
7. In the past the country of Sdura has reed heavy on mported o.
Sdura recenty mpemented a |program to convert heatng systems from o to
natura gas|.
Sdura aready |produces more natura gas each year than t burns, and o
producton n Sduran o eds s ncreasng | at a steady pace.
If these trends n fue producton and usage contnue, therefore,
|Sduran reance on foregn sources for fue shoud decne soon.|
Assumption: &onsumption'demad will not out!row the production.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
A. 'n (iduria the rate of fuel consumption is rising no more )uickly than
the rate of fuel production.
8. Three arge companes and seven sma companes currenty manufacture a
product wth potenta mtary appcatons.
If the government reguates the ndustry, t w nsttute a snge set of
manufacturng speccatons to whch a ten companes w have to adhere.
In ths case, therefore, |snce none of the seven sma companes can ahord to
convert ther producton nes to a new set of manufacturng speccatons, ony
the three arge companes w be abe to reman n busness|.
Assumption: (mall companies doesnt already adher to the re!ulations.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the authors argument rees?
*. &one of the seven small companies currently manufactures the
product to a set of speci"cations that would match those the
government would institute if the industry were to e regulated.
9. Exposure to certan chemcas commony used n eementary schoos as
ceaners or pestcdes causes aergc reactons n some chdren.
Eementary schoo nurses n Renston report that the proporton of schoochdren
sent to them for treatment of aergc reactons to those chemcas has ncreased
sgncanty over the past ten years.
Therefore, ether |Renstons schoochdren have been exposed to greater
quanttes of the chemcas, or they are more senstve to them than
schoochdren were ten years ago.|
Assumption:)eople are not more aware or conscious to send the students to
hospital than they used to $e earlier.
Whch of the foowng s an assumpton on whch the argument depends?
C. Children who have allergic reactions to the chemicals are not more
likely to e sent to a school nurse now than they were ten years ago.
10. A sgncant number of compex repar |obs carred out by Ace Repars have
to be reworked under the companys warranty. The reworked |obs are nvaraby
When nta repars are nadequate, therefore, |t s not because the mechancs
ack competence; rather, there s ceary a eve of focused concentraton |that
compex repars requre that s ected more reaby by rework |obs than by rst-
tme |obs.
Assumption: *here is no other factor+ which in,uences mechanics to perform the
-o$ as they do.
The argument above assumes whch of the foowng?
A. There is no systematic di+erence in memership etween the group
of mechanics who do "rst-time ,os and the group of those who do
rework ,os.
The correct answer s D

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