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the strongest among you is the weakest

i do not use my lash
azrat Umar (RA) is reported to have said that, even if a dog died of hunger and thirst
at the bank of the Euphrates in aghdad, he would be held
!ooner will a camel pass through a needle"s eyethan a great man be #discovered# by an
election$ Adolf %itler
General Douglas MacArthur Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance
Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowedwords reverently dictate
what you ought to be,what you can be, what you will be. They
areyour rallying points: to build courage whencourage sees to !ail"
to regain !aith when theresees to be little cause !or !aith" to
create hope when hope becoes !orlorn.
#nhappily, $ possess neither that elo%uence o!diction, that poetry
o! iagination, nor thatbrilliance o! etaphor to tell you all that
&'()#&*C& (+ D$CT$(*
,(&T-. (+ $MAG$*AT$(*
/-$''$A*C& (+ M&TA,H(-
The unbelievers will say they are but words, buta slogan, but a
0aboyant phrase. &very pedant,every deagogue, every cynic,
every hypocrite,every troublea1er, and $ a sorry to say,
soeothers o! an entirely di2erent character, will tryto downgrade
the even to the e3tent o! oc1ery and ridicule.
the unbelievers will say it
0aboyant phrase
every pedAnt , cynic, deagogue4and trouble a1er will relegate
iportance o! these words to the e3tent o! oc1Ary and ridicule
$ do not 1now the dignity o! their birth, but $ do1now the glory o!
their death. They diedun%uestioning, uncoplaining, with !aith in
theirhearts, and on their lips the hope that we wouldgo on to
victory. Always, !or the: Duty, Honor,Country" always their blood
and sweat and tears, as we sought the way and the light and

-onald -eagan A Tie !or Choosing 5a1a 6The Speech67 Air date 89
(ctober :;<=, 'os Angeles, CA
.ou and $ are told increasingly we have tochoose between a le!t or
right. >ell $?d li1e tosuggest there is no such thing as a le!t or
right.There?s only an up or down: @upA an?s old 44 old4aged drea,
the ultiate in individual !reedoconsistent with law and order, or
down to the ant heap o! totalitarianis. And regardless o!their
sincerity, their huanitarian otives, thosewho would trade our
!reedo !or security haveebar1ed on this downward course.
>inston Churchill 4 /lood, Toil, Tears and Sweat5:;=B7
during tie o! world war two when hitler was a1ing sweeping
$ havenothing to o2er but blood, toil, tears and sweat.6
>e have be!ore us an ordeal o! the ostgrievous 1ind. >e have
be!ore us any, anylong onths o! struggle and o! su2ering.
.ouas1, what is our policyC $ will say: $t is to wagewar, by sea, land
and air, with all our ight andwith all the strength that God can
give us" to wage war against a onstrous tyranny, neversurpassed
in the dar1 and laentable catalogueo! huan crie. That is our
.ou as1,what is our aiC $ can answer in one word:victory" victory at
all costs, victory in spite o! allterror, victory, however long and hard
the road ay be" !or without victory, there is nosurvival. 6
'yndon Dohnson
E<th ,resident o! the #nited States
:;BF 4 :;9E
$! two en agree on everything, you ay be sure that one o! the
is doing the thin1ing.
/y :;<F the Gietna >ar was dividing thecountry. ?Haw1s? called
!or sterner ilitary actionto end the war, and ?Doves? called !or
cutbac1sand eventual withdrawal. (n March E:, :;<FDohnson
shoc1ed the nation by announcing thathe would not run !or
reelection. He said there was 6division in the Aerican House6 and
that hewas withdrawing in the nae o! 6nationalunity.6 A!ter
-ichard *i3on was inaugurated asthe E9th ,resident on Danuary 8B,
:;<; Dohnsonretired to his ranch in Te3as.

(liver Crowell Speech 4 Dissolution o! the 'ong ,arliaent
Dissolution o! the 'ong ,arliaent by (liver Crowell
given to the House o! Coons, 8B April :<HE
$t is high tie !or e to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contept o! all virtue, and
deIled by your practice o! every vice" ye are a !actious crew, and
eneies to all good governent" ye are a pac1 o! ercenary
wretches, and would li1e &sau sell your country !or a ess o!
pottage, and li1e Dudas betray your God !or a !ew pieces o! oney.
contept o! all virtues and aJnity !or all vices
you are !actious crew and ercenary wretches
and would li1e esau sell your country !or pieces o! pottage and li1e
Kuda will betray your God !or a !ew pieces o! oney
$s there a single virtue now reaining aongst youC $s there one
vice you do not possessC .e have no ore religion than y horse"
gold is your God" which o! you have not barter?d your conscience !or
bribesC $s there a an aongst you that has the least care !or the
good o! the CoonwealthC
is there a single virtue you possess C $s there single vice 4you do not
you have no ore religion than y horse
gold is your God ,4you have bartered your conscience !or bribe
.e sordid prostitutes have you not deIl?d this sacred place, and
turn?d the 'ord?s teple into a den o! thieves, by your ioral
principles and wic1ed practicesC .e are grown intolerably odious to
the whole nation" you were deputed here by the people to get
grievances redress?d, are yourselves goneL SoL Ta1e away that
shining bauble there, and loc1 up the doors.
you sordid prostitutes 4you have deIled this scared place
you have converted lord s teple into den o! thieves
you have grown invo1esably odious to your nation
you were recruited to solve grievances o! people

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