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Pi^vi , ^'p(f ^ ^ ^ C^
' Cierkofthc-S-iDerioi C^L'rt
V^mo^nc^\ ey^yl>f, JUN 272005
Wc rt-r^fi^ Ji\(fiy^ WiAl^co Cf^c^ >'" URINO, Depui),
\A.0^\ ^-ft" hytv 1^1-^
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( -fj;' -Oiprf^ my ^Wi^r^-P r^'h-hir^<i,
(k^ ke^v/ir^-1^ -fT) t,o^y C(:YX-^ PV(P'l^ol2-
MakiWa v^. F. Ipil iMAkc^w^^,
ypl4ik' Y-^rt/P^f InAZ-f^^ (/-ny I -17''
^-r k^^prf, '
FcW^V^k'^ k-Kiy OiH/^ f
-It' inr^^-ij<l -/PaI l/V^ ' A
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TF'F ih^ii \nc cMd td
JiAmp- -fp^ /jA'r"P pYl7i>/'^jh i-t-Pk/m-C- 3
./l/V(/-ktH^^fi' yi/i/lpjPii^yin^ lAn^ Pi/TiAum
CV (Fp AA. / IPi ki ki Y> AP/V <[ i Z(/lAi/yy /?Pf77^
Ff''^-{; PmAf l^-tfiiriiAYi (AOC
tkv'\ i\i. -h t^ApSr~di'Ulc^ 4yic
ZAyiAju /AtpU/dAdU^p-t^ ii^
He IS ^i/sc S'e^idih^ his knfhi m-v
Ciipj?Wkj irmlri iAriifi yM-Xkicoi fkmi4-^^ipS ^
i! \ ] f * . ! ^ f / ;
-^hMyiAh ,cn7^poi4i. i^yi^% m^a
p\fiki/ii44 M^d phiiec if -em-pi njky/^ If
hi bCiAi irni-emh eii^d
<^4 4-1 i k'Tis dhc ehic Ai^eioUi''y\ /f h ^i/xei-x.,
'i^t hi'Vi merz l-t^A-cA^ -h pia/ia iMrm
iku dD ,i(/)(mi (nkHA'hhdn AUf-OA^
hw1 fct ide/\Mi^/J l^umAUj M l^nten 'A
tHApnd- jliv^ miTi'n f/is ku Ma^A hiii\
X Urn MjCfeiAi -jrh pjmA M^(driHA4c
lA/yiit A liO-Vii^-e'l/^- ArPih/ikvoiAi Ci/V^
hpjAWeul jiT fpihX AviMrLfi/''m -jD i?c lAAAd jpfX
^hbt/it tAn^./irHkkilXi a//l eiAiA^'Arp/fCA) ^
ey\An'4 &ijA , l^et u dht ViofiHo.
X \fe^>pOcA I/UTiaA l^\/r\nishff\ld^Y^^ ftAnlA^i
cpi^w^, h\hAiA eAprzAA vi-eAji i^l be a i/XtAAkU
l/ .r < _^vl '/' I/;/ . ! r" i . t }
froI ifTA/i{Au4ixi {/l<A mpfcX X ixt i?c Afi
mf IffkA jne-hu f h -AOAhld-
hl/AU^ cu'\ (MAy J, dj mvj XtK /lAiAj BUaMUa ;fhWAlA^
AAiAd dmffXfih^/XhAUfA ijhit'",
and pianist; and their children Sicilienne, Farida and Giiberto
- violinists all - spoke no words ofcomfort, but they succeeded
in silencing a contentious community, at least for almost two
hours, and having them listened to what they preach.
Their charm was irresistible, their music infectious and their
presence alone was enough cause to celebrate the coming
together, in music, of a community long wanting in purpose.
It seems rather odd, but not impossible, that such a diverse
audience of Filipino Americans would be synthesized in such a
manner. But Filipinos are, for all their faults and shortcomings,
music lovers! Happy music lovers, that is.
And it showed during the May 14 concert at the Scottish Rite
Masonic Center in Mission Valley where the Kabayaos, like
royalty, summoned their subjects and pampered them with a
repertoire that catered both to the young and old, the classicists
and the balladeers, the romantic and the pop lovers, the US-
bred and grown and those who hankered for the native land.
And the Kabayaos simply filled them up. In fact, thefirst few
notes of Philippine folk songs were like panacea that soothed
ones longing for family and home way back in the Philippines.
They touched a raw nerve.
Rather than assail the senses, their music worked smoothly to
provide ease and enjoyment - a welcome relief from the stress-
. Please see KABAYAOS, p. 6
Albert F. del Rosario has wel
comed the new development
Please see NURSES, p. 2
More Taxes
on Used Cars
from Abroad
Beginning May 21, 2005
used passenger cars andother
vehicles imported into the
Philippines will be subject to
a specific import duty of five
hundred thousand pesos
(Php 500,000.00).
Please see TAXES, p. 2
Court has rejected an attempt San Uiego Vity t^ouncil, tias
to stop the Philippine Village petitioned the court lor a
Voice from publishing stories
about or with reference to Please see CENSOR, p. 9
Philippine Freedom
Day Marked in SD
SAN DIEGO - The tradi
tional flag-raising ceremony
at the Ocean View Blvd. resi
dence of revolutionary war
descendant Carlos Linayao
on June 12 will highlight the
celebration of Philippine
independence day in San
Other events are scheduled
before that day, notably by
the Council of Philippine
American Organizations
(COPAO) which is holding a
parade and fair at National
City's Kimball Park on June
11 and 12.
Congressmen Bob Filner
and Randy Cunningham,
sponsors of the Equity Bill,
have been invited to speak at
the Community Forum at
The Philippines declared its
independence from Spam on
June 12, 1898 in Cavitc.
By Ramy Marquez Marissa Acierto*s Grudging Confession
In one rare
lucid moment,
Marissa B.
Acierto calls
me "my ex-
boyfriend" in her petition for
a restraining order filed with
the San Diego Superior
Court on May 17, 2005.
As some people know,
Marissa manages her family-
owned Cellular 2000+ store
on Bay Plaza in National
City. District 4 voters will
remember her as the two-
time candidate and two-time
loser in the San Diego City
Council election in the years
2002 and 2004.
Marissa's grudging admis
sion took a long time in com
ing, and when it came, it was
an oblique reference to our
relationship that had served
her so well in advancing her
political ambitions.
In recent weeks, she had
denied and mocked it and
now, to suit her new personal
agenda, she turns around and
unwittingly acknowledges it.
Calling me by the posses
sive "my ex-boyfriend' only
means she has come to realize
her own hypocrisy and the
quackery of her position.
Now she has swallowed her
misplaced pride to put things
in their true perspective.
If she did not make a pre
tense of it, this personal story
would not have degenerated
into one of the hottest scan
dals in the San Diego Filipino
community, attracting read
ers and unsolicited comments
from as far as Los Angeles.
I had to prove that Marissa
is a liar, which was not diffi
cult to do, because she still
lies even as the truth stares
her in the face.
No amount of disavowals
would erase the fact that our
once-secret affair had pro
duced a child who had fallen
victim to a mindle,ss abor
I also had to affirm that the
relationship existed as evi
denced by the countless sex
ual liaisons we had repeated
ly engaged in in her store, m
several motels (in addition to
our favorite budget motel),
in her car, in my van, in
model homes and in many
other places outside the city.
Marissa had to acknowl-
Please see CONFESSION, p. 8

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