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September 18, 2009

Mr. Daniel Krupp

8 Selden Street
Waban, MA 02468

Dear Liz and Daniel,

Thank you again for meeting with Sandra, Jerry and me to review the challenges
our community is confronting and to explore the areas where the greatest needs
are making demands on our resources and our communal responsibility to
respond effectively and appropriately. I cannot overstate the tremendous impact
your generosity has been making on men, woman and children in our
community who are struggling with some of the greatest economic and
emotional hardships that any of us can recall.

As you review the material we shared with you, I encourage you to consider
continuing your wonderful support for both the Jewish Vocational Service and
Jewish Family and Children’s Service. The areas of greatest need at JVS are, as
Jerry mentioned, the refugee vocational ESOL services, including classes,
support services and career coaching. Thanks to your interest and commitment,
more than 150 men and women have been given the opportunity to “level the
playing field” as they attain the English language skills that will open the door to
economic self-sufficiency and advancement. As you can imagine, this support is
especially valuable in the current economic climate.

Your support for JF&CS has been equally beneficial in advancing the Hunger
and Nutrition Initiative, Center for Family Assistance, Kol Isha and Bet Tzedek.
It would be wonderful if you would consider continuing to support each of these
initiatives for another year, through your commitment to CJP. Once again, each
of these programs meets the needs of vulnerable populations who face enormous
stresses under any circumstances, but here too, the economic downturn has
brought additional instability and insecurity to struggling families. JF&CS is at
the center of our commitment to provide guidance, support and hope to the
people who need it most.

We are very much aware that the assistance we provide through Jewish
organizations is not limited to the Jewish community, and that both Jews and
non-Jews benefit from the services provided by CJP’s partner agencies. We
consider this broader umbrella of support to be intrinsic to CJP’s mission of
making this a great community and a better world.
Liz, as always, it’s wonderful to work with you in advancing the mission of CJP
and being a partner in realizing your own philanthropic vision of a world that is
caring and just, and that provides opportunity and security to all. Daniel, it was a
pleasure to finally meet you and I deeply appreciate having had the opportunity
to learn more about your own thoughtful commitment to ensuring a dependable
safety net for our community’s most vulnerable populations.

Your insights and your creative energy made this a meaningful and productive
meeting, and I look forward to continuing our conversation in the days ahead. I
extend my warmest wishes to you and yours for a sweet and good New Year.
Warm regards.


Zamira Korff

Cc: Wayne Zarozny, Senior Vice President

Donna Morrissey, Foundation Associate

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