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Men's Health Lists

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Guy Wisdom

9 Rules for Stronger Erections
By: Kate Dailey
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Eat Blackberry Jam on Your Toast
Shut Down the Smokestack
Become a More Sensitive Guy
Stop Sawing Wood
Eat a Dark-Chocolate Dove Bar
Lower Your Estrogen
Get Pricked
Build a Stronger Floor
Open Your Medicine Cabinet
Still Not Able to Defy Gravity?
More Health Lists
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100 Ways to Protect Your Heart
Rules for Stronger Erections: Men's Health
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Why Are You Hungry After You Just Ate?
Eat Blackberry Jam on Your Toast
Dark fruits like blackberries, bilberries, and elderberries contain high levels of anthocyanins,
ultrapowerful antioxidants that could act as erection insurance.
Quick science lesson: Your penis's ability to rise and shine depends, in part, on the availability of
nitric oxide, a blood-vessel-dilating chemical. When too many free radicals are present in your
bloodstream, nitric oxide goes down-and so does your penis. Enter anthocyanins. These potent antioxidants
attack free radicals before they have the chance to lower nitric oxide levels.
Here's proof of their power: Indiana University researchers found that arteries treated with anthocyanins
retained high levels of nitric oxide even after being flooded with free radicals. "Antioxidants help keep free
radicals under control so nitric oxide can do its thing," says David Bell, Ph.D., the lead study author. And that
"thing" is giving your penis the blood it needs to turn excitement into an erection.
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Please get back and try again."; return 0; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$COM_CONF['dbmaintable']}
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'{$_REQUEST['disc_name']}', '{$_REQUEST['disc_email']}', '$dont_show',
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Rules for Stronger Erections: Men's Health
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z0-9]+\.)+([a-z]{2,3}'; $p.= '|info|arpa|aero|coop|name|museum)$/ix'; return preg_match($p, $Addr); } ?>
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