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/FL H!e I!pr"e!e#t$0 is Ottawa's leading roofing, windows, siding and doors contractor. We
offer a myriad range of roofing ans siding products at affordable prices. We also deal in repair,
installation and maintenance of the roofs and sidings.
Our professionals have years of experience in providing local solutions for vinyl sidings, roofing and
doors and windows.Whether you are looking for shingled roofs or aluminum windows or vinyl siding,
we have the perfect product for you.
33,3 4i$ Vert Pl
Ott&w&5 ON5 671 7T+
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); Wh: t Ch$e Vi#:l Si2i#8 fr :ur Hu$e<
It is an important and might be little confusing part to choose between different vinyl siding styles for
replacement project. inyl siding is an engineered product which is made up of polyvinyl chloride
resin. It gives a new look by imitating the the look of woo clapboard and architectural design of your
house. M&#: Vi#:l $i2i#8 I#$t&ll&ti# Ott&w& technicians offer diverse range of designs and colors to
give your home a fresh look. inyl siding prove to be a great substitute to paint.
arious rf rep&ir Ott&w& professionals offer customi!ed services to the clients for installation and
maintenance of house. inyl siding is easy to install it doesn't take too much time so it is the most
popular material used by home owners.
4e#efit$ f Vi#:l Si2i#8
"any homes built new and many gets older so, they need to be refinished. In case of refinishing
vinyl siding is the best option. inyl siding provides the homeowners benefits that other type of
siding can't match at all.
#rice obviously will depends on the type and $uality of the siding. inyl siding is available in
variety of designs and colours which are able to fit in your budgets. It is also cheaper than
bricks, aluminium or wood siding.
%o say it is maintenance free is not exactly true. %hough it re$uire not much maintenance. It
re$uire no repair in terms of re&paint and it never has to be stripped. 's in wood insects are
major source of tension but in this there are no such issues. 'll you are re$uire to do is to hose
down the siding on getting muddy because of weather.
inyl siding always look fresh as there are no issues of dents, chipping. It improves energy
efficiency of your home by cutting in the heating or cooling bills. 'lso, add value to your house.
It offers fresh and exciting looks to your house and letting your house to breathe a new life. (ou
can choose the surface either smooth or grained with low or high gloss. )nable you to create
special and uni$ue designs with the availability of numerous colours you can imagine of.
It is easy to install so it labour cost is also low. *o, you need not to ponder for its installation.
'nd once you installed it you do not need to think about it again and again. %hat is because of
its durability and low maintenance feature. "odern technology allows vinyl siding to tolerate
the slaps of ) rays, pollution and even extreme weather confidently.
inyl siding is the best alternative for paints and other material. It is available in comprehensive range
of colours and designs at affordable prices. 'lso can be installed $uickly with low labour cost. Its low
maintenance feature and durability make this product superior to any other material.
FL home improvements provides technicians who are skilled in installing and maintaining
your roofs or sidings in an efficient manner. We deliver comprehensive range of roofing
materials in variety of designs and colours at affordable prices.
2) Is It a Good Option Modifying your Home with Vinyl Siding?
arious "i#:l $i2i#8 i#$t&ll&ti# Ott&w& technicians offer their customer a comprehensive range of
materials and "&riet: f 2e$i8#$ fr "i#:l $i2i#8. inyl siding is basically a plastic material which is
used for home decoration. It is an engineered product which imitates the look of wood clapboard and
also used in the place of fibre cement or &lu!i#iu! $i2i#8.
*everal "i#:l $i2i#8 Ott&w& prfe$$i#&l$ assist you in furnishing your home by providing a fancy
look by using vinyl siding material suiting your home's architecture. It comes in wide range of colours
and also have tendency to mimic architectural details.
I!prt&#t F&%tr$ t 4e C#$i2ere2
He&lth I$$ue- 's it is manufactured primarily from polyvinyl chloride +#,- resin that
contains dangerous chemicals, chlorine and lead which directly affect our health. In high
temperature it release harmful chemicals which results in respiratory problems.
=ur&bilit: - It is true that vinyl lasts for a very long time. .owever, vinyl is less durable as
compared to masonry and wood in extreme weather. .eavy wind can lift the panel from the
wall if it get underneath the thin sheet of vinyl siding. Windblown trash and strong hail can
damage vinyl. /ut new technology makes it less brittle and more stronger.
M&i#te#&#%e f the Vi#:l Si2i#8
In contrast to wood,inyl does not demand to get paint. It re$uires less maintenance as compared to
other materials. 0or maintaining its fresh appearance it should be washed once a year. /ut it has its own
problems as moisture can be trapped beneath the vinyl and can promote rot, mildew and also offer
invitation fro insect infestations.
If you left it unmaintained, it can cause the paint to blister. %o prevent it from hidden damage make
regular inspection and repair the impaired joints between the vinyl sidings.
inyl is available in variety of clur$ &#2 !2er# "i#:l does not fade as $uickly as older vinyl. Its
pigmentation is baked rather than applying to the surface that is why it never show scratches. %ime and
weather can affect its gloss and if it gets damaged, it is difficult to find the exact color match.
=e!erit$ f Vi#:l Si2i#8
It is not environmental friendly as it contains harmful chemicals. When it is manufactured it
produces greenhouses gases such as nitrogen oxide carcinogens with dioxine.
It does not get recycled. 's it is made up of #, and to recycle post consumer #, is
expensive and difficult too.
Vi#:l $i2i#8 may lower your home's value.
It re$uires maintenance otherwise it can trap moisture beneath the vinyl siding. Which can
invite insects and result in rotting of the siding.
Vi#:l $i2i#8 can render your home a new look but at the same time it is not an environment friendly
product which in turn affects your health as well. %o maintain its fresh look it also demands little care
such as regular inspection and a wash in a year. *o, before going for vinyl siding take in account some
of its major concerns.
FL Home Improvements Offer skilled technicians who are efficient in installing vinyl siding
of any material. We provide comprehensive range of colours and designs according to
customer choice and which fits easily into their budget.
*; 1ll 1but 1$ph&lt Rfi#8 - Pr$ &#2 C#$
1oof maintenance is one of the important aspect. It is necessary to consider it in order to promote the
longevity of your house. "any rfi#8 %#tr&%tr Ott&w& technicians provide services to the clients
for installation and maintenance of roofing. 'sphalt shingles are generally used for sloppy roofs and
smaller residential projects. With the advancement of technology shingles are available in wide range
of textures, thickness and designs and also can be treated against mold and mildew.
"any "i#:l $i2i#8 Ott&w& professionals who offer services for vinyl siding also deliver services for
roof installation. "any materials are used as roofing material which are available in wide range of
T:pe$ f 1$ph&lt Shi#8le$
'sphalt shingles are of two types 2 one is Organic shingles and other is 0iberglas.
Or8&#i% $hi#8le$ > Organic shingles are made up of paper +waste paper- with asphalt coating
in order to makes it waterproof product. %hese are more durable but more prone to fire and also
not environment friendly it is contains asphalt in high $uantity.
Fiber8l&$$ > %his product is made up of layer of glass fibre reinforcing mat. %his mat is coated
with asphalt, which is contained of mineral fillers in order to make it waterproof. 0ibreglass
shingles on the contrary to organic shingles deliver excellent protection from fire. 'nd now
days these are preferred more and replace the organic shingles gradually.
12"&#t&8e$ f 1$ph&lt Shi#8le$
Re?uire little M&i#te#&#%e
%hese re$uire little maintenance as compared to other materials. %hese shingles looks fine with little
maintenance. If any damage takes place these can be easily repaired.
E&$: t I#$t&ll
%his material is easy to install. )sually many material demands for professionals to get installed but
asphalt shingles can be installed without professional assistance.
=i"er$e R&#8e
'sphalt shingles are present in wide range of colours and textures. (ou can easily choose the colour
and texture in order to match with your house. It offer expensive look to your house. 'lso, can imitate
the look of slate, tile and wood.
Its cost is its big advantage. It is inexpensive as compared to other material. 3ven installation cost is
also not very expensive. It proves boon to your pockets.
Li8ht Wei8ht
One of the most important advantage lies in its light weight. )sually many roofing material are heavy
in weight and may not fit to the type of roof structure of your house.
'sphalt shingles have the advantage that these can be manufactured in order to deliver the look of
natural material such as tile or wood. 's these are light in weight also light on your pockets too.
'vailability of diverse range of colour and texture let you select according to your house structure.
F Home Impro!ements" offers wide range of roofing material with #omprehensi!e range of
te$ture and #olours% &e pro!ide our #lients with 'est solutions regarding any home reno!ation
4) How Ottawa Renovation Contractors View Roofng Impacts on Real Estate
Roof is undoubtedly, one of the biggest investment of any building or commercial settings. Roof is
the ultimate source that protects you from various outer elements. Meanwhile, they receive
constant beating from a lot of sources such as adverse weather condition, accidental damages,
less maintenance and many more. In worst cases, lack of maintenance lead to complete roof
replacement over the time. According to Ottawa renovation contractors, detecting the roofng
problems at earlier stage prevents serious issues later on.
Numerous roofers Ottawa consider a well-maintained roof as the key to defense the property.
hey suggested some tips that can bene!t property owners in keeping their properties upgraded
and secure for longer period of time.
Being A Proactive
"roactive inspection and repair of roof is the ultimate alternative for prolonging roof#s life-span. It
is advisable to conduct a roof repair task yearly or bi-yearly. It is strongly recommended to inspect
the roofs twice a year - one in spring and one after e$treme summer and winter. After any
damage, make sure you implement necessary repairs to prevent further damages.
e! Elements of an Inspection"
Always check for splits, tears and worn-out shingles
%eep the gutters clean always as that prevents leakage and back-up. he clogged drains
often create stress on the roof structure. Ice and snow are biggest roof threats in winters,
whereas in summers blocked gutter can create pressure on the roof. Moreover, it will also
provide ample breeding space to mos&uitoes.
'lear the debris behind the skylights and pipes
%eep an eye on vents and fans
Make sure that sealants are in their pristine condition and the (oins are also secured.
Climatic Con#itions"$
he climatic condition of a place also a)ects the roofs. *very season bring new challenges, you
need to protect your roofs from heavy summer storms to winter snow falls or large piles of leaf in
springs, are some biggest challenges for property managers.
%ome Climate$%pecifc Roof Problems
Rain an# H&mi#it! $ +eavy rain and humidity lead to structural damages. ,ater damages must
be addressed &uickly before they worse the situation.
Heav! storm #amage $ +eavy storms and winds can loose the shingles and create cracks. -isual
inspection after every storm is strongly recommended.
Vermin an# Pets $ .irds, termites, s&uirrels love to create their homes over the roofs. It is crucial
to block the small entry holes to prevent their residence over your roof.
%nowfall $ +eavy snowfall put a lot of pressure over the roof structure. +ire a snow removal
company to prevent the snow from your roof.
%&n #amage $ +arsh /- sun rays shorten the life-span of roo!ng materials. Make sure that the
sealants are at their pristine condition.
Roof maintenance an# repair help the property managers to keep their property up-to-date. It
is also very cost-e)ective and gets you a reliable and durable roof.
'() Home Improvements' o)er a wide range of roo!ng materials for commercial and residential
settings. 0ur roo!ng contractors serve their e$ceptional roo!ng services across 0ttawa. 0ur aim is
to get you a reliable and durable roo!ng material.
,; I$ I#$t&lli#8 C&$e!e#t Wi#2w & A2 I2e&< Re&2 O#...
/efore going for installation of casement window let's gather some information regarding how it works
and what makes it different from others. ,asement windows are hinged on the sides and instead of
opening upward it opens to the outside. "any h!e i!pr"e!e#t$ Ott&w& offers various products
like vinyl siding, roofing, windows with variety of ranges in designs, patterns prices.
4umerous h!e re#"&ti# %#tr&%tr$ provides efficient professionals who can guide you if you are
planning to renovate your home. 't the time of window replacing there are various options available to
E@&!i#i#8 f the C&$e!e#t Wi#2w
,asement window are hinged at the side and crank outward instead of having handle to open and lifting
upward. %hese windows can be installed anywhere in the home but usually installed over the sinks,
appliances or counter tops.

Pr$ Of the C&$e!e#t Wi#2w
arious advantages of casement window are5&
1"&il&bilit: f V&riu$ =e$i8#$
%here are number of various attractive designs available in casement windows. 0rench, push&out, top
down grille, colonial grill are some of the many designs you can choose for your home. (ou can
customi!e them for precise si!e and according to your colour preferences. 4umber of materials are
used for these windows such as wood, clad, steel, fibreglass.
E#er8: Effi%ie#t Wi#2w
like fixed pane windows these are also energy efficient windows by creating airtight seal. #ressing of
window sash against the frame while closing makes the seal airtight. .aving an air&tight seal, it
prevents from leakage and it doesn't let the air to enter the home interior.
E&$: t Oper&te
,asement windows are easy to open and close as they use single liver latch or tandem latch. In modern
models option of automatic openers is there.
Sur%e f N&tur&l Ve#til&ti#
%hese are wide open from top to bottom proving as an ultimate source of ventilation and light resulting
in saving electricity as well.
C#$ f C&$e!e#t Wi#2w$
/esides some positive points, cons of this window are also there which are
Prble!$ with 1ir C#2iti#er$
In casement window rooms, air conditioners can't be installed because these windows crank outward.
'ir conditioners can be accommodated easily where windows slide up and down . 'ir conditioners are
not made for ,asement windows.
Li!it&ti#$ i# SiBe
%hese windows can't be too large or heavy. 1eason being,they are designed to crank outward. %hus, the
opening section of the window gets strong enough providing absolute support to the window. %hat is
why professionals suggest light weight and smaller windows.
When it comes to choose the right casement windows for the home there are many aspects which
homeowner needs to ponder over like material, designs, architecture and si!es. 's these windows offer
better energy efficiency and natural ventilation, they are a first choice for homeowners.
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33,3 4i$ Vert Pl
Ott&w&5 ON5 671 7T+

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