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Name:___________________ Grade/Section:____________

English 1

TEST I Multiple Choice
Direction: In sentences below, identify what is being described by the underline words. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

1. You deserved to be treated like that!
a. Adjective b. Adverb c. Noun d. Pronoun
2. In History and Geography, you will need to arrange the relevant facts and information into an
accepted pattern of paragraph organization.
a. Adjective b. Adverb c. Noun d. Pronoun
3. The team enjoys practices with coach.
a. Abstract Noun b. Collective Noun c. Compound Noun d. Proper Noun
4. The ticket agent smiled when she heard how excited we were.
a. Concrete Noun b. Collective Noun c. Compound Noun d. Proper Noun
5. The past century was a milestone for equality.
a. Abstract Noun b. Concrete Noun c. Common Noun d. Proper Noun
6. In the Arts subjects, such as languages and literature, style and structure in writing can often be
just as important as content.
a. Adjective b. Adverb c. Noun d. Verb
7. Dante heard his teachers loud voice all the way from the gym.
a. Adjective b. Adverb c. Noun d. Verb
8. Sunday is a family day.
a. Concrete Noun b. Collective Noun c. Compound Noun d. Proper Noun
9. I saw her walking at the road with Gina, the new student.
a. Adjective b. Conjunction c. Noun d. Preposition
10. I could choose to be sad or I could choose to be happy.
a. Adjective b. Conjunctiuon c. Noun d. Preposition

TEST II Completion Test
Direction: Underline the correct Pronoun and Modals to make the sentence complete.
11. Lola gave me ( my, her ) blessing when I raised her hand to my forehead.
12. His books are for sale ( at, in ) National Book Store.
13. Ambeth Ocampo has written several books ( on, in ) various aspects of Philippine history.
14. Nina and Simon carried ( his, their ) bags all the way to the bus station.
15. ( Each, All ) of them are guests to my party tonight.
16. The students ( should, must )be able to know the different kinds of Noun.
17. Not only does he write books, he also maintains a column ( in, on ) the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
18. Gina and her brothers took ( her, their ) share of cake.
19. ( Everyone, Everybody ) is waiting inside the room.
20. ( Most, Several ) of the audience is from my hometown province.

TEST III Identification
Direction: Identify what is being asked by the statement. Write the correct answer on the blank
_______21. kind of Nouns that tells a name of a person, place, what idea or thing that begin with a
small letter.
_______22. formed by adding the helping verb had to the past participle of the main verb.
_______23. it expresses an action which began in the past and has just been completed.
_______24. it is a word or a group of words that relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the
_______25. it denotes an action which took place before another past action.
_______26. sometimes known as the had tense.
_______27. also identified as auxiliary used with other verbs to express special meanings.
_______28. formed by adding the helping verb has/have to the past participle of the main verb.
_______29. kind of Nouns that ends with letter s but does not mean that it used in plural form.
_______30. may be used to express actions which occurred at intervals in the past.

TEST IV True or False
Direction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and if FALSE write the correct word to make it TRUE.
_______31. conjunctions are words that connect other words or group of words.
_______32. can is used when you want to show that the person has the ability, both mental and
physical to do a certain action.
_______33. conjunctive Adverbs are adverbs that are used to connect two complete idea with
_______34. object of Preposition never stands alone for it appears with a noun or pronoun after it.
_______35. should is used when you want to express a certain necessity.
_______36. subordinating Conjunctions connects two complete ideas, but the other idea is
subordinated to ordependent on the other.
_______37. must is used to express obligation, expectation and the sample future.
_______38. coordinating Conjunctions are words that also connect similar kinds of words, but they
always appear in pairs.
_______39. modals can be seen used for each sentences. It present a certain condition to emphasize
certain verbs.
_______40. correlative Conjunctions are words that also connect similar kinds of words.

TEST V Essay Type Test
I Write five sentences applying passive voice or active voice. ( 5 pts. )

II- Write five sentences. Underline the Gerunds and identify its function in a given sentence. ( 5 pts. )


TEST I-Multiple Choice TEST II- Completion Test TEST III- Identification
1. b 11. her 21. Common Noun
2. b 12. at 22. Past Perfect Tense
3. b 13. on 23. Present Perfect Tense
4. b 14. their 24. Preposition
5. c 15. all 25. Past Perfect Tense
6. d 16. should 26. Past Perfect Tense
7. c 17. in 27. Modals
8. b 18. their 28. Present Perfect Tense
9. b 19. everybody 29. Compound Nouns
10.c 20. most 30. Present Perfect Tense

TEST IV- True or False TEST V- Essay Type ( 5 pts. Each )
31. T
32. T
33. F ( one complete idea only )
34. T
35. F ( must )
36. T
37. F ( should )
38. F ( Correlative Conjunctions )
39. T
40. F ( Coordinating Conjunctions )

Table of Specifications

A Requirement
Prof. Ed. 6a

Submitted by:
Richel J. Pearedondo

Submitted to:
Dr. Maria Teresa B. Ricerra

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