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Semicolons Exercise ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Semicolons have three main uses:
1. To join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning.
I have a lot of homework. I will stay up late to finish it.
I have a lot of homework; I will stay up late to finish it.
2. To join two independent clauses with a long conjunction (long conjunctions have more than three
letters: therefore, however, consequently, besides, for example, in fact, thus, nevertheless).
It is very hot in this room. I will open a window.
It is very hot in this room; therefore, I will open a window.
*Put a semicolon before the long conjunction and a comma after it.
3. To separate things in a lengthy, complex list if there are commas within the list.
Andrew plays the harmonica; Matthew, the bass; Adrian, the guitar; and Nathan, the drums.
I have visited Paris, France; Beijing, China; Auckland, New Zealand.
Write correct if the sentence is correct or fix the sentence if it is not correct.

1. I have to baby-sit; I cannot come.

2. Amanda brought soup; crackers; and cheese.
3. Malcolm forgot his wallet; and I had to pay his bill.
4. Lesley did not study for her exam; consequently, she failed her course.
5. Im going car shopping; the lots are having end of the year blowouts.
6. She is tired; but she continues her work.
7. Laurie has received packages from Regina, Saskatchewan; Vancouver, British Columbia;
and St. Johns, Newfoundland.
8. I will come on one condition; that I get to pick the movie.
9. Sharon has three cars: a Ford Mustang; a BMW Z3; and a Dodge Viper.
10. Michelle has wavy hair; but her mothers is straight.
11. Kevin lost his keys; he cannot find them anywhere.
12. Marie likes to dance; her car is red.

13. My grandmother makes delicious butter tarts; she is the best cook in the world.
14. Bills car broke down yesterday; therefore, he was late for work.
15. I am tired; so Im going to bed.
16. I opened the closet door; and my brother jumped out, startling me.
17. I cant go out to dinner tonight, I have to study for my accounting midterm.
18. Last week I went to the circus; my car broke down yesterday.
19. I have an aunt in Portland, Oregon, an uncle in Grants Pass, Oregon and grandparents in
Orlando, Florida.
20. I bought my sister this great shirt at Wal-Mart; however, it doesnt fit her.
21. My cousin Marvin gets all As, moreover, he has been offered an academic scholarship at
Michigan State University.
22. Many people hate politicians; because politicians lie.
23. Some people think George W. Bush is an idiot, but others believe he is a hero.
24. Liz is always late, however; everyone else is also late.
25. Cathy loves the author L. M. Montgomery, she owns a copy of every one of
Montgomerys novels.

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