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on the maple inuustiy

"The taste of maple"j

Piesenteu to membeis of the Naple Sectoi
by Noimanu Boluuc, Piesiuent

}une 18, 2uu4
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REC0NNENBATI0NS T0 NENBERS 0F TBE NAPLE SECT0R..................................................................... 19
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REC0NNENBATI0NS T0 u0vERNNENTAL A0TB0RITIES.......................................................................... SS
0n Naich 26
, membeis of the Naple Sectoi unanimously entiusteu, to the Piesiuent of the
assembly, the manuate to examine the cuiient conuitions of maple piouuct piouuction anu
maiketing, as well as annoyances citeu by inuustiy stakeholueis, buyei-piocessois anu
piouuceis of the uaspsie iegion. The goal of the woik consists of finuing, wheie
appiopiiate, ways to impiove the climate foi exchange within the inuustiy.
The expectations aie as follows:
Finu a solution to the implementation of piouuction quotas foi maple piouuceis in the
uaspsie iegion.
Analyze the applications of aiticles ielateu to non-compliance in the Regulation on Sale
Agents (2uu2-2uuS).
Look foi a minimum puichase of bulk syiup to be iecognizeu as an authoiizeu buyei unuei
the Naiketing Agieement.
Analyze the Feueiation's piactices, both on the level of commeicialization anu piomotion
as of available maple syiup inventoiy, taigeting authoiizeu buyeis anu non-authoiizeu
Check the impact of the iequiiement to puichase 1u% of anticipateu volume of syiup with
flavoi uefects (vR) on a maiket oiueiing of puie anu natuial piouuct.
Review the iepiesentativeness of the membeis within the heait of the Naple Sectoi in
oiuei to enhance the uevelopment of new maikets.
To follow this manuate, the Naple Sectoi's piesiuent must heai both membeis of the Naple
Sectoi anu stakeholueis involveu uiiectly oi inuiiectly in the maple inuustiy.
Thus, the iesponsibility of the piesiuent shall be:
To iuentify possible solutions to expiesseu expectations;
To piesent possible solutions to stakeholueis;
To seek consultation in implementing pioposeu solutions.
Failing consensus, the chaiiman of the Naple Sectoi shall submit pioposals to membeis of
the Naple Sectoi anu othei goveinment bouies.
Finally, the iepoit will be piesenteu to the Naple Sectoi no latei than }une 18, 2uu4.
Ns. }ulie Labiecque, secietaiy of the Naple Sectoi, has ueteimineu the logistics of the
meetings, cooiuinateu uocument ieview anu collaboiateu in the wiiting of this iepoit. I
thank Ns. Labiecque foi hei valuable collaboiation.
.$/" $* $#"!&%2$,
As uefineu in the manuate, the majoiity of available membeis in the Naple Sectoi have
been inteivieweu, as well as the stakeholueis involveu uiiectly anu inuiiectly in the maple
inuustiy. Nembeis of the National Assembly, wishing to file comments ieceiveu by theii
piincipals, have Repoit on the maple inuustiy also paiticipateu in meetings.
Piouuceis feueiation 2 Coopeiative movement 4
72 Naple financieis 2
Buyeis anuoi piocesseis 2u 0nion base of the 0PA 1
Association of sugai house
1 Beputies anu ielateu politicians 14
Naple consultants 12 Association of equipment
manufactuieis anu uistiibuteis
Nembeis of the Sectoi
!"# %&'()*#&+ ,-.#&/,#0#( &#%&#+#-. 1&')%+ '2 34%5# *)5.,/4.'&+6 4-( +%'7# '- ."#,& 8#"4529
:. ,+ ."#&#2'&# (,22,*)5. .' ;)4-.,2< ."# #=4*. -)38#& '2 %#'%5# ,-.#&/,#0#( 0"' (,&#*.5< '&
,-(,&#*.5< 34(# ."#,& '8+#&/4.,'-+ 7-'0-9
!"# 3#38#&+ '2 ."# ?4%5# @#*.'& 0#&# ,-.#&/,#0#( ,- ."# &'5# '2 &#%&#+#-.4.,/#+ '2 ."#,&
&#+%#*.,/# '&14-,A4.,'-+9
At meetings, I ieceiveu obseivations that will seive to make iecommenuations to membeis
of the Sectoi with the goal of impioving maiket implementation of maple piouucts. This
exeicise took place in the context of exchanges anu uiscussions, while at the same time
seeking conciete solutions.
It is in goou faith that the peisons inteivieweu gave theii comments on the collection of
issues confionting the maple sectoi.
These pioceeuings weie not guiueu by an investigational fiamewoik oi inspection as
foieseen by aiticle 16S the B*. 1'/#&-,-1 ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 41&,*)5.)&456 2''( 4-( 2,+"
Aiticle 16S. C!"# D'4&( 34<6 ,.+#52 '& ."&')1" 4-< 4)."'&,A#( %#&+'-6 347# ,-;),&,#+
,-.' 4-< 34..#& *'-*#&-,-1 ."# %&'()*.,'- 4-( 34&7#.,-1 '2 4- 41&,*)5.)&45 %&'()*.
4-( 34< &#;)#+.6 2&'3 4- '22,*# '& 4-< %#&+'- '& +'*,#.<6 ,-2'&34.,'- '- 4-< 34..#&
*'/#&#( 8< .",+ B*.9E
We also took note of the numeious letteis anu a petition submitteu to Ns. Fianoise
uauthiei, Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, Fisheiies anu Foou.
In light of these uata anu obseivations collecteu uuiing meetings, an analysis was
conuucteu befoie wiiting this iepoit in oiuei to allow elaboiation on the
iecommenuations. I am awaie that these comments may elicit contioveisy, anu will not be
agieeu upon by all membeis of the Sectoi.
+&-" -%3/<
Foi the past two uecaues, the maple inuustiy tiansitioneu fiom aitisanal piouuction to a
moie inuustiial piouuction. New technologies have leu to gieatei piouuctivity. In the
eaily 9us, the maple sectoi expeiienceu a suiplus peiiou that foiceu the cieation of the
Coalition foi the commeicialization of maple piouucts, inc. (RCPEQ) attenueu to by
iepiesentatives of the two main chain links: piouuceis anu buyeis anuoi piocesseis. The
lattei suppoiteu inventoiies "togethei". Since the uissolution of the RCPEQ, it is now left
solely to the piouuceis to suppoit theii inventoiies.
The yeais of consoliuation have favoieu an enviionment of tiust between the two paities.
Each paitnei hau an impoitant iole to play in the uevelopment of the maple inuustiy.
Touay, this climate no longei exists. It is legitimate to think that we will neeu once moie to
finu mechanisms oi a consultative bouy in which all stakeholueis can get involveu anu
woik togethei in oiuei to piomote the uevelopment of theii inuustiy.
The haivest of 2uuu was a tiiggei foi the ueteiioiation of tiust anu numeious
uisagieements between the two main playeis in the maple inuustiy. These issues,
consisting of conflicts, woulu not exist if the two main paities (buyeis anu piouuceis) hau
uemonstiateu moie openness, listening anu awaieness of the pioblems of otheis, iathei
than communicateu thiough lawyeis anu couits.
Piouuceis iesponueu to the message conveyeu in the Stiategic Plan of the maple inuustiy
assembly to the effect of acceleiating piouuction. Touay, technologies allow the
exploitation of laigei sugai bushes, so we shoulu expect that maple cultivatois woulu want
to piouuce gieatei quantities anu at lowei costs.
With the inciease in numbei of taps, the impiovement of piouuctivity, anu iising
inventoiies, the Feueiation has uevelopeu new iegulations to tiy to contiol the imbalance
between supply anu uemanu.
The membeis of the Sectoi uiu not take the oppoitunity to ensuie that incieaseu
piouuction be cooiuinateu with the uevelopment of new maikets as outlineu in the
Stiategic Plan.
Buyeis anuoi piocesseis, having the expeitise on the subject of expoits, maiket
uevelopment, anu ieseaich of new piouucts, have sloweu theii woik since 2uuu. The
cieation of new stiuctuies at the heait of the maple inuustiy thwaits them in uaily
Bowevei, juugments asiue, it is necessaiy that people agiee to talk without lawyeis anu
iegain mutual tiust.
With this conflict situation, which we have known since 2uuu, the Naple Sectoi coulu
contiibute moie to facilitate the ieconstiuction of a climate of tiust, so haiu to builu, in
oiuei to maximize benefits. The membeis of the Sectoi have a unique tool at theii uisposal
to cieate, fiom a common vision, actions to piomote the uevelopment of the maikets anu
sectoi. Noie actions than seem to be expecteu coulu be maue thioughout the Naple Sectoi,
accoiuing to stuuies in the piocessing sectoi, stuuies on consumei peiception, stuuies on
maiket oppoitunities, cooiuinateu actions to ensuie piouuct quality anu uiiect piomotion,
The manuate, given to me by membeis of the Naple Sectoi as Piesiuent, consists of seeking
ways to impiove the climate of exchange between paities in the maiketing of maple
Buiing the peiiouic evaluation of inteiventions by the Feueiation of Quebec Naple Syiup
Piouuceis, the Act goveining the maiketing of agiicultuial, foou anu fish piouucts
(RNAAQ) uesciibeu, in its iepoit on Febiuaiy 2S, 2uuS, the pievailing climate in the
inuustiy in these woius:
C!"# D'4&( 2,-(+ 4 .#-+# 4.3'+%"#&# 8#.0##- ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-( ,-()+.&<
+.47#"'5(#&+ 4-( 4- '8/,')+ (,22,*)5.< ,- *''%#&4.,-1 2'& +)+.4,-485# (#/#5'%3#-. ,-
."# 0"'5# '2 ."# ,-()+.&<9
!"# -)38#& '2 1&,#/4-*#+ 4-( 5#145 *"455#-1#+ ,+ #/,(#-*# '2 .",+9
B+ .",+ (,45'1)# (#%#-(+ '- ."# 0,55,-1-#++ '2 *'-*#&-#( +.47#"'5(#&+6 ."# D'4&( *4-
'-5< "'%# ."4. ."#< *4- (#/'.# 3'&# #-#&1<6 0,." ."# 8#+. ,-.#&#+. '2 ."# ,-()+.&< 4-(
,.+ 4&.,+4-+ ,- 3,-(9E
In the iepoit, the Boaiu iecommenueu the following appioach:
C!' "#5% ,3%&'/# ."# *5,34.# '2 .&)+. 8#.0##- ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-( ,-()+.&<
+.47#"'5(#&+6 ."# D'4&( &#*'33#-(+ ."4. ."# F#(#&4.,'- 347# ."# &#;),&#( #22'&. .'
,3%&'/# .&4-+%4&#-*< ,- ."# ,3%5#3#-.4.,'- '2 ."# *'/#-4-.+ 4-( &#1)54.,'-+ ."4. ,.
"4+ 4('%.#( 4-( *,&*)54.# ."# &#+)5.+9
G#14&(,-1 ."# (,45'1)# 8#.0##- +.47#"'5(#&+6 ."# D'4&( 8#5,#/#+ ."# 34%5# ,-()+.&<
4++#385< ,+ ."# 4%%&'%&,4.# +.&)*.)&# 2'& ,-(#-.,2<,-1 '-# '& 3'&# 5,7#5< *4+#+ ,-
0",*" .' *"4--#5 #-#&1< 2'& +)+.4,-485# (#/#5'%3#-. '2 ."# 34%5# ,-()+.&<9E
Accoiuing to the boaiu, the iole of the Naple Sectoi is, among otheis, to iuentify anu
piopose solutions to help impiove the climate of tiust between the Feueiation anu
inuustiy stakeholueis.
The Piesiuent of the Feueiation of Quebec Naple Syiup Piouuceis also aigueu befoie the
Boaiu, in Becembei 2uuu (uecision 7221, Febiuaiy 1S

2uu1), uuiing heaiings conceining
the appioval of the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* of the piouuct
taigeteu by the I',-. %54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+, that:
CJ!"# %54*# '2 *'-+)5.4.,'- '2 ."# 34%5# ,-()+.&< ,+ -' 5'-1#& ."# GKLMH 8). ."#
34%5# ,-()+.&< 4++#385<9 !",+ 4++#385< 3)+. #+.485,+" 4 +.&4.#1,* %54- .' 2'+.#& ."#
(#/#5'%3#-. '2 34%5# *)5.,/4.,'-E9
V$2,% #(&, &,/ !"83(&%2$,-
The majoiity of stakeholueis we inteivieweu expiesseu the uesiie to maintain the }oint
Plan of Quebec Naple Syiup Piouuceis. Piouuceis iecognize that it is a giouping of the
offei necessaiy to stanuaiuize quality anu assuie theii income. This plan allows tiauing of
syiup piices. They uo not piopose to ietuin to the time wheie some buyeis took
auvantage of uiffeient economic ciicumstances to get syiup at a uepieciateu piice.
We must unueistanu that the new stiuctuies oiiginate, foi the Feueiation, fiom goou
intentions anu with the goal of acquiiing mechanisms to ensuie oiueily uevelopment of the
maple inuustiy. That being saiu, appioval of new iegulations anu theii application has
occuiieu quickly, antagonizing many stakeholueis. Theiefoie, it woulu be appiopiiate to
take a bieak to iegioup anu make the necessaiy aujustments.
The majoiity of comments uuiing inteiviews weie ielateu to the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2
34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* (uecision 7484, Febiuaiy 2uu2) anu the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'-
;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)%
%&'()*#&+ (uecision 7918, 0ctobei 2uuS).
'&+B8!$3,/ $, -%!3+%3!"- $* %6" .&#(" 2,/3-%!<
0n Febiuaiy 7
, 199u, the I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ was auopteu
(uecision SuS7). It coveis all Quebec piouuceis selling maple syiup in baiiels oi in bulk
to a piocessoi.
Following a iesolution of the A.u.A. FPAQ 271u99, }anuaiy 17
2uu1, an amenument
to the }oint Plan was appioveu by the RNAAQ in oiuei to mouify aiticle S of the }oint
Plan (uecision 7189):
C!"# %54- .4&1#.+ 34%5# +4%6 34%5# +4% *'-*#-.&4.#6 4-( 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#( ,-
H)#8#*N ,. ('#+ -'.6 "'0#/#&6 4%%5< .' 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#( ,- +)14& 8)+"#+ '0-#( 8<
4 %&'()*#& 4-( +'5( 8< .",+ %&'()*#& (,&#*.5< .' *'-+)3#&+9E
Thiough this plan, the feueiation can iegulate anu oiganize the piouuction anu
maiketing of the taigeteu piouuct.
0n Febiuaiy 19
, 1991, the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# (,/,+,'- '2 34%5# %&'()*#& 1&')%,-1+ was
appioveu by the Boaiu (uecision S272) anu oiueieu the uivision of piouuceis into 11
iegional gioups so that uelegates may be electeu to join the geneial assembly of
piouuceis foieseen by the }oint Plan.
Following a majoi ciisis in the maple inuustiy in the eaily 9us, a special committee on
the maple inuustiy (cieateu by the two levels of goveinment) announceu, on Naich 22
199S, the establishment of the Coalition foi the maiketing of Quebec maple piouucts,
inc. (RCPEQ), composeu of piouuction anu piocessing iepiesentatives to play a iole in
the stabilization of piices (among othei things) by managing the withuiawal of maple
syiup suiplus, flow oiueieu by maple syiup ieseives, anu syiup quality contiol by
inspection anu giauing.
In Septembei 1998, the Naple Sectoi set uown its Stiategic Plan in which the inuustiy
wanteu to:
CJO')85# ,.+ %&'()*.,'- '/#& ."# -#=. 2,/# <#4&+9
D< (')85,-1 ."# +)%%5< 4-( (#34-(6 ,-*&#4+#( %&'*#++,-1 '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ ,- H)#8#*
4-( (,/#&+,2,*4.,'- '2 #=%'&.+ .' 3'&# 5)*&4.,/# 34&7#.+ ,- M)&'%# 4-( ,- B+,46 ,. 0')5(
,-(##( 8# %'++,85# .' &#4*" .",+ .4&1#. 1&'0." 4-( *&#4.# P'8+9E
Since 1998, the maple sectoi sells its syiup accoiuing to piovisions fiom a Naiketing
Agieement between the FPAQ, maple coopeiatives anu a gioup of piouuct buyeis
beneath the }oint Plan of Quebec maple syiup piouuceis.
Following a iesolution of the A.u.A. FPAQ Su1u2uu1:
C:. ,+ 41&##( ."4. ."# FLBH 34< 0,."(&40 2&'3 ."# 4(3,-,+.&4.,/# *')-*,5 '2 ."#
GKLMH 4. 4 .,3# '2 ,.+ *"''+,-1 4-( 0,."'). "4/,-1 .' *'-+)5. ,.+ (#5#14.#+9E
Following iesolutions of the A.u.A. FPAQ 2S1u2uuu anu the A.u.A. FPAQ Su1u2uu1,
the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* (uecision 7484) was cieateu.
Since Febiuaiy 28 2uu2, the FPAQ (which is the exclusive sales agent foi maple
piouuceis) is able to auministei the Sales Agency that ieceives anu maikets all maple
syiup solu in laige containeis of moie than five liteis. The objective of this agency is to
ensuie efficient anu oiueily maiketing of maple syiup. Fiistly, it allows the
establishment of a common maiketing pioceuuie foi all maple piouuceis in Quebec.
Seconuly, unsolu syiup is withuiawn anu boine collectively by all piouuceis.
Seeing the numbei of taps incieaseu, piouuctivity continuously impiove anu inventoiies
inciease, the Feueiation of Quebec Naple Syiup Piouuceis (FPAQ) piesenteu a uiaft to
the Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec (RNAAQ) of the G#1)54.,'- '-
%&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#*
34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ (uecision 7918) which was appioveu by the Boaiu on 0ctobei 2,
2uuS. This iegulation ueteimines the conuitions foi piouuction quotas anu piouuct
maiketing taigeteu by the }oint Plan. It applies to piouuceis who sell maple syiup in
bulk oi ietail with an inteimeuiaiy, anu not to piouuceis who sell uiiectly to consumeis.
-%&%" $* %6" #!$/3+%2$, -2%3&%2$,
In eaily 2uu4, maple syiup inventoiies foi eaily seasons aie aiounu 4S million pounus
Accoiuing to uata compileu by the NAPAQ Biiectoiate on policy anu iisk management,
maple syiup haivest in 2uu4 is estimateu at 9S million pounus, compaieu to uata fiom the

C!#&&# (# K"#AQ-')+E6 ?4&*" RS >TTU6 %9RT9 B++#385< '2 ."# D#4)*#J .47# >6 4**'&(,-1 .'
L,#&&# V#3,#)=6 %&#+,(#-. '2 ."# F#(#&4.,'-9
Feueiation which iesulteu in an AuEC0 stuuy assessing the 2uu4 haivest at 86.4 million
pounus. The uata on oui neighboi's syiup piouuction also ieveals incieaseu piouuction.
The woilu's maple syiup piouuction coulu thus be on the oiuei of:
Quebec = 9S.u N pounus
Noithein 0.S.A. = 16.6 N pounus
New Biunswick
= 4.1 N pounus
= S.4 N pounus
119.1 N pounus
Potential expoits
= 66.u N pounus
Potential uomestic maikets
= 12.u N pounus
# W #+.,34.#
In iecent yeais (2uu1-u2-uS), Canauian expoits incieaseu by 8% compaieu to a S8%
piouuction inciease. The inciease in the value of the Canauian uollai in the Ameiican
uollai coulu have a negative effect on maple sales in the 0niteu States.
It is cleai that uuiing these yeais, giowth in supply has been gieatei than maiket
uevelopment. Cuiiently, with the volumes we speak of, the inuustiy will neeu to uevelop
new maikets anu mouify its piicing stiuctuie baseu solely on coloi. This piouuct is in
constant competition with othei less expensive sweeteneis. It will be necessaiy to aujust
piices accoiuing to use of the iaw mateiial.
Fuitheimoie, it will neeu to auopt a conceiteu business stiategy anu maintain contiol
mechanisms to ensuie balance between supply anu uemanu in oiuei to avoiu oveily laige
2--3" 45
*2,/ & -$(3%2$, *$! %6" 2.#(".",%&%2$, $*
#!$/3+%2$, 73$%&- *$! .&#(" #!$/3+"!- 2, %6"
8&-#9-2" !"82$,
+&-" -%3/<
The Naple Cultivation Coalition in 0ppei uaspsie incluues 21 piouuceis who geneiate
9u% of maple syiup piouuction in the iegional county municipalities of Avignon,
Bonaventuie, Cte ue uasp, 0ppei uaspsie anu Rochei Peic.
When the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# (,/,+,'- '2 34%5# %&'()*#& 1&')%,-1+ (#S272) was auopteu,
ueclaiing the uivision of piouuceis in iegional gioups, uaspsie was not iecognizeu as a
maple cultivation iegion anu coulu not appoint a iepiesentative to sit in the geneial
assembly of piouuceis foieseen by the }oint Plan. Let us iemembei that maple cultivation
was, at this point in time, little uevelopeu in the uaspsie iegion. In 2uu4, we estimate that
the iegion has appioximately SSu,uuu taps in piouuction (16u companies) anu has
appioximately 1 N potential taps, both on piivate anu public lanus, equal to about 1% of
Quebec's maple piouuction.
Bowevei, uuiing the Boaiu's heaiings, helu on }une 12
anu 1S
2uuS, the Feueiation
committeu itself to ieviewing all uivisions of foimal maple syiup piouucei gioups,
incluuing the uaspsie iegion. To uate, the maple cultivatois in this iegion aie not yet
iecognizeu as a specific uivision of the }oint Plan of Quebec Naple Syiup Piouuceis.
In the summei of 1999, the Ninistiy of Natuial Resouices, Wilulife anu Paiks (NRNFP)
ceueu to iequests fiom the FPAQ uemanuing a moiatoiium on issuing of new sugai bush
peimits on public lanus in oiuei to contiol the syiup suiplus. Bespite the moiatoiium anu
baseu on the NRNFP-NAPAQ-FPAQ committee's iecommenuations on sugai bush peimit
issuance, the Ninistiy agieeu to make 1,2uu hectaies of sugai bushes on public lanus
available foi maple exploitation in }une 2uuu in oiuei to allow this iesouice to suppoit
iegional uevelopment anu to take into account the iecoveiy of the uaspsie iegion.
Repiesentatives of the NAPQ, NRNFP anu the Feueiation signeu this agieement on }une 1S
C!"# *'33,..## &#*'33#-(+ ."# +)+%#-+,'- )-.,5 2)&."#& -'.,*# ."# ,++),-1 '2 -#0
+)14& 8)+" *)5.,/4.,'- 4-( '%#&4.,'- %#&3,.+ X,-*5)(,-1 #=.#-+,'-+Y6 0,." ."#
#=*#%.,'- '2 R6>TT "#*.4&#+ %&'/,(#( 2'& ,- ."# Z4+%[+,# G#*'/#&< L54-E9
Subsequently, on Septembei 1S 2uuu ministei }acques Biassaiu sent a lettei to the
Piesiuent of the Feueiation of Quebec Naple Piouuceis, to confiim
CJ!"# +)+%#-+,'- '2 ,++)4-*# '2 -#0 +)14& 8)+" *)5.,/4.,'- 4-( '%#&4.,'- %#&3,.+
X,-*5)(,-1 #=.#-+,'-+Y 0,." ."# #=*#%.,'- '2 R6>TT "#*.4&#+ %&'/,(#( 2'& ,- ."#
Z4+%[+,# G#*'/#&< L54-E9
This measuie will now be pait of the Z4+%[+,# G#*'/#&< L54- auopteu in Novembei 1999 by
the Quebec goveinment. This was founu necessaiy to boost the iegions economy anu thus
put a biake on the population exouus, especially among the youngei geneiation.
Piouuceis in the iegion have auheieu to the objectives of the uaspsie Recoveiy Plan anu
obtaineu peimits foi the establishment of new sugai bushes on public lanus. The staitup of
new enteipiises has iequiieu investment on the pait of piouuceis to meet iequiiements
ielateu to the lease agieement submitteu by the NRNFP.
Neanwhile, in Febiuaiy 2uu2 the Feueiation obtaineu appioval, unuei the }oint Plan, fiom
the Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec foi the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2
34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#*. This iegulation cieateu obligations foi the piouuceis to uelivei
theii syiup piouuct solu in bulk to the Sales Agent, auministeieu by the Feueiation. uiven
that piouuceis fiom the five iegional county municipalities taigeteu by the Recoveiy Plan
uo not incluue a iepiesentative foi uaspsie unuei the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# (,/,+,'- '2 34%5#
%&'()*#& 1&')%,-1+, they weie not specifically consulteu on the implementation of this
Sales Agency. 0n a ielateu note, at the boaiu meeting on }une 1S,2uuS the piesiuent of the
Naple Cultivation Coalition in 0ppei uaspsie ueclaieu that 21 piouuceis in uaspsie hau
ieceiveu no invitation to attenu annual meetings, be they iegional oi piovincial.
Faceu with the accumulateu maple syiup suiplus, the Feueiation hau the Boaiu appiove
the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54-
'2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ in 0ctobei 2uuS, anu this without pioviuing foi a
connection between the newly appioveu plans anu the uaspsie Recoveiy Plan.
The piocess in place ensuies that touay theie aie still incomplete piojects which weie
incapable of opeiation at the stait uate of the quota, anu can theiefoie not obtain theii own
quotas. Neaily 1,2uu hectaies (27u,uuu taps) aie in question, an estimateu piouuction of
appioximately 6uu,uuu pounus of maple syiup. Theiefoie, following consultations with
the NRNFP, the situation is as follows: 11 new peimits oi extensions have been issueu (SS4
hectaies oi appioximately 12S,uuu taps). Auuitionally, 8 uevelopeis aie in the piocess of
completing the activities iequiieu to obtain theii peimits (49S hectaies: about 111,uuu
taps). The majoiity of them aie cuiiently peifoiming the woik piioi to exploitation. Some
aie also in the piocess of completing pioject planning anu have alieauy begun calculating
costs foi inventoiy, iesouices, lease, anu so on. Nany, theiefoie, cannot expect to entei
piouuction befoie spiing 2uu4. Accoiuing to the NNRFP, 16 piouuceis totaling 98S
hectaies, oi appioximately 211,uuu taps, coulu be subject to uamages iesulting fiom the
new quota iegulations.
0n this subject, the Ninistiy of Natuial Resouices, Wilulife anu Paiks sent a lettei uateu
}une S1, 2uuS to the RNAAQ auvising that the uiaft iegulations on the FPAQ quota coulu
cieate an awkwaiu situation foi the Ninistiy, since the issuance of sugai bush peimits on
State lanus iemains subject to the gianting of a quota by the FPAQ.
All effoits maue by these uevelopeis anu the NRNFP uuiing iecent yeais, to piomote job
cieation in uaspsie via the maple uevelopment iesouice, coulu theiefoie be foi nothing.
Foi these ieasons, the Naple Cultivation Coalition in 0ppei uaspsie askeu the Boaiu, at
the meeting on }une 1S, 2uuS, that its bouy be iecognizeu as a sales agent foi the maiketing
of syiup piouuceu in uaspsie.
In a memoianuum submitteu to the Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, Fisheiies anu Foou, uateu
Septembei 2S,2uuS, membeis of the Naple Cultivation Coalition of 0ppei uaspsie
fuitheimoie claim a }oint Plan of maple piouuceis, specifically foi piouuceis of the five
iegional county municipalities (Avignon, Bonaventuie, Cte-ue-uasp, 0ppei-uaspsie anu
Rochei Peic).

+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
Faceu with the accumulateu suiplus, maple piouuceis objecteu stiongly to the Feueiation
agieeing to accoiu special piivileges to piouuceis in uaspsie, uespite the Feueiation's
moial commitment to suppoiting the Recoveiy Plan. Thus, they state that the maiketing of
syiup shoulu covei all maple cultivatois in Quebec. Theiefoie, consiueiing the laige
amount of syiup in inventoiy, the Ninistiy of Natuial Resouices, Wilulife anu Paiks shoulu
not issue sugai bush peimits on public lanus, anu especially not in uaspsie.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
Keeping in minu that the uaspsie Recoveiy Plan, auopteu in Novembei 1999 by the
goveinment of Qubec, hau the goal of finuing solutions to pioviue economic tools to the
iegion in oiuei to uiveisify employment anu ieuuce population exouus;
Keeping in minu that new sugai bush peimits on public lanus weie issueu by the Ninistiy
of Natuial Resouices, Wilulife anu Paiks in a context wheie the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2
34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* anu the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2
%&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ uiu not yet exist;
Keeping in minu that maple piouuceis have ueciueu to invest in sugai bush uevelopment
on public lanus, taking into account the existing iegulations in 1999 foi maiketing of maple
Keeping in minu that these changes in maiketing constiain the achievement of goals
outlineu in the uaspsie Recoveiy Plan;
1.1 The Feueiation ought to consiuei, alongsiue the maple cultivatois in the uaspsie
iegion, special maiketing conuitions to be put in place that woulu comply with the
economic commitments of the Qubec goveinment incluueu in the uaspsie Recoveiy
Plan, all the while taking into account the willingness of othei maple cultivatois.

The Feueiation will have to accept that maple syiup volumes piouuceu in uaspsie be
piocesseu locally anu ieuistiibuteu in local maikets oi into new expoit maikets.

1.2 In case of failuie to obtain special maiketing conuitions foi maple piouucts, the
Feueiation shoulu unueistanu that these maple piouuceis coulu then file an application
with the Boaiu to obtain a }oint Plan of Naple Piouuceis coveiing the five iegional
county municipalities of uaspsie. This appioach woulu have pieceuent, as in the foiest
inuustiy theie aie often seveial joint plans foi the same piouuct.
2--3" ;5
&,&(<=2,8 %6" 2.#(2.",%&%2$, $* &!%2+("- !"(&%2,8 %$
,$,>+$.#(2&,+" ?2%6 %6" !"83(&%2$, $, -&("- &8",%-
+&-" -%3/<
0nuei the I',-. %54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+, the Feueiation must take steps
ueemeu appiopiiate to impiove piouuction anu maiketing conuitions foi the taigeteu
piouuct anu maiket expansion. Piouuceis agieeu uuiing a geneial meeting to make
contiibutions to the Feueiation of $u.u4 pei pounu foi maple syiup solu oi ueliveieu
befoie 2uuu, of $u.u8 pei pounu (an auuition of $u.u4 pei pounu to manage the suiplus
syiup haivesteu in 2uuu) since Naich 22, 2uuu anu $u.1u pei pounu (an auuitional $u.u2
pei pounu foi piomotion) since Apiil 2, 2uuS.
In the spiiit of the joint plan, the Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec appioveu, at
the Feueiation's iequest, the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* (Febiuaiy 19,
2uu2) anu the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-.
L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ (0ctobei 2uuS). With the new Sales Agency, the FPAQ hopes
to be bettei able to stiuctuie the maple inuustiy anu ensuie bettei income foi maple cultivatois.
Staiting in 2uu2, the Naiketing Agieement contains opeiational teims anu conuitions tieu to the
iegulatoiy fiame of the Sales Agency. Auueu to the establishment of minimal piices baseu on the
cuiient haivest, the Agieement peimits the inclusion of piovisions tieu to: taigeteu piouuct sales,
links with authoiizeu buyeis, stoiage anu inventoiy management, payments to the Feueiation by
authoiizeu buyeis, quality veiification anu giauing of taigeteu piouucts, policies suiiounuing
availability of the Feueiation's inventoiy, anu finally non-compliance with the iegulation.
With the appioval of maiketing agieements, the Sales Agency anu quota iegulations, maple
cultivatois aie subject to penalties if they fail to meet these new stiuctuies.
0nuei the ?4&7#.,-1 B1&##3#-., all maple cultivatois as well as authoiizeu buyeis who uo not
iespect the new iegulations must pay penalties. Thus, aiticle 9.18: CB-< %&'()*#& 0"' (#5,/#&+ '&
+#55+ ."# D4&&#5#( L&'()*.J 0,55 "4/# .' %4< \T9>T %#& %')-( '2 D4&&#5#( L&'()*. (#5,/#&#( '& +'5(
0",*" 04+ -'. 1&4(#( 4-( 0"'+# ;)45,.< 04+ -'. /#&,2,#(E. Aiticle 9.19: CB-< 8)<#& 0"' %)&*"4+#+
'& &#*#,/#+ ."# D4&&#5#( L&'()*. 2&'3 ."# L&'()*#& J 0,55 %4< \T9>T %#& %')-( '2 D4&&#5#( L&'()*.
8')1". '& &#*#,/#( 0",*" 04+ -'. 1&4(#( 4-( 0"'+# ;)45,.< 04+ -'. /#&,2,#(E.
Aiticle 11.u1: CB-< 8)<#&6 0"' ,+ -'. 4- 4)."'&,A#( 8)<#&6 0"' 8)<+ '& &#*#,/#+ ."# D4&&#5#( L&'()*.
2&'3 ."# L&'()*#& J 0,55 %4< \R9TT %#& %')-( '2 D4&&#5#( L&'()*. 8')1". '& &#*#,/#(9E Aiticle 11.u2:
CB-< L&'()*#& 0"' (#5,/#&+ '& +#55+ ."# D4&&#5#( L&'()*. .' 4 D)<#& 0"' ,+ -'. 4- 4)."'&,A#( 8)<#&
J 0,55 %4< \R9TT %#& %')-( '2 D4&&#5#( L&'()*. (#5,/#&#( '& +'5(E.
In accoiuance with the quota iegulations, aiticle 22: C!"# %&'()*#& 3)+. %4< 4 %#-45.< .' ."#
F#(#&4.,'- '2 \>9]^ %#& 7,5' X\R9>T %#& %')-(Y '2 .4&1#.#( %&'()*. 0",*" ."#< 34&7#. ,- /,'54.,'- '2
."# %&'/,+,'-+ '2 ."# *)&&#-. &#1)54.,'-E.
In auuition to these fines, it must be known that a piouucei, who opeiateu in 2uu2 anu 2uuS but
hau not iegisteieu with the Sales Agency, woulu also have to pay a levy to the Feueiation foi syiup
piouuceu ($u.u8pounu in 2uu2 anu $u.1upounu in 2uuS) foi which they have not alieauy paiu
theii uues.
To enfoice iegulations, it is necessaiy to cieate ielateu penalties. Within seveial feueiations of
the 0nion of Agiicultuial Piouuceis, applying penalties ielating to non-compliance with
iegulations anu agieements has histoiically alloweu the stiuctuiing of theii sectoi.
+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
Befoie submitting comments on the subject of implementing aiticles tieu to non-compliance with
the Regulation on Sales Agency, piouuceis inteivieweu weie keen to expiess theii views on the
context of appioval of iegulations submitteu by the Feueiation.
A majoiity of piouuceis inteivieweu expiesseu uisappioval towaius the piocess of public
consultation as oiganizeu by the Feueiation in the uiffeient iegions of Quebec.
The obseivations maue by piouuceis aie essentially focuseu on a lack of effoit to facilitate the
flow of infoimational sessions oiganizeu by the Feueiation.
The time allocateu foi questions vaiies accoiuing to how contioveisial the questions aie.
A feeling of uisiespect on the pait of Feueiation leaueis as well as some paiticipants in the
assemblies uuiing question anu answei sessions. Auuitionally, the Feueiation was not flexible
as to the location of piouuceis in oiuei to limit ieciiminations oiiginating in the auuience.
Naple cultivatois have biought up the lack of a pioceuuial fiamewoik foi conuucting meetings
so they can iegain theii iight to expiess themselves peacefully.
0ne iecuiiing theme encounteieu in neaily eveiy inteiview with piouuceis ielateu to the feai
of not being able to expiess themselves at meetings helu by the Feueiation. This feeling of feai
is also uesciibeu in letteis auuiesseu to the NAPAQ. The woius iecuiiing most often in these
letteis aie:
o 0nequal time allocateu uepenuing on the stakeholueis.
o Insults oveiwhelming to those who uo not shaie the Feueiation's vision.
o Taking votes by the showing of hanus without having checkeu if all paiticipants
have the iight to vote.
o The captuiing of impoitant votes to iatify a uecision being taken at late houis.
0thei comments expiesseu by piouuceis ielate to the lack of constancy on the pait of uelegates in
passing iesolutions fiom iegional piouuceis to geneial meetings. Piouuceis also uisappiove of
the methou foi nominating the Feueiation's piesiuent.
Foi its pait, the Feueiation iejects the ciiticisms ielating to the flow of theii infoimational
sessions. It iegiets seveial inciuents that have occuiieu, but assuie they weie unintentional anu
uiu not ieflect the noimal habits of the Feueiation. Authoiities within the Feueiation ieiteiate
that they too weie victims of intimiuations oiganizeu by gioups of uissiuent piouuceis (uaspsie
anu Beauce). These events iequiieu the piesence of the Siet uu Qubec police officeis to ensuie
the piotection of the Feueiation's iepiesentatives.
Nembeis of the Sectoi, piouuceis, buyeis anu those involveu in the management of the }oint Plan
have, uuiing inteiviews, iepoiteu auministiative uifficulties ielating to the Feueiation's impaiieu
management of the Sales Agency. Some have iefeiieu to the case of Ns. vaillancouit to claiify
theii comments.
The commissaiy foi the Commission on Laboi Relations, Ns. Blene Blangei, uesciibeu the
woiking atmospheie within the Feueiation uuiing the implementation of the Sales Agency in
question (File numbei: 1uSS26 anu 22679S, uateu Septembei 1u, 2uuS) conceining the appeal foi
the Feueiation's uismissal of Ns. Caiole vaillancouit.
Paiagiaph 2u:
C!")+6 '- ?4&*" R
6 ."# @#*&#.4&<QZ#-#&45 -'.#( ."4. ."# F#(#&4.,'- ,+ -'. &#4(< 4. ."#
4(3,-,+.&4.,/# 5#/#5 .' '%#&4.# ."# 41#-*<9 !"# *'3%).#& +<+.#3 ('#+ -'. 0'&7 %&'%#&5<6 ."#
+.422 ,+ -'. ",&#(6 ."# +%4*# ,-+)22,*,#-.9 !"# %&'()*#&+ (#5,/#& ."#,& %&'()*.6 8). ."# 41#-*<
*4--'. ,++)# ."# *"#*7+9E
She continues
Paiagiaph 21:
CJ ,- #4&5< B%&,56 +"# 3)+. 24*# 4- 4/454-*"# '2 %"'-# *455+ 2&'3 S6TTT %&'()*#&+6 8). ."#&# ,+
-#,."#& %#&+'--#56 -'& %"'-#+6 -'& +%4*# .' 3##. ."# (#34-(9E
In hei uecision, the commissaiy states:
Paiagiaph 41:
C!"# #3%5'<#&_+ %&''2 ('#+ -'. *'-/,-*# 3# ."4. ."# 24,5)&#+ '2 %)..,-1 ."# @45#+ B1#-*< ,-.'
'%#&4.,'- *4- 8# 4..&,8).#( +'5#5< .' ."# *'3%54,-4-.9E
0n seveial occasions, maple piouuceis anu buyeis mentioneu uifficulties in contacting the
Feueiation to obtain piecise infoimation on the implementation of the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2
34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* anu the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+
.4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+9
Piouuceis who weie inteivieweu iepoiteu inaccuiacies conveyeu by the Feueiation ielating to
the implementation of iefeience yeais in ueteimining piouucei's quotas, compaieu to what was
appioveu by the Boaiu.
RNAAQ's veision
Becision 7918 of the Boaiu, issueu 0ctobei 2, 2uuS, is iepiouuceu to cleaily illustiate the
iefeience yeais useu to ueteimine quotas.
Page 18 of Becision 7918, 0ctobei 2, 2uuS:
C!' #+.485,+" ."# ;)'.4 2'& #4*" %&'()*#&6 ."# F#(#&4.,'- %&'%'+#+ .' %&'*##( 4+ 2'55'0+
4**'&(,-1 .' ."# +)83,..#( (&42. &#1)54.,'-W
CJ'- '& 8#2'&# @#%.#38#& `T6 >TT`6 ."# %&'()*#& 3)+. %&#+#-. 4- 4%%5,*4.,'- .'
'8.4,- 4 ;)'.4 2&'3 ."# F#(#&4.,'- 8< %&'/,(,-1 ."# 2'55'0,-1 ,-2'&34.,'-W ."#,& .'.45
%&'()*#( /'5)3# 2'& ."# >TT` 34&7#.,-1 <#4& XJY 0,." &#5#/4-. +)%%'&.,-1
,-2'&34.,'-6 -'.485< &#%'&.,-1 %4&.,*)54& 1&4(#+ 4+ 0#55 4+ .'.45 %&'()*#( /'5)3# 2'&
'-# '2 ."# 34&7#.,-1 <#4&+ 8#.0##- Raa^ 4-( >TT> X,-*5)+,/#Y '2 ."#,& *"',*#6 0,."
&#5#/4-. P)+.,2,*4.,'-+9
b##%,-1 ,- 3,-( ."# %)85,*4.,'- (4.# '2 .",+ (#*,+,'-6 ."# D'4&( +#.+ c*.'8#& `R
4+ ."# (4.#
8< 0",*" ."# %&'()*#& 3)+. +)83,. 4- 4%%5,*4.,'- .' '8.4,- 4 ;)'.4 2&'3 ."# F#(#&4.,'-9
d'0#/#&6 ."# *"',*# '2 ."# +#*'-( &#2#&#-*# <#4& 8#.0##- Raa^ 4-( >TT> X,-*5)+,/#Y 455'0+ 4
&#.)&- .' ."# <#4&+ 0"#- 34&7#.,-1 04+ -'. &#1)54.#( 8< 4- 41&##3#-.9 !"# 2,&+. 34&7#.,-1
41&##3#-. 2'& 34%5# +<&)% ()&,-1 .",+ %#&,'( 04+ 4%%5,#( .' ."# RaaS "4&/#+.9 !",+
41&##3#-. 8')-( 8)<#&+6 ."# K''%#&4.,/#6 ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-( 455 %&'()*#&+ 8')-( 8< ."#
I',-. L54-9 !",+ 41&##3#-. ,3%'+#( 4- #=*5)+,/# 41#-. 2'& ."# .4+7+ '2 1&4(,-1 4-( ,-+%#*.,'-
'2 8)57 +<&)% %)&*"4+#( '& &#*#,/#(6 %)&+)4-. .' ."# F#(#&4.,'-_+ &#1)54.,'-+6 %&'/,+,'-+ '2
."# B1&##3#-. 4-( H)#8#*_+ 2#(#&45 540+9
!"# D'4&( 8#5,#/#+ ."#&#2'&# ."4. ,. ,+ P)+.,2,485# .' &#+.&,*. ."# %&'()*#&_+ *"',*# '2 ."#,&
+#*'-( &#2#&#-*# <#4& .' ."# <#4&+ RaaS .' >TT>9E
Feueiation's veision
In Foit ue Chez Nous's ieview in Febiuaiy 2uu4, the Feueiation tiansmitteu the following
infoimation about the quota:
CB(P)+. ."# 2,-4-*,45 4(/4-*# %&'1&43 '22#&#( ,- ."# 2&43#0'&7 '2 ."# @45#+ B1#-*< .'
.#3%'&4&,5< *'&&#*. ."# 54*7 '2 #;)45,.< 1#-#&4.#( 8< ."# ;)'.4 *45*)54.,'- 3#."'(9 B
3#."'( ')1". .' 8# %&'%'+#( .' ."# D'4&( 2'& B1&,*)5.)&45 ?4&7#.+ 2'& ."# 455'*4.,'- '2
34&7#. 1&'0."+ ."4. 0,55 %#&34-#-.5< *'&&#*. .",+ ,-#;),.<9 !"# "4&/#+. (#*54&#( ,- >TTU
+"')5( +#&/# 4+ ."# &#2#&#-*# <#4& )+#( .' #+.485,+" ."# -#0 ;)'.49E
Naich 18, 2uu4, in Teiie ue Chez Nous, the Feueiation ieiteiateu its intention to auu the yeai
2uu4 as iefeience yeai:
C!"# F#(#&4.,'-6 4+ %&#+#-.#( ,- &#*#-. ,-2'&34.,'-45 3##.,-1+ 4-( 4+ (#*,(#( 8< ."# D'4&(
'2 O,&#*.'&+6 %&'%'+#+ ."4. ."# D'4&( 2'& B1&,*)5.)&45 4-( F''( ?4&7#.+ '2 H)#8#* )+#
%&'()*.,'- (4.4 2&'3 >TTU 4+ ."# &#2#&#-*# <#4& 2'& *45*)54.,-1 ;)'.4+ ,- >TT^6 .",+ +' ."4.
."# ;)'.4+ ,++)#( .' 34%5# 8)+,-#++#+ ,- >TT^ &#%&#+#-. 3'&# 24,."2)55< ."#,& %&'()*.,'-
",+.'&< 4-( %&'()*. 34&7#.,-1 .4&1#.#( 8< ."# P',-. %54-E9
In the same aiticle on the quota, the Feueiation offeis piouuceis $1.2u pei pounu foi volume
piouuceu outsiue the quota.
This message, ueliveieu by the Feueiation, has cieateu confusion amongst piouuceis. The lattei
tolu us they piouuceu syiup in laige quantities, hoping to impiove theii quota without taking into
account that the Boaiu hau yet to ueciue on the iefeience yeai of 2uu4.
The Feueiation hau the Boaiu auopt penalties foi piouuceis anu buyeis who ueal syiup outsiue of
the Sales Agency.
These penalties aie intenueu to have piouuceis iespect syiup ueliveiies to the Sales Agency anu
ensuie the sale of syiup by the netwoik of accieuiteu buyeis. This penalty foimula was
intiouuceu in the Naiketing Agieement to ensuie implementation of sales agencies as seen in the
piouuction of milk, woou, poik, etc.
In geneial, piouuceis iecognize the impoitance of such a measuie to ensuie the functioning of a
sales agency, anu without it this means of maiketing woulu not woik.
0bseivations on the pait of inteivieweu piouuceis ieveal that they uo not appiove of the methous
useu by the Feueiation in implementing the Regulation on the Sales Agency. They conuemn the
involvement of the Fichette, Paul-Bus, anu Saint-Pieiie "piivate uetectives" fiim, composeu of
foimei police, in conuucting inspections without following the iules of theii piofession in going
about theii woik:
Investigatois have faileu to iuentify themselves coiiectly with piouuceis.
Investigatois have iecoiueu the testimony of a piouucei without fiist infoiming them that they
weie being tapeu.
Naple cultivatois uenounceu the attituue of the Feueiation, who both pioposeu anu agieeu to out-
of-couit ueals with piouuceis who acknowleugeu having shippeu syiup outsiue the stiuctuie of
the Sales Agency. These ueals uiminisheu the penalty fiom $1.2u pei pounu to $u.2S pei pounu,
so long as they iuentifieu neighboiing syiup buyeis oi maple cultivatois who hau solu syiup
outsiue of the Sales Agency.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
Keeping in minu that it is impoitant to impiove the climate foi tiaue;
Keeping in minu that the manuate to examine the cuiient conuitions of the piouuction anu
maiketing of maple piouucts is not peifoimeu as an investigation, as the Boaiu coulu uo,
comments ieceiveu fiom maple cultivatois must consequently be analyzeu caiefully befoie
uiawing conclusions;
Keeping in minu that ceitain claims fiom piouuceis weie ueliveieu unuei the seal of
confiuentiality, anu othei came weie extiacts fiom letteis to the Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, Fisheiies
anu Foou;
Keeping in minu that maple piouuceis have an absolute iight to uemanu meetings oiganizeu by
the Feueiation foi the management of the }oint Plan be in a seiene atmospheie anu iespect the
iights of speech of each paiticipant. It is not uesiiable foi the conuuct of meetings on the }oint
Plan to be uone in a hostile climate. This sense of feai fiom piouuceis was felt at the meetings anu
is uesciibeu in the coiiesponuence sent to NAPAQ;
Keeping in minu that it is unusual that the Siet uu Qubec neeu to ensuie peisonal safety uuiing
the conuucting of meetings on the }oint Plan of maple piouuceis as obseiveu in eaily 2uu4;
Keeping in minu that uuiing the meeting with iepiesentatives of the Feueiation, they have uenieu
any iepiehensible conuuct on the pait of investigatois hiieu by the piivate uetective fiim;
Theiefoie, iegaiuing the public consultation piocess, 2 MLYOZZLPU RW[R5
2.1 The Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec be able to uelegate, as
peimitteu by law, an obseivei at iegional meetings conceining the }oint Plan foi
Quebec maple piouuceis anu that they foiwaiu a wiitten iepoit to the piesiuent of this
bouy aftei each meeting. The Boaiu shoulu analyze this iepoit anu pioviue necessaiy
aujustments, if any.

2.2 The Feueiation shoulu acquiie a pioceuuial coue to be uistiibuteu to maple piouuceis
so that they may iegain tianquility uuiing meetings on the I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5#
+<&)% %&'()*#&+9
Regaiuing penalties, 2 MLYOZZLPU RW[R5
2.S The Feueiation ought to equip itself with an auministiative guiue ielating to the
enfoicement of iegulations anu the Agieement so that all maple piouuceis aie fully
awaie of pioceuuies anu equity is ensuieu between piouuceis.
2--3" 15
*2,/ & .2,2.3. '3(B -<!3# #3!+6&-" %$ '" !"+$8,2="/
&- &3%6$!2="/ '3<"! 3,/"! %6" .&!B"%2,8 &8!"".",%
+&-" -%3/<
Accoiuing to the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#*, it is stateu in aiticle S that:
C!"# F#(#&4.,'- 34< &#.4,- +#&/,*#+ '2 8)<#&+ 0",*" ,. 4)."'&,A#+ .' &#*#,/# ."# .4&1#.
%&'()*. ,- ,.+ -43#6 *'-+,+.#-. 0,." ."# %&'/,+,'-+ '2 4- 41&##3#-. .' ."4. #22#*.9
!"# F#(#&4.,'- 3)+. &#.4,- ."# +#&/,*#+ 4-( *'-+,(#& *''%#&4.,/#+ 4+ 4)."'&,A#( 8)<#&+ .'
&#*#,/# ."# .4&1#. %&'()*. ,- ,.+ -43#6 +)8P#*. .' "4/,-1 4 %#&*#-.41# '2 ."# 3#38#&+_ -#.
0'&." ,- &#54.,'- .' ."# #=%#*.#( /'5)3# .' 8# (#.#&3,-#( ,- ."# 41&##3#-.9E
In the Naiketing Agieement, the teims "buyei anu authoiizeu buyei" aie uefineu as follows:
B)."'&,A#( 8)<#&W CB-< %&'*#++,-1 4-(e'& +45#+ #-.#&%&,+# 0",*" &#*#,/#+6 ,- 4**'&(4-*# 0,."
."# %&'/,+,'-+ '2 ."# G#1)54.,'- 4-( ."# B1&##3#-.6 L&'()*. 2&'3 4 L&'()*#& 4-( 0"' ,+ ()5<
4**&#(,.#( .' 4*. 2'& #4*" 34&7#. f#4& 4+ +)*" 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'-9E
D)<#&W CB-< %#&+'- '& K''%#&4.,/# ."4. ,- +'3# 34--#& 8)<+ '& &#*#,/#+ ."# L&'()*. 2&'3 4
L&'()*#& '& 2&'3 ."# F#(#&4.,'-E9
To be iecognizeu as authoiizeu buyei by the FPAQ, companies must initially meet the
iequiiements listeu in aiticle 6 of the Naiketing Agieement. This aiticle uesciibes how
opeiations shoulu be iun to get this iecognition fiom the Feueiation, notably by: fuinishing pioof
of financial iesponsibility, announce expecteu volume, keep iecoius of the ieceiveu baiiels, have a
place of business in Quebec with all necessaiy aiiangements foi ieceiving the syiup, making suie
to have quality anu giaue veiifieu. Seconuly, wheie peimitteu, buyeis must comply with all othei
aiticles of the Naiketing Agieement: iespecting minimum piices, sale, stoiage of the ieceiveu
piouuct, payments to the Feueiation anu the policies foi piovision of the Feueiation's inventoiy.
In this context, a sugai house ownei oi small aitisan-piocessoi of S
tiansfoimation piouucts
(pies, uonuts, canuies, etc.) who sells within the local maiket must obtain iecognition as an
"authoiizeu buyei" if they wish to legally obtain a few baiiels fiom his maple cultivating neighboi.
If they uo not want to ueal with the existing iules foi eaining iecognition they may still, while
iespecting the Naiketing Agieement, buy the missing syiup fiom an authoiizeu buyei oi uiiectly
fiom the Sales Agency. Bowevei, if they pass thiough the Agency, puichasing costs foi the syiup
will be highei. A minimal amount of $u.1u pei pounu is iequiieu to covei the auuitional costs of
maiketing anu the buyei (piouucei-iestoiei oi aitisan-piocessoi) will have to pay foi all syiup
upon ieceipt.
+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
The comments ieceiveu come fiom two categoiies of maple piouuct useis, paiticulaily in the
uomestic maiket:
1. The Association of Sugai Bouse Restoieis

Ceitain membeis of this association aie also maple piouuceis anu they sell theii piouuct
thiough theii tiaue. Buiing the spiing season, it happens that some piouucei-iestoieis neeu a
few extia baiiels of syiup to finalize theii opeiations.

Pieviously, these piouucei-iestoieis piocuieu the necessaiy syiup supply fiom theii local
piouuceis, offeiing a taste meant foi the clientele taigeteu by the sugaihouse iestoieis.

Cuiiently, this piouucei-iestoiei can choose to eithei be iecognizeu as authoiizeu buyei by
the Feueiation, iespecting all obligations implieu by this status, oi to pay $u.1u moie pei
pounu anu buy syiup thiough the Sales Agency oi an authoiizeu buyei.

Foi seveial yeais now, the piouucei-iestoiei hau establisheu a link of tiust with a syiup
piouucei in theii neighboihoou anu seveial woulu like to continue this ielationship by
ueclaiing theii puichases anu paying the uues levieu by the Feueiation. The objective is to
minimize auministiative costs anu ieu tape imposeu by the Agieement anu to obtain a
stanuaiu of syiup quality as iequiieu by the clientele of sugaihouse iestoieis.

To uo this, a iepiesentative of the Association of Sugai Bouse Restoieis iequests to limit at
4,Suu pounus anu less the obligation to obtain an authoiizeu buyei peimit to puichase syiup
fiom a piouucei.

2. Aitisan-Piocessois

Aitisan-piocessois iequiie flexibility in the uefinition of an authoiizeu buyei. These people
have been piocessing syiup foi seveial yeais, anu have uevelopeu a vaiiety of piouucts foi
local oi iegional maikets. The piouucts taiget specific niches anu ceitain piouuceis have
cieateu maiketing aiounu the launching of local piouucts. These piocessois supply
themselves fiom neighboiing piouuceis anu obtain syiup with piefeience to flavoi iathei than
coloi of the piouuct.

These aitisan-piocessois also neeu to be able to buy syiup fiom a piouucei of theii choice, foi
a quantity smallei than 4,Suu pounus, all the while infoiming the Feueiation of these
puichases anu maintaining the obligation to tiansmit levieu uues to the piouucei. Thus,
fulfilling the complex iequiiements in oiuei to become an authoiizeu buyei woulu be
abolisheu foi aitisan-piocessois.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
Keeping in minu the pioblem of maple syiup suiplus neeuing to be solu;
Keeping in minu that the maiketing of maple piouucts necessaiily iequiies involvement of all
stakeholueis who can sell syiup, without necessaiily cieating loopholes that woulu allow some
piocessois to avoiu the oiganizeu maiketing of maple piouucts;
Keeping in minu that it is veiy impoitant to maintain a climate of tiust amongst the vaiious
paities anu iespect foi iules that piouuceis have agieeu upon uuiing geneial meetings;
Keeping in minu that with the often-stiingent iequiiements imposeu on aitisan-piocessois anu
sugaihouse iestoieis, these peisons may no longei be inclineu to puisue the ieseaich of
innovative methous foi syiup piocessing;
S.1 The Feueiation shoulu ask the Boaiu to ueteimine a minimum puichase of bulk syiup
to become iecognizeu as an authoiizeu buyei unuei the Naiketing Agieement. This
thiesholu coulu be 4,Suu pounus.

S.2 The Feueiation shoulu uevelop specific contiol mechanisms foi maple syiup
tiansactions below 4,Suu pounus. Foi example, an authoiization numbei that coulu be
obtaineu via telephone.

S.S Sugaihouse iestoieis anu aitisan-piocessois shoulu be subject to light anu efficient
contiol in oiuei to iespect the goal of oiueily maiketing.

S.4 Sugaihouse iestoieis anu aitisan-piocessois shoulu be obligateu to infoim the
Feueiation of syiup puichases of tiansactions beneath the minimum thiesholu.

S.S Sugaihouse iestoieis anu aitisan-piocessois shoulu be obligateu to foiwaiu uuties
levieu fiom piouuceis to the Feueiation.
2--3" D5
&,&(<=" %6" *"/"!&%2$,E- .&!B"%2,8 &,/ #!$.$%2$,
#!&+%2+"- 2, %6" /2-#$-&( $* .&#(" -<!3# 2,F",%$!2"-G
*$! &3%6$!2="/ &,/ ,$,>&3%6$!2="/ '3<"!-
+&-" -%3/<
Since 1998, the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-.
L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ has been aibitiateu by the RNAAQ anu nevei negotiateu. In
Boaiu meetings, some iiiitants that appeaieu in 2uu2 (following the cieation of the Sales Agency)
aie still being uiscusseu, cannot finu joint solutions anu continue to exaceibate the climate of
mistiust between the two stakeholuei gioups.
Noieovei, in theii iepoit on the peiiouic evaluation of the }oint Plan, the Boaiu noteu (page 14):
C!"')1" 455 4**'3%5,+"3#-.+ .' (4.# +##3 .' *'-.&,8).# .' ."# 4(/4-*#3#-. '2 %&'()*.,'-
4-( 34&7#.,-1 '2 34%5# +<&)%6 ."# D'4&( -'.#+ 4 .#-+# *5,34.# 8#.0##- ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-(
,-()+.&< +.47#"'5(#&+ 4-( 4- '8/,')+ (,22,*)5.< ,- *''%#&4.,-1 2'& +)+.4,-485# (#/#5'%3#-.
."&')1"'). ."# ,-()+.&<9 !"# -)38#& '2 1&,#/4-*#+ 4-( 5#145 *"455#-1#+ ,+ #/,(#-*# '2 .",+9E
Buiing public meetings in Becembei 2uuu, the Feueiation justifieu its iequest foi the Boaiu's
appioval of the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#*, citing the following ieasons:
The cuiient system limit has been ieacheu anu is en ioute foi financial uisastei foi piouuceis.
The impoitance of the suiplus fiom the 2uuu haivest.
A sales agency will allow stiuctuieu anu oiueily maiketing.
Without a sales agency, theie will be imbalance in piouuction foi the next foui yeais.
It is impoitant that the Sales Agency establish a stiategic maple syiup inventoiy in oiuei to be
in a position to uevelop maikets.
Piouuceis neeu stability in teims of piices.
At a latei uate, on Naich 18, 2uuS, the Feueiation iequesteu the appioval of the G#1)54.,'- '-
%&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)%
%&'()*#&+, citing the following ieasons:
0veipiouuction since 2uuu has iaiseu the neeu to apply a contiol mechanism to cuib
piouuction uevelopment anu the putting of new taps into piouuction.
Piouuceis hope to slow supply giowth thiough the use of a quota system.
Sales lowei than eaily season estimates, foi the 2uu2 maiketing yeai, leu to an inventoiy
accumulation of neaily S2 million pounus.
The Quebec maple syiup maiket is estimateu at neaily 76 N pounus. The taiget sought by the
Sales Agency is to sell the entiie annual syiup piouuction anu piomptly pay piouuceis. It is
impoitant to suppoit anu encouiage both bulk anu ietail maple piouuct sales. We must, theiefoie,
avoiu maiketing actions that woulu leau only to uisplacement of maikets.
The low peicentage of uomestic maple piouuct consumption uiges us to maintain anu inciease
the sales of maple piouucts as much in Quebec maikets anu Canauian maikets as in expoit
Theiefoie, when the maple inuustiy is in uigent neeu of maiket giowth, uisputes between the two
piimaiy gioups (piouuceis anu buyeispiocessois) significantly uelay the taking of necessaiy
conceiteu actions to cieate national anu inteinational piomotion anu new maiket uevelopment
To expanu its maikets, the inuustiy must cieate uemanu. It shoulu uevelop geneiic piomotion
campaigns, supplementeu by effoits fiom inuiviuual expoiteis. Noieovei, in a message fiom the
piesiuent of the Feueiation to the A.u.A. FPAQ Su1u2uu2, we ieau that:
C!"# F#(#&4.,'- 8#5,#/#+ ."4. 4 +)**#++2)5 34&7#.,-1 %54-6 4+ 0# +## ,.6 0')5( %&#2#&485< 8#
*'-()*.#( ."&')1" 4 %4&.-#&+",% 0,." 34%5# +<&)% 8)<#&+ 4-( %&'*#++'&+9 !"# F#(#&4.,'-
04-.+ .' 0'&7 0,." ."'+# 0"' "4/# 4- ,-.#&#+. ,- ."# (#/#5'%3#-. '2 34%5# %&'()*.,'-6 0"'
&#+%#*. %&'()*#&+ 4-( ."# .''5+ ."#< 4&# 1,/#- .' (,&#*. ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 ."#,& %&'()*.+9E
Foi piomotion to be effective, its founuation must ieflect stiong knowleuge of the taiget clientele.
In auuition, within maple cultivation, piomotion must also be useu to infoim consumeis on the
use, conseivation, anu paiticulai chaiacteiistics of the piouuct, otheiwise the inuustiy will
expeiience a iapiu inciease in syiup inventoiies anu the whole maple inuustiy chain, paiticulaily
the piouuceis, will suffei economic consequences.
+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
0n seveial occasions, maple cultivatois who sell theii piouuct ietail thiough an inteimeuiaiy
mentioneu being huit by the execution of the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1
'2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ in theii aiea. Applying
quotas to piouuceis engageu in ietail sales thiough an inteimeuiaiy is an obstacle to the
uevelopment of theii maikets as well as to the uevelopment of auueu-value piouucts. They must
buy fiom an authoiizeu buyei, buy with cash fiom the Sales Agency oi become a iecognizeu buyei
if they want to buy syiup legally, anu this foi an auuitional fee.
They often have mentioneu that ietail sales thiough an inteimeuiaiy aie not iesponsible foi the
accumulation of inventoiy, unlike bulk. Foi these ieasons, they iequest to be excluueu fiom the
quota iegulation, as is the case foi the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#*.
The majoiity of comments ieceiveu fiom piouuceis, buyeis anuoi piocessois anu aitisan-
piocessois aie on the subject of maiketing, anu aie founu in the comments section of uecision
8u22 fiom the Boaiu on Apiil 8, 2uu4. They aie similai anu this is why they may be iepiouuceu in
this iepoit. It is theiefoie the best summaiization thiough which to iepoit comments ieceiveu.
^9` ?)5.,QM*' ?4-41#3#-. X%41# RT6 (#*,+,'- ST>>6 B%&,5 S6 >TTUY
C!"# F#(#&4.,'- 4,3+ .' &#3'/# 34%5# %&'()*#&+_ 48,5,.< .' +#55 ,- *'-.4,-#&+ +3455#& ."4- ^
5,.#&+ '& ^ 7,5'1&43+ .' 54&1# 2''( *"4,-+6 4-( 0,55 4. ."# +43# .,3# *5'+# '22 4**#++ .'
%&'()*#&+ 0"' +#55 )-(#& ."# 548#5 '2 C"'3#34(#E .' +3455 +.'&#+6 8&'7#&+6 *4.#&,-1 4-( "'.#5
@45# '2 34%5# %&'()*.+ 4+ C"'3#34(#E &#%&#+#-.+6 8< &#+#&/,-1 +"#52 +%4*# ."&')1"'). ."#
<#4& 4-( +45#+ 8#,-1 &#*'&(#( )-(#& ."# +45# 8)(1#. '2 455 C"'3#34(#E %&'()*.+9 c."#&0,+#6
."#+# +4,5+ 0')5( '-5< 8# 34(# ,-Q+#4+'-9E
Piouuceis finu little impiovement in theii situation since the cieation of the Sales Agency. They
complain of uifficulties at the level of payment foi syiup piouuction (uelays, ietuining oveipaiu
auvances to the Feueiation, non-compliance with payment scheuules). The size of the maple
syiup inventoiy anu costs to manage it aie souices of concein foi maple cultivatois. They note
the continueu existence of confiontations between buyeis anuoi piocessois anu the Feueiation,
while the futuie of maple cultivatois ielies on haimonious ielations between the vaiious
Buyeis anuoi piocessois have also expiesseu seveial iiiitations that weie alieauy noteu in a
iepoit tableu at the Boaiu Beaiings, Febiuaiy 24, 2uu4.
^9R ?4%5# Z&'/# F4&3+ '2 g#&3'-. ,-*96 @"4(< ?4%5# F4&3 V.(6 I4*;)#+ 4-( @'-+ F''(
%&'()*.+ ,-*9 (Page 11, uecision 8u22, Apiil 8, 2uu4)
C?+9 O#504,(#6 ."# +)%%5,#& '2 ."#,& 8)<#& &#%'&.#( '- 8#"452 '2 ."#,& *5,#-.+ ."# *'-.#=. ,-
0",*" ."# 34%5# ,-()+.&< #/'5/#+9 !"# '."#& 8)<#&+ ,-.#&/,#0#( #=%&#++#( ."# +43#
(,22,*)5.,#+ ,- 34&7#.,-1 4-( +.&4,-#( 8)+,-#++ &#54.,'-+ 0,." ."# F#(#&4.,'-E9
The iiiitations aie summaiizeu as follows:
CB 54*7 '2 "4&3'-< 8#.0##- ,-()+.&< +.47#"'5(#&+N
@'3# 8)<#&+ 24/'&#( 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4. ."# #=%#-+# '2 '."#&+6 455'0,-1 ."#3 )-24,&
L&'()*#&+ 4&# ,3%'+#( ;)'.4+ 4-( 3)+. 3'&.141# ."#3+#5/#+ .' "#5% 2,-4-*# ."# +45#+ 41#-*<N
!"# 4**)3)54.,-1 +<&)% +)&%5)+N
!"# 0#47 1&'0." '26 '& ."# (#*5,-,-16 34&7#.+N
K'-+)3#&+ 4&# "45.#( ,- ."#,& %)&*"4+#+ 8< ."# *'+. '2 34%5# +<&)%N
!"# 8)<#& 3)+. 347# (' 0,." ."# )-%&#(,*.485# ;)45,.< '2 +<&)% &#*#,/#(N
D)<#&+6 #=*#%. K,.4(#55# 4-( O[*4*#&6 3)+. &#-(#& +#&/,*#+ ,- ."# -43# '2 '& 2'& ."# 41#-*<6 2'& -'
&#.)&- 8#-#2,.N
B)."'&,A#( 8)<#&+ 3)+. *'3%&'3,+# '- 4-.,*,%4.#( /'5)3#+ 0",5# ."# F#(#&4.,'- *4- 4..4*7 ."#,&
34&7#.+6 #/#- .' ."# %',-. '2 347,-1 +%#*,45 %&,*#+N
L&,*#+ %4,( .' %&'()*#&+ (' -'. 34.*" ."# 34&7#. &#45,.,#+N
!"# %&,*,-1 +.&)*.)&# ,- ."# 41&##3#-. (,+*')&41#+ ",1" ;)45,.< 2&'3 ."# %&'()*#&N
!"# ;)'.4 ,-/,.#+ 4 854*7 34&7#.9E
The Naiketing Agieement gives two uefinitions, one foi buyei anu the seconu foi authoiizeu
The buyei uiu not iespect the iequiiements imposeu upon authoiizeu buyeis by aiticle 6 of the
Agieement. To keep customeis in this context, it becomes uifficult foi authoiizeu buyeis who sell
bottleu syiup abioau to covei theii costs if they want to compete with bulk sale conuucteu by the
Aiticle 1u of the Naiketing Agieement allows the Feueiation to uispose of inventoiies as follows:
CF,&+. &')-(W 4-< 4)."'&,A#( 8)<#&+ "4+ R^ (4<+ 42.#& ."# +45# (4.# +#. 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'-6
*'-2'&34-. 0,." %4&41&4%" RT9TR 4Y6 .' '22#& .' .47# ."# ,-/#-.'&< "#5( 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'- ,-
4+ 3)*" 4+ ,. *'3%5,#+ 0,." ."# %&'/,+,'-+ '2 ."# B1&##3#-.9
@#*'-( &')-(W '-*# ."# 2,&+. &')-( ,+ *'3%5#.#6 ."# F#(#&4.,'- *4- +#55 ."# &#34,-,-1
,-/#-.'&< '& %4&. '2 ,.6 )-.,5 ."# #-( '2 ."# 34&7#.,-1 <#4&6 .' 4-< 8)<#& +' 5'-1 4+ ."# .'.45
;)4-.,.< %#& 8)<#& ('#+ -'. #=*##( ^TT6TTT %')-(+ 4-( ."# F#(#&4.,'- &#*#,/#+ 4. 4
3,-,3)3 ."# +45# %&,*# %&'/,(#( ,- %4&41&4%" RT9TR 4Y9E
CB&.,*5# RT9T>W B-< +45# 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'- ').+,(# '2 ."# %4&43#.#&+ +%#*,2,#( ,- %4&41&4%"
RT9TR 3)+. 8# 4)."'&,A#( ,- 4(/4-*# 8< ."# D'4&( 42.#& &#*#,/,-1 *'33#-.+ 2&'3 ,-.#&#+.#(
Accoiuing to comments ieceiveu fiom authoiizeu buyeis, they uo not buy uuiing the fiist iounu
because theii clients can get bulk syiup at a cheapei piice in the seconu iounu. In this setup, it
becomes uifficult foi authoiizeu buyeis to uevelop the maiket since they aie not guaianteeu to
keep theii customeis foi auueu-value piouuct.
Buyeis anu piouuceis inteivieweu maue comments that can be summaiizeu by the following
S.S D#&-4&( 4-( @'-+ :-()+.&,#+6 V.(9 (page 4 Becision 8u22, Apiil 8, 2uu4)
Ni. Buieau, the suppliei of this buyei, mentioneu the following uuiing the Boaiu's public
C."4. )-(#& ."# *)&&#-. +<+.#3 ."#&# ,+ )-24,& *'3%#.,.,'- 8#.0##- 8)<#&+ +,-*# ."#
F#(#&4.,'- "4+ #-141#( ,- .&4(# 4-( +<&)% %&'*#++,-1 0,."'). "4/,-1 '8.4,-#( 4- #=#3%.,'-
2&'3 4&.,*5# ]T '2 ."# 5409 !' .",+ #-(6 ,. "4+ 455,#( 0,." ."# O[*4*#& 8)+,-#++ .' 34-41# ,.+
04&#"')+#9 d# #+.,34.#+ ."4. .",+ 8)+,-#++ ,+ ,- (,&#*. *'3%#.,.,'- 0,." ",+ *5,#-. 0"'6 ,-
4((,.,'- .' &#*#,/,-1 %4<3#-. '2 +.'&41# *"4&1#+ 2'& +<&)% &#*#,/#( 2&'3 ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-(
,- ,-/#-.'&<6 34< &#+#&/# +<&)%+ '2 8#..#& ;)45,.< 0",5# 2,55,-1 '&(#&+ '2 '."#& 8)<#&+ 0,."
5'0#& 1&4(# +<&)%+9 d# 45+' &#%'&.#( ",+ *5,#-. #-*')-.#&,-1 (,22,*)5.,#+ ()&,-1 (#5,/#&< 2&'3
.",+ 04&#"')+# 4+ 0#55 4+ 0,." +<&)% ;)45,.< '&,1,-4.,-1 2&'3 ."#&#6 4+ "# 3)+. 8)< '- ."#
84+,+ '2 ,-,.,45 1&4(,-1 (#+%,.# ."# 24*. ."4. ,. 34< "4/# (#.#&,'&4.#( ,- +.'&41#9E
S.6 K,.4(#55#6 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#& *'Q'% (page 1S Becision 8u22, Apiil 8, 2uu4)
Ni. Lussiei, the CE0 of Citauelle, inuicateu to the Boaiu:
C!"4. ."# F#(#&4.,'- "4+ 8##- ,- (,&#*. *'3%#.,.,'- 0,." 8)<#&+ +,-*# ."# @45#+ B1#-*< 04+
%). ,- %54*#9 B+ %&''26 "# 8#5,#/#+ ."4. K,.4(#55# "4+ 5'+. 4&')-( R9^ 3,55,'- %')-(+ ,- +45#+ .'
*)+.'3#&+ 0"' -'0 %&#2#& .' 8)< (,&#*.5< 2&'3 ."# F#(#&4.,'-9 ?'&#'/#&6 ."# F#(#&4.,'-
'22#&+ ."# +45# '2 +<&)% ,- .4-7+ 4-( "'5(+ 3##.,-1+ 0,." K,.4(#55# (,+.&,8).#&+ ,- I4%4-9 :- .",+
*'-.#=.6 .' *'-+#&/# ",+ *5,#-.#5#6 K,.4(#55# 3)+. 5'0#& ,.+ %&,*#+6 4-( #/#- +#55,-1 2'& 4 5'++ ,-
+'3# 34&7#.+9 c."#&0,+#6 ,. 0')5( "4/# .' &#()*# ,.+ ,-.47# /'5)3# 4-( #/#- *5'+# %54-.+6
0",*" ?&9 V)++,#& *'-+,(#&+ 84( 2'& #3%5'<3#-. 4-( ,- /,'54.,'- '2 1'/#&-3#-.45 1),(#5,-#+9E
The agieement allows the Feueiation to sell inventoiies in bulk. The sale of laige containeis
oveisea shoulu not be piomoteu, foi uiffeient ieasons:
Loss of quality contiol (tiaceability).
Loss of jobs in Quebec iegions because syiup is piocesseu abioau.
Loss of income because theie is no auueu value.
uoes in opposition to uecisions taken at the half-teim meeting of the Foium on Quebec
Agiicultuie anu Foou, to biing auueu value to S8% anu cieate 1u,uuu jobs foi the piocessing
sectoi, which the 0nion of maple piouuceis hau agieeu to.
Ni. Lussiei agieeu in Apiil 2uu4, in the Faim Coopeiatoi jouinal,
C!"# @45#+ B1#-*< 45+' *'3%#.#+ 0,." )+ ,- 2'&#,1- 34&7#.+6 8#*4)+# ,. 455'0+ X2'& #=43%5#Y 4
I4%4-#+# ,3%'&.#& .' 8)< 8)57 +<&)% 4. ."# +43# %&,*# +'5( .' H)#8#* %&'*#++'&+9 !",+
*'3%#.,.,'-6 +.&'-1#& 4-( +.&'-1#&6 ('#+ -'. *&#4.# -#0 34&7#.+ 4-( 5'0#&+ 34%5# +<&)%
The Citauelle piesiuent wiote in the 2uu4 annual iepoit:
Cf') 455 7-'0 ."4. +,-*# ."# @45#+ B1#-*<_+ *&#4.,'-6 0# "4/# +#-. &#%&#+#-.4.,/#+ .' ."#
D'4&( 4-( .' ."# @)%&#3# K')&. .' 4/',( ,._+ *'3%#.,-1 0,." ."# ?4&7#.,-1 B1&##3#-.9 h#
34,-.4,- ."4. ."# @45#+ B1#-*<6 0",*" ,+ ')& +'5# +)%%5,#&6 +#55 '& *4- +#55 .' ')& *)+.'3#&+ '-
+,3,54& '& 8#..#& .#&3+ ."4- ')&+9 !",+ ,+ )-,;)# 43'-1 455 #=,+.,-1 41&##3#-.+ *'/#&,-1 4
/4&,#.< '2 41&,*)5.)&45 %&'()*.+ 4-( &#%&#+#-.+ 2'& )+ 4 (,&#*. 4-( )-.",-7485# *'3%#.,.,'-9
Nany buyeis aie ciitical of the piocess put in place by the Feueiation to manage the Sales Agency.
0n this subject the Boaiu, in the peiiouic evaluation iepoit of the I',-. %54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)%
%&'()*#&+ fileu Febiuaiy 2S, 2uuS, biought up conceins fiom buyeis (page 1S). The topic was
incluueu in the analysis anu uecision of the Naiketing Convention 2uu4 (page 2u).
C!' "#5% ,3%&'/# ."# *5,34.# '2 .&)+. 8#.0##- ."# F#(#&4.,'- 4-( ,-()+.&< +.47#"'5(#&+6 ."#
D'4&( &#*'33#-(+ ."# F#(#&4.,'- 347# ."# &#;),&#( #22'&. .' ,3%&'/# .&4-+%4&#-*< ,- ."#
,3%5#3#-.4.,'- '2 ."# B1&##3#-. 4-( ."# &#1)54.,'-+ ."4. ,. "4+ 4('%.#(6 4-( *,&*)54.# ."#
Buyeis have askeu that the Feueiation submit to the Boaiu the contiact between it anu Bcacei
foi appioval. Conuitions tieu to inventoiy management woulu be public, thus eliminating any
suspicion towaius this business. Let us iecall that Citauelle hau the Boaiu appiove its agieement
with the Feueiation.
In uecision 7918 on 0ctobei 2, 2uuu, page 14, it is mentioneu that the Feueiation consulteu 2,Suu
paiticipants. 0ne of the ;)#+.,'-+ was the following:
Ch')5( <') 24/'& ."# 4('%.,'-6 2'& ."# >TT` "4&/#+. <#4&6 '2 4- 4((,.,'-45 *'-.&,8).,'- '2 )%
.' \T9T> %#& %')-( 2'& ."# 1#-#&45 %&'3'.,'- '2 34%5# %&'()*.+iE
Seveial piouuceis have iesponueu positively to this iequest, so uelegates passeu a iesolution
Initially, with pait of the sums levieu, the FPAQ conuucteu two piomotional campaigns in 2uuS.
Bowevei, seveial piouuceis complaineu that this auveitising campaign in foou maikets focuseu
piimaiily on SIR0PR0 ceitification, helu by S2 maple cultivatois with 6 in the piocess of being
ceitifieu. Bowevei an A.u.A. FPAQ, 281u2uuS iesolution ieaus:
C:. ,+ ()5< %&'%'+#(6 +#*'-(#( 4-( &#+'5/#( ."4. ."# F#(#&4.,'- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)%
%&'()*#&+ &)- 4 1#-#&,* +<&)% %&'3'.,'- *43%4,1- 4-( -'. '-5< @,&'%&'9E
Speakeis noteu that the SIR0PR0 maik belongs to the Feueiation, which ensuies the ceitification
piogiam. ueneially in the foou inuustiy, an inuepenuent bouy such as the Quebec Buieau of
Stanuaius appioves a ceitifieu piouuct. This appioach guaiantees gieatei cieuibility to the bianu.
Piouuceis uistiibuting theii piouuct in gioceiy stoies uo not agiee that the Feueiation shoulu
uiiectly inteivene with buyeis fiom laige chains by piesenting the SIR0PR0 bianu as being highei
quality syiup compaieu to othei bianus coming fiom piouuceis anu aitisan-piocessois, iathei
than focusing on a maiketing appioach to geneiically piomote maple piouucts. The Feueiation
uses collections fiom piouuceis to compete with its own membeis who have uevelopeu ietail
maikets foi seveial yeais. Piouuceis, who pay an extia $u.u2 pei pounu to the Feueiation foi
piomotion that shoulu be geneiic, uislike then having to pioviue auuitional piomotional buuget to
piomote theii own piouuct if they want to keep theii place in gioceiy stoies.
Seconuly, on 0ctobei 1u, 2uuS, the Feueiation announceu the Expoit Paitneiship Piogiam whose
goal is to inciease sales volume in inteinational maikets of piouucts ueiiveu fiom maple sap.
To join this piogiam, inteiesteu authoiizeu buyeis submit a pioject to obtain funuing anu must
incluue, in theii application, the following infoimation:
a) the taiget countiy
b) the taiget maiket
c) the name of theii customei anu contact infoimation
u) pioject uesciiption
e) uetails of activities to be financeu by the Feueiation
f) uetails of the buuget foi each activity that woulu be financeu by the Feueiation
g) the amount of maple piouuct solu thanks to the pioject
h) the sale piice
Authoiizeu buyeis who expiesseu inteiest in such a piogiam have uenounceu the iequiiement of
uisclosing the list of customeis anu theii contact infoimation, because this goes against all
piactices obseiveu in commeicial affaiis. Accoiuing to them, this infoimation aims to obtain the
list of clients fiom authoiizeu buyeis to bettei solicit them anu offei them bulk syiup fiom the
Sales Agency.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
4.1 Syiup solu in ietail with inteimeuiaiies be iemoveu fiom the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'-
;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 %&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)%
%&'()*#&+ to allow ietail piouuceis with inteimeuiaiies to continue ueveloping theii

4.2 The Feueiation shoulu ask a neutial bouy to guaiantee the ceitification of SIR0PPR0 as
is obseiveu by othei piouucts in the foou inuustiy. This in oiuei to ensuie
tianspaiency of this ceitification anu give it gieatei cieuibility.

4.S The Feueiation shoulu focus on geneiic piomotion in both uomestic anu expoit

4.4 Piocessing companies shoulu contiibute to piomotional effoits of the Feueiation, eithei
by complementaiy expoit piomotion, oi thiough financial contiibution to geneiic
piomotion oi the uevelopment of an inteinational piomotional stiategy.

4.S As to the ieauing of comments maue by buyeis befoie the Boaiu, in the fiame of the
appioval of Feueiation iegulations, it is founu that inuiviuual buyeis' comments often
incluue the same obseivations. Consequently, buyeis shoulu submit an application to
the Boaiu foi the ceitification of peisons inteiesteu in maiketing maple piouucts. This
association of buyeis woulu iepiesent all inteiesteu paities foi the puipose of
negotiating agieements, meuiation oi aibitiation with the Feueiation. The Boaiu coulu
pioviue technical assistance in explaining necessaiy steps to ieceive accieuitation
unuei aiticle 1uu of Law N-SS.

4.6 0ne of the paities (buyeis oi the Feueiation) that signeu the agieement shoulu ask the
Boaiu to auopt a single uefinition of buyei. To be iecognizeu as a buyei unuei the
Agieement, the owneiship of piocessing plants in Quebec shoulu be manuatoiy. The
non-authoiizeu buyei may, then, contact authoiizeu buyeis.

4.7 Piocessois who have, among othei things, expeitise on foieign maikets, uistiibution
netwoiks, knowleuge of expoit stiuctuies anu iules shoulu make an auuitional effoit to
uevelop new maikets.

4.8 Buyeis anuoi piocessois, having an essential iole to play in maiket uevelopment,
shoulu leave the ciicle of couits to contest the existing maiketing stiuctuie anu woik
with the Feueiation to cieate new maikets.

4.9 The Naple Sectoi shoulu foim a task foice to uevelop a business stiategy anu sell the

4.1u The Feueiation, which manages laige suipluses, shoulu show inteiest in uiscussion
with othei maiket uevelopment paitneis anu finu, togethei with buyeis anuoi
piocessois, mechanisms piomoting the uevelopment of new maikets, while iespecting
the iespective functions of each paiticipant.
2--3" H5
F"!2*< %6" 2.#&+% $* %6" $'(28&%2$, %$ #3!+6&-" 4IJ
$* &,%2+2#&%"/ -<!3#- ?2%6 *(&F$! /"*"+%- @F!A $,
$!/"!(< .&!B"%2,8 $* & #3!" &,/ ,&%3!&( #!$/3+%
+&-" -%3/<
Buiing negotiations on the Naiketing Agieement foi the 2uu4 haivest, the Feueiation pioposeu
cieation, by mouifying aiticle 1.u1 s), of the iequiiement that:
C!"# /'5)3# 8< 1&4(# 3)+.6 *&)*,455<6 ,-*5)(# 4. 5#4+. RTj '2 gG %&'()*. %#& 1&4(# X#=*5)(,-1
+<&)%+ .4&1#.#( 8< 4&.,*5# a9R^ 4-( ."'+# 1&4(#( 8)( gGYE9
This iequest was ieiteiateu uuiing the RNAAQ's heaiings helu on Febiuaiy 26, 2uu4.
0pon the appioval of the Naiketing Convention on Apiil 8, 2uu4 (uecision 8u22), the Boaiu
iejecteu the FPAQ's iequest.
CB+ .' .",+ +)8P#*.6 ."# D'4&( &#*455+ /'.,-1 '- 4 +,3,54& ;)#+.,'- ,- (#*,+,'- kS^S 4-( ."#&# ,+
-' -##( .' 5#. ."# %&'()*#& 8#5,#/# ."4. 4 +<&)% 0"'+# ;)45,.< ('#+ -'. 3##. ."# 34&7#.
*&,.#&,4 *4- 8# ,3%'+#( '- 8)<#&+9E
In uecision 78S8 (}uly 14, 2uuS), it was stateu:
C!"# D'4&( 8#5,#/#+6 "'0#/#&6 ."4. ,. ,+ '%#- .' 4)."'&,A#( 8)<#&+6 )-(#& 4&.,*5# k9TU6 .'
&#.)&- %&'()*.+6 0"'+# 1&4(,-1 3#-.,'-+ CgGE6 .' 04&#"')+#+ (#+,1-4.#( 8< ."# F#(#&4.,'-6
+,-*# .",+ %&'()*. ('#+ -'. 3##. ."# 84+,* +.4-(4&(+9 !",+ +.4-(4&( ,+ 2')-( ,- 4&.,*5# ^ '2 ."#
G#1)54.,'- '2 34%5# %&'()*#&+ '- +.4-(4&(+ 2'& ;)45,.< 4-( 1&4(,-19E
C!"# D'4&( ."#&#2'&# *'-+,(#&+6 7##%,-1 ,- 3,-( *'-/#-.,'-45 %&'/,+,'-+6 ."4. I4*;)#+ 4-(
+'-+ F''( L&'()*.+ ,+ #-.,.5#( .' &#.)&- ."# +<&)% 84&&#5+ 0"'+# 1&4(,-1 3#-.,'-+ CgGE ."4.
."#< "4/# +.4.#( ."#< (' -'. -##( .' &#+%'-( .' 34&7#. &#;),&#3#-.+9E
0n Nay 14, 2uu4, the Feueiation of Quebec maple syiup piouuceis sent a note to all authoiizeu
buyeis to infoim them of monthly maple syiup piices, piovisions foi inventoiies anu statistics.
In this note, the woiuing of the thiiu piice scale ieaus as follows:
CB55 +45#+ '- ."# 2,&+. 4-( +#*'-( %&,*# +*45# 3#-.,'-#( 48'/# ,-*5)(# ."# '85,14.,'- 2'& ."#
8)<#& .' 8)< 4. 5#4+. Sj '2 gG +<&)% X#=*5)(,-1 8)( 4-( /,+*')+ gGY9 @"')5( ."# 8)<#& -'.
0,+" .' %)&*"4+# .",+ %#&*#-.41# '2 gG +<&)% 4+ %4&. '2 ."# .'.45 '&(#&6 ."# ;)'.#( %&,*#+ 2'&
2,&+. 4-( +#*'-( %&,*# +*45#+ 5,+.#( 8#5'0 4&# ,-*&#4+#( 8< \T9T^ %#& %')-(9E
+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
Buyeis aie uisappointeu by the attituue of the Feueiation, which uisiegaius the Boaiu's uecision
(#8u22) by pioviuing stiong incentives foi buyeis to obtain syiup giaueu vR.
Buyeis point out that the means useu to ciicumvent the Boaiu's uecision is an example of the
Feueiation's attituue, which uoes not favoi haimonious ielations that coulu geneiate uialogue to
uevelop maple piouuct maiketing.
Foi its pait the Feueiation, which maintains inventoiies, notes that this obligation has tenueu to
lowei inventoiies anu inciease payments to piouuceis.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
Keeping in min that theie aie laige suipluses that have been accumulating since 2uuu;
Keeping in minu that vR syiups continue to inciease the suiplus;
Keeping in minu that the Feueiation must ensuie income to maple cultivatois by selling as much
syiup as possible;
Keeping in minu that the inuustiy is self-uisciplining anu vR syiup piouuction stops as quality
must be ensuieu anu combineu with maiket uevelopment;
S.1 The Feueiation shoulu iemove the auministiative uiiective iequiiing authoiizeu buyeis
to puichase 8% of vR piouuct oi suffei the penalty of paying $u.uS moie pei pounu of
syiup. This piactice is not consistent with the RNAAQ's iecent uecision (#8u22).

S.2 In the absence of action in iesponse to this iecommenuation, the Boaiu shoulu make
note of this iequiiement to the Feueiation anu inteivene immeuiately unuei the
poweis they weie entiusteu with in the B*. 1'/#&-,-1 ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 41&,*)5.)&456
2''( 4-( 2,+" %&'()*.+.
2--3" K5
!"F2"? %6" !"#!"-",%&%2$, $* .".'"!- &% %6" 6"&!%
$* %6" .&#(" -"+%$! 2, $!/"! %$ 2,+!"&-" %6"
/"F"($#.",% $* ,"? .&!B"%-
+&-" -%3/<
The Naple Sectoi, compiiseu of volunteei iepiesentatives fiom each chain link of the
maple inuustiy, has existeu since Nay 199S. The sectoi appioach is an instiument foi
uialogue that the foou sectoi aimeu itself with in 1992, foi the puipose of conqueiing
maikets. This mechanism of uialogue allows membeis of the Sectoi to become awaie of
theii mutual inteiuepenuence anu the auvantages gaineu thiough the uialogue.
A sectoi assembly is a place foi uialogue enabling stakeholueis to meet one anothei,
establish conveisation to impiove competition of the sectoi anu maintain oi impiove
piouuct positioning within the maikets. To suppoit the action, goveinments have maue
human anu financial iesouices available to assemblies. Thus, since 199S theie has been
the Suppoit system foi sectois beneath the Canaua-Quebec Subsiuiaiy Agieement on agii-
foou (199S-1997), the Suppoit Piogiam foi Bialogue (1997-2uuu), anu the ConceitAction
piogiam (2uu-2uuS). Finally, a piogiam is being planneu foi sectois thiough the
Agiicultuial Policy Fiamewoik (CSA) foi which only piojects fiom sectois will be eligible.
Since its inception, the Naple Sectoi has peifoimeu a numbei of actions in iesponse to
pioblems, seveial of which weie funueu by the piogiams. The most impoitant
achievements ielate to iecoiuing giaue (usage of the paiafoimaluehyue pellet, iecoius on
the use of maple piouucts anu equipments, etc.), naming iecommenuations, the holuing of
a symposium on the Quebec maple cultivation inuustiy anu its maikets, the uevelopment of
specifications foi maple cultivation technology tiansfei, etc.
Following the cieation of the Naple Sectoi, a climate of tiust slowly uevelopeu between
membeis. uiauually, people exchangeu anu uiscusseu in goou faith. Since 2uuu, when uue
to the volume piouuceu the inuustiy most neeueu to stiengthen its links, we insteau saw a
uisinteiest oi a shoitage of iepiesentatives in ceitain sectoi gioups. Bowevei, aftei an
exeicise in ieflection at the enu of 2uu2, membeis of the Sectoi ieceiveu, in eaily 2uuS, a
new plan of action auuiessing the positioning of maikets, quality anu statistics.
The fiist gioup of iepiesentatives of the Naple Sectoi was composeu of iepiesentatives of
the following links:
Piouuction (Pieiie Lemieux anu Clauue Lussiei)
Piocessing (Nichael Beiman, Bob Swain, Yves Beinaiu, Sylvie Chagnon anu Benoit
Coopeiative movement (Luc Lussiei)
Equipment manufactuieis (Einest Bieii anu Yvon Pelleiin)
Retaileis association (uiaiu uaineau)
Naiketing (}ones Sheehan of the RCPEQ)
Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec (}ean-Clauue Bumas)
Association of Sugai Bouse Restauiant 0wneis (Benis Pelletiei)
0vei the yeais, some membeis left the Sectoi, iepiesentatives of the same oiganization
ieplaceu otheis, anu some weie auueu as they applieu foi membeiship. It is in this context
that the following joineu us:
Ni. Anui-Paul Noieau of Regional Cuisine (u1-2S-1996)
Ni. uhislain }acques of }acques anu Sons Foou Piouucts (u9-S-1996)
Ns. Claiie Beigeion of the Quebec Naple Institute, inc. (1u-1S-1997)
Ni. Benis Rancouit of the Inteinational Naple Centei (1u-1S-1997)
Ni. Robeit valliei of the Spiing Awakening Sugaibush, inc. (1u-1S-1997)
Ni. Naic Chniei of Canaua Agiicultuie anu Agii-foou (12-9-1997)
Ni. Biuno Boutin of St. Feiuinanu B (u2-24-2uuu)
Ns. Biane Nassicotte of the Feueial Coopeiative (uS-2S-2uuu)
Ns. }o-Ann Cleaiy of Cleaiy's Naple Piouucts Ltu. (u6-18-2uuS)
In 2uu4, the new iepiesentation of the Naple Sectoi ieaus as follows:
Piouuction: Ni. Pieiie Lemieux anu Ni. Chailes-Flix Ross of the FPAQ
Piocessing anu maiketing:
Ns. Sylvie Chagnon of the Abbotsfoiu "La Coule" Sugaibush
Ns. }o-Ann Cleaiy of Cleaiy's Naple Piouucts Ltu.
Ni. Biuno Boutin of Saint Feiuinanu B
Ni. uhislain }acques of }acques anu Sons Foou Piouucts
valliei Robeit of Bomaine Acei inc.
Coopeiative movement:
Ni. Luc Lussiei of Citauelle - Coopeiative of Naple Syiup Piouuceis
Equipment manufactuieis:
Ni. Naicellin Lavoie of Naple Equipment CBL
Ni. Naicel Ppin of Bominion & uiimm inc.
Nis. Biane Nassicotte of Naple piouuct uistiibution of the Feueial Coopeiative of
Association of Sugai Bouse Restauiant 0wneis:
Ni. Benys Pelletiei
Inteinational Centei foi Naple:
Ni. Naicel uaulin
Canauian uoveinment:
Ns. Annie Bub of Canaua Agiicultuie anu Agii-foous
Quebec uoveinment:
Ni. }ean-Clauue Bumas of the Boaiu foi Agiicultuial anu Foou Naikets of Quebec
Ni. Noimanu Boluuc of the Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, Fisheiies anu Foou
Ns. }ulie Labiecque of the Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, Fisheiies anu Foou
Reseaich: Ns. Patiizia Ramacieii (obseivei) of the ACER Centei
Cuiiently, the Naple Sectoi no longei has iepiesentatives fiom the Foou Retaileis
Association, noi iepiesentatives fiom the Quebec Naple Institute whose boaiu of uiiectois
teiminateu the agency on Apiil 1S, 2uu4. The Inteinational Naple Centei, no longei veiy
active, will neeu ieconsiueiation of its iepiesentation in the Sectoi. Fuitheimoie, anothei
agency has expiesseu an inteiest in seiving at the heait of the Naple Sectoi. To this enu, on
Naich 24, 2uu4, Ni. Elliot Levasseui, vice piesiuent at Bcacei sent the Sectoi an official
iequest to become a membei.
+$..",%- !"+"2F"/
Nost membeis of the Naple Sectoi agiee to ieview the iepiesentation of the Sectoi in
oiuei to auu iepiesentatives who woulu be able to contiibute actively to the uevelopment
of the sectoi maiketing anu continue to woik on piouuct quality. It is impoitant to focus
on uevelopment of new maikets anu auueu-value piouucts.
We must piioiitize iepiesentation of the stakeholueis involveu in the piomotion anu
maiketing of maple piouucts.
Since the "Financieie agiicole" is alieauy involveu in some of the funuing of this inuustiy, it
is uesiiable that a iepiesentative of this oiganization be a membei of this Sectoi.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ .".'"!- $* %6" .&#(" -"+%$!
6.1 Agiee to ieview the iepiesentation of the Sectoi's membeis.

6.2 Piioiitize stakeholueis who can biing people togethei anu biing expeitise iegaiuing
the maiketing of maple piouucts anu uevelopment of piouuct quality.

6.S Evaluate the list of inuiviuuals anu oiganizations uesiieu at the heait of the Sectoi:
The Financieie
0nion of oiganic maple cultivatois
Naple Inuustiy Council (CIA)

6.4 Review the appiopiiateness of maintaining, at the heait of the Naple Sectoi, the
iepiesentation of membeis of oiganizations that no longei have a founuation oi aie
I iemembei obseivations ieceiveu fiom piouuceis, aitisan-piocessois, buyeis anuoi
piocessois that the maiketing of maple piouucts cannot be solely unuei contiol of the
The complexity of this piouuction iequiies close coopeiation between all stakeholueis anu
in paiticulai, mutual tiust amongst them allowing the entiie inuustiy to uevelop maikets
anu inciease the income of stakeholueis.
The B*. 1'/#&-,-1 ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 41&,*)5.)&456 2''( 4-( 2,+" %&'()*.+ peimits the managei
of the I',-. %54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+ to uevelop iegulations intenueu to
facilitate maiketing.
Some stakeholueis may favoi stiict iegulations with high levels of suiveillance, enfoiceu by
inspectois set up by a vigilant legal seivice. The application of these measuies is expensive
anu too coeicive, anu it is the piouuceis who must meet the costs.
0ui neighbois - maple piouuceis - have uevelopment potential foi tap holes. The inuustiy
estimates an accessible potential of 2u-2S N taps in the 0niteu States, New-Biunswick can
quickly uouble its numbei of taps (4 N tap holes), Nova Scotia has a piojecteu 1 N taps
with the natives anu noithein 0ntaiio offeis an inteiesting potential foi new tap holes.
It is uifficult to ignoie this ieality. The effoits of the entiie inuustiy must be focuseu on
pooling iesouices to sell syiup at a competitive piice anu, theiefoie, pioviue sufficient
income foi eveiyone involveu in the maple sectoi. It is impeiative that we put iivaliies
asiue anu uevote all eneigies to ueveloping new maikets foi maple piouucts. I iemain
convinceu that the Naple Sectoi can be the vehicle of choice foi expiessing the means
necessaiy to ieach this goal.
The iecommenuations given to membeis of the Sectoi aim to help finu solutions that
challenge the entiiety of stakeholueis involveu in the uevelopment of the maple inuustiy.
Each inuiviuual must uemonstiate openness to the constiaints of theii paitneis anu
flexibility in following the paths to solutions.
I feivently hope that we can builu a woik plan to piopose changes in the maiketing of
maple piouucts applicable to the maiketing agieement foi the 2uuS haivest. The
iecommenuations in this iepoit iepiesent the essential elements to impiove the tiaue
climate in the maple inuustiy anu pioposeu solutions foi maiket uevelopments.
As stateu in the manuate given to the piesiuent of the Naple Sectoi, if we fail to ieach a
consensus amongst the membeis of the Sectoi that follows the iecommenuations incluueu
in this iepoit, goveinmental oiganizations will be inviteu to inteivene.
!"+$..",/&%2$,- %$ 8$F"!,.",%&( &3%6$!2%2"-
In the case of a failuie to obtain a collaboiative agieement in the maple Sectoi anu to
implement the iecommenuations aiising fiom obseivations ieceiveu while in office, 2
Fiist phase
Keeping in minu that ieseaich, inteiviews anu uecision making foi the appioval of
iegulations by piouuceis iepiesent an exeicise in uemociacy that is essential foi oiueily
Keeping in minu that the majoiity of comments ieceiveu fiom piouuceis inteivieweu ielate
to the steps involveu in appioval of these iegulations anu theii implementation;
Keeping in minu that theie aie seveial obseivations that the Feueiation uoes not seem to
Keeping in minu that this exeicise was not conuucteu in the context of an investigation;
u-1. valiuation of these obseivations to all maple syiup piouuceis in Quebec coulu be
achieveu thiough a wiitten suivey conuucteu by an inuepenuent entity of the

The questions in this suivey shoulu focus on the uegiee of satisfaction as to the
Feueiation's enfoicement of iegulations.

If the iesults favoi the implementation anu management of these two iegulations, it
will be necessaiy foi all stakeholueis to woik in collaboiation with the Feueiation
fiom now on, to uemonstiate an openness to uiscussion anu the finuing of solutions,
all in the goal of continueu uevelopment of the inuustiy.
Seconu phase
Keeping in minu the iesults of the suivey taken in the fiist phase;
Keeping in minu that the conclusion of the L#&,'(,* #/45)4.,'- &#%'&. '- ,-.#&/#-.,'-+ 8< ."#
F#(#&4.,'- '2 H)#8#* ?4%5# @<&)% L&'()*#&+ (Febiuaiy 2S, 2uuS) is to iecommenu that the
Feueiation make the necessaiy effoit to impiove tianspaiency in ielation to
implementation of the agieement anu iegulations it has auopteu;
Keeping in minu that aftei numeious obseivations ieceiveu uuiing oui inteiviews, it must
be concluueu that this iecommenuation fiom the Boaiu has not been followeu;
u-2. The Boaiu shoulu take up once again the job of assessing inteiventions fiom the
joint plan iegaiuing the implementation of the G#1)54.,'- '- ."# +#55#& '2 34%5#
%&'()*.+ '2 H)#8#* anu the G#1)54.,'- '- %&'()*.,'- ;)'.4+ 4-( ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2
%&'()*.+ .4&1#.#( 8< ."# I',-. L54- '2 H)#8#* 34%5# +<&)% %&'()*#&+.

Aiticle 62 of Act N-SS

CB. ."# D'4&(_+ &#;)#+. 4-( 4. ."# 54.#+. #/#&< 2,/# <#4&+6 #4*" '22,*# 3)+. +"'0
.' ."# D'4&( '& .' ."# %#&+'-+ ,. (#+,1-4.#+ .' &#%'&. .' ,.6 ."4. ."# %54-+ 4-(
&#1)54.,'-+ ,. %&#+*&,8#+ +#&/# ."# ,-.#&#+. '2 455 %&'()*#&+ 4-( 24/'& #22,*,#-.
4-( '&(#&5< 34&7#.,-1 '2 ."# .4&1#.#( %&'()*.9

!"# D'4&( .")+ 1,/#+ ."'+# %#&+'-+ ,-.#&#+.#( ,- 34&7#.,-1 '2 ."# .4&1#.#(
%&'()*. ."# '%%'&.)-,.< .' %&#+#-. ."#,& '8+#&/4.,'-+ '- ."# ,3%5#3#-.4.,'- '2
."# %54- 4-( &#54.#( &#1)54.,'-+9E

0bjectives iesulting fiom this appioach aie:

o 0nueistanu the means anu measuies auopteu by the Feueiation to fulfill the
Boaiu's iecommenuations (Febiuaiy 2S, 2uuS).
o Beai feeuback, comments anu expectations fiom othei stakeholueis;
o Evaluate the ielevance of the iesults fiom the inteiventions of these two
iegulations tieu to the maiketing of the taigeteu piouuct;

This exeicise shoulu be unueitaken quickly so that iecommenuations selecteu by
the Boaiu can be applieu to the 2uuS agieement.

u-S. 0nuei aiticle 28 of the B*. 1'/#&-,-1 ."# 34&7#.,-1 '2 41&,*)5.)&456 2''( 4-( 2,+"
%&'()*.+, the Boaiu coulu uiiectly inteivene to mouify the content of the two
iegulations in iesponse to some of the iecommenuations of this iepoit incluuing:

o The uefinition of buyei as wiitten in the maiketing agieement;
o Withuiawal of ietail thiough an inteimeuiaiy fiom the quota iegulation;
o The piocess of public consultation anu infoimation.
0nuei aiticle 28 of Act N-SS, chaptei II (poweis of the Boaiu), the Boaiu may:
CRl 3'(,2<6 43#-( '& &#%#45 4 %&'/,+,'- '2 4 %54-6 4 &#1)54.,'-6 ."# *'-+.,.).,'-
'2 4 8'4&( '& 4 (#*,+,'- 2&'3 4 %&'()*#&6 2,+"#&34- '& 8'4&(_+ '22,*#N
>l +)+%#-( 2'& 4 %&#(#.#&3,-#( %#&,'( '2 .,3# '& .#&3,-4.# ."# ,3%5#3#-.4.,'-
'2 4 %54-6 &#1)54.,'-6 41&##3#-.6 *'-+.,.).,'-6 (#*,+,'- '2 4 8'4&( '& %&'/,+,'-
!"# D'4&( 3)+. 1,/# %&,'& -'.,*# '2 ."# .,3# 4-( 5'*4.,'- 0"#&# ,. 0,55 &#*#,/#
*'33#-.+ 2&'3 ,-.#&#+.#( %4&.,#+9
:. 0,55 %)85,+" 4 -'.,*# ,- ."# '22,*,45 H)#8#* Z4A#..# ,-(,*4.,-1 ."# (#*,+,'-
.47#- )-(#& .",+ +#*.,'-9E
u-4. Aftei a ieasonable uelay anu in absence of haimonious ielationships between
stakeholueis oi finuing gaps pieventing effective anu oiueily maiketing of maple
piouucts, anu believing that the maple inuustiy is not making piogiess, the Boaiu
may entiust the implementation of these two iegulations to a peison oi
oiganization uesignateu unuei aiticle S8 of Act N-SS, chaptei II (poweis of the

C!"# D'4&( 34<6 ,2 (##3#( -#*#++4&< .' #-+)&# #22#*.,/# ,3%5#3#-.4.,'- '2 4
%54- '& &#1)54.,'-6 #-.&)+. ."# ,3%5#3#-.4.,'- ."#&#'2 .' 4 %#&+'- '&
'&14-,A4.,'- ,. 4%%',-.+ 4-( ."4. *4- 8# &#%54*#(9

!"# D'4&( 3)+. 1,/# %&,'& -'.,*#6 ,- 4- 41&,*)5.)&45 P')&-45 0,." 1#-#&45
*,&*)54.,'-6 '2 ."# .,3# 4-( 5'*4.,'- 0"#&# ,. 0,55 &#*#,/# *'33#-.+ 2&'3
%#&+'-+ *'/#&#( 8< .",+ %54- '& &#1)54.,'-9

:- ."# *4+# '2 4- #3#&1#-*< '& .' %&#/#-. ,&&#%4&485# (4341# 8#,-1 *4)+#(6
."# D'4&( 34< (#+,1-4.# ."# %#&+'- '& '&14-,A4.,'- 3#-.,'-#( ,- ."# 2,&+.
%4&41&4%" 8< ,-.#&,3 (#*,+,'- 34(# %)85,* ,- 4 04< ,. (##3+ 4%%&'%&,4.#9 :.
0,55 ."#- 4+ +''- 4+ %'++,85# "'5( 4 %)85,* +#++,'- .' "#4& *'33#-.+ 2&'3
%#&+'-+ *'/#&#( 8< .",+ %54- '& &#1)54.,'- 8#2'&# *'-2,&3,-16 3'(,2<,-1 '&
&#/#&+,-1 .",+ 4%%',-.3#-.9

!"# %#&+'- '& '&14-,A4.,'- 4%%',-.#( 8< ."# D'4&( +)**##(+ 8< &,1". ."# '22,*#
%&#/,')+5< &#+%'-+,85# 2'& ,.+ ,3%5#3#-.4.,'-6 4-( %'++#++#+ 455 ."# 4++'*,4.#(
%'0#&+6 ().,#+6 4-( &#+%'-+,8,5,.,#+9E

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