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Mysterious yet Revealing

If there is one thing (aside from love life) that makes college students enjoy their college life, its
the excitement of joining an organization. Meeting nice people, making new friends, learning to respect
seniors and hanging out on the org. room after a hard day on school are examples of how organizations
can make college life enjoyable. One of these organizations that show how fun joining an organization
can be is COMACH (Community Achievers Association).
During the celebration of Commerce Week, COMACH (Commerce Unit) held its Grand Launch
last September 17-18, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at 3
floor lobby of St. Raymund Building. This event aims to
engage members to know COMACH, unleash events and invite members to participate their outreach
program. The theme of this event is Crime Scene which gives the air of excitement to those who
approaches their booth. The organization prepared various games that made interested students enjoy
at the cost of 10 pesos per 2 games or for free if you are a member this organization. One of these
games is the classic Wire Loop Game where the player is to move a loop on a randomly curved wire
without touching it. In the classic game if ever the player is unsuccessful in avoiding the wire, the player
will be shocked using electric conduction. Luckily COMACH place insulators in the handle of the loop
that prevent the player from being shocked, instead they only use loud buzzers that also shock players in
a different way. On the other hand if the player is successful in placing the hoop at the end of the
curved wire, the player will receive COMACH shirt as a prize. Another game the COMACH prepared is
the Finding Hidden Objects, wherein there is a list of objects that are hard to find on a laminated
picture. They also have photo booth that looks like a place for mug shots complementing its theme of
Crime Scene.
It is ironic that the theme of this event is mysterious yet the members are revealing on how fun
their organization is. Also this event succeed in making students know what tricks and surprises will
unfold under their sleeves this academic year as stated in their poster. This organization aims toward
individual and community empowerment. Using this aims they can develop life-long learners of
leadership skills. COMACH is about outreach programs for adopted community, and this academic
school year Bataan is the province they choose to support. More and more events and outreach
programs will happen in this organization as stated by some of the members.
This event proves that organizations such as COMACH can provide happiness that every college
students want. The feeling of achieving something with your company is one of the most amazing feels
an organization can give. One exceptional thing about this organization is that you enjoy what you are
doing yet you get to help people in need on different places. This organization is what normal college
students usually want. So to those college students out there find a suitable organization that you know
you can bond with but then know your priorities, all surplus are bad.

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