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Observation One

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dallas Cowboys Playoff Game 1997
Note: This particular observation took place over the first 30 minutes of an hour and a half
long episode. I n order to provide a truly detailed account without overkill, I have chosen to
only focus my observation notes on this section of time; however, examples of the key
vocabulary were gleaned from the episode as a whole not restricted within the time period
allotted. The specific timing of events listed here is based on when they occur in the original
episode instead of a fictional time of day (example: 3:27 stands for a span of event that begin
at 3 minutes and 27 seconds into the observed action).

Relevant Background Information: These observations took place in Ericksson Stadium in
Charlotte, North Carolina. This is the home field for the Carolina Panthers, which is the team the
Cowboys are playing against in this game. During this observation, two professional football
teams play for a spot in the next round of the playoffs. The Cowboys won three of the four Super
Bowls just before this particular year, so they are the defending world champions. This game
means a lot also because the Panthers, at this time, were a new team. They were founded in 1995,
so they were the underdog in this game.
Figured World: A figured world is a certain place where there is a specific set of rules and
conventions that all those involved are expected to follow. Examples of conventions (social
norms) in this figured world include manners, proper etiquette, communication skills, etc.
In my figured world, there are many rules and conventions. The rules include all game
play rules and security rules within the stadium. In game play, there are rules that have been put
in place in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved. So players cannot spear other players
when trying to tackle them. Spearing is when the tackler puts his head down and hits the ball
carrier with his head. The ball runners cannot drop their head when they hit someone because
this is dangerous for them and the opposing players. There are also personal fouls, which are
rules that have more serious consequences. Personal fouls are usually fifteen yard penalties or
they can be a spot foul, which means the ball is placed where the foul was committed. This
includes pass interference and sometimes horse collar. A pass interference call means that a
player intentionally comes in contact with another player involved in an effort to prevent the
other player from catching the ball. Pass interference can only be called on receivers,
cornerbacks, and safeties because these are the only players that are involved enough that they
can interfere with the pass. Horse collar is when a player grabs the back of another players
jersey to tackle him. This is dangerous and is not allowed in football at any level. The fifteen
yard penalties include facemask, sometimes roughing the kicker and unsportsmanlike conduct.
Facemask is when you grab the facemask of another player. Roughing the kicker is when a
defensive player runs into the kicker. Other players are not allowed to touch the kickers at all.
Sometimes the kickers fall on purpose in an effort to get the referees to call a penalty that didnt
really happen. Unsportsmanlike conduct is when a player celebrates too much or antagonizes
another player in an effort to intimidate them. Security rules are used mostly for people on the
sidelines and in the stands. You cannot drink underage, you can only get so close to the field,
you have to sit only in the seat you have a ticket for, and you cannot be but so drink. Security
rules also include the basics like you cannot commit theft, you cannot litter in the stadium, you
have to behave in at least a somewhat orderly manner, etc. Conventions for my figured world are
not as specific. They are formed based more on who you are and who you are expecting to
follow certain conventions. These include things like yelling excessively, acting disorderly, etc.
You just have to behave in a way that does not interfere with the game.
Actors: The people within the figured world that fulfill certain roles that make the figured world
Commentators: Pat Summerall and John Madden, play the commentator role and give the
play by play description of the game and also announce news of the NFL. John Madden is a
legend. He played for years and coached after that. He changed the game in ways that no one
else did. The NFL video game was named after him (Madden 13).
Coaches: Barry Switzer and Dom Capers, fulfill the role of the head coach. They act as the
authority figure for their respective teams and make game play decisions. They are held
responsible for the outcome of the game.
Players: Michael Bates, Kerry Collins, Darren Woodson, Tory Aikman, fulfill the role of the
athlete. They play the game and submit to the authority of the head coaches and officials. They
are the focus of the game.
Officials: Johnny Grier, fulfills the role of the referee. Makes all the final calls on the field
and the coaches and players submit to the authority of the officials.
Artifacts: objects in the figured world that have a cultural or social importance to a specific
person or group
The football is an artifact. It is significant culturally to everyone involved because the game
of football cannot be played without a football. Whoever controls the football controls the game.
Uniforms are another artifact. Each one is specific the each player and the teams uniforms
are significant because they keep the teams separated so everyone will know who is on which
Communities of Practice: Groups within the figured world that have their own sets of rules and
Carolina Panthers: The Panthers have their own set of rules and conventions independent of
the NFL and the Dallas Cowboys. Their offense is more of a running offense. The quarterback is
young and doesnt have much experience, but the running backs and returners make their game.
One of the commentators mentioned Michael Bates in the first few minutes of the game and
stated he was dangerous meaning he is a good runner and if the Cowboys let him get by, he will
take it all the way for a touchdown.
Dallas Cowboys: The Cowboys run a much different offense. They are more of a passing
team. Troy Aikman is a much better passer and has much more experience and he is coming off
of a couple Super Bowl wins. They run a faster paced offense, but pass offenses cause the clock
to stop more often, because on incomplete passes, the clock stops.
Domain: the goals of the communities of practice
The Carolina Panthers goal is to win. Being a new team, they are underdog in this game and
are really seeking to beat the Cowboys out of the playoffs and make history. As stated above,
they have more of a run offense, so their game is a little slower, but the longer they have the ball,
the longer the Cowboys dont have it.
The Dallas Cowboys goal is also to win, but they approach it in a very different way. They
are coming into this game all high and mighty and probably think they can win with no problem.
They see the Panthers as the underdog and they know they can win and they might even be
looking on to next weeks game. This may cause them to come in less focused and sloppy. Since
they run a predominantly pass offense, they dont use as much time, but they score more easily
and more quickly.
Practices of the Community: practices that the communities use on a regular basis. These are
the norms for each community
The Panthers use a run offense and do not pass effectively as much as the Cowboys do. They
run a lot of time off the clock and experience more injuries as a result. They play to the strengths
of the running backs and returners.
The Cowboys run more of a pass offense. This means they score more easily and more
quickly and do not use as much time. They play to the strengths of the quarterback and receivers.
Literacy Practices: types of communication within the figured world
Both teams use signals from the sideline and in-helmet radios to communicate the plays to
the quarterback so that he can tell the team in the huddle.
Observation 1:
9:15 Kerry Collins throws an interception to Darren Woodson. This is a game changer for the
Panthers. It feeds the Cowboys ego and lets them know that the Panthers have not come to win.
It adds to the level of hype and really puts a negative spin on the game for the Panthers and gives
the Cowboys a quick opportunity to put points on the board.
20:54 The Cowboys kicked a field goal. They are up 3-0 but this shows strength in the defense
of the Panthers. Even though their offense couldnt deliver, the defense did a good job and held
the Cowboys to 3 points instead of 6 points.
25:00-29:00 The Cowboys got a couple of personal foul penalties that cost them a lot of yards.
This allowed the Panthers to advance much more quickly and they ended up scoring a
touchdown, putting them in the lead, 7-3. This is a huge thing for the Panthers knowing that they
can play with this team and it causes the Cowboys to know that even though the Panthers are
new, they are a good team and do have the potential to win this game.
Relevant Background Information: For this observation, the Dallas Cowboys are playing the
New York Giants in a playoff game in 2007. The next game is the conference championship and
they are competing for one of the spots. It is an intense game and the score is close and lower
than your typical score. The Cowboys and the Giants are also a big rivalry in the NFL because
they are in the same conference. The fans are always excited for a game like this.
Wade Phillips was the coach at this time. He makes the bigger decisions for the team. He has
an offensive and defensive coordinator to call the plays but he oversees all the staff and players
when Jerry Jones (the owner/manager) is not present.
Brandon Jacobs plays the running back role for the New York Giants. He is a key player in
this game and is confident in his ability to play. One of the reporters said that, at the beginning of
the game, Brandon Jacobs was practicing spiking the ball because he planned to get there
Demarcus Ware is a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. He is the most effective defensive
player in this game. He is quick off the ball and very strong. He plays outside linebacker which
also means he is fast.
Observation 2:
8:36 Eli Manning throws a 52 yard touchdown pass to Amani Toomer. This is a turning point
in the game, because now the Cowboys have to come back and score in order to keep up with the
29:30 Tony Romo throws a 5 yard touchdown pass to Terrell Owens. This is key because it ties
the game at 7 and it happened at the very end of the first quarter. Terrell Owens is a very good
receiver and prior to the start of the game, the reporters talked about his stats and how they are
fifth in the NFL. He set a record of 15 touchdowns in one season.
30:15 Tom Coughlin throws the challenge flag. This means that he wants to argue the officials
call and have them review it for a potential change in the call. He doesnt think Owens got both
feet down, which would mean he didnt score. This is important because it is not a common
thing for coaches to throw the red flag. He ends up losing the challenge and the call stands. As a
result, the Cowboys touchdown stands and the Giants lose a timeout.
Relevant Background Information:
In 2013, the Dallas Cowboys played the Washington Redskins. It was a very good game and the
score was a lot closer than fans for either team would want. The Cowboys vs Redskins is
probably the biggest rival in the NFL as it goes back to the 70s. At these games, the fans are
always yelling and screaming and talking bad about the other team. These games always come
down to the last few minutes.
Demarco Murray plays the running back role for the Dallas Cowboys. He scores the first
touchdown within the first 4 minutes and really raises the hype of the game.
Robert Griffin III (RG3) is a huge proponent of the Redskins team. He is a great passer and
he also runs very well for a quarterback. Most quarterbacks, like Tony Romo, cant run that well.
Tony Romo plays quarterback for the Cowboys. During this game, he passed extremely well.
He played well enough, in my opinion, to be recognized as MVP for this game, with Demarco
Murray as a close second. Romo hit some long passes and a couple great touchdown passes that
consistently set the tone for the game.
Observation 3:
2:00 Michael Spurlock runs the kickoff back 62 yards and makes it to the 3 yard line. This kind
of run doesnt happen very often in football. The returners are very fast and usually tough. They
make big plays more than anyone else. This sets the tone and the expectations for the game fairly
high right from the start. This is also intimidating to the other team and sometimes even fans.
2:10 Demarco Murray runs a 3 yard touchdown. This is monumental for the Cowboys because
they scored so soon in the game. It probably makes the Redskins defense feel like they need to
step it up and it gets both teams coaches fired up for the rest of the game. This touchdown is
important because it is fundamental to the game. If the running backs cant run this into the end
zone, they have messed up their fundamentals and would probably lose their spot on the team.
27:05 Tony Romo throws a 14 yard touchdown pass. This puts the Cowboys up 14-6 and they
only have a little bit of time left in the second quarter. This has got to be demoralizing for the
Redskins defense, and it is one of the Redskins players, London Fletchers last home game as a
Redskin as he plans to retire the next year. He, no doubt, wants to win this game more than
anyone else. It is important for him. Romos touchdown pass will motivate him to play better and
to talk to his team about how their defense is playing.
Interview 1:
1. Tell me about your experiences watching the Dallas Cowboys.
It has been frustrating but optimistic. They havent been very good for a while, but I think this is
the year they pull though.
2. Tell me about your favorite moment while watching the Cowboys.
December 22, 2013 Down by 6 on 4
down with a few seconds left, and Tony Romo hit
Demarco Murray for a touchdown to win 24-23 against their rival, the Washington Redskins.
3. Tell me about how you became a fan.
I have been a Cowboys fan since I was six. It started on Thanksgiving Day in 2002 when they
played the Redskins they won and I have been a fan ever since.
4. How do you go about watching the game? Have you ever seen a game vs. Watched on TV? If so,
how are these experiences different?
I have never attended a game in person. I have attended sporting events in person, but watching
on TV is better. You get instant replay and different camera angles that you dont get while youre at
the game.
5. What player has inspired you the most?
Emmitt Smith. Even though I only watched him a few years as a Cowboys fan, I really liked
him. He was the record-holder for NFL rushing yards and touchdowns in history. When I played Pop
Warner in elementary school as running back, I always pretended I was him. I even wore the jersey
#22 in his honor.

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