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MineHorizon Plugins Task :

Plugins for Hub / Lobby :

Rules Plugin : Completed
MH / Coins : Completed
Vanisher : Completed
Server Selector : Completed
Mini-Games Shop : Not Completed

Item : Diamond
Item ame : !"Mini-Games Shop

#hen $ou right clic% on it& it 'ill open a G(I 'ith item representing each game)
#hen $ou 'ill clic% on one o* this item e+ample on the , ChronoPvP - one
there 'ill "e an item *or each ChronoPvP %it& and $ou 'ill need to clic% on one
to pa$ the ne+t level o* it)
In the G(I $ou 'ill can also see $our num"er o* , Coins -)
Plugin Villager . and / : Not Completed
0dd commands to the plugin MH / Coins& that 'e1re going to use *or Villager :
/coinsm! : 2rans*ers .333 Coins into . MH to the pla$er)
/coinsm" : 2rans*ers 4333 Coins into 4 MH to the pla$er)
/coinsm# : 2rans*ers .33333 Coins into .3 MH to the pla$er)

/mcoins! : 2rans*ers . MH into .333 Coins to the pla$er)
/mcoins" : 2rans*ers 4 MH into 4333 Coins to the pla$er)
/mcoins# : 2rans*ers .3 MH into .33333 Coins to the pla$er)

Plugin Villager 5thers : Not Completed
0 plugin *or the pla$ers to "u$ the Gadgets& Pets and more *rom villagers 'ith Coins / MH&
Sta** Plugin $%&N'(() : Not Completed

#hen a sta** login it 'ill displa$ it in the chat "ut onl$ the sta** 'ill see it)
6+ample : , 7S20889 : 75'ner9 DistroDesigns logged in) -
It 'ill also sa$ in the chat 'hen someone ;an / <ic% / Mute someone)
6+ample : , 7S20889 : 75'ner9 DistroDesigns muted P=0>6R0M6 *or R60S5 ) -
Permission to see the message 'hen someone *rom the sta** login : sta**)login
Permission to see the message ;an / <ic% / Mute : sta**)"an
Permissions6+ *or ;ungee : Not Completed

Ma%e Permissions6+ 'or%ing *or ;ungee to set ran% / permissions on all the server
?#e need this *or ;u$Cra*t "e*ore 'e set up each permissions and more@
Dou"le Coins and ;ooster s$stem : Not Completed

Ma%e a command to activate dou"le coins on all the server and people 'ill 'in +/& 'hat
the$ normall$ 'in in each game)
Command: /dou"lecoins on A2IM6B
/dou"lecoins o**
Ma%e a ;ooster s$stem *or people to "e a"le to "u$ +/ "ooster on the store *or all the server)
Par%our Plugin : Not Completed

0 plugin *or par%our& 'e set up a start and end place& 'hen the$ 'al% on it& it 'ill sa$ to the
pla$er in his chat A Par%our Started CB
I* the$ *l$ and the$ started the par%our it 'ill sa$ APar%our *ailed C Don1t *l$ CB
0nd the$ need to start it again)
I* the$ *inish the par%our it 'ill sa$ ACongrats $ou *inished the par%our C >ou 'in D MH)B
;ut the$ can 'in *ree MH onl$ . time per par%our& per pla$er)
I* the$ re-do the par%our and the$ alread$ 'on MH it 'ill Eust sa$ ACongrats $ou *inished
the par%our CB

Command: /setpar%our start
/setpar%our end
=ittle Stats Plugin : Not Completed

2he Stats 'ill "e on our #e"site ?Don1t 'orr$ the 'e"site 'e1re going to hire a pro*essional
#e" Dev to do e+actl$ 'hat 'e 'ant *or the 'e"site@)
2he plugin: #hen $ou 'ill do /stats AP=0>6R0M6B
It 'ill sa$ in chat o* the pla$er 'ho did the command AChec% AP=0>6R0M6B stats on
5r ASorr$ AP=0>6R0M6B never pla$ed on this server)B
Score;oard Plugin : Not Completed

0 Score;oard 'ith:
#elcome Message
0nnouncer Plugin $%&N'(() : Not Completed

Do /announce AM6SS0G6B and it 'ill sa$ to ever$one on all the server - 6ach MiniGame:

A $MineHorizon*nnounce) M6SS0G6B

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