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To research, learn and raise awareness in the school
community about endangered animals and
Provide solutions to improve their chances of survival

The golden eagle eagle, also called flow, is a species of bird of prey that
lives in the northern hemisphere of the earth and has a wide distribution,
more than any other kind of eagle. There are six known subspecies and all
vary slightly in size and color.
Because in many cultures eagles connote strength and leadership, his
image has been used as a national symbol of different countries, among
which are Mexico, Albania and Germany.

The golden eagle hunt begins from the air. A above the
ground, is able to detect mice, rabbits, marmots, fish and was even known
to feed on carrion. It has also been known to have attacked mature deer
and red foxes.
When a pair of golden eagles hunt together, chases the prey to exhaustion
and then pounces on her and kill her.

They are monogamous species
maintained for several years to the same partner. To employ
undulating courtship flights, chases, twists and surprising
activities such as shows its claws and maneuvers by the male
which process is dropping a stone or branch, chopped into the
air and catch it in order to demonstrate their ability.
They prefer to nest in very high places such as trees, cliffs or
human constructions. Their nests are large and can use them for
several years. Placed from one to four eggs which are incubated
for 40-45 days.
Calves born to first tend to be larger than younger offspring and
often the strongest are those who kill their weaker brethren.
After 10 weeks of age begin to fly and weeks after fledging, start
becoming independent. They reproduce at the age of 4 to 7
years after they develop their adult plumage.
They are predatory birds, so
they do not have many natural enemies, except for grizzly bears
(Ursus arctos horribilis) and wolverines (Gulo gulo). The human
being is most threatened by activities such as hunting, poisoning,
stealing eggs and electrocutions because invading your space
human constructions. Urbanization leading to the destruction of
their environment is the main threat, as well as their places to
nest as their preys are reduced.
This species is protected by environmental laws in places like
Mexico and the distribution of this species or possession of a
specimen without special permission is completely punished.
Its conservation status is Least Concern, ie you can still take
stricter still maintain a large population and away from danger
human actions.

These beautiful
birds are dark brown with some clearer on the part of the head
and neck feathers. These feathers reflect shades of gold that give
credit to his name in English: Golden eagle (golden eagle).
They are large and majestic animals ranging from 70 to 100 cm
long with a wingspan that can reach 2.35 meters in the larger
species. Weight may vary depending on the subspecies, since the
smallest weigh about three kilos and the largest about six.
Particular features of the eagles are their powerful claws. The
golden eagle has them so developed and that exert strong
pressure 15 times a male human hand.
His graceful flight is extremely fast when it comes to capturing
prey, reaching 240 km / h. Its peak, his speed, his claws and
powerful long-range view, makes them one of the most stunning
birds in the world.

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