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Reading Strategies Newsletter


The comprehension strategy of Metacognition is one of the most important strategies that your
child will learn.
Metacognition is a really big word that we use to think about our thinking. When good readers
read we think about what we are reading and talk to ourselves about our book. We are learning
how to leave tracks of our thinking. Students use sticky notes to tell me what they are
thinking as they are reading. We have thinkmarks such as LOL for a funny part or ! for a
surprising part. When I am conferring with them I can then go back and have a discussion
about what your child is reading and what their thinking was at that point in time.
Metacognition helps students to:
Check for understanding about what they are reading
Help readers to know if they are stuck in a story
Help struggling readers to make meaning from what they are reading
Challenge high end readers to use higher level thinking skills
It is important that students continue to think about their thinking and reading. We want
students to become better thinkers, readers and writers. Please use this strategy at home
when your child is reading and check out their thinking!
Thanks for helping your child to become a great thinker.
Michele Bates

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