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Reading + use of English (1h. 30 mins.) 8 parts / 56 questions.

40% total mark.
- Part 1: multiple choice cloze text (A-D) 8 questions.
- Part 2: gapfill (open cloze text) 8 questions.
- Part 3: word formation 8 questions.
- Part 4: sentence transformation 6 sentences.
- Part 5: reading comprehension questions (multiple choice) 6 questions.
- Part 6: cross-text multiple matching 4 questions.
- Part 7: jumbled-up paragraphs 6 questions and 7 paragraphs.
- Part 8: multiple matching 10 questions.

Writing (1h. 30 mins.) 2 parts. 20% total mark.
- Part 1: essay (220 260 words).
- Part 2: 3 options to choose from (letter/e-mail, review, report, proposal).
220 260 words.

Listening (40 mins.) 4 parts / 30 questions. 20 % total mark.
- Part 1: 3 Extracts with two questions (A, B, C) each. Multiple choice. 6
- Part 2: Cloze text (sentence completion). 8 questions.
- Part 3: Interview or programme. 6 comprehension questions. Multiple
choice exercise. 6 questions.
- Part 4: 5 Extracts and completion of two matching taks at the same time.
Extra letters. 10 questions.

Speaking (15 mins.) 4 parts. 20% total mark.
- Part 1: interview with the examiner. (2 mins.)
- Part 2: individual long turn by each candidate based on 3 pictures. Each
candidate gets a question about his/her partners pictures. (1 min 30 secs +
1 min 30 secs. 4 minutes altogether).
- Part 3: discussion between candidates using prompts rather than pictures.
2 mins discussion + 1 min. decision making. (4 mins altogether). 15 seconds
allowed to think before the task.
- Part 4: interview with examiner on topics from part 3. (5 mins altogether).

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