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Critical Reasoning

1. My father has no brothers. He has three sisters who have two Childs each.
a. My grandfather has two sons (F)
b. Three of my aunts have two sons(CS)
c. My father is only child to his father(F)
d. have si! cousins from my mother side(F)
e. have one uncle(F)
". #ther in$ected into gallbladder to dissolve gallstones. This ty%e one day treatment is enough for
gallstones not for calcium stones. This method is alternative to surgery for millions of %eo%le who
are suffering from this disease.
a. Calcium stones can be cured in one day (F)
b. Hundreds of %eo%le contain calcium stones (CS)
c. Surgery is the only treatment to calcium stones (T)
d. #ther will be in$ected into the gallbladder to cure the cholesterol based gall stones (T).
&. 'esearchers in Mumbai have found that certain ty%es of gallstones can be dissolved by in$ecting
them with a gasoline additive in the form of ether. The ether is in$ected through a tube directly into
the gallbladder. The one day treatment wor(s only on cholesterol)based stones not those com%osed
largely of calcium. However as the cholesterol stones are by far the most common ty%e for
millions of gallstones sufferers the treatment should offer a welcome alternative to surgery the
commonest o%tion in most hos%itals.
a. n$ecting ether into the gallbladder dissolves most gallstones. (T)
b. Surgery is the only treatment for calcium stones. (T)
c. Hundreds of %eo%le contain calcium stones. (CS)
d. Calcium stones will be cured in one day. (F)
*. Hac(ing is illegal entry into other com%uter. this is done mostly because of lac( of (nowledge of
com%uter networ(ing with networ(s one machine can access to another machine. Hac(ing go
about without (nowing that each networ( is accredited to use networ( facility.
a. Hac(ing %eo%le never brea( the code of the com%any which they wor( for (CS).
b. Hac(ing is the only vulnerability of the com%uters for the usage of the data.(F)
c. Hac(ing is done mostly due to the lac( of com%uter (nowledge (F).
+. Hac(ing is a crime made %ossible by a relatively new technology, which one of the reasons it is
often %oorly understood and re%orted. Many com%uters, but no means all, are now lin(ed together
in networ(s which allow users on one com%uter to communicate with others on the same networ(.
f a com%uter is not networ(ed, no mani%ulation of its data from another machine is %ossible. So
long as users are authori-ed, networ(ing is $ust a way of ma(ing wor( easier and more %roductive.
Hac(ing on the other hand, is the unauthori-ed use of networ(s or unauthori-ed entry into the
com%uters themselves. Most %eo%le do not need to brea( into the networ(s they use, since they are
already accredited users.
a. Most hac(ers are authori-ed to brea( into networ(s (F)
b. Com%uters are only vulnerable to the unauthori-ed mani%ulation of their data via another
com%uter if they are networ(ed (T)
c. The main reason why it is relatively easy to brea( into a com%uter is that few %eo%le
understand the technology. (CS)
d. Hac(ers do not wor( for the firms whose networ(s they brea( into. (T)
Critical Reasoning
.. /l%hine tunnels are closed tunnels. n the %ast &0 yrs not even a single accident has been recorded
for there is one accident in the rail road system. #ven in case of a fire accident it is %ossible to
shift the %assengers into ad$acent wagons and even the living fire can be detected and e!tinguished
with in the duration of &0 min.
a. 1o accident can occur in the closed tunnels (T)
b. Fire is allowed to live for &0 min. (F)
c. /ll the care that travel in the tunnels will be carried by rail shutters.(T)
2. Statistics show that millions of vehicles have been carried by shuttle over the %ast &0 years
through al%ine tunnels without one ever catching tire. n the al%ine tunnels, drivers and %assengers
sit in their vehicles on the shuttle trains. 3nly one vehicle has ever caught fire on the busy French
motorail e4uivalent system. This sort of accidents is not %ossible in a closed shuttle. /ssertions
that a vehicle fire will lead to catastro%he have no basis. Since the resources e!it do detect, control
and e!tinguish a fire and to remove any %ersons %resent safely to an ad$oining wagon, leaving any
surviving fire facing ra%id e!tinction within a wagon built to contain fire for &0 minutes.
Catastro%he seems very unli(ely.
a. f a car caught fire in a rail shuttle, %robably none would be (illed. (T)
b. /t least one vehicle has caught fire in an al%ine tunnel. (F)
c. f a fire started in a wagon, it would be allowed to burn itself out in &0 minutes. (F)
d. f would theoretically be %ossible for a car to catch fire in a closed shuttle system.(F)
5. n the %ast helico%ters are forced to ground or crash because of the formation of the ice on the
rotors and engines. / new electronic device has been develo%ed which can detect the water
content in the atmos%here and warns the %ilot if the tem% is below free-ing tem%. /bout the
formation of the ice on the rotors and wings.
a. The electronic device can avoid formation of the ice on the wings (F).
b. There will be the malfunction of rotor 6 engine because of formation of ice (T)
c. The helico%ters are to be crashed or down (T)
d. There is only one device that warns about the formation of ice (T).
7. n the survey conducted in Mumbai out of .& newly married house wives not a single house wife
felt that the husbands should ta(e e4ual %art in the household wor( as they felt they loose their
%ower over their husbands. n s%ite of their careers they o%t to do the (itchen wor( themselves
after coming bac( to home. The wives get half as much leisure time as the husbands get at the
wee( ends.
a. housewives want the husbands to ta(e %art e4ually in the household(F)
b. wives have half as much leisure time as the husbands have(F)
c. &78 of the men will wor( e4ually in the house in cleaning and washing
10. 3rgani-ing the home can be %erceived as conferring %ower so large numbers of women are
unwilling to let go of chores, even when they have careers. / survey found that, out of .+ new
marriages not one single wife e!%ected her husband to share wor( e4ually.according to the family
%olicy studies center 518 wor(ing wives return home to do all the coo(ing. The average male has
nearly half as much more free time at wee(ends than his wife and the ty%ical new father s%ends
$ust &2 seconds a day tal(ing to his baby.
a. Most wor(ing wives do not e!%ect their husbands to share chores e4ually. (T)
b. The average wife has half as much free time at wee(ends as her husband. (F)
c. Some women collude in the une4ual distribution of house hold wor( because they want
to retain control (CS)
d. &78 of all men with wor(ing wives do the coo(ing and all the cleaning (F)
Critical Reasoning
11. Co%ernicus is the intelligent. n the days of Co%ernicus the trans%ort and technology develo%ment
was less 6 it too( %lace wee(s to communicate a message at that time. 9herein we can send it
through satellite with in no time )))))))))). #ven with these fast develo%ments it has become
difficult to understand each other.
a. :eo%le were not intelligent during Co%ernicus days (F).
b. Trans%ort facilities are very much im%roved in one a days (CS)
c. #ven with the fast develo%ments of the technology we can;t live ha%%ily. (CS)
d. 9e can understand the %eo%le very much with the develo%ment of communication (F).
1". Senior managers warned the wor(ers that because of the introductory of <a%anese industry in the
car mar(et. There is the threat to the wor(ers. They also said that there will be the reduction in the
%urchase of the sales of car in %ublic. The interest rates of the car will be increased with the loss in
a. <a%anese wor(ers are ta(ing over the $obs of ndian industry. (F)
b. Managers said car interests will go down after seeing the raise in interest rates. (T)
c. <a%anese investments are ceasing to end in the car industry. (F)
d. :eo%le are very much interested to buy the cars. (F)
1&. Senior manager in a big com%any said that new <a%anese com%any invades in ndia for
transferring the cars from industrial and warned that $obs were under threat from <a%anese
com%any. They stated that increasing com%etence would be cou%led with an inevitable down term
in car mar(et and recent rise in interest rate which has already hit demand.
a. Manager issue their warning after a rise in interest rate
b. Manager told wor(ers that <a%anese wor(ers are ta(ing $obs away from ndian wor(ers
c. Manager said that more %eo%le want to buy new cars in future
d. ncreasing rate of interest mean that <a%anese firm will create into o%erate in the country
1*. Senior managers in a leading com%any said that new <a%anese investment in ndia was
transforming the car industry and warned that $obs were under threat from <a%anese com%etition.
They stated that increasing com%etition would be cou%led with an in evitable downturn i the car
mar(et and the recent rise in interest rates which had already hit demand.
a. Some senior managers said that more %eo%le will want to buy new cars in the future. (F)
b. Managers told wor(ers that <a%anese wor(ers are ta(ing $obs away from ndian wor(ers
in the car industry. (F)
c. The managers issued their warning after a rise in interest rates. (T)
d. The increased rate of the interest will mean that <a%anese firms will cease to o%erate in
this country. (CS)
1+. n the totalitarian days, the words have very much devalued. n the %resent day, they are becoming
domestic that is the words will be much more devalued. n that days, the words will be very much
effected in %olitical area but at %resent, the words came very chea% .we can say they come free at
a. Totalitarian society words are devalued. (F)
b. Totalitarian will have to come much about words (T)
c. The art totalitarian society the words are used for the %olitical s%eeches.
Critical Reasoning
1.. 9ords in totalitarian systems have an unhealthy im%ortance and in such states now attem%ting to
return to a more democratic normality there has been a natural inevitable and healthy devaluation
of words whereas %reviously a single word used in a s%eech or even a %lay or %oem could be a
serious %olitical event now the words come chea%er almost free. :olitics is %olitics again and
%oetry only %oetry
a. Totalitarian state devalues words. (T)
b. 3nly non)totalitarian regimes %roduce %oetry of %olitical im%ortance (T)
c. 9riters under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words carefully. (T)
d. The democratic %olitical system is healthier than others. (CS)
12. There should be co%yright for all arts. The reeled has came that all the arts has come under one
co%y right society, they were use the money that come from the arts for the develo%ments . There
may be a lot of money will come from the Tagore wor(s. 9e have to as( the benefices from
Tagore wor( to hel% for the develo%ment of his wor(s.
a. Tagore wor(s are came under this co%y right rule.(F)
b. :eo%le are free to go to the because of the co%y right rule. (CS)
c. :eo%le gives to theater and collect the money for develo%ment. (CS)
d. 9e have as(ed the Tagore residents to hel% for the develo%ments of art. (CS)
15. #very form of art is %rotected by co%y write, u%on the e!%iration of which the %ro%erty %asses into
the %ublic domain and becomes freely available to any one wishing to e!%loit it commercially. The
time has come when all treasures should %ass to the controlled of a trust, and by this made readily
available to anyone on %ayment of a fee or royalty. The income from the wor(s of tagore would
alone be enormous. These who now main financial benefit from his genius should ma(e some
contribution to the welfare of the arts in general.
a. Tagore;s %lays are not %rotected by co%yright. (F)
b. Tagore;s descendants should be as(ed to ma(e some contribution to the arts (CS)
c. nstead of buying a tic(et, the atregoers should %ay a fee to trust for the benefit of the
arts. (CS)
d. More %eo%le could go to the theatre if co%y right were abolished (CS)
17. Human e!istence is sus%icious of arbitrary divide between concise and unconcise. The concise
world invades sha%e activity of the unconcise, while many of great activity of humanity wa(ing as
whole or %artially im%roved by dreams. #ven it could be ignored that dreams %roceed e!ce%tional
such a dichotomy could not be drawn as the influence of dream on wa(ing state would remain
unclear. =ut as yet no com%any rebuilt e!ists to record the substitute of %renatal dreaming.
a. Slee% can be creative state (T)
b. t is difficult to tell whether a slee%er is dream or not (CS)
c. f we (now what babies would dream about before they are born we could show that the
concise and unconcise mind influence on one another (F)
d. t is untrue claim that concise and unconcise world never im%inge one another (F)
Critical Reasoning
"0. /lthough invaders re%resent a threat to the conservation of flora and fauna, there are two s%ecial
cases in which invasion have been deliberately brought about. 3ne is the desire to control %resents
by natural %redators, which may have to be brought in from other countries. The second is
releasing organisms into the wild(or on to farms, from which they might esca%e)that are
com%letely novel, because they have been genetically engineered. There is nothing intrinsically
sinister about engineered organisms,but any novelty must be regarded as a %otential invader.
a. :est control does not threat the conservation of flora and fauna.(T)
b. >enetically engineered organisms must always be regarded as %otentially dangerous. (F)
c. 1atural %redators are wor( harmful than %ests. (T)
d. >enetically engineered organisms esca%ed from the farm, they will be %ose a threat to
wildlife. (T)
"1. #lectronics technology is coming to the rescue of helico%ters which can be grounded or crash in
icy conditions the machines are es%ecially vulnerable to the build u% of ice on both their rotors and
engine air nta(e when o%erating in cold dam% conditions. The %roblem is " fold ice increases the
weight and the build u% ma(es the aerofoils less efficient .now at last a detector has been devised
which the com%any ho%es will mean safer flights and less fre4uent grounding. ?nli(e most
devices in use at %resent it can detect the li4uid water content of cloud above free-ing level. So the
warning is given before the %otential ha-ard is encountered.
a. /n electronic device has been invented which will %revent the build u% of ice on
helico%ter rotors (F)
b. Helico%ters are sometimes grounded because in cold dam% weather their engine air
inta(es and rotors malfunction owing to the formation of ice. (T)
c. 3nly one device can at %resent detect the li4uid water content of cloud above free-ing
level. (CS)
d. n future fewer helico%ters will crash or have to grounded. (T)
"". /nyone who has systematically e!amined faces will have %erceived %re%onderance although not a
%roliferation of asymmetry. 9hether or not the e!%ression is volitional and self controlled or
s%ontaneous a%%ears to %redict facial asymmetry as does the ty%e of emotion %ortrayed. :ositive
emotions are usually dis%layed symmetrically although a left sided re%resentation of a negative
emotion is more common. :osed e!%ressions and negative emotions are less li(ely to be
symmetrically re%resented.
a. /n angry %erson is more li(ely to have a lo%sided e!%ression than someone who is
smiling. (T)
b. / deliberately assumed facial e!%ression will always be asymmetrical. (F)
c. /n actor is li(ely to smile symmetrically when acting. (CS)
d. More self conscious %eo%le are li(ely to have less asymmetrically facial e!%ressions than
those who are less aware of themselves (T)

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