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b. Historical background and status update how did it come about?

What is the
current situation?
Film - Film as an art form grew out of a long tradition of literature, storytelling, narrative
drama, art, mythology, puppetry and shadow play. In addition, the technology of film
emerged from developments and achievements much further back in human history. c.
3200 BC - An earthen bowl found in Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran, has five images of a goat
painted along the sides. This is believed to be an example of early animation. Ting
Huan () created an elementary zoetrope in China in 180 AD. A zoetrope is a
cylinder lined with snapshots from a sequence of images of a motion, where the motion
returns to its starting point at the end. The images are viewed through slits, so each
image shows at a fixed time after the last, creating the image of motion, similar to
blinking at a fixed interval while watching motion. If the "blinks" become close together,
this creates the illusion of motion. Zoetropes lack projection of the image, and repeated
after one turn of the cylinder. In 1740 and 1748, David Hume published Treatise of
Human Nature and An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, arguing for the
associations and causes of ideas with visual images, forerunners to the language of
film. Optics developed in the European Renaissance, with a theory of lenses.
Electromagnetic theory led to Edison's light bulb. Photographic film was created in 19th
century. Phonographic recording of sound was invented in 19th century.

Sport - Sports that are at least two and a half thousand years old include hurling (similar
to field hockey) in Ireland, harpastum (similar to rugby) in Rome, cuju (similar to
association football) in China, and polo in Persia. The Mesoamerican ballgame
originated over three thousand years ago. Depictions of ritual sporting events are seen
in the Minoan art of Bronze Age Crete (from approximately 2700 to 1450 BC), mainly
involving religious bull-leaping and possibly bullfighting. Homer tells us that sport was
practiced in Mycenaean times, between 1600 BC and ca. 1100 BC. In the Iliad there are
extensive descriptions of funeral sports games held in honour of deceased warriors, and
engaging in sports is described as the occupation of the noble and wealthy, who have
no need to do manual labour themselves. For at least seven hundred years in the
middle ages, entire villages have competed with each other in rough, and sometimes
violent, ballgames in England (Shrovetide football) and Ireland (caid). In contrast, the
game of calcio Fiorentino, in Florence, Italy, was originally reserved for the aristocracy.
The aristocracy throughout Europe favoured sports as patrons. Horse racing, in
particular, was a favourite of the upper class in Great Britain, with Queen Anne founding
the Ascot Racecourse. The influence of British sports and their codified rules began to
spread across the world in the late 19th and early 20th century, particularly association
football. In the 1870s the game split between the professionals and amateurs; the
professional game rapidly gained dominance, and marked a shift in the focus from the
player to the club. The rise of baseball also helped squeeze out other sports such as
Cricket, which had been popular in Philadelphia prior to the rise of Baseball.American
football also has its origins in the English variants of the game, with the first set of
intercollegiate football rules based directly on the rules of the Football Association in
London. This ignores some of the ancient games of cooperation from, paragliding,
canyoning, BASE jumping, Parkour(or free-running) and more genteelly, orienteering.
The history of sport education is an important topic of the political history.
Video Games - On January 25, 1947, Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr. and Estle Ray Mann
filed a United States patent request for an invention they described as a "cathode ray
tube amusement device". This patent, which the United States Patent Office issued on
December 14, 1948, details a machine in which a person uses knobs and buttons to
manipulate a cathode ray tube beam to simulate firing at "airplane" targets. A printed
overlay on the CRT screen helps to define the playing field. The majority of early
computer games ran on universities' mainframe computers in the United States and
were developed by individuals as a hobby. In September 1971, the Galaxy Game was
installed at a student union at Stanford University. In 1972 it was expanded to be able to
handle four to eight consoles. Also in 1971, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney created a
coin-operated arcade version of Spacewar! and called it Computer Space. Nutting
Associates bought the game and manufactured 1,500 Computer Space machines, with
the release taking place in November 1971. Dial-up bulletin board systems were
popular in the 1980s, and sometimes used for online game playing. The earliest such
systems were in the late 1970s and early 1980s and had a crude plain-text interface.
The first decade of the 2000s showed innovation on both consoles and PCs, and an
increasingly competitive market for portable game systems. The phenomena of user-
created modifications (or "mods") for games, one trend that began during the
Wolfenstein 3D and Doom-era, continued into the turn of the millennium. The most
famous example is that of Counter-Strike; released in 1999, it is still the most popular
online first-person shooter, even though it was created as a mod for Half-Life by two
independent programmers.

c. Current issues and solutions so far presented what has been done so far?
Film - As of 2010, 3D films are gaining increasing popularity. After James
Cameron's 3D film Avatar became the highest-grossing film of all time, many other films
have followed suit and been released in 3D, with the best critical and financial
successes being in the field of feature film animation such as DreamWorks Animation's
How To Train Your Dragon and Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar's Toy Story 3.

Sports - In the New Millennium, new sports have been going further from the physical
aspect to the mental or psychological aspect of competing. Electronic sports
organizations are becoming more and more popular. There are now sports suited for
the disabled. In 2006, the Extremity Games was formed for people with limb loss or limb
difference to compete in extreme sports. The College Park Industries, a manufacturer of
prosthetic feet, organized this event to give amputee athletes a venue to compete in this
increasingly popular sports genre also referred to as action sport. In 2007, a group of
San Diego, California-based athletes, coaches, volunteers, and parents split from
Special Olympics Southern California to gain local control over disabled athletics
programs. This group -- SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes (S4EA) -- serves people with
developmental disabilities within the age range of 5 years old through adults.

Video Games - In 2010, motion control expanded to both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox
360. On September 17, 2010, Sony released PlayStation Move, which uses the
PlayStation Eye camera to track the motion of a wand controller. On November 27,
2010, Microsoft released Kinect as a peripheral for the Xbox 360; it was packaged with
the console as well. It sold an average of 133,333 units a day for the first 60 days and a
total of 6 million units during the same period, earning it the Guinness World Record for
the "fastest selling consumer electronics device". Sales passed 10 million units as of
March 9, 2011.

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