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Cllve keellng and Canonbury ubllshlng LLd.
All rlghLs reserved. no parL of Lhls publlcaLlon may be reproduced ln any form or by any means
wlLhouL Lhe prlor permlsslon ln wrlLlng of Canonbury ubllshlng LLd.
lease noLe, lL ls our lnLenLlon Lo be as accuraLe ln facL, deLall and commenL as posslble.
Powever, Lhe publlshers and Lhelr represenLaLlves cannoL be held responslble for any error ln deLall,
accuracy or [udgmenL whaLsoever. u81 ls sold on Lhls undersLandlng.
?ou should only gamble wlLh money you can afford Lo lose. WhllsL we Lake every care Lo provlde Lhe
very besL advlce no clalm ls made or lmplled as Lo lLs sulLablllLy flLness for any purpose. Canonbury
ubllshlng LLd and Lhe sysLem LlpsLers cannoL Lake any responslblllLy for losses arlslng from Lhe
adopLlon or non-adopLlon of lLs advlce or lnformaLlon.
ubllshed by Canonbury ubllshlng LLd, all correspondence Lo:
Canonbury ubllshlng LLd, unlL 3, PalnaulL Works, PalnaulL 8oad, LlLLle PeaLh, 8omford, 8M6 3nl.
1el: 0208 397 0181. lax: 0208 397 4040.
8eglsLered offlce: Canonbury ubllshlng LLd, Curzon Pouse, 24 Plgh SLreeL, 8ansLead,
Surrey, SM7 2L!. 8eglsLered ln Lngland no. 4763423 vA1 8eg no. 811 3700 64
!"#$ &'() +,-$'. !),-

l love a slmple sLraLegy LhaL's low rlsk and hlgh reward
and Lhls one flLs Lhe blll perfecLly. 1haL's why l wanLed Lo
lnclude Lhls as a bonus ln your u81 package.
Whlle you aren'L golng Lo be able Lo apply lL Lo every
maLch, lf you keep your eyes peeled you wlll cerLalnly geL
a chance Lo LesL lL ouL for yourself and proflL.
l've LesLed Lhls a number of Llmes myself and lL never dlsappolnLs.
l've lald ouL Lhe whole sLraLegy ln easy sLeps and lncluded examples Lo
lllusLraLe lL.
uo leL me know how you geL on, you know how much l en[oy hearlng abouL
you proflLlng from Lhese sLraLegles.
All Lhe besL

&/) ,0#)1 ",) 1'(2#) .- $-##-3 "45 '(2#)()4.6
7.)2 8
Make sure you are uslng fooLball maLches whose beLLlng markeLs go ln-play aL 1he coupon wlll be enLlLled looLball ln-lay Coupon.

We need Lhe beLLlng markeLs Lo go ln-play.
Cdds change as evenLs change (goals, red cards, even a lack of goals) as a
fooLball maLch ls belng played.
7.)2 9
WalL for Lhe maLch Lo go ln-play and look ouL for Lhe followlng scorellnes ,
elLher a 0-2 or a 0-3 Lo Lhe away slde. We wanL Lhls scorellne Lo occur early ln
Lhe maLch, preferably before half-Llme.
A 0-2 or 0-3 scorellne aL halfLlme, Lo Lhe away slde, provldes us wlLh an ldeal
opporLunlLy for a low-rlsk hlgh-reward Lrade.
Why? Pome Leams have a dlsLlncL advanLage. 1he supporL ls naLurally on Lhelr
slde. 1he referees Lend Lo be subconsclously blased ln favour of Lhe home
Leam, slmply down Lo Lhe volce of Lhe home crowd". And lf Lhe home slde
was Lhe orlglnal favourlLe ln Lhe maLch, Lhen so much Lhe beLLer. 1hls 0-2/0-3
scorellne ls a shock, and an early shock.
8uL Lhe maLch ls noL over!
As Lhe scorellne has appeared so early, Lhls provldes ample Llme for Lhe home
Leam Lo regaln parlLy. A halfLlme break can also brlng wlLh lL greaL advanLages
for a come-back - a change ln LacLlcs, Lhe old halrdryer" LreaLmenL from Lhe
manager, and a renewed vlgour Lo flghL back for Lhe 2
half ln fronL of home
7.)2 :
8ack Lhe home Leam (loslng 0-2 or 0-3) aL enhanced odds . 1he odds you'll be
geLLlng for a home Leam when 0-2 or 0-3 down ls far hlgher Lhan you'll have
goLLen (qulLe obvlously) pre-maLch.
Pere's a recenL example, before l share wlLh you some oLher examples ln Lhe
recenL pasL.
1hls ls Lhe Algarve Cup, a women's lnLernaLlonal fooLball LournamenL and Lhls
maLch ls beLween uSA ladles and uenmark ladles.
1he uSA are 1.24 shoLs Lo wln Lhls maLch l.e. Lhey are exLremely shorL prlced
favourlLes lndeed. 1hls would be an ldeal scenarlo for Lhls fooLball Lradlng
sLraLegy (any odds on Leam pre-maLch would be ldeal.) An odds on Leam aL ls a Leam whose odds are 2.00 ( declmal odds) or below aL
klck off.
&/) ?".</
Pow dld Lhls maLch progress? noL Loo good for Lhe Amerlcans lL would seem. l
Lhlnk Lhey musL have plcked 8arbara 8ush Lo play as a goalkeeper, as Lhe
uenmark ladles lead 0-3 aL half-Llme

1he scorellne ln brackeLs ls Lhe half-Llme scorellne ( 0-3 Lo uenmark Women). l
have blanked ouL Lhe full-Llme scorellne.
My lnLeresL ln plqued aL Lhls sLage! 1he uSA Women, along wlLh Lhe Cerman
Women are Lhe lnLernaLlonal powerhouses of ladles fooLball. A 0-3 scorellne aL
half-Llme affords Lhe uSA a halfLlme Leam-Lalk ln order Lo change LacLlcs, and a
furLher 43 mlnuLes ln whlch Lo remedy Lhe slLuaLlon.
1he uSA Women, 1.24 shoLs pre-maLch, are currenLly backable aL odds of 27 aL
half-Llme. l declde Lo back Lhe uSA Women wlLh 23 and hope Lhey acL as a
Lop Women's lnLernaLlonal slde should acL!
!-3 5-)1 ./) 9
/"#$ 2,->,)11@
1he uSA ladles score flrsL ln Lhe 2
half Lo brlng Lhe scorellne back Lo 1-3.

uSA women's odds were 27 aL half-Llme. ln reacLlon Lo scorlng flrsL ln Lhe 2

half, Lhelr odds reduce and provlde me wlLh Lhe flrsL proflLable opporLunlLy
ln Lhls reporL l have Laken screenshoLs from lalrboL, whlch ls 8eLfalr 1radlng
SofLware. 1hls sLraLegy can also be used aL uslng Lhelr cash
ouL faclllLy. lalrboL's greenlng up" funcLlon provldes an ldeal Lool for
lllusLraLlng Lhe proflL poLenLlal afLer each goal has been scored ln Lhe 2

Pavlng backed uSA Women aL odds of 27, Lhelr odds reduce ln reacLlon Lo Lhe
goal. 1he flgure ln Lhe green box represenLs Lhe proflL LhaL can be achleved lf l
was Lo Lrade ouL of my enhanced beL now ( 19.08). l make a declslon LhaL
Lhere are 38 mlnuLes remalnlng ln Lhls second half, and uSA Women are more
Lhan capable of a flghL back.
1he uenmark women do noL qulLe read Lhe scrlpL ln Lhls maLch, and score nexL
maklng Lhe scorellne 1-4.
LeL's fasL forward Lo Lhe crlLlcal scorellne ln Lhls second half. 1he scorellne
whlch wlll enable a good Lradlng proflL .

lL's Lhe 68
mlnuLe of Lhe game. 1he uSA Women have scored 3 goals Lo Lhe
uanlsh Women's 4 goals.
lL ls here LhaL my 23 halfLlme beL can be Lurned lnLo a decenL proflL ( desplLe
Lhere belng 22 mlnuLes of Lhls maLch remalnlng.)
Pow much can l make aL Lhls sLage of Lhe maLch? LeL's reLurn Lo Lhe lalrboL
greenlng up" box whlch shows any proflL/loss aL each sLage of Lhe maLch.

WlLh Lhe flghL back almosL compleLe l can now secure a proflL of 110. 1he
markeL has reacLed Lo Lhe uSA Women closlng Lhe gap Lo 1 goal by shorLenlng
Lhelr halfLlme odds of 27 all Lhe way down Lo 4.8.
WhaL was Lhe flnal score? When you Lrade ln-play lL ls whaL happens 50,'4> a
fooLball maLch whlch maLLers, and noL necessarlly Lhe flnal score.
lf you look below, you'll see how Lhe maLch progressed from beglnnlng Lo end.

ln hlndslghL, lL was forLunaLe LhaL l proflLed when Lhe scorellne was 3-4
lnsLead of holdlng ouL for a poLenLlal" blgger proflL -lL had poLenLlal buL was
a proflL noL yeL reallsed. 1hls ls an lmporLanL lesson lf you conslder Lradlng.
A./), )B"(2#)1
1hls ls noL an lsolaLed lncldenL. 1here have been 2 oLher maLches recenLly
whlch followed Lhls LemplaLe Lo Lhe leLLer, only on Lhls occaslon Lhe Leams
were 0-2 down early on ln Lhe maLch and were leadlng durlng Lhe maLch, or
acLually won!
Look aL Lhe followlng maLch feaLurlng Plbernlan lC and MoLherwell. lL meeLs
all of Lhe crlLerla l look for, for Lhls nlche Lradlng sLraLegy.
Plbernlan are playlng aL home
1he away slde MoLherwell Lake an early 0-2 lead.
Plbernlan score Lhe nexL goal and 2 more ln Lhe 2
half .
noLe ln Lhls example LhaL we do noL necessarlly walL unLll half-Llme before
backlng Lhe home Leam aL enhanced odds. 1he key here ls LhaL Lhe home slde
are 0-2 or 0-3 down )",#C ln Lhe maLch.

8emember LhaL l sald lL ls whaL happens as a maLch ls ln-play LhaL ls lmporLanL
Lo us, and noL necessarlly Lhe flnal score. ln Lhls example, Plbernlan acLually
led Lhe maLch 3-2. lL was aL Lhls sLage LhaL Lhe maxlmum proflL could have
been exLracLed from Lhls Lrade, as Plbernlan's odds would have reduced
dramaLlcally from Lhelr poslLlon earller ln Lhe maLch when Lhey were loslng 0-
And on Lhe same day..
We Lravel Lo Lhe lrench Llgue 1 for Lhls parLlcular example of Lhe sLraLegy ln
acLlon, and ln Lhls case, a Leam we could have backed aL odds of 23 , who go
on Lo wln Lhe maLch. 1ell me, how ofLen do you geL Lhe chance Lo back a Leam
aL odds of 23 ( 24/1) and be ln wlLh an excellenL chance of proflLlng fully?
&/'1 (".</ $-##-31 ./) <,'.),'" 2),$)<.#C
1oulouse are Lhe home Leam, and Lhey go 0-2 down Lo away Leam SLade 8elms
aL halfLlme.
8ack 1oulouse aL half-Llme aL odds of 23. Look aL Lhe goal progresslon LhaL
follows. l personally Lraded ouL when Lhe scorellne reached 2-2 and 1oulouse's
odds reduced Lo 4.4 from a hlgh of 23. Why dldn'L l walL Lo see lf Lhey could
wln? CulLe slmply, l cannoL predlcL Lhe fuLure. Why dldn'L l walL Lo see lf Lhe
uSA Women would wln, when Lhey were 3-4 up? ln LhaL maLch Lhey acLually
wenL on Lo lose Lhe maLch. 1hls could qulLe easlly be Lhe scenarlo wlLh
Pere ls Lhe scorellne for Lhls maLch:

;-..-( #'4)
1hls ls an excellenL nlche. 1he mosL famous example l suppose ls LhaL Llverpool
lsLanbul Champlons League llnal when Lhey were Lralllng 0-3 Lo AC Mllan.
use Lhe followlng checkllsL Lo flnd yourself Leams aL odds of as hlgh as 23/1
who have an excellenL chance of proflLlng for you.
! Make sure any maLch you monlLor ls on Lhe 8eLfalr ln-play fooLball
! 1he home Leam should noL be an obvlous ouLslder ( ldeally odds on as
Lhe uSA women and 1oulouse were)
! 1he away Leam should Lake an early 0-2 or 0-3 lead. 8y early l generally
mean before half-Llme or aL halfLlme.
! 8ack Lhe home Leam aL enhanced odds
! 1rade ouL for a proflL lf Lhe home Leam equallse or Lhere ls a slgnlflcanL
enough shlfL ln Lhe odds Lo allow a proflL.
And LhaL's all Lhere ls Lo lL. l Lold you lL was slmple!
lf you need any furLher guldance or [usL wanL Lo leL me know how much proflL
you made when you Lrled lL Lhen do conLacL me aL
All Lhe besL,

Cllve keellng
!"#$% ' ("$)* ' +,$-"

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