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1. Which are the key problems of Robin?

How each problem is related with

each other? Draw how these problems appear.
In the first place, the group did not experience any problems since they were a small group rebels being united in
their disagreement of the system enforced by the Sheriff. They had consistent revenues by robbing the rich people
passing the forest and giving to the poor. Thus, they had the support of the farmers and townspeople.
Due to the growing fame of the Merrymen more and more recruits were joining the group around obin !ood. The
first problem related to the fact that the group is experiencing a steady growth is that you lose control over the
growing group in case it is not implemented a new organi"ation. The discipline and as well the vigilance is
declining among the huge number of members, which is decisive for the safety of a group of rebels hiding in a
Moreover, the food capacity is exceeding its limits. !owever, the cost of providing food becomes a problem as soon
as revenues decline and since travelers become more and more aware of the existence of the rebels confiscating
money and goods from them, they try to avoid the forest in order to rescue their belongings.
#nother major problem is that the Sheriff is growing stronger and becoming better organi"ed. The Sheriff has more
financial means and recruits in order to challenge obin !ood and the rebels gathered around him. $urthermore,
he has a good networ% of powerful people, as for example he enjoys a good reputation of the regent, &rince 'ohn.
&rince 'ohn does not enjoy a good reputation among the barons. &rince 'ohn has spies wor%ing for him in all over
the country which facilitates to be informed about potential conspiracy plans. That in turn complicates joining the
plans of a complot of the regent by the barons.

2. Which problem has to deal first Robin?
(efore facing the overall goal to ta%e revenge on the Sheriff or even dispossess him, it is important to settle all
internal problems and concerns.
$irst of all, it is important to gain bac% control of the group. It is important to ensure that there is a feeling of
cohesion between the members in order to establish a well)wor%ing group dynamic.
Secondly, there is the urgent need to ma%e up a new strategy how to ensure that there are sufficient food capacities
since this is the basic need of the survival and strength of the group. Moreover, it is crucial to %eep the members
satisfied and prevent potential internal riots because of lac%ing food resources.

3. Design a new strategy for Robin Hood. Take into accont the
implementation! as well as! the formlation of the strategy.
Ta%ing into account the occurring changes, li%e the surge of members and the rising power of the Sheriff, obin
!ood, who serves as the leader of the group li%e a *+, of a company, has to review his strategy and plan of action.
obin !ood is struggling to align the current strategy with the changing internal and external environment.
The growing number of members implicates the need for a better organi"ation. obin !ood has already ta%en the
first steps into the right direction by delegating some major responsibilities to some other people. In order to %eep
every single member feel needed and prevent the rebels from only hanging around and not %eeping attention to
potential threats, he should allocate new tas%s to the members even though they are with small responsibility. Due
to their shared beliefs it should be -uite easy to convince them of his new plans in order to create an organi"ational
coherence in their group. Thus, the group members feel once again more united and become reminded of their
actual purpose. This should motivate the group and enable them to succeed better in the future.
If you compare the group of rebels to a business organi"ation, it is important for goal achieving to involve all the
persons of interest . the sta%eholders . into strategy alignment. This includes the farmers and townspeople as well
and therefore, it would be not clever to charge a fixed tax for passing the forest since this would mean also ta%ing
from the poor.
*ommunication is a crucial part of an organi"ation and therefore, they should communicate their problem of
insufficient financial resources and lac%ing food capacities to the peasants and townspeople and discuss it together
with them.
They could also thin% about ma%ing a big change in their general organi"ation and separate the one big group into
several smaller groups at different places. This could be wor%ing li%e the principle of the group of rebels when they
started. /ith good channels of communication they could %eep each other informed and thus, they can act in
#fter settling all the internal concerns, they should thin% about how it is possible to achieve their overall goal, even
though it is a plan of action that consists of many steps.
They should maybe start negotiations for cooperation with the barons that want to get rid of the regent. This would
wea%en the Sheriff and is a good step in the direction of their overall goal.

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