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G.R. No.

141707 May 7, 2002

Petitioner Cayo F. Gamogamo was first employed with the Department of Health (DOH) as Dental
Aide. He was promoted to the position of Dentist . He remained employed at the DOH for fo!rteen
years !ntil he resigned on " #ovem$er %&&.
On % #ovem$er %&&, petitioner was hired as 'ompany dentist $y (!)on *tevedoring Corporation
((+*,-.-CO), a private domesti' 'orporation. *!$se/!ently, respondent P#OC *hipping and
,ransport Corporation (hereafter 0espondent) a'/!ired and too1 over the shipping $!siness of
(+*,-.-CO, and petitioner was among those who opted to $e a$sor$ed $y the 0espondent.
,h!s, he 'ontin!ed to wor1 as 'ompany dentist. 0espondent ass!med witho!t interr!ption
petitioner2s servi'e 'redits with (+*,-.-CO, $!t it did not ma1e referen'e to nor ass!med
petitioner2s servi'e 'redits with the DOH.
On 3 4!ne %%5, then President Fidel .. 0amos iss!ed a memorand!m approving the privati)ation
of P#OC s!$sidiaries, in'l!ding 0espondent. A''ordingly, 0espondent implemented a 6anpower
0ed!'tion Program to govern employees whose respe'tive positions have $een 'lassified as
red!ndant as a res!lt of 0espondent2s de'rease in operations and the downsi)ing of the
organi)ation d!e to lay7!p and sale of its vessels p!rs!ant to its dire'tion towards privati)ation.
+nder this program, retren'hed employees shall re'eive a two7month pay for every year of servi'e.
-vent!ally, petitioner retired after serving the 0espondent and (+*,-.-CO for & years and 8
months !pon rea'hing his 93
$irthday. He re'eived a retirement pay whi'h is e/!ivalent to one
month pay for every year of servi'e and other $enefits.
On 53 A!g!st %%:, 0epondent2s president died was repla'ed $y Dr. #emesio -. Pr!dente. ,he
new president implemented signifi'ant 'ost7saving meas!res. ;n %%9, after petitioner2s retirement,
the 'ases of Dr. <!ena ('ompany do'tor) and 6rs. 0eyes (telephone operator), who were holding
permanent=non7red!ndant positions $!t were willing to $e retren'hed !nder the program were
$ro!ght to the attention of the new president. After a thoro!gh st!dy, 0espondent2s <oard of
Dire'tors re'ommended the approval of the retren'hment. ,hese two employees were retren'hed
and paid a "7month separation pay for every year of servi'e !nder 0espondent2s 6anpower
0ed!'tion Program.
;n view of the a'tion ta1en $y 0espondent in the retren'hment of Dr. <!ena and 6rs. 0eyes,
petitioner filed a 'omplaint at the #(0C for the f!ll payment of his retirement $enefits. Petitioner
arg!ed that his servi'e with the DOH sho!ld have $een in'l!ded in the 'omp!tation of his years of
servi'e. Hen'e, with an a''!m!lated servi'e of 5" years he sho!ld have $een paid a two7month
pay for every year of servi'e per the retirement plan.
,he (a$or Ar$iter dismissed petitioner2s 'omplaint. On appeal, however, the #(0C reversed the
de'ision of the (a$or Ar$iter. 0espondent filed with the Co!rt of Appeals a spe'ial 'ivil a'tion for
certiorari . Co!rt of Appeals set aside the #(0C >!dgment. Hen'e, the petition to the *C.
ISSUE: WON for !" #$r#o%" of &o'#$()* a) "'#+oy"",% r"(r"'") #ay, #r(or %"r-(&"
r")."r". () a *o-"r)'") a*")&y &a) /" a&0". () a). a..". o !" &r".(a/+" %"r-(&" +a"r
a&1$(r". () a *o-"r)'")2o3)". a). &o)ro++". &or#ora(o) 3(!o$ or(*()a+ &!ar"r.
Petitioner maintains that his government servi'e with the DOH sho!ld $e re'ogni)ed and ta'1ed in
to his length of servi'e with 0espondent $e'a!se (+*,-.-CO, whi'h was later $o!ght $y
0espondent, and 0espondent itself, were GOCCs and were, therefore, !nder the Civil *ervi'e (aw.
Prior to the separation of 0espondent from the Civil *ervi'e $y virt!e of the %?& Constit!tion,
petitioner2s length of servi'e was 'onsidered 'ontin!o!s.
Petitioner asserts that with the ta'1ing in of his 8 years of servi'e with the DOH to his & years and
8 months servi'e with (+*,-.-CO and 0espondent, he had 5 years and 8 months 'redita$le
servi'e as $asis for the 'omp!tation of his retirement $enefits. ,h!s, p!rs!ant to 0espondent2s
6anpower 0ed!'tion Program, he sho!ld have $een paid two months pay for every year of his 5
years of servi'e.
Petitioner li1ewise asserts that the prin'iple of ta'1ing is an'hored on 0ep!$li' A't #o. &9%%.
@e r!le in the negative the iss!e of whether petitioner2s servi'e with the DOH sho!ld $e in'l!ded in
the 'omp!tation of his retirement $enefits.
,he 'redita$le servi'e referred to in 0espondent2s 0etirement s'heme is the retiree2s 'ontin!o!s
years of servi'e with 0espondent.
0etirement res!lts from a vol!ntary agreement $etween the employer and the employee where$y
the latter after rea'hing a 'ertain age agrees to sever his employment with the former.
*in'e the retirement pay solely 'omes from 0espondent2s f!nds, it is $!t nat!ral that 0espondent
shall disregard petitioner2s length of servi'e in another 'ompany for the 'omp!tation of his
retirement $enefits.
Petitioner was a$sor$ed $y 0espondent from (+*,-.-CO on A!g!st %&%. Ordinarily, his
'redita$le servi'e shall $e re'1oned from s!'h date. However, sin'e 0espondent too1 over the
shipping $!siness of (+*,-.-CO and agreed to ass!me witho!t interr!ption all the servi'e 'redits
of petitioner with (+*,-.-CO,
petitioner2s 'redita$le servi'e m!st start when he started wor1ing
with (+*,-.-CO !ntil his day of retirement .
@e 'annot !phold petitioner2s 'ontention that his fo!rteen years of servi'e with the DOH sho!ld $e
'onsidered $e'a!se his last two employers were government7owned and 'ontrolled 'orporations,
and fall !nder the Civil *ervi'e (aw.
;t is not at all disp!ted that while 0espondent and (+*,-.-CO are government7owned and
'ontrolled 'orporations, they have no original 'hartersA hen'e they are not !nder the Civil *ervi'e
Petitioner2s 'ontention that the prin'iple of ta'1ing of 'redita$le servi'e is mandated $y 0ep!$li' A't
#o. &9%% is $aseless. *e'tion 5 of 0ep!$li' A't #o. &9%% states that a 'overed wor1er who
transfer(s) employment from one se'tor to another or is employed in $oth se'tors, shall have his
'redita$le servi'es or 'ontri$!tions in $oth systems 'redited to his servi'e or 'ontri$!tion re'ord in
ea'h of the *ystems and shall $e totali)ed for p!rposes of old7age, disa$ility, s!rvivorship, and
other $enefits in 'ase the 'overed employee does not /!alify for s!'h $enefits in either or $oth
*ystems witho!t totali)ationB
O$vio!sly, totali)ation of servi'e 'redits is only resorted to when the retiree does not /!alify for
$enefits in either or $oth of the *ystems. Here, petitioner is /!alified to re'eive $enefits granted $y
the Government *e'!rity ;ns!ran'e *ystem (G*;*), if s!'h right has not yet $een eCer'ised.
;t may also $e pointed o!t that !pon his re'eipt of the amo!nt from 0espondent as retirement
$enefit p!rs!ant to its retirement s'heme, petitioner signed and delivered to 0espondent a 0elease
and +nderta1ing wherein he waives all a'tions, 'a!ses of a'tions, de$ts, d!es, monies and
a''o!nts in 'onne'tion with his employment with 0espondent. ,his /!it'laim releases 0espondent
from any other o$ligation in favor of petitioner.
WHERE4ORE, no reversi$le error on the part of the 0espondent Co!rt of Appeals having $een
shown, the petition in this 'ase is DENIED and the appealed de'ision is here$y A44IRMED.
Costs against petitioner.SO ORDERED.

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