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\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134
{\header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Stephanie Donald}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Stephanie Donald}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2013). Project
: Function and Error in Media Research. In Charlton McIlwain (Eds.), \i Philoso
phy, Method and Cultural Criticism\i0 , (pp. 159-175). New Jersey: Hampton Press
, Inc.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2010}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Stephen, A., Donald, S. (2010). \i China a
nd Revolution: History, Parody and Memory in Contemporary Art\i0 . University Ar
t Gallery, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia: University Art Gallery.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2010). Global Beijing: 'The Wo
rld' is a violent place. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.), \i Globalization, Violenc
e and the Visual Culture of Cities\i0 , (pp. 122-134). Oxon, UK: Routledge impri
nt of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2010). Tang Wei: Sex, the City
and the Scapegoat in Lust, Caution. \i Theory, Culture and Society: exploration
s in critical social science\i0 , 27(4), 46-68. <a href="
77/0263276410372238">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Dirndorfer Anderson, T., Spry,
D. (2010). \i Youth, Society and Mobile Media in Asia\i0 . United Kingdom: Rout
ledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). A Taste of c
lass: manuals for becoming woman. \i Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique\i0 ,
17(3), 489-521.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Anachronism, apologetic
s and Robin Hood: televisual nationhood after TV. In Turner, Graeme;Tay, Jinna
(Eds.), \i Television Studies After TV: Understanding Television in the Post-Br
oadcast Era\i0 , (pp. 125-136). Oxon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
\i Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social Change\i0 . London
: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Education, class and ad
aptation in China's world city. \i Chinese Journal of Communication\i0 , 2(1), 2
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). Introduction
: Post-Mao, Post-Bourdieu: Class and Taste in Contemporary China. \i Portal: jou
rnal of multidisciplinary international studies\i0 , 6(2), 1-11.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
Introduction: Processes of Cosmopolitanism and Parochialism. In Stephanie Hemel
ryk Donald, Eleonore Kofman, Catherine Kevin (Eds.), \i Branding Cities: Cosmopo
litanism, Parochialism, and Social Change\i0 , (pp. 1-13). London: Routledge imp
rint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Stripes and my country
or, on not being at home. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Eleonore Kofman, Cather
ine Kevin (Eds.), \i Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social
Change\i0 , (pp. 139-155). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Taste and the Hierarchy
in China's Cities. In Mary Farquhar (Eds.), \i Twenty-first Century China: Vie
ws from Australia\i0 , (pp. 156-168). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishi
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2009). \i The St
ate of China Atlas: Mapping the World's Fastest-Growing Economy\i0 . United King
dom: University of California Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Ghosh, D., Goodall, H. (2009).
\i Water, Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and Oceania\i0 . Oxon, UK: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2008). Children, Media and Reg
ional Modernity in the
\par Asia Pacific. In Kirsten Drotner, Sonia Livingstone (Eds.), \i The Interna
tional Handbook of Children, Media and Culture\i0 , (pp. 299-313). UK: Sage Publ
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Voci, P. (2008). China: Cinema
, Politics and Scholarship. In James Donald, Michael Renov (Eds.), \i The Sage
Handbook of Film Studies\i0 , (pp. 54-73). UK: Sage Publications.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Carter, C., Donald, S. (2008). Editors' In
troduction: Children, Media, and Conflict. \i Journal of Children and Media\i0 ,
2(3), 197-199.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Balnaves, M., Donald, S., Shoesmith, B. (2
008). \i Media Theories & Approaches: A Global Perspective\i0 . United Kingdom:
Palgrave Macmillan.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2008). No place for young wome
n: class, gender, and moral hierarchies in contemporary Chinese film. \i Social
Semiotics\i0 , 18(4), 467-479. <a href="
946">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Zheng, Y., Donald, S. (2008). Richer than
before \uc0\u8211 the cultivation of middle class taste: education choices in u
rban China. In David Goodman (Eds.), \i The New Rich in China: Future rulers, p
resent lives\i0 , (pp. 71-82). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). Competing
regions: The chromatics of the urban fix. In Gina Marchetti, Tan See Kam (Eds.)
, \i Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema: No film is an island\i
0 , (pp. 193-205). UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Spry, D. (2007). Mobile Me: Ap
proaches to mobile media use by children and young people. \i Mobile Media Confe
rence 2007\i0 , Sydney: University of Sydney.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2007). Out on a Limb?: Urban T
raumas on the West Pacific Rim. In Alan Marcus, Dietrich Neumann (Eds.), \i Vis
ualizing the City\i0 , (pp. 127-142). UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). \i Tourism
and the Branded City: Film and Identity on the Pacific Rim\i0 . England: Ashgat
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2006}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2006). Collaborat
ive Methods in Researching City Branding: Studies From Hong Kong, Shanghai, and
Sydney. \i Tourism, Culture and Communication\i0 , 6(3), 171-180.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2006). The idea of Hong Kong:
Structures of attention in
\par the City of Life. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.), \i Urban Space and Cityscap
es: Perspectives from modern annd contemporary culture\i0 , (pp. 63-73). UK: Rou
tledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2005). Drawing Sy
dney: Flatlands and the Chromatic Contours of a Global City. \i Scan (Sydney): j
ournal of media arts culture\i0 , 2(1), 1-11.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2005). \i Little Friends: Chil
dren's Film and Media Culture in China\i0 . UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2005). The Ice Storm: Ang Lee,
Cosmopolitanism and the
\par Global Audience. In Greg Elmer, Mike Gasher (Eds.), \i Contracting Out Hol
lywood: Runaway Productions and Foreign Location Shooting\i0 , (pp. 140-156). La
nham, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2004). Branding C
ities: a case study of collaborative methodologies in Cultural, Film, and Market
ing research. \i Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA) Conference 2
004\i0 , Perth, WA: Murdoch University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2004). Establishi
ng Identity: Collaborative Methodologies in Film and Tourism. \i International T
ourism and Media Conference 2004\i0 , Melbourne, Australia: Tourism Research Uni
t, Monash University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). Little Friends: Childre
n and creative consumption in the People\uc0\u8217 s Republic of China. \i Inter
national Journal of Cultural Studies\i0 , 7(1), 45-53.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). LOVE, PATRIOTISM, AND T
HE CITY: HONG KONG\uc0\u8217 S NEW REGIME, 2003-2004. \i The Passionate City: In
ternational Symposium\i0 , Melbourne: RMIT Publishing Informit.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). Women and technology in
the teaching profession:
\par Multi-literacy and curriculum impact. In Anne E. McLaren (Eds.), \i Chines
e Women - Living and Working\i0 , (pp. 131-146). UK: Routledge Curzon imprint of
Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Chu, Y., Donald, S., Witcomb, A. (2003). C
hildren, media and the public sphere in Chinese Australia. In Gary D. Rawnsley,
Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley (Eds.), \i Political Communications in Greater China: The
Construction and Reflection of Identity\i0 , (pp. 261-274). UK: Routledge Curzon
imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gao, M., Donald, S., Shaoquan, Z. (2003).
National Sovereignty versus Moral Sovereignty: The Case of The Australian Report
ing of Taiwan. \i Media Asia: an Asian mass communication quarterly operations i
ndex\i0 , 30(1), 22-30.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2003). Treasurin
g the Word: Mao, Depoliticisation and the Material Present. In Robert Benewick,
Marc Blecher, Sarah Cook (Eds.), \i Asian Politics in Development: Essays in Ho
nour of Gordon White\i0 , (pp. 65-82). London: Frank Cass.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2002). Children's Day: The Fas
hionable Performance of Modern Citizenship in China. In Wendy Parkins (Eds.), \
i Fashioning the Body Politic: Dress, Gender and Citizenship\i0 , (pp. 205-216).
UK: Berg Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2002). Crazy Rabbits! Children
's Media Culture. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Keane, Yin Hong (Eds.),
\i Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\i0 , (pp. 128-138). UK: Rout
ledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Keane, M., Hong, Y. (2002). \i
Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\i0 . UK: Routledge Curzon impri
nt of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Keane, M. (2002). Media in Chi
na: New Convergences, New Approaches. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Kea
ne, Yin Hong (Eds.), \i Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\i0 , (pp
. 3-17). UK: Routledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Keane, M., Donald, S. (2002). Responses to
Crisis: Convergence,
\par content industries and media governance. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Mic
hael Keane, Yin Hong (Eds.), \i Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\
i0 , (pp. 200-211). UK: Routledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2002). The Eng
lish Project: Function and Error in Media Research. \i Inter Sections: the journ
al of global communications and culture online\i0 , 2(5), 155-166.}
}{\rtf\ansi\deff0 \r\n{\fonttbl{\f0 Times new Roman;}{\f1 Arial;}}
\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134
{\header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Stephanie Donald}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Stephanie Donald}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2013). Project
: Function and Error in Media Research. In Charlton McIlwain (Eds.), \i Philoso
phy, Method and Cultural Criticism\i0 , (pp. 159-175). New Jersey: Hampton Press
, Inc.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2010}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Stephen, A., Donald, S. (2010). \i China a
nd Revolution: History, Parody and Memory in Contemporary Art\i0 . University Ar
t Gallery, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia: University Art Gallery.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2010). Global Beijing: 'The Wo
rld' is a violent place. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.), \i Globalization, Violenc
e and the Visual Culture of Cities\i0 , (pp. 122-134). Oxon, UK: Routledge impri
nt of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2010). Tang Wei: Sex, the City
and the Scapegoat in Lust, Caution. \i Theory, Culture and Society: exploration
s in critical social science\i0 , 27(4), 46-68. <a href="
77/0263276410372238">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Dirndorfer Anderson, T., Spry,
D. (2010). \i Youth, Society and Mobile Media in Asia\i0 . United Kingdom: Rout
ledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). A Taste of c
lass: manuals for becoming woman. \i Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique\i0 ,
17(3), 489-521.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Anachronism, apologetic
s and Robin Hood: televisual nationhood after TV. In Turner, Graeme;Tay, Jinna
(Eds.), \i Television Studies After TV: Understanding Television in the Post-Br
oadcast Era\i0 , (pp. 125-136). Oxon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
\i Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social Change\i0 . London
: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Education, class and ad
aptation in China's world city. \i Chinese Journal of Communication\i0 , 2(1), 2
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). Introduction
: Post-Mao, Post-Bourdieu: Class and Taste in Contemporary China. \i Portal: jou
rnal of multidisciplinary international studies\i0 , 6(2), 1-11.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
Introduction: Processes of Cosmopolitanism and Parochialism. In Stephanie Hemel
ryk Donald, Eleonore Kofman, Catherine Kevin (Eds.), \i Branding Cities: Cosmopo
litanism, Parochialism, and Social Change\i0 , (pp. 1-13). London: Routledge imp
rint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Stripes and my country
or, on not being at home. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Eleonore Kofman, Cather
ine Kevin (Eds.), \i Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social
Change\i0 , (pp. 139-155). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2009). Taste and the Hierarchy
in China's Cities. In Mary Farquhar (Eds.), \i Twenty-first Century China: Vie
ws from Australia\i0 , (pp. 156-168). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishi
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2009). \i The St
ate of China Atlas: Mapping the World's Fastest-Growing Economy\i0 . United King
dom: University of California Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Ghosh, D., Goodall, H. (2009).
\i Water, Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and Oceania\i0 . Oxon, UK: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2008). Children, Media and Reg
ional Modernity in the
\par Asia Pacific. In Kirsten Drotner, Sonia Livingstone (Eds.), \i The Interna
tional Handbook of Children, Media and Culture\i0 , (pp. 299-313). UK: Sage Publ
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Voci, P. (2008). China: Cinema
, Politics and Scholarship. In James Donald, Michael Renov (Eds.), \i The Sage
Handbook of Film Studies\i0 , (pp. 54-73). UK: Sage Publications.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Carter, C., Donald, S. (2008). Editors' In
troduction: Children, Media, and Conflict. \i Journal of Children and Media\i0 ,
2(3), 197-199.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Balnaves, M., Donald, S., Shoesmith, B. (2
008). \i Media Theories & Approaches: A Global Perspective\i0 . United Kingdom:
Palgrave Macmillan.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2008). No place for young wome
n: class, gender, and moral hierarchies in contemporary Chinese film. \i Social
Semiotics\i0 , 18(4), 467-479. <a href="
946">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Zheng, Y., Donald, S. (2008). Richer than
before \uc0\u8211 the cultivation of middle class taste: education choices in u
rban China. In David Goodman (Eds.), \i The New Rich in China: Future rulers, p
resent lives\i0 , (pp. 71-82). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). Competing
regions: The chromatics of the urban fix. In Gina Marchetti, Tan See Kam (Eds.)
, \i Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema: No film is an island\i
0 , (pp. 193-205). UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Spry, D. (2007). Mobile Me: Ap
proaches to mobile media use by children and young people. \i Mobile Media Confe
rence 2007\i0 , Sydney: University of Sydney.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2007). Out on a Limb?: Urban T
raumas on the West Pacific Rim. In Alan Marcus, Dietrich Neumann (Eds.), \i Vis
ualizing the City\i0 , (pp. 127-142). UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). \i Tourism
and the Branded City: Film and Identity on the Pacific Rim\i0 . England: Ashgat
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2006}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2006). Collaborat
ive Methods in Researching City Branding: Studies From Hong Kong, Shanghai, and
Sydney. \i Tourism, Culture and Communication\i0 , 6(3), 171-180.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2006). The idea of Hong Kong:
Structures of attention in
\par the City of Life. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.), \i Urban Space and Cityscap
es: Perspectives from modern annd contemporary culture\i0 , (pp. 63-73). UK: Rou
tledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2005). Drawing Sy
dney: Flatlands and the Chromatic Contours of a Global City. \i Scan (Sydney): j
ournal of media arts culture\i0 , 2(1), 1-11.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2005). \i Little Friends: Chil
dren's Film and Media Culture in China\i0 . UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2005). The Ice Storm: Ang Lee,
Cosmopolitanism and the
\par Global Audience. In Greg Elmer, Mike Gasher (Eds.), \i Contracting Out Hol
lywood: Runaway Productions and Foreign Location Shooting\i0 , (pp. 140-156). La
nham, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2004). Branding C
ities: a case study of collaborative methodologies in Cultural, Film, and Market
ing research. \i Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA) Conference 2
004\i0 , Perth, WA: Murdoch University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2004). Establishi
ng Identity: Collaborative Methodologies in Film and Tourism. \i International T
ourism and Media Conference 2004\i0 , Melbourne, Australia: Tourism Research Uni
t, Monash University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). Little Friends: Childre
n and creative consumption in the People\uc0\u8217 s Republic of China. \i Inter
national Journal of Cultural Studies\i0 , 7(1), 45-53.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). LOVE, PATRIOTISM, AND T
HE CITY: HONG KONG\uc0\u8217 S NEW REGIME, 2003-2004. \i The Passionate City: In
ternational Symposium\i0 , Melbourne: RMIT Publishing Informit.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2004). Women and technology in
the teaching profession:
\par Multi-literacy and curriculum impact. In Anne E. McLaren (Eds.), \i Chines
e Women - Living and Working\i0 , (pp. 131-146). UK: Routledge Curzon imprint of
Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Chu, Y., Donald, S., Witcomb, A. (2003). C
hildren, media and the public sphere in Chinese Australia. In Gary D. Rawnsley,
Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley (Eds.), \i Political Communications in Greater China: The
Construction and Reflection of Identity\i0 , (pp. 261-274). UK: Routledge Curzon
imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Gao, M., Donald, S., Shaoquan, Z. (2003).
National Sovereignty versus Moral Sovereignty: The Case of The Australian Report
ing of Taiwan. \i Media Asia: an Asian mass communication quarterly operations i
ndex\i0 , 30(1), 22-30.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2003). Treasurin
g the Word: Mao, Depoliticisation and the Material Present. In Robert Benewick,
Marc Blecher, Sarah Cook (Eds.), \i Asian Politics in Development: Essays in Ho
nour of Gordon White\i0 , (pp. 65-82). London: Frank Cass.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2002). Children's Day: The Fas
hionable Performance of Modern Citizenship in China. In Wendy Parkins (Eds.), \
i Fashioning the Body Politic: Dress, Gender and Citizenship\i0 , (pp. 205-216).
UK: Berg Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S. (2002). Crazy Rabbits! Children
's Media Culture. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Keane, Yin Hong (Eds.),
\i Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\i0 , (pp. 128-138). UK: Rout
ledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Keane, M., Hong, Y. (2002). \i
Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\i0 . UK: Routledge Curzon impri
nt of Taylor & Francis.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Keane, M. (2002). Media in Chi
na: New Convergences, New Approaches. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Kea
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\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Keane, M., Donald, S. (2002). Responses to
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\par content industries and media governance. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Mic
hael Keane, Yin Hong (Eds.), \i Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis\
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\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2002). The Eng
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