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Hey all! First up, this is a short chapter just to get the story rolling.

It might be edited later on to

include a lot more, but for now, this will do. Thanks for the replies I got with the Authors notes a
lot of them were actually really helpful, and Im surprised I got so many within a short time!!
Anyway, this story is centred around Christa and Omid.

Lee had jumped down into the street. Neither Christa or Omid could believe their eyes
what the hell was he doing?! but both could not bring themselves to jump down with him. Theyd
have to find another way, or at least try to find another way to get to Lee and Clementine. The only
problem was that Lee was bitten - by the time the two got there, Lee would probably be a Walker . .
. and Clementine . . . well . . . it was possible that she wouldnt make it if Lee turned. Hopefully, Lee
would take measures to prevent the worst happening to Clementine he was a good man. Hed be
able to find a way.
Think hell make it?
Christa looked at Omid, who was still looking down at his feet before he finally looked up at
her. He has to. For that little girl. He looked away for a few seconds, staring at the opposite
direction, looking for another way. Is . . . is that a crossing?
The two stopped, staring at the make-shift bridge that had a small piece of paper stuck to it.
Christa picked up the note.
Thought you could use the help. She looked up at Omid. The guy on the radio?
I dont know. If it is, we better be careful, but I dont think hed go to the trouble to make a
bridge between the buildings . . .
There was silence between them, as they were yet again faced with another decision of who
was going to cross first. The bridge looked less than sturdy, and seemed like a quick put-together
Ill go first. Omid said quietly. If it can hold me and my leg, youll be fine to cross.
Ever so slowly, and without letting Christa have word against it, Omid made his way across
the suspicious bridge. There wasnt any movement from Christa, and both were silent. Walkers
moved slowly underneath the bridge, and it was obvious that if Omid fell, thered be no hope for
him hed be eaten alive.
Finally, the shorter man took his final steps and crossed the bridge. Christa let out a breath
of relief, as Omid turned back to see her.
Okay. He was still uncertain. Walk across, slowly and carefully.
Christa nodded, and slowly, the woman walked across the make-shift bridge, occasionally
looking back up at Omid instead of watching her feet. Luckily, she crossed safely, and Omids
breathing slowed.
You alright?
Omid grinned a little. As soon as we find Lee and Clementine, Ill be fine.

It took time, a lot of time, to get to the Marsh House without attracting Walkers. Managing to jump
onto the roof, Christa opened a panel, of which they were able to pass through.
Walkers? Omid groaned in pain and he kneeled down.
Christa peered in, and shook her head. None that I can see . . . or hear.
Omids hope hit a brick wall. He looked up at Christa. Ready?
The woman nodded, and took the jump down first. Omid shut his mouth to stop from
swearing when he hit the floor below him, causing more pain to shoot through his leg. Thankfully,
Christa aided him up.
You sure youre alright?
The man nodded. Yeah. Lets just get a move on before we get eaten.
Thankfully, the place was deserted. There was no sign of an active Walker, and apparently,
none were trying to get in. Omid continued to walk forward, until he tripped on a Walker,
apparently. Without thinking, Omid shot the Walker without realizing that he was shooting at a leg.
Relax! Its already dead! Christa exclaimed.
Omid only relaxed a little, shaking with the gun in his hands. If that thing was alive, Id be
dead by now . . . wouldnt I?
Christa didnt answer, not wanting to think about Omid being taken by a Walker. Instead,
she examined the Walker he tripped on.
Shot in the head.
So they were definitely here?
Christa nodded, moving to walk into the room with Omid close behind her. Another body a
human man, who was shot in the head was visible near the back wall, and something groaning in a
bowling bag. Omid avoided the bag, as did Christa, and moved to the body near the wall.
Yeah, they were definitely here. Christa commented. They had to be. Clementines talkie
is on the draws. She pointed over to the set of draws, with the walkie and stickers sitting on top of
So either Lee turned, or they got out.
This makes things a hell of a lot more complicated . . .
Yeah, it does.

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