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CURRENT MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS: ___DIC_________________________________________________________________________________________

DEFINITION OF CURRENT MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS: is a disruption of heostasis !hara!teri"ed #$ %idespread intra&as!u'ar !'ottin( and #'eedin()
SOURCE: __Med*Sur( Nursin(: Criti!a' Thin+in( in ,atient Care - .
Tri((ered #$ endothe'ia' daa(e1 re'ease of
tissue fa!tors into !ir!u'ation1 or inappropriate
a!ti&ation of the !'ottin( !as!ade #$ an endoto2in)
Intrinsi! and e2trinsi! !'othin( !as!ade a$ #e
a!ti&ated1 #ut it3s usua''$ the e2trinsi! !as!ade)
E2!essi&e thro#in enter s$ste !ir!u'ation and
o&er%he' natura' anti!oa(u'ants1 'eadin( to
unrestri!ted !'ot foration) C'ottin( !an #e
'o!a'i"ed or %idespread) C'ottin( !onsues
!'ottin( fa!tors and a!ti&ates fi#rino'$ti!
pro!esses %ith anti!oa(u'ant produ!tion1 resu'tin(
in heorrha(e)

Traua: #urns1 (unshot1 frost#ite1 head in4ur$) O5
!op'i!ations: septi! a#ortion1 a#ruption
p'a!entae1 anioti! f'uid e#o'us1 retained dead
fetus) Neop'ass: a!ute 'eu+eia1
adeno!ar!inoas) /eo'$sis1 fat e#o'is)
6esse' Daa(e fro aorti! aneur$s1 a!ute
('oeru'onephritis1 heo'$ti! urei! s$ndroe)
Infe!tions fro #a!teria' infe!tion or sepsis1 &ira'
or $!oti! infe!tions1 parasiti! or ri!+ettsia'
7Si(ns 8 S$ptos9:
Fran+ heorrha(e fro in!isions1 oo"in( of #'ood
fro pun!tures1 I6 !ath sites1 purpura1 pete!hiae1
#ruisin(1 !$anosis of e2treities1 GI #'eedin( or
heorrha(e1 d$spnea1 ta!h$pnea1 #'ood$ sputu)
Ta!h$!ardia1 h$potension1 heaturia1 o'i(uria1 a!ute
rena' fai'ure) S8S of IIC,1 de!reased LOC1 papi''ar$1
otor1 and sensor$ !han(es) Menta' status !han(es)
Ma$ #e as$ptoati!1 or %ith periphera' !$anosis1
thro#osis1 and pre(an(renous !han(es in fin(ers
and toes1 nose1 and (enita'ia)

C5C 8 p'ate'et to e&a'uate /8/ and p'ate'ets)
Fra(ented R5Cs a$ #e noted due to !e'' trappin(
and daa(e %ith fi#rin thro#i) ,'ate'ets de!reased)
Coa(u'ation studies sho% pro'on(ed ,T:,TT1 and
thro#in tie) Lo% fi#rino(en 'e&e' due to dep'etion
of !'ottin( fa!tors) As fi#rino(en fa''s1 #'eedin(
Fi#rin de(radation produ!ts 7FD,s9 or fi#rin sp'it
produ!ts 7FS,s9 are in!reased due to the fi#rino'$sis
that o!!urs)
7In!'ude Treatents 8 Medi!ations9:
Fresh fro"en p'asa and p'ate'et !on!entrates
to restore !'ottin( fa!tors and p'ate'ets) /eparin
a$ #e adinistered to interfere %ith !'ottin(
!as!ade and a$ pre&ent further !'ottin( fa!tor
!onsuption) Lon( ter heparin a$ #e
needed for !hroni! DIC) Reposition e&er$ ;
hours to in!rease !ir!u'ation and tissue
perfusion) O2$(en as ordered) Fo%'ers:/i(h*
fo%'er3s to ipro&e a'&eo'ar &enti'ation) 5ed rest
to redu!e o2$(en needs and !ardia! %or+)
Deep #reathin( and effe!ti&e !ou(hin()
Nasotra!hea' su!tionin( if !ou(h is ineffe!ti&e)
Ana'(esi!s and antian2iet$ eds as needed)
Coo' !opresses to painfu' 4oints) Fi2
under'$in( pro#'e)
7C'ient Edu!ation9:
No !rossin( 'e(s or proppin(:e'e&atin( %ith
pi''o%s) ,re&ention of s+in traua) Deep
#reathin( te!hni<ues) Re'a2ation te!hni<ues)
Continuin( eds or fo''o% up !are instru!tions)
Ma$ need heparin therap$ 'on(*ter) S8S of
e2!ess #'eedin( or re!urrent !'ottin()

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