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Please write your answers on the answer sheet provided and do not write on this sheet.

n this sheet. Only one answer is

correct. It is not necessary to complete the test, so when questions become difficult, stop.

Example: Answer:
I _________ a doctor
a) am b) is c) are d) be

1. This is Patrick. He __________ from Belfast.
a) come b) is c) is coming d) be

2. Where are the police __________quarters? Theyre in the city centre.
a) big b) capital c) large d) head

3. I __________ on the school trip last year. I was visiting my grandparents.
a) didnt go b) didnt went c) wasnt d) went not

4. What do you do? __________.
a) Very well thanks b) Im a student c) Im waiting for Paul d) what do you do?

5. What language __________ in New Zealand?
a) are they speaking b) do they speak c) does they speak d) speak

6. What was the weather like in Milan when you left? __________
a) there was cold b) it was raining c) wet and wind d) it rains

7. I __________ in Stuttgart since 1982.
a) have been working b) am working c) worked d) work

8. My dad works in the __________ department.
a) sale b) selling c) sales d) sells

9. I spoke to Nathalie this morning and she said shed __________ to meet us at the cinema.
a) rather b) want c) prefer d) to like

10. Give me your number and Ill __________ this afternoon
a) call you in b) dial you c) put you through d) call you back

11. I wont be in for dinner later Im going to the park __________ Sophie.
a) to meet b) for meet c) for to meet d) so to meet

12. It looks as if we will have to __________ the holiday until next year.
a) cancel b) postpone c) arrange d) put up

13. This is one of the most delicious meals I __________ !
a) have ever eaten b) have never eaten c) I ate d) am eating

14. Goodbye Mrs Hunter. Goodbye Ian. Nice __________ .
a) to have met you b) meet you c) meeting to you d) to met you

15. __________ Diane? Well, she is is average height with blonde curly hair
a) What is she like? b) what does she like? c) how is she? d) how is he like?

16. Whats the __________ of the US dollar to the British pound at the moment?
a) exchange rate b) change c) change level d) exchange

17. Could you tell Marta? Sure, Ill tell her __________.
a) when Ill see her b) when I see her c) when Im seeing her d) if Ill see her

18. Do you feel like eating Italian or Indian this evening? __________
a) I dont important b) I dont mind c) Its the same d) I dont matter

19. The Middle East has produced __________ Latin America
a) twice as much oil as b) the double of oil as c) twice more oil than d) more oil than

20. Many companies are offering __________ retirement as a way of reducing staff
a) prompt b) early c) anticipated d) young

21. There __________ that annoys me more than strict teachers!
a) isnt nothing b) is nothing c) isnt nobody d) is anything

22. There is quite a __________ of students wanting to join the rugby team this year.
a) shortage b) shortfall c) short d) shortcoming

23. I suggest __________ meet us after dinner.
a) you to b) that you c) to d) that

24. the school __________ of directors will meet on Friday to discuss the new building
a) council b) agenda c) board d) plenary

25. Heather doesnt mind _________ late on a Friday.
a) study b) to study c) studying d) the study

26. His parents __________ to the party
a) stopped him to go b) prevented him to go c) avoided him going d) stopped him going

27. You know that you __________ go swimming if you dont want to.
a) mustnt b) neednt c) have to d) oughtnt

28. Gayle has so much money, she always buys phones, mp3 players etc from a __________ brand.
a) leading b) principal c) first d) main

29. If I hadnt seen it with my own eyes, I __________ it.
a) wouldnt have believed b) wouldve believed c) hadnt believed d) havent believed

30. Well, I must be going. Thanks for a __________ evening!
a) absolutely pleasant b) thoroughly delicious c) most enjoyable d) extremely friendly

Answer Sheet

Name: Luis Alberto Martnez Bermdez Address:
C/Prez Galdos, 92, 13740 Torrenueva (Ciudad Real)

Tel: 666 30 11 15

Date of Birth

Put an X in the box to show the right answer

1 X 16 X
2 X 17 X
3 X 18 X
4 X 19 X
5 X 20 X
6 X 21 X
7 X 22 X
8 X 23 X
9 X 24 X
10 X 25 X
11 X 26 X
12 X 27 X
13 X 28 X
14 X 29 X
15 X 30 X

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