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IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 45 of the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act
!"4# the Minister ma$es the followin% re%ulations&
PA'( I
, -itation and commencement,
(hese 'e%ulations may be cited as the Petroleum (Safety Measures) ((ransportation of
Petroleum by Pipelines) 'e%ulations !"5 and shall come into force on the st March !"5,
., Interpretation,
() In these 'e%ulations# unless the context otherwise re/uires# words and expressions shall
ha0e the same meanin% as in the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act !"4,
(.) 1or the purpose of these 'e%ulations 2
3Appro0in% Authority3 means any person# whether by name or office to
whom the Minister has dele%ated his powers under section 45 of the Act to exercise his
functions under sections 6 and 5 of the Act7
3bul$ plant3 means that portion of a property where petroleum is recei0ed by tan$ 0essel#
pipelines# tan$ car or tan$ 0ehicle and is stored or blended in bul$ for the purpose of
distributin% such petroleum by tan$ 0ehicle# pipeline# tan$ car# tan$ 0ehicle or container7
3Inspector3 means an Inspector of Petroleum appointed under section 4" of the Petroleum
(Safety Measures) Act !"4 and who is from the office of the Appro0in% Authority7
3refinery3 means a plant in which flammable or combustible li/uids are produced on a
commercial scale from crude petroleum# natural %asoline or other hydrocarbon sources7
3ser0ice stations3 means ser0ice station (automoti0e) and ser0ice station (marine)7
3ser0ice station (automoti0e)3 means that portion of a property where li/uids used as motor
fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed e/uipment into the fuel tan$s of motor 0ehicles and
may include any facilities a0ailable for the sale and ser0ice of tyres# batteries and accessories
and for minor automoti0e maintenance wor$7 and
3ser0ice station (marine)3 means that portion of a property where li/uids used as fuels are
stored and dispensed from fixed e/uipment on shore# piers# whar0es or floatin% doc$s into the
fuel tan$s of self8propelled craft and shall include all facilities used in connection therewith,
('ANSP9'(A(I9N 91 P)('9*):M ;+ PIP)*IN)S
4, Application and non8application,
() (hese 'e%ulations shall apply to 2
(a) pipelines transportin% li/uid petroleum between production facilities# tan$ farms# natural
%as processin% plants# refineries# ser0ice stations# terminals (marine# rail and truc$) and other
deli0ery and recei0in% points7
(b) pipelines transportin% natural %as from the outlet of seperators or traps at %as wells until
the outlet of the customer<s meter set assembly includin% the %as processin% plants# meterin%
and re%ulatin% stations7 and
(c) distribution pipin% in a li/uefied petroleum %as system from the first sta%e re%ulator of the
stora%e tan$ to the outlet of the customer<s meter set assembly,
(.) (hese 'e%ulations shall not apply to 2
(a) pipelines within petroleum refineries and %as processin% plants7
(b) pipelines within industrial plants# bul$ plants and ser0ice stations7 and
(c) pipin% systems from the point of deli0ery to the connections with each %as utilisation
1or the purpose of this subre%ulation the point of deli0ery for system supplyin% %as is the
outlet of the ser0ice meter assembly or the outlet of the ser0ice re%ulator or ser0ice shut off
0al0e where no meter is pro0ided,
4, =esi%n# etc, shall meet re/uirements,
() Sub>ect to subre%ulation (.)# all the desi%n# fabrication# installation# testin% and the safety
aspect of operation and maintenance of petroleum and %as pipeline shall meet the
re/uirements of the American National Standard Institute -ode for2
(a) *i/uid Petroleum (ransportation Pipin% System ANSI?ASM); 4,47 or
(b) Pressure Pipin% @as (ransmission and =istribution Pipin% System ANSI?ASM); 4,",
(.) Notwithstandin% the abo0e# the Appro0in% Authority may ban the use of certain material
or fittin% or specify the type of fittin% in a petroleum and %as pipeline system,
(4) (he Appro0in% Authority may permit the use of any material# fittin%# component# method
of construction# installation or test procedure which is not prescribed by the -odes mentioned
in subre%ulation ()# pro0ided that sufficient e0idence is submitted to substantiate any claim
made re%ardin% the safety of such alternati0e,
5, Permission for installation,
() No person shall install or caused to be installed any pipeline unless he or his authorised
representati0e has obtained a written permission from the Appro0in% Authority,
(.) 1or the purpose of a permission under subre%ulation () the owner or his authorised
representati0e shall state 2
(a) the name and address of the owner and operator7
(b) the name and address of the consultant7
(c) the name and address of the contractors7
(d) the route of the pipelines and flow line dia%ram7
(e) the desi%n specification7 and
(f) the material specification,
6, Permission for operatin%,
() No person shall operate any pipeline unless he or his authorised representati0e has
obtained a written permission from the Appro0in% Authority,
(.) 1or the purpose of a permission under subre%ulation ()# the owner or his authorised
representati0e shall submit 2
(a) a letter confirmin% that the material# desi%n# construction# installation and testin% of the
pipeline comply with the re/uirements of re%ulation 4 and that the pipelines are safe to be
(b) a written emer%ency plan for implementation in the e0ent of system failure# accident or
other emer%ency, (he plan shall include procedures for prompt and remedial action pro0idin%
for the safety of the public and operatin% company<s personnel# minimisin% property dama%e#
protectin% the en0ironment and limitin% accident dischar%e from pipeline7 and
(c) a letter confirmin% that the operatin% and maintenance procedures are based on the
pro0isions of the -ode stipulated in re%ulation 4 or other alternati0e procedures allowed under
re%ulation 4(4),
5, Maximum allowable pressure,
No person shall operate a pipeline at a pressure %reater than the maximum allowable pressure
appro0ed by the Appro0in% Authority,
", 'ecords,
() (he followin% records shall be maintained by the operator and shall be produced for
inspection when so directed by the Appro0in% Authority&
(a) written trainin% procedure for the safe operations of the pipeline7
(b) written maintenance schedule for the pipeline7
(c) corrosion miti%ation record7
(d) inspection record on the condition of the pipeline# safety e/uipment and its related
(e) failure in0esti%ation and remedial steps ta$en7
(f) any modification wor$ on the pipeline7 and
(%) written procedure for abandonin% the pipeline,
(.) (he Appro0in% Authority may# at any time# re/uest the owner# his authorised
representati0e# his consultant or his contractor to submit additional information or documents
relatin% to the pipeline,
!, Inspection,
() Pipelines durin% installation and in operation shall be sub>ected to inspection by the
Appro0in% Authority,
(.) (he Appro0in% Authority shall after considerin% any representation made by the owner or
operator# determine the type of inspection and the inter0al between inspections,
(4) If durin% any inspection an Inspector is of the opinion that any part of the pipeline that is
bein% installed or has been installed is li$ely to cause dan%er to life or dama%e to property# he
shall ser0e a notice in writin% to the owner# operator or contractor as the case may be#
re/uirin% such defects to be made %ood or remo0ed within such period as he may specify
(hereinafter referred to as 3%race period3) and such part of the pipeline shall not be continued
to be installed or operated after such %race period unless such defect has been made %ood or
remo0ed to the satisfaction of the Inspector&
Pro0ided that if the Inspector is of the opinion that the defect is li$ely to cause immediate
dan%er to life and property# he shall# without waitin% for a notice to be ser0ed on the owner#
operator or contractor# immediately prohibit the installation or operation of such part of the
pipeline until such defect is made %ood or remo0ed to the satisfaction of the Inspector,
(4) Any person who fails to comply with any notice or order %i0en under subre%ulation (4)
shall be %uilty of an offence under this re%ulation,
A, Notice,
() An Inspector may# after an inspection of any pipeline# issue a written notice specifyin%
such operational conditions and limitations as he may deem appropriate,
(.) (he conditions and limitations may include the operation of the pipeline at reduced
maximum wor$in% pressure,
(4) Any pipeline# in respect of which a notice in subre%ulation () has been issued# shall be
operated in accordance with the conditions and limitation specified in such notice,
, Appeal,
() Any person a%%rie0ed by an order made by an Inspector under re%ulation !(4) and
re%ulation A() may# within twenty8one days from the date of such order# appeal to the
Inspector<s Bead of =epartment who may# after considerin% any representation made by that
person# by order in writin% confirm# annul or 0ary the order,
(.) Any person a%%rie0ed by the order made by the Bead of the =epartment may# within
twenty8one days from the date of such order# appeal to the Minister# who may# after
considerin% any representation made by that person and the Inspector<s Bead of =epartment#
by order in writin% confirm# annul or 0ary the order,
., 1acilities to be afforded,
(he owner# operator or contractor of a pipeline or his authorised representati0e shall afford
e0ery reasonable facility to enable the Appro0in% Authority to dischar%e its duties effecti0ely,
4, =an%erous occurrence,
() (he owner# operator or contractor of a pipeline or his authorised representati0e shall
immediately notify the Appro0in% Authority of 2
(iii) results in %as i%nition7 or
(i0) represents an existin% or
(a) any dan%erous occurrence which may affect the safety of any pipeline while i t is bein%
installed or operated7 and
(b) any %as lea$ which2
(i) causes death or personal in>ury re/uirin% hospitalisation of any person7
(ii) re/uires the ta$in% of any se%ment of a pipeline out of ser0ice7
probable haCard to persons or property,
(.) An owner or operator of a pipeline shall# as soon as he becomes aware of any defect in the
pipeline or any circumstance which would affect the safety of the pipeline 2
(a) rectify the defect or circumstance so as to ensure the safety of the pipeline7 or
(b) cease to operate the pipeline if the defect or circumstance cannot be made %ood or
remo0ed and inform the Appro0in% Authority,
4, No modification without permission,
() Sub>ect to subre%ulation (.)# no person shall commence any modification wor$ on a
pipeline which affect the basic desi%n and specification such as the maximum desi%n
operatin% pressure# maximum desi%n operatin% temperature# type of fluid to be carried and
chan%e of route unless a written permission from the Appro0in% Authority is obtained,
(.) In any emer%ency where it is necessary to put an end or pre0ent imminent dan%er to life
and property or to pre0ent serious interruption of the con0eyance of petroleum by pipeline#
such modification as specified in subsection () may be carried out and the Appro0in%
Authority shall be informed immediately of such modifications,
5, )xistin% pipelines and exemptions,
() Dithin sixty days after the comin% into force of these 'e%ulations# the owner or operator
of any pipeline which has been installed or in operation prior to the commencement date of
these 'e%ulations shall inform the Appro0in% Authority of the existence of the pipelines,
(.) (he Appro0in% Authority may direct the owner or operator of such existin% pipeline to
submit any record or particulars as it may deem fit,
(4) (he pro0isions of re%ulations 4()# 5() and 6() shall not be applicable to the existin%
6, Penalty,
Any person who contra0enes any pro0ision of these 'e%ulations shall be %uilty of an offence
and shall# on con0iction# be liable to a fine not exceedin% twenty thousand rin%%it and in the
case of a continuin% offence# he shall be liable to a further fine not exceedin% fi0e thousand
rin%%it for each or part of the day durin% which the offence continues,
5, 'epeal,
'ule 54() and rule 54(4) of the Petroleum 'ules !6A are repealed,

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