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A good cleric giveth; a great cleric taketh away.

Sick of being mistreated by party members? Got someone begging you for a rez that's annoying
you? Tired of being bullied by other classes? Read on.

This guide intends to offer some guidelines on how to kill people in PvP. If you are against PvP,
do NOT read on, nor comment. This guide is not for you, you'll want the “hold down the ironheart
button guide.” (Note: That was a joke.) Still here? Awesome, let's move on.

Played correctly, clerics can be one of the most feared classes in PvP, even over wizards. Why?
Control and survivability skills. A good cleric will use their entire arsenal effectively to overcome any
odds; as a result, cleric PvP requires thought and skill.

So you want to kill things, part 1...

The most important part of a cleric is its build. There are a few different builds for clerics. I'm
not here to debate builds; that's what the other guide is for. However, I do favor hybrid cleric.
Personally, I've capped Vit. At 75 and I've gone pure since. Damage is nice and survivability is enough.
Unlike other squishy classes, Clerics don't really need all that much Pdef. With self-buffs and plume
shell, life is good. Again, this is my build opinion. You may have a different one, but that's ok. PvP
clercs are mostly skill based anyway.

Speaking of skills...

Which ones should you use? I'm glad you asked.

Here's the deal. I think FACs are useless. Yes, they DO PvP well. But they're not useful in a
party and by and large, PvP is party based. This is the FAC's fatal flaw.

“On to the skills”! You cry. I know, I know.

Plume Shot – Max

Blessing of the Purehearted – Level 1
Great Cyclone – Max
Ironheart Blessing – Max
Wellspring Surge – Level slowly, useful for building chi and fast heals in emergency FB
Plume shell – Max
Vanguard Spirit – Max
Thunderball – Level 1
Magic shell – Max
Revive – Max
Elemental Seal – Max
Razor Feathers – Max eventually, not before other necessary skills.
Celestial Guardian's Seal – Most clerics will disagree with me, but leave it at level 1. The regen
bonus is useless in combat and only makes a difference when idle. 10 HP and MP a second while idle is
useless to anyone with pots. Also overwrites powders. Pointless. (Note: I have since maxed this skill
due to parties complaining about me not having it. Whiners. -_-)
Spirit's Gift – Max
Dimensional Seal – Has uses, but leave at one until other skills are levelled.
Purify – Level according to your participation in parties that need it. You'll need it at 10 when
you hit BH69.
Siren's Kiss – Level 1, waste of a spark.
Chromatic Healing Beam – Level 1, basically useless until endgame and classes have lots of
Silent Seal –Level 1. May be worth maxing if you can purify away the attack debuff, otherwise
don't level it.
Wield Thunder – Max. Your bread and butter.
Stream of Rejuvenation – Level 1. I don't use it. May be useful, but is outclassed by IH as a
single target heal.
Chromatic Seal – Max. Best control skill ever for one on one PvP.
Blue Ball – Max for TT runs, GV, etc. A cleric without this is useless at higher levels.
Red ball – Level 1, personal preference as far as levelling goes.
Tempest – Max. Your nuke skill. Kills things by the gross.

Party buffs – Useful, saves time. If you're hurting for spirit, they can wait, as they offer no
benefit other than an AoE.

Wings of Protection – Up to you.

Guardian Light – Get it.
100 skills – I don't know. If you're level 100 and reading this guide for tips...
Metal Mastery – Max eventually.
Flight mastery – Waste of SP.

So you have your skills. Now what?

The next most important part of cleric PvP is equipment, of course. Through the levels, you're
going to wear whatever your build dictates. If arcane, you wanna mix HP and Pdef shards. If LA, go
pure HP shards. -Chan equips are good, but not as good on a cleric as they are for Mages. Most of our
skills are fairly quick on the draw(except tempest) and the long channeling ones will be used as a
finisher 9 times outta 10.

So you want to kill things, the conclusion...

So this is the part you've all been waiting for. Or maybe not, who knows. These are the tactics
that will save your life and ruin your enemies'.

Situation 1: 1v.1 fight vs a Melee class.(Aggressor)

This is the first situation you will most likely encounter. When attacking a melee class, open
with Wield Thunder. This will let you know what kind of battle you're in for. If their HP doesn't drop at
all, congrats. You just ticked their charm and will be eating their heart for courage shortly. If their HP
drops by a tiny amount, you need to leave. Like right away. As soon as possible. If their HP drops
anywhere more than 1/3 of their life, you can win this fight, so read on. Immediately after you are
finished channeling, hit them with cyclone. This will slow them down and let you react. If it's a blade
master barreling towards you, immune to movement debuffs, then either plume shell(if you are good on
mana or have a charm) or take to the sky(or Holy Path) until his rape train screeches to a halt. Then,
slow him down and run a bit more, until his HP is juuuuuust above 50%. That's when we bring out the
big guns. While he's at 51%, do the following: Sleep him → elemental debuff → channel tempest(or
wield thunder, if you don't have the sparks) → use frenzy/extreme poison → ??? → profit! If that
doesn't kill him, do it all again until one of you dies or flies away. Most likely, using Wield thunder
won't kill him if it didn't come close to ticking his charm the first time you used it, so you may want to
keep slowing him and running until you get some chi.

Situation 2: 1v.1 fight vs a Melee class.(Ganked!)

So someone has noticed your squishy self and wants you dead. That or you failed to heal them
in an FB 8 levels ago and they're pissed. This is the internet, after all. Regardless, surviving ganks is
one of the toughest things to do in this game.
If it's a barb, immediately pop plume shell(if you have the chi) or spam IH on yourself until you
can pop plume shell. Once you're set, get some distance. Slow him with cyclone for best effect. A smart
barb will go tiger form here, so the trick is to get him to just above 50% HP in human form, and then
follow the above gameplan. If you're charmed, you can probably just plume shell and IH to turtle while
you kill him. Just watch out for Armageddon. You don't wanna be around for that one.

If it's a BM, it's a lot harder. If you get stunlocked, well, have fun in town. Maybe do some
shopping or something? A good BM will stun you immediately, so be ready to take some shots. After
the stun wears off, if you're alive, immediately sleep him in order to give yourself some breathing
room. Then, spam some IH and pop plume shell, then follow the gameplan mentioned in situation 1.

If it's an Assassin, it's kinda up in the air. If he gets a nice crit, you're probably dead. If you
survive and aren't stunned, he's pretty much boned. Same as above, if you survive, pop plume shell,
spam IH, and get some distance. Then, just unload on him cause he's squishy as hell.

Situation 3: Group fight vs Melee Class

If you have teammates, just kite the people chasing you around (with the slow and run method)
until your team can pick them off. If not, you'll need to pop plume shell and IH spam a bit, and then
sleep one of the classes. Once that's done, you need to eradicate the other ASAP. If for some reason you
can't, you're probably done for.

Situation 4: 1v.1 vs a Magic Class(Aggressor and Defense)

These are the easiest opponents you'll face. Most of them wear robes, so plume shot and razor
feathers will destroy them. Your strategy is to spam some ironheart, and then start dropping physical
nukes on the opponent. If you see a wizard channeling blade tempest, sleep him or something cause if
you don't, you are most likely dead. If they happen to be LA casters, just alternate spells until you find
the type that hits hardest, and then nuke them. If you're wearing arcane, your IH will be more than
enough for you to kill the opponent. If you get ganked by a wizzie using blade tempest, better luck next
time. By and large, though, you should be killing most casters without much trouble.

Situation 5: Archers(Aggressor)

Holy path WITHIN 7 METERS OF THEM. It will cut their attack in half and make your job a
hell of a lot easier. Once in their range, pop plume shell just in case of Wingspan and then hit em with
cyclone to keep em from getting distance. This is the opposite of most fights in that you want to stick
right next to your prey rather than snipe at them. Keep them slowed so that you can stick next to them,
and then once they're at 51% HP, sleep, debuff, and unload with a nuke.

Situation 6: Archers(Defense)

You're probably in town before their stun wears off. If not, pop plume shell, spam IH, and get as close
to them as possible before following the gameplan above.

Situation 7: Ranged Class Group Battle

Plume shell for archers. Spam IH for casters. Kill archers first. You'd better have teammates, or
you're going down hard. Sleep annoyances or status inflicters and pray for the best.

Situation 8: Venomancers and You.

All you gotta do is plume shell, IH spam, sleep pet, kill veno. If they have a nix, you'd better
have shell up before the bleed, or purify ASAP. Chances are, any other pet than Nix will be pretty easy
for you, so other than that, treat em as any other caster.

“So you like Holy Path, we see...”

Yeah, I do. In fact, my recommended genie build is this: Cloud Eruption, Frenzy, Holy Path,
Extreme Poison. These skills will allow you such versatility as a PvPer and as a party member. Cloud
eruption gives 1 spark + a set number + ½ your strength. This is amazing, as that means you can triple
spark tempest at higher levels, as well as immediately relaunch blue ball if you get knocked out of it in
a TT party. It does have a price though – you can't use any other genie skills after it as it uses all your
energy. It's main use is outside of battle to build chi quickly to return to the battle.

Frenzy is great, it adds damage to your attacks by increasing your attack level. Stack this and
Extreme Poison to make Wield Thunder one hell of a nuke.

Holy Path maxes your movement speed for a short time, and it's oh-so-useful in kiting and in closing
gaps on archers. A+ skill.

Extreme Poison amps damage by 20%. Stack it with Frenzy for one hell of a nuke.

I hope this guide has assisted in some small way. It is incomplete as I am still gaining experience in
PvP and as a cleric, and it will be updated as new revelations come to light. If anyone has any
suggestions, feel free to post them here and I will update with them as well if they are effective enough.

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