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Copyright 2014 by Alloy Entertainment and Kieran Viola

Cover design by i! "resner

Cover photo o# girl by $oger %oen&s
'eries design by Eli!abeth () Clar&
All rights reserved) *+blished by (yperion, an imprint o# "isney -oo& .ro+p) /o part o# this boo& may be reprod+0ed or transmitted in any #orm or by any means, ele0troni0 or me0hani0al, in0l+ding
photo0opying, re0ording, or by any in#ormation storage and retrieval system, 1itho+t 1ritten permission #rom the p+blisher) 2or in#ormation address (yperion, 123 4est End Aven+e, /e1 5or&, /e1 5or&

*rod+0ed by Alloy Entertainment
1800 -road1ay, /e1 5or&, /5 10019
:'-/ 98;<1<4261<9693<1
@itle *age
@he -ell @olls
@he Clini0
'isters 2orever
Evil +r&s
@he Vane
A /ote
Cn the -ridge
@he *oliti0ian
:nto the 4ild
@he .ray (o+se
@oo ate
(ere and /o1
@he -ody
@he 2+neral
"ead and -+ried
"ist+rbing the *ea0e
@oo ong
@he $et+rn
:t %atters
@he -ad<.+y ist
Al1ays (ope
2riend or 2oeD
@he Aniverse Kno1s
A *arty :t :s
Another '+spe0t
(ands Cn
@1o (earts
"ar& as *it0h
A Chan0e
@he Choi0e
(ome Again
Abo+t the A+thor
2or my #amily, 1ith endless love
E$ory, stopFG
: tried to #ree!e, b+t the m+ddy, ro0&y path beneath my le#t #oot began to slip, 0r+mbling into the deep roadside river
belo1) $ain po+nded on my +seless vinyl hood as : grasped at the air 1ith 0old, 1et #ingers) : 1as #inally able to grab the
slippery #abri0 o# HoaI+in %arI+e!Js sleeve, and he hoisted me ba0& +p onto solid gro+nd, my heart po+nding in my
throat at a maddening rate) @he m+ddy path1ay 1e 1ere traversing had been, +ntil re0ently, 1ide eno+gh #or at least
one 0ar, i# not t1o, to navigate sa#ely) -+t no1 it 1as hal# its #ormer 1idth and eroding by the moment) @he rain had been
nonstop sin0e 'at+rday night) /o1 it 1as 4ednesday, and hal# the island o# H+niper anding seemed to have t+rned to
m+sh) @he sand on the bea0hes had ta&en on the 0onsisten0y o# oatmeal in spots, and the grasses and reeds and #lo1ers
had been #lattened to the gro+nd, beaten into s+bmission by the relentless 1eather)
EAre yo+ o&ayDG HoaI+in as&ed)
: nodded, 0l+t0hing both his elbo1s #or stability) (is bro1n eyes 1ere shaded by the brim o# his o1n hood, and a #e1
daysJ 1orth o# dar& st+bble 0overed his sharp 0hee&bones and 0hin) @his had be0ome a habit o# HoaI+inJs latelyKsaving
me #rom serio+s inL+ry) : 1asnJt s+re ho1 : #elt abo+t the #a0t that the boy my sister +sed to hoo& +p 1ith 1as no1 my
prote0tor, b+t : 1as grate#+l to have someone by my side) And it 0learly 1asnJt going to be the boy : +sed to hoo& +p 1ith)
(e 1as no longer aro+nd)
4hi0h 1as 1hy 1e 1ere o+t here in the #irst pla0eKloo&ing #or @ristan *arrish) @he g+y : had been #alling in love 1ith,
+ntil a #e1 days ago) @he g+y 1ho had betrayed +s all) A00ording to HoaI+in, there 1as a 0ave beneath the bridge 1here
@ristan +sed to go to #or his Ebig thin&sGKthe days he L+st 1anted some spa0e a1ay #rom the other i#ers) An#ort+nately,
it 1as lo0ated in a part o# the island HoaI+in had al1ays avoided +nless he 1as +shering a visitor to the bridge, so 1e
1erenJt entirely 0lear on 1here 1e 1ere going) @hat, pl+s the relentless rain, didnJt ma&e o+r mission any easier)
E:s this ever going to stopDG : as&ed)
As i# in ans1er, a bolt o# lightning 0ra0&ed overhead and the 1hole 1orld trembled 1ith the a00ompanying th+nder)
Cver HoaI+inJs sho+lder : sa1 a shado1 ill+minated by the #lashKsomeone standing on a ro0& ledge not #i#ty yards a1ay,
rain0oat billo1ing in the 1ind) %y #ingernails d+g into HoaI+inJs arm)
E:s thatMDG
HoaI+in t+rned, b+t L+st li&e that, there 1as no one there) Cne blin&, and the shado1 had disappeared) @he storm 1as
playing tri0&s on my mind)
E4hatDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E/othing) 2orget it)G : didnJt 1ant to admit : 1as seeing things) E: L+st 0anJt handle m+0h more o# this)G
E$elaB) @a&e a breather,G HoaI+in said) Eet me #ig+re o+t 1here the hell 1e are)G
As he moved o## to peer into the grayness s+rro+nding +s, : tried to sha&e the Littery #eeling that shado1 had le#t
behind and loo&ed north to1ard the bridge) :t 1as so en0ased in #og that : 0o+ld see nothing b+t the pointless 1arning
lights throbbing at the top o# its #o+r spires) @he bridge had be0omeKto me, any1ayKthe symbol o# everything that 1as
1rong on this island) H+niper anding 1as an in<bet1eenKa pla0e 1here so+ls 0ame to reside bet1een death and the
a#terli#e, a pla0e 1here they 1ere given a 0han0e to resolve any iss+es that might have plag+ed them d+ring their
li#etimes be#ore moving on) HoaI+in and : 1ere both i#ers, a gro+p o# so+ls 0harged 1ith helping others #ind their
resol+tions and +shering them to their #inal destinations) @he bridge 1as the means o# transport) 4hen a so+l 1as ready
to go, 1e 1o+ld ta&e the person to the bridge and hand him or her a 0oin) As soon as he or she to+0hed the 0oin, it L+st
sort o# &ne1 1hether that so+l 1as destined #or the ight or the 'hado1lands, based on ho1 good or evil the person had
been in li#e) 4e 1o+ld then +sher that person a0ross the bridge, 1here a portal 1o+ld open, ta&ing him or her to the
proper pla0e) @his 1as a system that had been in pla0e sin0e the da1n o# time and had al1ays 1or&ed per#e0tly,
maintaining the balan0e o# the +niverse)
Antil no1) $e0ently the 1hole thing had gone hay1ire, 1ith devastating 0onseI+en0es) 4e 1ere pretty s+re that the
0oins 1ere someho1 to blame, sin0e @ristan had been hiding a 1hole bag o# themKmore than any i#er had ever seen in
one pla0e at one timeKand had #led the se0ond the rest o# +s dis0overed his stash) 4e 1erenJt 0lear on 1hat eBa0tly 1as
1rong 1ith the 0oins, ho1 they had been tampered 1ith, or 1here @ristan had even gotten them) All 1e &ne1 1as that
last 1ee&, a #e1 so+ls 1ho 1ere +ndeniably good had 1o+nd +p in the 'hado1lands) 'o+ls li&e my #riend Aaron and
HoaI+inJs 0harge Henni#er) 'o+ls li&e my #ather) @hey 1ere good people, damned to hell, and soon a#ter they had le#t, 1e
0a+ght @ristan 1ith the 0oins)
'omething lodged in my throat at the mere tho+ght o# my dad in the 'hado1landsKalone, terri#ied, possibly
tort+redKand #or a se0ond, : 0o+ldnJt breathe)
E: thin& itJs this 1ay,G HoaI+in said, nodding to1ard the bridge) EetJs &eep moving)G
: let him lead the 1ay, allo1ing mysel# one glan0e ba0& over my sho+lder at the spot 1here the shado1 had been) @he
o+t0ropping 1as deserted) : breathed in and o+t deliberately, trying to 0alm the #ranti0 beating o# my heart) As 1e moved
0loser to the bridge, : 0o+ld L+st ma&e o+t t1o #ig+res 0lad in bla0& rain gear, their neb+lo+s #orms li&e dar& ghosts,
moving in and o+t o# my 1aterlogged vision) Ever sin0e 1eJd dis0overed the tainted 0oins, the i#ers had been ta&ing
t+rns g+arding the bridge, to ins+re no one 0o+ld 0ross over) : had no idea 1ho 1as s0hed+led to be there no1, and #rom
this distan0e thro+gh the rain, : 0o+ldnJt ma&e o+t their #a0es) 2or some reason, their dar& presen0e #elt omino+s instead
o# 0om#orting)
:tJs going to be o&ay, : told mysel#) 5o+Jre going to #iB this) 5o+ L+st have to #ind @ristan and /adia and ma&e them tell
yo+ ho1 to #iB it)
@ristan) @he image o# him and his smiling, d+pli0ito+s #a0e t1isted my stoma0h into &nots) : had believed in him) : had
tr+sted him more than anyone) : had loved him) And heJd betrayed me) : had been s+spe0ted o# +shering good so+ls to
the 'hado1lands, and then it 1as #inally revealed that @ristan 1as the villain) @ristan, 1ho had told me that the r+les o#
this pla0e 0o+ldnJt be bro&en) @hat : had to tr+st in the system) @hat everything 1o+ld be #ine)
(eJd said those things to me) (eJd &issed me) (eJd made me #eel sa#e) And then heJd +shered my #ather straight to
HoaI+in and : t+rned +p an even s0ra1nier, more 0ir0+ito+s path, leading to1ard the drop<o## into the o0ean, to1ard
the very #oot o# the bridge) As a 0old riv+let o# 1ater #o+nd its 1ay +nder my 0ollar and do1n my ba0&, : 0o+ldnJt help
1ondering, #or the millionth time, 4hyD 4hy had @ristan done this to Aaron, to Henni#er, to my dadMto all o# +sD 4hat
did he stand to gainD And, most sel#ishly, 1hy had he done this to meD 4hy s+0& me in and ma&e me 0areD 4hy ma&e me
believe in him and everything this pla0e 1as abo+t, only to t+rn aro+nd and betray me and destroy his homeD
HoaI+in loo&ed ba0& at me and held o+t a hand) : grasped his #ingers, hal# eBpe0ting them to slip a1ay #rom me, b+t
his grip 1as s+rprisingly solid) A #e1 1ee&s ago : never 1o+ld have believed that : 1o+ld one day 1illingly hold HoaI+inJs
hand) 4hen : #irst met him, : had hated him) (e 1as that g+y) @hat g+y 1ho &ne1 ho1 hot he 1as and +sed that #a0t to
toy 1ith the heart o# any girl 1ho sho1ed an interest in him) :n this 0ase, that girl had been my sister, "ar0y)
-+t the more : got to &no1 HoaI+in, the more : respe0ted him) (e tr+ly 0ared abo+t his 0harges, abo+t his #riends, and
abo+t this pla0e) And 1hen things had started to go side1ays, heJd basi0ally be0ome my personal bodyg+ard) And over
the past #e1 days, sin0e 1eJd #o+nd o+t @ristan 1as the big bad aro+nd here, 1e bonded even more) /o one 1anted to
#ind @ristan more than 1e did) HoaI+in had been his best #riend) :Jd been @ristanJs girl#riend) N4o+ld<be<eB<girl#riend the
se0ond : sa1 him again)O 4e needed to #ind him) 4e needed to as& him that one b+rning I+estionP 4hyD
:t 1as 1hat &ept +s goingKthe hope that 1e 1o+ld one day get the ans1ers 1e 1ere loo&ing #orP 1hy he had done
1hat heJd done, ho1 he 0o+ld betray everyone he 0laimed to 0are abo+t, and, most important, ho1 to #ree my dad and
Aaron and Henni#er and those other poor so+ls) 4hat : didnJt &no1 1as 1hat 1e 1ere going to do 1ith @ristan and
/adiaKanother i#er 1hoJd disappeared 1ith @ristanKon0e 1eJd #o+nd them) %y brain didnJt even 1ant to go there)
E: thin& itJs do1n there,G HoaI+in said, sI+inting do1n1ard, tiny droplets 0linging to the ends o# his thi0& eyelashes) E:
noti0ed the path1ay the other day) :tJs &ind o# li&e a series o# steps 0+t into the ro0&)G
: didnJt see anything, b+t : shr+gged) E5o+ lead the 1ay)G
@ogether 1e started slo1ly and 0are#+lly do1n the side o# the drop<o##) %y #oot slipped on the very #irst step, and
HoaI+inJs grip on me tightened) 4e both #ro!e)
E5o+ goodDG HoaI+in as&ed)
: nodded m+tely)
EC&ay) 'tay behind me and be 0are#+l)G
(e didnJt have to as& me t1i0e)
4e des0ended the steep stair1ay in silen0e, and : #o0+sed on the so+nd o# my o1n breathing, the plop o# raindrops
on my hood, the 0rashing o# the 1aves #ar belo1, and the 0a+tio+s positioning o# my #eet) -+t : 0o+ldnJt help thin&ing o#
the loo& on @ristanJs #a0e the day 1eJd #o+nd the bag o# tainted 0oins in his room) @he reali!ation in his gorgeo+s bl+e
eyes that heJd been 0a+ght)
: 1asnJt st+pid) : &ne1 1hat :Jd seen) @ristan 1as g+ilty) : L+st 1ished my heart 1o+ld 0at0h +p 1ith my brain and start
believing it)
A#ter 1hat seemed li&e a li#etime, HoaI+in L+mped the last 0o+ple o# #eet to a #oot<1ide stret0h o# bro&en shells and
sand that ran along the #oot o# the ro0&s) : leaped do1n a#ter him, li#ted my head, and sa1 itKthe 1ide<open mo+th o# a
E'0ore,G HoaI+in said)
Every in0h o# my s&in #l+shed 1ith heat, ma&ing me it0h beneath my vinyl La0&et) @ristan 1as in there) %aybe 1ith
/adia, maybe not) Either 1ay, 1e 1ere abo+t to get some ans1ers)
And : 1as going to see him again)
: narro1ed my eyes and 0len0hed my teeth) 't+pid heart)
@hro+gh the #og and the rain, : noti0ed a pile o# something 1hite and gray near the mo+th o# the 0ave) As 1e edged
0loser, : sa1 the blood) @he glassy eyes, the t1isted ne0&s, the torn and shredded #eathers) "ead seag+lls) "o!ens o#
them) -ro&en, de#ormed, and staring) 2lies b+!!ed aro+nd their misshapen heads, and as : 1at0hed, one o# them landed
h+ngrily on the dome o# a 1ide, glassy eye) 4ithin se0onds a s1arm o# them had eng+l#ed the seag+llJs s&+ll)
@hen the 1ind shi#ted and the sten0h hit me li&e a bri0& in the #a0e) : t+rned my nose a1ay and 0overed my mo+th
1ith a hand)
EH+st &eep 1al&ing,G HoaI+in said, I+i0&ening his steps)
4e passed by the 0ar0asses and into the 0overage o# the 0ave) @he sand near the opening 1as thi0& and sloppy, and
my snea&ers let o+t a s+0&ing so+nd every time : li#ted a #oot) : n+dged my hood #rom my head, relieved to be o+t o# the
rain even as my breath I+i0&ened) : 0o+ld already smell the p+ngent s0ent o# a re0ent #ire)
HoaI+in and : lo0&ed eyes) (e t+gged his #lashlight #rom his La0&et po0&et b+t didnJt t+rn it on, and he raised one #inger
to his mo+th) : nodded) %oving in syn0, 1e tiptoed #or1ard) HoaI+in pa+sed #or a moment at a 0orner and pee&ed aro+nd
it) (e visibly relaBed and #li0&ed on his light)
E@heyJre not here)G
"e#lated, : stepped o+t into an open area o# the 0ave, the 0eiling only #ive in0hes #rom the 0ro1n o# my head) :t 1as a
1ide spa0e, and as HoaI+in #lashed his light to and #ro, something 0a+ght my eye against the #ar 1all)
: grabbed his sho+lder and pointed) HoaI+in s1+ng the beam ba0& aro+nd, and it 0a+ght on somethingKa bl+e<and<
1hite blan&et) 4e ra0ed #or it) : got there #irst and dropped to my &nees) @he sand in this part o# the 0ave 1as 0old b+t
dry) : 1hipped the blan&et aside and stopped breathing) Anderneath it 1as a 0ro1bar, a #irst aid &it, and a hammer, 1ith
a #e1 balled<+p, bloody bandages tossed alongside) @here 1ere also t1o small piles o# #olded 0lothesKhis and
hersKseveral granola bars still in their 1rappers, and three #+ll bottles o# 1ater)
E'o they 1ere here,G : 1hispered, irritated at the #lash o# Lealo+sy : #elt at the sight o# @ristanJs 0lothes #olded neBt to
/adiaJs in s+0h a 0o!y<0o+ple 1ay) C+tside, th+nder r+mbled, b+t it 1as m+ted by the miles o# ro0& over o+r heads)
E4hat 1ere they doing 1ith a 0ro1barDG HoaI+in as&ed, 0ro+0hing) (e tentatively pi0&ed +p one o# the bandages by
the 0lean end) EAnd 1hose blood is thisDG
: shivered) E: donJt 1ant to &no1)G
HoaI+in dropped the s0rap ba0& into the sand and stood +p, d+sting o## his hands) (e 1as tense) : grabbed the light
and #lashed it along the #loor, #inding the remnants o# their #ire) :t 1as still smoldering) HoaI+in 0+rsed +nder his breath)
E4e L+st missed them,G he said) E@hey 1ere right here)G
E4ell, this is good, rightD @hey 0anJt have gotten #ar)G : shoved mysel# +p, the adrenaline p+mping) E4e 0an tra0&
E(o1DG HoaI+in demanded, 1hirling on me) E:tJs not li&e theyJre leaving #ootprints o+t thereF @he rainJll ma&e s+re o#
E5o+ donJt have to yell at me,G : shot ba0&) E4hat do yo+ 1ant to doD H+st stand hereD et them get a1ayDG
: t+rned to1ard the mo+th o# the 0ave, and HoaI+in #ollo1ed, his #lashlight beam dan0ing ahead o# +s)
E5o+Jre abo+t to go o+t on a 1ild<goose 0hase,G HoaI+in m+ttered) EAnd itJs going to start getting dar&)G
E@his 1hole thing is a 1ild<goose 0haseFG : 0ried, thro1ing my arms 1ide) E-+t this is the best lead 1eJve had in three
days) 4e 0anJt L+st go home)G
HoaI+in grabbed my arm, t+rning me ro+ghly to1ard him as : tried to li#t my hood)
E-+t ho1 are yo+ even going toKG
(is I+estion 1as 0+t o## by the distant 0langing o# a bell) :t so+nded li&e one o# those old 0h+r0h bells they +sed to ring
at the 0hapel near my ho+se in *rin0eton 1henever someone got married) EB0ept this 1asnJt a merry, 0elebratory song) :t
1as a #ranti0, +neven plea) HoaI+in 1ent 1hite)
E4hat is thatDG : as&ed)
E@he bell)G (e t+rned a1ay, #a0ing so+th to1ard to1n, 1hi0h 1asnJt visible #rom the #oot o# this 0li##)
E5es, : &no1 itJs a bell,G : said) E4hat does it meanDG
E:t means thereJs an emergen0y)G (e s0rambled ba0& to1ard the ro0&y stair1ay, past the pile o# seag+ll 0ar0asses, and
over the bro&en shells)
E4hat &ind o# emergen0yDG : as&ed, sliding and slipping a#ter him)
(e pa+sed 1ith one #oot on the third step, stret0hing his long legs as #ar as they 1o+ld go, and loo&ed ba0& over his
sho+lder) :Jd never seen him so terri#ied)
E: donJt &no1,G he said) E@hat bell hasnJt been r+ng sin0e Hessi0a got those inno0ent people damned to the
'hado1lands, $ory) :t hasnJt been r+ng in a h+ndred years)G
@he rain st+ng my #a0e as 1e sprinted to1ard to1n, my #eet slipping on #allen leaves, my l+ngs b+rning #rom the e##ort)
%y nostrils pri0&led 1ith the omino+s s0ent o# dan&, billo1ing smo&e) Cver the 0onstant thr+m o# the rain and 1hooshing
o# the 1ind, : 0a+ght an errant s0ream, e0hoed by a do!en more) HoaI+inJs eyes 1ere 1ild as they met mine, and 1e ran
even harder)
4hen 1e #inally arrived at the point overloo&ing the to1n sI+are and the do0&s belo1, : 1as so st+nned by 1hat :
sa1 : almost s&idded right over the ro0&y ledge) 'omeho1 : managed to stop mysel# in time and do+bled over neBt to
HoaI+in, heaving #or breath)
@he #erry that had al1ays bro+ght ne1 so+ls to H+niper anding 1as on #ire and sin&ingK#ast) @he entire ba0& o# the
vessel had gone +p in #lames) @he air 1as torn 1ith sho+ts and s0reams, and : 0o+ld see several prone #ig+res lined +p on
the bayJs meager shore) "o!ens o# others 0l+ng to Lagged shards o# 1ood in the 0hoppy, roiling s+r# or desperately s1am
#or land, 1hile i#ers dove in #rom the do0&s to help)
E(oly shit,G HoaI+in said bet1een gasps)
4e sprinted do1n the hill, s&idding by the library and along the 1est side o# to1n to1ard the do0&s) @he air here 1as
thi0& 1ith smo&e) 4e passed a #e1 da!ed i#ers in the shopping distri0t, ea0h o# them #ro!en, their eyes shot thro+gh 1ith
0on#+sion and #ear as they 1at0hed the disaster +n#old be#ore them) :t 1as an eerie sort o# stillness to pass thro+gh
be#ore rea0hing the 0haos o# the do0&s) @he long 1al&1ay 1as #lan&ed on either side by sli0&, steep o+t0roppings o# ro0&s)
-odies o# the inL+red 1ere laid o+t on the shore, 1hile the more mobile s+rvivors made their 1ay to the ro0&y slope or +p
the stairs to the do0&s) Every1here : loo&ed, my #riends and #ello1 i#ers 1ere helping ho1ever they 0o+ld)
"ar0yJs 0+rrent boy#riend, 2isher %orton, tossed a person onto his broad sho+lders and 0arried him to the sand
be#ore t+rning right ba0& aro+nd and s1imming o+t again) -ea %0(enry 1as to1ing three people to1ard shore as they
0l+ng to a large 0h+n& o# the boatJs pro1) 2arther do1n the do0&, Krista *arrish and a+ren Cald1ell helped pat0h +p
s0rapes and br+ises and b+rns, 1hile a #e1 strangers 1andered aimlessly, sho+ting names or pleading #or help) : yan&ed
o## my La0&et and ran #or the 1ater) HoaI+in 1as right behind me)
E'top right there)G
@he so+nd o# the mayorJs 0ommanding voi0e #ro!e me in my tra0&s) : t+rned to #ind her standing on the ro0&s near the
1aterJs edge beneath a h+ge bla0& +mbrella, her blond hair sli0&ed ba0& in a lo1 b+n, her bla0& rain0oat 0in0hed at the
1aist) (er i0e<bl+e eyes #li0&ed over me)
E@hey need helpFG : sho+ted)
Eet them handle it,G she said, nodding at the s1immers, 1ho in0l+ded my sister) E4e need more hands o+t here
0ataloging the inL+ries)G
Cataloging the inL+riesD 4ho the hell tal&ed li&e thatD -+t as : loo&ed aro+nd at the 1o+nded visitors h+ddled or lying
on the slim stret0h o# sand, : sa1 that she 1as right) @hese people 0o+ldnJt die, o# 0o+rse, b+t 1e had to #ind the ones in
0riti0al pain and separate them #rom those 1ith simple b+mps and br+ises)
EHoaI+inF $oryF : need some help over here)G
KristaK@ristanJs EsisterG in the 1orld o# H+niper anding, and as o# the last #e1 1ee&s, my #riendK1aved +s do1n)
'he stood neBt to a man 1hose arm h+ng limply, the bone L+tting at an +nnat+ral angle) 'he had on a 1hite rain0oat over
her Leans, b+t her blond hair 1as li#eless, and her s&in 1as as pale as i0e) HoaI+in ra0ed to her side L+st as Kevin Calandro
and C##i0er "orn sped +p on a #latbed tr+0& loaded 1ith boBes, stopping in the par&ing lot at the top o# the hill)
E4e have the s+ppliesFG Kevin sho+ted, s1inging do1n #rom the 0ab) (is normally shaggy bla0& hair 1as sli0&ed ba0&
#rom his #a0e, and he 1ore a bla0& tan& top that eBposed the 0olor#+l tattoo o# #lames that dan0ed over his arm) (is
pointy 0hin rose in determination as he yan&ed open the ba0& o# the tr+0&) +s a splintFG HoaI+in sho+ted at me) EAnd a slingFG
: ran to Kevin and helped him +nload, tearing boBes open at random) @he 0ontainers 1ere #+ll o# #irst aid s+pplies,
#rom ointments and 0reams to bandages, s0issors, and stit0hing &its) :n the third 0rate : #o+nd a do!en bl+e<and<1hite
slings and #lat plasti0 splints) : grabbed a set and stood)
E(ere) 5o+Jll need this)G Kevin tossed me a roll o# medi0al tape, 1hi0h : 0a+ght in my #ree hand)
E@han&s,G : said, then sprinted #or HoaI+in and Krista, 0he0&ing the 0haos #or "ar0y along the 1ay) 4here 1as sheD
4as she o&ayD
E: need help) : need help,G a mo0&ing voi0e passing very 0lose behind me mimi0&ed the vi0tims)
%y sho+lder m+s0les 0oiled and my blood t+rned 0old as $ay 4agner, one o# my 0harges, stomped by in his dirty
bro1n 0oat, his 1ispy hair sti0&ing +p on one side, even in the relentless rain) : ignored him and L+mped do1n to the
bea0h, b+t he leaned into the do0&Js railing above my head and la+ghed, eBposing his yello1 teeth and a tong+e that had
been bla0&ened by 0he1ing toba00o) 4ith the rain r+nning #reely do1n his #a0e, he spat in the sand and smiled, as i#
settling in to 1at0h a ball game)
E4hat sho+ld : doDG : as&ed HoaI+in, 1ho 1as holding a manJs arm as gently as possible) @he manJs #a0e 1as p+rple
1ith pain, and the 1rin&les on his #orehead deepened 1henever he moved) Krista had stepped ba0&, 1at0hing the
pro0eedings 1ith 1ide bl+e eyes) 'he loo&ed as i# she 1as hanging on by a thread)
E*+t the sling over his head, gently) And hand me the splint,G HoaI+in ordered)
E5o+Jll be o&ay,G : told the man, slipping the 1hite band over his head) E"onJt 1orry) 4eJve got yo+)G
E"onJt 1orry) "onJt 1orry) -lah, blah, blah,G $ay mo0&ed me, tilting his head #rom side to side)
: shot him a loo& o# death, b+t he simply la+ghed)
$ay 4agner had sla+ghtered #o+r people in a one<night &illing spree in $i0hmond, Virginia, be#ore getting shot dead in
a 0onvenien0e store par&ing lot 1hile trying to ta&e o+t his #i#th vi0tim) /ormally, : 1o+ld have done my best to +sher him
as soon as possible, b+t sin0e things 1ere all o+t o# 1ha0& and the no<+shering poli0y 1as in pla0e, he 1as still here) As
1ere a #e1 other +nsavory 0hara0ters my #riends had yet to +sher) a+ren had been 0harged 1ith a 1hite<0ollar 0riminal
named *iper %olloy, 1ho had s1indled do!ens o# #amilies o+t o# their li#e savings and rendered them homeless) -ea had
a 1oman 1ho had stepped o## the #erry t1o days ago loo&ing as i# sheJd 0ome right o+t o# the 'tone Age 1ith her s0raggly
hair, dirty #ingernails, and gnarly teeth) (er name 1as @ess Cro1e and sheJd m+rdered her o1n parents, brother, and
sister be#ore being relegated to an insane asyl+m) -ea 0+rrently had her lo0&ed +p in the atti0 o# the home she shared
1ith t1o older i#ers) '+pposedly @ess &ept her hosts +p at night s0ree0hing and trying to 0la1 her 1ay o+t)
@here had been some tal& o# lo0&ing +p the visitors meant #or the 'hado1lands in the Lail beneath the poli0e station,
b+t it 1as 0omprised o# only t1o tiny 0ells and 1asnJt eI+ipped to hold them all, so #or no1, 1e 1ere ea0h tas&ed 1ith
babysitting them as best 1e 0o+ldKma&ing s+re they didnJt 0a+se any tro+ble) $ay 1as the only one, ho1ever, 1hose
sadisti0 heart had been dra1n to todayJs devastation) +0&y me)
ECh godF @hat h+rtsFG the man 0ried o+t as HoaI+in taped his arm to the splint)
EAlmost done,G : said as HoaI+in +sed his teeth to rip the tape)
Cn0e heJd se0+red the arm 1ith #o+r tight 0ir0les o# tape, 1e gently mane+vered it into the sling) @hen : 0are#+lly
helped the man sit do1n on one o# the do0&Js pylons)
E@han& yo+,G he said, sl+mping slightly)
EH+st hang o+t here 1hile 1e #ig+re o+t 1here to ta&e yo+,G HoaI+in said)
E@han&s, yo+ g+ys,G Krista said, stepping bet1een +s 1ith her &nees 1obbling) E: had no idea 1hat to do)G
E:tJs o&ay,G HoaI+in said) E@he I+estion isP 1hat neBtDG
4e s0anned the 1ater and the bea0h) /earby a 1oman 1as sobbing neBt to her bleeding h+sband) A man staggered
past +s and 0ollapsed onto the sand, his 0hest heaving #or breath) HoaI+in had nailed it) 4here 1ere 1e s+pposed to
startD @hen : sa1 a #lash o+t o# the 0orner o# my eyeP my sisterJs dar& hair as she ran #or the 1ater) 'he 1as 1earing
nothing b+t shorts and a tan& top and 1as soa&ed to the bone) Clearly this 1as not her #irst time diving into the bay)
E"ar0yFG : sho+ted) -+t she didnJt hear me) 'he pl+nged beneath the 0hoppy 1aves, reemerged, and s1am straight
#or a little girl 1hose arms #lailed as she 1ent +nder, 0ho&ing) %y hands #le1 +p to 0over my mo+th as "ar0y pl+nged
a#ter her) : 1at0hed the 1hite0aps 1here theyJd disappeared, s0anning #or any sign o# them) -+t : 0o+ld only see the spot
1here my sister and the girl had gone +nder)
4here are theyD : tho+ght, 0len0hing my La1)
E@hereFG HoaI+in sho+ted, startling me) (e pointed a good ten #eet to the le#t o# 1here :Jd been loo&ing, and there
1as "ar0y, gamely s1imming #or shore 1ith one arm lo0&ed aro+nd the little girlJs 0hest) E'heJs o&ay)G (e gave my
sho+lder a I+i0& sI+ee!e) E@heyJre both #ine)G
E4hoJs thatDG Krista as&ed)
A sine1y, strong g+y abo+t o+r age 1as s1imming to1ard the shore, holding a middle<aged 1oman tight aro+nd her
0hest, her 0hin tilted +p to1ard the s&y so she 0o+ld breathe) (e pla0ed her on the shore, then ra0ed right ba0& o+t to the
#erry to grab a man 1ho still 0l+ng to the doomed shipJs g+ardrail) Q+i0&ly, he pried the pani0&ed manJs #ingers #rom the
railing and bro+ght him ba0& to sa#ety, then 1ent o+t again, 0+tting thro+gh the 1ater li&e it 1as nothing to him)
E4here did he 0ome #romDG : as&ed)
E: have no idea,G HoaI+in said)
"ar0y had L+st gotten ba0& to the shore and p+lled the little girl to sa#ety) : ran to her side, slipping over the ro0&s +ntil
: rea0hed the sand)
E"ar0yF Are yo+ g+ys o&ayDG : as&ed, dropping to my &nees neBt to her)
"ar0y #l+ng her 1et dar& hair over her sho+lder) 'he 1as 1inded b+t other1ise seemed #ine) @he girl, ho1ever, 1as
E'he may have bro&en her leg, and loo& at her s&in) 'heJs so pale) : thin& 1e sho+ld get her to the hospital) 4here the
hell are the E%@s, alreadyD Cr the Coast .+ardDG
: s1allo1ed hard) "ar0y had no 0l+e abo+t the realities o# 1here 1e 1ere) As #ar as she &ne1, 1e 1ere still alive,
enrolled in the 1itness prote0tion program than&s to 'teven /ell, and abo+t to get a 0all any day saying heJd been
apprehended and 1e 0o+ld ret+rn to *rin0eton, to o+r home and o+r #riends) 'he didnJt &no1 that a pla0e li&e H+niper
anding didnJt need any personnel dedi0ated to saving lives, be0a+se no one here had a li#e to save)
EAmMmaybe the 1eather is s0re1ing things +pDG
E4ell, 1e have to get her to a hospital,G "ar0y insisted)
HoaI+in, 1ho 1as no1 tending to a 1oman nearby, glan0ed over at me) E4e donJt eBa0tly have a hospital,G he said
E/o hospitalDG 4e loo&ed +p to #ind '+per '1immer -oy hovering over +s, heaving #or breath, his Let<bla0& hair
dripping 1ater do1n his sI+are 0hee&bones) E4hat do yo+ mean, thereJs no hospitalDG
(is s&in 1as a healthy tan, and he had one bl+e eye and one bro1n eye) @he 1hole pa0&age 1as so handsome and
startling : #o+nd mysel# staring) "ar0y rose to her #eet neBt to me, as spee0hless and trans#iBed as me)
E5es, theyJre di##erent 0olors) /o, : donJt &no1 ho1 or 1hy,G he stated, not am+sed, b+t not angry, either) @hen he
#o0+sed on HoaI+in) E4hat do yo+ do, thenD .o to one on the mainlandDG
E(o1 1o+ld 1e even get everyone there 1itho+t the #erryDG "ar0y said, gest+ring aro+nd 1ildly)
/o1 it 1as HoaI+inJs t+rn to be st+mped) EAmM1eMG
@he se0onds ti0&ed by slo1ly) 'trangers began to gather, having overheard o+r 0onversation, the inL+red 0radling their
arms or holding torn s0raps o# #abri0 against 1o+nds) Everyone seemed to 1ait on 1hatever it 1as HoaI+in 1o+ld say
E@a&e them to the 0lini0)G
An +npleasant shiver ra0ed do1n my spine) : loo&ed +p at the plan& 1al&1ay leading to the to1n and sa1 %ayor
*arrish loo&ing do1n at the rest o# +s)
E@he 0lini0DG : as&ed)
EC# 0o+rse,G she said, rolling her eyes) E@he 0lini0)G
@hen she gest+red oh<so<elegantly +p at the bl+##, 1here her gorgeo+s, spra1ling 0olonial mansion sat overloo&ing
the to1n)
ECome no1, everyone,G she said lo+dly) EetJs help those 1ho 0anJt help themselves) Cn0e 1eJre settled inside and
o+t o# this rain, 1e 0an assess the sit+ation)G
2or a long moment, no one moved) /ot that anyone 0o+ld have blamed +s) @his 1as not normal pro0ed+re #or a
disaster, #ollo1ing the snappish mayor +p the hill 1ith no E%@s or n+rses, no amb+lan0es, no nothing)
-+t this 1as H+niper anding, and :Jd long sin0e learned that nothing aro+nd here 1as normal pro0ed+re) :t 1o+ldnJt
be long be#ore everyone else here #ig+red it o+t as 1ell)
*eople s0ream and 0ry and beg aro+nd me, b+t #or the moment, : am still) : 1at0h the pro1 o# the #erry slo1ly sin&
beneath the s+r#a0e o# the 1ater, and then it is gone) Completely gone) @his, : 1as not eBpe0ting) 4itho+t the #erry, there
1ill be no ne1 so+ls) @he pi0&ings 1ill begin to gro1 slim, and : havenJt met my goal yet) : havenJt 0ompleted my
assignment) : still need #ive more)
-+t itJs o&ay) :Jll L+st have to #o0+s) : have to ma&e s+re that only the good are ta&en, not the bad) @a&ing the bad is
#ine, b+t, #or me, a 1aste o# time) : m+st #+l#ill my destiny be#ore they #ind me, be#ore they #ig+re me o+t)
: t+rn a1ay as a hand rea0hes o+t to me, and 1at0h $ory %iller help some poor, bloodied 1oman +p the steps to a
1aiting tr+0&) 'oon, it 1ill be +p to her) 'he L+st doesnJt &no1 it yet)
E'o, 1hatJs yo+r nameDG
'+per '1immer -oy stared straight ahead as he 1al&ed, the little girl "ar0y had saved 0linging to him 1ith her tiny
arms aro+nd his ne0&) "ar0y had gone ahead 1ith Krista to get into some dry 0lothes) @he little girlJs blond hair h+ng in
1et han&s do1n her ba0&, and she sni##led 0ontin+o+sly, her 0hee& resting on his sho+lder) @he elderly<b+t<spry 1oman :
1as helping held #ast to my 1aist, ea0h step 1e too& over the 1ind<#lattened grass slo1 b+t steady) 'he had a deep gash
on her #orehead near her hairline and 1as holding a 1ad o# ga+!e to it 1ith her #ree hand, b+t she seemed other1ise
+nharmed) C+t on the bay, the 1ater slo1ly s1allo1ed the bo1 o# the #erry) : 0o+ldnJt believe it 1as gone)
Eiam,G he said) (is tone 1as someho1 mo+rn#+l as he ga!ed steadily ahead) Eiam %+rtry)G
E:Jm $ory @hayer,G : o##ered)
(e glan0ed at me so brie#ly : 1asnJt s+re : hadnJt imagined it) E/i0e to meet yo+)G
EAnd :Jm %yra '0h1art!,G my patient o##ered, to+0hing her 0hest) "roplets o# rain dotted the lenses o# her red<#ramed
glasses) E4hatJs yo+r name, honeyDG she as&ed, tilting her head to better see the little girl, her smile &ind)
E:Jm not s+pposed to tal& to strangers,G the girl said in a mee& voi0e that bro&e my heart)
%yra nodded) E.ood girl)G @hen she 1in&ed at me as i# to say, 4eJre in this together) : smiled grate#+lly in ret+rn)
E-ehind yo+, $oryFG someone sho+ted)
iam rea0hed o+t and t+gged me and %yra to1ard him as Kevin and 2isher passed, toting an old<s0hool stret0her o#
0anvas and 1ood bet1een them) Cn it, a heavyset man in a s+it groaned, his arm #l+ng over his head to 1ard o## the rain)
@hey ra0ed by as iam and : 1at0hed, his strong #ingers still gripping my bi0eps) : loo&ed do1n at his hand and 1aited)
E'orry,G he said, re0overing himsel#) (e released me and grima0ed) E:tJs L+stMthis is some s0ene)G
: too& a breath, really loo&ing aro+nd me #or the #irst time sin0e 1eJd started #or the mayorJs ho+se) C##i0er "orn had
set +p a ma&eshi#t 0ommand post near the bottom o# the hill, handing o+t the stret0hers he and Kevin had retrieved #rom
the poli0e stationJs basement along 1ith the other s+pplies) @here 1ere only a #e1, so he 1as b+sy assessing inL+ries to
de0ide 1ho needed one and 1ho didnJt, his b+!!<0+t blond hair 0overed by the hood o# a h+ge army<green pon0ho) *ete
'1eeney and Cori %orrison passed by, s+pporting a limping man bet1een them) *ete 1as stooping to try to even o+t the
mar&ed height di##eren0e bet1een him and Cori) -ea and Ars+la, the older i#er 1hom HoaI+in shared a home 1ith as
pse+do grandmother and grandson, 0arried a 1oman on a stret0her 1hose s&in loo&ed 1aBy and green) @here 1ere ne1
arrivals every1here, 1in0ing, groaning, 0ryingKdoing the best they 0o+ld to ma&e it +p the steep hill as i#ers darted
aro+nd trying to help) @he girl in iamJs arms shi#ted her head to loo& at me)
E4hereJs my momDG
iamJs eyes met mine) E4eJll #ind her,G he ass+red her, r+nning his hand do1n the ba0& o# her head) E"onJt 1orry)
4eJll #ind her)G
%y throat 0onstri0ted as 1e &ept moving, %yraJs #ingers gripping my La0&et) : &ne1 in my heart that 1e probably
1o+ldnJt #ind her mother) Anless the girl had died along 1ith her mom in an a00ident o# some &ind, she 1as here alone)
%ost 0hildren stayed on H+niper anding #or approBimately #ive se0onds be#ore they 1ere +shered to the ight, too yo+ng
to have +nresolved iss+es or to have done anything in li#e that 1o+ld mar& them #or the 'hado1lands) -+t sin0e 1eJd
stopped +shering people, the #e1 &ids 1ho had sho1n +p here these last, agoni!ing days 1ere still here) Cne adorable
boy named Cliver had 1ept nonstop #or his parents +pon arrival, +ntil the mayor had ta&en him aside and 1or&ed her
magi0 on his mind, basi0ally ma&ing him #orget heJd ever had parents) (eJd L+mped +p and r+n o## to the other
brain1ashed &ids to start a game o# tag) :t 1as the #irst time : +nderstood the real bene#it o# her po1ers)
E5o+ 1ere pretty impressive o+t there,G : told iam, trying to 0hange the s+bLe0t)
(e li#ted his sho+lders as best he 0o+ld) E:Jm a li#eg+ard) :tJs 1hat : do)G
4e 1ere ma&ing o+r 1ay +p the path to the mayorJs #ront door, the pavement lined 1ith dead bro1n marigolds and
piles o# 1et, 1ithered leavesKthings 1e 1o+ldnJt have seen in H+niper anding 1hen 1e #irst arrived here, 1hen even
the plants 0o+ld never die) A sort o# tra##i0 Lam had o00+rred near the #ront o# the ho+se, and people stood on their toes,
angling #or a loo& at the #ront o# the line) iamJs 0harge started to 1himper)
E@his loo&s li&e itJs going to ta&e a 1hile,G %yra stated, her bro1n eyes #+ll o# 0on0ern as she loo&ed at the girl)
ECome 1ith me,G : 1hispered)
iam raised his raven eyebro1s, intrig+ed, and o+r small party stepped a1ay #rom the line) : led iam and %yra
to1ard the ba0& o# the ho+se, 1here there 1as a patio 1ith a door to the &it0hen and great room) 4e slid open the glass
door and #inally stepped o+t o# the rain)
@he s0ene that greeted +s inside the ho+se 1as asto+nding) Every last stit0h o# 0o!y, bea0h<ho+se #+rnit+re in the
spra1ling great room had been 0leared a1ay, and in its pla0e 1ere ro1s o# 0ots, ea0h 0overed 1ith a plain 1hite sheet)
Krista and a+ren moved abo+t, e##i0iently smoothing bedding and setting +p ga+!e and bandages and bottles o#
antisepti0 on tables) Cn the #ar side o# the room, the inL+red streamed in thro+gh the #ront door, 1here they 1ere
0he0&ed in and assessed by *oli0e Chie# .rant! and the mayor hersel#) *ete and Cori helped their patient onto a bed
E4here sho+ld : ta&e herDG iam as&ed me)
E'ee the blond 1oman by the doorDG : said, gently r+bbing the girlJs ba0&) E'heJll 1ant to ta&e a loo& at her)G
E.ot it,G he said, and 0arried the little girl to1ard the mayor)
ECome on, %yra) etJs get yo+ a bed,G : said)
E: donJt 1ant to 0+t the line,G she said a bit +n0ertainly as she glan0ed aro+nd)
: smiled) E: 1onJt tell i# yo+ 1onJt)G
4e too& a step, and %yra listed to the side) *ani0 gripped me as her eyes rolled +p, and : desperately tightened my
grip on her, b+t it 1as impossible to hold her s+ddenly li#eless #orm) *ete noti0ed and r+shed over to help, d+0&ing +nder
%yraJs opposite arm)
E4hat do 1e doDG : said)
E(ere) .et her to the bed)G *ete nodded at the nearest 0ot) @ogether 1e staggered to1ard it and t+rned aro+nd,
sitting do1n 1ith %yra bet1een +s)
%yra groaned and her head lolled #or1ard) @hen her arm #l+ttered o## my ba0& and she to+0hed her hand to her head)
E4hat happenedDG she as&ed)
E5o+ #ainted) : thin&)G
E5o+ sho+ld lie do1n, b+t &eep yo+r head propped +p,G *ete said) : shot him a I+estioning glan0e) (is green eyes
1ere bloodshot and his nose 1as red) '1eat po+red do1n his #a0e) E%y dad 1as a do0tor,G he eBplained to me +nder his
breath) E:# yo+Jre #aint or di!!y, yo+Jre s+pposed to rest b+t &eep yo+r head over yo+r heart)G
E.ood thing 1e ran into this ni0e yo+ng man,G %yra Lo&ed)
: smiled at *ete, 1ho sort o# grima0ed in ret+rn) E5es) A very good thing,G : said) *ete and : 1ere not the best o#
#riends, 0onsidering that not so long ago he and his pal /adia had a00+sed me o# +shering inno0ents to the 'hado1lands)
@his 1as the #irst time :Jd spo&en to him sin0e @ristan and /adia had #led, thereby eBonerating me and ma&ing themselves
loo& g+ilty as sin) %aybe that 1as 1hy he 0+rrently seemed +nable to loo& me in the eyes)
Cn0e %yra 1as propped +p on a #e1 pillo1s, she gave me a nod and patted my arm) E@han&s, $ory) 5o+ go see i#
someone else needs yo+r help)G
E:Jll be ba0&,G : promised her) E@han&s, *ete,G : added)
-+t he had already moved on to the neBt bed to help Cori 1ith another patient)
: t+rned aro+nd to do the same and 1as immediately over1helmed by the #ren!y o# a0tivity) "ar0y and 2isher 1ere
leading people to 0ots 1hile some o# the older i#ers tended to 1o+nds and 0omplaints) @he stream o# Es+rvivorsG 0oming
thro+gh the door 1as never ending, and : 1ondered 1hether 1eJd even have eno+gh room #or all o# them) @hat 1as
1hen : spotted a pair o# people so odd they momentarily too& my breath a1ay) (+ddled together a #e1 beds #rom 1here
: 1as standing 1ere a g+y and a girl, abo+t t1enty years old, 1ith 1hite<blond hair in the eBa0t same bo1l<0+t style, their
bangs 1et and s0raggly over their #oreheads) @heir #eat+res 1ere so similarKbroad #oreheads, straight noses, ang+lar
0hinsKthat : might not have g+essed their genders eB0ept #or the #a0t that the girl 1as 1earing a plain bla0& dress 1hile
the boy 1ore dar& pants and a 1hite shirt) @hey both had light bl+e eyes and their s&in 1as an olive h+e) @heir temples
1ere pressed together as they 1hispered to ea0h other, b+t their ga!es darted aro+nd the room, ta&ing everything in) :t
1as eerieKtheir a1&1ard pose, the 1ay they 1ere 0omm+ni0ating so intensely 1itho+t loo&ing at ea0h other) An eerie,
blood0+rdling sort o# #ear moved slo1ly thro+gh me, the 1ay the #og had eng+l#ed the bea0h my #irst night here)
'omething 1asnJt right abo+t them) : 0o+ld #eel it)
: I+i0&ly 1ove my 1ay over to Krista, 1ho 1as 1aving me do1n) 'he had p+lled her blond hair into a lo1 ponytail and
1as loo&ing a lot less #rea&ed than she had do1n by the do0&s) 'omeho1 sheJd managed to 0hange into a dry 1hite
0otton dress and #lip<#lops and 1as setting +p an oBygen tan&, #lipping s1it0hes and t+rning &nobs li&e sheJd been doing it
every day o# her li#e) : glan0ed over my sho+lder at the 0reepy t1ins) @hey 1ere 1at0hing me) : #or0ed mysel# to t+rn my
ba0& to them) *retend they 1erenJt there)
E(o1 do yo+ &no1 ho1 to +se that thingDG : as&ed Krista)
'he t+rned to me and shr+gged) E: donJt) "oes it loo& li&e : doD Cool)G
: snorted a nervo+s la+gh)
E(ere) etJs +npa0& this boB o# s+pplies,G Krista s+ggested, li#ting a 0ardboard boB onto the nearest bed) E@hat : &no1
ho1 to do)G
ECn it)G
4e tore into the boB and p+lled o+t a #e1 #irst aid &its, some in#latable pillo1s, and a b+n0h o# i0e pa0&s that needed
to be 0hilled) 4hile : 1or&ed, : #elt the t1insJ ga!es on me, b+t 1hen : loo&ed over again, theyJd gone ba0& to their #rea&y
darting<eyed 0omm+ni0ation)
E'o 1hoJs the hottieD : sa1 yo+ 0ome in 1ith him)G Krista nodded to1ard iam and the mayor, 1ho 1ere tal&ing over
the girlJs head near the door) @he mayor gest+red to1ard her o##i0e and gently too& the girl #rom iamJs arms) iam
1at0hed them go +ntil the door 0losed behind them, and : breathed a sigh o# relie#) :n #ive min+tes the girl 1o+ld be done
longing #or her mom) @hat 1as something, at least) At the moment, : 1as sort o# longing #or mine, L+st li&e : did 1henever
something a1#+l or 0on#+sing happened) -+t my mother had died over #o+r years ago, 1ell be#ore the rest o# +s had ever
heard o# H+niper anding) At least : &ne1 she 1as sa#e some1here in the ight) 'he 1o+ld never be a part o# this insanity)
ECnly yo+ 1o+ld as& that at a time li&e this,G : said, hal# Lo&ing)
(er bl+e eyes 1idened) Ei&e yo+ didnJt noti0eD *lease)G
E(is nameJs iam %+rtry,G : told her)
E(e saved, li&e, a do!en people,G Krista said, loo&ing him over appre0iatively #rom a0ross the room) E:tJs li&e
'+permanJs arrived in H+niper anding)G
E5eah, he seems pretty per#e0t) 4hi0h probably means heJs a psy0ho aB m+rderer)G : meant it to 0ome o+t as a light
I+ip, b+t my tone entirely missed the mar&) 4ho 0o+ld blame me, tho+ghD : 1as t+rning o+t to be a serio+sly bad L+dge
o# 0hara0ter)
Krista #iBed a sort o# probing loo& on me)
E4hatD 2irst my #avorite math tea0her &ills me,G : said +nder my breath) EAnd then : #all in love 1ith the g+y 1hoJs
ta&en it +pon himsel# to shi#t the entire balan0e o# the +niverseDG : shoo& my head and too& the last roll o# ga+!e o+t o#
the boB, then ripped the bottom o# the boB open to #latten it) E2rom no1 on, :Jm not tr+sting my instin0ts abo+t anyone)G
: 0ast a 0a+tio+s glan0e over at the t1ins again) @heir temples 1ere still lo0&ed, their lips still moving) @hey gave me
the heebie<Leebies, 1hi0h meant they 1ere probably the loveliest people :Jd ever meet in my li#e) 4ell, my a#terli#e)
E: still donJt &no1 ho1 everyone is so 0onvin0ed that @ristan betrayed +s,G Krista 1hispered) E: mean, itJs @ristan) (e
0anJt be the bad g+y)G
E@hen 1here is he, KristaDG : snapped) E4hy doesnJt he 0ome ba0& and plead his 0aseDG
(o1 0o+ld he have done this to +sD 4hat 0o+ld have made him t+rn on inno0ent peopleD Cn my dadD Cn meD
Krista 1as L+st opening her mo+th to respond 1hen her mother and C##i0er "orn stepped +p behind her) @he mayorJs
thin lips 1ere set in a grim line)
E.irls,G the mayor said) E4e need to tal&)G
: didnJt tr+st the mayor) 4hi0h 1as only #air, be0a+se : 1as pretty s+re she didnJt tr+st me) As Krista and : #ollo1ed her
ba0& into her o0tagon<shaped o##i0e, HoaI+in and "orn #ell into step behind +s) .ood) : #elt sa#er 1ith HoaI+in at my ba0&)
: glan0ed over my sho+lder at "ar0y to ma&e s+re she 1as o&ay and sa1 her 1rapping an elderly manJs an&le 1ith a
bandage, 0hatting 1ith him and smiling) Cn0e 1e 1ere all inside the o##i0e, "orn p+lled the door sh+t behind +s, and the
0haoti0 din o# the 0lini0 so#tened to a d+ll, 0ontin+o+s h+m)
"orn stood in #ront o# the door, his eyes sharp on me, his hands 0lasped be#ore him li&e a 'e0ret 'ervi0e agent) Krista
and : stood a1&1ardly in the 0enter o# the room, 1hile HoaI+in 1al&ed over to a leather 0hair and sat do1n in it 0as+ally,
li&e he o1ned the pla0e, his an&le resting on his &nee) C+tside the 1indo1s, the storm raged over the o0ean, dar&er and
dar&er 0lo+ds gathering) A bro&en tree bran0h, its Lagged golden insides eBposed to the rain, s0rat0hed an even tempo on
the 1indo1pane behind the mayorJs right sho+lder)
E4hat 0an 1e do #or yo+, %adame %ayorDG HoaI+in as&ed, #olding his arms behind his head)
'he shot him a loo& #+ll o# venom, to 1hi0h he merely 0o0&ed an eyebro1, then she sighed) E@his has gone entirely
too #ar)G
E/othing li&e a good disaster to mobili!e the lo0al politi0ians,G HoaI+in I+ipped)
E@his is not a Lo&e, %r) %arI+e!FG she spat) E:tJs high time 1e #ind @ristan and /adia and #ind o+t 1hat the hell is
going on aro+nd here)G
ECh, so no1 yo+ believe +sDG : as&ed) @he mayor had re#+sed to hear a 1ord against @ristan) 'he didnJt 1ant him to
be g+ilty, so she hadnJt listened) : didnJt 1ant him to be g+ilty, either, b+t : &ne1 1hat :Jd seen) :Jd seen the g+ilt in his
eyes 1hen 1e #o+nd his stash o# tainted 0oins, and :Jd 1at0hed him #lee)
@he mayorJs eyes narro1ed at me) E:Jm not saying : thin& @ristan is g+ilty, b+t he has been here longer than any o# the
rest o# +s) (e &no1s things abo+t this island that none o# +s 0o+ld possibly &no1) :# anyone has the ans1ers, itJs him) :s
there still no sign o# him or /adiaDG
HoaI+in and : shared a hesitant glan0e) (e sat #or1ard, r+bbing his hands against his thighs)
E4e did #ind something,G he said slo1ly) E:n a 0ave near the bridge) @hey 1ere staying there) Very re0ently)G
E4hatDG Krista as&ed, paling) (er hand #l+ttered +p to toy 1ith the leather bra0elet aro+nd her 1ristKthe same one
every i#er 1ore) '+ddenly my s&in started to it0h beneath mine)
EAnd yo+ didnJt go a#ter themDG "orn demanded)
E@here 1as this 1hole thing 1here the #erry 1as sin&ingDG HoaI+in replied sar0asti0ally, rising to his #eet) (e 1as L+st
as tall as "orn and almost as broad) E:t &ind o# seemed more important at the moment)G
E4ell, p+t together another sear0h party) "o+ble yo+r n+mbers,G the mayor ordered) EAs soon as 1e get this mess
sorted o+t, yo+Jre to go o+t there and #ind him) @his island is only so big) :tJs not li&e they 0an stay hidden #orever)G
E'pea&ing o# this messMG Krista said I+ietly)
4e 1aited #or her to #inish) C+tside, something 0rashed, and there 1as a s0ramble and a sho+t) @he mayor 0losed her
eyes and : sa1 her lips move as she 0o+nted, slo1ly, to ten) -ehind her head, lightning split the dar& s&y and a boom o#
th+nder shoo& the ho+se) : gripped the ba0& o# the nearest 0hair as the resid+al r+mbles lingered)
E4hat abo+t it, KristaDG the mayor said #inally, impatiently)
E4ell, 1hat does this meanDG Krista as&ed, t+rning her palms +p) E:# thereJs no #erryM1ill people stop 0oming hereDG
HoaI+in and the mayor and "orn loo&ed to one another, as i# 1aiting #or someone else to have the ans1er) -+t 1e all
&ne1 that no ans1er 1as 0oming) /othing li&e this had ever happened be#ore) @he mayor and HoaI+in had been here
longer than "orn, b+t even 1ith their 0ent+ryJs eBperien0e on H+niper anding, there 1as no pre0edent #or the mess 1e
1ere 0+rrently in) 2inally, the mayor 1al&ed aro+nd her des& and sat, resting her head against her #ingertips, her elbo1s
per0hed atop a per#e0tly 0lean leather des& blotter) 'he too& a breath and then raised her 0hin)
E: donJt &no1, b+t i# so, : believe itJs a blessing,G she said)
EA blessingDG HoaI+in as&ed, his #a0e s0re1ed +p in 0onsternation) EA blessing that 1e 0anJt serve o+r p+rposeDG
E4e 0o+ldnJt any1ay,G "orn p+t in) E4e havenJt +shered anyone in days, and the to1n is at #+ll 0apa0ity) 4eJre
r+nning o+t o# beds and eBplanations #or the 1eather, the #og, the 0ro1ded 0onditions)M*l+s there are dangero+s
0riminals 1al&ing aro+nd among the inno0ents, so yeah, :Jd agree that the loss o# the #erry #or right no1 is a blessing)G
E-+t it doesnJt mean 1e 0an gro1 0ompla0ent,G the mayor said #irmly) E4ith the storms and the over0ro1ding, itJs
getting harder and harder to &eep tra0& o# everyone) "o yo+ even &no1 ho1 many 0harges yo+ 0+rrently have on the
islandDG she as&ed, loo&ing dire0tly at me)
: pressed my lips together, thin&ing o# the 0oins that had been appearing on my nightstand on a daily basis, 1hi0h no1
sat in a heap at the bottom o# the dra1er) At #irst : had been able to &eep a mental tally o# the so+ls 1ho had been
assigned to my 0are, b+t a#ter a #e1 days o# 0haos, their #a0es had gro1n m+r&y in my mind)
E/o,G : admitted, loo&ing at my #eet)
E"o either o# yo+DG
E/o,G HoaI+in and Krista 0hor+sed)
@he mayor heaved a sigh) E4e have to #ind @ristan) : 1ant every available i#er on it) 4e need to #iB this sit+ation, and
1e need to #iB it no1)G
@here 1as a s+dden rap on the door) "orn moved to ans1er it, b+t it 1hipped open be#ore he 0o+ld get there, and
"ar0y stepped inside) (er post+re sl+mped in relie# 1hen she sa1 me)
E@here yo+ areF :tJs so insane o+t there, and yo+ disappeared on me)G
'he 1al&ed right into the room, as i# she hadnJt interr+pted anything, and h+gged me) : glan0ed nervo+sly at the
mayor, 1aiting #or the reprimand, b+t none 0ame) /ot even 1hen iam brea0hed the door1ay right a#ter "ar0y)
EAmMyo+ might 1ant to 0ome o+t here,G he said to the mayor, gest+ring over his sho+lder) E*eople are starting to
get restless)G
'he nodded and stood, smoothing her platin+m<blond hair over her ears and straightening her #itted s+it La0&et)
*asting a h+ge smile on her #a0e, she 1al&ed aro+nd the des& to1ard me and my sister) E@here is good ne1s, ho1ever)G
E@here isDG : as&ed, +nable to stop mysel# #rom stepping prote0tively in #ront o# "ar0y)
E5es) @here is)G @he mayor loo&ed do1n her nose at me imperio+sly, her 1ords 0lipped) E"ar0y, iam, 0ongrat+lationsF
As o# today, yo+ are both i#ers) 4el0ome to the #amily)G
E4hatDG Krista bl+rted)
: loo&ed at "ar0y, my eyes 1ide) 'he, o# 0o+rse, had no idea 1hat 1as going on) @hat she 1o+ld be staying here in
H+niper anding #oreverKthat 1eJd never be apart) : #elt a s+dden r+sh o# sel#ish eB0itement even as a sort o# s+rprising
heaviness settled inside my 0hest) @his also meant sheJd never have the 0han0e to move onKto tr+ly be at pea0e) 'heJd
never go to the ight and see my mom)
(o1 1as : ever going to eBplain her ne1 realityD
E:Jm sorry the ne1s m+st be delivered in this hasty manner) @hereJs +s+ally more s+btlety involved,G the mayor said)
E-+t +nder the 0ir0+mstan0es, this seems the only 1ay)G
: tho+ght ba0& to the 1ay :Jd #o+nd o+tK@ristan telling me on the bea0h that : 1as dead, then having 2isher &no0& me
o+t 0old 1hen : 1anted to tell my #amily, and 1a&ing +p in a basement 1hile the 1hole gro+p o# my ne1 #riends
eBplained 1hat : 1as) /ot entirely s+btle, b+t : didnJt #eel li&e arg+ing the point)
@he mayor shoo& "ar0yJs limp hand, then iamJs strong one, and stepped to the door) E5o+ &ids 1ill #ill them in, 1onJt
yo+DG she said to me, Krista, and HoaI+in)
C##i0er "orn loo&ed as st+nned as the rest o# +s as he t+rned slo1ly and #ollo1ed her #rom the room) @he door 0losed
1ith a bang behind them)
EAh, 1hat 1as she tal&ing abo+tDG iam as&ed, his mismat0hed eyes 1ide)
E4hat the hell is a i#erDG "ar0y as&ed)
EAmM:MG (o1 1as : s+pposed to ans1er that I+estion, eBa0tlyD
E(elloD $oryDG 'he 1aved one hand in #ront o# my #a0e) ECare to eBplainDG
: loo&ed into her green eyes, so li&e my o1n and my motherJs, and too& a breath) E"ar0y,G : said, E:Jve got good ne1s,
and :Jve got bad ne1s)G
@here 1as really no other 1ay to begin)
EAre 1e gonna get to see %omDG "ar0y as&ed me tear#+lly)
A l+mp Lammed my throat, and : shoo& my head) "ar0y and : 1ere sitting on the 1indo1 seat in her bedroom, o+r
hands 0lasped bet1een +s, 1hile Krista and iam per0hed on the bed, 2isher hovering near the bottom post) (e had
insisted on being here #or "ar0y, so HoaI+in had stayed behind at the 0lini0 to ta&e his pla0e 1ith the re0overy e##ort) 4e
had 1al&ed ba0& to o+r ho+se to deliver the ne1s a1ay #rom the madness, and "ar0y had r+n right +pstairs 0rying a#ter
hearing the basi0s) -oth she and iam had #inally 0almed do1nKhis rea0tion had been to try to p+n0h 2isher in the #a0e,
1hi0h hadnJt gone 1ell) /o1 "ar0y had L+st as&ed the I+estion :Jd been dreading more than any eB0ept #or one)
E%om moved on) A long time ago)G : too& a breath, the pain o# this hitting me all over again, and sat ama!ed at ho1 it
seemed to h+rt 1orse ea0h time instead o# getting better) E'o, yo+ believe meDG
'he sni##led and loo&ed do1n) E(e &illed +s, didnJt heDG she as&ed slo1ly) E@hatJs ho1 1e diedKho1 1e got here)
'teven /ell &illed +s)G
: nodded, tears spilling do1n my 0hee&s)
ECh my god, $ory)G
"ar0y #l+ng her arms aro+nd me and 0ollapsed) 'he sobbed, her 1hole s&inny body 0onv+lsing as her tears 1et my
sho+lder) : 0ried as 1ell, #eeling the devastation o# 1hat had happened to +s li&e a #resh stab 1o+nd to the 0hest) : donJt
&no1 ho1 long 1e sat li&e that, 1ith iam, Krista, and 2isher silently, respe0t#+lly averting their eyes, b+t : do &no1 that
by the time 1e 1ere done, : 1as eBha+sted) 'he released me, and : leaned side1ays against the 1indo1, spent)
E'oM1ait,G iam said, spea&ing #or the #irst time in a #e1 min+tes) E5o+ g+ys 1ere m+rderedDG
: nodded) E:tJs a long story)G
E@hatJs intense)G iamJs bro1 &nit) E(o1 did : dieDG
E5o+ dro1ned, man) Anderto1 got yo+)G 2isher gave iamJs sho+lder an a1&1ard pat)
E*lease) @hereJs no 1ay,G iam said) E:Jd never dro1n)G
E:tJs the tr+th,G 2isher said) E:# yo+ hadnJt be0ome a i#er, : 1o+ld have been yo+r +sher, so : sa1 the 1hole thing
1hen : slapped yo+ on the ba0& be#ore)G
E5o+ sa1 my deathDG iam as&ed, blan0hing)
EH+st one o# the many spe0ial po1ers 1e i#ers have,G Krista said so+rly)
E'o ho1 did yo+ dieDG iam as&ed her)
Krista shi#ted atop the #loral bedspread, t+gging the hem o# her 1hite dress do1n #+rther over her thighs) E: did
something st+pid,G she said, p+rsing her lips)
iam loo&ed aro+nd at the rest o# +s) Ei&e dro1ningDG he said lightly, 0learly trying to p+t her at ease)
E/o)G 'he glared at him) E: 1anted to get my eB<boy#riendJs attention, so : too& a b+n0h o# pills, b+t : didnJt 1ant to
die)G (er eyes trailed o## to the side as i# she 0o+ldnJt bare to loo& anyone in the eye right then) E: L+stMtoo& too many)G
E4hoa,G "ar0y said)
E4hat abo+t yo+DG iam as&ed 2isher) "ar0y and : both t+rned to loo& at him, 0+rio+s)
E:t 1as an a00ident on the #ootball #ield,G he said) E: laid a hit on this g+y, and bamFG (e slapped one #ist into a #lat
hand) E/e0& snapped) "one)G
iam 1histled, and : loo&ed "ar0y in the eye) (eJd L+st relayed that ne1s li&e he 1as going over random stats o# a
game) "ar0y ble1 o+t a breath)
E'o 1hat happened to himD @o /ellDG "ar0y as&ed me)
E5o+ donJt rememberDG
E: remember no1 that he 1as hereMb+t ho1 did he get hereDG
: 0leared my throat) E4ellM: &ind o# &illed him)G
E4hatDG she bl+rted)
E5o+ &illed a g+yDG iam as&ed, sliding to the edge o# the bed so that his long legs dangled do1n) E(o1DG
(is eyes 1ere brightK&ind o# dist+rbingly bright 0onsidering the s+bLe0t matter) -+t he had to be a good person to be
a i#er, rightD
: t+rned my sho+lder to him and 0on0entrated on "ar0y 1hile : told the story)
E: 1asM1ell, basi0ally : 1as dying)G : pa+sed and too& a breath, hating the a0t o# remembering this) E-+t : got his &ni#e
a1ay #rom him and :MG
: trailed o##, +nable to #ind a 1ay to 0omplete the senten0e that didnJt so+nd li&e something #rom a bad horror #li0&) :
Lammed it into his stoma0hD /o) : g+tted himD /o) :nstead, : stared o+t "ar0yJs 1indo1 at the ho+se a0ross the street)
@he gray ho+se :Jd been obsessed 1ith 1hen 1e #irst moved here, 0ertain that someone 1as 1at0hing +s #rom its
1indo1s) And, o# 0o+rse, : had been right) @ristan had been 1at0hing me) Keeping tabs on the ne1 potential i#er) A
horrible, so+r b+rning spread thro+gh my stoma0h as : remembered the day heJd ta&en me thereKsho1ed me the spot
#rom 1here heJd 1at0hed) @he day :Jd #irst tried to &iss him and heJd reLe0ted me)
@he ho+se 1as still no1) "ar&) i&e everything else on this damn island)
E4o1) $ory, 0an 1e L+st tal& #or a se0ond abo+t ho1 badass that isDG "ar0y eB0laimed, her #a0e still shimmering 1ith
: #lin0hed, my s&in tightening) @hereJd been a time, not so long ago, 1hen it had #elt badass) 4hen :Jd #elt pro+d o#
mysel# #or ridding the Earth o# the man 1ho &illed #o+rteen girls and too& my #amily as his s1an song) -+t no1, it no
longer #elt that 1ay)
E: donJt &no1,G : said)
EAre yo+ &idding meD H+st thin& abo+t the giant #avor yo+ did #or the 1orld,G "ar0y said) E$ight no1 thereJs some
random girl r+nning aro+nd playing so00er or hoo&ing +p 1ith her boy#riend or shopping 1ith her mom, and sheJs only
doing it be0a+se yo+ o##ed the asshole 1ho 1as 0oming a#ter her)G
E'heJs right, yo+ &no1,G Krista said) E5o+Jre a hero, $ory)G
: tried to smile, b+t : reali!ed, as "ar0y eyed me pro+dly, 1hy : #elt so 0on#li0ted) -e0a+se 1hen : too& 'teven /ellJs
li#e, : hadnJt been thin&ing abo+t the random girls : 1as saving or even the girls he already m+rdered) :Jd been thin&ing
abo+t me) :Jd been thin&ing abo+t my #amily and 1hat heJd done to +s) And :Jd been pissed) :Jd slain the man o+t o#
revenge, plain and simple) And there 1as nothing p+re or heroi0 abo+t that) "id : even deserve to be a i#erD
E4hat abo+t "adDG "ar0y as&ed, 1iping her eyes and s+0&ing in a lo+d breath) E4hereJs heDG
And there 1as the I+estion :Jd been dreading the most) 'he remembered him, no1 that she 1as a i#er) A #e1 days
ago, 1hen heJd moved on, :Jd mentioned his name and sheJd loo&ed at me li&e : 1as 0ra!y) /o1 her eyes 1ere #illed 1ith
g+arded hope) : didnJt 1ant to tell herKdidnJt need to tell her L+st yetKabo+t ho1 1rong things 1ere) : de0ided to &eep
my ans1ers short)
E(eJs moved on)G
E'o %om and "ad are in the ight)G
'he didnJt as& it, L+st stated it) And : didnJt 0ontradi0t her) %y eyes met 2isherJs) (e 0o0&ed one bro1) : shot him a
silen0ing loo& that : hoped Krista pi0&ed +p on)
E4eJre never going to see them againDG she as&ed, her voi0e brea&ing)
: 0leared my throat) E/o)G
'he 1iped her eyes) EC&ay) @his is a lot)G
E: &no1,G : said) E-+t the good ne1s is, 1eJre going to be together) i#ers never move on) 4eJll never have to say
"ar0yJs eyes lit +p, and she rea0hed #or my hand) E$eallyDG
: smiled) E$eally)G
4e sat there, 0l+t0hing ea0h otherJs #ingers and loo&ing o+t at the rain) -a0& home, be#ore 1e died, "ar0y and : had
been estranged #or monthsKa stalemate over a g+y : 0o+ld barely even remember) 'he +sed to love stomping aro+nd the
ho+se, reminding me and my dad abo+t ho1 very soon she 1as going to grad+ate and ho1 sheJd be Eo+tta hereG 1itho+t
loo&ing ba0&) @hen, : 0o+ldnJt have imagined sitting here 1ith her li&e this, in pea0e#+l, 0ompanionable silen0e) :t 1as
ama!ing ho1 I+i0&ly everything had 0hanged)
E: donJt &no1,G she said #inally) E"o : really 1ant to live 1ith yo+ #oreverDG
2isher 0h+0&led) : 0ra0&ed +p la+ghing and shoved her sho+lder) :t 1as a 0lassi0 "ar0y line, and : 1as glad to see she
still had it in her) : &ne1 that : sho+ld tell her 1hat had been happening on the islandKthat my #ather and others 1ere
s+##ering needlessly in the 'hado1lands and 1e needed to #ig+re o+t ho1 to get them to the ightKb+t : didnJt 1ant to
spoil this moment) @he tr+th o# her ne1 eBisten0e and the ne1s that she 1o+ld never see o+r parents again 1ere eno+gh
to ta&e in on one day) : didnJt have to s0are the 0rap o+t o# her as 1ell)
2or no1, : 1as going to let her pro0ess 1hat sheJd learned, and : 1as going to sel#ishly hold on to this #eeling that 1as
spro+ting +p inside me) @his deli0ate, #l+ttering 1hite hope that someho1 everything 1as going to be o&ay)
@here 1as a s+dden #lash at the 0orner o# my visionKsomething 1as moving in the ho+se a0ross the street) : #lin0hed)
@hen th+nder r+mbled in the distan0e, and : +n0len0hed) :t had been nothing more than a remote #lash o# lightning) @he
storm messing 1ith my head again)
E4hat : donJt get is, 1hy didnJt yo+ tell me this be#oreDG "ar0y as&ed) E5o+Jve &no1n #orMho1 longDG
EA 1ee&,G : admitted)
E-+t she 0o+ldnJt have told yo+,G 2isher said) EAnd yo+ 0anJt tell any o# the visitors) :# yo+ do, yo+ damn them to the
'hado1landsKand yo+ get sent to Cblivion)G
E'erio+slyD @hatJs a bit harsh,G "ar0y said, loo&ing over her sho+lder at him)
(e shr+gged) E: donJt ma&e the r+les)G
E'o, basi0ally, i# : 1ant to relegate some asshole to hell : L+st have to tell him heJs deadDG iam as&ed)
2isher 1ha0&ed the ba0& o# his head so hard his hair st+0& +p)
EC1F :t 1as L+st a Lo&eFG iam snapped, his #a0e t+rning bright red)
E4e donJt Lo&e abo+t st+## li&e that,G Krista said serio+sly) EEspe0ially Cblivion)G
iam shoved himsel# +p and pa0ed to1ard the 0loset) E: L+st #o+nd o+t :Jm dead, o&ayD EB0+se me #or trying to lighten
the mood)G
Eoo&, itJs L+st that thereJs some history aro+nd here 1ith this st+##) (istory no one 1ants to see repeated,G : said)
E@here 1as a i#er named Hessi0a a 1hile ba0& 1ho de0ided all the visitors deserved to &no1 1hat 1as going on, so she
told them) H+st 1ent aro+nd to1n, &no0&ing on doors and spilling the tr+th)G
E'o 1hat happenedDG "ar0y as&ed)
E'he got every last one o# them a one<1ay ti0&et to the 'hado1lands,G 2isher said grimly) EAll those inno0ent people,
damned #orever)G
E2or doing nothing 1rong,G : added)
ightning #lashed again, and "ar0y and iam loo&ed pale) Krista 1as abo+t to say something 1hen heavy #ootsteps
po+nded +p the stairs, 0+tting her o##) @he #loorboards in the hall1ay groaned, and there 1as a th+dding &no0& on the
ECome in,G "ar0y said 1ea&ly)
HoaI+in opened the door, &eeping one hand on the &nob and one on the doorLamb) E5o+ o&ayDG he as&ed her)
E:Jll live,G she said, then gave a I+iet ironi0 la+gh)
E.ood)G HoaI+inJs eyes #li0&ed to me) E%ayorJs 0alled a i#er meeting at the poli0e station) 4e gotta go)G
: loo&ed at "ar0y, and she endeavored to smile) E"+ty 0allsDG
E5eah,G : said, my stoma0h 0+rling into &nots) E-+t there are a #e1 more things :Jm gonna have to tell yo+ on the
'o m+0h #or giving her time)
EAntil #+rther noti0e,G the mayor anno+n0ed, Ethe island is on high alert)G
An +neasy m+rm+r passed thro+gh the h+ndred or so i#ers gathered in the open area in #ront o# the poli0e stationJs
high #ront 0o+nter) As m+ni0ipal b+ildings 1ent, it 1as #airly small, and 1e 1ere 0ro1ded sho+lder to sho+lder, some
sitting in plasti0 0hairs along the 1alls, others per0hed atop the marble 0o+nter, and still othersKthe over#lo1Khanging
o+t aro+nd the o##i0ersJ des&s) : glan0ed at my #riendsK-ea, a+ren, Krista, HoaI+in, 2isher, and Kevin) /o one said it, b+t
1e 0o+ld all #eel @ristanJs absen0e) A0ross the room, *ete and Cori h+ddled together near a potted palm) CoriJs dar& 0+rls
hal# 0overed her #a0e, and her ga!e darted #+rtively here and there as i# she tho+ght 1e 1ere here to a00+se her o#
something) *ete glan0ed at +s and did a I+i0& do+ble ta&e, then p+lled his baseball 0ap lo1 on his head and trained his
eyes on the gro+nd) Everyone else 1as intent on the mayor, 1ho stood at the 0enter o# the room 1ith a three<#oot radi+s
o# open spa0e aro+nd her)
E4hat does that mean, eBa0tlyDG the man 1ho ran the gro0ery stand as&ed)
"ar0y shi#ted neBt to me, her arm br+shing mine) 'he had 0hanged into a dry bla0& @<shirt and rolled Leans and stood
straight and tall, ta&ing everything in 1ith a dis0erning, i# slightly apprehensive, eBpression) 'he had d+g o+t the b+tter#ly
ne0&la0e my mother had given her #or her t1el#th birthday and 0lasped it aro+nd her ne0&) /o1 she toyed 1ith the
pendant, sliding it +p and do1n on the 0hain) 2or a girl 1hoJd L+st had her entire li#e t+rned +pside do1n, she 1as
handling it s+rprisingly 1ell)
EAs yo+ &no1, 1eJve had a 1at0h posted at the bridge #or the past #o+r days)G @he mayor nodded to C##i0er "orn and
Chie# .rant!, 1ho began passing aro+nd stapled pa0&ets o# paper) E2rom no1 on 1e 1ill post similar 1at0hes in vario+s
spots aro+nd the island) Everyone 1ill have a shi#t or t1o ea0h day) : 1ant yo+ to &eep tra0& o# the visitors) 4here they
go, 1ho theyJre 1ith, 1hat theyJre +p to) 4e need yo+r help to &eep tra0& o# 1hoJs here and 1hether theyJre ready to
move on)G
"orn handed ea0h o# +s a s0hed+le) "ar0y and iam #lipped thro+gh theirs, then lo0&ed eyes, m+t+ally over1helmed) :
1as glad "ar0y 1asnJt the only ne1bie dealing 1ith this sit+ation) :t 1as good to have someone in the same boat 1ith
E5o+Jll see 1eJve also p+t some o# yo+ in 0harge o# the 0hildren,G the mayor 0ontin+ed) EAs o# last 0o+nt, 1e have
eight &ids +nder the age o# t1elve on the island) @hey are staying at my ho+se +p on the hill, the better to &eep them o+t
o# danger) Krista has managed to s0ro+nge +p some toys and video games #rom the reli0 room, and 1eJre planning to set
+p a playroom in one o# o+r parlors) 4e need to &eep these yo+ng so+ls as inno0ent as they 1ere the day they arrived
here, so i# yo+Jre in their presen0e, please, no mention o# the +npleasantness 1eJre eBperien0ing)G
@he 0hie# ret+rned to her side and leaned in to 1hisper in her ear) (er La1 set, her eBpression dar&ened, and she
EChie# .rant! 1o+ld also li&e me to remind yo+ o# o+r other spe0ial visitors,G the mayor 0ontin+ed) E:t has been #ive
days sin0e 1eJve moved anyone o## this island) 4eJve been 0on0erned abo+t those destined #or the ight 1ho might end
+p in the 'hado1lands, b+t there are also those so+ls 1ho belong in the 'hado1landsKso+ls 1ho 0ommitted heino+s
0rimes in their li#etimes 1ho sho+ld have been moved immediately to their #inal destinations) @hose so+ls are no1
roaming #ree among +s) 4e 0annot +sher them as hastily as 1e normally 1o+ld, be0a+se 1e 0anJt ris& them mista&enly
ending +p in the ight)G
'he s0anned the room slo1ly, and the m+rm+r rose +p again, lo+der and more +rgent this time) : tho+ght o# $ay
4agner mo0&ing the s+rvivors this morning and sh+ddered)
E4e m+st prevent these so+ls #rom harming o+r inno0ents and o+rselves,G the mayor said dar&ly) E@o that end, :
1o+ld li&e everyone to stay a#ter this meeting and register the names o# any so+l yo+ are 0ertain 1as destined #or the
'hado1lands, so that the rest o# +s may &eep a 0lose 1at0h on them) 4hen 1e #inally re0ti#y the iss+es 1eJve been
having, they 1ill be the #irst to 0ross over)G
E4hy not L+st lo0& them +p in the LailDG someone sho+ted)
E4e donJt have the spa0e,G Chie# .rant! replied) E*l+s 1e donJt 1ant to aro+se s+spi0ions by pl+0&ing people o## the
street and lo0&ing them +p) @his is a small island) 4ord 1o+ld get aro+nd)G
E4e 0an 0ontrol the sit+ation i# 1e stay vigilant,G the mayor added)
"ar0y t+rned to me, her eyes 1ide) E/ellD (eJs gone, rightDG
: grasped her 1rist) Eong gone)G
'he ble1 o+t a sigh b+t didnJt loo& 0om#orted) : 0o+ldnJt blame her)
C+t o# no1here, HoaI+in stepped #or1ard to share the 0ir0le 1ith the mayor)
E@here is some positive ne1s todayFG he anno+n0ed lo+dly, his voi0e ri0o0heting aro+nd the room) E@1o ne1 so+ls
have proved themselves 1orthy o# being i#ers) Everyone, 1eJd li&e yo+ to meet "ar0y @hayer and iam %+rtryFG
@here 1as a smattering o# appla+se, 1hi0h, at HoaI+inJs 0heerleader<type gest+res, gre1 into a ro+sing ovation as
"ar0y and iam 1aved a1&1ardly)
E4eJll be initiating them tonight, at midnight, at my pla0e,G HoaI+in 0ontin+ed) E: reali!e 1ith the ne1 s0hed+le it 1ill
be a smaller gro+p than +s+al, b+t i# yo+ 0an ma&e it, itJd be good to have yo+ there)G
(e stepped ba0& neBt to me again)
E/ot the 0oveDG : 1hispered)
E:n this 1eatherD *ersonally :Jd li&e to be dry #or more than #i#teen min+tes in a ro1,G he replied +nder his breath)
: nodded) E.ood point) 4here eBa0tly is yo+rKDG
@he mayor 0leared her throat, staring +s do1n) : stopped 1hispering) E@han& yo+ #or that interr+ption, %r) %arI+e!,G
she said a0erbi0ally) E/o1, o+r last b+t 0ertainly most pressing order o# b+siness is to lo0ate @ristan and /adia and bring
them ba0& here #or I+estioning)G
@he entire atmosphere o# the room shi#ted, and #rom the pained loo&s on the #a0es o# those aro+nd me, everyone #elt
it) @ristan 1as this islandJs .olden -oy and had been #or generations, b+t by no1 everyone &ne1 1hat heJd done) @he
sense o# betrayal 1as so thi0& it 1as s+##o0ating)
E*lease 0he0& yo+r s0hed+le) :# yo+Jve been assigned to one o# tonightJs sear0h parties, see Chie# .rant!, 1ho has
&indly separated a map o# the island into I+adrants and 1ill assign one to ea0h party)G 'he pa+sed as papers #l+ttered
and people 0ompared s0hed+les) E:# 1e sti0& together and do this in an orderly #ashion, they 1ill be #o+nd and 1eJll get to
the bottom o# this mess)G 'he too& a deep breath) EAre there any I+estionsDG
@he do+ble doors opened s+ddenly, and a ho1ling 1ind tore thro+gh the station) :t 1as those 0reepy t1ins #rom the
0lini0) @hey ea0h 1ore 0lear plasti0 pon0hos and had sli0&ed their 1hite<blond hair do1n and to the side, 1ith opposite
parts, so that they loo&ed to be mirror images as they stepped to1ard the mayor) @heir eyes slid le#t and right, ta&ing in
their s+rro+ndings) @hey stayed so 0lose to ea0h other that : ass+med they 1ere holding hands, b+t on0e they 1ere 0lear
o# the 0ro1d : sa1 this 1asnJt the 0ase) @he ba0&s o# their &n+0&les 1ere merely to+0hing bet1een them)
ECan : help yo+DG the mayor demanded)
@heir s0anning eyes snapped #or1ard at the same time and #o0+sed on her) E5es,G they said in +nison) @hey li#ted their
hands to remove their hoods 1ith s+0h per#e0t timing it loo&ed rehearsed)
i#ers aro+nd the room eB0hanged dist+rbed glan0es) .ood) : 1asnJt the only one 1ho 1as 0ompletely 1igged o+t by
these t1o)
E:Jm 'elma @se and this is my brother, 'ebastian,G the girl said in a reedy voi0e) E@hereJs no :nternet, and 1e 0anJt get
0ell servi0e, even tho+gh o+r phones 1ere prote0ted inside o+r bags)G
E4e L+st 1al&ed thro+gh to1n, and the pla0e is pretty m+0h deserted,G 'ebastian added) @hey t+rned their heads in
opposite dire0tions, sliding their s+spi0io+s eyes aro+nd the room)
E:t seems as i# everyone isMhere,G 'elma said) E@ogether) @he entire to1n)G
E4hatJs the deal 1ith this pla0eDG 'ebastian added) E:tJs not normal)G
@h+nder r+mbled o+tside) @he pendant lights overhead #li0&ered and hal# the room gasped) : instin0tively grabbed
HoaI+inJs arm) 'ilen0e)
E:Jm sorry, 1as there a I+estion in there some1hereDG the mayor as&ed impatiently)
E5es,G 'ebastian began, ta&ing a step #or1ard) E4ho are yo+ peopleD (o1 did 1e get here 1hen neither one o# +s
remembers even de0iding to leave homeD And 1hat the hell is H+niper andingDG
%y #ingers d+g deeper into HoaI+inJs arm) /ormally the visitors here 1ere programmed to thin& they 1ere on
va0ation) @hey 1ere sort o# l+lled into a sense o# happy 0ompla0en0y) -+t not these t1o)
E: &ne1 it,G : 1hispered) E: &ne1 something 1as o## abo+t them)G
E:s someone going to ans1er +sDG 'elma as&ed, her voi0e ringing to the 0eiling)
And #rom the loo&s in their #rea&y light eyes, they 1erenJt abo+t to ta&e no #or an ans1er)
: speed<1al&ed a0ross to1n that night on my 1ay to HoaI+inJs #or "ar0y and iamJs initiation, my head bent to1ard the
gro+nd, trying to stay as dry as possible) @he side1al&s 1ere 0riss0rossed 1ith hairline 0ra0&s and deep #ra0t+res, a
spider1eb o# ha!ards in the dar&ness) /ear the 0orner in #ront o# the general store, one o# the g+tters 1as so pa0&ed 1ith
leaves the 1ater b+rbled and rose aro+nd it, and : sa1 a dead mo+se bobbing +p and do1n on the s1ell, its eyes blan&)
: sh+ddered and h+rried on, 1ishing "ar0y 1ere 1ith me) 'heJd been assigned to a late shi#t at the n+rsery and 1as
meeting me at HoaI+inJs) :t 1as 0lose to midnight, and the to1n that 1as I+iet in midday 1as no1 graveyard silent, aside
#rom the rain and 1ind) : sa1 a stray light ill+minated in one o# the +pper 1indo1s o# the library) As : 1as abo+t to dip
do1nhill to1ard the do0&s, something in the library 1indo1 shi#ted) : pa+sed, heart in my throat, 0l+t0hing my hood
together +nder my 0hin) A shado1 passed thro+gh the lightKa person, tho+gh it 1as impossible to tell 1hether it 1as
male or #emale)
%aybe : 1as imagining things) %aybe it 1as a tri0& o# light) -+t still, : stood there, alone and shivering, sI+inting
a0ross the rain<#lattened grasses o# the par&) : 1as L+st abo+t to 0all mysel# 0ra!y and give +p, 1hen the #ig+re appeared
again) @his time, instead o# moving on, it sI+ared itsel# in the 1indo1 and stood there, staring o+t) 'taring o+t at me)
@hen o+t o# no1here, a #lash o# lightning blinded me, and a sim+ltaneo+s b+rst o# th+nder vibrated inside my bones)
4hen : loo&ed +p at the 1indo1 again, the shado1 1as gone)
: t+rned aro+nd and ran)
(+rdling over #allen bran0hes do1n the hill, : 0o+ld #eel someoneKsomethingKbehind me, gaining on me, tearing
1ith an other1orldly I+i0&ness thro+gh the night) 4ind<tossed leaves s1irled +p in #ront o# me, and my #oot 0a+ght on a
raised bit o# side1al&, b+t : righted mysel# and &ept r+nning) '+ddenly : heard a so+nd 0+t thro+gh the rain) @he distant
m+si0 o# the @hirsty '1an, the only b+siness in to1n still booming) :# : 0o+ld L+st get there) :# : 0o+ld L+st #ind someone,
anyone real, maybe : 1o+ld be o&ay)
: s&idded onto the board1al& at the bottom o# the hill and t+rned) @here 1as nothing there) 'omeone grabbed me by
the arm)
: s0reamed at the top o# my l+ngs, b+t it 1as L+st iam) (e 1as 1ith a tanned girl 1ith 1ide dar& eyes and long bla0&
hair t+0&ed +nder a pon0ho hood) @he boy 1al&ing o+t the door o# the @hirsty '1an and over to Loin them had to be her
brother) (e 1as shorter and tanner, b+t had the same bea+ti#+l eyes)
EAre yo+ o&ayDG the girl as&ed me, her #a0e lined 1ith real 0on0ern)
: 0o+ld only imagine ho1 : seemed to her, my breath staggered, my eyes shot thro+gh 1ith #ear) : m+st have loo&ed
psy0hoti0, ha+nted)
E:Jm #ine,G : said) E'orry) :t probably 1asnJt the best idea to 1al& thro+gh the par& by mysel# this late)G : eBtended a
sha&ing, 0old, 1et hand) E:Jm $ory)G
Ealani,G she said 1ith a smile, grasping my hand) E@his is my brother, /i0holas)G
E'J+p,G the &id behind her said 1ith a nod and a smir&)
Ealani and /i0& 1ere on the #erry, b+t they s1am to shore on their o1n,G iam said, loo&ing at alani 1ith a pro+d
E5o+ g+ys 1erenJt h+rtDG : as&ed)
/i0holas shoo& his head) E4eJre #rom (a1aii, originally) 4e &no1 ho1 to deal 1ith ro+gh 1ater)G
E(a1aii,G iam said giddily) E:snJt that so 0oolDG
EA1esome,G : said, reali!ing s+ddenly 1hat 1as going on here) iam had a 0r+sh) A big one) Cn a visitor) E5o+Jre still
going to HoaI+inJs, rightDG
ECh, yeah) : 1as L+st on my 1ay) @hese g+ys are headed do1n to the hotel,G iam said) (e t+rned to alani) E'o, :Jll see
yo+ tomorro1 a#ternoonDG
E$ain or shine,G she replied, bl+shing)
$ain) :t 1o+ld de#initely be rain)
iam loo&ed +n0ertain #or a se0ond, li&e he 1anted to &iss her, b+t then he glan0ed at me and /i0& and tho+ght the
better o# it) :nstead, he raised an a1&1ard hand) EC&ay) -ye)G
alani giggled) E-ye)G
/i0& rolled his eyes, and they 1al&ed o## together)
E4eJre going s+r#ing,G iam said, staring a#ter alani +ntil the dar&ness s1allo1ed her and her brother)
E@hatJs ni0e,G : said as 1e t+rned o+r steps do1n the alley bet1een the @hirsty '1an and the Crab 'ha0& neBt door) :
had to leap over a p+ddle the si!e o# a small la&e, and iam #ollo1ed) E'o, 0r+shing on a visitor, h+hDG
E:s it that obvio+sDG he as&ed)
EKind o#)G 4e s&irted a "+mpster and #o+nd the set o# stairs that s+pposedly led +p to HoaI+inJs apartment) EH+st be
E4hat do yo+ meanDG he as&ed as 1e began to 0limb) @he stair0ase 1as slim and ri0&ety, made 1ith 1hite1ashed
boards that loo&ed as i# theyJd been hammered together t1o 0ent+ries ago)
EH+stM: donJt 1ant yo+ to get h+rt,G : said, reali!ing in the ba0& o# my mind thatK0onsidering re0ent eventsK: might
not be the best person to be giving romanti0 advi0e) Cr instr+0tions on ho1 to prote0t his heart) E'heJs going to be
leaving soon) %oving on)G
(ope#+lly, any1ay, : added silently)
ECh) $ight)G 4e pa+sed on the tiny landing at the top o# the stairs, o+tside the plain 1ooden door) (e 1as silent and
pensive #or a split se0ond be#ore adding brightly, ECr maybe sheJll be0ome a i#erFG
: &no0&ed on the door, smiling in spite o# mysel#) :t 1as ni0e to have someone aro+nd 1ho 1as optimisti0) : 0o+ld
hardly believe that earlier today :Jd hal# s+spe0ted him o# being an aB m+rderer) HoaI+in opened the door, and his bro1s
&nit) (e seemed 0on#+sed at the sight o# me and iam together, b+t re0overed I+i0&ly)
E(ey) Come on in)G
E(o1 did : not &no1 yo+ live hereDG : as&ed as iam slipped inside)
E4e moved here 1hen 1e le#t the ho+se on '+nset) 4hi0h yo+ also never visited,G HoaI+in replied 1ith a teasing grin)
As : stepped over the threshold, : 1as pleasantly s+rprised) @he living area 1as long and 1ide, mirroring the eBa0t
spa0e ta&en +p by the resta+rant and bar belo1) A 0lean, modern &it0hen and dining area 1ere separated by hal# 1alls
and 0ol+mns #rom a s+n&en living room, 1here 0o+0hes and 0hairs 1ere set +p in a 0onversational 0ir0le aro+nd a 0o##ee
table) Candles #li0&ered inside h+rri0ane<style holders, and t1o doors at the very #ar end 1ere open to reveal a gray<and<
1hite bathroom and 1hat appeared to be a #airly large bedroom) A hall1ay led do1n the right side o# the apartment
to1ard the ba0&)
iam Loined -ea, a+ren, and 2isher on the living room 0o+0hes, 1here they 1ere 0hatting as they sipped beer and
soda #rom heavy<loo&ing 0rystal m+gs) -eaJs red 0+rly hair 1as p+lled ba0& in a messy b+n, as it had been ever sin0e the
rain started, and she 1ore a bla0&<and<gray henley and Leans) a+renJs short, glossy bla0& hair 1as p+shed ba0& 1ith a
striped headband, and her bl+e H+niper anding s1eatshirt 1as so long it allo1ed only an in0h o# her &ha&i shorts to pee&
#rom +nder the bottom hem) iam had shed his rain La0&et to reveal a deep<b+rg+ndy @<shirt 1ith some &ind o# blo1n<o+t
logo on it and serio+sly distressed Leans) A trendy boy, de#initely) 2isher 1as in his +s+al +ni#orm o# dar& 0argos and a light
bl+e @<shirt so tight : 0o+ld see every single one o# his m+s0les)
E(ey, g+ys,G : said, handing HoaI+in my soa&ed La0&et as he 0losed the door behind me)
E$oryFG a+ren and -ea 0heered)
E4hereJs "ar0yDG 2isher as&ed, straightening +p to better see the door, as i# eBpe0ting her to s+ddenly appear)
E'he has a shi#t at the day0are 1ith Krista) 'heJs 0oming straight #rom there)G : glan0ed over my sho+lder at HoaI+in)
E:s Ars+la homeDG
(e 1as rea0hing +p into a high 0abinet b+t t+rned to nod at the hall1ay) E'heJs still not #eeling 1ell, so she 1ent to
bed early)G
@he large metal bo1l he 1as p+lling o+t sma0&ed against the top o# the 0abinet and let o+t a 0lang) @he bas&ets
+nderneath it started to spill o+t)
: rea0hed +p to grab the bas&ets be#ore they 0o+ld s0atter every1here, and he p+t the bo1l do1n on the table, 1hi0h
1as littered 1ith bags o# 0hips, plasti0 0ontainers o# dip, and some random vegetables)
EAre 1e having a partyDG : as&ed) E: tho+ght this 1as an initiation)G
E:s it 1eirdDG he as&ed, sho1ing a #lash o# +n0hara0teristi0 +n0ertainty) E: L+st tho+ght, i# :Jm hostingMG
E/o,G : said, and 0o+ldnJt help la+ghing) E:tJs not 1eird)G
E.ood)G (is arms #leBed beneath the short sleeves o# his red @<shirt as he started to 0hop a pepper) : 1at0hed his
hands as he 1or&ed, so adept and s+re) :t 1as riveting)
E4hereJd yo+ learn to do thatDG : as&ed)
(e li#ted his hand and s+0&ed a bit o# pepper L+i0e o## his th+mb) E4hen yo+ 0oo& #or yo+rsel# #or a h+ndred years,
yo+ develop some s&ills)G (e nodded to1ard the dining area) ECo+ld yo+ grab me the 1ooden platterD :tJs in the
sideboard over there)G
2or some reason, : #elt my heart rate thr+mming in my 1rists as : moved a0ross the room, and : #elt 0onspi0+o+s)
2isher said something that made -ea and a+ren la+gh and iam bl+sh) /o one 1as paying any attention to me) As : bent
to retrieve the platter #rom a lo1 shel#, : noti0ed an old s0rapboo& open on top o# the sideboard, its pages bro1ned at the
edges) @he bla0&<and<1hite and sepia<toned photos 1ere held to the pages 1ith bla0& 0orner sti0&ers) @he boo& 1as
#lan&ed by a lit 0andle on ea0h side, b+t they 1ere both set a 0are#+l distan0e a1ay #rom the boo&) : glan0ed at the #irst
photoKa grainy shot o# a lan&y, smiling boy and a yo+nger, ro+nd<#a0ed girl in t+rn<o#<the<0ent+ry 0lothingKand dropped
the heavy platter) :t hit the 0orner o# the sideboard 1ith a serio+s 0latter, b+t : someho1 managed to grab it be#ore it #ell
to the #loor)
E.od, $oryF .ive me a heart atta0&FG a+ren said, hand to her 0hest)
E5o+ o&ayDG HoaI+in as&ed, 0oming +p behind me)
E@hatJs yo+FG : bl+rted)
HoaI+in nodded) E5eah) @hatJs me and my sister, %aria)G
(is sister) @he one heJd &illed in a 0ar a00ident) (is eBpression 1ent distant #or a moment as he eyed the
photographKnot sad, eBa0tly, L+st not here)
E(o1 did yo+ get thisDG : as&ed) E"id yo+ have it 1ith yo+ 1hen yo+ diedDG
:t seemed +nli&ely, 0onsidering heJd 0ommitted s+i0ide alone in his atti0) -+t the only things any o# +s had 1ith +s in
H+niper anding 1ere those things 1eJd had on o+r person 1hen 1eJd perished) Cr in my and "ar0yJs 0ase, in o+r bags,
sin0e 1eJd been going into 1itness prote0tion 1hen 'teven /ell atta0&ed)
E/o) :t 1as my sisterJs)G (e too& the platter #rom me, o+r #ingers gra!ing) E: #o+nd it in the reli0 room abo+t #i#ty years
(e t+rned and headed ba0& #rom the &it0hen 1hile my &nees almost 1ent o+t #rom +nder me) : pla0ed one hand on
the s+r#a0e o# the table and the other on the sideboard to steady mysel#)
E5o+ #o+nd itDG
ECra!y, h+hDG :t 1as a light statement, b+t he didnJt say it lightly)
'lo1ly : tried to pie0e the impli0ations o# this together) :# it 1as his sisterJs and heJd #o+nd it in the reli0 room, then
that meant that his sister had 0ome thro+gh H+niper anding 1hen sheJd died) 4hen heJd a00identally &illed her)
E'o sheMshe had it 1ith her 1hen she diedDG : as&ed, Loining him in the &it0hen)
E'he m+st have bro+ght it to 0h+r0h 1ith her to sho1 her #riends,G he said as he 1iped the platter 0lean o# d+st 1ith a
1et rag) (is eyes #li0&ed to my #a0e) E: &no1) :tJs #rea&y) :Jve had #i#ty years to 0ontemplate ho1 #rea&y it is) : &illed her,
she 0ame here, and someone +shered her #rom here and tossed her st+## in the reli0 room only #or me to st+mble on it
de0ades later 1hen : 1as loo&ing #or a ne1 needle #or my t+rntable) : &no1)G
(is hands started to sha&e as he 1iped the platter yet again) : rea0hed o+t and p+t my hand on his 1rist, steadying
him) (e stopped moving)
E"oes anyone remember herD "id @ristanMDG
: pa+sed, his very name on my tong+e 0a+sing my mo+th to dry o+t) HoaI+in shoo& his head) E/o one really
remembered her) : li&e to thin& it 1as be0a+se she 1as +shered straight to the ight)G (is eyes shone as he loo&ed at me,
and he smiled) E'he didnJt eBa0tly have any +n#inished b+siness to deal 1ith) @hat 1as all mine)G
%y #ree hand #l+ttered to my 0hest) EHoaI+in, :Jm soKG
E"onJt)G (e t+rned and p+t the platter do1n) E'erio+sly, donJt) :tJs #ine) : mean, itJs not #ine, b+t it is 1hat it is)G (e
glan0ed a0ross the room at the alb+m and li#ted a sho+lder) E:Jm glad : have it) :tJs #illed 1ith good memories) And
1itho+t it :Jd have no images o# anyone in my #amily, soMG
2or a moment, : 0o+ldnJt imagine the right thing to say) HoaI+in stood still, his #ingers pressing into the top o# the
&it0hen island, the tips going 1hite)
EAre yo+ g+ys ever gonna bring the #ood in hereDG -ea demanded) E:Jm starving)G
: h+rried to grab a bag o# 0hips, then emptied it into a bas&et) HoaI+in added the 0hopped vegetables to the platter
and #ollo1ed behind me)
E4hat 1ere yo+ g+ys tal&ing abo+t in thereDG 2isher as&ed) E:t loo&ed pretty serio+s)G
E: 1as L+st telling $ory abo+t some o# the 1eirder visitors 1hoJve 0ome thro+gh here,G HoaI+in ans1ered I+i0&ly,
shooting me a go 1ith it loo& as he set the platter do1n on the table) -ea darted #or1ard and grabbed a hand#+l o#
veggies be#ore anyone else 0o+ld move)
EAm, yeah,G : said) Ei&e those t1ins #rom the stationD @otally 1eird)G
a+ren shivered, her hair shimmering in the 0andlelight) E: &no1, rightD @hose t1o give me the 1illies) : hope Chie#
.rant! 1as able to eBplain everything)G
E:# not, 0anJt the mayor L+st 1ipe their memoriesDG : as&ed)
E4ait) @he mayor 0an 1ipe peopleJs memoriesDG iam said, sitting #or1ard)
E@o a degree,G HoaI+in ans1ered, sitting do1n on an empty love seat) E'he only does it in eBtreme sit+ations, 1hen
someoneJs behavior threatens the pea0e or o+r 0a+se)G
@here 1as no1here else #or me to go, aside #rom the #loor, so : sat neBt to him, leaning into the opposite arm)
E'o 1hy doesnJt she L+st 1ipe everyone 1ho 0ame in on the #erry todayDG iam as&ed) E@hatJs an eBtreme sit+ation)G
E-e0a+se she gets si0& i# she does it too m+0h,G -ea eBplained, t+gging on one o# her errant 0+rls and 1rapping it
tightly aro+nd her #inger) E:t ta&es a lot o+t o# her)G
E$eallyD : never &ne1 that) i&e ho1DG : as&ed)
Ei&e i# she 1iped the 1hole #erry, sheJd probably p+t hersel# in a 0oma,G 2isher said, 0r+n0hing into a 0arrot sti0&) E'o
yo+ 0o+ld see ho1 itJs better to try to deal 1ith people in a non<mind<meld 1ay #irst)G
: ble1 o+t a sigh) E4o1) : g+ess every s+perpo1er has its limits)G
4e sat in silen0e #or a moment, +ntil a+ren sat #or1ard and grabbed some vegetables) E$emember Andy 4arholDG
she as&ed, 0hanging the s+bLe0t abr+ptly) E@hat g+y 1as n+ts)G
EAnd -abe $+thDG HoaI+in shot ba0&) E(e 1as an animal)G
iamJs La1 dropped) E5o+ met -abe $+thDG
EAnd +shered him,G HoaI+in said 1ith a la+gh) E-+t only a#ter he got me good and dr+n&)G
E4hat abo+t yo+DG HoaI+in as&ed, popping a 0+0+mber sli0e into his mo+th) E4ho 1as the 1eirdest person yo+ ever
: instantly tho+ght o# 'teven /ell, b+t : 1asnJt abo+t to go there) E@here 1as a &id at my s0hool 1ho 0o+ld relate any
sit+ation in li#e ba0& to 'tar 4ars)G
E'erio+slyDG 2isher as&ed) Ei&e ho1DG
Ei&e this one time : had a #ight 1ith my dad and : 1as telling a #riend abo+t it, and this &id 1al&ed +p to me and said,
RAt least he didnJt 0hop yo+r hand o## 1ith a light saber,J then 1al&ed a1ay)G
Everyone la+ghed) E/o 1ay,G a+ren said)
E5ep)G : grinned and too& another 0hip) EAnd then there 1as this girl 1ho s1ore she 1as going to be a s+permodel
one day, so she 1al&ed aro+nd s0hool #or three years 1ith a sta0& o# boo&s balan0ed on her head)G
E4as she hotDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E/ope) /ot even a little bit,G : replied, 0ra0&ing +p)
iamJs bro1s &nit) E4hat &ind o# 0ra!y<ass s0hool did yo+ go toDG
Everyone la+ghed) : leaned ba0& in the love seat and L+st let mysel# #eel the Loy o# that one brie# moment) :nside that
0o!y apartment 1ith those people, there 1as nothing 1rong in the 1orld) 4e 1ere L+st a #e1 #riends having #+n)
E:t #eels good to la+gh,G : 0ommented)
E5eah)G HoaI+in loo&ed me in the eye) E4e sho+ld do this more o#ten)G
%y s&in h+mming, : held his ga!e, re#+sing to loo& a1ay) @hen 2isher 0leared his throat)
E4here the hell is "ar0yDG
@he spell 1as bro&en) : glan0ed at my 1at0h) :t 1as t1elve seventeen)
ECo+ld she have gotten lostDG iam as&ed)
E'he &no1s 1here the @hirsty '1an is,G : said, immediately regretting my sar0asti0 tone) iam had been here less than
a day) (e didnJt need me biting his head o## #or ma&ing per#e0tly a00eptable ass+mptions) E'orry)G
: got +p and 1al&ed to the door, peering o+t the 1indo1 beside it) 4hi0h o# 0o+rse sho1ed me nothing b+t the side
o# the neBt b+ilding a0ross the alley1ay)
E%aybe she had to stay late,G HoaI+in s+ggested, 0oming +p behind me)
ECr maybe she 1as atta0&ed by one o# o+r resident 0riminals)G : rea0hed #or my 0oat)
E4hereJre yo+ goingDG he as&ed)
E:Jm gonna 1al& +p to the mayorJs,G : said, #lipping the still<1et hood +p over my hair) E(ope#+lly :Jll b+mp into her on
the 1ay)G
E:Jll go 1ith yo+)G (e too& his La0&et do1n as 1ell and slipped his arms into the sleeves) : started to t+rn him do1n b+t
held my tong+e) @here 1as no reason to go o+t there alone)
E5o+ 1ant +s to 0omeDG 2isher as&ed)
E:tJs o&ay) 5o+ stay here in 0ase she sho1s,G HoaI+in said, !ipping +p his La0&et) E5o+ 0an tell iam a little more abo+t
1hat heJs in #or)G
E.reat,G iam said enth+siasti0ally) E-e0a+se : have a ton o# I+estions) 'tarting 1ith -abe $+thMG
E(ope#+lly 1eJll be right ba0&,G : said) @hen : led HoaI+in ba0& o+t into the rain) E'orry,G : said as 1e 1ere instantly
dren0hed) E5o+ didnJt get yo+r #i#teen min+tes o# dry)G
E%aybe later,G he replied)
4e made o+r 1ay do1n the 0rea&ing, s1aying steps and thro+gh the alley1ay) @he board1al& that ran along the bay
and 1as #ronted by vario+s resta+rants and b+sinesses 1as deserted aside #rom the '1an, 1hi0h 1as #+ll o# voi0es, m+si0,
and 0lin&ing glasses) 4e t+rned the 0orner and started +p the hill to1ard to1n, HoaI+in 1al&ing behind me on the narro1
stret0h o# side1al&) Every se0ond, : &ept hoping "ar0y 1o+ld appear at the top o# the hill, and ea0h moment that she
didnJt, my p+lse started to ra0e a bit #aster) 2inally, o+t o# breath and s0ared, 1e rea0hed the top o# the hill)
4e 1ere standing at the so+th1est 0orner o# to1n, 0lose to the #erry do0&) @he s0ent o# b+rned 1ood still h+ng in the
air) @he par& at the 0enter o# to1n 1as empty, and my eyes darted to the s+spi0io+s library 1indo1) :t 1as dar&)
E'he isnJt here,G : said)
@here 1as no reply other than the rain pattering against my hood) :t 1as a so+nd : 1as getting serio+sly si0& o#
E'o 1eJll 1al& +p to the 0lini0,G HoaI+in said 0as+ally, tho+gh his eyes 1ere darting over the to1n sI+are 1ith
0on0ern) E:Jm s+re sheJs there)G
-e#ore the 1ords had 0ompletely #aded into the air, something in the atmosphere 0hanged) %y heart hit my throat as
: reali!ed that the #og overhead 1as moving) 'in0e 1e hadnJt +shered anyone in days, the #og had be0ome 0onstant, b+t
instead o# s+rro+nding +s in an endless 1hiteo+t, it h+ng li&e an omino+s and solid 0lo+d t1o stories above o+r heads,
giving the to1n the ill+sion that it had been topped o## by a thi0& blan&et o# gray 0otton 0andy) -+t no1 the mist s1irled
and 1ithdre1, p+lling ba0& over the island li&e the lid o# a h+ge pi0ni0 bas&et sliding open to reveal the l+s0io+s 1onders
inside) @he rain still #ell, b+t the 0lo+ds overhead 1ere spotty, and stars shone thro+gh in the bla0& s&y) : loo&ed a0ross
the to1n and sa1 roo#tops and spires : hadnJt seen in 1hat #elt li&e #orever, lights at the tip<tops o# b+ildings, and the
bridge #ar o## to the north1est)
E4o1,G : breathed) A#ter days o# m+r&y, 0reepy dar&ness, nothing had ever seemed so bea+ti#+l)
@hen HoaI+inJs hand 0lasped my #orearm, his #ingers 0ontra0ting into my #lesh) E$ory)G
@he reali!ation slammed into me li&e a tr+0&) :# the #og 1as rolling o+t, someone had been +shered)
4e r+shed to the edge o# the side1al& and loo&ed +p at the bl+## on the #ar end o# the island 1here the mayorJs
ho+se sat overloo&ing the to1n) @he 1eather vane atop the highest pea& sp+n 1ildly on its aBis, as i# str+ggling 1ith
tornado<#or0e 1inds) @hen, s+ddenly, it slammed to a stop, the gold s1an shivering against the 0lo+ds)
%y heart dropped into my toes) @he vane pointed so+th)
Cne hand rea0hed +p to 0over my lips) /ot again) *lease not again)
E:tJs not done,G HoaI+in said)
@he vane had started to spin on0e more, b+t this time it stopped m+0h I+i0&er) Again, it pointed so+th, straight and
tr+e) @1o more so+ls had been sent to the 'hado1lands)
@ristan and /adia 1ere ba0& in b+siness)
%+d splashed along the side o# the road as HoaI+inJs pi0&+p tr+0& navigated the b+mps and 0raters 0reated by the storm)
: 0l+ng to the handle L+st over my head, my teeth grinding together as : held my breath)
(o1 had they done itD (o1 had they gotten past the sear0h parties and the g+ards and managed to grab t1o
inno0ent visitors and +sher themD And 1hyD 4hy ta&e moreD 4hen 1as it ever going to be eno+ghD
4et, t1isted reeds slapped against the passenger<side door as the raindrops 1o+nd a0ross the 1indo1) 4hen :
loo&ed o+t at the lights shimmering do1nto1n, it loo&ed so pea0e#+l, as i# everything 1as eBa0tly as it sho+ld be) EB0ept it
1asnJt) /ot at all)
'+ddenly HoaI+in Lammed on his bra&es) : #le1 #or1ard, the seat belt lo0&ing into pla0e one se0ond too late and nearly
0ho&ing me)
HoaI+in Lammed the shi#t into par& and thre1 open the door 1ith a lo+d 0rea&) : sI+inted thro+gh the 1indshield as
the 1ipers 0ontin+ed to th1ap li&e mad, and gasped) @here 1as a body in the road)
: 0lambered o+t the door and ra0ed to HoaI+inJs side) (e 1as 0ro+0hed over the prone #orm o# one o# the librarians, a
thi0& man :Jd seen 1al&ing aro+nd to1n 1ith all manner o# boo&s t+0&ed +nder his arms) (e had a b+shy m+sta0he and
small, silver<#ramed glasses, 1hi0h had been tossed aside in the m+0&)
E4illisD 4illis, are yo+ o&ayDG HoaI+in shoo& his sho+lder)
: heard a groan behind me and sa1 another man lying on the road) (e 1as +n#amiliar b+t dressed in the same yello1
par&a as 4illisJs) : ran over to him as he li#ted his head, and helped him sit +p) (is #ingers #l+ttered +p to to+0h his s&+ll,
1here a h+ge l+mp protr+ded thro+gh his thinning blond hair)
E4hat happenedDG : as&ed, holding him +p)
E: donJt &no1) 'omeone L+mped +s #rom behind) : didnJt see a thing)G (e blin&ed +p and sI+inted at the 0lo+ds
moving at a #ast 0lip a0ross the starry s&y) E@he #ogF 'omeone 1as +sheredDG
Eoo&s that 1ay,G HoaI+in m+ttered)
: glan0ed aro+nd, trying to #ind #ootprints, tire tra0&s, anything that 0o+ld help +s #ig+re o+t 1here @ristan and /adia
had gone a#ter theyJd done the deed) @hat 1as 1hen : sa1 a glint in the light at the edge o# the headlight beams) : shoved
a soa&ed lo0& o# hair o## my #a0e and 0ra1led #or it) : 1as in0hes a1ay 1hen : reali!ed 1hat it 1as, and my vision began to
s1im) : sat do1n hard on my hip, a 0ho&ing noise es0aping my lips)
/o) :t 0o+ldnJt be) /o, no, no)
E$oryD 4hat is itDG HoaI+in as&ed)
: rea0hed o+t #or the deli0ate gold 0hain) Cne 1ing on the tiny b+tter#ly 1as dented and the 0hain 1as bro&en)
E:tJs "ar0yJs,G : said #latly as HoaI+in shone a #lashlight over the ne0&la0e) : p+shed mysel# to my #eet, I+a&ing #rom
head to toe as my #ist 0losed aro+nd the 0hain) E:tJs "ar0yJs, HoaI+inFG : 1hirled on 4illis and his partner, my eyes nearly
popping #rom my s&+ll) E"id yo+ see herD "id yo+ see my sisterDG
@he librarian shoo& his head, his La1 hanging lo1) (e seemed shell<sho0&ed, as i# he hardly +nderstood 1hat : 1as
EHoaI+in, 0an a i#er be +sheredDG : as&ed, tears stinging my eyes as sobs pa0&ed my throat) E@hey 0anJt, 0an theyD @ell
me they 0anJt)G
E'heMisnJt te0hni0ally a i#er) /ot yet)G
E4hatDG : bl+rted)
E5o+ donJt be0ome a i#er +ntil yo+ 0hoose o+r 1ay) Antil yo+ get the bra0elet and are initiated) "ar0yJs stillMG
EA visitor,G : breathed)
E$ory)G HoaI+inJs voi0e 0ra0&ed, and he stopped)
E/o,G : said, my vision bl+rring) E/o) @his 0anJt be happening) :t 0anJt)G : too& a sha&y step ba0& to1ard the bridge,
1here the #og still s1irled, as al1ays, aro+nd its entran0e) E"ar0yFG : s0reamed) E"ar0y, 0an yo+ hear meDG
@he only reply 1as the hissing o# the mist)
E"ar0y, pleaseF *lease ans1er meF *leaseFG
: #ell to my &nees, 0l+t0hing the ne0&la0e and sobbing thro+gh my +selessness) "eep inside, : &ne1 it 1as pointless) :
&ne1 there 1as nothing : 0o+ld do) 'he 1as already gone) %y heart tore at the tho+ght o# "ar0y in pain) "ar0y a#raid)
"ar0y in the 'hado1lands) @ristan had ta&en my #ather and no1 my sister) 4hyD 4hy 1as he doing this to +sD
(e probably tho+ght : 1as too 1ea& to #ight ba0&) @oo ne1) @oo helpless and 0on#+sed and s0ared) -+t he 1as 1rong)
(eJd a1a&ened something inside me) 'omething primal and prote0tive and determined) : 0o+ld #eel it b+ilding +p in my
g+t, #illing my heart 1ith p+re red anger, ma&ing my #ingertips it0h #or something to 0la1 at, something to strangle,
something to maim) : 0l+t0hed the b+tter#ly +ntil its 1ings pier0ed my #lesh and t+rned aro+nd slo1ly to #a0e HoaI+in)
E2ind him,G : said thro+gh my teeth)
E4e 1ill,G he promised me) E: s1ear to yo+, 1e 1ill)G
E.ood) And 1hen 1e do, heJs mine)G : shoved the ne0&la0e into my po0&et and stal&ed past them to1ard the tr+0&)
E4hatJre yo+ going to do to himDG 4illis as&ed trem+lo+sly)
E:Jm going to give him eBa0tly 1hat he deserves,G : said, yan&ing open the door) E:Jm going to send him straight to
: &neel on the ridge L+st o+t o# vie1 and 1at0h) : 1at0h $ory #all to her &nees) 4at0h her spit and sho+t and s1ear) 4at0h
her storm to the tr+0& and slam the door) ittle $ory %illerJs pissed as hell, and :Jm loving every min+te o# it) : mean,
ta&ing "ar0y 1as a stro&e o# geni+s) H+st 1hen she tho+ght she and her sister 0o+ld ma&e a per#e0t little a#terli#e #or
themselves here, : too& it a1ay) :# she 1asnJt invested eno+gh be#ore, she 1ill be no1)
'heJs playing per#e0tly into my hands)
@he neBt morning, : stood shivering inside the mo+th o# the 0ave beneath the bridge, my #a0e tight and dry #rom la0& o#
sleep, #eeling the emptiness o# the pla0e in every in0h o# my bones) Clearly @ristan and /adia had abandoned this
parti0+lar hideo+t) Clearly they 1ere never 0oming ba0&)
HoaI+in and 2isher stepped +p on either side o# me and #li0&ed on their #lashlights, Loining the beams 1ith my o1n)
-ea, a+ren, Cori, and *ete bro+ght +p the rear) Every one o# +s 1ore head<to<toe raingear, and the m+d that had
splattered +p o+r legs and 0overed o+r shoes made +s loo& li&e a gro+p o# ragtag roadside<dit0h 1or&ers) -ea had on a
1eathered "odgers 0ap over her red hair, 1hile a+ren 1ore a bright yello1 *addington -earSstyle rain hat that hid her
#a0e do1n to her nose) *eteJs hair 1as so 1et the normally red lo0&s loo&ed bla0&) Cori leaned against him 1ith gray
sm+dges beneath her eyes and her dirty hair tied into t1o hapha!ard braids)
E4hy are 1e here, againDG *ete as&ed) : noti0ed bandages on several o# his #ingers as he p+shed his hood ba0&, and
the prominent AdamJs apple in the 0enter o# his long ne0& bobbed 1hen he tal&ed) E: sin0erely do+bt theyJre here 1aiting
#or +s)G
E:tJs the last pla0e 1e &no1 #or s+re @ristan and /adia stayed, and they le#t some st+## behind,G HoaI+in said) E:t might
be a long shot, b+t 1eJve gotta sear0h it #or 0l+es)G
E'o letJs do it,G 2isher said, his voi0e a mere 0roa&) Even tho+gh it 1as pit0h<bla0& in here, he 1ore dar& s+nglasses
that hid 1hat :Jm s+re 1ere bloodshot eyes) %y heart 1ent o+t to him) : imagined heJd spent the night the same 1ay :
had, tossing and t+rning, 1a&ing #rom horrible dreams o# "ar0y being tort+red, "ar0y terri#ied, "ar0y alone, alone, alone)
:Jd ta&en the spare bed in KristaJs room, not 1anting to go ba0& to my empty ho+se by mysel#, and this morning sheJd
told me :Jd been 0rying o+t in my sleep) 'o even 1hen :Jd tho+ght : 1as resting, : 0learly 1asnJt)
E-a0& there)G HoaI+in pointed, and 1e #ollo1ed 2isher inside, #orming a long, sna&ing single line)
2isher had to d+0& 0onsiderably +ntil 1e made it into the 1idest 0hamber, and even then the 0eiling 1as so lo1 he
had to 0ro+0h) : #lashed my beam to1ard the ba0& o# the 0ave and #ro!e) @he tools, #ood, and 0lothing that had been there
yesterday 1ere gone)
E@hey 0ame ba0& #or their st+##FG : bl+rted)
E4hatDG HoaI+in moved I+i0&ly to the spot and loo&ed aro+nd) @he pla0e 1as empty) E"amn, @) 5o+Jve got some
balls, :Jll give yo+ that)G
E(o1 0an yo+ ta&e this so lightlyDG : demanded) E@hey m+st have &no1n 1eJd been here, and they still 0ame ba0&DG
E:tJs li&e theyJre ta+nting +s,G -ea agreed)
E'pitting in o+r #a0es,G *ete said, his breath short)
E5o+ g+ysF : #o+nd something)G
Cori 0ro+0hed at the spot 1here my #lashlight beam had 0ome to rest, and t+gged something o+t o# a 0ra0& in the
1all) :t 1as a tiny pie0e o# paper, rolled +p into a tight t+be) As she +nrolled it, 2isher 1ent to stand neBt to her, holding
his light over the page) @hey gave it a I+i0& glan0e, and 2isher paled) CoriJs eyes darted +n0ertainly to me, li&e she
s+ddenly #o+nd me very intimidating)
E4hat is itDG a+ren as&ed)
Cori 0leared her throat) E:tJs #or $ory,G she said mee&ly, holding the paper o+t in my dire0tion b+t training her eyes on
my shoes)
%y p+lse po+nded in my very #ingertips as : too& the #ragile page #rom her) :nstantly, : re0ogni!ed @ristanJs
hand1riting) %y eyes darted over the s0ra1led lines, #alling on &ey 1ords li&e tr+st, #ather, and love)
E4hatJs it sayDG a+ren as&ed, stepping +p neBt to me to read over my sho+lder)
ER"ear $ory) : didnJt do this)JG %y voi0e 1as 0ra0&ing already) : 0o+ghed and 0ontin+ed to read) ER: didnJt do this) @hose
0oins 1ere planted in my room) : &eep seeing the loo& on yo+r #a0e that day in my bedroom, and itJs &illing me, &no1ing
yo+ donJt believe me)JG
%y voi0e 0a+ght and : reali!ed this 1asnJt going to 1or&) : shoved the page at a+ren and 0overed my #a0e 1ith my
hands) (e 1as lying) (e had to be) 2irst heJd ta&en my #ather, then my sister, and no1 he 1as trying to 1in me ba0&) -+t
1hyD 4hy 1as he doing this to meD
ER: 1ill do anything to regain yo+r tr+st,JG a+ren read slo1ly, I+ietly) ER:Jm going to #ind a 1ay into the 'hado1lands)
:Jm going to get yo+r #ather and Aaron and the others ba0& i# it &ills me)JG
'he pa+sed and : p+lled my I+ivering hands do1n, 1at0hing her as she #inished)
ER: love yo+,JG she read) ER@ristan)JG
@he page #l+ttered as a+ren handed it ba0& to me) : po0&eted it I+i0&ly, h+gging mysel# as tightly as : 0o+ld to stop
the sha&ing, and glan0ed +p at HoaI+in) (e loo&ed as i# heJd L+st seen a ghost)
E(e didnJt ris& 0oming here to get his st+##,G -ea said, her voi0e barely a 1hisper) E(e ris&ed 0oming here so he 0o+ld
leave that #or yo+)G
E(eJs telling the tr+th,G a+ren said #irmly) E(eJs trying to #iB things)G
E5o+ donJt &no1 that)G : didnJt mean to snap, b+t : did) A by<prod+0t o# the tension that 1as begging #or any &ind o#
release) E5o+ only 1ant to believe it)G
Eoo& at the note again,G a+ren said, gest+ring at my po0&et) E(e didnJt mention yo+r sister)G
E'o, i# he 1as doing this, heJd &no1 yo+r sister had gone over, too) (eJd have in0l+ded her,G a+ren asserted)
E/ot i# he 1as being smart,G 2isher pointed o+t) E/ot i# he reali!ed a person 1hoJd #led #ive days ago 1o+ldnJt &no1
abo+t "ar0y)G
E: 0anJt ta&e this anymore,G : 0ried, holding my hands to my head, #eeling as i# it 1as abo+t to split in t1o) E: 0anJt)G
E4e have to #ind them,G 2isher said)
-ea sighed) E-+t 1eJve loo&ed every1here) 4eJve sear0hed every in0h o# the island) :tJs not li&e he 1ent ba0& to the
mainland,G she added sar0asti0ally) E'o +nless heJs hiding +nder1ater some1hereMG
: #elt something 0at0h in the ba0& o# my mind) 4e had sear0hed every in0h o# the island, be0a+se the island 1as the
entire 1orld in this in<bet1een) EB0ept, o# 0o+rse, that it 1asnJt) @here 1as the 1ater) And the things that traveled over
the 1ater) i&e the #erry, the Het '&is, the s+r#boards and &aya&s and 0anoes) And there 1as also one parti0+larly
#oreboding str+0t+re that stood above the 1ater) A pla0e 1here no i#er 1o+ld ever thin& to loo&, be0a+se no i#er had
ever stepped #oot on it #or more than ten se0onds)
@here 1as the bridge)
E5o+Jre o+t o# yo+r mind, yo+ &no1,G HoaI+in 0alled a#ter me as : tr+dged thro+gh hollo1s and p+ddles to1ard the
bridge) : had 0limbed +p the 0li## in re0ord time, my adrenaline sp+rring me to inh+man #eats o# strength and daring, b+t
HoaI+in had stayed right on my heels) :# any o# the others had de0ided to #ollo1 +s, they hadnJt yet made it to the top)
E4hat, eBa0tly, do yo+ thin& this is going to a00omplishDG
: ignored him and &ept 1al&ing) Ap ahead, : sa1 that C##i0er "orn 1as stationed at the bridge 1ith iam) @hey did a
do+ble ta&e 1hen they sa1 me 0oming and moved to inter0ept me)
E(ey,G iam said, li#ting a hand) (is ne1 i#er bra0elet 1as 0a+ght on the end o# his sleeve, the leather hard and
pristine) ast night, a#ter "ar0y had gone missing, HoaI+in, a+ren, and -ea had given him 1hat :Jd heard 1as the I+i0&est
initiation ever)
E4here the hell do yo+ thin& yo+Jre goingDG "orn as&ed, stepping in #ront o# me)
: li#ted my #a0e, letting the rain sl+i0e do1n it and along my ne0&) E:Jm going to #ind the entran0e to the 'hado1lands)G
"orn la+ghed) At that moment, HoaI+in 0a+ght +p to me)
EAre yo+ &idding meDG he as&ed, his dar& eyes desperate) E5o+ 0anJt do thatFG
E4hy notDG : demanded) E(as anyone ever triedDG
HoaI+in 0rossed his arms over his 0hest, the riv+lets o# 1ater #orming ne1 patterns do1n his sleeves) E/ot that : &no1
o#) : mean, :Jve gone a #e1 steps into the mist 1hen a visitor is giving me tro+ble, b+t thatJs abo+t it)G
E'oD @hen ho1 do yo+ &no1 : 0anJt do itDG : gritted my teeth and too& a breath, trying to stay 0alm) :# : got hysteri0al
right no1, theyJd never let me 0ross) E4eJve sear0hed the entire island #or @ristan and /adia, rightDG
E5eah,G "orn replied) E@1o or three times already)G
E'o 1hat i# theyJre on the bridgeDG : as&ed, my heart s&ipping errati0ally) E:tJs the only pla0e no i#er ever goes, and :Jd
bet that @ristan is 0o+nting on thatK0o+nting on o+r #ear o# the +n&no1n to &eep him sa#e) 4hat better pla0e to hide
than the one pla0e no one in their right mind 1o+ld ever loo&DG
iam raised his hand as i# he 1ere hoping to be 0alled on in 0lass) E: &no1 :Jm ne1 to this st+##, b+t that does so+nd
abo+t right)G
HoaI+inJs 1hole eBpression shi#ted) (e loo&ed at me as i# d+mb#o+nded and impressed at the same time) 4hi0h 1as
&ind o# ni0e)
E$ory,G he said slo1ly) E5o+Jre a geni+s)G
E4ait a min+te, no1,G "orn began)
EetJs do it,G HoaI+in said, 1ith a giddiness in his tone that : hadnJt heard be#ore)
"orn li#ted both his meaty hands) EAh<+h) /o 1ay)G
E5o+Jre 0oming 1ith meDG : as&ed HoaI+in, ignoring "orn) %y terror melted a1ay to more o# a simmering
nervo+sness) : &ne1 : had to do this, b+t having 0ompany seemed li&e a good idea)
Ei&e :Jd really let yo+ snag the glory)G (e smiled sha&ily)
E: hate to b+rst yo+r b+bble, b+t yo+ t1o arenJt going any1here,G "orn bar&ed)
@here 1as a r+mble o# th+nder in the distan0e, and 1e loo&ed +p at the s&y) A drop o# rain #ell li&e a dart into my right
eye) :t st+ng li&e a0id) : pressed the heel o# my hand into it and blin&ed it a1ay)
E@hin& abo+t it, "orn,G HoaI+in said, getting right in the manJs #a0e) E(o1 big o# an idiot 1o+ld yo+ #eel li&e i# yo+
#o+nd o+t @ristan 1as sitting ten #eet a1ay #rom yo+ and yo+ didnJt &no1 itDG
E: &no1 :Jd #eel li&e a h+ge idiot,G iam p+t in help#+lly)
@here 1as a beat as "orn narro1ed his eyes) (e 1as going to say no and have +s es0orted ba0& to to1n or something)
: 0o+ldnJt let that happen) /ot 1hen : 1as so s+re 1e 1ere this 0lose) @his 0lose to #inding @ristan, to getting my dad ba0&,
to saving "ar0y)
E:# 1e #ind him, 1eJll let yo+ ta&e the 0redit,G : o##ered)
"orn titled his head) : 0o+ld see the glint in his eyes as he imagined delivering the ne1s to the mayor that he had
apprehended @ristan) E5eahDG
E'+re) 4hy notDG HoaI+in 0on#irmed)
(e #ro1ned, 0onsidering, and the rain pi0&ed +p, pinging o## his broad sho+lders)
EC&ay, #ine) 5o+ 0an go)G
E5o+ bet yo+r ass 1e 0an go,G HoaI+in said, starting past him)
E@han& yo+FG : p+t in)
At that very moment, the rest o# o+r posse sho1ed +p, breathless #rom the 0limb and soa&ing #rom head to toe) 2isher
had removed his s+nglasses and loo&ed serio+sly pissed) *ete too& one loo& at o+r belligerent stan0es and trained his
eyes on the gro+nd, his hood 0overing his #a0e) @he others h+ng ba0& a bit as 2isher and -ea stormed over to +s)
E4hat are yo+ g+ys doingDG -ea as&ed, her hands on her hips)
E'ear0hing the bridge #or @ristan and /adia,G HoaI+in said, raising his eyebro1s) E4anna 0omeDG
@hey all seemed to protest at on0e, b+t HoaI+in and : ignored them and strode p+rpose#+lly to1ard the bridge, Cori,
*ete, and a+ren 0lose behind +s) 4e stepped +p to the very lip, 1here its metal s+r#a0e met the dirt o# the road, and :
stopped breathing)
@he entran0e 1as entirely obs0+red by s1irling #og) @he eerie hiss o# the mist sent a shiver right thro+gh me) : pressed
my #ists together in #ront o# me to try to &eep mysel# #rom sha&ing noti0eably)
5o+ 0an do this, : told mysel#) : 0o+ldnJt even imagine ho1 the bridge had loo&ed to my #ather and "ar0y) At least : had
a 0hoi0e) @hey had been dragged over against their 1ill, terri#ied, probably s0reaming #or help)
HoaI+in and : loo&ed at ea0h other) (e had my ba0&) : 0o+ld see it in his eyes) %y #ingers s+ddenly it0hed to hold his
E5o+ g+ysF "onJt do thisFG -ea said, storming over to +s) 'he shoved her hood o## her hair to loo& +s in the eye) E5o+
have no idea 1hat might happen to yo+) .ood people are getting sent to the 'hado1lands) (o1 do yo+ &no1 yo+Jre not
L+st going to get s+0&ed in there, tooDG
E4e donJt,G HoaI+in said)
a+ren 1himpered and 0+ddled into 2isherJs side) (e 0overed his mo+th 1ith one hand, and even #rom a #e1 yards
a1ay : 0o+ld see that he 1as sha&ing) Cori pa0ed ba0& and #orth, gna1ing on her lo1er lip)
E: 0anJt be here #or this,G *ete said, p+lling his hood on as he stepped ba0& and a1ay #rom the gro+p) E: 0anJt loo&)G
4ith his head do1n he mar0hed o##, iam 1at0hing his ba0& as he 1ent) iam 1as the only person 1ho didnJt seem
0ompletely dist+rbed by 1hat 1e 1ere doing) 4hi0h made sense, sin0e he 0o+ld never have grasped the real gravity o#
the sit+ation) (eJd never seen anyone go over the bridge, never +shered anyone himsel#, never eBperien0ed the horror
:Jd #elt 1hen Aaron had gone to the 'hado1lands a#ter :Jd sent him on his merry 1ay) @o him, this 1as L+st a 0reepy
bridge) (eJd never seen #irsthand 1hat it 0o+ld do)
E: have to do this, -ea,G : said I+ietly) E:# thereJs a 0han0e heJs on the bridge, : have to #ind him) : have to help my
-eaJs eyes s+ddenly #looded 1ith tears) E"onJt) $ory, yo+ donJtKG
: rea0hed o+t and sI+ee!ed her hand) E:tJs going to be o&ay,G : told her, barely believing it mysel#)
'he loo&ed desperately at HoaI+in, b+t 2isher 1as the one 1ho spo&e +p) EHay, yo+Jre not really going to do this)
5o+Jre not serio+sly going to tell me yo+ thin& this is a good idea)G
E:t may not be a good idea, b+t itJs the only idea 1eJve got,G he said)
(e rea0hed over to ta&e my hand and gave it a sI+ee!e) %y heart #looded and a #aint bl+sh 0rept +p my 0hee&s) E5o+
readyDG he as&ed)
: nodded, even tho+gh, o# 0o+rse, : 1asnJt) EetJs go)G
E/o,G a+ren 0ried) E5o+ g+ysF /oF "onJt do thisF "onJtKG
4e too& o+r #irst step into the 1all o# #og, and her #ranti0 pleas 1ere 0+t o##) :t 1as as i# someone had hit a 0osmi0
m+te b+tton and the 1orld 1ent silent, save #or the mist) : too& a breath) @he #og +nd+lated as : eBhaled) HoaI+inJs arm
1as 1arm and steady) (e gave me a bolstering loo&)
EC&ayDG he said)
4e too& another slo1, tentative step) @hen a third, a #o+rth, a #i#th) @he air gre1 mar&edly 0older 1ith ea0h breath)
HoaI+in adL+sted his grip on my hand, and : 0o+ld #eel the sli0& s1eat that had pooled bet1een o+r palms)
E@ristanDG he 0alled lo+dly, 0learly)
@here 1as nothing) /othing b+t the hissing o# the mist) 4e 1al&ed a bit #arther, and : reali!ed s+ddenly that it 1asnJt
even raining here in the m+r&y grayness) @he bridge 1as imm+ne to the 1eather) EB0ept #or the #og)
E@ristanDG : said, then g+lped) E/adiaDG
:t 1as 1orth a try, b+t there 1as no response) %y spine 0ra1led, and : steeled mysel#, holding on tighter to HoaI+inJs
hand) Even i# they 1ere here, they 1o+ldnJt be able to see +s any better than 1e 0o+ld see them) $ightD
4e too& another tentative step) Another) And then 1e heard the la+ghKand the 1hispering) HoaI+in and : #ro!e)
EMloo& at themMG
EMshe thin&s that sheJsMG
EM0anJt evenMG
A 0old dread settled in my bones) : stood, holding my breath and listening)
E4hoJs thereDG HoaI+in said at #+ll voi0e)
@he response 1as a single, sar0asti0 la+gh) %ale, #emaleK: 0o+ldnJt tell) All : &ne1 1as that it 1as la+ghing at me)
@hen, a single i0y #inger trailed ever so slo1ly do1n the ba0& o# my ne0&) : gasped and then reali!ed 1ith a sin&ing #eeling
that : 1as no longer holding HoaI+inJs hand) :t 1as as i# someone had grabbed him #rom behind and dragged him a1ay so
#ast he didnJt even have time to s0ream)
EHoaI+inFG : sho+ted) EHoaI+inFG
@he mist gathered aro+nd the spot 1here heJd stood, #orming into a per#e0t 1all as i# heJd never even been there) (ot
tears o# terror 0o+rsed do1n my #a0e)
EHoaI+inF 4here are yo+DG : 0o+ld still #eel the 1armth o# his #ingers against mine) E4here are yo+DG
'ilen0e, as 0omplete and total as death) %y #ingernails drilled into my palms) : 1as alone)
'omeone ble1 on my ne0&) : let o+t a s0ree0h and 1hirled aro+nd) /othing b+t the mist)
E'top it) *lease,G : 1himpered) E*lease) *lease donJt h+rt him) : L+st 1ant to #ind my sister) %y dad) *lease L+st leave
+s alone)G
E$oryFG a voi0e sang o+t teasingly) E$ooooreeeeFG
And then, the 1histling) E@he ong and 4inding $oad)G :t 1as being 1histled dire0tly into my ear)
: ran #or my li#e, #orgetting everything other than my o1n s+rvival) : sprinted straight aheadKa1ay #rom the
voi0eKbarreling thro+gh the #og, 0ertain at every moment that : 1o+ld r+n right into the 1aiting arms o# my tormentor,
'teven /ell) : loo&ed over my sho+lder, to the le#t, to the right) @here 1as nothing b+t the mist) @he +n#orgiving,
+nrelenting mist)
As : &ept r+nning, an a1#+l tho+ght began to s0rat0h at the ba0& o# my mind) 4hat i# : ran right into the 'hado1landsD
-+t no) :t 1asnJt possible) : needed a 0oin to open the portal) %y only hope 1as to stay on the bridge) @o &eep going) :# :
&ept going, maybe :Jd #ind HoaI+in or @ristan or /adiaKsomeone) Anyone 1ho 0o+ld tell me ho1 to #ind my 1ay ba0&)
: 1as panting) Abo+t to pass o+t) (o1 long had : been r+nningD (o1 long did : have to go be#ore :K
E$ory, honey, stop)G
: tripped) %y &nees hit the metal road1ay 1ith a Larring slam) : gasped in relie#) :Jd heard my motherJs voi0e) :Jd heard
her) : s+0&ed in a #e1 breaths, my l+ngs on #ire, and tried to #o0+s, pressing my palms into the grooved metal gro+nd) :
too& 0om#ort in its very eBisten0e) At least it 1as #amiliar) :t 1as something real)
E%omDG : p+shed mysel# +p again, t+rning aro+nd in 0ir0les) E%omDG
EM1hi0h 1ay is sheMG
EMdoesnJt &no1MG
EMso naive she is, so veryMG
EMstraight ahead, honey) 'traight ahead)G
'omething moved in the mist, and : ran to1ard it) EHoaI+inDG : pa+sed and gathered mysel#, sI+inting) '+ddenly :
smelled something #amiliar) @he spi0y s0ent o# @ristanJs shampoo) : #elt his presen0e as 0learly as i# he 1ere standing
beside me, holding my hand) :t 1as as i# : 0o+ld hear his heartbeat)
E@ristanDG : said, my voi0e 0ra0&ing) E@ristan, is that yo+DG
@here 1as a 0learing +p ahead) : 0o+ld almost see) 4as it the portal to the ightD @he 'hado1landsD 4as it HoaI+inD
@ristanD 4as my mother really hereD : ran as #ast as : 0o+ld, holding on to hope, trying to blot o+t the #ear) -+t as : ran,
something p+lled at my hair) /ot the #og, not the rain, b+t something alive) ong, h+ngry #ingers rea0hed #or me, snagging
in my hair, trying to drag me ba0&) @he harder : ran, the #arther they rea0hed, no1 s0rat0hing at my ears, no1 1his&ing
against my 0hee&s)
EMdonJt go, donJt go, 1e 0anJt let yo+ goMdonJt go, donJt go, 1e 0anJt let yo+ goMG
E(elp meFG : s0ree0hed) E'omeone, help meFG
: st+mbled #or1ard, my l+ngs b+rning) All : 0o+ld #eel 1ere my #eet po+nding the gro+nd and #ear 0o+rsing thro+gh
my veins) : ran and : ran and : ran +ntil the rain s+ddenly battered my #a0eKand : 0ollided 1ith HoaI+in)
E$oryDG he said, grasping my elbo1s) ECh my god) : tho+ght :Jd lost yo+)G
E5o+Jre hereFG : thre1 my arms aro+nd him and h+gged him) E5o+Jre all rightFG
HoaI+in 0+pped the ba0& o# my ne0& 1ith one hand and tilted his head into my hair) E:tJs o&ay) 5o+Jre o&ay)G
4hen : #inally got 0ontrol o# mysel#, : loo&ed +p, over his sho+lders) @he others 1ere still standing there, in the eBa0t
same poses theyJd been in 1hen 1e le#t) : loo&ed over my sho+lder at the bridge, disoriented) :Jd r+n in a straight line,
hadnJt :D (o1 0o+ld : have 0ome ba0& to the eBa0t spot :Jd le#tD
E: donJt +nderstand,G : said, grasping HoaI+inJs La0&et as : tried to 0alm my ra0ing tho+ghts) E(o1 long 1ere 1e goneD
(o1 long 1ere 1e in thereDG
E@hree se0onds,G -ea replied) E4hat the hell did yo+ seeDG
HoaI+in and : lo0&ed eyes) : shoo& my head) :Jd r+n #or at least #ive min+tes) %aybe ten) A#ter three years o# 0ross<
0o+ntry ra0es : &ne1 ho1 to L+dge the length o# my r+n)
E(e 1asnJt there,G : said, +nable to imagine trying to eBplain 1hat had gone on inside the mist) E(e 1asnJtM(e 1asnJt
HoaI+in held me to him, his arms lo0&ed tightly aro+nd me as the rain 0ons+med +s) @hen, thro+gh my 1et lashes, :
sa1 a #lash o# pin&, and s+ddenly Krista 1as r+nning thro+gh the m+0& in o+r dire0tion)
EKristaD 4hatJs 1rongDG -ea 0alled o+t)
E@he mayor sent me to get yo+) 'heJs losing it, g+ys,G Krista said, gasping #or breath as she bra0ed her hands over her
&nees) E5o+ better 0ome ba0&) i&e, no1)G
'tanding +nder the same 1hite party tent 1eJd +sed #or KristaJs anniversary party almost a 1ee& ago, 1hi0h had been
ere0ted over the #lagstone patio behind the mayorJs ho+se, 1e 0o+ld hear the patients inside getting ready to move o+t)
-et1een the pane dividers on the 2ren0h doors, : sa1 the mayor hovering over a map o# the to1n 1ith a #e1 visitors,
eBplaining 1here to go as a gro+p headed to the #ront door) @he 0lini0 1as emptying)
E"+de, yo+r boyJs on the pro1l,G 2isher said, tilting his head to1ard the side o# the ho+se)
HoaI+in 1al&ed aro+nd to see better, and : a+tomati0ally 1ent 1ith him) Ha0& an0et, one o# HoaI+inJs more evil
0harges, 1as pa0ing o+tside one o# the east<#a0ing 1indo1s, loo&ing thro+gh the panes 1ith a 0reepy smile on) @he man
had been eBe0+ted a#ter m+rdering three helpless 0hildren)
HoaI+in stormed right over to him, grabbed him by the ba0& o# his 0oat, and #l+ng him a1ay) an0et hit his &nees,
m+ddying the #ront o# his pants, and loo&ed +p at HoaI+in 1ith pin& shame painted a0ross his 0hee&s)
2or a split se0ond, : #elt sorry #or him) (e loo&ed sad, almost disg+sted 1ith himsel#, as he 0o1ered in the rain) *art o#
me 1anted to go help him +p, o##er him a &ind 1ord) -+t then my logi0al side &i0&ed in)
@he g+y is si0&, $ory) 'i0&) (e h+rtK&illedKlittle &ids)
:t 1as that one 1ord that 1edged itsel# inside my 0hest, tho+gh, and st+0&, li&e something Lagged and ra1) 'i0&) 4ho
1as to say 1hat made people do the things they didD 4as it nat+reD /+rt+reD @heir o1n logi0D @heir needs and their
longingsD 4hat had made me &ill 'teven /ell that dayD 4hy 1as it my instin0t to lash o+t and ta&e his li#e rather than to
t+rn the other 0hee&D
@his horrible a0he settled deep inside me, and : longed #or my mother and the 0om#ort o# her 1ords in a 1ay : hadnJt
in a long time) At the same moment, : 1ished li&e hell that @ristan had made good on his promise to be there #or me, to
be tr+st1orthy, to tea0h me everything : needed to &no1) (eJd been doing this #or so long that : 1as s+re he had the
ans1ers to my deep, dar& I+estions)
4hat i# heJd been telling the tr+th in that noteD 4hat i# there 1as still a 0han0eMD
'+ddenly Ha0& an0et loo&ed me in the eye and la+ghed) : #elt my #a0e harden, my La1 0len0h) :t 1as as i# heJd read my
mind and 1as la+ghing at my naive hope)
@ristan 1as evil) : 1o+ldnJt give him the 0han0e to #ool me again) the hell o+t o# here,G HoaI+in gro1led at an0et) E4e donJt 1ant any tro+ble #rom yo+)G
an0et p+lled his lapels +p aro+nd his 0hin and s0+rried o## in a !ig!ag line, his la+ghter 0arrying ba0& to +s on the
1ind) : pee&ed thro+gh the 1indo1 and sa1 t1o boys playing video games, a #e1 little girlsKin0l+ding "ar0yJs
0hargeKb+sy 1ith a tea party, and a hand#+l o# others reading boo&s and sta0&ing blo0&s) KristaJs ma&eshi#t playroom)
'+ddenly : 1ent di!!y)
E: thin& :Jm gonna be si0&,G : said, to+0hing a hand to my head)
HoaI+in gently too& my hand) E:tJs o&ay) @heyJre sa#e) 2or no1, any1ay)G
'till, : made s+re to 1at0h Ha0& an0et +ntil he 1as #inally do1n the hill and o+t o# sight) 4hen 1e reLoined o+r #riends
on the patio, Krista 1as li#ting a 0ardboard boB onto the table)
E-e#ore yo+ go in, everyone, ta&e one o# these)G 'he 1as very a+thoritative s+ddenly, very in<0harge, and :
remembered my mom on0e saying that in times o# 0risis, 1e #ind o+t 1hat 1eJre really made o#)
%y mom) : sh+ddered as : heard her voi0e again, 1arning me to stop on the bridge) (ad : really L+st imagined itD Cr
had she someho1 been thereD
E$oryD (ere)G
: blin&ed) Krista held o+t a 0ompa0t bla0& 1al&ie<tal&ie to me) :t had red b+ttons on the side, and a short, r+bber<
en0ased antenna) -eeps and stati0 so+nded o+t as my #riends #iddled 1ith their ne1 toys)
EEveryone, ma&e s+re yo+Jre set to 0hannel one,G Krista told +s, holding +p her 1al&ie and pressing one o# the side
b+ttons to sho1 +s ho1 to 0hange it) E@hese have a really good range, so 1e sho+ld be able to stay in to+0h no matter
1here 1e are on the island)G
EAnd modern te0hnology #inally gets its hold on H+niper anding,G Kevin said 1ith a grin)
: 1asnJt even going to to+0h the irony o# that)
'+ddenly the ba0& door opened and a #e1 o# o+r ne1 visitors streamed o+t, in0l+ding %yra '0h1art!, 1ho o##ered me
a 1ave and a smile, 1hi0h : happily ret+rned) 'he 1as loo&ing stronger, the 0+t on her #orehead 0overed by a ga+!e
E(+rri0ane 1at0hFG she said) ECan yo+ believe itDG
: had no 0l+e 1hat she 1as tal&ing abo+t, so : shr+gged in response) +0&ily, she &ept 1al&ing and headed a0ross the
bl+## and do1n the hill 1ith the others)
E(+rri0ane 1at0hDG 2isher said +nder his breath)
E@hatJs 1hat the mayorJs 0ome +p 1ith to eBplain the la0& o# 0ell servi0e) -ig storm moving +p the 0oast, ta&ing o+t
po1er lines and 0ell to1ers)G Krista rolled her eyes)
E/ot bad,G -ea said 1ith a tho+ght#+l #ro1n) EEBplains the 1eather, too)G
EetJs get in there,G Krista said, glan0ing over her sho+lder as the mayor 1al&ed into her o##i0e) E'he sent me to get
yo+ over hal# an ho+r ago)G
4e #ormed a single line, headed do1n the side o# the living room to1ard the o##i0e) *eople slipped into La0&ets and
gathered +p p+rses and bags, a #e1 gamely 0he0&ing their phones) : #elt a shiver as my eyes met 'elma @seJs) 'he and her
brother br+shed by +s on their 1ay o+t the door)
ECdd time o# year #or a h+rri0ane, isnJt itDG 'elma said to her brother)
E5es) Very odd,G he replied)
@hey narro1ed their eyes at +s b+t moved slo1ly and s+rely o+t into the rain)
E: really donJt li&e those t1o,G a+ren gr+mbled behind me)
EHoin the 0l+b)G
Krista shoved open the door to the mayorJs o##i0e and stood ba0& to let +s in) HoaI+in and : 1ere the #irst inside) @he
mayor 1as b+sy shoving papers into a 0anvas bag) 'he loo&ed +p as 1e entered, startled, and dropped the bag to the
gro+nd at her #eet)
E"o yo+ &no0&DG she snapped, going red aro+nd the 0ollar)
E'orry,G HoaI+in said sar0asti0ally, raising his hands) EKrista said yo+ 1ere losing it, so 1e 0ame)G
E"id sheDG @he mayor eyed Krista shre1dly)
EHoaI+inFG Krista 1hispered)
: eyed the 0anvas bag as the others #iled into the room behind me) @he mayor &i0&ed it #arther +nder her heavy oa&
des& +ntil it 1as o+t o# sight) 4ith one t+g on her s+it La0&et, she 1as ba0& to #orm) 'he eyed ea0h o# +s as 1e stood in a
long line in #ront o# her) 2inally, Krista 0losed the door and Loined +s, 0rossing in #ront o# everyone else to 0ome stand by
HoaI+in and me)
E4here are 1e 1ith the sear0h #or @ristan and /adiaDG the mayor as&ed)
@he 1ind 1hipped the tall grasses o+tside the 1indo1 as three bla0& 0ro1s s1ooped to1ard the ro0&s 0a1ing and
0a0&ling 1ildly) Every so+l 1ho had been +p at the bridge 1ith +s t+rned to eye HoaI+in and me) %y heart throbbed
inside my temples as : #elt that 0old #inger r+n do1n my ne0& one more time)
HoaI+in 0leared his throat) E: thin& 1e 0an sa#ely say 1eJve loo&ed every1here)G
A 0olle0tive breath seemed to be released in the room) Apparently no one 1anted +s to admit 1hat 1eJd done)
'+ddenly one o# the 0ro1s landed on the por0h railing behind the mayor) :t t+rned its head in that a1#+l, roboti0 1ay and
seemed to #o0+s its glinting bla0&<eyed ga!e on me)
EAnd yo+ havenJt #o+nd themD (o1 is that possibleDG the mayor demanded, slamming a hand do1n on her des&)
Everyone #lin0hed) Another 0ro1 landed neBt to the #irst, its 1ings #lapping noisily)
E@hey m+st be on the move, maJam,G 2isher said in that deep, a+thoritative voi0e o# his) E'taying one step ahead o#
E:# anyone 0o+ld do that, itJs @ristan,G Kevin p+t in, pi0&ing at his nails)
E: L+st 1ish sheJd said something to me,G Cori said I+ietly, loo&ing at the #loor so that her braids #ell #or1ard over her
0hee&s) @he third 0ro1 0a1ed and 0ame to per0h neBt to its #riends) E: 1ish : &ne1 1hat she 1as thin&ing)G
E:tJs a good I+estion,G the mayor said, slamming 0losed a heavy leather ledger atop her des&) @he so+nd startled the
birds, and they 1hooshed a1ay, bleating angrily as they disappeared into the 0lo+ds) E4hat is @ristan thin&ingD 4hatJs
his endgameDG
: stared at the boo& beneath her s&inny #ingers) '+ddenly my 1hole body 1as on #ire 1ith 0larity) E: &no1 ho1 1e 0an
#ind o+t 1hat heJs thin&ing,G : said) ECr at least, 1hat he 1as thin&ing be#ore he ran)G
@he mayorJs #a0e s0re1ed +p in 0onsternation) E(o1DG
E(is Lo+rnals)G
: 1at0h the never<ending line o# visitors as they ma&e their 1ay, bleary eyed and 0l+eless, do1n the hill to1ard to1n) @he
0aptives have been released, 1hi0h means ea0h and every one o# those #resh, ne1 visitors is no1 #ree to roam the
islandKto roam right into my 1aiting 0l+t0hes) (o1, oh, ho1 1ill : de0ide 1ho my neBt vi0tims 1ill beD :t #eels good,
having the #reedom to 0hoose) :t 1onJt be long no1 be#ore the deed is done and : 0an reap my re1ards)
:tJs not as i# the 1at0hdogs 0an stop me) /ot a 0han0e) :Jm +nstoppable) :Jve got p+re evil on my side)
/o1 that :Jve to+0hed her, : &no1 everything abo+t her, and still : 0anJt stay a1ay) @he #eelings : have 1hen :Jm 1ith her
terri#y me) : promised mysel# : 1o+ldnJt let this happen again) /ot 1ith a visitor or a i#er) -+t $ory is di##erent #rom
anyone 1ho has 0rossed my path in a h+ndred years) : &no1 itJs bad #or me, bad #or her, bad #or everyone, b+t : 0anJt stay
a1ay) : &eep going to the ho+se on %agnolia to &eep 1at0h, to L+st sit and stare 1ith the mere hope o# glimpsing her) @he
pain 1hen :Jm not near her, the anti0ipation o# seeing her again, o# hearing her voi0e, o# seeing her smileMitJs +nbearable)
: slammed the Lo+rnal sh+t and tried to stop the tears be#ore they spilled over) @he last thing : 1anted to do 1as to 0ry
#or him, #or +s, #or 1hat :Jd tho+ght 1e 1ere going to be) : t+rned my #a0e to1ard the 1indo1 o# his bedroom, pressing
my eyes 0losed as tightly as : 0o+ld and biting do1n hard on my lip) : hated him) : hated him #or doing this to me, to my
#amily, to everyone heJd &no1n and loved and 0ared abo+t #or 0ent+ries)
A &no0& so+nded on the open door) : I+i0&ly s1iped at the 1etness +nder my eyes and t+rned aro+nd) HoaI+in stood
#ramed by the door1ay) 'tre1n aro+nd me 1ere do!ens o# Lo+rnals, some lying open, some piled in sta0&s) @he 0overlet
on @ristanJs bed 1as t1isted #rom the many times :Jd 0hanged position over the last #e1 ho+rs as the other i#ers had
slo1ly p+t their boo&s aside and melted a1ay, tired o# reading, h+ngry #or dinner, or L+st plain +n0onvin0ed that this plan
o# mine 1o+ld 0ome to anything) :Jd been alone and brooding #or most o# the a#ternoon)
And no1 HoaI+in 1as loo&ing at me 1ith pity in his eyes)
E: thin& itJs time to ta&e a brea&)G
: p+shed mysel# +p against the pillo1s, sni##ling) E: 0anJt,G : said sha&ily, grabbing another boo&) E@hereJs something in
here) : &no1 it) And : 0anJt stop +ntil : #ind a 1ay to save "ar0y and my dad)G
E$ory,G he said)
EHoaI+in,G : shot ba0&, glaring at him)
(e too& a deep breath and 0rossed his arms over his 0hest) E@hereJs something : 1ant to sho1 yo+) 'omething :Jve
never sho1n anyone be#ore)G
: slammed the latest Lo+rnal 0losed) E5o+Jre not going to give +p, are yo+DG
E(ave : everDG he as&ed, 0o0&ing one eyebro1) ECome on, : &no1 yo+Jre at least a little 0+rio+s)G
: said nothing) H+st stared)
ECome on)G (e let his hands slap do1n against his legs) E5o+r eyes are pra0ti0ally 0rossed) 5o+ havenJt eaten sin0e this
morning, i# then) 5o+Jre not going to help yo+r dad and "ar0y any i# yo+ 0anJt thin& straight) @a&e a little brea&)G
: heaved a sigh) (e 1as right, o# 0o+rse) %y brain 1as #oggy, my eyes 1ere dry, and my stoma0h 1as one big, empty
&not) -a0& home : 1as al1ays the one 0are#+lly 0arbo<loading be#ore a big ra0e, getting plenty o# rest the night be#ore an
eBam) : &ne1 1hat my body 0o+ld and 0o+ldnJt handle, and i# : 1as being honest 1ith mysel#, it 0o+ldnJt handle m+0h
more o# this 1itho+t giving o+t)
And in a strange 1ay, it 1as ni0e to &no1 that he 0ared abo+t me) HoaI+in had never let me do1n) (e 0ared abo+t
me) And that meant something) :t meant a lot, a0t+ally)
E2ine,G : said as : s1+ng my legs over the side o# the bed) E-+t then 1eJre 0oming right ba0& here) :Jm 0lose to
something) : 0an #eel it)G
E"onJt 1orry,G he said 1ith a slo1 smile, his hand gra!ing the small o# my ba0& as : slipped by him) E@his 1onJt ta&e
E:# yo+Jre bringing me +p here to &ill me, :Jm going to be really pissed o##,G : said, pressing one hand on the #limsy 1all
beside me as the to1er above the library s1ayed in the 1ind) : s1ore +nder my breath as the entire thing leaned to the
le#t) Cverhead, the h+ge, t1o<ton bell 0rea&ed omino+sly on its hinges)
E$ory, yo+ &eep #orgetting,G HoaI+in said #rom the 1inding stairs L+st belo1 me)
E: &no1, : &no1) 4e 0anJt die,G : said thro+gh my teeth) E-+t yo+Jd thin& that 1o+ld negate this serio+s need : have to
m+rder yo+ right no1)G
HoaI+in la+ghed, and even 1ith all the vertigo, the so+nd 1armed my heart) EH+st &eep going) 5o+Jre almost there)G
: held my breath and 0limbed the last #ive ri0&ety steps to the very top o# the bell to1er) @all ar0hed 1indo1s loo&ed
o+t in every dire0tion over the island, and a t1o<#oot<1ide plan& 1al&1ay 0ir0led the opening +nder the bell, 1hi0h
stret0hed do1n the ten stories to the #loor o# the b+ilding #ar belo1) %y heart po+nded #rom the 0limb, #rom the height,
and #rom the 1histling 1ind that seemed to blast thro+gh every one o# those 1indo1s at on0e) : gripped the bri0& 0asing
on the nearest opening and bra0ed mysel#, trying to release the #ear)
E4hatJre 1e doing +p hereDG : as&ed #inally) : eyed the bron!e bell as it s1ayed, thin&ing o# the last time it had r+ng)
A I+i0& #l+tter o# g+ilt #lashed in HoaI+inJs eyes, b+t then it 1as gone) (e 1al&ed to an east<#a0ing 1indo1 and sat
do1n) E4eJre ta&ing a brea&,G he said matter<o#<#a0tly) E@his is 1here : 0ome 1hen : 1ant to get a1ay #rom everything)
Che0& it o+t) 5o+ 0an see every bit o# the island #rom +p here)G
: too& a deep breath and loo&ed o+t the north<#a0ing 1indo1 neBt to me) '+re eno+gh : sa1 the bridge o## in the
distan0e, the 0li##s #rom 1hi0h my i#er #riends had L+mped on the night they 1anted to prove 1e 0o+ldnJt die, and
several beams o# light bobbing aro+nd on the northeast shore) A sear0h party) @hey 1ere still loo&ing) Al1ays loo&ing)
ECool, rightDG HoaI+in said)
: sat do1n neBt to him and o+r &nees to+0hed) : didnJt p+ll a1ay, li&e : 1o+ld have a 1ee& ago) @here 1as something
0om#orting abo+t being this 0lose to HoaI+in) And at the same time something daring) : loo&ed +p into his eyes, and he
stared straight ba0& into mine +ntil : bl+shed) @hen 1e both smiled and loo&ed o+t the nearest 1indo1) %y &nee 1as on
#ire) /ever in my li#e had : ever tho+ght : 1o+ld be so #o0+sed on my &nee)
E:tJs the highest point in H+niper anding)G HoaI+in leaned to1ard me, bra0ing one hand beside my hip and pointing
past my sho+lder) : #elt his arm gra!e my ne0&, and his breath ti0&led my s&in) Eoo&)G
: t+rned my head, my heart pitter<pattering 0ra!ily, and spotted the mayorJs ho+se) '+re eno+gh, 1e 1ere higher than
its tallest pointKthe 1eather vane, 1hi0h 1as still pointed so+th)
E: &no1 itJs hard to believe, b+t this is +s+ally a ni0e pla0e to live,G HoaI+in said I+ietly) E:tJs all s+n and s+r#ing and
s1imming d+ring the day, then m+si0 and partying and hanging o+t at night) :tJs pea0e#+l, +s+ally) Ten)G
: loo&ed +p at him, 1anting to believe it) 4illing, in that moment, to believe anything he said)
EH+stMnot sin0e yo+Jve been here,G he said)
: snorted a la+gh) E@han&s)G
E"onJt get me 1rong) :tJs not li&e :Jd go ba0& and have yo+ not 0ome here)G (e shi#ted and laid his arm lightly a0ross
my sho+lders) '+ddenly : #elt a #e1 things a0+tely) @he bree!e br+shing a lo0& o# hair against my 0hee&) @he 1armth o# his
s&in against mine) @he grain o# the 1ood plan&s beneath my #ingertips)
E'o yo+Jre happy that :Jm deadDG : Lo&ed, trying to lighten the moment)
(e 0a+ght my hand) (e 1asnJt going to let me ma&e a game o# this) E5eah,G he said) E: &ind o# am)G
%y heart th+mped as he leaned to1ard me) Alarm bells 1ent o## in my head and thro+gho+t my body) @his 1as
HoaI+in) @ristanJs best #riend) "ar0yJs #ormer 0r+sh) (e 1asnJt really going toK
And then he 1as) (is lips to+0hed mine, and he slipped his hand do1n my ba0&, p+lling me 0loser to him) : 0o+ld do
nothing b+t respond to his &iss) '+ddenly : 1anted to do nothing b+t respond to his &iss) And #or min+te +pon bliss#+l,
endless min+te, thatJs eBa0tly 1hat : did)
Antil #inally, +n#ort+nately, he p+lled a1ay)
HoaI+in stared into my eyes) : sear0hed his, trying to #ind a name #or 1hat : 1as #eeling) @rying to +nderstand 1hat
this 1as, 1hat it meant) 4hat the hell 1ere 1e doingD
@hen, ever so slo1ly, he smiled, and : reali!ed : didnJt 0are) 4hat mattered 1as that this #elt right) :t #elt good to be
1ith HoaI+in, his arm no1 aro+nd my ba0&, his 0om#orting, m+s&y s0ent enveloping me) : leaned 0ontentedly into the
0roo& o# his sho+lder)
Eoo&,G he 1hispered, &issing the top o# my head) E5o+ 0an even see yo+r ho+se #rom here)G
: tilted my head hal# an in0h) C+t on the o0ean, three s+r#ers in bla0& rash g+ards bobbed on the 0hoppy 1hite0aps) :
1ondered 1hether they 1ere iam, alani, and /i0&, ma&ing good on their date 1ith the 1aves)
E/o) @here)G
HoaI+in gently t+rned my 0hin, and s+re eno+gh, there it 1as) *ast the I+aint, rain<sli0&ed shops o# do1nto1n and
the 0olor#+l trim o# the Vi0torian ho+ses on 2reesia ane stood the pretty little yello1 ho+se on %agnolia) :t 1as so bright
and 0heer#+l against the miles o# grayness it seemed as i# nothing bad 0o+ld ever happen +nder its roo#) @here 1ere the
+pper eaves +nder 1hi0h my 1ide bedroom sat, and there 1as "ar0yJs 1indo1, and there 1as the ho+se a0ross the
street 1here @ristan +sed to sit and &eep 1at0h #or the girl 1hose heart he 1as planning to brea&) @he girl he simply
0o+ldnJt stay a1ay #rom)
%y p+lse stopped ra0ing) : #elt as i# :Jd L+st tripped and landed in one o# the deeper p+ddles marring the par&) @he girl
he 0o+ldnJt stay a1ay #rom)
'+ddenly : 1as on my #eet) @he Lo+rnal) (eJd said that it 1as too pain#+l to be gone #rom my side #or even a min+te)
And the other day, :Jd tho+ght :Jd seen a light b+t br+shed it o## as a tri0&Kas distant lightning in the s&y) Co+ld it be that
E4hatDG HoaI+in as&ed, staring +p at me)
E4hen 1as the last time anyone sear0hed %agnoliaDG : as&ed)
(e li#ted his sho+lders, the light dying #rom his eyes) (e didnJt 1ant to leave this pla0e yet) (e 1anted to be 1ith me)
And he 0o+ld tell : 1as abo+t to r+n) E: donJt &no1) ast nightD A 0o+ple o# days agoD 4hyDG
E: have an idea,G : said, trying to ignore the pang in my heart) @rying to #o0+s on the positive) E: thin& : &no1 1here
@ristan is)G
E*ar& here,G : said as HoaI+in t+rned @ristanJs $ange $over +p %agnolia 'treet) 4e had borro1ed it #rom the mayorJs
ho+se be0a+se 1e 1o+ld need the ba0&seat i# 1e #o+nd @ristan and /adia, and HoaI+inJs pi0&+p had only the 0ab) : didnJt
&no1 1hether it 1as poeti0 or plain 0r+el that @ristan 1o+ld be bro+ght to L+sti0e in his o1n 0ar) HoaI+in hit the bra&es,
and they sI+ealed) E4e donJt 1ant them to see +s 0oming)G
E.ood 0all)G HoaI+in shoved the gearshi#t into par&) (is #ingers balled into #ists atop his thighs) : &ne1 the #eeling) @he
tension in the air 1as so tight : #elt li&e i# : moved, the 1hole 1orld 1o+ld shatter) :# : 1as right, 1e 1ere abo+t to #ind
@ristan) : had to believe it) %y hope 1as the only thing : had le#t)
-ea p+lled her Heep +p behind +s, and her headlights momentarily #illed the 'AV be#ore she do+sed them) /ight 1as
starting to #all, b+t 1ith no sign o# the s+n, evening didnJt loo& m+0h di##erent #rom day) Everything 1as L+st a dar&er,
m+r&ier shade o# gray) : glan0ed in the side mirror as the doors o# the Heep opened 1ith a m+ted pop) 2ive hooded #ig+res
piled o+t and #lan&ed o+r 0ar)
: rolled do1n my 1indo1 as HoaI+in did the same) $aindrops slipped along the inside o# the 0ar door) 2isher, Kevin,
and Cori 1ere on my side, -ea and a+ren on HoaI+inJs)
E5o+ really thin& heJs in thereDG 2isher as&ed, ga!ing o## to1ard the ho+se in I+estion)
E: re#+se to believe it,G a+ren said, her lips pin0hed) E@he sear0hes have been so organi!ed) @hereJs no 1ay he 0o+ld
have been hiding right +nder o+r noses all this time)G
E/ot all this time, b+t maybe in the last day,G : said) EAt least, thatJs 1hat :Jm hoping)G
EetJs get this over 1ith)G Kevin 0ra0&ed every one o# his &n+0&les, one by one)
E%y tho+ghts eBa0tly)G
: opened my door, #or0ing 2isher, Kevin, and Cori to step ba0&) As my #eet hit the side1al&, : sa1 a tall #ig+re
approa0hing +s #rom the bottom o# the hill) 2or a se0ond : tho+ght it might be iam, b+t then he loo&ed +p and *eteJs
pale s&in pra0ti0ally glo1ed #rom +nder his hood)
E4hatJre yo+ g+ys doingDG he as&ed)
E4eJre 0he0&ing the gray ho+se #or @ristan,G Kevin said, p+tting his arm aro+nd him) EetJs go)G
E@he more the merrier,G HoaI+in said #latly)
4e moved together do1n the side1al&) : &ept one eye on the #ront door as 1e approa0hed, in 0ase someone tried to
ma&e a brea& #or it) 4e passed by -eaJs ho+seKa tall 1hite 0olonial abo+t #ive doors +p #rom o+r targetKand 0o+ld hear
-eaJs insane 0harge, @ess, s0ree0hing #rom the #o+rth<#loor 1indo1) @he so+nd 0oiled my sho+lders, and : loo&ed at -ea)
(er #a0e 1as a #re0&led mas& +nderneath her bla0& rain hat, the area +nder her eyes p+##y and dar&)
E"onJt even say it)G 'he sighed and shoved her hands deep into her po0&ets, h+n0hing a1ay #rom @essJs 1indo1) 4e
really had to get the dar& so+ls o## the island) Cne more reason to #inish this thing)
'+ddenly, the door to the ho+se neBt to the gray one opened, and o+t stepped 'ebastian and 'elma) Everyone on the
side1al& #ro!e) As they 1al&ed do1n the #ront path to1ard +s, their eyes slid over +s li&e s0anners, the movement so in
syn0h and +nnat+ral they 0o+ld have been t1in a+tomatons) :t 1as eerie)
E4hat 1ere yo+ doing in thereDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E@his is the ho+se 1e 1ere pla0ed in,G 'elma said in her thin, high<pit0hed voi0e)
E@hey pla0ed yo+ hereDG : bl+rted) E: didnJt &no1 there 1ere any boarding ho+ses on this street)G
E@here are no1,G a+ren said +nder her breath) /o1 meaning no1 that 1eJre so over0ro1ded)
@he t1o o# them glared at me 1ith their light bl+e eyes) E@here are people here 1ho donJt tr+st yo+, yo+ &no1,G
'elma said) EAny o# yo+)G
E*eople 1ho are going to 1ant to &no1 1hatJs really going on,G 'ebastian added)
@hen they t+rned as one and 1al&ed a1ay, side by side, their steps per#e0tly mat0hed)
E: bet theyJre going to meet those people right no1,G Kevin said a0erbi0ally) them to start as&ing I+estions)G
@he theory sent a 0hill right thro+gh me) : remembered #ar too vividly 1hat @ristan had told me abo+t the last angry
mob that had #ormed on H+niper anding) :t 1asnJt something : 1anted to eBperien0e #irsthand)
E4hy has the mayor not 1iped their memories yetDG 2isher as&ed)
E'he tried,G HoaI+in in#ormed +s) E@hey re#+sed to be alone in a room 1ith her, and she 0o+ldnJt have "orn s+bd+e
them, be0a+se there 1ere other visitors 1aiting to spea& 1ith her)G
E.od, : 0anJt ta&e the #rea&ing 0ro1ds anymore,G *ete said thro+gh his teeth)
E: &no1,G : said, sI+ee!ing his arm as the t1ins t+rned the 0orner at the end o# the blo0&) EEspe0ially people li&e
-ea ro0&ed ba0& and #orth #rom her heels to her toes) E: L+st 1ant one thing to go ba0& to normal aro+nd here) H+st
one thing)G
@he 1ind 1histled in ans1er, spraying +s side1ays 1ith a torrent o# rain) : 1iped my #a0e 1ith the ba0& o# my 1et
Eoo&, i# 1e 0an L+st #ind @ristan and /adia, 1e 0an have everything ba0& to normal by the end o# the night,G : said,
glan0ing hope#+lly +p at the dripping g+tters on the gray ho+se) ECn0e 1e start +shering people again and the s+n 0omes
o+t, everyone 1ill 0hill) Even the t1ins)G
HoaI+in ble1 o+t a breath, his nostrils 1ide) EetJs get this over 1ith)G
(e h+rried +p the gray ho+seJs #ront 1al& and tried the door, the rest o# +s #ollo1ing 0lose behind) :t 1as +nlo0&ed, as
most ho+ses in H+niper anding 1ere) 'lo1ly he opened the door and pee&ed inside) @here 1ere no lights on in the parlor
or the dining room, b+t : 0o+ld see a so#t glo1 #li0&ering #rom one o# the rooms at the top o# the stairs)
%y heart s&ipped) HoaI+in li#ted one #inger to his lips, then ever so 0are#+lly stepped inside) : tiptoed in a#ter him,
#ollo1ed by 2isher, then -ea, a+ren, Kevin, Cori, and *ete, 1ho 1as bringing +p the rear) : noti0ed that heJd le#t the door
open, 1hi0h 1as I+i0& thin&ing) @he 0li0& o# the lat0h might alert 1hoever 1as +pstairs)
@ristan) *lease, please let it be @ristan)
HoaI+in bro+ght his boot do1n on the #irst step) :t 0rea&ed so lo+d : almost s0reamed in #r+stration)
E'tay to the sideFG a+ren hissed) E'teps are st+rdier at the side)G
HoaI+in nodded, loo&ing green, and pressed himsel# +p against the peeling 1allpaper along the stair1ay) : held my
breath as : 0rept L+st behind him, ea0h step an eB0r+0iating eternity) %y eyes 1ere trained on the #ront bedroom door)
@he door to the room 1here @ristan had spied on me d+ring those days a#ter 1eJd #irst arrivedKthe room 1here heJd
ta&en me on my #irst i#er to+r, 1hen :Jd tried to &iss him, and heJd bro&en my heart)
@emporarily) -e0a+se heJd #elt he had to) /o1 : 1ished heJd L+st le#t it bro&en ba0& then) :t 1o+ld have started
healing by no1)
4eJd rea0hed the top o# the stairs) HoaI+in and : lo0&ed eyes, and : sa1 the determination in his) '+ddenly : #elt 1ea&
and 0hildish and st+pid) @his 1as not abo+t ho1 @ristan had betrayed me) :t 1as abo+t "ar0y and "ad and Aaron and
Henni#er and the other inno0ent so+ls s+##ering needlessly in the 'hado1lands) :t 1as time to get them ba0&)
E'0re1 this,G : said +nder my breath)
@hen : t+rned and thre1 open the door, the others right on my heels) @he 0+rtains 1ere dra1n) @he room 1as lit by
t1o &erosene lanterns and one small 0andle) @he #irst thing : sa1 by their +n0ertain light 1as @ristan, passed o+t
diagonally a0ross t1o sleeping bags on the #loor) : lost my breath at the sight o# him) (e 1as on his ba0& in a bla0& @<shirt,
one arm stret0hed o+t at his side, the other 0roo&ed a1&1ardly over his 0hest 1ith a bandage 1rapped aro+nd his hand)
(is legs 1ere splayed in dirty, 1et Leans) A han& o# his blond hair #ell a0ross his #orehead li&e a 0res0ent moon)
(e 1as here) (e 1as really here)
And : didnJt &no1 1hat to do) a+ghD CryD '0reamD
2isher p+shed past me into the room) E@ristanFG (e th+ndered, &i0&ing his booted #oot)
@ristan groaned and rolled on his side) @hat 1as 1hen 1e sa1 the blood) :t 1as every1here) A thi0& pool o# it, dar& as
oil, spreading o+t #rom behind his head) %y hands #le1 to 0over my mo+th) Cori, mean1hile, 0rept along the #ront o# the
room as i# loo&ing #or something, &eeping her ba0& to the 1all)
E@ristanDG -ea gasped, #alling to her &nees)
'he tentatively to+0hed his head, and the 0olor drained #rom her 0hee&s) E:tJs bad, yo+ g+ys) (is 1hole s&+llMG
'he t+rned a1ay, s1allo1ing hard, then got +p and staggered to the 1indo1, ripping the 0+rtains aside and heaving
#or breath)
E4ho 1o+ld do thisD 4ho 1o+ld 0ome in here and atta0& himDG : as&ed)
@hen, s+ddenly, Cori s0reamed)
E4hat theKG
E/adiaF :tJs /adiaFG Cori 1as pointing at the #loor near the ba0& o# the room, sha&ing) E'heJs not breathing, yo+ g+ysF :
donJt thin& sheJs breathing)G
: grabbed a lantern and r+shed over to CoriJs side) @he #irst thing : sa1 1ere /adiaJs bla0& Converse, t1isted over ea0h
other) %y eyes traveled +p her s&inny legs, her #lat torso, +p her ne0& to her #a0e) : gasped and too& a step ba0&) (er eyes
1ere open and staring) /ot blin&ing) @here 1as no li#e in them)
E/o, no, no,G HoaI+in said, Loining +s) E@hatJs not possible) 'heJs L+st s0re1ing 1ith +s)G
(e 0ro+0hed neBt to /adiaJs body and p+t his #ingers to her ne0&) (is bro1s &nit and he moved his #ingers) @hen he
moved them again) (is hand trembled) 4hen his ga!e #li0&ed +p to meet mine, : 0o+ld tell he didnJt 1ant to spea&)
E4hatDG -ea 0roa&ed #rom the #ar 0orner, h+gging hersel#) E4hat, HoaI+inDG
E@hereJs no p+lse,G HoaI+in said, s+rprised) ECoriJs right) /adiaJs dead)G
Cori 1ailed and b+ried her #a0e in 2isherJs sho+lder) a+ren b+0&led ba0&1ard, staggering +ntil she 0ollided 1ith the
1all, 1here she san& to the #loor, straggly strands o# her 1et hair snagging on tears in the an0ient 1allpaper)
E: donJt +nderstand,G : said) 4e 1ere s+pposed to be immortal) @hat 1as the deal) E:# a i#er dies, 1here does their
so+l goDG
/o one ans1ered, be0a+se there 1as no ans1er) @his had never happened be#ore) /ot in anyoneJs memory) :0e<0old
#ear permeated the room, trembling the air aro+nd +s, t+rning eyes 1ide and La1s sla0&) 4here had /adia goneD 4here
1o+ld any o# +s goD
@ristan) (is eyes 1ere still 0losed, b+t his #ingertips 0la1ed at the d+sty #loor, 0+rling in to1ard his palm) (e groaned
and my &nees b+0&led) : thre1 mysel# onto the 1orn thro1 r+g neBt to him, my heart 1ren0hed inside my throat)
: p+t my hand on his sho+lder) (e #elt 0oldKimpossibly 0oldKand : 0o+ld #eel the m+s0les I+ivering beneath his s&in)
E(elpMG he m+ttered, the 1ords a hal# 1hee!e) E(elp +s)G
And then his body 1ent sla0&)
E4e have to get him o+t o# hereFG : eB0laimed, loo&ing at the #rightened #a0es aro+nd me) E4e have to get him to the
mayor orMor a do0tor) 'omething)G
E4hat abo+t /adiaDG Cori 0ried) E4e 0anJt L+st leave her here)G
E: 0an 0arry /adia over my sho+lder,G 2isher said, his green eyes #lat)
E5o+ 0anDG Cori as&ed)
E2iremanJs li#t) 'he 1eighs, li&e, nothing)G @hen, to prove his point, 2isher 1al&ed over and li#ted /adiaJs limp body,
#olding her over his sho+lder) Cori gasped and started to sob) /adiaJs i#er bra0elet dangled #rom her s&inny arm li&e it
1anted to #all)
E:Jll help yo+ 1ith @ristan,G -ea o##ered, p+shing a1ay #rom the 1indo1 and stepping +p to HoaI+in)
@ristan let o+t a 1ea&, g+rgly moan)
E4e have to move,G HoaI+in said) E4e 0anJt let himMG
E"ie)G a+ren spo&e #or the #irst time in #ive min+tes) 'heJd been so I+iet :Jd #orgotten she 1as there, b+t no1 she
t+rned her dar& eyes +p at me and stared, her arms limp li&e a rag dollJs at her sides) E"ie is the 1ord yo+Jre loo&ing #or)G
/o one spo&e) /o one breathed) @his 1asnJt something 1e 1ere ever s+pposed to #a0e) : 0ro+0hed do1n neBt to
a+ren and too& her hand) E:tJs going to be all right)G
E(o1DG (er voi0e 1ent 0hildish as her bottom lip trembled) E(o1 is itDG
: s1allo1ed hard and loo&ed to the others #or help) @heir #a0es 1ere blan&) A terri#ied blan&) E: donJt &no1, b+t the
sooner 1e get them ba0& to the mayor, the sooner 1e 0an #ig+re it o+t) Come on)G
: gripped a+renJs +pper arm and helped her +p #rom the #loor) @hen HoaI+in slid his hands +nder @ristanJs arms and
li#ted, letting @ristanJs head loll ba0& against his 0hest, 1here it le#t a smear o# blood) -ea grabbed beneath his 0alves, and
a+ren, Cori, and : led the 1ay o+t the door, do1n the stairs, and ba0& into the night) @he rain 1as sharp and driven, li&e
tiny pinpri0&s against my s&in)
@his 1as not 1hat : had imagined 1hen 1eJd 0ome o+t on this mission) :Jd seen mysel# indignantly spitting I+estions
at @ristan, him hanging his head in shame) :Jd seen +s gathering at the bridge to #ree the inno0ents #rom the 'hado1lands)
4hen 1eJd driven do1n here, :Jd tho+ght : &ne1 eBa0tly 1hat : 1as doing) -+t no1 : 1as more 0on#+sed than ever)
4hen 1e got to @ristanJs 0ar, : opened the doors to the ba0&) -ea and HoaI+in 0are#+lly loaded @ristan onto the seat,
laying his head do1n gingerly)
E4eJll ta&e /adia in the Heep,G 2isher s+ggested)
E@hereJs not eno+gh room,G -ea said)
E:Jll stay 1ith yo+ g+ys)G Kevin 0limbed into the #ront o# the 'AV)
: glan0ed aro+ndKat Kevin, at HoaI+in, at @ristan) @here 1as nothing le#t #or me to do eB0ept 0limb into the ba0& 1ith
him) @he g+y 1hoJd betrayed me) @he g+y 1ho had sent my #amily to hell) : tho+ght abo+t p+tting his head on my lap, b+t
it seemed too intimate) 'o instead, : slammed the door, 1al&ed to the other side, and p+t his #eet +p a1&1ardly on my
lap, every in0h o# my body tense eno+gh to snap)
E5o+ o&ayDG HoaI+in as&ed as everyone else 0rammed into the Heep)
: grit my teeth) EetJs L+st go)G
HoaI+in got in, and the engine roared to li#e) (e #lipped a I+i0& A<t+rn and started +p the hill to1ard to1n, the
1indshield 1ipers #lapping a #ranti0 beat #rom side to side) : 0o+ldnJt bear to loo& at @ristanJs #a0e, so instead : stared o+t
the 1indo1 at the rain)
E:t doesnJt ma&e any sense) 4ho 1o+ld do thisDG : said as 1e drove o+t onto the to1n sI+are, the tires sending 1alls
o# 1ater #lying +p on either side o# the 0ar) E4ho 1o+ld atta0& them and leave them #or deadD 4eJve all been loo&ing #or
him) 4e all 1ant ans1ers)G
E: donJt &no1,G HoaI+in said, glan0ing over his sho+lder at @ristan) E: L+st hope he lives long eno+gh to eBplain 1hat
the hell is going on)G
@he #ront tire b+mped over a h+ge pothole, and @ristan groaned)
E*ete,G he m+ttered)
E4hatDG : said)
Kevin t+rned in his seat, his dar& eyes alarmed) E4hat did he L+st sayDG
E*eteM&illed /adia,G @ristan 1hispered hoarsely)
HoaI+in nearly drove over the 0+rb at the north end o# to1n, b+t he t+rned the 1heel at the last se0ond, sending me
slamming into the door) @ristan started to roll o## the seat, b+t : grasped his shirt and steadied him be#ore he 0o+ld #all)
E4here the hell is *eteDG Kevin demanded)
E(eJs in the other 0arFG : said)
ECall them,G HoaI+in demanded, slamming on his bra&es in #ront o# the poli0e station) E"o it no1FG
Kevin #+mbled #or his 1al&ie<tal&ie) Ea+renF Come inF :s *ete 1ith yo+D Cver)G
HoaI+in 1as o+t o# the 0ar and storming to1ard the Heep 1hen the ans1er 0ame)
E/o) 4hyD 4e tho+ght he 1as 1ith yo+) Cver)G
:n the side mirror : sa1 HoaI+in bra0e his hands on the top o# -eaJs Heep and bo1 his head) : loo&ed at Kevin, my heart
sin&ing into my toes) E"o yo+ remember seeing him in the room at the ho+seDG
(e shoo& his head) E/o) "o yo+DG
: 0losed my eyes and too& a breath, 0+rsing my o1n st+pidity) -+t ho1 0o+ld : have &no1nD @here 1as no 1ay : 0o+ld
have &no1n 1hat 1e 1ere going to #ind, let alone that one o# o+r #riends 1as the perpetrator) E(e le#t the door open
behind him) : tho+ght he did it to &eep #rom ma&ing noise)G
E: donJt +nderstand,G Kevin said) E4hat the hell is going onDG
@ristan moaned again and t+rned on his side) @he ba0& o# his head 1as a 0rater o# blood and hair and shards o# bone) :
s1allo1ed ba0& a heaving breath)
E*ete &ne1 1hat 1e 1ere going to #ind in that room,G : said grimly) E(e le#t the door open so he 0o+ld r+n)G
E: donJt +nderstand) :# *ete had already #o+nd them, 1hy didnJt he L+st tell +s 1hen 1e b+mped into him on %agnoliaDG
a+ren 1ondered as 1e tr+dged a0ross the sopping grass to1ard the mayorJs ho+se) 'he had L+st radioed all the i#ers,
telling them to be on the loo&o+t #or *ete) E4hy did he let +s 1al& in there all 0l+elessDG
E-e0a+se 0learly he had something to hide,G Kevin said) E(e had his 1al&ie<tal&ie) :# he 1anted to, he 0o+ld have
reported it right a1ay) -+t instead, he atta0&ed them and le#t them #or dead)G
"ead) %y brain still 0o+ldnJt 1rap itsel# aro+nd the #a0t that 1e 1ere +sing that 1ord) /adia 1as dead) And @ristanM
: loo&ed ahead at HoaI+in and -ea) @ristanJs body h+ng limply bet1een them as they shoved thro+gh the ba0& door o#
the ho+se) Cori, Kevin, a+ren, and : h+ng ba0& 1hile 2isher 1al&ed past 1ith /adia sl+ng over his sho+lder) CoriJs head
1as bo1ed and her sho+lders shoo&) : barely &ne1 her, b+t : p+t my arm aro+nd her as 1e #ollo1ed the others inside)
'heJd lost her best #riend) : &ne1 the s+0&ing void that opened inside yo+K: 1as eBperien0ing it right no1 1ith "ar0y
goneKand : 1ished there 1as something more : 0o+ld do)
Every light 1as on in the &it0hen and the 1ide<open great room beyond it, ma&ing #or a blinding 0ontrast to the dar&
night #rom 1hi0h 1eJd 0ome) @he 0lini0 had o##i0ially 0losed do1n no1 that the last patient had 0he0&ed o+t, and the
beds had been repla0ed 1ith the original, bea0h<0hi0 0o+0hes and 0hairs) @he mayor 1as sitting in the living room in
0on#eren0e 1ith "orn and .rant!, 1hile Krista stood in the &it0hen 1earing a yello1 dress, ma&ing some &ind o# smoothie
1ith a very lo+d, very grating blender) 'he blan0hed 1hen HoaI+in and -ea tromped past her, and the noise died)
(er eyes #l+ttered 0losed and she leaned #or1ard, her hips pressing against the &it0hen island as her hands #lattened
against its s+r#a0e, as i# she 1as 0linging to this pla0e, 1illing hersel# not to #aint)
2isher tr+dged a0ross the hard1ood #loor, his massive boots leaving m+ddy #ootprints, and gently deposited /adia
onto the one empty 0o+0h) HoaI+in and -ea sh+##led to1ard the opposite one, 1hi0h 1as o00+pied by the mayor and
"orn, 1ho both stood +p to s0+ttle o+t o# the 1ay, startled into motion) /either 0o+ld ta&e their eyes o## @ristan as
HoaI+in and -ea laid him do1n) (is s&in 1as noti0eably paler than it had been at the gray ho+se) 4hen his head #ell
side1ays, eBposing his 1o+nd, the mayorJs mo+th set in a grim line)
E4hat happenedDG "orn as&ed)
E/adiaJs dead,G 2isher said in his bl+nt 1ay) (e stepped to the side o# the 0o+0h and too& a 1ide<legged stan0e, li&e a
soldier reporting #or d+ty) : 1as starting to noti0e that 1hen things got hairy, he reverted to this no<nonsense post+re, his
o1n personal de#ense me0hanism)
E4hatDG .rant! snapped)
EAnd @ristanJs L+st barely alive,G HoaI+in added) (e shoved his hands thro+gh his 1et hair and #l+ng his bloodstained
La0&et onto the #loor) :t slid a0ross the 1ood plan&s and gathered in a heap near the 1all) HoaI+in bra0ed his hands on the
mantel over the #irepla0e and leaned into it, blo1ing o+t a lo+d breath) @hen s+ddenly he t+rned on the mayor, his eyes
as #ier0e as a rabid dogJs) E"o yo+ 1ant to tell +s 1hat the #+0& is going onDG
@he 1ords h+ng in the air as 1e ea0h str+ggled #or breath) :n the distan0e, th+nder r+mbled) @he only other so+nd in
the room 1as the in0essant even ti0&ing o# the elegant grand#ather 0lo0&)
@he mayor t+rned a1ay #rom +s and stood as still as granite)
Chie# .rant! 1as the #irst to spea&, rising slo1ly #rom his 0hair #or the #irst time) E'heJs deadD 'he 0anJt be dead)G
E: 1as a#raid o# this,G the mayor intoned) HoaI+in and : loo&ed at ea0h other)
E4hat are yo+ tal&ing abo+tDG a+ren as&ed sha&ily) 'he and Kevin still hovered near the #ront door, the raindrops
#rom their La0&ets #orming a la&e aro+nd their #eet) E"id yo+ &no1 this 1as going to happenDG
@he mayor t+rned) E: 1asnJt 0ertain) : 1as hoping 1e 1o+ld be able to #ind o+t 1hat 1as happeningK1ho 1as to
blameKand #iB it be#ore it 1ent this #ar)G
EC&ay, eno+gh 1ith the vag+e,G HoaI+in snapped) E5o+Jd better start eBplaining right no1)G
@he mayor too& a deep, a+dible breath and stood in #ront o# the #irepla0e neBt to HoaI+in)
E(ereJs 1hat : &no1) Cn0e inno0ents started being relegated to the 'hado1lands, the balan0e o# the +niverse began
to shi#t, 1hi0h is 1hy 1e sa1 the island be0ome in#ested 1ith b+gs and death and storms) 4hen 1e 0o+ldnJt #ind the
0+lprit, o+r only ans1er 1as to stop the +shering entirely) :t 1as the only 1ay to g+arantee 1e didnJt tilt the balan0e even
#+rther o## its aBis)G
EC# 0o+rse) 4e &no1 this,G 2isher said, his hands behind his ba0&) E4hat does it have to do 1ith /adiaDG
@he mayorJs eyes gre1 hard) E4ell, 1hat yo+ donJt &no1 is that yo+r immortality, as it 1ere, is 0ontingent +pon yo+r
0ontin+ing to #+l#ill yo+r p+rpose) @hat is, 0ontin+ing to help so+ls #ind their redemption and move on) 'o 1hen 1e
stopped +shering so+lsMG
E4e made o+rselves v+lnerable,G : said, my mo+th dry) : leaned into the ba0& o# one o# the taller 0hairs, gripping its
bro0ade #abri0 #or dear li#e)
E5es, %iss @hayer,G the mayor said) E@he longer yo+ re#rain #rom #+l#illing yo+r d+ty, the moreMeBpendable yo+ are to
the +niverse)G
E'o 1e 0an die no1DG Krista as&ed shrilly, her voi0e #illing the long, 1ide room) EAny o# +sDG
@he mayor t+rned an inappropriately 1ry eye on her pse+do da+ghter) EetJs L+st say : 1o+ldnJt go 0li## diving anytime
Krista sat do1n heavily on a &it0hen stool) -ea leaned into the island, her head in her hands) /o one else moved)
E4hy didnJt yo+ tell +sDG -ea as&ed I+ietly, her eyes 1ide and trained on @ristanJs 1o+nd) E4hy didnJt yo+ 1arn +sDG
@he mayor li#ted her 0hin and 0leared her throat) E:t 1as a L+dgment 0all,G she said) E: already had a h+ndred eBtra
pani0&ed visitors on my hands) : didnJt need yo+ pani0&ing as 1ell)G
E@hat 1asnJt yo+r 0all to ma&e,G HoaI+in spat)
EEB0+se meDG the mayor as&ed indignantly)
HoaI+in too& one step and got right in her #a0e) @he mayor 1as so startled she staggered ba0&, her sho+lders 0olliding
1ith the mantelpie0e) @he #ramed photos set +p at 0are#+l angles along the eBpanse o# the shel# rattled)
E5o+ p+t +s at ris&F @hisD @his is yo+r #a+lt,G HoaI+in said, #linging a hand at the 0o+0hes 1here /adia and @ristan lay)
E:# theyJd &no1n, they might have been more 0are#+l) Cr they might have 0ome ba0& to +s sooner) /adia might still be
E-a0& o## her, %arI+e!,G "orn said)
EetJs stop #o0+sing on 1hat 1e 0anJt 0hange and #o0+s on the problems at hand,G the mayor snapped)
E"o 1e &no1 1ho did thisDG
E@ristan said it 1as *ete,G -ea replied) E(e said *ete &illed /adia)G
E*eteDG Krista demanded) EAre yo+ serio+sDG
E4hat 1o+ld *ete stand to gain #rom thisDG Chie# .rant! as&ed) E:t doesnJt ma&e any sense)G
EAnless heJs the one 1hoJs been +shering people and they #o+nd o+t abo+t it,G a+ren said)
: #elt as i# something inside me snapped, li&e a g+itar string pl+0&ed hard, the reverberations vibrating thro+gho+t my
body) E'o yo+ thin&Myo+ thin& @ristan is inno0entDG
HoaI+in loo&ed me in the eye and my throat 0losed) :# @ristan 1as inno0ent, everything 0hanged) :# @ristan 1as
inno0ent ) ) )
E/o,G : said o+t lo+d) E:t 0anJt be) (e had the 0oins) @he pi0t+re o# my #amily) (eMhe ran)G
@he day @ristan had #led, the g+ys had tossed his room and #o+nd the one pi0t+re : had le#t o# my #amily in the bottom
o# his tr+n&) :t had been ta&en #rom my ho+se on the night my #ather had been +shered to the 'hado1lands)
E@hin& abo+t it) :n his note he said he 1as trying to #ig+re o+t ho1 to get into the 'hado1lands to res0+e those
people) @o do that heJd have to spend time near or on the bridge, li&e yo+ said,G a+ren theori!ed, approa0hing +s #rom
the spot sheJd ta&en against the east 1all) E%aybe @ristan and /adia sa1 *ete bring "ar0y and Asha to the bridge last
night) %aybe they 1ere going to tell +s, so he tra0&ed them do1n andKG
E2o+nd a 1ay to stop them,G HoaI+in #inished, staring at @ristan)
: de#lated, sin&ing in to one o# the arm0hairs) 2or the last #e1 days : had been #o0+sing so m+0h o# my energy on
hating @ristan, on 1hat : 1o+ld do and say to him i# : ever sa1 him again, on ma&ing mysel# not love him anymore) @he
idea that he might be inno0entM: 0o+ldnJt pro0ess it) : leaned #or1ard, elbo1s to &nees, and gasped #or air, trying to get a
hold o# mysel#)
E4e have to bring *ete in,G the mayor said) E4e need to &no1 1hy he did this) 4e need to &no1 ho1 to set it right)G
E"o yo+ thin& heJs going to dieDG a+ren as&ed trem+lo+sly, gripping the ba0& o# my 0hair)
%y head snapped +p) @he mayor 0rossed to @ristanKthe boy 1ho a0ted as her sonKand &nelt neBt to him) 'he
0he0&ed his 1o+nd and grasped his 1rist bet1een her th+mb and #ingers) 4ith a gentle to+0h, she smoothed his blond
hair a1ay #rom his #orehead, 1here the rain and perspiration had plastered it do1n) :t 1as a per#e0tly motherly gest+re,
and +ntil that moment, : 1o+ldnJt have believed she had it in her)
*lease let him be o&ay, : tho+ght) *lease, please, please)
Even as : tho+ght it, : 0o+ld #eel HoaI+in 1at0hing me, and it too& every o+n0e o# sel#<0ontrol to not loo& him in the
eye) : didnJt &no1 1hat he 1o+ld see there, b+t : 1as s+re he 1o+ldnJt li&e it)
E(is p+lse is strong) 4e need to move him to a bed, sterili!e the 1o+nd) .et him some #l+ids)G @he mayor stood +p
and pressed her lips together) 4hatever she 1as #eeling, she 1as &eeping it bottled +p as tightly as possible) E4ith any
l+0&, heJll be o&ay)G
'+ddenly o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies 0ra0&led to li#e) E-eaD Come in, -eaDG Ars+laJs voi0e 0ra0&led thro+gh the spea&ers) E*ete
1as spotted in the to1n sI+are L+st no1) 4e tried to stop him, b+t he got a1ay) (e 1as headed #or the do0&s) Cver)G
: 1as o+t o# my seat and headed #or the door be#ore the last !ap o# stati0 had #aded a1ay)
E$ory, 1aitKG HoaI+in started, b+t : 0+t him o##)
E/o more 1aiting,G : said, already moving to1ard the door) E:Jm going to #ind *ete, and :Jm going to end this be#ore
anyone else gets h+rt)G
HoaI+in and 2isher eB0hanged a loo&) E4eJre 0oming 1ith yo+,G HoaI+in said)
E/o,G : said, 1hipping the door open) : 1as hit by a blast o# 0old air to the #a0e) E: 1ant to do this on my o1n)G
E/o 1ay)G -ea 0ame +p behind 2isher and Kevin, p+lling her hat on over her hair) EAs o# no1, no one goes any1here
alone anymore)G
: s1allo1ed hard) @he girl had a point) A#ter all, 1e 0o+ld die no1)
E2ine) -+t 1hen 1e #ind him, : get to interrogate him,G : said thro+gh my teeth)
HoaI+in #lipped his hood +p) E'o 1here do 1e startD (is pla0eD @he '1anDG
E5o+ g+ysDG Cori 0leared her throat mee&ly) (er #a0e 1as still strea&ed 1ith tears, b+t her 0hin 1as set in grim
determination) : 0o+ld only imagine 1hat she 1as going thro+gh, losing one o# her best #riends and #inding o+t that the
other 1as responsible) @he very #a0t that she 1as able to stand right no1 made her 1orthy o# a1e) E: thin& : &no1 1here
heJs going)G
: glan0ed aro+nd at the others and sa1 they 1ere L+st as impressed as : 1as) : rea0hed #or CoriJs hand)
E'ho1 +s the 1ay)G
E@he -ait and @a0&leDG -ea as&ed as the #ive o# +s h+ddled +nder a battered and torn a1ning at the north end o# the
do0&s) 4e 1ere standing a0ross the board1al& #rom the b+siness in I+estion) E5o+ thin& heJs in thereDG
E: 0anJt imagine anyone 1o+ld dare go in there,G : said 1ith a shiver)
@he -ait U @a0&le 1as a sI+are, gray<shingled b+ilding b+ilt into the 0enter o# a 1ide plan& do0& that stret0hed o+t
over the bay) @he roo# 1as 0on0ave on one side, and the 1hole thing listed to the le#t so #ar : 1as s+rprised it hadnJt
already toppled over) @he hand<painted -A:@ U @ACKE sign 1as 0ra0&ed in the middle, right over the ampersand, and h+ng in
a V shape over the #ront door)
E(e started hanging o+t there late at night a 1hile ago,G Cori said 1ith a sni##le, a relentless stream o# 1ater po+ring
o## the g+tter and onto the sho+lder o# her bla0& rain La0&et) E@ommy told him he 0o+ldnJt spin in the ho+se anymore, so
he sn+0& a b+n0h o# eI+ipment o+t here to &eep pra0ti0ing) /adia and : are the only people he told)G
E(e hid a "H de0& inside a bait<and<ta0&le shop be0a+se his #a&e dad 1o+ldnJt let him &eep it at homeDG : as&ed
2isher sighed) E@ommy r+ns this pla0e) (eJs doesnJt really &eep tra0& o# anything) : bet he hasnJt even noti0ed it)G
E*ete &eeps his st+## 0overed 1ith a tarp in the ba0& o# the sto0& room,G Cori said, her teeth 0hattering) E'o are 1e
going to get him or notDG
HoaI+in nodded and stepped o+t #rom +nder the a1ning) E2ish, yo+, -ea, and Cori get the #ront door) $ory and : 1ill
go aro+nd the ba0&) :# heJs there, 1eJll dra1 him o+t) (e might bolt aro+nd #ront, so &eep yo+r eyes peeled)G
E'o+nds li&e a plan)G
4e moved a1ay #rom the shingled 1all, o+r #eet slapping thro+gh the shallo1 p+ddles that had gathered on the
board1al&Js 1eathered plan&s) @here 1as one 0rea&y light hanging #rom a 0+rved metal post in #ront o# the -ait U
@a0&leJs #ront door) :t s1+ng li&e a metronome in the 1ind, ill+minating the 1ords on the sign over the door one by one)
-A:@) @ACKE) -A:@) @ACKE) -A:@) @ACKE)
4e rea0hed the #ront door) 2isher and Cori stood o## to one side, -ea on the other) HoaI+in gave me a nod, and 1e
0rept aro+nd the short so+th<#a0ing 1all o# the b+ilding, d+0&ing beneath one 1indo1 that had the blind dra1n any1ay
and pa+sed at the ba0&) @he do0& stret0hed o+t so #ar over the 1ater : 0o+ld barely ma&e o+t the end o# it in the storm)
$od holders 1ere s0re1ed to every other pylon so that #ishermen 0o+ld rest their #ishing rods 1hile they spent the day
hanging o+t and hoping #or a 0at0h) :n the distan0e, : sa1 a ro0&y Letty in the bay parallel to the do0&, the 0h+rned<+p
1aters o# the +s+ally pla0id s+r#a0e smashing against the stones)
HoaI+in stepped +p and po+nded on the ba0& door) E*eteFG he sho+ted) E4e &no1 yo+Jre in there) Come o+t and 1e
promise yo+ 1onJt getKG
'+ddenly the door b+rst open, s1inging o+t1ard and hitting HoaI+in sI+are in the #a0e) *ete darted o+t and ran right
past me, va+lting over the g+ardrail on the do0& and dropping onto the sand belo1) HoaI+in #ell ba0&1ard, his head
&no0&ing against the 1ood plan&s) (e 1as o+t 0old) : hesitated a split se0ond, torn bet1een 0hasing *ete and ma&ing s+re
HoaI+in 1as all right)
E'ono#abit0hFG : sho+ted in #r+stration)
@hen : sprinted as #ast as : 0o+ld along the side o# the b+ilding, blo1ing right by 2isher, -ea, and Cori)
E4hat the hell happenedDG -ea sho+ted)
EChe0& on HoaI+inFG : bl+rted ba0&) : tore aro+nd the 0orner and +p the board1al&) @he stairs do1n to the bea0h 1ere
yards a1ay, and *ete had a lead on me as he ra0ed along the sand, b+t in se0onds he 1o+ld hit the Letty) 4ith any l+0&,
he 1o+ld try to s0ramble over it, 1hi0h 1o+ld be neBt to impossible 1ith the ro0&s sli0&ed do1n by rain and algae)
(ope#+lly it 1o+ld help me ma&e +p time)
(eart p+mping, : ran as #ast as : 0o+ld, trying not to thin& abo+t HoaI+in and 1hether he 1as o&ay) @rying not to thin&
abo+t @ristan or /adia or "ar0y or my dad) : had to r+n the ra0e o# my li#e) EveryoneJs eBisten0e depended on it)
"o1n on the sand, *ete 0ame to the side o# the ro0&y Letty) (e loo&ed ba0& at me, his eyes 1ild, and started to 0limb)
2inally : rea0hed the stairs do1n to the bea0h) : too& the t+rn at a sprint, and my #eet nearly 1ent o+t #rom +nder me, so :
L+mped do1n to the sand, va+lting past the eight or ten steps) : landed in a 0ro+0h, b+t than&s to the so#t, 1et gro+nd,
the impa0t 1as hardly Larring) 2rom the 0orner o# my eye, : sa1 2isher r+nning to1ard +s)
*ete 1as 0limbing the ro0&y slope) (is #oot slipped and his &nee 1ent do1n hard) : 0limbed a#ter him, gritting my
teeth as my snea&ers sI+ea&ed against the Lagged ro0&s) '1eat pri0&led do1n my ba0&, miBing 1ith the relentless rain)
E2isherF 'ee i# yo+ 0an get do1n on the other sideFG : sho+ted) EC+t him o##FG
ECn itFG
2isher ran ahead, then disappeared #rom sight) :n se0onds : 1as so 0lose to *ete : 0o+ld ma&e o+t the pattern o# the
treads on the bottom o# his shoes) @hen he L+mped to his #eet and started 0are#+lly a0ross the eBpanse o# the Letty)
'+ddenly he #ro!e in his tra0&s)
E/o1here to go, d+deFG : heard 2isher sho+t) E.ive it +p)G
E5es,G : said +nder my breath) 4e had *ete trapped) : 0limbed to my #eet) (e t+rned aro+nd, too& one loo& at me, and
started to r+nKto1ard the o0ean)
E4hat theKG
: too& o## a#ter him) @he terrain 1as +neven, 1et, and po0&ed 1ith p+ddles) "ead Lelly#ish 0l+ng to one angled ro0&,
their b+lbo+s bodies torn and limp) : slipped on0e and my hands 0ame do1n atop a pile o# bro&en 0rab shells, pin0ers, and
legs) : gritted my teeth and p+shed mysel# +p again) 'omeho1, : 1as still gaining on *ete, b+t it no longer mattered) (eJd
rea0hed the end o# the Letty) (is ba0& 1as to me, and his sho+lders rose and #ell as he heaved in breath a#ter breath)
E@hereJs no1here to goFG : sho+ted) E5o+ 0anJt hide #rom +s #orever)G
(e t+rned aro+nd, his &nees li&e Lelly, and loo&ed me in the eye) E: 0an hide #rom yo+ long eno+gh)G
: blin&ed) Eong eno+gh #or 1hatDG
E2or me to get 1hat : 1ant,G he said, t+rning his palms o+t) (is eyes #li0&ed past me, and : t+rned my head L+st
eno+gh to see 2isher 0lambering +p the ro0&s nearby) Eisten, $ory) :n 0ase something happens, : 1ant yo+ to &no1, it
1asnJt my idea)G
E4hatDG : as&ed, my heart po+nding ane1) E4hat 1asnJt yo+r ideaDG
E@o ta&e yo+r #amily,G he said I+ietly) ECr to pin it on yo+) : 1as L+st the m+s0le)G
%y brain #elt abo+t as steady as the roiling 1aves behind him) E: donJt +nderstand) 5o+Jre saying yo+ 1ere involvedD
4ith @ristan and /adiaD 4ith the +sheringDG
(e shoo& his head) E:t 1asnJt them) :t 1as never them)G
%y head 1ent 1eightless, everything : had believed, obliterated in one breath) :# it 1asnJt @ristan and /adia, then
1ho the hell 1as itD (o1 had they done itD 4here had they gotten the tainted 0oins, and 1hy had they set +p @ristan to
ta&e the #allD
E4hoDG : demanded as 2isher approa0hed me #rom behind) E4ho are yo+ 1or&ing 1ithDG
E"onJt do anything st+pid, *ete,G he said, his voi0e r+mbling li&e th+nder) E5o+ &no1 better than anyone that 1eJre
not immortal) /ot anymore)G
*ete 0h+0&led) E@hatJs a 0han0e :Jm gonna have to ta&e)G
@hen he too& a step ba0& and t+rned)
E/oFG : s0ree0hed)
-+t it 1as too late) *ete la+n0hed himsel# o## the Letty and disappeared beneath the in&<bla0& 1aves)
@ristanJs 0hest rose and #ell +nder the 0risp bl+e sheets #olded a0ross his body) A#ter 1eJd le#t the night be#ore, the mayor
0alled in @eresa %alone, a i#er 1ho had been a n+rse in the other 1orld, and it seemed as i# sheJd ta&en good 0are o#
him) (is head 1as no1 1rapped in 1hite ga+!e and positioned #lat against a slim pillo1, his arms straight do1n against
his sides) : stood neBt to his bed 1hile the 1ind 1hipped o+tside, pelting the 1indo1panes 1ith a smattering o# #at,
relentless raindrops)
:t 1as 2riday morning) @hirty<siB ho+rs sin0e my sister had been ta&en and almost eight ho+rs sin0e 2isher dove into
the 1ater a#ter *ete and 0ame ba0& empty<handed) *ete had disappeared) (eJd either dro1ned or someho1 managed to
get a1ay) : hoped li&e hell he 1as still o+t there some1here, be0a+se i# he 1as dead, 1eJd never get o+r ans1ers) :# he
1as dead, all 1as lost)
"orn 1as s+pposed to radio everyone i# and 1hen *ete 1as #o+nd, and :Jd been 1aiting on pins and needles
thro+gho+t the night) Antil, that is, :Jd #inally passed o+t #rom +tter eBha+stion in the bed neBt to KristaJs) 4hen 1eJd
1o&en this morning, 1e #o+nd t1o brand<ne1, shiny gold 0oins on her nightstand) 4ith *ete on the r+n, did that mean
they 1ere 0leanD 4as it sa#e to start +shering people againD
@he only thing : &ne1 #or s+re 1as that 1e needed to #ind *ete) (e 1as the only one 1ho 1o+ld &no1 ho1 to save my
#amily) : 0he0&ed my 1al&ie<tal&ie to ma&e s+re it 1as on, and o# 0o+rse it 1as) $adio silen0e had be0ome my enemy)
: t+rned the vol+me +p, L+st in 0ase, and sat #or1ard, staring at the 1ell<1orn leather i#er bra0elet 0linging to
@ristanJs thi0& 1rist) : loo&ed at his pro#ile, his normally tanned 0hee&s seeming s+n&en and 1aBy) (e moaned so#tly, and :
1ondered i# he 1as dreaming o# 1hen *ete had atta0&ed him) (ad he seen 1ho 1as 1or&ing 1ith himD
: p+lled the des& 0hair over and sat neBt to @ristanJs bed) %y hand t1it0hed to ta&e his, b+t : hesitated, s+ddenly
0on#+sed) @ristan 1as inno0ent, 1asnJt heD (e 1as L+st a vi0tim) i&e "ar0y, li&e "ad, li&e Aaron) And i# it 0o+ld someho1
helpMtether him to the here and no1M: had to try)
*la0ing my hand over his, : loo&ed at his #a0e) (is s&in 1as 1arm) @hat had to be a good sign) Espe0ially a#ter ho1 0old
he had #elt yesterday) (e 1as improving) @ears 1elled in my eyes)
E@ristanDG : said I+ietly) E:tJs me, $ory) : donJt &no1 i# yo+ 0an hear me, b+t i# yo+ 0anM1eJre here) 4eJre here #or
yo+, and 1e 1ant yo+ to get better)G
%y voi0e 0ra0&ed and : too& a breath) E:Jm so sorry : tho+ght yo+ 1ere g+ilty) : sho+ld have &no1n) : sho+ld have
believed)M: 1as L+st so +pset abo+t my dad and no1 "ar0y)MG : pa+sed, hearing mysel#, and 0leared my throat) 4as :
really sitting here trying to ma&e eB0+ses to a g+y in a 0omaD E:Jm sorry,G : said) E:Jm L+st so sorry)G
E'orry #or 1hatDG
%y head popped +p) HoaI+in stood, per#e0tly #ramed by the bedroom door1ay, 1earing a bl+e<and<gray baseball @<
shirt and Leans) Even 1ith the p+rple br+ise in the 0enter o# his #orehead #rom 1hen heJd been &no0&ed o+t earlier, he
loo&ed, in a 1ord, gorgeo+s) And also 0on0erned)
: slid my hand a1ay #rom @ristanJs, a0ross the sheet, and into my lap) : li#ted my eyes to meet HoaI+inJs) EH+st that :
tho+ght he 1as g+ilty)G
EEveryone did, at some point or another,G HoaI+in said) (e stepped into the room and hovered on the other side o#
the bed) E(o1 is heDG
E@he same) @eresa #rom the bi&e shop 1as 1ith him thro+gh the night, and he hasnJt 1o&en +p)G
: shr+gged #eebly as more raindrops pelted the 1indo1 behind me) @he 1ind 1histled thro+gh the g+tters and eaves)
As the silen0e bet1een +s 1ent on, : started to s1eat) 5esterday : had &issed this g+y) : had 1anted nothing more than to
be 1ith him) @o let him help me #orget the rest o# this st+pid +niverse eBisted)
E$oryMG HoaI+in said)
: loo&ed him in the eye) E4hatJre 1e going to do, HoaI+inDG : said simply, 1itho+t thin&ing)
(is sho+lders dropped hal# an in0h) :t might have been imper0eptible i# : 1asnJt so totally in t+ne 1ith his every
E: have no idea)G
'+ddenly o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies 0ra0&led to li#e) E$oryD Come in, $ory) :tJs "orn) Cver)G
%y breath 0a+ght, and : #+mbled the radio o## my 1aistband, pressing do1n #irmly on the tal& b+tton) E4hat is itD "id
yo+ #ind himDG
@here 1as a beat o# silen0e) A beat too long) E:M1ell, 1eJre not s+re yet) Cver)G
: loo&ed +p at HoaI+in, and : 0o+ld #eel o+r pani0 rising together) (e li#ted his 1al&ie<tal&ie to his lips, his eyes never
leaving mine) E4hat the hell does that meanDG
"orn sighed) EA body L+st 1ashed +p on the bea0h)G
E:tJs not *ete,G Krista said, tears 0o+rsing do1n her 0hee&s as she inter0epted HoaI+in and me on the board1al& o+tside
the @hirsty '1an) "o!ens o# visitors had gathered at the railing, 1hile "orn, .rant!, and the mayor stood aro+nd the body
near the shoreline, blo0&ing it #rom vie1) @he @se t1ins 1ere right at the 0enter o# the 0ro1d, their eerie bl+e eyes
#o0+sed on the bea0h, their thin lips s0re1ed into s0o1ls) iam and alani stood o## to the side, holding paper 0+ps o#
0o##ee that they seemed to have #orgotten in the tragedy) $ay 4agner leaned into the railing, the toes o# his boots
sI+ea&ing against the boards as he 0raned his ne0& #or a better loo&) E:tJsMitJs Cori, yo+ g+ys)G Krista sni##ed) E'heJs
E4hatDG : bl+rted)
E/o,G HoaI+in said, the 0olor draining #rom his #a0e) E/o) :t 0anJt be)G
2isher and Kevin Logged past +s do1n the stairs 1ith a stret0her, their #eet sin&ing into the 1et bay<bea0h sand 1ith
every step) "orn stepped aside to let them thro+gh, and #or the #irst time : really sa1 her) Cori 1as #a0edo1n in the sand,
her 0+rly hair matted by the rain, her s1eatshirt and Leans pillo1ing aro+nd her in 1et #olds) 'omeone in the 0ro1d
gasped as 2isher and "orn rolled her over onto her ba0&) (er #a0e 1as 0ompletely destroyed on one side, the s&in torn
a1ay to eBpose the bone) Cne o# her eyes 1as missing) : t+rned into HoaI+inJs sho+lder, sI+ee!ing my eyes 0losed, and
he held me tightly)
Cori had al1ays been ni0e to me) Cr tried to be, 1ith /adia breathing do1n her ne0&, hating me as #ier0ely as she
0o+ld and trying to get her best #riend to do the same) 'he 1as so s1eet, so mee&, so inno0ent) 4hy had this happened
to herD 4hy 1as any o# this happeningD : had L+st been 1ith her last night) : had L+st started to respe0t her, started to get
to &no1 her the tiniest bit) And no1 she 1as gone)
E: thin& :Jm gonna be si0&,G Krista said) E4hy 1o+ld *ete do this to herD @hey 1ere best #riends) @hem and /adiaM:t
ma&es no sense)G
E"o they thin& it 1as de#initely *eteDG : as&ed)
E: donJt &no1) :Jve only overheard a #e1 things,G Krista said, 1iping +nder her nose 1ith the ba0& o# her hand) E: didnJt
1ant to go over there)G
E: 1ill,G HoaI+in said) (is voi0e 0ra0&ed, and he 0leared his throat) E4e sho+ld #ind o+t 1hat they &no1)G
E:Jll 0ome 1ith)G : stepped sha&ily o+t o# his grasp, p+shing my hands into my 0oat po0&ets) EAre yo+ gonna be o&ayDG :
as&ed Krista)
'he stared blan&ly past me) E"o yo+ thin& he &illed herD "o yo+ thin& he did this be0a+se she told yo+ g+ys 1here
heJd beDG
HoaI+in and : eB0hanged a loo&) E: hope not) -+t i# he did, that means heJs still o+t there,G HoaI+in said) E@hat means
1e 0an bring him in)G
E$ight) And thatJs a good thing,G Krista said +n0ertainly)
E:tJs a very good thing,G : said, sI+ee!ing her arm) :t meant 1e 0o+ld still get the ans1ers 1e needed) :t meant 1e
0o+ld ma&e him pay #or 1hat heJd done) @o my #amily, to Aaron, to Henni#er, to /adia, and no1, possibly, to Cori)
E: g+ess :Jll go ba0& to 1or&,G Krista said I+ietly) Eet me &no1 i# yo+ #ind o+t anything)G
E4e 1ill,G HoaI+in said)
'omeone had laid a 1hite sheet over CoriJs body, and sheJd been li#ted onto the stret0her) HoaI+in and : too& the
steps do1n to the bea0h, and iam bro&e a1ay #rom alani to #ollo1 +s) 2isher gave +s a stone<#a0ed nod as he and Kevin
he#ted the stret0her +p the stairs) 4e Loined the mayor, Chie# .rant!, and "orn on the sand) @he impression le#t by CoriJs
body had already #illed +p 1ith 1ater and disappeared) :t 1as as i# sheJd never been there)
E4hat the hell happenedDG HoaI+in as&ed +nder his breath)
: 0ast a 1ary glan0e at the onloo&ers) A #e1 o# them 1ere starting to disperse no1 that the body 1as gone,
meandering o## to1ard the '1an or to1ard to1n) @he t1ins &ept their position, ho1ever, ea0h gripping the g+ardrail 1ith
their right hand) $ay 4agner, m+0h to my disg+st, 1as eagerly #ollo1ing 2isher and Kevin as they 0arried Cori +p the hill)
E4e donJt &no1,G "orn said, p+tting his hands on his hips) E'he 1asnJt atta0&ed li&e @ristan)G
E-+t her #a0eMG : said)
ECo+ld be #rom a #all into the 1ater, or the 1aves might have &no0&ed her against the ro0&s)G "orn shoo& his head)
E'he never 1as the strongest s1immer) :t 0o+ld be a simple dro1ning)G
EEB0ept #or the #a0t that sheJs only the se0ond i#er ever to perish,G the mayor said, seething)
ECan yo+ 0he0& her l+ngsDG iam as&ed)
E4hatDG the mayor snapped)
Anpert+rbed, iam li#ted one sho+lder) E:# thereJs a lot o# 1ater in her l+ngs, that means she inhaled it and dro1ned)
:# thereJs not, that means she 1as dead be#ore she hit the 1ater) 4hi0h 1o+ld meanMyo+ &no1MG
%+rder, : #inished silently)
"orn and .rant! eB0hanged an impressed loo&) E4eJll see 1hat 1e 0an do)G
E@his is a nightmare) 4hy is this still happeningDG the mayor ranted) 'he 1asnJt 1earing an o+n0e o# ma&e+p, and #or
the #irst time sin0e 1eJd met, her hair 1asnJt per#e0tly styled) A #e1 1et pie0es 0l+ng to her 0hee&)
E(old it together, %ayor) 4eJll #ig+re it o+t,G "orn said) @here 1as an +n0ertainty in his tone that 0hilled me) @he
mayor 1as the one solid 0onstant 1e had in this to1n) :# she lost it, then 1hatever 0on#iden0e or hope the rest o# +s had
1o+ld be obliterated)
E4ill 1eDG 'he snapped her eyes 1ide) E-e0a+se 1e havenJt so #ar) /adia and Cori are dead) @ristanJs in a 0oma, and
no1 1e have another #+gitive on o+r hands) And in 0ase yo+ havenJt noti0ed, the island is abo+t to sin& into the damned
o0ean)G 'he stomped her #oot, 1hi0h only sI+ished #+rther into the thi0& m+0& at o+r #eet)
HoaI+in t+rned to the mayor) E4eJll #ind *ete) (e doesnJt &no1 the island the 1ay @ristan does)G
@he mayorJs La1 1as ta+t) 'he seemed to have stopped breathing) E5o+Jd better,G she said) E-e0a+se :Jm not s+re
ho1 m+0h longer 1e 0an go on li&e this)G
E4hatJre yo+ sayingDG .rant! as&ed, his #a0e sla0&)
'he t+rned slo1ly to loo& at him) E:Jm saying that i# 1e donJt #ind a 1ay to reverse 1hateverJs going on aro+nd here,
1e 0o+ld be loo&ing at the end o# H+niper anding as 1e &no1 it)G
/o one spo&e) @he rain began to #all harder, the sharp droplets ri0o0heting o## o+r sho+lders and stinging my #a0e) %y
hand a+tomati0ally #o+nd HoaI+inJs, and he held it #irmly bet1een +s) yo+r sear0h parties o+t there and #ind *ete,G the mayor gro1led)
As she stormed +p the bea0h, HoaI+in 0alled a#ter her) E4hat abo+t the #+neralD 2or /adiaD :tJs s+pposed to be
@he mayor sighed and 0+rsed +nder her breath) E@he #+neral goes on as planned,G she said) E-+t yo+ and yo+r #riends
are going to need to dig another grave)G
'he 0ast one last loo& at the spot 1here CoriJs body had lain, then made her 1ay p+rpose#+lly +p the bea0h) @he t1ins
1at0hed her go, #ollo1ing her progress 1ith their eerie eyes)
E@he end o# the 1orld, h+hDG iam said) E@hatJs something : never tho+ght :Jd see)G @hen he loped o## to reLoin alani,
ta&ing her hand as they 1al&ed slo1ly +p the board1al&)
.rant! 1as already on his 1al&ie<tal&ie, ordering the sear0h parties to the poli0e station) Cn0e the mayor had
disappeared aro+nd the 0orner, the t1ins t+rned aro+nd again, loo&ed me dead in the eye, and smir&ed) %y grip on
HoaI+inJs hand tightened)
E4hat is itDG he as&ed)
E4hy does it seem li&e theyJre enLoying thisDG : said, li#ting my 0hin to1ard the t1ins)
HoaI+in t+rned to loo& at them) /either one o# them #lin0hed) :# anything, their smiles 1idened)
E"oes anyone &no1 1hose 0harges they areDG he as&ed I+ietly)
E/o oneJs mentioned it,G : said) E-+t itJs gotten hard to &eep tra0& lately)G
E'ee 1hat yo+ 0an #ind o+t)G @ogether 1e t+rned to1ard the stairs) E@hereJs something o## abo+t those t1o) @he last
thing 1e need aro+nd here is another enemy)G
EC&ay) :Jll as& aro+nd,G : promised)
4hen 1e rea0hed the board1al&, the t1ins 1ere still 1at0hing) @hey 1ere the only visitors le#t, standing at the
g+ardrail in the driving rain)
E:Jll see yo+ at the mayorJs at ten,G HoaI+in said, releasing my hand)
2or a se0ond : tho+ght he 1as going to lean in and &iss me good<bye) *art o# me hoped he 1o+ld, and another part
1asnJt s+re ho1 :Jd rea0t i# he did) -+t HoaI+in simply too& a step ba0& and headed do1n the alley1ay to1ard his
%y hands 1ere sha&ing) : had to #ig+re o+t ho1 : 1as going to handle @ristan being ba0&) :# he 1o&e +pK1hen he
1o&e +pK: 1as going to have to ma&e a de0ision) "id : #orgive him #or bailing 1itho+t eBplanationD Co+ld 1e move past
itD Cr sho+ld : be 1ith HoaI+in, the one person 1ho, so #ar, had never let me do1nD
: hadnJt ta&en t1o steps 1hen the t1ins appeared on either side o# me) %y blood 0+rdled and : h+gged my arms
tightly) -eing s+rro+nded by the @se t1ins 1as so not 1hat : needed right no1)
Eost another one o# yo+r o1n, h+hDG 'ebastian as&ed)
E4hat do yo+ mean by thatDG : snapped)
EA lo0al,G 'elma replied) ECne o# yo+r o1n)G
ECh)G : blin&ed, 1ondering ho1 they &ne1 abo+t /adia) -+t : s+pposed this 1as a small to1n) /e1s spread) E5es) 4e
did) -+t she 1asnJt L+st a lo0al) 'he 1as aMa #riend)G Cr at least a potential #riend) E'he deserves a little respe0t)G
: I+i0&ened my steps, b+t they mat0hed their pa0e to mine) 'elmaJs ga!e bored into my 0hee& and : d+0&ed my head,
1ishing : 0o+ld t+rtle into my 0oat and disappear)
E5o+ sho+ld probably get +sed to it,G 'ebastian said, a teasing lilt to his voi0e)
: stopped in my tra0&s and t+rned on him) E4hatD 4hyD 4hat do yo+ &no1DG
(e raised his hands in a gest+re o# s+rrender) E/othing) H+st 1ith this storm 0oming and being on an islandMthere are
+s+ally a lot o# 0as+alties)G
: narro1ed my eyes at him as his sister sl+n& along behind me +ntil she 1as standing at his side)
E5o+ s+re are de#ensive,G she said) EAnything yo+ 1ant to tell +sDG
E5eah,G : said thro+gh my teeth) E'tay the hell a1ay #rom me)G
: t+rned to stal& a1ay, b+t my #oot 0a+ght on the seam bet1een the board1al& and the asphalt side1al& and :
tripped) 'ebastianJs hand shot o+t to 0at0h me, and the se0ond his #ingers to+0hed my arm, my head #illed 1ith visions o#
his li#e) (is death)
'ebastian in a 0rib lying head to toe 1ith his sister) 'ebastian as a boy in a bla0&<and<1hite s0hool +ni#orm, tormenting
a smaller &id) 'ebastian s0oring a 1inning goal in a so00er game, then spitting at the #eet o# his opponent) 'ebastian
0+rled +p on the #loor in the ba0& o# a dar& 0loset 1hile his parents s0reamed at ea0h other) 'ebastian and his sister
sho+ting at a rally, hoisting pi0&et signs over their heads) 'ebastian and 'elma being m+gged on a dar& street) 'ebastian
#ighting ba0&) A shot going o##) 'ebastian 1at0hing his sister die be#ore being shot himsel#)
: ripped my arm o+t o# his grip and t+rned a1ay #rom them, my eyes #illing 1ith tears) (eJd died an a1#+l death,
1at0hing his sister ta&e her last breaths) -+t almost more over1helming 1ere the images o# his li#e) @he pain heJd been
thro+gh, the pain heJd 0a+sed) :t had been a short eBisten0e, b+t one #+ll o# h+rt and 0on#+sion, anger and #ear)
E4o1) 4ay to say than& yo+,G he spat)
: t+rned to loo& at him, 1ater streaming do1n o+r #a0es) %y La1 0len0hed) E@han&s)G
@hen : t+rned and started +p the hill as #ast as : 0o+ld go) At least no1 : had hal# an ans1er to HoaI+inJs I+estion)
'ebastian 1as my 0harge, and one thing 1as 0ertainKas soon as 1e set things right aro+nd here, he 1as the #irst person :
1as +shering o## this island)
: &ept my head do1n as 1e 1al&ed t1o by t1o, #ollo1ing the mat0hing 0as&ets do1n the hill) @he servi0e had been brie#
and 0old, as i# everyone here had #orgotten 1hat 1a&es and servi0es 1ere a0t+ally #orKsharing #ond memories o# the
de0eased and honoring their lives) @he mayor had said a #e1 1ords in her living room, 1here the ro+ghly he1n 0as&ets
had sat 0losed on the #loor, s+rro+nded by #a&e #lo1ers, sin0e every real bloom on the island had long sin0e 1ilted, gro1n
moldy, and died) /o one else had vol+nteered to say a 1ord) -+t as the 0as&ets 1ere li#ted and the 0ro1d parted to #orm
a ma&eshi#t aisle do1n the 0enter o# the room, : had s+ddenly started 0rying, and : hadnJt been able to stop sin0e)
: 0ried #or Cori) : 0ried #or /adia) : 0ried over the #a0t that they had both 1al&ed aro+nd this island 1ith the same
0on#iden0e everyone else hadKthat nothing tr+ly bad 0o+ld ever happen to them againK+ntil it did) : 0ried #or my dad
and "ar0y and Aaron) And : 0ried #or my mom, 1hose #+neral 1as the last one :Jd attended on Earth) @he moment : let
mysel# open that door, the memories 0rashed over me li&e the 1aves at high tide) @he pain 1as as #resh as i# sheJd ta&en
her last breath L+st yesterday)
: tho+ght o# the 1ay "ar0y had held it together so per#e0tly, her post+re li&e a prima ballerinaJs, her smiles so gra0io+s
and polite as sheJd re0eived the g+ests, +ntil sheJd stepped +p to my motherJs open 0o##in and let o+t an a1#+l 1ail) :
tho+ght o# ho1 my #ather had gotten +p #rom his 0hair to say his e+logy, b+t #allen right to one &nee, 1here heJd stayed
#or at least #ive min+tes +ntil my +n0le %orris #inally helped him +p) : tho+ght o# ho1 :Jd rea0hed o+t to hold her hand
inside her 0o##in and stared at her overly made<+p #a0e, L+st 1illing her to 1a&e +p and smile) 4a&e +p and tell me this
1as L+st a dream)
4a&e +p, 1a&e +p, 1a&e +p, :Jd repeated silently, desperately) *lease, %ommy) *lease 1a&e +p)
@hat 1as the memory that tr+ly 0a+ght me no1, 0losed my throat, and made me b+0&le at the 1aist)
*lease, %ommy) *lease 1a&e +p)
: 1ished #or the tho+sandth time that : 0o+ld tal& to her, i# only #or a se0ond) /o1 : needed her more than ever) :
needed her to tell me 1hat to do) : needed her to tell me everything 1as going to be o&ay) And : needed "ar0y, too) And
my #ather) :t 1asnJt #air that : 1as alone here) :t L+st 1asnJt #air)
: loo&ed +p into HoaI+inJs eyes) : hadnJt even noti0ed that 1eJd stopped)
EAre yo+ all rightDG he as&ed me)
: shoo& my head, glan0ing past the other rain0oats and +mbrellas at the 0as&ets, 1hi0h no1 lay on the grass neBt to
the open graves) @he 0as&ets 1ere made o# ra1 bir0h, the bright yello1 grain the only 1arm spot in the 1orld aro+nd +s)
@here 1as no graveyard in H+niper anding, o# 0o+rse, and 1e had de0ided to b+ry them near the trees on the lo1er o#
the t1o bl+##s at the so+th end o# the island) @his 1as one o# the #lattest bits o# terrain, and a bea+ti#+l spot 1ith a vie1
loo&ing over the to1n to the east and the o0ean to the so+th) 2rom 1hat : had heard, it had ta&en 2isher, "orn, and Kevin
over an ho+r to dig ea0h hole be0a+se the earth 1as so sat+rated it &ept 0ollapsing in on itsel#) /o1 everyone 1aited #or
the 0as&ets to be lo1ered) 2or this 1hole sorry episode to be over)
E:Jm #ine,G : said, shoving my balled<+p hand +nder my nose) E'ho+ldnJt yo+ beMover thereDG
As one o# the siBteen pallbearers, HoaI+in 1as s+pposed to be helping to pla0e the 0as&ets into the gro+nd)
E5eah)G A pained eBpression passed over his #a0e, and he held tight to my elbo1) E: L+st 1anted to 0he0& on yo+)G
E@han&s,G : said, and meant it)
: glan0ed aro+nd as : tried to 0at0h my breath) '+rro+nding the 0as&ets and the graves 1ere do!ens o# bla0&<0lad
i#ers, passing tiss+es, their heads bo1ed) -+t beyond them, a small 0ro1d had started to gather) C+rio+s visitors) And :
#elt a sharp stab o# resentment at their presen0e)
@his 1as a private moment, not a to+rist attra0tion) Even $ay 4agner and Ha0& an0et 1ere there) @hey 1hispered to
ea0h other, their heads bent 0lose) 4hen 4agner 0a+ght me 1at0hing, he li#ted his hand in a La+nty 1ave) (e 1as
enLoying this)
E: thin& 1e sho+ld get this over 1ith,G : said tersely)
HoaI+in nodded and got ba0& to the b+siness at hand) (e and the other pallbearersKiam, Kevin, and 2isher among
themKli#ted /adiaJs 0as&et by its plain silver handles and ever so 0are#+lly lo1ered it into the gro+nd, #alling to their
&nees as they gritted their teeth +nder the strain) 4hen the 1ood #inally hit the dirt #loor o# the dit0h, a+ren let o+t a
0ho&ing sob and b+ried her #a0e in -eaJs La0&et) @hen they lo1ered CoriJs 0as&et into the gro+nd as 1ell, and the mayor
stepped +p to the top o# the graves)
E@oday 1e lay to rest t1o good #riends) et +s never #orget 1hat their lives meant to +s) 4hat their deaths mean to
'he 0ro+0hed do1n, pi0&ed +p a glob o# m+ddy dirt, and thre1 it atop /adiaJs 0as&et, then did the same #or CoriJs)
@he rest o# the i#ers #ormed a Lagged, 0ir0+ito+s line, and ea0h o# them #ollo1ed s+it, littering the 1ood 1ith m+d) As :
edged #or1ard, : glan0ed a0ross at the visitors and 1as startled by a #e1 hostile stares, a #e1 s+spi0io+s glan0es, some
#+rtive 1hispers) @hey 1ere tal&ing abo+t +s) @al&ing as i# they s+spe0ted +s o# something) -+t 1hatD 4e 1ere simply
laying t1o people to rest)
4hen it 1as #inally my t+rn, : set aside my +nease and s0ooped +p a small 0h+n& o# m+d) : loo&ed do1n at a dar&
bro1n &not in the lid o# /adiaJs 0as&et and let the dirt drop and plop #rom my #ingers to 0over it)
E.ood<bye, /adia)G
: stepped to the neBt 0as&et)
E:Jm so sorry, Cori) : 1ish : had stopped him) :Jm so sorry)G
: dropped the m+d on her 0as&et, tears 0o+rsing silently do1n my #a0e) @hen there 1as nothing le#t to do b+t move
HoaI+in 1as 1aiting #or me a #e1 #eet a1ay, a bla0& +mbrella overhead) E"o yo+ 1ant to get something to eatDG
E/o,G : replied, &i0&ing at a 1hite ro0&) E: L+st 1ant to go home)G @ho+gh 1hat : tho+ght 1as 1aiting #or me there,
other than loneliness and silen0e, : had no idea)
(e p+t his hand gently on the small o# my ba0&, and 1e moved a1ay #rom the 0ro1d) 4eJd barely made it #ive steps
1hen the sight o# the t1ins stopped me 0old) 4hile most o# the visitors 1ere &eeping a respe0t#+l distan0e #rom the
pro0eedings, staying near the point 1here the hill dropped o## to1ard to1n, the @se t1ins 1ere m+0h 0loser) @heyJd
0hosen a spot in the middle o# the #ield, L+st yards behind the mo+rners, standing beneath the 0over o# a 1ide bla0&
+mbrella) @heir 0lear eyes stared dire0tly at me, dire0tly thro+gh me, ma&ing my insides 0+rdle) 'ebastian 1as rolling a
0oin a0ross the ba0& o# his hand #rom #inger to #inger, a tri0& :Jd never been able to p+ll o## mysel#)
E: still 0anJt believe heJs yo+r 0harge,G HoaI+in said +nder his breath) E(o1 did yo+ not &no1DG
E:Jm as 0on#+sed as yo+ are,G : said) /ormally 1e &ne1 1ho o+r 0harges 1ere the moment they arrived on the
islandK&ne1 everything abo+t them on0e 1e sa1 them) @hen, 1hen they 1ere the neBt in line to be +shered, 1e 1o+ld
#ind o+t abo+t their deaths, the better to help them resolve their iss+es) E%aybe it 1as be0a+se they arrived on the #erryD
Everything 1as s+0h a mess that day)G
E%aybe,G HoaI+in m+sed, narro1ing his eyes at them) E:s it L+st me or does it seem li&e 1hen it 0omes to the @ses,
nothingJs I+ite 1hat it sho+ld beDG
E:tJs not L+st yo+,G : replied)
H+st then, 'ebastian t+rned slightly, and : sa1 that the 0oin he 1as toying 1ith 1asnJt silver, b+t goldKone o# the
i#ersJ +shering 0oins)
EHoaI+inFG : eB0laimed, gripping his arm)
(is #a0e paled 1hen he sa1 the 0oin) -e#ore he 0o+ld stop me, :Jd ta&en o## a#ter the t1ins, grabbing 'ebastianJs arm) o## meFG 'ebastian snapped, shr+gging o## my hand)
%y teeth 0len0hed) E4here did yo+ get thatDG
E:tJs none o# yo+r b+siness, is itDG he replied, I+i0&ly po0&eting the 0oin) EAnless yo+ 1ant to try eBplaining 1hat it is)G
(e and his sister eyed me and HoaI+in shre1dly, their light eyes glinting 1ith mali0e) : pressed my lips together tightly)
E4e didnJt thin& so,G 'elma said)
@hen they t+rned as one and 1al&ed a1ay, their steps per#e0tly mat0hed)
E4hat the hell is going onDG HoaI+in as&ed as a sti## 1ind o## the o0ean ble1 my hair a0ross my eyes)
E*ete said he 1as 1or&ing 1ith someone) 4e L+st ass+med it 1as a i#er, b+t 1hat i# itJs notDG : t+rned to #a0e him)
E4hat i# one o# the visitors has something to do 1ith thisDG
E-+t, $ory, it 0anJt be them,G HoaI+in said) E@hey didnJt get here +ntil the #erry san&) Aaron, Henni#er, yo+r dadMtheyJd
been +shered already)G
EAnless they didnJt get here that day,G : replied, my p+lse ra0ing) E4hat i# theyJve been here all alongDG
HoaI+in shoo& his head) E4hatDG
E@hin& abo+t it,G : said, everything 0oming to me in a r+sh) E'teven /ell managed to snea& in +nder everyoneJs radar)
4hat i# the t1ins got here earlier and 1ere hiding o+t +ntil the #erry san&D %aybe they +sed the 0on#+sion o# that day to
0ome o+t o# the 1ood1or& and start stirring things +p 1ith the lo0als) Ca+se a distra0tion so *ete 0o+ld &eep +shering
HoaI+in eyed the line o# visitors along the ridge) A #e1 o# them parted to allo1 'ebastian and 'elma thro+gh, then
#ollo1ed the t1ins to1ard to1n, 0asting s+spi0io+s stares over their sho+lders at +s) :t 1as as i# the @ses 1ere gathering
#or0es) As i# some o# the visitors had be0ome 1illing minions)
E4hy else 1o+ld they have a 0oin, HoaI+inDG : as&ed) E4hy else 1o+ld they be as&ing +s these 0ra!y I+estions as i#
they already &no1 the ans1ersDG
H+st be#ore he dipped belo1 the hill, 'ebastian pa+sed and loo&ed ba0& at the 1eather vane atop the mayorJs ho+se)
Ever so slo1ly, his narro1ed eyes slid in o+r dire0tion, sending a 0reeping 0hill do1n my spine) (e smir&ed and 1as gone)
HoaI+inJs La1 tightened)
E4e sho+ld ta&e this to the mayor,G he said) E: thin& itJs time she had a little 0hat 1ith the @ses)G
: stare at the graves long a#ter everyone else has gone) /o one has 0overed them over yet and the piles o# m+d on the
on0e 0lean s+r#a0es seem 1rong) Everything abo+t this seems 1rong) @hey didnJt have to die, b+t it 1asnJt my #a+lt) :t
1as theirs) :# /adia had L+st stayed in hiding li&e a good little s0apegoat, i# Cori hadnJt inter#ered, these graves never
1o+ld have been d+g)
: 0o+ld have ended this 1itho+t &illing anyone, b+t 1hatJs done is done) @hereJs no going ba0&) 'oon :Jll have
everything : 1ant) And thatJs the only thing that matters)
: 1aited in the lobby o# the t1insJ boarding ho+se on %agnolia that a#ternoon 1ith Krista, iam, and -ea, 1hile HoaI+in,
2isher, Kevin, and "orn made their 1ay past the stair0ase to the door o# the #irst<#loor room 1here the t1ins had been
staying) : still 0o+ldnJt believe they had been pla0ed so 0lose to my ho+se) @he very idea o# their proBimity to it gave me
the 0reeps) -+t then again, : had been staying 1ith Krista #or the last #e1 days any1ay, and hope#+lly, 1hen and i# : ever
#elt 0om#ortable in my ho+se again, the t1o o# them 1o+ld be long gone)
: glan0ed nervo+sly at the #ront door and the 1eather raging o+tside, and hoped 1e 0o+ld get thro+gh this 1itho+t a
s0ene) A#ter the #+neral earlier, there 1as a sort o# +nease bet1een the i#ers and the visitors)
2isher po+nded on the door) :t so+nded li&e th+nder) iam startled and even : #lin0hed) Apparently he 1asnJt as
0on0erned as : 1as abo+t being dis0reet) /ot that : 1as s+rprised) All my #riends 1ere on edge 1ith another member o#
o+r gro+p goneKsomeone theyJd la+ghed 1ith, h+ng o+t at the 0ove 1ith, shared se0rets 1ith) @hey 1anted ans1ers,
they 1anted L+sti0e, and they 1anted the deaths to stop)
E'elmaD 'ebastianD 4e need to tal& to yo+,G HoaI+in said) E*lease open the door)G
@here 1as no reply) A door on the #loor above 0rea&ed open, and : 0o+ld #eel 1hoever it 1as eavesdropping) HoaI+in
glan0ed at "orn, 1hoJd 1orn his H+niper anding *oli0e +ni#orm #or the o00asion) (is poli0e 0r+iserKthe only one in
to1nKidled o+t on the street)
E'elma and 'ebastian @seDG "orn said, heaving a sigh) E@his is the H+niper anding *oli0e) Cpen +p)G
'everal more doors opened overhead) Cne man a0t+ally stepped over to the top o# the stairs, his #+!!y bathrobe
hanging 1ide over a @<shirt and boBer shorts) E4hatJs going on do1n thereDG he as&ed -ea, 1ho 1as 0losest to him)
E/othing)G 'he shr+gged 0as+ally) E@he poli0e L+st have a #e1 I+estions #or someone) /o big deal)G
E'elma and 'ebastian @se, 1e &no1 yo+Jre in there,G "orn said, lo1ering his voi0e) ECpen the door or :Jll be #or0ed to
brea& it do1n)G
E@hat doesnJt so+nd li&e nothing,G the man said, 0reeping do1n a #e1 steps b+t &eeping a sa#e distan0e)
: gritted my teeth and stared at Krista, 1ho loo&ed pale against the ba0&drop o# the yello1ing #lo1ered 1allpaper)
@his 1as not good) 2inally, the door at the end o# the hall1ay opened a 0ra0&, and either 'ebastian or 'elmaKit 1as
impossible to tell 1hi0hKpee&ed o+t)
E4hat do yo+ 1antDG
E%r) @seDG "orn began)
E@hat 1o+ld be %iss @se,G 'elma 0orre0ted him 1ith a sneer)
E%y apologies,G "orn said, so+nding not a bit sorry) E4o+ld yo+ please step o+t into the hall1ayDG
'he didnJt move) @he door didnJt move) E4hyDG
E:s yo+r brother inside, missDG he as&ed, t+gging +p on his +tility belt)
'elmaJs eyes #li0&ed to his g+n in its holster) E4hyDG she said again)
E-e0a+se 1eJre going to need yo+ both to 0ome 1ith +s)G
@he door ripped open so #ast that the g+ys L+mped ba0&, and Krista grabbed my arm) 'ebastian stood there, his #ists
0len0hed at his sides) (e 1as seething)
ECome 1ith yo+ 1hereDG he demanded) (is ga!e darted to HoaI+inJs #a0e, then 2isherJs, then KevinJs, as i# he 1as
st+dio+sly memori!ing every detail) EAre 1e +nder arrestD 4eJve done nothing 1rong)G
E4e L+st 1ant to as& yo+ a #e1 I+estions,G "orn said #irmly)
E'o as&,G 'elma said)
"orn glan0ed over at +s, and at the man in the bathrobe, then to1ard the stairs leading +p, 1here 1ho &ne1 ho1
many people 1ere listening)
E4eJd rather do it over at the station)G "orn rea0hed #or 'ebastian, and in a blin& 'ebastian l+nged at him, slamming
the m+0h bigger "orn ba0& against the stair0ase 1all behind him) : #lin0hed and 'elma s0reamed) Almost instantly, "orn
got 'ebastian in a headlo0& and 1restled him #a0e<#irst to the #loor) iam 0raned his ne0& past me to get a better loo& at
the a0tion)
E@hat 1as a bad idea,G "orn said in 'ebastianJs ear) E/o1 yo+Jre +nder arrest #or assa+lting a poli0e o##i0er)G : heard
the 0+##s 0li0& aro+nd his 1rists 1itho+t ever seeing "orn ta&e them o## his belt) @he g+y 1as good)
E'ebastianFG 'elma 0ried) EAre yo+ o&ayDG the girl,G "orn gro1led at HoaI+in as he dragged 'ebastian to his #eet) (is #a0e 1as red and his 0hee&s I+ivered)
(e 1as angry, maybe even embarrassed, that 'ebastian had gotten the better o# him, even #or that one se0ond)
%ore doors opened and a 0ro1d started to gather) HoaI+in made a move to1ard 'elma, b+t she #lin0hed ba0&) :
grabbed his arm)
Eet me try,G : said)
(e raised his hands) EAll yo+rs)G
: too& a deep breath and approa0hed 'elma) 4itho+t her brother by her side, she loo&ed s0ared) Angry, b+t also
s0ared) 'he eyed me 0a+tio+sly, and : t+rned my palms o+t in an apologeti0 1ay)
Eoo&, i# yo+ L+st 0ome 1ith +s 1illingly, everything 1ill be #ine,G : said) As long as yo+ arenJt the one 1ho ha+led my
#amily o## to hell, : added silently)
E5eah, right) 5o+r ape o# a 0op L+st ma+led my brother,G she snapped)
E5o+r brother atta0&ed a poli0e o##i0er,G : shot ba0&, #r+stration niggling at my nerves) E-+t i# yo+ agree to ans1er o+r
I+estions, :Jm s+re theyJll let him o## 1ith a 1arning)G
'elma leaned o+t o# the apartment door1ay 1hen she heard the poli0e 0arJs door slam) (er hand 0overed her mo+th)
: 0o+ld see ho1 m+0h she 1anted to be 1ith him, and re0alled #rom my #lashes o# 'ebastianJs li#e the depth o# emotion
they #elt to1ard ea0h other)
E"o yo+ 1ant to go 1ith yo+r brother, or do yo+ 1ant to stay hereDG : as&ed) EAlone)G
E:Jll 0ome,G she snapped, grabbing her bag #rom L+st inside) E5o+ got any la1yers in this to1nDG
: shot a glan0e at -ea, iam, and Krista as 'elma stormed o+t the door) @he t1ins 1ere not abo+t to ma&e anything
E5o+ g+ys goodDG HoaI+in as&ed as "orn loaded 'elma into the ba0&seat o# his 0ar neBt to her brother) -ea, Krista,
iam, and : 1ere s+pposed to stay behind to sear0h the @sesJ room #or more 0oins, or anything else s+spi0io+s)
: glan0ed ba0& at the apartment) E4eJll get it done as #ast as 1eKG
'+ddenly, a 0ra0&le o# stati0 0+t me o##) .rant!Js voi0e boomed thro+gh the spea&ers on o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies)
E-e advised, *ete '1eeney has been lo0ated) 4eJre transporting him to the station no1) Cver)G
%y eyes 1idened as : loo&ed at HoaI+in) E(eJs alive)G
E@his is a good thing, rightDG iam said)
: !ipped +p my La0&et) E:Jm going over there)G
E:Jll 0ome 1ith yo+,G HoaI+in o##ered)
E/o) /o 1ay)G "orn 1as standing in the door1ay no1, pra0ti0ally #illing +p the spa0e) E: need yo+ and 2isher here 1ith
E:tJs o&ay) : 0an go by mysel#,G : said)
E/o) 5o+ 0anJt) /obody goes any1here alone anymore, rememberDG HoaI+in said, brie#ly 0+pping my #a0e 1ith his
hand) : #elt everyone staring at +sKat that brie# moment o# intima0yKand my s&in b+rned)
E:Jll goFG Krista and iam o##ered at on0e)
E5o+,G HoaI+in said, pointing at iam) E5o+ go 1ith $ory) -ea and Krista, sear0h the room)G
KristaJs eyes #illed 1ith 1orry) :t 1as ni0e to have someone aro+nd 1ho 0ared abo+t me that m+0h) %y #riends ba0&
home 1ere really more 0as+al a0I+aintan0esKpeople : st+died 1ith or ran tra0& 1ith) -+t Krista had be0ome more than
that) 'heJd be0ome li&e a se0ond sister) An#ort+nately, right no1 all : 0o+ld thin& abo+t 1as getting my real sister ba0&)
Krista loo&ed at HoaI+in) E-+t $ory might needKE
EH+st do it, Krista,G HoaI+in ordered)
(er sho+lders sl+mped) E2ine)G
ECome on,G : said to iam) E4eJre 1asting time)G
Cn my 1ay o+t the door, HoaI+in grabbed my 1rist and t+rned me to him) : 0o+ld #eel the eB0itement, the
anti0ipation, 0oming o## him in 1aves) E5o+ radio me the se0ond yo+ #ind o+t 1hatJs going on,G he said, glan0ing at the
t1ins, 1ho sat 1hispering in the ba0& o# the 0r+iser) E-y the end o# the night, one o# these people is going to tal&) 4eJre
gonna get them ba0&, $ory)G
(is energy 1as 0ontagio+s, and #or the #irst time in days, hope #illed my heart) : nodded) E4eJre gonna get them
E(eJs +n0ons0io+sDG : said, standing in the sti#lingly hot and h+mid hall1ay o+tside the prison area in the basement o# the
poli0e station) Chie# .rant! 1as dren0hed 1ith rain and smelled o# p+ngent s1eat) (eavy bags settled +nder his eyes li&e
1ater balloons) (is dar& bl+e vinyl H*" La0&et had a long tear +p one arm, and m+d 0overed his bla0& boots, soa&ing the
hem o# his poli0e<iss+e pants as 1ell)
E5ep,G he said, 1iping his #a0e 1ith a rag) E4e #o+nd him at the #oot o# the 1all at the 0ove) oo&s li&e he slipped and
&no0&ed himsel# o+t)G
E5o+ 0o+ld have maybe said that on the 1al&ie<tal&ie,G iam said)
.rant! shot him a beady<eyed loo&) @he man seemed as i# he 1ere one sar0asti0 remar& a1ay #rom a meltdo1n)
E@eresaJs in there 1ith him no1, assessing him) 5o+ 0an go in i# yo+ 1ant)G
: nodded and he opened the door #or +s) @here 1ere t1o very tiny 0ells 1ith bars 0omprising their #ront 1alls and the
1alls bet1een them) .oose b+mps popped +p on my arms, and : shivered as : moved aside to let iam in behind me)
*ete 1as laid o+t on the 0ot in the #irst 0ell, blan&ets piled over him) (is #a0e 1as t+rned to the side, a1ay #rom +s,
b+t : 0o+ld see most o# his 0hee&, 0hin, and one ear) (e loo&ed #ine, L+st a bit pale) At least his s&+ll 1as inta0t)
4hy 0o+ldnJt 1e L+st #ind someone 1ho 1as 0ons0io+s #or a 0hangeD
@eresa, a 1oman o# abo+t #orty 1ith short graying hair, &nelt neBt to the 0ot holding *eteJs 1rist bet1een her #ingers)
'he loo&ed +p as 1e 0ame in and pla0ed his arm gently do1n on the bed) %y teeth 0len0hed as : tried to #ight ba0& my
vindi0tive sideKthe side that #elt that *ete didnJt deserve s+0h 0are 1hen he 1as the one 1ho had ta&en /adiaJs and
CoriJs lives, 1ho had rendered @ristan +n0ons0io+s)
E(o1 is heDG : as&ed)
@eresa stood +p and sighed) EVitals are #ine, b+t heJs o+t 0old) Cnly time 1ill tell)G
E"o yo+ have any idea 1hen heJs gonna 1a&e +pDG iam as&ed, p+shing his hands into his po0&ets)
@eresa opened the 0ell door 1ith a 0lang and slipped o+t) EAn#ort+nately, no) -+t itJs not as bad as 1hat @ristan
s+##ered) :Jd say a #e1 ho+rs maybeD At most a day or t1o)G
A day or t1o) : tho+ght o# my dad and "ar0y and sI+ee!ed my eyes 0losed as a 1ave o# despair 0rashed over me)
Every ho+r, every min+te that they 1ere in the 'hado1lands 1as too long)
E5o+Jre iam, rightDG @eresa said, li#ting her 0hin) E@he mayor told me it 1as yo+r idea to 0he0& CoriJs l+ngs) .ood 0all)
: did a r+dimentary a+topsy, and they 1ere #+ll o# salt 1ater) @+rned o+t she did dro1n)G
iam loo&ed at me) E: g+ess thatJs aMgood thingDG
E:t +ps the 0han0es that it 1as an a00ident,G @eresa replied)
E%aybe, b+t it doesnJt prove anything,G : said) E"orn made it so+nd li&e everyone &ne1 Cori 1asnJt a great s1immer)
:# he shoved her into the 1ater, the 1ay itJs been raging latelyMG
iam 1ent green and : trailed o##) : didnJt 1ant to thin& abo+t it in too m+0h detail, eitherKthe 0allo+sness it 1o+ld
ta&e to do something li&e that, the terror Cori 1o+ld have #elt as she slipped a1ay)
E5o+ 0o+ld go in and try to 1a&e him +p i# yo+ 1ant,G @eresa s+ggested, tilting her head to1ard *eteJs bed)
: bristled at the tho+ght) /othing that : had to say to *ete 1o+ld ma&e him 1ant to 1a&e +p) : 1as L+st abo+t to tell
her as m+0h 1hen *ete s+ddenly sighed and t+rned his head) (is eyes 1ere still 0losed, b+t : #ro!e, grabbing iamJs arm)
-eneath my grip, his 1hole body 1ent tense)
ECh myKG iam said, biting do1n on his lip)
E*eteDG : as&ed) E*eteD Are yo+ a1a&eDG
@eresa slipped a tiny #lashlight o+t o# her po0&et and moved to the bed) 'he pried open one o# *eteJs eyes and shined
the light in it) (e didnJt #lin0h)
E(eJs still o+t,G she 0on0l+ded, shr+gging at +s)
iamJs s&in had gone 1aBy and pale) E: thin& 1e sho+ld go)G (e darted #or the door li&e the room 1as on #ire)
E'ho+ldnJt 1e stay in 0ase he 1a&es +pDG : said)
iam pa+sed 1ith one hand on the door&nob) E4hyD 'he said it 0o+ld be days) : say 1e go +p to the mayorJs and #ind
o+t i# the @ses are tal&ing)G
:t 1as tempting) At least : &ne1 the t1ins 1ere 0ons0io+s) : glan0ed ba0& at *ete, 1hose eyes stayed st+bbornly
0losed, his 0hest rising and #alling at a normal, 0alm rhythm)
E: 0an radio yo+ 1hen he 1a&es +p,G @eresa said, laying a 0om#orting hand on my arm) E.o ahead) /either one o# yo+
sho+ld be going anypla0e alone)G
EC&ay,G : said rel+0tantly) E@han& yo+)G
iam shoved thro+gh the door) : listened as his #ootsteps retreated do1n the long hall1ay, b+t : didnJt #ollo1) :nstead,
: 1aited +ntil @eresa le#t the 0ell and 0losed the door behind her) *ete had +shered my #ather and my sister and Aaron
and Henni#er and all the other inno0ent people to the 'hado1lands) : 1asnJt going any1here +ntil : &ne1 #or 0ertain that
he 1as lo0&ed +p good and tight)
@eresa p+lled o+t a big, old<#ashioned &ey and pla0ed it inside the lo0&) 4hen she t+rned it and the 0at0h slid into
pla0e, it let o+t a lo+d, satis#ying 0l+n&)
E4here does that go no1DG : as&ed, eyeing the &ey)
E-a0& to Chie# .rant!,G she said) E(is is the only &ey)G 'he smiled in a #riendly, &no1ing 1ay) E5o+ 0an 0ome 1ith me i#
yo+ li&e)G
E:tJs not that : donJt tr+st yo+) : L+stKG
E(oney, i# : 1ere yo+ right no1, : 1o+ldnJt tr+st 1hi0h 1ay 1as +p,G she said, giving my hand a I+i0& sI+ee!e) E@his
E@han& yo+,G : said, and meant it) :t 1as the #irst time anyone had made me #eel as i# my insane emotions 1ere
+nderstandable in s+0h simple terms)
: #ollo1ed her do1n the long hall, 1hi0h opened +p onto the ba0& o# the poli0e station) @ogether 1e 1al&ed to
.rant!Js o##i0e, and : 1at0hed her hand over the &ey, 1hi0h he tied to a 0hain that 1as atta0hed to his belt) iam 1as
1aiting #or me near the #ront door)
E.oodDG @eresa as&ed, t+rning to me 1ith a smile)
E.ood,G : said) E5o+Jll 0all me 1hen heJs a1a&eDG
E@he se0ond he starts tal&ing,G she ass+red me) E"onJt 1orry, hon) Cne 1ay or another, this is gonna be over soon)G
: nodded and Loined iam at the door, #eeling heavy and hollo1 at the same time) Cne 1ay or another) :t didnJt inspire
m+0h 0on#iden0e)
E'omething really 1eird happened to me today,G iam said)
4e 1ere 0limbing the hill to the mayorJs ho+se thro+gh the 1ind and the rain) -oth o# +s 1ere bent #or1ard against
it, li&e t1o storm<tossed ships trying to 0+t thro+gh the 1aves)
E4eirder than +s+alDG : as&ed)
(e nodded as 1e rea0hed the top o# the bl+##) E: 1as helping /i0& +p a#ter he got po+nded by a 1ave, and : got this
#lash)M: sa1 ho1 he and alani died)G
@here 1as a 0ra0& o# lightning dire0tly overhead) 4e ran #or the 0over o# the por0h roo# at the mayorJs ho+se) (eaving
#or breath, : p+shed my hood o## my hair and loo&ed at iam) (is #a0e 1as hal# lit by the overhead lamps, and he loo&ed,
+nderstandably, #rea&ed)
E@hat means heJs yo+r #irst 0harge,G : told him) E(eJs the #irst person yo+Jre going to +sher) Cn0e 1e get this mess
#ig+red o+t)G
iam loo&ed at his #eet) (is Converse 1ere soa&ed thro+gh) E@hatJs 1hat : #ig+red)G
EAre yo+ o&ayDG : rea0hed o+t to to+0h his arm, and he #lin0hed, violently, a1ay) : dre1 my hand ba0&, my heart
hammering) EiamDG
(e s0o##ed at the gro+nd) E'orry) : L+stMitJs been a 1eird day)G
@hen he t+rned and yan&ed open the door, ripping his La0&et o## as he barreled inside) : too& a deep breath, sha&ing
o## the a1&1ardness, and #ollo1ed) HoaI+in stepped a1ay #rom the 1all 1here heJd been leaning, and Krista h+rried
to1ard me #rom her post near the o##i0e door, 1here sheJd 0learly been attempting to eavesdrop)
E4ellD (o1Jd it goDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E4hat did he sayDG Krista added)
E(eJs +n0ons0io+s,G : said #latly, shedding my rain La0&et and hanging it on the nearest hoo&)
E4hatDG 2isher bl+rted) (e 1as sitting on the stairs 1ith -ea, 1ho leaned the side o# her head against the 1all,
loo&ing eBha+sted)
E@eresa thin&s itJll only be a #e1 ho+rs,G : said, trying to stay positive) E(o1Js it going hereDG
iam had lain do1n on one o# the 0o+0hes in the living room and 1as r+bbing his #a0e 1ith both hands) Kevin 1as on
the other 0o+0h, a0ross the 0o##ee table #rom him, his arm sl+ng over his eyes) : 0o+ld hear him snoring lightly) :t 1as an
odd time to ta&e a napK1hat 1ith o+r n+mber one s+spe0ts being interrogated in the neBt roomKb+t : 0o+ld hardly
blame them) Every last one o# +s 0o+ld have slept #or 1ee&s at this point)
E'heJs still in there 1ith them,G HoaI+in said, nodding at the o##i0e) : 0o+ld hear voi0es tal&ing in 0alm tones #rom
inside) E5o+ sho+ld have heard the 1ay they #rea&ed 1hen 1e bro+ght them here instead o# the poli0e station) @hose t1o
are not o# the 1all#lo1er variety)G
E"id yo+ #ind anything at their pla0eDG : as&ed -ea)
-ea sighed and p+shed her 0+rly hair ba0& #rom her #a0e 1ith both hands) E/othing) /ot even the 0oin yo+ g+ys sa1)
(e m+st have it on him)G
E(o1 the hell did he get ahold o# a 0oinDG Krista as&ed, r+nning her hands +p and do1n her bare arms)
E%aybe he 1o&e +p 1ith one neBt to his bed,G 2isher m+sed) E@hereJs been a lot o# random 0rap happening aro+nd
here lately) 5o+ never &no1)G
4e #ell silent) : didnJt li&e the idea that the 0oin 1as simply a mista&e or a 0oin0iden0e) : 1anted the t1ins to be part
o# this) : needed someoneKanyoneKto blame) 'omeone to tell me 1hat the hell 1as going on and ho1 to #iB it) : 1anted
my sister and my dad ba0& so badly it 1as 0a+sing a 0onstant a0he in my 0hest)
E:Jm gonna go +pstairs and 0he0& on a+ren and @ristan)G -ea p+shed hersel# +p slo1ly)
a+ren had ta&en the day shi#t on @ristan 4at0h, hanging o+t by his bedside in 0ase he 1o&e +p) 'heJd ta&en /adiaJs
and CoriJs deathsKthe very #a0t that 1e no1 0o+ld dieKharder than anyone, and 1as 0learly terri#ied o# losing @ristan as
1ell) 'omeho1, being 1ith him 0om#orted her, as i# simply 1at0hing his 0hest rise and #all gave her hope)
-ea had 0limbed t1o or three steps 1hen the o##i0e door s+ddenly opened) 2isher stood +p) HoaI+in p+shed a1ay
#rom the 1all again) Even Kevin #lipped over on the 0o+0h, blin&ing at +s 1ith bleary eyes)
E@han& yo+ so m+0h #or 0oming) : hope yo+ enLoy yo+r stay,G the mayor said pleasantly, holding the door #or the t1ins
to 1al& thro+gh) %y heart 0a+ght and : glan0ed at HoaI+in as the t1o o# them strolled by +s, smiling li&e 0ontent to+rists)
E5o+Jre letting them goDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E'hhFG the mayor replied 0+rtly)
'he opened the #ront door #or them, as 1ell, and 1aited 1ith a sti## grin on 1hile they li#ted their hands and
disappeared into the night) @he door 0losed 1ith a bang, and the mayor pressed her palms together)
E@he @se t1ins are inno0ent as pie,G she said, her lips p+rsing so+rly aro+nd the 1ords) E@hey are in0redibly s+spi0io+s
people and 1ere 0areer a0tivists in the other 1orld) @he 0+rrent sit+ation on H+niper anding +nderstandably a1o&e their
inner rabble<ro+sers, b+t they have nothing to do 1ith 1hatJs been going on here)G
ECh, 0ome onFG HoaI+in bl+rted) E@hen 1here did they get the 0oinDG
E(e 0laimed he #o+nd it o+tside the general store,G the mayor said, 0asting an a00+satory glan0e aro+nd the room)
'he moved to the 1indo1 neBt to the #ront door to glan0e o+t at the stormy sea) E2ort+nately : 1as able to 1ipe the #erry
a00ident #rom their memories and alter their per0eptions o# tonightJs a0tivities so that 1hen they go ba0& to the boarding
ho+se, theyJll have the story o# a silly mis+nderstanding to tell, b+t thatJs that)G 'he too& in a sharp breath and ble1 it
o+t) E@hey sho+ld be per#e0tly happy here #or the d+ration o# their stay) 4hat 1e need to do is #ig+re o+t ho1 long that
1ill be)G
@h+nder r+mbled in the distan0e)
E5o+ 1ant +s to start +shering again, donJt yo+DG -ea as&ed I+ietly)
E:# *ete 1as, indeed, responsible #or this mess, : see no reason not to get on 1ith o+r b+siness no1 that heJs lo0&ed
+p)G @he mayorJs eyes darted #rom #a0e to #a0e, 1aiting #or someone to 0ontradi0t her) E(ave any o# yo+ re0eived ne1
0oins todayDG
E: have,G : said)
E%e too,G Kevin 0alled #rom the living room)
E4e all have,G HoaI+in said, p+shing his hands into the po0&ets o# his Leans and loo&ing at his #eet)
E@hen those 0oins 1ill be +sed #irst, as thereJs no 1ay *ete 0o+ld have tampered 1ith them,G the mayor said) E4e
need to start +shering the dar& so+ls and admitted 0riminals o## this island) $ight no1, 1eJre 1or&ing on borro1ed time)
4eJll start tonight)G
E@onightDG Krista bl+rted, glan0ing o+t at the s&y)
E@he sooner the better,G the mayor ans1ered)
E-+t 1hat abo+t the other so+lsDG : interr+pted) E@he ones 1e &no1 sho+ld head to the ightD And the 0hildrenD (o1
1ill 1e ever #eel 0om#ortable +shering themDG
E4eJre L+st going to have to tr+st that everything 1ill right itsel#,G the mayor said) EAnd then 1eJll see)G
4eJll see) (opelessness settled in over my sho+lders, thi0& and oo!ing, li&e the m+ddy dirt 1eJd dropped at /adiaJs
and CoriJs graves)
E: 1ish @ristan 1o+ld 1a&e +p,G -ea said) E%aybe 1hoever 1as 1or&ing 1ith *ete 1as 1ith him that night at the gray
4e loo&ed +p the stairs 1here, aside #rom the +s+al rhythm o# the rain against the 1indo1s, everything 1as still)
@here 1as nothing b+t shado1s, the sliver o# light +nder @ristanJs door, the d+ll 0rystal on the 0+t glass light #iBt+re) -+t :
0o+ld still see him standing there, his tan s&in lit by an inner glo1, as he smiled do1n at me) As he made me #eel li&e : 1as
the only girl he 0o+ld ever love)
E:Jm going +p there,G : de0ided, s&irting aro+nd 2isher)
E4hyDG Krista as&ed)
E:Jm going to tal& to him,G : said, li#ting my palms) E@hey say they 0an hear yo+, rightD %aybe i# he hears my voi0eM:
donJt &no1) :Jm L+st going to tal& to him)G
E:Jll 0ome 1ith yo+,G HoaI+in o##ered, his #oot hitting the bottom step)
(e #ro!e, and the rest o# the 1orld seemed to #ree!e along 1ith him) E/oDG
: 0o+ldnJt loo& him in the eye) /ot right then) E: 1ant to do this alone) : have to)G
E-+t :KG
EHay,G -ea said) Eet her go) 4ho &no1sD %aybe itJll 1or&)G
: shot her a grate#+l smile and didnJt 1ait #or him to ans1er) :nstead : ran +p the stairs t1o at a time and, #inding
mysel# in #ront o# @ristanJs 0losed door, too& a deep breath)
5o+ 0an do this, : told mysel#) (e loves yo+) (e even said so in his note) (e never stopped loving yo+) :# thereJs anyone
heJll 0ome ba0& #or, itJs yo+)
4ith these hopes ringing inside my mind, : p+shed open the door) a+ren loo&ed +p) 'heJd been reading alo+d to him
#rom a boo&, seated in the des& 0hair neBt to the bed, b+t #ell silent 1hen she sa1 me) (er short dar& hair 1as ba0& in a
plaid headband, and she 1ore a pin& polo shirt, one 0orner o# the 0ollar L+st starting to #ray)
EAny l+0&DG she as&ed)
: shoo& my head) E@he @ses donJt &no1 anything, and *ete is +n0ons0io+s)G
'he sl+mped ba0& in the 0hair, the boo& going sla0& in her lap) E@his is so very bad)G
E%ind i# : tal& to @ristan aloneDG : as&ed)
'he glan0ed at his #a0e, so still it loo&ed li&e a painting, then sighed) E'+re)G As she got +p, she rea0hed over to
sI+ee!e his hand, then 1al&ed o+t, 0losing the door behind her) : too& the seat sheJd L+st va0ated) :t 1as still 1arm)
E(ey, @ristan,G : began, and my voi0e bro&e)
: too& in a staggered breath, blin&ing ba0& a #resh 1ave o# tears) 'eeing him in this state, motionless and v+lnerable,
1as so very 1rong) @he @ristan : &ne1 1as stronger than any o# +s, in both body and so+l) : remembered, s+ddenly, the
#irmness o# his arms as he &issed me #or the #irst time) @he 1armth o# his hand as he held tightly to my #ingers, s1inging
o+r arms bet1een +s as 1e 1al&ed #rom the bridge into to1n) @here had been a time, not that long ago, 1hen there 1as
s+0h an ama!ing, hope#+l, loving lightness in his eyes, and :Jd bro+ght it o+t o# him) 4e 1ere happy)
@here 1as no 1ay : 1as ready to let that go)
: rea0hed o+t to ta&e his hand and 0+pped it 1ith both o# mine)
E@ristan,G : said #irmly, E: 1ant yo+ to &no1 that :Jm sorry : didnJt believe in yo+) : &no1 : said that already yesterday,
b+t : am) : am so, so sorry) : hope that yo+ #orgive me) /o, : &no1 that yo+Jll #orgive me 1hen yo+ 1a&e +p) : &no1 that
yo+Jll +nderstand)G
@ears #ell #rom my eyes, and : bent #or1ard, resting my #orehead atop the ba0& o# my o1n hand) @he top o# my head
hit his side, and : leaned into it, relishing any 0onta0t, 1ishing : 0o+ld 0ra1l in neBt to him and hold him 0lose)
@he tho+ght that : might never see his eyes again) @hat : might never #eel him hold me again) @hat : might never to+0h
his lips again ) ) )
: had to #or0e mysel# to breathe)
E@ristan, please,G : 1hispered, li#ting my head and loo&ing +p at his pla0id #a0e) E*lease donJt die) *lease donJt do this
to me) : &no1 that 1hat :Jm saying is sel#ish) : &no1 it) : do) -+t : 0anJt ta&e this anymore) : 0anJt handle losing yo+ on top
o# everyone else) @here are only so many people in this 1orld : love, @ristan, and theyJre all gone) Every one o# them)
EB0ept yo+)G
: leaned ba0&, 1illing him to blin&, to gasp, to do anything) Anything to sho1 me that he 1as still in there, that he
0o+ld hear me, that he +nderstood)
-+t there 1as nothing b+t the steady rise and #all o# his breath, and the ti0&ing o# the grand#ather 0lo0& do1nstairs)
E'o letJs brea& it do1n,G Kevin said, dropping onto a blan&et in the sand neBt to a roaring, 0om#ortingly 1arm and dry
bon#ire) @he rain had stopped at three oJ0lo0&) H+st s+ddenly stopped a#ter days and days o# relentless soa&ing) :t 1as still
drab, gray, and 0old 1ith a solid layer o# #og overhead, b+t it 1as dry, so 1eJd de0ided to meet +p at the 0ove #or a dinner
o# sand1i0hes and 0hipsK1hi0h 1as great, sin0e : 0o+ldnJt remember the last time :Jd eatenKand to #ig+re o+t o+r neBt
move) Kevin popped open a 0an o# beer and too& a s1ig, li0&ing the s+ds #rom his lips) @he s&in on his &n+0&les 1as dry
and 0ra0&ed, tiny 1hite #la&es 0linging to his s&inny #ingers) E*ete is the bad g+y) (e &illed /adia, and he may have &illed
E5ep,G : said, tossing a pie0e o# dri#t1ood into the popping, 0ra0&ling #ire)
EAnd he has an a00ompli0e, b+t 1e have no 0l+e 1ho it is, and he 0anJt tell +s 1ho it is, be0a+se heJs +n0ons0io+s,G
Kevin 0ontin+ed)
E4ell, this totally s+0&s)G
Kevin 0h+gged the rest o# the beer, 0r+shed the 0an, and rea0hed #or another one) : po+red 0o##ee #rom KristaJs plaid
thermos into a 'tyro#oam 0+p, then sh+##led thro+gh the 0ool, damp sand and sat on a to1el bet1een Krista and -ea)
E: still 0anJt believe 1e tho+ght it 1as @ristan,G a+ren said, shivering +nder the gray 1ool blan&et she had arranged
over her legs)
E/one o# +s 0an believe 1e tho+ght it 1as @ristan)G Kevin t+gged his bla0& baseball 0ap lo1er over his bro1n eyes)
E-+t letJs not go there right no1) : 1ant to tal& abo+t *ete) @hat #+0&ing little ba0&stabber, *ete)G
E:t doesnJt ma&e any sense,G -ea said as she rea0hed into a 0r+mpled bro1n paper bag #or a sand1i0h) E/adia 1as
one o# his best #riends and he L+st &ills herD 4hyDG
E(e said i# he 1aited long eno+gh heJd get 1hat he 1anted,G : told them, probably #or the do!enth time) E'o 1hat
does he 1antDG
E*eteD Aside #rom a li#etime s+pply o# bee# Ler&y and a re0ord deal, : have no 0l+e) (eJs a pretty simple g+y,G 2isher
E.od, : 1ish heJd 1a&e +p,G : m+ttered, 0he0&ing my 1al&ie<tal&ie) :tJs red EonG light gleamed brightly as i# la+ghing at
me) : dropped the hem o# my La0&et over it, annoyed) -ea tore her sand1i0h in hal# and handed one side to me)
E: say 1hen he does 1a&e +p, 1e brea& ea0h o# his #ingers one by one +ntil he tal&s,G Kevin said, h+n0hing his
sho+lders to1ard his ears as he too& another lo+d sl+rp o# beer) E@hatJll do the tri0&)G
E5o+ 1o+ldnJt a0t+ally do that, 1o+ld yo+DG iam as&ed, alarm lighting his handsome #a0e)
E/oFG the rest o# +s ans1ered in +nison) @o p+n0t+ate the message, 2isher #l+ng a s0rap o# bar& at KevinJs head) :t
bo+n0ed harmlessly o## the bill o# his 0ap)
E@hat is not the 1ay 1e do things,G Krista snapped, br+shing some ash o## the sleeve o# her 1hite s1eatshirt)
E(o1 do yo+ &no1DG Kevin as&ed, sitting +p straight and p+shing the 0ap +p on his #orehead to better glare at +s)
E(o1 do any o# +s &no1D :tJs not li&e anythingJs normal aro+nd here) 4hoJs to say ho1 1e do or donJt do thingsDG
-ea too& a deep breath and sighed) 2or the #irst time in days, her red 0+rls 1ere loose aro+nd her sho+lders, and they
dan0ed and shoo& in the 0old o0ean bree!e) E(e does have a point) :t is a 1hole ne1 and not<very<pleasant H+niper
E-+t 1eJre not tort+ring anyone,G HoaI+in said #irmly) EEnd o# dis0+ssion)G
'+ddenly o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies b+!!ed in +nison, and there 1as an a1#+l, pier0ing peel o# #eedba0&, so lo+d : 1o+ldnJt
have been s+rprised i# o+r ears had started to bleed) : grabbed at my radio as Krista d+0&ed her head into her hands
EApologies,G Chie# .rant!Js voi0e blared thro+gh the radios) E%y apologies #or that) et all +shers be advised that the
mayor has de0ided the +sherings 1ill begin tonight at s+ndo1n)G
@here 1as no movement other than the endless 1ild dan0e o# the #lames and the mee& 1aves o# lo1 tide, lapping at
the shoreline behind me) : stared at HoaI+in) (is La1 0len0hed as he tossed another t1ig, then another, then another into
the #ire)
E@he so+ls on the 1at0h list 1ill be the #irst to be +shered, as previo+sly stip+lated) *lease bring yo+r #irst 0harge to
the bridge on0e itJs dar&) Cver)G
a+ren h+gged her &nees +p +nder her 0hin) E4ell) 'o there yo+ go)G
E:Jm sorry, b+t : 0annot 1ait to get rid o# @ess,G -ea said, m+n0hing on her sand1i0h) E:Jd +sher her ass right no1 i#
theyJd let me)G
E5eah, : 1onJt mind getting rid o# an0et, either,G HoaI+in said)
EAnd i# : hear *iper as& #or 4i<2i one more timeMG
Everyone la+ghed, b+t it 1as a short la+gh) : stared at the #lames, thin&ing o# $ay 4agnerJs ridi0+lo+s ta+nts, his
bla0&ened tong+e, his rotting teeth) 4e 1ere l+0&y he hadnJt tried anything yet) -ooting him o## the island 1o+ld be a
-+t on0e heJd been +shered, heJd be in the 'hado1lands) 4ith "ar0y, and my dad, and Aaron) 4hat 1as it li&e #or
them thereD 4o+ld they have to deal 1ith him, or did they even &no1 1here they 1ere, and 1ho else 1as in there 1ith
themD 4ere they in 0onstant terror, or 1as it a vast lonelinessD
: shivered violently, and my #ingers 0+rled into #ists at my sides) : had to save them) (o1 1as : going to save themD
EetJs L+st hope none o# them go to the ight,G Krista said 1ith a sh+dder) E@hat 1o+ld not be good)G
: loo&ed at HoaI+in) (is AdamJs apple bobbed as he tore the tiny t1igs #rom a bran0h) KristaJs 1ords h+ng in the air
bet1een +s)
E:s this a party or a #+neralDG
: s0rambled to my #eet, spraying sand into the #ire and over -eaJs legs) @ristan 1al&ed to1ard +s slo1ly, his sho+lders
a bit 0+rled, his 0hin hanging lo1er than +s+al 1ith a sI+are 1hite bandage taped to the ba0& o# his head) (is blond hair
1as stringy and t1o shades dar&er a#ter going +n1ashed #or days) -+t he 1as alive) (e 1as a1a&e) And he 1as here)
A#ter a 0atatoni0 se0ond o# sho0&, Krista ra0ed #or1ard and thre1 hersel# into his arms)
E5o+Jre o&ayFG she 0ried)
@ristan h+gged her ba0&, #irst 1ith one arm, then the other) : heard him la+gh, and it bro+ght tears to my eyes)
EApparently :Jm gonna live,G he said) Krista still had her arms aro+nd him, b+t his eyes met mine over her sho+lder) An
intense sho0& o# Loy shot thro+gh my 0hest and li#ted me onto my toes) EEverythingJs gonna be o&ay)G
@hey 1ere the 1ords 1e had all been 1aiting to hear #rom the person 1eJd needed to hear say them, and the mood
on the bea0h eBploded) 2isher prod+0ed an old<s0hool boom boB #rom the depths o# his tent and t+rned on some base<
th+mping dan0e m+si0) Krista 1hipped o+t a boB o# do+ghn+ts #rom her 0anvas bag, and Kevin spent the neBt ten min+tes
trying to 0onvin0e +s that -oston 0reams paired per#e0tly 1ith a l+&e1arm -+d)
-+t : had no idea 1hat to do 1ith mysel#) Everyone else had mobbed @ristan, la+ghing and h+gging and 0heering,
1hile : stood a1&1ardly in the sand, 1aiting) @he only thing : &ne1 #or absol+te 0ertain 1as that : 1o+ld not approa0h
@ristan) (e 1o+ld 0ome to me) Cr he 1o+ldnJt) Either 1ay, : 1asnJt abo+t to ma&e the #irst move)
-e#ore long, the 0ro1d aro+nd @ristan started to brea& +p, and HoaI+in 1as introd+0ing iam to @ristan) @hen, the t1o
o# them 1ere alone)
@ristan and HoaI+in) -est #riends) -rothers) @heir 0onversation shi#ted #rom intense to la+ghing and ba0& again) @he
sight o# the t1o o# them together made me s1eat +nder my dar& bl+e hoodie) 4o+ld HoaI+in tell him abo+t the &issD And
did it even matter 1hen everything else 1as so very 1rongD
E5o+ gonna be o&ay there, KillerDG -ea as&ed me +nder her breath, handing me a 0ho0olate do+ghn+t)
E:Jm #ine,G : said) E4hy 1o+ldnJt : be #ineDG
'he tilted her head d+bio+sly, li&e she 1asnJt I+ite s+re : &ne1 the meaning o# the 1ord) E4hatever yo+ say)G @hen
she st+tter<stepped over to Krista and a+ren, 1ho 1ere dan0ing together do1n by the 1ater, trying to drag iam into
the 0enter o# their gyrating 0ir0le)
4hen he spo&e, so 0lose behind me, it 1as as i# : hadnJt heard the so+nd o# his voi0e in a year) : t+rned aro+nd slo1ly,
and : 1as loo&ing into @ristanJs deep bl+e eyes)
E: heard abo+t "ar0y,G he said, his #a0e 0reased 1ith 0on0ern) E:Jm so sorry, $ory) Are yo+ all rightDG
: trained my eyes on the sand, on the toes o# his snea&ers) @here 1as a bit o# sea1eed st+0& to the r+bber +pper,
t1it0hing in the bree!e)
E/o,G : said, my voi0e 0ra0&ing) E:Jm really not)G
(e rea0hed #or me, and : too& an instin0tive step ba0&) : didnJt dare loo& aro+nd) : didnJt 1ant to &no1 1ho might be
E:Jm so sorry, @ristan)G
E2or 1hatDG he as&ed)
E2or /adia and Cori,G : said) EAnd :Jm sorry : didnJt believe in yo+) :Jm L+st so sorry)G
E(ey)G : #elt him moving to to+0h me again, and : #lin0hed) @ristanJs hands #ell to his sides)
E-+t : L+st 0anJtM: 0anJt sit here and pretend that everythingJs going to be o&ay,G : said, #+mbling #or the 1ords to
eBpress ho1 : 1as #eeling) E(o1 i# 1e L+st start +shering people, everything 1ill go ba0& to normal) -e0a+se it 1onJt) :t
0anJt) /ot #or me and not #or the people trapped in the 'hado1lands) 4e 0anJt #orget abo+t them, @ristan) 4e 0anJt
pretend li&e it never happened)G
E4e 1onJt,G he said) E: promise yo+) 4e 1onJt #orget abo+t them) 4eJll get yo+r dad and "ar0y ba0&)G
: glan0ed aro+nd at 2isher and Kevin la+ghing by the stereo) At -ea, Krista, a+ren, and iam dan0ing near the 1aves)
A seag+ll 0a1ed and dove to1ard the 1ater) :t 1as the #irst live bird :Jd seen in days) %y La1 0len0hed)
E:t #eels li&e 1e already have,G : said)
A tear slipped do1n my 0hee& and : I+i0&ly, angrily, s1iped it a1ay)
E:Jm sorry,G : said) E:Jm glad yo+Jre better, : L+stM$ight no1 : need to be alone) : need some time to thin&)G
And then : did something : never 1o+ld have tho+ght possible as re0ently as an ho+r ago) : t+rned my ba0& on @ristan
and 1al&ed a1ay)
: 1as staring at the 1aves 1hen : sa1 a #lash o# 0olor o+t o# the 0orner o# my eye) HoaI+in 1as 1al&ing bris&ly to1ard the
ro0& 1all, snapping +p his La0&et as he 1ent) : 0o+ldnJt let him leave 1itho+t saying something to him) 4hat that 1o+ld
be, : had no idea, b+t : 0o+ldnJt let him go)
(e 1as already at the #oot o# the hill, the ro0&s sli0& 1ith le#tover rain, 1hen : 0a+ght +p to him) EHoaI+inF 4ait +pFG
(e pa+sed 1ith one hand on a protr+sion o# gray stone and ble1 o+t a sigh) : 0o+ld pra0ti0ally see him bra0ing himsel#
to tal& to meKthe tension in his #a0e and a0ross his ba0&)
E4e have to tal&,G : said, planting my #eet in the sand in #ront o# him)
E: donJt see 1hy,G he said, li#ting one sho+lder) E: sa1 the 1ay yo+ loo&ed at @ristan 1hen he #irst 1al&ed +p) : get it)
:Jm happy #or yo+)G
/ever had those 1ords been said in a less enth+siasti0 tone) (e so+nded li&e he 1as ordering paper over the phone)
(e la+ghed sar0asti0ally)
E$ory, loo&) : donJt 1ant yo+ to get the 1rong idea,G HoaI+in said) E:tJs not li&e :Jm going to stand here and say it
doesnJt matter to me) -e0a+se it does) C# 0o+rse it does) :# it 1ere anyone elseMG
(e loo&ed o## a0ross the bea0h at @ristan, 1ho 1as nodding pensively as Kevin 1ent on abo+t something)
E-+t itJs @ristan,G : said, my voi0e #+ll)
4hen he loo&ed at me again, his bro1n eyes 1ere #+ll o# sadness and longing) E:tJs @ristan)G
%y eyes #illed 1ith tears, and : 0o+ld #eel him straining not to rea0h #or me) /ever had my heart #elt so 0on#+sed and
si0& and at 1ar 1ith itsel#) : had spent days hating @ristan, and no1, even tho+gh : &ne1 @ristan hadnJt deserved that
hate, even tho+gh : &ne1 : loved him, : 0o+ldnJt imagine letting HoaI+in go) : didnJt 1ant to lose him)
2inally HoaI+in t+rned to1ard the ro0& 1all, and the spell 1as bro&en) Cne tear slipped #rom my eye, and : s1iped it
a1ay) HoaI+in rea0hed #or a handhold)
Eisten, @ristan says that *ete 1as the only one in the gray ho+se that night) /o one else 1as 1ith him) :# thatJs tr+e,
then hope#+lly the mayor is right) 4ith *ete in prison, 1eJll be o&ay)G
EC&ayMG : said slo1ly, 0on#+sed by his s+dden shi#t to 0alm, 0ool, and 0olle0ted) All b+siness) E-+t then 1hat 1as he
tal&ing abo+t 1hen he said it 1asnJt his ideaD 4hen he said he 1as going to get 1hat he 1antsDG
E: donJt &no1) %aybe he 1as L+st trying to thro1 yo+ o##,G HoaI+in theori!ed) EEither 1ay, :Jm going to bring an0et
+p to the bridge aro+nd nine) :# yo+ and any o# the others 1ant to meet me thereMit might be good to do it together)
%oral s+pport and that &inda 0rap)G
: managed a smile, even tho+gh my 0hest #elt br+ised) : 0o+ldnJt believe HoaI+in 1as L+st 1al&ing a1ay #rom +s a#ter
everything that had happened) EC&ay) :Jll tell them)G
(e nodded and started to 0limb) (is ba0& 1as to me and he had only one #oot planted on #irm gro+nd 1hen : spo&e
again) EHoaI+inDG
(e t+rned his #a0e only slightly, so : 0o+ld see his ear and the 0orner o# his eye) E5eahDG
E: L+st 1ant yo+ to &no1Mit matters to me, too,G : said) E5o+, : mean) 5o+ matter)G
(e stood there #or a se0ond, L+st letting that sit, and then he 0limbed a1ay) : stepped ba0& and held my breath #or a
good long 1hile, 1ishing it didnJt h+rt so m+0h to 1at0h him go)
E4hatJre 1e doing here, blondieDG
EH+st &eep moving,G : replied)
: glan0ed past $ay 4agner at -ea, 1ho 1as b+sy dragging #amily<sla+ghterer @ess Cro1e o+t o# her Heep by the light
o# hal# a do!en 0arsJ headlights) All o+r #riends eB0ept #or KevinK1ho 1as &eeping 1at0h on the 1eather vane in
to1nKand @ristanK1ho 1as restingK1ere present) 4eJd de0ided that -ea sho+ld go #irst, sin0e she 0laimed she 1as
going to go insane i# she had to spend one more min+te in @essJs presen0e) 4e stood ba0& and 1at0hed as the 1oman
gnashed her teeth and rolled her head aro+nd, -ea leading her by the length o# rope that tied her 1rists together) Ha0&
an0et slo+0hed near the grille o# HoaI+inJs tr+0&, his b+lbo+s eyes 1ide, 1hile *iper %alloy pa0ed ba0& and #orth in #ront
o# a+ren and 2isher, her patent heels gleaming)
At the #oot o# the bridge, -ea slapped a 0oin into @essJs hand)
E(appy trailsFG she said lo+dly)
@hen she shoved @ess into the 1all o# mist that s+rro+nded the bridge) : #elt a 0hill as she 1as eng+l#ed, remembering
vividly the horrors that had a1aited inside that 1all o# #og) : hal# eBpe0ted her to 0ome tearing right ba0& o+t o# there, b+t
as 1as normally the 0ase 1ith 0harges being +shered, she 1ent in the 0orre0t dire0tion) A#ter a #e1 se0onds, 1e heard
the telltale, lo+der<than<a<b+llhorn s+0&ing so+nd that indi0ated 1hoever 1as on the bridge had been +shered to their
#inal destination) @he stillness that #ollo1ed #elt +nnat+ral, li&e some +nseen hand had hit a giant b+tton, pa+sing +s
1here 1e stood)
E(ere goes nothing,G HoaI+in said, li#ting his 1al&ie<tal&ie) EKevin, the #irst oneJs gone over) 4hatJs the stat+sD Cver)G
E/othing yet) Cver)G
@he se0onds dragged o+t as the 1ind 1hipped and the 0eiling o# #og overhead +nd+lated and s1irled) @he 0+rrent
theory 1as that the 0old 1as no1 &eeping the #og alo#t, b+t even i# that 1as possible, : didnJt li&e it) : had never tho+ght :
1o+ld 1ish #or the eerie #og to envelop me in its 0hilling, hissing embra0e, b+t having it hanging above +s 1as almost
1orse) %ena0ing) As i# it had been biding its time +p there these past #e1 days, plotting its #inal atta0&)
E@he 1eather vane is pointing so+th) Cver,G Kevin anno+n0ed)
: let o+t a relieved breath) At least the 0oins 1ere getting this right)
E$ory, 1anna go neBtDG HoaI+in s+ggested)
E4ith pleas+re)G
: L+st 1anted to get this over 1ith so : 0o+ld get ba0& to the Lail and 0he0& on *eteJs stat+s) Every se0ond that passed
that "ar0y and my dad 1ere still in the 'hado1lands 1as a se0ond too long) : too& $ay 4agner #irmly by the arm)
ECh, so no1 yo+Jre getting to+0hy<#eely 1ith meD :s that 1hat this is abo+tD 5o+ got a little 0r+shDG
: tasted bile in the ba0& o# my throat as : 1al&ed him over to the bridge) @hen : grabbed his hand and t+rned the palm
+p, pressing his 0oin into the meaty #lesh)
E@his is 1here 1e say good<bye,G : told him)
E.ood<byeD 4hat do yo+ mean, good<byeDG
: t+rned him by the sho+lders, gave him a little shove, and sent him on his 1ay) @he s+0&ing void s1allo1ed him
1hole, and 1e 1aited #or the verdi0t)
E*ointing so+th again) Cver,G Kevin anno+n0ed)
Another sigh o# relie#) HoaI+in I+i0&ly dealt 1ith Ha0&, and then *iper 1as the last to go) (er #inal 1ords to 2isher, 1ith
a big smile, 1ere, ECall meFG
4hen it 1as done, and the only so+nds le#t in the 1orld 1ere the 1histling 1ind and the idling noise o# o+r 0ar
engines, 1e stood aro+nd, 1aiting) : hovered some1here bet1een relieved and desperately s0ared, be0a+se the hard
part 1as yet to 0ome) And #rom the tense loo&s on my #riendsJ #a0es, everyone agreed on that #a0t)
E'o 1hen do 1e +sher a good so+lDG : said #inally, voi0ing 1hat everyone 1as thin&ing)
E-e advised,G Chie# .rant!Js voi0e b+!!ed thro+gh the 1al&ie<tal&ies) E@he mayor is sending +p one o# KristaJs 0harges
1ith C##i0er "orn) E@A t1o min+tes)G
Krista blan0hed) E'heJs 1hatDG
E4hi0h 0hargeDG : as&ed)
E: donJt &no1,G Krista said, her voi0e trembling) E: didnJt have anyone on the bad<g+y list) 4hat is sheKG
(eadlights #lashed at the 0rest o# the hill, and 1e t+rned to 1at0h, instin0tively moving into a straight line as the
patrol 0ar b+mped over the potholed road) @he bra&es sI+ealed as "orn t+rned the 0ar to be parallel 1ith o+rs, and then
he 0+t the engine) (e stepped o+t, 1al&ed aro+nd the #ront o# the 0ar, and opened the ba0& door) C+t stepped %yra
'0h1art!, the 0+t on her head healing ni0ely) 'he 0l+t0hed her p+rse to her 0hest and loo&ed aro+nd, not eBa0tly s0ared,
b+t intrig+ed)
E4here are 1eDG
Krista bro&e #rom the line) E%rs) '0h1art!F 4hatJre yo+ doing hereDG
E: have no idea, dear) : 1as hoping yo+ 0o+ld tell me,G %yra said, li#ting the strap o# her bag onto her sho+lder) @hen
she spotted me) ECh, hello, $oryFG
E(i, %yra,G : replied, 1ith a #aint, strained smile)
E:# yo+ 0o+ld L+st 1ait one se0ond, :Jll hope#+lly have an ans1er #or yo+,G Krista said) E$oryD 4o+ld yo+ 0ome 1ith me
to tal& to C##i0er "orn, pleaseDG (er voi0e pit0hed +p three o0taves 1ith the reI+est)
4e s&irted aro+nd %yra and p+lled "orn to1ard his 0ar) E4hat is going onDG Krista hissed) E'heJs not on the bad<g+y
E%ayor 1ants to try +shering one o# the good ones,G "orn said 1ith a sni##, 0he1ing on a pie0e o# g+m li&e a 0o1)
E4hatD AlreadyDG : demanded) E"oes she really thin&KG
E4hat she thin&s is, 1e need to get things ba0& to normal) .et this #og o+t o# here) Clean +p the bea0hes and #ig+re
o+t 1hat the hell to do abo+t the #erry,G "orn said tersely, loo&ing Krista in the eye 1ith a no<nonsense &ind o# glare) E:#
this 1or&s, it means *ete 1as 1or&ing alone and 1e 0an be ba0& to b+siness as +s+al)G
E5eah, eB0ept my sister and my dad and at least ten other people 1ill still be st+0& in the 'hado1lands,G : hissed)
E4ell, i# things get ba0& to normal, 1e 0an #o0+s o+r energy on other things,G he said pointedly) Ei&e getting them the
hell o+t)G
Krista h+gged hersel#, pro0essing this) 'he glan0ed over her sho+lder at her 0harge, a sti## 1ind blo1ing her hair ba0&
#rom her #a0e)
E'o, 1hatD %rs) '0h1art! is o+r g+inea pigDG Krista demanded) Cver by HoaI+inJs tr+0&, %yra had ta&en o+t her 1allet
and 1as sho1ing -ea and a+ren pi0t+res o# her grand&ids)
E'he 1on the lottery, yep,G "orn said, hi&ing +p his 1aistband)
E-+t 1hat i# it doesnJt 1or&D 4hat i# she ends +p in the 'hado1landsDG : as&ed, my heart po+nding)
E4eJll 0ross that bridge 1hen 1e 0ome to it) /o p+n intended)G "orn smir&ed) Krista and : eB0hanged a horri#ied loo&)
E@hin& o# it this 1ayP 4eJre gonna have to do this sooner or later,G "orn told +s) EAnd at least i# she goes to the
'hado1lands, 1eJll &no1 1e still have someone 1or&ing against +s o+t here)G
: groaned and shoo& my head) E: thin& itJs +p to yo+, Krista) 'heJs yo+r 0harge)G
Krista too& a deep breath) E:# the mayor thin&s itJs a good idea, :Jm not going to 0ontradi0t her)G 'he shoo& her hair
ba0& and sI+ared her sho+lders) E: L+st hope this 1or&s)G
E.ood l+0&)G
Krista smiled 1anly and 1al&ed over to %yra) : sa1 her ta&e the 1omanJs hand and slip a 0oin into it) As : moved
0loser, : heard %yra than& Krista) : stood neBt to HoaI+in, hoping #or that #eeling o# 0on#iden0e his presen0e +s+ally lent
me, b+t he too& a slight sidestep a1ay, p+tting a respe0t#+l distan0e bet1een +s) %y heart a0hed and : stared at my toes)
E4eJre L+st going to go #or a little 1al&, o&ayDG Krista said politely) E@his 1ay)G
%yra smiled as Krista led her slo1ly to1ard the bridge b+t pa+sed L+st in0hes #rom the 1all o# mist)
E4here am : goingDG she as&ed Krista)
%y heart nearly bro&e) A #e1 1ee&s ago, the ans1er to that I+estion 1o+ld have been 0lear, b+t no1MKristaJs &nees
a0t+ally 1avered, and #or a se0ond : tho+ght sheJd go do1n, b+t she held on someho1)
E'omepla0e bea+ti#+l,G Krista told her 1ith a smile) E: promise)G
%yraJs smile 1idened) @hen she t+rned to1ard the mist and 1as gone) : instin0tively rea0hed #or HoaI+inJs hand b+t
0a+ght air) (e stared straight ahead, not noti0ingKor trying to loo& li&e he hadnJt) : pinned my 1rists together behind my
ba0&, straining to ignore the a1#+l sadness 1elling inside my throat) :n se0onds, 1e heard the s+0&ing so+nd) @he mist
+nd+lated and s1irled, and then everything 1as still)
HoaI+in li#ted his 1al&ie) EKevinD 4haddaya gotD Cver)G
(e loo&ed me in the eye)
E/othing yet,G Kevin said) ECver)G
E: 0anJt ta&e this,G Krista 1hispered, her hands tepeed over her mo+th) E: 0anJt ta&e it)G
%y heart seemed to po+nd harder 1ith ea0h passing se0ond)
EKevinDG HoaI+in said)
: 0losed my eyes and dipped my head) %y &nees shoo& beneath me) 2inally, o+r 1al&ies let o+t a shrill peel and a
E:tJs pointing north,G Kevin said glee#+lly) E@he vane is pointing northFG
E@his is 1eird) :Jm sorry, itJs L+st too 1eird,G iam said, pa0ing ba0& and #orth in #ront o# me near the #oot o# the bridge on
'at+rday morning) : r+bbed my eyes and tried my best to #o0+s) : hadnJt been able to sleep in my eerily I+iet ho+se, so :Jd
spent hal# the night #ree!ing my b+tt o## at *eteJs bedside, 1aiting #or him to 1a&e +p) : sti#led a ya1n) :t 1as iamJs #irst
+shering, and he needed someone to g+ide him)
(e glan0ed over his sho+lder at his 0harge, /i0&, 1ho 1as gabbing 1ith 2isher abo+t his latest video<game obsession
1hile 2isher did his best to &eep +p) Cver at the bridge, Kevin 1aited 1hile his latest 0harge 1al&ed thro+gh the mist)
@he da1n had 0ome today 1ith still no sign o# the s+n, b+t the air 1as noti0eably 1armer) :nstead o# b+ndling into
Leans and s1eats, everyone 1as 1earing shorts and long<sleeved @<shirts as 1e gathered again at the bridge, bent on
getting as many people a0ross to their #inal destinations as 1e 0o+ld) Early that morning, Krista had +shered the &ids over,
and every last one o# them had gone to the ight) 'in0e then, the area at the base o# the bridge had ta&en on an almost
#estival<li&e #eel, 1ith a do!en 0ars par&ed in a ragged 0ir0le, and gro+ps o# people 0hatting aro+nd 0oolers and bags o#
sna0&s) 'omeoneJs radio played #i#ties t+nes thro+gh a 0ar 1indo1, and a 1ind so0& had been tied to the antenna o# -eaJs
Heep, its 0olor#+l stripes 1hipping in the bree!e)
E: &no1) @he #irst time is hard,G : said, to+0hing iamJs arm) (e 1as 1earing a bright red @<shirt 1ith a 1hite 0ross on
the #ront and the 1ord :2E.AA$" embla!oned above it) E-+t yo+Jre sending him to a good pla0e) (e led a good li#e) (eJs
s+pposed to be there)G
iam nodded, b+t : 1asnJt entirely s+re he 1as hearing me) (is eyes 1ere +n#o0+sed as he loo&ed at the damp gro+nd
beneath o+r #eet) : 0o+ld only imagine 1hat he 1as thin&ing) (eJd been here L+st a #e1 days, and heJd had so m+0h
thro1n at him, most o# it negative, terri#ying, +n0ertain) "eep inside he 1as probably still 1ondering i# 1e 1ere 0ra!y) :#
this 1as some &ind o# massive Lo&e) %y heart 1ent o+t to him) :t 1asnJt that long ago that : #elt the eBa0t same 1ay)
E-+t 1hat abo+t alaniD 4onJt she reali!e heJs goneD 4onJt she be 1orried abo+t himDG he as&ed)
: shoo& my head) E'he 1onJt remember him) :tJs part o# the H+niper anding magi0) Antil she gets to the ight, too, she
1onJt even remember having had a brother)G
iam snorted a la+gh) E@his is insane) :tJs L+st insane)G
Eiam, listen,G : said, rea0hing #or his hand) (e stared do1n at my #ingers as i# heJd never seen #ingers be#ore) E4hat
1e do here, itJs important) :tJs a 0alling) A mission) 4hen 1e send these so+ls on to their #inal destinations, 1eJre helping
maintain the balan0e o# the +niverse)G
: 0o+ld hear @ristanJs voi0e in my head, telling me the same thing L+st a 0o+ple o# 1ee&s ago, trying to 0onvin0e me)
E: &no1 things have been o+t o# 1ha0& sin0e yo+Jve been here,G : said, then leaned in 0loser) E@heyJve a0t+ally been
o+t o# 1ha0& sin0e :Jve been here, so : +nderstand yo+ might not eBa0tly tr+st this pla0e) -+t :Jve seen the system 1hen
itJs 1or&ing, and : &no1 itJs been 1or&ing #or a long time) :tJs +p to +s to get it ba0& on tra0&)G
iam s+0&ed in a breath at the same moment the lo+d, s+0&ing noise split the air and the mist aro+nd the bridge
s1irled) (e la+ghed at the 0oin0iden0e) C+r 1al&ies !ipped to li#e) :t 1as HoaI+inJs voi0e this time on the other end)
E:tJs pointing north) Cver)G
: smiled slightly) Every time : heard those 1ords it 1as li&e a tiny pie0e o# my shattered heart 1as 1or&ing its 1ay ba0&
into pla0e) 2r+stratingly, *ete 1as still +n0ons0io+s, b+t it 1as loo&ing more and more li&e heJd been 1or&ing alone) 4ith
him lo0&ed +p sa#ely in Lail, the problem 1as solved) At least this parti0+lar problem, any1ay) -+t hope#+lly "orn 1as
right) /o1 that 1e &ne1 the +shering pro0ess 1as ba0& to normal, everyone 0o+ld #o0+s on getting my dad, "ar0y, and
the others o+t o# the 'hado1lands)
E/e1 g+yF 5o+Jre +pFG 2isher sho+ted, 0lapping his massive hands together)
E5o+ 0an do this,G : told iam) E5o+Jre a good person) : &no1 yo+ 0an do it)G
iam nodded) E@han&s, $ory) :JmM:Jm gonna try)G
(e p+shed his hands into the po0&et o# his plaid shorts as he 1al&ed over to Loin /i0&) (is 0harge t+rned to him 1ith a
tr+sting smile, his per#e0t 1hite teeth pra0ti0ally beaming against the gray s&y aro+nd +s and the #og 0eiling overhead) (e
tipped his head to1ard iam as he #ollo1ed him to the bridge) 4hatever iam 1as saying to him, it 1asnJt 0a+sing him
any sort o# alarm) And a#ter iam handed him the 0oin, /i0& rea0hed o+t to sha&e his hand)
: #elt a hit0h in the ba0& o# my throat as /i0& 0rossed the threshold o# the bridge and iam 1aved good<bye, thin&ing o#
the night :Jd said good<bye to Aaron, ho1 happy :Jd been, ho1 @ristan and : had shared o+r #irst real &iss)
And then everything had #allen to 0rap)
.ravel 0r+n0hed on the road, and : t+rned to see @ristanJs 'AV bo+n0ing its 1ay +p the hill) %y heart started to po+nd
at the sight o# it, and : a+tomati0ally rea0hed +p to smooth my hair behind my ears) @he s+0&ing so+nd #illed the air again,
and HoaI+inJs voi0e rang o+t)
E:tJs pointing northF 5eehaFG @here 1as a pa+se and then a 0ra0&le) E'orry) Cver)G
Everyone la+ghed) iam loped over to me L+st as @ristan stopped the 0ar and slammed the door behind him) (eJd
sho1ered, #inally, and his blond hair h+ng li&e a shiny, healthy 0+rtain over his bl+e eyes) (e smiled tentatively at me as
he stopped to tal& to 2isher) : tore my eyes a1ay #rom him long eno+gh to h+g iam)
E.ood Lob) 'eeD : &ne1 yo+Jd be #ine)G
E@han&s,G iam said, bl+shing) EAs long as he 1ent the right 1ay, :Jm 0ool)G
E(ey, g+ys)G
@ristan Logged over to +s, r+bbing his hands together) @he sleeves o# his light bl+e shirt 1ere loose on his arms, and :
reali!ed heJd lost some 1eight d+ring his eBile) (is Leans 1ere hanging lo1er than +s+al, and there 1as a sharp indent to
his 0hee&s)
E(ey,G : replied, oddly shy)
E5o+ g+ys, 1e have a problem,G a+ren anno+n0ed, speed<1al&ing over to Loin +s)
E4hy am : not s+rprisedDG : said +nder my breath)
E'orry)G a+ren bit her lip) E@he thing is, 1eJre r+nning o+t o# +ntainted 0oins) :# 1e 0anJt +se any o# the ones 1e got
1hile *ete 1as still on the loose, 1eJre &ind o# s0re1ed)G
E(o1 many do 1e have le#tDG @ristan as&ed)
E: have t1o) 2isher has one) Kevin has one, and as #ar as : &no1, thatJs it,G a+ren said) EKrista +sed most o# them
sending the &ids a0ross this morning)G
: sighed) E4ell, then 1eJre L+st going to have to ta&e it slo1ly) And itJs going to have to stay 0ro1ded aro+nd here #or
a 1hile longer)G
E@hat s+0&s,G a+ren said, t+0&ing her shiny bla0& hair behind her ears as she loo&ed ba0& at the bridge) EH+st 1hen
things 1ere getting ba0& to normal)G
: gritted my teeth) : 1as getting si0& o# people saying that 1hen my sister and #ather and Aaron and the others 1ere
still st+0& in the 'hado1lands, b+t : didnJt say anything) : &ne1 she L+st 1anted to #eel sa#e again, to #eel se0+re)
E4eJll #ig+re it o+t) 4e al1ays do,G @ristan ass+red her) (e glan0ed at iam) E4as that yo+r #irstDG
E5ep) 4eird,G iam said) E-+t $ory 1as a good 0oa0h)G
@ristanJs #a0e lit +p and my 1hole body responded) @here 1as nothing li&e a pro+d smile #rom @ristan) E5eahD 4hy am
: not s+rprisedDG
: grinned in reply)
E@old yo+,G @ristan said) EEverythingJs gonna be o&ay)G
E4hat the hell are yo+ people doing +p hereDG
A 0hill ra0ed do1n my spine and my eyes lo0&ed 1ith @ristanJs) : t+rned aro+nd slo1ly to #ind 'ebastian @se s&idding
do1n a reed<0overed emban&ment to1ard +s, his sister right on his heels)
E: tho+ght the mayor dealt 1ith these g+ys,G a+ren said thro+gh her teeth)
EApparently not 1ell eno+gh,G @ristan replied, stepping in #ront o# +s)
E4here did that &id L+st goDG 'ebastian demanded, thro1ing an arm o+t to1ard the bridge as he 0on#ronted iam)
E4hy did yo+ send him over that bridge by himsel#DG
iam 1as the 0olor o# 0oo&ed lobster) E:M+mM1eKG
E"onJt,G @ristan said 0+rtly) %y heart 1as in my throat)
E"onJt even try lying to +s,G 'elma said, standing neBt to her brother, her 0lear bl+e eyes s0anning o+r #a0es) E4e
tal&ed to the people at o+r boarding ho+se) @hey &eep telling +s abo+t things that happenedKthings 1e sho+ld
rememberKli&e a #erry sin&ingD @hey say 1e 1ere there, b+t neither one o# +s remembers it)G
E(o1 is that possibleDG 'ebastian said, seething, his nostrils 1ide as he advan0ed on @ristan, 0learly pi0&ing him o+t as
the leader) E4hat have yo+ people done to +sDG
E4hy donJt yo+ let +s give yo+ a ride ba0& to to1nDG @ristan s+ggested as 2isher and Kevin 1al&ed +p behind him)
E4hy donJt yo+ start eBplainingDG 'ebastian shot ba0&)
@ristan rea0hed o+t a hand and gripped 'ebastianJs sho+lder, loo&ing him in the eye)
EEverythingJs #ine,G he said in that soothing tone : &ne1 so 1ell) E@hereJs nothing sinister going on hereK: promise
: 1at0hed 'ebastianJs sho+lders start to relaB as he loo&ed deep into @ristanJs eyes) 'lo1ly, @ristan 1or&ed his magi0
on 'ebastian +ntil every o+n0e o# his tension and do+bt had been ironed a1ay) : remembered vividly 1hat it had #elt li&e
the #irst time @ristan had +sed his soothing po1er on meKho1 pea0e#+l the 1hole 1orld had be0omeKand : almost #elt
Lealo+s o# 'ebastian)
'+pposedly every i#er had this po1er, b+t @ristan 1as the only person :Jd ever seen +se it)
E5o+ g+ys have had a ro+gh #e1 days,G @ristan said) E4hy donJt yo+ let 2isher drive yo+ ba0&D :tJs a long 1al&,
espe0ially 1ith the m+d and the do1ned trees)G
E/o 1ay,G 'elma said, 0rossing her s&inny arms over her 0hest) E4eJre not leaving here +ntilKG
E:tJs L+st a ride, 'elma,G 'ebastian said, li#ting a sho+lder) E4hatJs the big dealDG
(er La1 dropped, b+t 1hen 'ebastian smiled at her, her indignation I+i0&ly #aded)
EC&ay,G she said #inally) E:# yo+ say so)G
@ristan 0lapped 'ebastian on the ba0& as he and 2isher headed #or the van, 'elma trailing behind)
E$adio HoaI+in,G @ristan said to Kevin, sliding his hands into his po0&ets) E@ell him 1eJre sending the @ses do1n to see
the mayor again)G
ECn it,G Kevin said, t+rning a1ay)
: too& a deep breath and ble1 it o+t) Crisis averted) 2or no1, any1ay)
EAm, g+ysD 'ho+ldnJt they not have remembered /i0&DG a+ren pointed o+t) E@he se0ond he 1ent over the bridge, he
sho+ld have been #orgotten by the visitors)G
A #lash o# +n0ertainty tightened @ristanJs #a0e) E%aybe it 1as be0a+se they a0t+ally sa1 him go overD @hat hasnJt
happened be#ore)G
ECr maybe itJs L+st one more 0hin& in the system than&s to the +nbalan0e o# the +niverse,G a+ren said)
E4eJll #ig+re it o+t,G @ristan said, r+bbing her ba0&) E(ope#+lly itJs L+st a blip)G
EAh, does that happen a lotDG iam as&ed sha&ily) E*eople #rea&ing o+t li&e thatDG
E/ot o#ten, b+t 1hen it does, 1e ta&e 0are o# it)G @ristan gave a 1ry smile, then t+rned to me) Eisten, $ory, 0an
1eMgo #or a drive or somethingD : mean, i# yo+ donJt mind me stealing her a1ay,G he said to iam)
E/o, thatJs 0ool)G iam p+shed his hands into the ba0& po0&ets o# his shorts) E: thin& :Jm gonna 1al& ba0& to to1n and
sha&e this o##) %aybe #ind alani)G
E5o+ sho+ld drive do1n 1ith 2isher,G @ristan said) E: still donJt li&e the idea o# anyone going any1here alone)G
Eet me &no1 i# thereJs anything yo+ 1ant to tal& abo+t,G : told iam) E5o+ &no1 1here : live, and thereJs al1ays the
E@han&s, $ory,G iam said) (e li#ted a hand to the others in a 1ave and Logged to 0at0h +p 1ith 2isher) 'e0onds later,
2isherJs van roared o+t o# o+r ma&eshi#t par&ing area)
E'o) 5o+ readyDG @ristan as&ed, holding his hand o+t to me)
: glan0ed +n0ertainly at a+ren)
E"onJt 1orry abo+t me) :Jve got a 0o+ple more people to +sher,G she said, 1aving +s o##)
:t #elt good, L+st to hear someone say that) @o have it not be loaded 1ith terror and meaning) @he #og 1as still 0logging
+p the s&y, b+t 1ith ea0h ho+r the air gre1 1armer, and : 0o+ld pra0ti0ally #eel the s+n trying to ma&e itsel# &no1n again)
@hings really 1ere getting ba0& to normal) And maybe, 1ith @ristanJs help, :Jd #ind a 1ay to get my #amily ba0&) : too&
@ristanJs hand and let him lead me a1ay)
'o the 0reepy t1ins are going in to see the mayor again) : 1ish : 0o+ld be a #ly on the 1all #or that parti0+lar 0onversation)
: 0anJt de0ide 1hether those t1o are #riends or #oes) @hey as& too many I+estionsKthatJs #or s+reKand I+estions are
+s+ally a bad thing #or a person in my position) -+t then again, i# they as& too many I+estions o# the 1rong person,
perhaps that person 1ill 0ra0& and tell them the tr+th) @hat 1o+ld damn them to the 'hado1lands, and i# : 0o+ld 0laim
them to my tally, :Jd be so m+0h 0loser to my goal)
: 1onder i# any o# my so<0alled #riends 1ill be st+pid eno+gh to tal&) @here are a #e1 1ho might be that dense) %aybe
: sho+ld get them dr+n& and see i# that loosens their tong+es a bit) @hen : 0o+ld be done 1ith this mission by the end o#
the day) As long as itJs not $ory) 'heJs got another p+rpose to serve in this) A m+0h bigger p+rpose)
@ristan p+t the 0ar in par& and &illed the engine) @he 1indo1s 1ere do1n, and no1 that 1eJd stopped moving, the 1arm,
m+ggy air #illed the spa0e bet1een +s) (eJd stopped 1ith the nose o# his 'AV near the 0li## 1here :Jd on0e seen HoaI+in,
2isher, and hal# a do!en other i#ers L+mp over the edge, to prove to me that they 0o+ldnJt die) :t 1as the same night :Jd
0on#ronted /adia #or the #irst time) -a0& then :Jd tho+ght she hated me be0a+se @ristan li&ed me) :Jd tho+ght she 1as L+st
angry, Lealo+s, and mean)
/o1 : reali!ed sheJd been terri#ied, p+lsating 1ith #ear over the 1orld she &ne1 and loved 0r+mbling aro+nd her) 'he
1as right to be a#raid, and no1 she 1as gone)
E: 0anJt get +sed to it,G @ristan said, leaning #or1ard to loo& +p at the s&y thro+gh the 1indshield) E@hat blan&et o#
#ogD 2or the #irst time sin0e : arrived here, it really does #eel li&e another 1orld)G
E@hatJs never happened be#oreDG : as&ed, #iddling 1ith the !ipper on my bl+e hoodie)
E/o) @his is ne1)G
(is hands slipped do1n the sides o# the steering 1heel and 0ame to rest a1&1ardly in his lap) (e 0a+ght me 1at0hing
them and la+ghed I+ietly)
E5o+ have no idea ho1 m+0h : 1ant to to+0h yo+,G he said)
%y heart t+rned 0art1heels) E4hy donJt yo+DG
(e t+rned to me, his 0lear<bl+e ga!e see&ing something inside my eyes) E-e0a+se : donJt &no1 i# yo+ 1ant me to)G
: s1allo1ed hard) E@ristanKG
E(ang on a se0,G he said) EH+st let me tal&)G
: nodded, +n!ipping my s1eatshirt and t+gging it #ree o# my arms) @he 1orld s+ddenly #elt sti#ling)
E4hen : 1as on the r+nMhiding o+t thereM&no1ing everyone :Jd ever 0ared abo+t 1as h+nting me do1nM: never
on0e tho+ght abo+t mysel#,G @ristan said) E: never tho+ght abo+t 1hat might happen to me) 4hat they 1o+ld do to me i#
they #o+nd me) All : ever tho+ght abo+t 1as yo+)G
A b+bble 1elled +p inside my throat, and : g+lped it ba0&, determined not to interr+pt him)
EAll that matters to me anymore is 1hat yo+ thin& o# me,G @ristan said) EAnd that yo+Jre happy) @hat yo+Jre o&ay) :
spent every single night : 1as gone on that bridge, trying to #ig+re o+t ho1 to get the damn door or the portal or
1hatever it is that leads to the 'hado1lands to open) Every single night) : 1anted to get yo+r dad ba0& #or yo+) .et Aaron
ba0&) : didnJt even 0are i# yo+ ever #o+nd o+t that : 1as the one 1ho saved them) : L+st 1anted it done) 2or yo+)G
: too& a breath) A single tear spilled do1n my 0hee&) (e rea0hed +p and to+0hed his palm to it)
E:Jm sorry that : #ailed yo+,G he said)
: let o+t this 1eird noise) :t 1as some1here bet1een a la+ghKbe0a+se ho1 0o+ld he be apologi!ing to meDKand a
sobKbe0a+se there 1as so m+0h emotion inside me that : 0o+ldnJt help b+t release it) : rea0hed +p and held on to his
#orearm li&e : 1as 0linging to li#e)
E"id yo+ #ind anythingDG : as&ed him desperately) EAnything that 0o+ld help +sDG
(is hand dropped #rom my #a0e and he held my #ingers lightly bet1een +s, loo&ing do1n, to+0hing ea0h o# my
#ingertips in t+rn 1ith the pad o# his th+mb) (e shoo& his head)
E:tJs s0ary on that bridge) @here are these voi0esKG
E5o+ heard them, tooDG : as&ed)
(e blin&ed and stopped his #idgeting) E4ait) 5o+ 1ent over the bridgeDG
: nodded) E@he other day) : 1as trying to #ind yo+) Cr #ind a 1ay in) : donJt &no1) -+t : tho+ght : heardMG : trailed o##,
too embarrassed to 0ontin+e)
E4hatD 4hoDG he as&ed, breathless) E4ho did yo+ hearDG
: g+lped) E%y mom) And 'teven /ell)G : sh+ddered no1, remembering it, and sat ba0& in the seat, staring o+t over the
1ide bl+e o0ean) E: tho+ght : 1as going insane)G
E5o+ 1erenJt) : mean, yo+Jre not) : heard them, too) *eople : &ne1 in li#e, so+ls 1ho 0ame thro+gh here a h+ndred
years ago 1ho :Jd almost #orgotten) :t 1as li&e they 1ere trying to tal& to me, or abo+t me) Almost li&e they 1ere la+ghing
at me)G
EEBa0tly)G : pressed my lips together and shivered) E:# itJs that a1#+l on the bridge, @ristanMthen 1hatJs it li&e in the
(is eBpression dar&ened, and : &ne1 he 1as #eeling the same pain : 1as) @his island and the p+rpose he served meant
more to him than anything) :t m+st have been &illing him to &no1 that everything had gone 1rong, that inno0ent people
1ere s+##ering)
E4eJre going to get them ba0&, $ory) : s1ear) :# itJs the last thing : do, :Jll get them ba0& #or yo+)G
E-+t ho1DG : as&ed)
E: donJt &no1) /ot yet) -+t : &no1 thereJs an ans1er)G
(e shi#ted in his seat, sI+inting o+t at the blan&et o# #og) @here 1as something brighter abo+t the 0olor o# the s&y) :t
1as more p+rple than gray, 0ontrasting sharply 1ith the s1irling mist overhead) : too& a deep breath)
E5o+Jve al1ays said thereJs no 1ay to get into the 'hado1lands) /ot #or +s,G : vent+red)
E5eahDG he said)
E-+t 1hat i# there 1asDG : as&ed) E:# : had a tainted 0oinKG
E4hatD /o) /o 1ay)G
E5o+ donJt &no1 that : 0anJt,G : shot ba0&) E: 0anJt &no1 +nless : try)G
E5eah, maybe) -+t ho1 the hell 1o+ld yo+ get ba0& o+tDG @ristan demanded)
E:Jd #ind a 1ay,G : said, t+rning in my seat to #a0e him, my p+lse thr+mming in my 1rists) E@here has to be a 1ay)G
E/o 1ay) @hereJs no 0han0e,G @ristan said) E: am not going to let yo+ ris& yo+r eternal so+l)G
E-+t 1hat abo+tKG
E/o) $ory) /o) : 0anJt lose yo+,G @ristan said, grabbing my arm) E: donJt thin& : 0an eBist here 1itho+t yo+) /ot
anymore) 5o+Jre everything to meKdo yo+ +nderstand thatD Everything)G
: leaned #or1ard, pressing my #orehead to his) E@ristanKG
E"onJt leave me, $ory,G he 1hispered, his breath 1arm and s1eet on my #a0e) (is #ingers rea0hed +p and 0+pped my
La1, entangling themselves in my hair) E*romise me yo+Jll never leave me)G
: 0o+ldnJt spea&) -+t : loo&ed into his eyes, so very 0lose to mine, and : nodded) : nodded my promise +ntil his lips met
: hadnJt &no1n eBa0tly ho1 : 1o+ld rea0t to @ristanJs &iss +ntil this moment, b+t no1, s+ddenly, : &ne1 that : had to
&iss him ba0& 1ith everything : had) (is lips 1ere dry and tasted o# salt and something ri0h and 1arm) : #elt mysel# start to
#old into him, my 1hole body sighing in relie#) : 1as home) : 1as home) : 1as home) @his 1as 1here : belonged) : &ne1 it)
(e &ne1 it) : 1as pretty s+re the entire +niverse &ne1 it) 'o this time, : didnJt p+ll a1ay) : didnJt thin& abo+t anyone else
b+t him) : L+st let him &iss me and &iss me and &iss me, +ntil he #inally 0ame +p #or air)
E.od, : love yo+,G he said)
E: love yo+, too)G
(e 1as 0+pping my ne0& 1ith both o# his hands, and : had someho1 gathered the #abri0 o# his @<shirt +p in my #ists
+ntil most o# his per#e0t siB<pa0& 1as eBposed) oo&ing into my eyes, @ristan smiled 0ontentedly)
EChe0& it o+t)G
E4hatDG : as&ed)
(e t+rned my #a0e to loo& o+t the 1indshield and : sa1 it) 2ive per#e0t beams o# light b+sting thro+gh the #og 0eiling,
0asting an in0redible, ethereal glo1 on the o0ean 1aves belo1) :t 1as bea+ti#+l)
E@he s+nFG : gasped)
@ristan la+ghed) E@he s+n)G
@ristan 0ran&ed +p the stereoKsome an0ient t+ne abo+t s+mmer in the 0ityKand 1e headed ba0& to to1n 1ith the
1indo1s do1n) 4ith one hand on the 1heel and the other 0l+t0hing mine, @ristan loo&ed li&e himsel# againKli&e the
bea+ti#+l, bea0h<to1n boy :Jd #allen in love 1ithKi# only slightly less tan) '+ddenly the b+mps and divots in the road
didnJt seem so m+0h omino+s as entertaining, sho1ing +s a bo+n0ing, rolli0&ing good time)
4ith @ristanJs hand in mine, : &ne1 that everything really 1as going to be o&ay) (e 1o+ld never give +p +ntil my
#ather and "ar0y 1ere #reed) 4eJd #ig+re it o+t together, 0ome +p 1ith a plan, and save them) @here 1as no longer any
do+bt in my mind) 4hen @ristan said he 1as going to do something, he did it)
(e par&ed the 'AV near the to1n sI+are and 1e 0o+ld already see that everyone else in H+niper anding had been
inspired 1ith the same idea) *eople strolled the side1al&s, stopping to 0hat 1ith one another over the abr+pt 0hange in
1eather, or simply tipping their #a0es to1ard the s+n) A 0o+ple o# g+ys had already 1hipped o+t a 2risbee and 1ere b+sy
r+nning and leaping thro+gh the 1et grass, la+ghing as one o# them s&idded on his sho+lder li&e the 1orld 1as his o1n
personal 'lipJ/ 'lide) iam and alani stood at the edge o# the general storeJs striped a1ning, leaning into opposite sides
o# a 0ol+mn, not I+ite to+0hing b+t smiling privately) @here 1ere bi&ers and s&ateboarders, Loggers and gossipers) 'ome
g+y :Jd never seen be#ore bo+n0ed by on a pogo sti0&, giving +s a La+nty 1ave)
@he best part abo+t it 1as, there 1ere no visitors standing aro+nd shooting +s dirty loo&s) /o s+spi0io+s glan0es or
1hispers behind hands) @he s+n 1as 1or&ing its magi0 on everyoneJs psy0hes)
EC&ay, this is li&e a 0ir0+s,G @ristan said, still holding my hand)
E-+t in a good 1ay,G : replied) EAt least there are no a0t+al 0lo1ns)G
A gro+p o# i#ers stepped o+t o# the general storeK2isher and Kevin in0l+dedKand : smiled as they sI+inted
dramati0ally against the s+n) 2isher 0a+ght sight o# +s, and 1e 1al&ed over to meet at the 0enter o# the par&) :t 1asnJt
+ntil 1e 1ere hal#1ay there that HoaI+in shoved open the door and slipped his s+nglasses on) :n the spa0e o# three
se0onds, : sa1 him see me, sa1 him noti0e my hand 0lasped 1ith @ristanJs, and 1at0hed his #a0e go 0old) : tho+ght abo+t
t+gging my #ingers o+t o# @ristanJs grip, b+t de0ided against it) @his 1as 1hat : had 0hosen, 1hat my heart had 0hosen,
and HoaI+in had already given his blessing, as m+0h as he possibly 0o+ld)
(e loo&ed both 1ays be#ore 0rossing the street, then Logged to 0at0h +p 1ith +s)
E(o1Js it going, manDG HoaI+in as&ed, slapping @ristan on the sho+lder) @ristan #lin0hed #or1ard #rom the #or0e o# it
b+t re0overed ni0ely) : tried to 0at0h HoaI+inJs eye, b+t it 1as impossible 1ith him 1earing mirrored s+nglasses) :t 1as my
o1n distorted re#le0tion that stared ba0& at me)
EC&ay,G @ristan said) E-etter no1 that the s+nJs o+t)G
E/o do+bt,G 2isher said, r+bbing his hands together) E5o+Jre ba0&, the s+nJs ba0&M) : thin& this 0alls #or a 0elebration)G
E*arty on the bay bea0hDG HoaI+in s+ggested, raising his eyebro1s) a little bea0h volleyball going, maybe ta&e
o+t some o# the &aya&sD '0ro+nge +p some gr+b #rom the '1an and invite the visitorsDG
E:tJs not li&e 1e 0an +sher anyone else any1ay,G Kevin said, li#ting his palms) E4eJre o+tta good 0oins)G
E: see 1here yo+Jre going 1ith this, b+t are 1e s+re 1eJre ready to 0elebrateDG @ristan as&ed) E$oryJs #amily is still
st+0& in the 'hado1lands) /ot to mention a b+n0h o# other inno0ent people)G
2isher seemed to de#late) @he smile #ell #rom HoaI+inJs lips) E4hat, yo+ thin& : donJt 0are abo+t her #amilyDG HoaI+in
demanded, angling himsel# in #ront o# @ristan)
%y heart dropped) @hat 1as a #ighterJs stan0e i# :Jd ever seen one) @ristan, +ns+rprisingly, loo&ed 0on#+sed)
E: didnJt say that)G
E.ood, be0a+se : do 0are,G HoaI+in replied) E'o 1hat are 1e s+pposed to doD 5o+Jre the one 1ith the ans1ers, rightD
EveryoneJs L+st been dying #or the great @ristan to 0ome home to give +s the ans1ers) 'o 1hat do 1e doDG
@ristan dropped my hand) (is La1 0len0hed and he 0rossed his arms over his 0hest) E:# : &ne1 that, donJt yo+ thin& :
1o+ld have done it alreadyDG
E@hen 1hy are yo+ trying to bring +s do1n, manD 4e havenJt seen the s+n in t1o 1ee&s) : donJt thin& hanging o+t
and letting everyone blo1 o## some steam #or a #e1 ho+rs is ne0essarily a bad idea, 0onsidering ho1 tense everyoneJs
been) -+t i# yo+ disagree, then obvio+sly 1eJll do 1hatever yo+ say) :snJt that ho1 it 1or&s aro+nd hereDG
EetJs L+st 0alm do1n)G : #or0ed mysel# in bet1een @ristan and HoaI+in, my hands raised at my sides) E:, #or one, thin&
the party is a #antasti0 idea) 4eJll relaB #or a #e1 ho+rs, and 1ho &no1sD %aybe *ete 1ill #inally 1a&e +p, and 1e 0an get
o+r ans1ers)G
HoaI+in simply stared at me, so : t+rned aro+nd to #a0e @ristan)
E: love that yo+ tho+ght o# my #eelings, b+t itJs o&ay,G : told him I+ietly) E: thin& this pla0e 0o+ld +se a little Loy)G
@ristan s1allo1ed hard) : 0o+ld #eel his body +n0len0h, letting go o# the adrenaline bro+ght o+t by HoaI+inJs obvio+s
EC&ay, then,G he said to the gro+p) EA party it is)G

(al# an ho+r later, said party 1as in #+ll s1ing) : stood near the sidelines 1hile -ea L+mped +p to spi&e a battered
volleyball into the sand, her torso eBposed in her sporty red bi&ini, her #iery hair loose aro+nd her sho+lders) @he loo& on
her #a0e 1as p+re E&ill)G iam and a+ren, 1ho 1ere playing against her and one o# the taller male visitors, a0t+ally
d+0&ed #or 0over)
'mart move) @he ball hit the gro+nd 1ith the #or0e o# a ro0&et, ri0o0heting o## 1ith a spray o# sand and landing on the
board1al&) :t almost tripped an elderly man Logging by, and he thre1 a 0+rse at +s as he tossed it ba0&) iam helped
a+ren o## the gro+nd, 0lasping her #orearm<to<#orearm, and she rolled her eyes at him)
E: tho+ght yo+ said yo+ 1ere good at this,G she gro+sed)
iam thre1 his sine1y arms 1ide) :n red shorts and a 1hite tan& top, he loo&ed every bit the li#eg+ard heJd been on
Earth) E5o+ 0o+ld have 1arned me yo+ had an Clympian on the other side)G
a+ren bent to d+st the sand o## her legs) E'he 1as a diverF /ot a volleyball playerFG
-ea and her partner 0a0&led and shared a high #ive, then started 1hispering behind their hands, planning their neBt
E4e need more 0hips and salsaFG Kevin sho+ted) EAnybody 1anna go 1ith meDG
E:Jll goFG iam vol+nteered instantly, Logging o## the 0o+rt)
E(eyFG a+ren protested)
-+t iam ignored her) (e said a #e1 1ords to 2isher, 1ho stood on the opposite side) 2isher p+lled his shirt o##, tossed
it on the sand, and 1ent to ta&e his pla0e neBt to a+ren) iam and Kevin too& o## #or the stairs and disappeared +p the
EA1 yeahF 5o+Jre going do1n, 2ishFG -ea 0ro1ed, moving her head ba0& and #orth ta+ntingly)
E@al& abo+t letting o## some steam,G HoaI+in said, moseying over and ta&ing a long<ne0&ed bottle o# beer #rom the
0ooler behind me)
: a+tomati0ally glan0ed over my sho+lder at the 1ater) @ristan 1as o+t there, #loating in a &aya& alongside @eresa,
their oars resting over their laps as they 0onversed 1ith heads bent as 0lose together as they 0o+ld get in separate boats) :
1as s+re @ristan 1as tal&ing to her abo+t his re0overy and *eteJs 0ondition) : hoped she had only good ne1s on both)
E-eaJs pretty good, h+hDG HoaI+in said, gest+ring at her 1ith the bottle be#ore popping it open on the lip o# the
0oolerJs lid)
%y s&in 1armed at his nearness, and : sipped my 1ater) E'heJs good,G : agreed)
E5o+ sho+ld see Krista play) 'he &i0&s everyoneJs ass)G HoaI+in stood neBt to me 1ith #or0ed 0as+alness, his bare #eet
planted 1ide in the still<damp sand, one hand in the po0&et o# his Leans) : #elt a !ip o# attra0tion and #o0+sed my ga!e on
the volleyball net)
EKristaD $eallyDG
(e nodded as he too& a s1ig o# beer) E'he played in high s0hool) Co+lda played in 0ollege i# sheJd made it that #ar)G
(+h) .+ess yo+ 0o+ld never tell everything abo+t a person L+st by loo&ing at them)
E4here is Krista, any1ayDG HoaI+in as&ed, glan0ing aro+nd) E'he lives #or this 0rap)G
E'heJs 0leaning +p the playroom and then 0oming do1n,G : told him) EApparently the mayorJs all over her to get their
ho+se ba0& to normal no1 that the &ids are gone)G
-ea served the ball, and 2isher b+mped it to a+ren, 1ho barely got it over the net) @he visitor boy on -eaJs side set it
+p #or her, and she 1as L+st going +p #or another spi&e 1hen 2isher stood +p straight, his eyes trained on the 1ater)
E/ot again)G
@he ball hit the sand) Everyone t+rned aro+nd) At the 1aterJs edge, @ristan and @eresa 1ere L+st t+gging their brightly
h+ed &aya&s +p the sand as the #og rolled in behind them, thi0& and #ast) : gasped, and @ristanJs eyes met mine, homing in
on me as i# ma&ing s+re heJd be able to #ind me on0e the gray mist gobbled him +p)
E4hoJs s+pposed to be +sheredDG -ea 1hispered L+st as 1e 1ere overta&en by the billo1ing 0lo+d)
: 1hipped aro+nd, disoriented) @he #og 1as so thi0& : 0o+ldnJt see more than a #oot in any dire0tion) (er voi0e had
0ome #rom o## my right sho+lder 1hen : had tho+ght she 1as standing to my le#t)
E5eahDG she replied) : L+mped) /o1 it so+nded li&e she 1as dire0tly behind me)
EC&ay, nobody move) H+st #or a se0ond)G : too& a breath, my p+lse throbbing) :Jd #orgotten ho1 terri#ying the #og
0o+ld be) 'omeone moved past nearby, the mist s1irling L+st to my le#t) -+t there 1ere no shado1s, no shapes, no
shades o# light) Cnly #og)
: had no idea ho1 long : stood there in silen0e) @he #og had a 1ay o# erasing time or ma&ing it speed +p or ma&ing it
stop) 4ithin it, everything 1as s+spended) Everything eB0ept my #ear)
'+ddenly, someone grabbed my hand) : let o+t a strangled gasp)
E@ristanDG : hoped, t+rning aro+nd)
HoaI+in appeared o+t o# the mist, p+lling my hips against his and holding me there)
E/o) :tJs L+st me,G he said h+s&ily, st+dying my #a0e) E: #ig+red this might be my last 0han0e to do this)G
(e leaned do1n and &issed me, parting my lips 1ith his tong+e, holding me against him 1ith his strong arms) %y
p+lse s&ipped errati0ally in eBhilaration and happiness and g+ilt and #ear) : &ne1 in the ba0& o# my mind that : sho+ld
probably brea& a1ay, b+t my heartKmy st+pid, sadisti0 heartKdemanded other1ise) : 0losed my eyes and gripped the
ba0& o# his shirt 1ith everything : had in me) 4hether it 1as a good<bye or L+st a desperate plea #or +nderstanding, :
&issed him right ba0&)
E(o) ee) Crap,G 2isher said)
: opened my eyes, my stoma0h t1isting, &no1ing already 1hat : 1o+ld see) @he #og had 0leared o+t and 2isher 1as
standing maybe #ive in0hes to my right, still shirtless, slo1ly t+gging his mirrored glasses o##) HoaI+in released me and :
st+mbled ba0&1ard a step, loo&ing aro+nd) @ristan had stopped midstride, only three #eet a1ay, his #a0e sla0& 1ith
devastation) : opened my mo+th to say something, to eBplain mysel#, b+t : didnJt get the 0han0e) C+r 1al&ie<tal&ies
0ra0&led to li#e, and "ornJs voi0e boomed thro+gh the spea&ers)
E-e advisedP *eteJs a1a&e)G
: loo&ed at HoaI+in)
E.o,G he said, the +nderlying meaning 0lear) (e 1o+ld handle @ristan) 4hatever that meant, :Jd #ind o+t later) $ight
no1, : had a #amily to save)
: 1as hal#1ay +p the steps 1hen Krista sprinted +p to the g+ardrail, her bl+e eyes 1ild, hal# her hair #alling o+t o# her
ponytail) (er #a0e 1as as gray as ash)
E5o+ g+ys, itJs happening again,G she 0ho&ed o+t right in #ront o# the visitors, the i#ers, everyone) E@hree so+ls 1ere
L+st +shered to the 'hado1lands)G
EAmM1hatJs the 'hado1landsDG one o# the visitors as&ed #inally)
Everyone ignored him, b+t the I+estion seemed to spar& something inside @ristan, 1ho started +p the bea0h in his
bare #eet, #lo1ered s1im tr+n&s, and rash g+ard)
E@ristanD 4here are yo+ goingDG
@he loo& on his #a0e as he moved past me +p the steps 1as li&e nothing :Jd ever seen be#ore) At least not #rom him)
@he anger, the determination seemed to radiate #rom some1here deep 1ithin him, ma&ing every step rigid, and inspiring
everyone in his path to s0+rry o+t o# the 1ay)
E/o, serio+sly) 4hatJs the 'hado1landsDG the same &id repeated) : bit my lip as silen0e reigned) @o eBplain it to him
1o+ld mean damning him there, and damning o+rselves as 1ell) 4e L+st had to hope heJd #orget abo+t it, or else 1eJd
ta&e him to the mayor #or a memory 1ipe) As long as no one ans1ered him, 1eJd be o&ay)
: rea0hed #or @ristanJs arm) (e t+rned on me, his bl+e eyes bright 1ith rage)
E5o+ 1ant to tal& to *ete, so letJs go tal& to *ete,G he snapped, shooting a death ray over my head in HoaI+inJs
dire0tion) EetJs p+t an end to this on0e and #or all)G
(e tromped +p the stairs and passed a still<stri0&en Krista 1itho+t so m+0h as a glan0e) @he rest o# +s stood aro+nd
+n0ertainly, a #ier0e bree!e tearing at o+r 0lothes and 1hipping my hair into my eyes) 4ere 1e s+pposed to #ollo1 himD
"id he even 1ant +s toD
: glan0ed at HoaI+in, my heart a destroyed and po+nding mess) (is eyes hardened, and : #elt something inside me #all
E'o letJs go,G he said)
HoaI+in bo+nded +p the stairs, and the rest o# +s #ollo1ed) %aybe @ristan had been right earlier, in the par&) %aybe
this party had been a bad idea) 4e had let o+r g+ard do1n) 4e had #orgotten to be vigilant) And no1 1e 1ere
responsible #or more devastation)
E@hereJs something else,G Krista said to HoaI+in as she #ell into step 1ith him) : stayed right behind them on o+r 1ay
+p the hill, blo1ing by the old Vi0torian ho+ses and d+0&ing +nder the bo1ed bran0hes o# bare and spindly trees) E@he
t1ins got a1ay #rom the mayor be#ore she 0o+ld 1ipe their memories again)G
E4hatDG : demanded)
E'o theyJre o+t there right no1 telling people that a b+n0h o# lo0als are ma&ing people disappear at the bridgeDG
HoaI+in said #ier0ely) E.reat) @hatJs the best ne1s :Jve heard today)G
Krista loo&ed green) E'heJs got Chie# .rant! loo&ing #or them, so hope#+lly theyJll be lo0&ed +p soon, too)G
HoaI+in +pped his pa0e, and : trained my eyes on @ristanJs ba0& +ntil 1e #inally rea0hed the to1n sI+are) @ristan
stormed a0ross the par& and too& the steps to the poli0e station t1o at a time) As he yan&ed open the #ront door, :
pa+sed to loo& ba0& at the mayorJs ho+se) 4hat had on0e loo&ed li&e an eB0l+sive hotel to me no1 seemed li&e the
mena0ing 1it0hJs dar& 0astle, another symbol o# everything that 1as 1rong 1ith this 1orld) @he 1eather vane, s+re
eno+gh, pointed so+th, obstinately ignoring the 1ind that s1irled aro+nd it)
E4hatJs @ristan going to doDG : as&ed -ea as she 0a+ght +p to me) : h+gged my arms against the 0hill)
E: donJt &no1, b+t itJs gonna be interesting)G
4e Logged a0ross the par& to 0at0h +p, blo1ing by HoaI+in as 1e bo+nded +p the marble steps) @hro+gh the lobby
and do1n the stairs, 1e 0o+ld hear @ristan sho+ting) :n the time :Jd &no1n him :Jd only ever heard him raise his voi0e
on0e, and that 1as d+ring an arg+ment 1ith HoaI+in) -eaJs eyes 1idened 1ith mine as 1e bolted #or the door at the #ar
end) *ete 1as sitting #a0ing the 0orner o# his 0ell, his &nees dra1n +p +nder his 0hin) @ristan sho+ted at *eteJs ba0&,
0ro+0hed on the #loor as 0lose as he 0o+ld get to the bars) "orn stood in the #ar 0orner, his arms 0rossed over his 0hest as
he stared everyone else do1n li&e he 1as @ristanJs personal bodyg+ard)
E5o+ &illed her, *eteFG @ristan bl+rted, gripping the steel poles) E5o+ &illed /adiaF "o yo+ even reali!e 1hat that
meansD "o yo+ &no1 1hatJs going to happen to yo+ 1hen 1e #inally de0ide to +sher yo+D (ave yo+ tho+ght abo+t 1hat
itJs going to be li&e in CblivionDG
E@ristan,G -ea said so#tly)
@he #o+r<#oot spa0e bet1een the o+ter bars o# the t1o 0ells and the eBterior 1all o# the room 1as no1 0ro1ded 1ith
i#ers) -ea and : 1ere 0loser to @ristan than anyone, having arrived #irst, b+t 1e 1ere giving him a 1ide berth) (is m+s0les
1ere so ta+t, his teeth so tightly 0len0hed, that : 1as almost a#raid to to+0h him) (e loo&ed li&e a #eral animal) *ete, ever
so slo1ly, started to ro0& #or1ard and ba0&, #or1ard and ba0&) (is #orehead dipped to1ard his &nees)
E5o+r only hope is to help +s, *ete,G @ristan 0ontin+ed, leaning into the bars) E@hatJs yo+r only hope) -e0a+se : s1ear
to god i# yo+ donJt open yo+r mo+th and start tal&ing right no1, :Jll rip yo+ o+t o# that 0ell mysel# and send yo+ over the
bridge dire0tly to Cblivion) :Jll do it happily)G
*ete let o+t a strangled sob) : didnJt &no1 1hat : had planned to say to *ete to pers+ade him to help +s, b+t it 1asnJt
this) : s1allo1ed my #ears and p+t my hand on @ristanJs sho+lder) (e #lin0hed, b+t then relaBed 1hen he sa1 that it 1as
E@ristan, please) isten to yo+rsel#,G : 1hispered) (e didnJt move) : sI+atted neBt to him, moving my hand gently do1n
his ba0&) @he 0+rve o# his spine, the lines o# the m+s0les in his sho+lders 1ere visible thro+gh his shirt) E@his isnJt yo+)G
(is eyes darted to mine) 2or a se0ond : tho+ght he 1as going to 0ontradi0t me, b+t instead, he sighed) 'lo1ly, he
stood +p, t+gging my hand to bring me 1ith him)
H+st then, iam slid side1ays into the room) (is eyes met mine as he sl+n& along the ba0& 1all, trying to disappear
behind the 0ro1d o# i#ers in #ront o# him) -+t he 1asnJt #ast eno+gh to hide the #a0t that he 1as o+t o# breath, that his
1hite tan& top 1as stained 1ith s1eat aro+nd the 0ollar)
Eiam)G @he 1ord 1as o+t o# my mo+th be#ore : had even #ormed a #+lly 0oherent tho+ght) (e stopped, his red
baseball 0ap bo1ed bet1een 2isherJs sho+lder and KevinJs, b+t he said nothing)
(eJd been on the bea0h +ntil a #e1 min+tes be#ore the #og rolled in, and then heJd ta&en o## 1ith Kevin) Kevin, 1ho
1as the only one o# o+r #riends not present)
E4here 1ere yo+DG : as&ed) E4hereJs KevinDG
E: donJt &no1,G he said) E: lost him in the #og)G
*ete stopped ro0&ing at the so+nd o# his voi0e) : loo&ed ba0& and #orth bet1een the t1o o# them, my s&in tingling 1ith
s+dden s+spi0ion) 'omething 1as going on bet1een them) : remembered something, b+t 1hatever it 1as hovered on the
edge o# being &no1n)
E4here did yo+ go 1hen yo+ le#t the bea0hDG : as&ed)
iam la+ghed, a sharp, bleating so+nd) E4e 1ent to the @hirsty '1an to loo& #or 0hips and salsa, 1hi0h 1e #o+nd, b+t
1hen 1e 0ame ba0& o+t, : lost him in the #og) :s there a problemDG
"ornJs eyes slid ba0& and #orth #rom me to iam) (e s+0&ed his teeth and narro1ed his eyes)
E@hen 1hereJs Kevin no1DG : as&ed, my &nees I+a&ing) E4hy isnJt he hereDG
E: donJt &no1)G iam snorted) EHee!, $ory) 4hatJs 1ith the third degreeDG
@he 1hole time he 1as tal&ing he 1as moving to1ard the door) *eople parted to let him thro+gh, 0learly not grasping
1hat : tho+ght 1as obvio+s) iam 1as s0ared) : 0o+ld see it in his eyes) (e 1as trying to a0t 0as+ally indignant, b+t he 1as
vibrating 1ith #ear) "orn, #inally, stepped in #ront o# him, e##e0tively blo0&ing his es0ape)
E$ory, 1hat are yo+ getting atDG @ristan as&ed) E4hat did he doDG
E@hereJs something 1eird going on 1ith him and *ete,G : said, and then it hit me) : loo&ed over my sho+lder at
HoaI+in) E5esterday, 1hen iam and : 0ame here, he #rea&ed 1hen 1e tho+ght *ete 1as abo+t to 1a&e +p) And the other
day, at the bridge, *ete t+rned aro+nd and le#t as soon as he sa1 iam) @heyJre hiding something)G
E:tJs a little thin, $ory,G -ea said)
E-+t he did L+mp at the 0han0e to leave the bea0h 1hen Kevin as&ed, and 1here the hell is Kevin no1DG HoaI+in p+t
@ristanJs #a0e t+rned hard) E4hereJs Kevin, iamDG
E: told yo+, : donJt &no1F 4hy donJt yo+ 0all him and #ind o+tDG he said, gest+ring at @ristanJs radio)
E: thin& : 1ill)G HoaI+in li#ted the 1al&ie<tal&ie to his lips and pressed it to spea&) EKevinD 5o+ there, b+ddyD Cver)G
(e released the b+tton) /othing b+t a lo1, distant h+m o# stati0) Everyone eyed iam, 1ho 1as rapidly t+rning 1hite)
EAnyone seen KevinD Cver,G HoaI+in as&ed)
E"orn,G @ristan said) Eo0& him +p)G
iam made a move li&e he 1as going to bolt, b+t there 1as no getting aro+nd "orn, 1hose massive hands 0ame do1n
on his sho+lders and dragged him ba0&1ard)
E/o) 5o+ 0anJt do thisFG iam sho+ted) E: have rights)G (e loo&ed aro+nd desperately) E"onJt :D "onJt : have rightsDG
4ith one s1i#t motion, 2isher had the door o# the se0ond 0ell open) (e held it 1hile "orn tossed iam inside and then
0losed it 1ith a 0lang) iam pra0ti0ally thre1 himsel# at the bars) -ea glan0ed aro+nd at the 0ro1d) Everyone 1as loo&ing
dist+rbed or +ns+re or m+rdero+s or a 0ombination o# the three)
E%aybe : sho+ld 0lear the roomDG she s+ggested)
E.ood idea,G @ristan said)
-ea managed to gather everyone ba0& thro+gh the door and into the hall1ay, herding them +p li&e 0attle) 4hen the
door 0losed behind her, only @ristan, "orn, Krista, HoaI+in, and : 1ere le#t) iamJs pleas #ell silent) (e sat do1n on the 0ot)
@he bed sI+ea&ed beneath his 1eight, and he leaned his head against the bars, s0o1ling a0ross the 1ay at *ete)
E: 0anJt believe this is happening,G he said)
*ete 1as as still as stone)
EH+st tell +s 1here yo+ 1ent a#ter yo+ le#t the @hirsty '1an,G : said, li#ting my sho+lders) E(o1 hard is thatDG
E: 1ent to #ind alani,G he snapped, his eyes #lashing) E'atis#ied no1D Can : goDG
E(o1DG HoaI+in as&ed)
E(o1DG iam repeated)
E5es, ho1DG Krista as&ed, t+0&ing her hair behind her ears) E/o one 0an see hal# a #oot thro+gh the #og) (o1 1ere yo+
going to #ind herDG
ECare#+llyDG iam shot ba0& in an +n0hara0teristi0ally sar0asti0 tone)
E"id yo+ #ind herDG : as&ed)
E5es,G he snapped) EAnd yo+ 1ere 1rong, by the 1ay) 'he does remember her brother, and sheJs 1ondering 1here
the hell he is)G
@ristan and : lo0&ed eyes) 'o the @ses 1erenJt L+st a blip)
iam shot me a disg+sted loo& and t+rned a1ay) E:Jm not saying anything more to yo+)G
EiamKG : started)
E/oFG he snapped, shoving himsel# to his #eet) E: tr+sted yo+) 5o+ made me tr+st yo+F And yo+ lied to meF And no1
yo+ thro1 me in hereD 4ho the hell do yo+ thin& yo+ areDG
(is hand shot thro+gh the bars and : L+mped ba0&) HoaI+in grabbed his 1rist and t1isted +ntil iamJs &nees hit the
#loor, his #a0e 0ontorted in pain) : pressed mysel# ba0& against the 1all, gasping #or air as HoaI+in leaned in to1ard the top
o# iamJs bo1ed head)
E5o+ even try to to+0h her again and yo+Jll be sorry)G
Krista and : loo&ed at ea0h other, st+nned)
E"+de,G @ristan said) E$elease)G
HoaI+in gritted his teeth b+t let go o# iamJs arm) As he stood +p, iam dre1 his hand into his 0hest and held it there,
0+rling in on himsel# li&e a startled snail p+lling ba0& into its shell)
E%aybeMmaybe 1e sho+ld go get some air,G @ristan s+ggested, loo&ing aro+nd at the rest o# +s) E.o o+tside and tal&
this thro+ghDG
E'trategi!e,G "orn said, his eyes li&e slits) E: li&e it)G
E4e 0anJt L+st leave the t1o o# them in here together,G HoaI+in pointed o+t)
E:Jll stay,G Krista o##ered, holding her 0hin +p bravely) Even pale and s1eaty, she still managed to loo& li&e a
"orn 0lapped her on the side o# her arm, and she staggered side1ays into the bars o# *eteJs 0ell) E:# yo+ need +s,
yo+Jve got yo+r 1al&ie)G
Krista nodded, t+gging it o+t o# her dress po0&et and 0o0&ing it at him li&e a g+n) E: got it)G
As : #ollo1ed the g+ys o+t o# the room, : loo&ed ba0& over my sho+lder at iam one last time as he gripped the bars
and glared at *ete, the #+ry plain on his #a0e)
C+tside the 1ind 1as 1hipping #+rio+sly) A pair o# 1omen 1al&ing o+t o# the bea+ty<s+pply store s0reamed as a s0rap o#
1ood shingle 0ame #lying at them) @hey 0l+ng to ea0h other and d+0&ed, L+st narro1ly avoiding some serio+s head
inL+ries as the s0rap slammed into the #ront 1indo1) A #e1 visitors sat inside the pi0t+re 1indo1 at the general store,
staring o+t at the hori!on, the pads o# one manJs #ingers pressed into 1hite dots against the glass) 4hen : t+rned to loo&,
: sa1 slate<gray storm 0lo+ds gathering over the bay)
4e hadnJt gotten one #+ll day o# s+n) /ot even a day)
E@his is not good,G @ristan said, pa+sing neBt to the s1an #o+ntain at the 0enter o# the par&) Even its shallo1 1ater
1as rippling in the 1ind) -ea, 2isher, a+ren, and a 0ro1d o# other i#ers h+ddled +nder the a1ning o# the bi&e shop,
1at0hing +s, 1aiting #or dire0tion) E:tJs starting to #eel li&e the Hessi0a time aro+nd here)G
E"+de, please) @his is nothing li&e that,G HoaI+in shot ba0&)
EAre yo+ &idding meDG @ristan demanded, his long blond bangs blo1n ba0& #rom his #a0e) E5o+ L+st nearly bro&e some
&idJs arm 1hen 1e have !ero proo# that he did anything 1rong)G
ECh, so yo+ 1o+ld have rather let him get his hands on $oryDG HoaI+in replied)
E4ell, i# yo+ 1ant me to &i0& the ass o# every g+y 1ho p+ts his hands on $oryMG @ristan said, getting right +p in
HoaI+inJs #a0e)
E'tep ba0&, @ristan,G HoaI+in said, p+shing @ristan ba0&1ard)
E/o) : donJt thin& : 1ill)G @ristan shoved HoaI+in 1ith both hands)
E5o+ g+ys) "onJtFG
-+t it 1as too late) HoaI+in p+lled ba0& and thre1 a p+n0h at @ristanJs #a0e) : s0reamed as it landed 1ith a 0ra0& a0ross
@ristanJs La1, sending him reeling side1ays into "ornJs 0hest) "orn 0a+ght him, and : eBpe0ted him to hold @ristan ba0& or
get bet1een the t1o o# them, or at least hold @ristan ba0&, b+t he merely t+rned @ristan aro+nd and gave him a little
p+sh, sending him ba0& #or more)
E"ornFG : sho+ted)
(e gave a little shr+g as @ristan thre1 himsel# at HoaI+inJs midse0tion) HoaI+in 1as #lipped o## his #eet and hit the
1al&1ay on his ba0&) 2or a se0ond he lay still, his eyes 1ide open, gasping #or air) @ristan had &no0&ed the 1ind right o+t
o# him)
E@ristanF 'topFG : sho+ted as @ristan straddled HoaI+in and 0o0&ed his right #ist) (e #ro!e, and : 1rapped my arms
aro+nd his sho+lders, p+lling him a1ay #rom HoaI+in) o## himF (e 0anJt breatheFG
@he 1ind #l+ng my hair a0ross my eyes and into my mo+th as : dragged @ristan a1ay) "orn &nelt do1n and helped
HoaI+in sit +p, and he #inally sp+ttered and 0o+ghed, dragging in a long, ragged breath 1ith his hand to his 0hest) @he
0lo+ds had moved in #ast, blo0&ing o+t the s+n and 0asting everything in their d+ll gray shado1) A 0ir0le o# 0ro1s 0a1ed
merrily overhead as i# be0&oning the storm o+r 1ay)
HoaI+in too& a #e1 deep breaths, loo&ing +p at me as he str+ggled to get 0ontrol) (e grasped "ornJs arm and
staggered to his #eet) E:Jm going to see i# : 0an tra0& do1n Kevin,G he said, then t+rned to "orn) E5o+, donJt let the ne1 &id
o+t o# his 0ell)G
"orn nodded 0+rtly) E.ot it)G
E4hy donJt yo+ g+ys go get some restDG HoaI+in added, loo&ing at @ristan and me) E4e 0an meet at the mayorJs in
the morning and dis0+ss o+r options)G
ECptionsDG @ristan said, his 0hest still heaving)
HoaI+in la+ghed, sha&ing his head) E5o+ &no1 1hat :Jm tal&ing abo+t, @ristan) 5o+ sa1 the 1ay *ete 1as a0ting in
there) (eJs not gonna say anything, and this pla0e is going to hell in a handbas&et) 4e have to dis0+ss o+r options)G
@ristanJs La1 set, his eyes grim) E4e 0anJtKG
E"+de, the g+y hit yo+ over the head 1ith a baseball bat) (e almost &illed yo+) (e did &ill /adia and possibly Cori, too)
(e betrayed +s) Everything yo+ believe in) And the only 1ay to #iB it is to get him to tal&)G HoaI+in pa+sed) (e too& a step
to1ard @ristan, 1hose hands a+tomati0ally 0oiled into #ists) HoaI+in held +p his palms)
EH+st thin& abo+t it,G he said) E@hatJs all :Jm as&ing) @a&e the night to thin& abo+t it)G @hen he loo&ed +p at the
bla0&ening s&y) E:# 1e even have that long)G
(e t+rned aro+nd and stormed o## to1ard the others on the #ar side1al& to give o+t orders) @ristan too& a #e1
0leansing breaths, then glan0ed at "orn)
E:# he #inds Kevin, let me &no1,G he said)
E4ill do,G "orn replied) E-+t :Jm s+re heJll 0onta0t yo+ on the 1al&ie)G
@ristan loo&ed o## a#ter HoaI+in) E5eah, :Jm not so s+re abo+t that)G
(e too& one step in the dire0tion o# his ho+se, b+t : stopped him, 0lasping his 1rist 1ith both hands) (e loo&ed do1n
at my #ingers, then ever so slo1ly, trailed his ga!e along my arm, +p to my sho+lders, and #inally met my eyes)
E5o+Jre not going home,G : said, tense 1ith the #ear o# reLe0tion, no matter ho1 determined my 1ords 1ere)
E/oDG he as&ed) E4here am : goingDG
: released his 1rist and trailed one hand do1n to ent1ine my #ingers 1ith his) E5o+Jre 0oming 1ith me)G
-y the time 1e got ba0& to my ho+se, the 1ind 1as so intense 1e had to 0ling to ea0h other as 1e t+rned do1n %agnolia
and staggered to1ard the gate) "ead leaves and #lo1er petals s0raped o+r #a0es, and a s0rap o# paper slapped against my
leg, 1rapping itsel# aro+nd my 0al# and staying there as : rea0hed #or the lat0h) @he se0ond : released it, the gate #le1
open, slamming ba0& into the #en0e and 0ra0&ing o## its hinges) @ristan grabbed #or it, b+t there 1as nothing he 0o+ld do)
:t t+mbled end<over<end do1n the street and 0rashed into the side o# a neighboring ho+se)
EetJs get inside,G he said)
: nodded, and together 1e h+n0hed #or1ard, sprinting +p the #ront 1al&) %y hands shoo& as : +nlo0&ed the door, and
@ristan 0l+ng to it so it 1o+ldnJt meet the same #ate as the gate) (e p+lled it 0losed behind +s and t+rned the lo0&) :nside,
: #li0&ed on the #irst three lights : 0ame to) @ristan #ollo1ed and 1e met in the 0enter o# the living room, #a0ing ea0h other
over the t1o<#oot breadth o# the 1ooden 0o##ee table)
: #elt I+easy and nervo+s) An ho+r ago, @ristan had 0a+ght me &issing another g+yKhis best #riend) And no1 here 1e
1ere, alone) /o matter 1hat : said, it 1o+ld never be eno+gh) -+t : had to try)
E@ristan,G : began) EAbo+t HoaI+in)G
(e 0losed his eyes, as i# the very so+nd o# the name 0a+sed him pain, and held +p one hand) E"onJt)G
E/o, : 1ant to eBplain,G : insisted)
A g+st o# 1ind hit the ho+se so hard it moaned, then let o+t a series o# lo+d snaps and 0ra0&les as an0ient beams and
#loorboards resettled) : too& a step aro+nd the side o# the table and #elt b+oyed 1hen @ristan didnJt move)
E:Jm not going to stand here and say : donJt 0are abo+t him, be0a+se : do)G : s1allo1ed hard, gripping my #ingers in
#ront o# me) E: 1o+ldnJt have made it thro+gh the last 1ee& 1itho+t him)G
@ristan stared at me, his #a0e a 0omplete blan&)
E-+t the se0ond : sa1 yo+ again, the se0ond : to+0hed yo+, : &ne1MitJs yo+) :tJs al1ays been yo+) 4ith HoaI+in, itKG
E'top,G @ristan said)
: #ro!e in my tra0&s) :Jd been in0hing to1ard him the 1hole time : 1as tal&ing, and no1 : hovered L+st in0hes a1ay, so
0lose : 0o+ld see the glint o# the blond st+bble beneath his La1) %y ga!e #li0&ed to his hands)
$ea0h #or me, : 1illed him) *lease) H+stK
E'o yo+ donJt 1ant him) 5o+ donJt 1ant to be 1ith himDG
E/o,G : said, 0losing the distan0e bet1een +s) E: 1ant yo+)G
(is La1 1or&ed and his #ingers 0len0hed) : 0o+ld see, 0o+ld #eel ho1 hard it 1as #or him to hold ba0&) EAre yo+ s+reD
5o+Jd better be s+re abo+t this, $ory, be0a+se 1eJre going to be here #orever, the three o# +s) :# yo+ 0hange yo+r mindMit
1o+ld tort+re yo+Ktort+re all o# +sK#orever)G
: ga!ed into his bl+e eyes, my heart thr+mming inside my 0hest) 'lo1ly, 0are#+lly, gently, : rea0hed o+t to to+0h my
#ingertips to his 0hest) E: 1ant this) : 1ant yo+) 2orever)G
@ristan let o+t a sha&y, relieved sigh) (e ran both his hands over my head and do1n the long, tangled braid o# my hair)
E: am in love 1ith yo+, $ory %iller,G he said, +sing my real name, 1hi0h sent a thrill right thro+gh me) EAll : 1ant is to be
1ith yo+)G
: smiled and reali!ed that : 1as 0rying) EAll : 1ant is to be 1ith yo+,G : replied)
EH+st try to get rid o# me,G @ristan said 1ith a grin)
@hen he leaned do1n to to+0h his lips to mine, and : #elt the +rgen0y o# his &iss r+n thro+gh me, #illing every in0h o#
me, 1arming my body #rom head to toe 1ith an insistent, throbbing heat) : pressed +p against him, po+ring every o+n0e
o# the #ear and #r+stration, o# the mis+nderstanding and longing :Jd #elt over the past t1o 1ee&s into my &iss) : had missed
him so m+0h) : had 1anted to believe in him so m+0h) And no1 he 1as here and he 1as tr+e and he 1as mine)
2or that one in#initesimal se0ond : didnJt 0are abo+t *ete or iam or the +niverse or the 'hado1lands or anything
other than this) @hen o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies s+ddenly let o+t a #rea&ish peal, and KristaJs pani0&ed voi0e #illed o+r little
E%aydayF %aydayF Emergen0yF Cr 1hateverF CverFG
4e both 1hirled aro+nd as errati0 po+nding so+nded on the #ront door) @ristan darted #or it) : #+mbled #or my radio,
1hi0h 1as 0lipped to the side o# my 1aistband, and pressed do1n on the red b+tton)
E4hat is it, KristaD Cver)G
E:tJs the visitorsF CverFG
@he #ront door opened, and Krista st+mbled inside, soa&ed to the bone)
E@he visitors 1hatDG : said, dropping the 1al&ie<tal&ie on the #loor) E4hat abo+t themDG
Krista g+lped, bra0ing one hand on the entry1ay table) E4e have a sit+ation,G she said) E@he visitors have ta&en over
the to1n sI+are)G
Even &no1ing ho1 over0ro1ded the island had be0ome, nothing 0o+ld have prepared me #or the horde that greeted +s
1hen 1e rea0hed the to1n sI+are) @he visitors 0overed every in0h o# the par&, some standing on ben0hes, others
0l+mped aro+nd lampposts) *eople streamed o+t o# the general store to Loin the throng, standing on their toes and
0raning their ne0&s even in the driving rain, trying to see 1hat 1as going on)
Ap #ront, o# 0o+rse, 1ere the @ses, standing near the stone rim aro+nd the s1an #o+ntain, holding 0o+rt 1ith a 1illing
gro+p o# visitors) 2rom this distan0e, : 0o+ldnJt hear them, b+t 'ebastian gest+red angrily 1ith his hands, and a #e1
members o# his a+dien0e nodded, agreeing 1ith 1hatever he 1as saying)
E"amn) @his doesnJt loo& good)G @ristan stopped at the 0orner o# 2reesia ane and the sI+are, his #a0e going pale)
HoaI+in, 2isher, and Kevin s&irted aro+nd the edge o# the 0ro1d, 0at0hing angry loo&s #rom a gro+p o# yo+ng men in
pon0hos as they Logged over to Loin +s) Ars+la and Chie# .rant! slipped a1ay #rom the gro0ery stand to gather behind +s
as 1ell)
EKevinFG Krista eB0laimed) E5o+Jre aliveFG
E5eah, :Jm #ine) 4hen the #og 0ame in and : lost iam, : #ig+red :Jd head home to 1ait it o+t,G he said) E: m+st have
#allen asleep) 'orry) HoaI+in told me yo+ g+ys 1ere 1orried abo+t me)G
E4eJre L+st glad yo+Jre o&ay,G @ristan said, 0lapping him on the sho+lder)
A #e1 other i#ers 0ir0+mvented the par&, sti0&ing to the o+ter side1al&s, and Loined +s, everyone dra1n to @ristan
li&e moths to a #lame) a+ren and -ea Logged over #rom the dire0tion o# the do0&s)
E'pea&ing o# iam,G 2isher said, E1e have a problem)G (e too& a breath and held it #or a se0ond be#ore delivering the
ne1s) E(eJs gone)G
E.oneDG : eB0laimed) E(o1DG
EC##i0er "orn had my &ey) (e le#t his post #or #ive se0onds 1hen some visitors 0ame into the station, demanding to
ma&e long<distan0e 0alls,G .rant! said) E4hen he got ba0& do1n there, iam 1as gone, and it 1as only then that he
noti0ed the &ey 1as gone, too) 'omeone let him o+t) -+t o# 0o+rse *eteJs not tal&ing, soMG
@ristan pa0ed a1ay #rom +s, his #ists sha&ing at his sides) (is hair 1as sli0&ed do1n a0ross his #orehead, and the rash
g+ard heJd had on ever sin0e 1eJd le#t the bea0h 0l+ng to his 0hest in the rain)
E4ho the hell is doing thisDG he demanded)
E:Jd say at this point, thatJs only one o# o+r problems,G 2isher said, eyeing the 0ro1d)
E4hy donJt 1e L+st start +shering themDG Ars+la s+ggested, li#ting a tiss+e to her nose to 0over a snee!e) E'ome o#
them are ready to 0ross, and i# 1e 0o+ld thin o+t the 0ro1dMG
E4e 0anJt,G HoaI+in told her) E4e ran o+t o# 0oins earlier) /o oneJs leaving here anytime soon)G
EC&ay,G @ristan said, gathering himsel#) E2irst things #irst) 4e have to #ind iam) -ea, $ory, yo+ get t1enty or so people
together and #an o+t to sear0h the island) (e doesnJt &no1 it as 1ell as 1e do, so it sho+ldnJt ta&e long to #ind him) 2isher
and Kevin, get a do!en o# o+r biggest g+ys and get +p to the bridge) 4hatever happens today, heJs not bringing any more
inno0ent so+ls to the 'hado1lands)G
E"onJt yo+ 1ant me here #or 0ro1d 0ontrolDG 2isher as&ed, shoving his #ist into his open palm)
E"orn, .rant!, HoaI+in, and : 1ill handle it,G @ristan said) (e loo&ed over at the b+rgeoning mob, 1ho let o+t a 0heer
at something 'ebastian had L+st said) E:Jm going to go tal& to them)G
E4hat are yo+ going to sayDG HoaI+in as&ed)
E:Jll #ig+re it o+t) And i# it doesnJt 1or&, 1e 0o+ld al1ays try +sing the soothing po1er on them) -et1een the #o+r o#
+s, 1e sho+ld be able to s+bd+e the 1orst o# them) 4eJll L+st in#iltrate the par& and start 1or&ing the 0ro1d)G @ristan
glan0ed at 2isher and -ea) E4eJre 1asting time) .oFG
E4eJre on it, @,G 2isher said) (e li#ted his dar& hood over his head and led the others over to a line o# 1aiting tr+0&s
and 0ars par&ed do1n one o# the side streets, their headlights shining thro+gh the rain as their 1indshield 1ipers #lapped
E@his is my #a+lt,G Krista said, shi#ting #rom #oot to #oot +nder the 1aterlogged a1ning) E: sho+ld have stayed at the
station to relieve "orn i# he needed me) : 1as L+st so tired, and he told me to go home)MG
EKrista, itJs o&ay)G @ristan gripped her sho+lder, and she stopped 1avering) E"onJt 1orry) 4eJll #ind him)G
(e loo&ed +p at me, a raindrop 1or&ing its 1ay do1n his 0hee& li&e a tear) E5o+ didnJt 1ant to go 1ith -eaDG
E:Jd rather stay 0lose to yo+,G : said, glan0ing aro+nd 1arily as a pair o# visitors slo1ly 1al&ed by, staring +s do1n)
@ristan rea0hed o+t and sI+ee!ed my hand) E4ish me l+0&)G
E.ood l+0&,G Krista and : 0hor+sed)
(e gave a nod to the men, and .rant! and HoaI+in #ell into step behind him as he 0rossed the street to1ard the par&)
HoaI+in li#ted his radio and told "orn to Loin them) Krista grabbed my hand to t+g me to1ard the poli0e station) :ts marble
0ol+mns #a0ed the ba0& o# the s1an #o+ntain, and as 1e 0limbed the steps : reali!ed the brillian0e o# her plan) 2rom here
1e 1o+ld be dry +nder the stationJs stone overhang and still see everything, in0l+ding @ristan as he stepped +p neBt to
E$oryDG Krista said, shivering neBt to me as @ristan p+t his hand on 'ebastianJs ba0&) E:Jm s0ared)G
: nodded, my teeth 0hattering) E%e too)G
'he sI+ee!ed my hand as @ristan hopped +p onto the #o+ntainJs edge so that he 1as a 0o+ple o# heads above the
0ro1d) (e li#ted both o# his hands, trying to I+iet the din) '+ddenly the doors behind +s b+rst open, and "orn barreled
o+t, r+shing do1n the stairs to Loin .rant! and HoaI+in at the #o+ntain)
E*lease, everyoneFG @ristan 0alled o+t) E*lease, 0alm do1n)G
E4ho the hell are yo+DG the large bearded man #rom the t1insJ boarding ho+se sho+ted)
E%y name is @ristan *arrish,G he replied) E:Jm the mayorJs son) And :Jd be glad to ans1er yo+r I+estions and hear yo+r
@he 0ro1d roared, everyone trying to spea& at on0e) 'ebastian and 'elma eB0hanged a glan0e behind @ristanJs ba0&)
E/o1, yo+ &no1 : 0anJt +nderstand any o# yo+ i# everyone tal&s at the same time,G @ristan said 1ith a 0as+al,
ind+lgent smile) E:# yo+ 1o+ldnJt mind raising yo+r hands, : 0an repeat yo+r I+estion #or everyone to hear and then do
my best to ans1er it)G
@hree do!en hands shot into the air)
E(eJs good,G : said +nder my breath)
E5eah, b+t ho1 goodDG Krista as&ed, her &nees &no0&ing together beneath her 1hite rain0oat) 'he glan0ed ba0& over
her sho+lder at the do+ble doors to the station) EAmM$oryD :s anyone 1ith *ete right no1DG
%y heart dropped into my toes) 'omeone had .rant!Js &ey) 4hoever it 1as 0o+ld be do+bling ba0& there right no1 to
let *ete o+t, too)
EetJs go)G
Krista grabbed my hand as 1e tore inside the poli0e station, o+r snea&ers sI+ealing and sI+ishing the 1hole 1ay
a0ross the marble lobby) @ogether 1e ran do1n the hall1ay, and : yan&ed open the door) %y l+ngs released a relieved
sigh 1hen : sa1 that *ete 1as still there, still sitting on the #loor 1ith his arms aro+nd his legs) A strea& o# dirt 0+t a0ross
one 0hee&, and his eyes loo&ed bloodshot) (e glan0ed +p at +s as 1e 1al&ed in, #ollo1ing Krista 1ith his eyes as she
slipped by me to per0h on a stool in the #ar 0orner)
E.ood) 5o+Jre still here,G : said)
E4here 1o+ld : goDG
: #ro!e at the so+nd o# his voi0e, lo1 and 0ra0&ly and dry) @his 1as the #irst time anyone had heard him spea& sin0e
@h+rsday night) %y p+lse throbbed inside every in0h o# my s&in) @his 1as my 0han0e) @he 0han0e :Jd been 1aiting #or) :
dropped to my &nees and gripped the bars in #ront o# me) @hey 1ere so 0old my #ingers a0hed)
E*ete, ho1 did iam get o+tDG : demanded) E"id someone help himD "id he tell yo+ 1here he 1as goingDG
*ete ever so slo1ly peeled his eyes o## Krista and slid his ga!e to my #eet)
E*ete, 0ome on) Eno+gh is eno+gh,G : said) E"onJt yo+ 1ant to tal&D "onJt yo+ 1ant to tell someone 1hatJs going onD
"onJt yo+ 1ant to get the hell o+t o# hereDG
(e bit his lip and stared) @here 1as something so v+lnerable abo+t him, so malleable, and : reali!ed s+ddenlyKthat
1as eBa0tly 1hat *ete 1as) (eJd been the last yo+ng i#er to arrive here be#ore Krista, 1ho 1as the last to arrive be#ore
me, "ar0y, and iam) (e 1as still L+st a &id li&e me) 'omeone 1ho had been promised something he sorely 1anted)
'+ddenly, my heart 1ent o+t to him) Even 1ith everything he had done, he 1as still one o# +s) (e 1as still h+man)
E"ar0y 1as al1ays ni0e to yo+, 1asnJt she, *eteDG : said I+ietly) E'he la+ghed at yo+r Lo&es, she tho+ght yo+ 1ere
#+n, and she loved yo+r m+si0)G
*eteJs eyes #li0&ed +p to meet mine, and : 0o+ld see something shi#ting 1ithin them) (e 1as starting to 0ave) : 0l+ng to
the bars and held my breath)
E'he doesnJt deserve 1hat sheJs s+##ering right no1, *ete) 5o+ &no1 it) : &no1 it) -+t only yo+ &no1 ho1 to get her
ba0&) *lease, L+st tell me ho1 to save my sister)G
*ete pressed his lips together) (is grip on his arms tightened) C+tside, m+ted by the thi0& 1alls, a 0omm+nal Leer
1ent +p #rom the 0ro1d) : darted a glan0e at Krista, 1ho loo&ed as 1orried as : 1as) @ime 1as slipping a1ay #rom +s,
#aster and #aster and #aster) :# 1e didnJt #iB this soon, those people o+t there 1ere going to ma&e 1hat happened 1ith
Hessi0a loo& li&e a 0a&e1al&)
E5o+ L+st got in over yo+r head a little bit,G : said to *ete, trying to &eep the desperation o+t o# my voi0e) E5o+
believed a promise someone made to yo+, and it #or0ed yo+ to do bad things) -+t i# yo+ help me, yo+Jre going to redeem
yo+rsel# in everyoneJs eyes)G : too& a sha&y breath) E:# yo+ help me, :Jll help yo+) :Jll spea& #or yo+ 1ith the others)G
*ete s1allo1ed) (e rested his 0hin atop his arm and stared straight ahead) /ot at me, not at Krista) At nothing)
EEighteen pa0es,G he said I+ietly)
Krista stood +p, the stool s0ree0hing against the #loor and &no0&ing ba0& against the 1all) E4hatDG
*ete 1as still as stone) E5o+ have to 1al& eBa0tly eighteen pa0es onto the bridge,G he said) E@hen t+rn to the le#t and
1hisper the 1orst sin yo+ 0ommitted in li#e) @hatJs ho1 yo+ open the door to the 'hado1lands)G
: stood +p, every 0ell in my body on #ire) E@hatJs itDG
EAs long as yo+ tell the tr+th, the door 1ill open,G *ete said, ha!arding a glan0e at my #a0e) (e sni##led and r+bbed his
@he s+rprise inside me mani#ested itsel# into one big, 0ho&ing la+gh)
EAnd thenD (o1 do 1e get the inno0ents o+tDG : as&ed)
E:# a i#er opens the door on p+rpose, #or p+re intentions or 1hatever, anyone 1ho doesnJt belong in the
'hado1lands 1ill be set #ree)G
EAre yo+ s+re thatJs all 1e have to doDG : as&ed, my s&in on #ire 1ith anti0ipation) E@hereJs no pri0eDG
E/ope) : g+ess the po1ers that be or 1hatever #ig+red no i#er 1o+ld ever be 0ra!y eno+gh to try it)G
E4ell, this one is)G : dropped to my &nees again to be at eye level 1ith him) E@han& yo+, *ete) (onestly) 5o+ have no
idea 1hat this means to me)G : rea0hed o+t and 0lasped his #orearm) E@han& yo+)G
@hen : L+mped +p and grabbed the door handle) EetJs goFG
E4hatD /o 1ay,G Krista replied) E5o+Jre totally o+t o# yo+r mind) 4ho says heJs telling the tr+thD 4ho says yo+Jre not
gonna L+st get s+0&ed into the 'hado1lands, tooDG
E/o) @hereJs no 1ay :Jm letting yo+ do this 1itho+t ba0&+p,G she said, sha&ing her head as she t+gged o+t her 1al&ie<
tal&ie) 'he hit the b+tton to spea&, b+t : 0losed the gap bet1een +s 1ith one long stride and grabbed her arm)
EKrista, theyJre going to try to stop me, and : 1onJt let them)G : snat0hed the 1al&ie<tal&ie o+t o# her hand and t+rned
it o##) E:Jm going to the bridge, and :Jm going to get my #amily ba0&)G
: stared her straight in the eye) E/o1, are yo+ 0oming 1ith me or notDG
E*lease donJt do this, $ory) *lease) 5o+Jre my best #riend on this st+pid island) : donJt 1ant yo+ to get st+0& in the
E: 1onJt, Krista,G : told her, even tho+gh, te0hni0ally, : had no idea 1hat 1as abo+t to happen)
(er 0old #ingers 0losed aro+nd my 1rist as 1e slipped o+t the ba0& door o# the poli0e station) @he mayorJs 0ar 1as
par&ed L+st a #e1 yards a1ay) E(o1 do yo+ &no1 thatDG
%y stoma0h 0len0hed and : bra0ed mysel#, trying not to loo& as terri#ied as : #elt) E: L+st do,G : lied)
Another lo+d roar o# anger 1ent +p #rom the 0ro1d o+t #ront) Krista and : both #ro!e, and my &nees 1ent 1ea&)
@ristan had lost them someho1) %y eyes darted to1ard the #ront o# the b+ilding, and : hesitated)
E@ristanDG Krista breathed)
: 0len0hed my La1) @his 1as not the time to go r+nning to my boy#riendJs side) : #inally had the in#ormation : needed to
save my #ather and "ar0y) 4e ea0h had a role to play, and mine 1as not here in to1n) :t 1as +p at the bridge) :# : 0o+ld
L+st get there, i# : 0o+ld L+st #ree my #amily and the other inno0ent so+ls, everything 1o+ld go ba0& to normal) 4e 0o+ld
+sher the visitors and set things right)
E4e 0anJt help him,G : said) 'omeone shrie&ed angrily and a 0heer rose +p) E:# anything goes 1rong, theyJll get him
some1here sa#e) "onJt 1orry) /o1, give me the &eys)G
KristaJs eyes 1ere 1ide and teary) E*lease, $ory) "onJt ma&e me) :# something happens to yo+KG
E.ive me the &eysFG : snapped, #r+strated)
Krista #lin0hed, and a single, #at tear rolled do1n her #a0e) 'he sni##led and dre1 the &eys o+t o# her po0&et) .+ilt
0ons+med me, b+t : still snat0hed them a1ay #rom her)
E:Jm sorry, b+t : have to go,G : said, heading #or the 0ar) E@he sooner : get +p there, the sooner this is over)G
Krista hesitated, loo&ing ba0& and #orth bet1een me and the #ront o# the b+ilding, as i# she 0o+ld see 1hat 1as going
on 1ith @ristan) : had a #eeling that, in the ba0& o# her mind, she 1as 1ondering 1hether she 0o+ld get thro+gh the to1n
sI+are and +p to her ho+se alive so that she 0o+ld hide +nder the 0overs +ntil someone 0ame to tell her everything 1as
o&ay) @hen another roar o# ire rose +p, and she bolted to1ard the 0ar) 4hen she 0limbed in beside me, she 1as soa&ing
1et and 0rying)
: bit do1n on my tong+e, g+nned the engine, and headed #or the hills)

E/o 1ay, $ory) /ot gonna happen)G
2isher proved to be a to+gh sell on the 1hole opening the door to the 'hado1lands I+estion) (e stood bet1een me
and the bridge li&e my personal .reat 4all o# China, his legs planted #irmly apart, his massive arms 0rossed over his 0hest
as rain po+red #reely over his 0losely<shaved head and do1n his #a0e and into the 0ollar o# his @<shirt) @he g+y had lost the
La0&et at some point, and no1 stood there 1ith nothing b+t the gray tee s+0&ed to his every m+s0le, and 0argo pants that
1ere soa&ed thro+gh to a dar& shade o# green) :n another li#e, this g+y 0o+ld have made a &illing as a pro#essional
1restler) (e L+st needed to get himsel# a #e1 1ell<pla0ed tattoos and a st+pid ni0&name, and he 1as gold)
E2isher, donJt yo+ 1ant me to get "ar0y ba0&DG : as&ed, trying to bite ba0& the #r+stration simmering inside me) E'heJs
being tort+red right no1) 4hile yo+Jre L+st standing there)G
Kevin and the other g+ys 1ere lined +p neBt to 2isher li&e a barri0ade, b+t none o# them 1ere I+ite as intimidating)
4itho+t @ristan or HoaI+in here, 2isher 1as the de #a0to leader, and : &ne1 that i# : 0o+ld get thro+gh to him, the others
1o+ldnJt #ight me) : glan0ed sidelong at Krista) (er 1hite rain La0&et 1as snapped +p to her 0hin, the hood #orming a
per#e0t C aro+nd her #a0e 1ith the la0es p+lled ta+t) 'he loo&ed li&e she 1o+ld rather be any1here other than here)
Eoo&, my orders 1ere not to let anyone over the bridge, so :Jm not letting anyone over the bridge,G 2isher told me)
E4ell, there yo+ goFG Krista said, rea0hing #or my hand) EetJs go ba0& to my ho+se)G
: snat0hed my #ingers a1ay) An impressive #or& o# lightning split the s&y behind 2isher, and a 0ra0& o# th+nder I+i0&ly
#ollo1ed, 0a+sing Krista to yelp)
E-+t :Jm not L+st anyone,G : replied, 0len0hing my #ists, the s&in on my hands so ra1 it tightened to near 0ra0&ing) E:Jm
the person *ete #inally tal&ed to)G
2isher narro1ed his eyes and reset his stan0e, loo&ing do1n his nose at me li&e he 1as the 0ommanding o##i0er and :
1as some pissant private 0hallenging his a+thority)
E$ight) And ho1 am : s+pposed to &no1 that #or s+re, eBa0tlyDG he as&ed) E(o1 do : &no1 yo+Jre not L+st ma&ing this
/o1 : glared at Krista) :t 1as 1ay past time #or her to spea& +p) -+t she L+st loo&ed at me, her bl+e eyes 1ide li&e a
startled rabbitJs)
E@ell him, KristaFG : demanded) E@ell him 1hat yo+ heard)G
Krista loo&ed at the gro+nd) E(e said that i# 1e opened the door, the inno0ents 1o+ld be released,G she m+mbled)
E-+t : donJt get 1hy it has to be yo+, $oryFG she 1hined, s+ddenly #+ll o# li#e) ECanJt 1e send one o# the older i#ers overD
'omeone 1ho doesnJt have #riends or a #amily orKG
E4e donJt have time to start loo&ing #or a 1illing g+inea pigFG : interLe0ted) E"onJt yo+ get itD :tJs my #amily in there)
%y best #riend) 4e have to do this no1)G
A #e1 o# the other g+ys heard this and started to 1hisper, loo&ing at +s 1ith a ne1 sort o# respe0t) *ossibly a1e)
'+ddenly, KristaJs #a0e hardened into a sort o# resol+te mas& o# #ear) E2ine) @hen :Jm 0oming 1ith yo+)G
E4hatDG 2isher, Kevin, and : said as one)
Krista 0leared her throat and spo&e +p) E@hereJs no 1ay :Jm going to stay ba0& here and eBplain to @ristan ho1 : let
her go alone,G she said) E"ealing 1ith the #allo+t #rom that 1o+ld be 1ay 1orse than anything the 'hado1lands has to
E4o1, Krista) :Jm impressed,G 2isher said, loo&ing her +p and do1n)
Krista li#ted her sho+lders) E'heJs my best #riend) i&e my sister) :# she goes, : g+ess : have to go)G
Kevin t+rned his ba0& to +s and m+rm+red something in 2isherJs ear) @hen 2isher t+rned his ba0& on +s, and the t1o
o# them got into it, 1hisper<#ighting something #ier0e +ntil 2isher #inally sho+ted, E2ineFG
: #elt Krista tense +p) E2ine 1hatDG : as&ed)
E2ine, yo+ g+ys 0an go) -+t :Jm 0oming 1ith yo+) 'a#ety in n+mbers, rightDG
(e stepped aside, #orming a hole in the line bet1een him and Kevin) @he bridge loomed be#ore +s, the steel girders
seeming h+ge at the #oot o# the bridge be#ore they tapered +p and disappeared inside the s1irling gray mist) %y throat
1ent dry, and the miBt+re o# #ear and adrenaline 0o+rsing thro+gh me made my head s1im) -+t : #or0ed mysel# to 1al&
to1ard the seam 1here the m+ddy road met the steel ramp, and : didnJt loo& ba0&, tho+gh : 0o+ld hear Krista and 2isher
behind me)
: stopped in #ront o# the 1all o# mist) Eighteen pa0es and :Jd see "ar0y again) Eighteen pa0es and :Jd have my dad
ba0&) And Aaron and Henni#er and everyone else 1ho 1as needlessly s+##ering) 2isher stepped +p to my le#t, Krista to my
E: sho+ld 1arn yo+ g+ys, itJs not pleasant in there,G : said) E@here are voi0es) 4hispers) And something &ept trying to
grab me) : donJt &no1 1ho or 1hat, b+tMit 1asnJt #+n)G
E: thin& :Jm gonna be si0&,G Krista said)
E"onJt 1orry,G 2isher told her, giving her sho+lder a sI+ee!e) E: got yo+r ba0&)G
: too& a deep breath) E$eadyDG
2isher loo&ed over his sho+lder and gave Kevin a nod) Kevin li#ted his 1al&ie to his lips and spo&e) EHoaI+in) Come in,
HoaI+in) $ory, Krista, and 2ish are going over the bridge) @hey say they &no1 ho1 to open the portal to the 'hado1lands)
5o+ might 1ant to get yo+r ass +p here)G
E2isherFG Krista and : s0olded)
2isher shr+gged) E5o+ donJt go into battle 1itho+t ba0&+p) /o1, letJs go res0+e my girl#riend)G
And then he too& the #irst step into the mist) : 0len0hed my teeth and #ollo1ed him, &no1ing that HoaI+in and
possibly @ristanKi# he 0o+ld get a1ayK1ere already on their 1ay here, b+t it didnJt matter anymore) @his 1asnJt going
to ta&e long) -y the time he got here, it 1o+ld all be over)
@he se0ond the #og enveloped me, : 1as alone) 2isher sho+ld have been dead ahead, Krista to my right, b+t : 0o+ldnJt
see either one o# them) @hen, s+ddenly, a hand 0losed aro+nd mine and Krista reappeared) 'he smiled 1anly and : smiled
E(ere goes)G
@ogether, 1e began to 0o+nt o+r steps)
@he 1hispers began)
EMsheJs bro+ght a #riendMG
EMpretty, prettyMG
EMbite the toes o## one by oneMG
KristaJs grip on my hand tightened) 2ear 0o+rsed thro+gh me, p+lsating thro+gh my veins, my temples, my 1rists, my
heart, b+t : &ne1 : 0o+ldnJt stop) "ar0y 1as depending on me) %y dad and Aaron needed me) : imagined their #a0es, their
smiles, their eyes, and &ept 1al&ing) :Jd s+rvived this on0e be#ore) : 0o+ld s+rvive it again) 2or them)
A 0old #inger s1ept along my 0hee&) Krista yelped and s1atted at the ba0& o# her ne0&)
E4hat 1as thatDG she 1hined)
E:tJs nothing) :tJs L+st messing 1ith +s,G : told her, 1illing the terror o+t o# my voi0e)
E4hatJs messing 1ith +sDG (er grip on my hand 1as li&e a vi0e)
E@he bridge,G : said thro+gh my teeth) EH+st &eep going) 4eJre almost there)G
E'iBMsevenMeightMG : 0o+nted on my o1n this time)
EMstill so 0l+elessMG
EMdoesnJt &no1 1hat sheJsMG
EMdar& as pit0h, that oneMG
E$oryDG Krista me1led, loo&ing over her sho+lder at nothing) E@his 1as a bad idea) : 1anna go) etJs go, o&ayD
@hen she s0ree0hed again, and : sa1 her hair rise +p behind her, some invisible thing in the mist p+lling at its matted
ECh my god,G she 1hined, her breath bro&en) ECh my god, oh my god, oh myKG
E@hereJs nothing there,G : promised her) EKeep moving)G
@he mist to my le#t s1irled, then started to p+lse) :n and o+t) :n and o+t) As i# someone 1as standing L+st in0hes a1ay,
breathing) 4at0hing) Krista held my hand 1ith both o# hers no1, p+lling me a1&1ardly against her side)
E2isherDG : 1hispered)
@he response 1as a la+gh so dar& and evil it 0o+ldnJt have belonged to a h+man being) At least not a living one) %y
brain 1ent momentarily #+!!y, and : 1as s+re : 1as abo+t to pass o+t #rom the #ear) -+t Krista 0l+ng to my side, steadying
me 1ith her terror and #or0ing me to be the brave one) : &ne1 : 0o+ldnJt go do1n) :# : 1ent do1n, all 1as lost)
E5o+ donJt need them) 5o+r #amily) 5o+ donJt,G Krista 1hispered #+rtively, staring at the p+lsating mist) E5o+Jve got
me no1) And @ristan, HoaI+in) "ar0y and yo+r dad 1ere going to move on any1ay, rightD 4hy donJt yo+ L+st let it goD
H+st let it go so 1e 0an get the hell o+t o# hereDG
: 0len0hed my teeth and ignored her) : had to) :# : listened to 1hat she 1as saying : 1as going to p+n0h her in the #a0e)
: t+rned and &ept 1al&ing, no1 dragging Krista 1ith me)
E/onononononono,G Krista babbled, sha&ing her head) E/o, please) /o)G
EM0ome o+t, 0ome o+t, 1herever yo+ areFG
EMnever ever tho+ght it 1o+ld end this 1ayMG
EM0loser, dearie, L+st a little 0loserMG
A bony #inger s1iped my ear #rom top to bottom, t+0&ing stray hairs behind it) : #elt a 0hill do1n my ba0& and almost
sI+ealed) Krista planted her #eet and leaned ba0&1ard, doing her best to root me to the spot) +0&ily, : 1as stronger) :
0losed my eyes and too& the last t1o steps, yan&ing on her arm)
E'eventeen,G : said) EEighteen)G
4e stopped) Krista shoo& #rom head to #oot) : 0o+ld hear her teeth 0hattering) : gathered every bit o# 0o+rage : had
le#t 1ithin me, my heart po+nding so hard : 0o+ld #eel little else, and t+rned to the le#t) @here 1as no sign o# 2isher)
4hatever he tho+ght he might save +s #rom, it 1asnJt going to happen) 4e 1ere on o+r o1n) (ope#+lly heJd L+st &eep
1al&ing and #ind himsel# right ba0& 1here heJd started, as : had t1o days ago)
E$oreeeeeMG Krista 0alled o+t) '1eat had pooled bet1een o+r palms and t+rned to i0e)
E"onJt 1orry) Everything is gonna be #ine)G
@his 1as #or my #amily) @his 1as #or my dad and "ar0y and Aaron) As m+0h as : hated to thin& o# him at that moment, :
0losed my eyes and 0onL+red +p a pi0t+re o# 'teven /ell, gasping and sp+ttering as he too& his very last breaths) : held my
o1n breath and 1hispered, E: too& another personJs li#e)G
@here 1as a lo+d bang, li&e the so+nd o# a d+mp tr+0& lo1ering its metal li#t to the gro+nd 1itho+t 0are) @he bridge
beneath +s shoo&) Krista someho1 tightened her grip on me, sI+ee!ing my #ingers +ntil : tho+ght my hand 1o+ld shatter)
@he mist in #ront o# +s started to move, hapha!ardly at #irst, li&e smo&e being 1aved o## a #ire, b+t it I+i0&ly organi!ed
itsel# into a vorteB, s1irling be#ore +s li&e a side1ays tornado opening its mo+th) 4e stood there, b+t 1e #elt no 1ind)
: 1as staring at an endless depth o# bla0&ness, dar&er than anything :Jd seen on Earth, and : 1as s+re that : had been
d+ped) : 1as 0ertain that at any se0ond, something 0old and gray and slimy 1as going to rea0h o+t and grab me and Krista
and drag +s into hell)
'he 1as going to spend eternity s+##ering in the 'hado1lands, and it 1as my #a+lt)
EKrista,G : said thro+gh my teeth) E$+n)G
E4hatDG she 1hined)
: 1as abo+t to t+rn and p+sh her as hard as : 0o+ld ba0& into the mist, b+t thenKright thenK: heard her) (er voi0e
1as so 0lose she 0o+ldnJt have been more than t1o #eet a1ay)
E$oryF 5o+ 0ameFG
: rea0hed into the dar&nessKrea0hed to1ard the voi0eKand my #ingers #o+nd 0loth) A sleeve) : d+g my #ingernails
into it as hard as : 0o+ld and p+lled) : had her) : had "ar0y) @hen the person : 1as 0linging to appeared, and it 1asnJt
:t 1as 'teven /ell)
(e loo&ed eBa0tly the same as he had the last time :Jd seen him) @he stringy dar& hair #alling over his #orehead) @he
thi0& glasses per0hed on his nose) @he 0r+el smile on his thin, pale lips)
'+ddenly time stopped) : #elt the blade o# his &ni#e in my stoma0h as i# it had L+st happened) 'a1 the blood in my
sisterJs hair) %y #atherJs body 0r+mbling to the gro+nd) :t 1as as i# every nightmare :Jd had #or the past month 1as
s+ddenly 0oming to li#e in vivid, horri#ying, eB0r+0iating detail)
E$ory %iller,G he said glee#+lly) E5o+Jve 0ome home)G
'+ddenly : &ne1) (e 1anted to do it again) (e 1as going to do it again) (e 1as going to m+rder +s, sla+ghter +s, over
and over and over again #or as long as the +niverse eBisted) Antil the end o# time) (e 1as loo&ing #or1ard to it)
: let go o# him and ran) $ight into Krista)
'he loo&ed +p at me, her bl+e eyes dar& 1ith rage)
EKristaDG : 1hispered)
E4el0ome to the 'hado1lands, $ory)G
@hen she shoved me 1ith a strength : never 1o+ld have imagined she had in her, right into 'teven /ellJs 1aiting arms)
: stared at Krista, #eeling 'teven /ellJs a1#+l breath 1arming the ba0& o# my ne0&) 'he 1as the a00ompli0eD :t 1asnJt
possible) 'he 1as my #riend) %y best #riend) :Jd treated her li&e a sister, and she had done the same #or me) (o1 0o+ld
she have done thisD (o1 0o+ld she have tried to pin everything on me, dragged my #amily to the 'hado1lands, plotted
behind o+r ba0&s, and lied to o+r #a0esD
Krista smoothed her 1et hair ba0& #rom her #a0e and li#ted her 0hin as she stared me do1n) -+t she 1as still Krista)
'till a s1eet, pretty girl 1ho 1anted nothing more than to be everyoneJs #riend)
4asnJt sheD
E: 0anJt L+st ta&e her) 5o+ &no1 that,G 'teven /ell said, his 1atery eyes #li0&ing over Krista li&e she 1as beneath his
noti0e) E$ory %iller m+st 0ome 1illingly)G
(e held his right arm aro+nd my middle li&e a vise, my ba0& against his torso, and rea0hed +p to r+n his #rigid, dry
&n+0&les do1n my 0hee&) : 0o+ld #eel the random st+bble on his 0hin pin0hing my s&+ll thro+gh my hair as my head
r+bbed +p against it) -ile rose +p in the ba0& o# my throat) : sI+irmed, trying to 1ren0h a1ay #rom him, b+t he 1as
strong) 'o m+0h stronger than heJd been in li#e)
EKristaDG : said, p+lse po+nding #+rio+sly in my veins) Every in0h o# my body trembled, 1hi0h pissed me o##) : hated
sho1ing #ear in #ront o# /ell) E4hat the hell is going onDG
2rom the 0orner o# my eye, : sa1 something shi#t in the dar&ness) A 1hisper o# a #ig+re) %y #atherD "ar0yD Co+ld : still
save themD
E: L+st 1ant to go home,G Krista said simply) E: donJt belong here)G
E@hatJs 1hat this is abo+tDG : demanded) E5o+ getting to go to yo+r damn promDG
E"onJt yo+ get it, $oryD : 1asnJt s+pposed to die,G Krista snapped, bending at the 1aist) E5o+ &no1 it) : &no1 it) And
that night : bro+ght 'teven /ell +p here, he told me the +niverse &ne1 it, too) @hat it +psets the balan0e 1hen someone
ta&es their li#e by mista&e) 'o he made me an o##er) (e 1anted yo+ #or his eternal pet, b+t the 'hado1lands 1onJt L+st
ta&e a goody<goody i#er li&e yo+ +nless yo+ 0ome 1illingly) And he &ne1 ho1 to ma&e that happen)G
E4hat abo+t "ar0yD 'he didnJt 0ome 1illingly,G : said)
Krista smir&ed) E5o+ #orgetP 'he 1asnJt a i#er yet) /ot o##i0ially)G
E5o+Jre insane,G : said, sha&ing my head, trying to p+ll a1ay as /ell stro&ed my hair) E@hereJs nothing that 0o+ld ma&e
me sign +p #or an eternity 1ith him)G
ECh, : thin& yo+ 1ill,G /ell said lightly)
(e li#ted a lo0& o# my hair and slo1ly dre1 it +nder his nose, sni##ing it) A disg+sting sh+dder o# sheer pleas+re ro0&ed
his entire body be#ore he reverently to+0hed it to his lips) %y bottom lip 1obbled and : 0losed my eyes, trying not to give
/ell the satis#a0tion o# hearing me sob)
E(e gave me the tainted 0oins) (e told me that i# : +shered eighteen so+ls to the 'hado1lands, in0l+ding yo+r little
#amilyGKKrista spat the 1ord as i# it had singed her tong+eKE: 0o+ld have 1hat : 1anted) : 0o+ld have my li#e ba0&) : got
*ete to help me be0a+se : &ne1 : 0o+ldnJt overpo1er those people alone) @old him the 'hado1lands 1o+ld repay him #or
his hard 1or&, too)G
E4hat did yo+ promise himDG : bit o+t)
E(e 1anted to see his brother again) Kid died 1hen *ete 1as only eight years old) 'o : told him he 0o+ld go to the
ight and see him)G Krista shr+gged)
EAnd :Jm g+essing yo+ never intended to deliver on that promise)G
Krista smir&ed) E(o1 0o+ld :D :Jm L+st little old me) ittle old pers+asive me) :t 1as L+st too bad Cori #ollo1ed me,
1hen : 1ent to meet +p 1ith *ete that night a#ter he Rdisappeared,J and overheard +s together) :t really s+0&ed, having to
p+sh her o## that 0li##)G
%y throat b+rned, and tears st+ng my eyes) : 0o+ldnJt believe 1hat : 1as hearing) Co+ldnJt believe it 1as 0oming #rom
Krista *arrishJs mo+th)
E4hy eighteen so+lsDG : as&ed) E4hy ta&e my #amilyDG
E-e0a+se he &ne1 i# : did that, heJd be able to 0+t another deal) 4ith yo+)G
: s1allo1ed hard) %y s0alp tingled every time /ellJs #ingernails br+shed my hair) E4hatDG : as&ed) E4hat dealDG
Krista too& a step #or1ard) (er eyes loo&ed dead as she tilted her 0hin and got right in my #a0e) E5o+r eternal so+l #or
%y heart #ree<#ell into my stoma0h) /ell started to la+gh) : #elt the breath o# it against my ear) (is s0ra1ny body shoo&
#rom the #or0e o# it, Larring against mine in #its and starts) : t+rned my head to ga!e into the endless bla0&) %y #amily 1as
in there some1here, and : 1as the only one 1ho 0o+ld save them)
As long as : sa0ri#i0ed mysel#)
/ot that it 1as even a 0hoi0e) 4as there any 1ay : 0o+ld ever 0hoose mysel# over themD @hey 1o+ldnJt even be dead
i# it 1erenJt #or me) :# : hadnJt gotten a1ay #rom /ell that day in the 1oods, "ar0y and "ad 1o+ld still be alive) @heyJd be
sad 1itho+t me, s+re, b+t theyJd be alive and theyJd move on) :nstead, their lives 1ere over and theyJd L+st logged a #e1
days in hell to boot, than&s to little old me)
@he 0hoi0e 1as 0lear) :# it 1as either me s+##ering #orever in the 'hado1lands, or them, : pi0&ed me)
: loo&ed do1n at my #eet, a steely 0old resolve 0oming over me) : &ne1 they didnJt deserve to be here, b+t in the end,
in tr+th, didnJt :D /ell might have been an evil bringer o# death, b+t he 1as still a living h+man being, and : had &illed him)
: had done it on p+rpose) : had done it 1ith mali0e in my heart) : had relished the a0t o# it) :n that moment, m+rdering him
had #elt good) :t had #elt right)
%y dad and "ar0y didnJt belong in the 'hado1lands) -+t maybe : did)
: 0losed my eyes and pi0t+red my #ather, "ar0y, my mom) :n my mindJs eye, : loo&ed at ea0h o# them, solidi#ying their
images in my mind, and said good<bye)
E/o, $oryFG : heard "ar0y s0ream, tho+gh 1hether it 1as real or imagined, : had no idea) E/oF "onJt do itF *leaseFG
: blo0&ed o+t her appeals, 1hi0h made 1hat : 1as abo+t to do that m+0h easier)
: opened my mo+th to say it) @o say yes, : 1o+ld 1illingly go to the 'hado1lands i# the inno0ents 1o+ld be set #ree) :
loo&ed +p at /ell) (is a1#+l grin 1idened, deepening the lines on his #a0e)
E$ory, noFG @ristanJs voi0e sho+ted) E"onJt do itF :tJs a trapFG
@ristan and HoaI+in appeared o+t o# the mist) Krista reeled aro+nd, yelling, and str+0& o+t at HoaI+in) (is eyes 1idened in
s+rprise, b+t he rea0ted I+i0&ly) (e grabbed her arm, pinned it to her side, and &i0&ed her legs o+t #rom +nder her,
shoving her #a0e<#irst to the gro+nd)
E4hat the hell is going onDG HoaI+in as&ed me)
E'heJs the one 1hoJs been sending people to the 'hado1lands,G : said) E:t 1as Krista the 1hole time)G
@ristan and HoaI+in eB0hanged a loo&, as i# this didnJt entirely s+rprise them)
E'o iam 1as telling the tr+th,G @ristan said)
HoaI+in &nelt beside Krista, his lips a millimeter #rom her ear) E:# : 1ere yo+, :Jd stay the hell do1n)G
@hen he shoved himsel# +p and pla0ed his #oot on the small o# her ba0&)
E$ory)G @ristan rea0hed #or me, b+t /ell p+lled me ba0&, a #e1 steps #arther into the abyss) : eyed @ristan desperately,
1ishing there 1as some 1ay he 0o+ld save me #rom this, li&e heJd saved me #rom so many other a1#+l moments) -+t not
even @ristan 0o+ld #iB this)
E$ory, listen to me) :t 1as a set+p,G he said I+i0&ly) E-ea #o+nd iam) :t t+rns o+t he and *ete &ne1 ea0h other in the
other 1orld, and that 1as 1hy they al1ays a0ted so 1eird aro+nd ea0h other) iam didnJt tell +s, be0a+se he tho+ght his
0onne0tion to *ete might ma&e +s s+spe0t him, and *ete didnJt 1ant to get iam involved) -+t last night Krista let him go,
hoping to distra0t +s 1ith another manh+nt) (e 1as 1ith alani in her room by the do0&s, and heJs #ine)G
EC&ay) C&ay, thatJs good,G : said, trying as hard as : 0o+ld to 0ling to something positive) At least iam 1o+ld be o&ay)
Event+ally) At least my #irst instin0ts abo+t him had been 0orre0t)
E*eteJs so<0alled 0on#ession 1as a set+p,G @ristan 0ontin+ed) E@hey 1anted yo+ to be aloneKor sort o# aloneK1hen
yo+ heard it) *ete said Krista helped the @se t1ins es0ape the mayor earlier and got them riled +p again) @he mob 1as L+st
a distra0tion #or the rest o# +s to deal 1ith so she 0o+ld get yo+ to go into the Lail alone and he 0o+ld bl+rt it o+t to
yo+Kma&e yo+ 0ome +p here) /one o# this is real)G
E4hat abo+t my #amilyDG : said, glan0ing over my sho+lder at the abyss) E@heyJre real) And : 0an save them, @ristan)G
E5o+ donJt &no1 that)G (is voi0e 1as a high<pit0hed 0roa&, his eyes rimmed 1ith red) E4eJre tal&ing abo+t p+re evil
here, $ory) 5o+ really thin& yo+ 0an tr+st anything he saysD Anything they sayDG he added, loo&ing #rom /ell to Krista)
E(o1 do yo+ &no1 yo+ donJt say yes and then yo+Jre all L+st st+0& here #oreverDG
@he heavy reality o# this possibility settled in over my sho+lders)
EAre yo+ 0alling me a liarDG 'teven /ell as&ed, tightening his grip on me) $age #lared behind @ristanJs eyes, and : 0o+ld
tell it 1as ta&ing everything 1ithin him to &eep #rom lashing o+t, to &eep 0ontrol) (e didnJt a0&no1ledge /ell b+t loo&ed
dire0tly at me)
E"onJt do it, $ory) *lease,G he begged, in0hing to1ard me) E5o+ donJt deserve to spend eternity in the 'hado1lands)G
E%aybe : do) %aybe : donJt,G : told him) EAnd maybe this 1ill 1or& or maybe it 1onJt) -+t, @ristan, : have to try) :#
thereJs a 0han0e : 0an save my #amily, : have to try)G : loo&ed +p at /ell, s1allo1ing ba0& my rev+lsion at the sight o# his
#a0e, so very 0lose to mine) E:Jd li&e to say good<bye)G
/ellJs 1atery bl+e eyes so#tened as he loo&ed at me, and someho1, that eBpression o# 0aring 1as more horri#ying
than anything heJd ever done to me) :t 1as as i# he 1as 0alling me his 1ith that one loo&)
E5o+ have one min+te,G he said, releasing me)
: staggered a1ay #rom him and thre1 mysel# at @ristan) (e held me so 0lose to his 0hest : 0o+ldnJt separate his
heartbeat #rom mine) : b+ried my #a0e in his 1et @<shirt, gasping #or air)
E"onJt,G he said in my ear, his teeth 0len0hed) E"onJt yo+ leave me) 4eJre going to be together #orever) *lease, $ory)
"onJt do this) "onJt)G
: tilted my head +p, and tears #lo1ed #reely do1n my #a0e) E:Jm so sorry, @ristan) :Jm so sorry) : love yo+) :Jll never stop
loving yo+, : s1ear)G
(e leaned do1n and pressed his lips to mine #irmly, desperately, longingly, and : &issed him ba0& as hard as : 0o+ld,
trying to impress the memory o# me into him, as i# some pie0e o# me 0o+ld really linger there #orever)
E: love yo+, too,G he said)
E: &no1)G
'omeho1, : released him) : t+rned and loo&ed at HoaI+in) (is 0hest 1as heaving, his eyes brimming 1ith +nshed tears)
: stepped +p to him, stood on my toes, to+0hed his 0hee&, and &issed it)
(e didnJt say anything) (e didnJt have to) : &ne1 ho1 he #elt) : &ne1 1hat : 1as doing to both o# them) -+t : also &ne1
that : 1as doing the right thing) : stepped past Krista, 1ho 1as smiling beneath HoaI+inJs boot, and stood in #ront o# /ell)
E"onJt,G @ristan pleaded, tears streaming do1n his #a0e) E"onJt, donJt, donJt)G
: li#ted my 0hin, not letting mysel# 0onsider 1hat 1as to be)
E5es,G : said to 'teven /ell, to my 1orst nightmare 0ome to li#e) E:Jll 0ome 1ith yo+)G
E/oFG @ristan s0reamed)
'teven /ell smiled) %y ears, my head, my heart, my l+ngs #illed 1ith the a1#+l s+0&ing so+nd that meant it 1as over)
@hat meant : 1as being s1allo1ed 1hole) "evo+red) /ever to see my #amily, my home, my love again)
E$ory, noF *lease, noFG
@ristan rea0hed #or me, his arm and hand and #ingers stret0hing o+t in p+re despair, and then he 1as gone)
E$ory) $ooreeeF @ime to 1a&e +p, s1eetie) :tJs a 1hole ne1 day)G
: too& a deep breath, 0linging to sleep, &no1ing that i# : opened my eyes, my motherJs voi0e 1o+ld 0ease to eBist, L+st
li&e sheJd 0eased to eBist) 'he 1as singing my name, and : didnJt 1ant it to end)
EAnd : tho+ght : 1as a heavy sleeper,G "ar0y said sar0asti0ally)
E.ive her a brea&)G @hat 1as "ad) E'heJs been thro+gh a lot)G
ECome on, s1eetie)G %y mom gently shoo& my sho+lder) E: 1ant to loo& into yo+r eyes)G
: blin&ed mysel# a1a&e) : 1as on a so#t 0otton pad on the #loor o# a vast 1hite room, and : 1as staring at my motherJs
#a0e) 'he loo&ed nothing li&e she had on the day she died, 1ith those s+n&en 0hee&s and mil&y eyes) 'he loo&ed healthy)
*er#e0t) i&e sheJd never been to+0hed by 0an0er)
E(ey there) :tJs my baby,G she said, her voi0e #+ll)
: sat +p and she enveloped me in a lila0<s0ented h+g) (er blond hair br+shed my #a0e) :Jd #orgotten her hair, ho1 long
and so#t it 1as)
E%omD 4here are 1eDG : loo&ed +p and sa1 my dad and "ar0y standing behind her, 1earing the same 0lothes theyJd
1orn the nights theyJd disappeared) "ar0y in a tight bl+e @<shirt and Leans) "ad in his polo shirt and &ha&is) E:Jm
dreaming, rightD @his is a dream)G
%y mother rea0hed o+t and t+0&ed my hair behind my ears) E:tJs not a dream,G she said, a pro+d smile lighting her
#a0e) E4eJre here be0a+se o# yo+) 4eJre together be0a+se o# yo+)G
E5o+ 0ommitted a p+rely sel#less a0t,G my mother said, her hand 0oming to rest atop mine) :t 1as so tan and per#e0t,
her 1edding ring shining on her ring #inger) E5o+ 1illingly gave yo+rsel# +p to the 'hado1lands to save those so+ls, and
be0a+se o# that, yo+ 1ere sent to the ight)G
%y heart leaped, and : loo&ed at my #ather) E@his is the ightD 4hat abo+t the othersDG
E@heyJre here,G "ar0y said 1ith a smile) EAaron is beside himsel#)G
: la+ghed and tears over#lo1ed, bathing my #a0e) EAnd /adiaD CoriDG
E@heyJve been here sin0e they passed,G my mom told me) E@hey 1ere given the 0hoi0e to ret+rn to H+niper anding,
b+t they 0hose to stay)G
$elie# hit my 0hest) E'o : donJt have to go to the 'hado1landsD : donJt have to be 1ithKG
E"onJt even say his name,G my mother said, to+0hing her #ingertips to my lips) E5o+ never need to say his name
: 0ollapsed against her and 0ried, releasing the torrents o# terror and 0on#+sion and +n0ertainty : had bottled +p #or so
long) %y mother h+gged me 0lose, her strength radiating thro+gh me) H+st to be 1ith her, L+st to be held by her again,
1as the greatest gi#t : 0o+ld have ever been given)
E:Jm so pro+d o# yo+, s1eetie,G she said into my hair, &issing the top o# my head) EEverything yo+Jve been thro+gh and
everything yo+Jve done, and yo+Jre still my strong little girl)G
E5o+Jve been 1at0hing meDG : as&ed thro+gh my tears)
EC# 0o+rse) Are yo+ &iddingD :Jve been 1at0hing yo+ sin0e the moment : died,G she said) 'he tipped my head ba0& and
held my #a0e bet1een her hands) E: never le#t yo+)G
@hen she loo&ed at my dad and "ar0y) E: never le#t any o# yo+)G 'he ga!ed into my eyes again) EAnd 1hatever yo+
de0ide to do neBt, :Jll al1ays be right there beside yo+)G
: #elt a stab o# #oreboding) E4hatever : de0ide to do neBtDG
%y mother nodded) 'he got +p, t+gging me by the hands to stand 1ith her) 4e stepped o## the 0otton mat and onto
the 1arm 1hite #loor) 4ith one hand still 0l+t0hing mine, my mother li#ted the other and, palm o+t, 1iped the air in #ront
o# +s as i# she 1ere 0leaning a 1indo1) :nstantly, an image appeared) 4e 1ere loo&ing at the #oot o# the bridge, at
@ristan, 1ho 1as on his &nees, and HoaI+in, 1ho stood over him) @ristan 1as sobbing, his sho+lders bent, his hands
#lopped +selessly a0ross his &nees)
E4hat happenedDG : as&ed) E4hereJs KristaDG
EKristaJs deal 1as that she 1o+ld be ret+rned to Earth) Cn0e yo+r sel#less a0t released those inno0ent so+ls, the
'hado1lands dre1 her in #or itsel# instead,G my mother eBplained grimly) EAs #ar as @ristan and HoaI+in &no1, both o# yo+
are in the 'hado1lands, and no one 1as ever released)G
%y mo+th 1as dry as sand) E'o they thin& : #ailed)G
E@hey thin& yo+ 1ere tri0&ed,G my mother 0orre0ted) 'he too& a breath and t+rned me to #a0e her) E/o1 yo+ need to
de0ide 1hether yo+ 1ish to stay here, in the ight, 1ith +s, or go ba0& to H+niper anding and 0ontin+e yo+r mission)G
%y heart th+mped eBtra hard) : glan0ed over at my dad and "ar0y) E4hat abo+t yo+DG : as&ed my sister) E"o yo+ get
the same 0hoi0eDG
E5eah, b+t : already made it,G she said) E:Jm staying here)G
E4hen : really tho+ght abo+t it, : reali!ed :Jm not gonna stay 1ith 2isher #orever, and i# 1e brea& +p, thereJs gonna be
so m+0h drama,G "ar0y said, rolling her eyes) E:Jm sort o# over all that, yo+ &no1DG
E-+t 1hat abo+t being a i#erD 4hat abo+t o+r missionDG : as&ed)
'he li#ted her sho+lders) E: 1as never te0hni0ally a i#er) : never really got 1hat it meant) (onestlyM: thin& :Jd rather
stay here and L+stMbe)G
E$ory, 1e 1ant yo+ to &no1 that 1hatever yo+ de0ide, 1eJre here #or yo+ and 1eJre happy #or yo+,G my #ather said)
E:# yo+ 1ant to go ba0&, 1eJll +nderstand) And 1eJll al1ays be 1ith yo+)G
: nodded, loo&ing at my mom) @he only thing :Jd 1anted #or the past #o+r years 1as to see her again) @o hear her
voi0e) @o have her h+g me and tell me everything 1as going to be o&ay) And there she 1as) $ight there) Co+ld : really
imagine letting her go againD
E: 1ant to be 1ith yo+,G : said plainly) E:tJs the only thing :Jve 1anted sin0e the se0ond yo+ told me yo+ 1ere si0&)G
E: &no1, s1eetie)G
E4hatJs it li&e hereDG : as&ed) EAre yo+ happyDG
E:Jm at pea0e,G she said gently) E@hereJs a 0ertainty abo+t being here) Kno1ing nothing 0an ever h+rt yo+ again)
@hereJs no 0on#+sion, no longing, no g+ilt) 5o+ L+stMare)G
:t so+nded li&e per#e0tion, never having to 1orry) /ever #eeling pain or +n0ertainty) -+t there 1as something leading
in her tone) 'he 1as trying to tell me something) : loo&ed her in the eye and #lin0hed in +nderstanding)
E-+t thereJs also no @ristan,G : said) E/o 0on#+sion, longing, pain, +n0ertainty, or g+ilt means no passion, too)
ECh, thereJs love,G she said) E:tJs all aro+nd +s) -+t itJs not the same) :tJs not 1hat yo+ have 1ith him)G
'he tilted her head and smiled) ECJmere,G she said, holding o+t one hand)
: too& it and she p+lled me into her side, 1rapping one arm aro+nd me and holding me 0lose in a 1ay that ti0&led me
eno+gh to ma&e me la+gh)
E5o+ love him, donJt yo+DG she said) E4ith all yo+r heartDG
E5eah,G : 0roa&ed)
EAnd yo+r mission thereMit #+l#illed yo+DG she as&ed) E:t made yo+ #eel good, +se#+l, a00omplishedDG
: straightened +p, p+lling a1ay #rom her, and nodded, b+t my #ingers still #o+nd her hand, +n1illing to brea& apart #or
more than a se0ond) E:t did)G
E: so loo&ed #or1ard to this 1hen : 1as alive,G she said, loo&ing #rom me to "ar0y) E@hat day yo+ girls 1o+ld 0ome to
me and tell me yo+Jd #o+nd the one) And then, a#ter everything that happenedMG 'he loo&ed a1ay, then ba0& to me,
smiling) E@he point is, : never tho+ght :Jd get to do it, yet here 1e are)G 'he sI+ee!ed my hand, her eyes shimmering, and
: &ne1 she tho+ght that : sho+ld go ba0&) @hat : sho+ld be happy) @hat : sho+ld have a li#e, ho1ever odd and
+n0onventional and o# the +nliving it 1as) E:tJs ama!ing ho1 the +niverse 1or&s, isnJt itDG
: nodded, a hal# sob, hal# la+gh r+mbling #rom my throat) E5eah) :t is)G
E:tJs o&ay,G my mother told me) 'he dre1 me into her 0hest and held me 0lose, her 0hin against my sho+lder) E:tJs
o&ay, baby) 5o+ go) 5o+ be 1ith him) 5o+ deserve to be happy)G
E%om,G : 0ho&ed o+t) E%ommy) : 1ish yo+ 0o+ld 0ome 1ith me)G
E: &no1,G she said) E: &no1) -+t 1e got thro+gh this on0e be#ore) 4e 0an do it again)G 'he p+lled ba0& and to+0hed
my #a0e) EAnd 1ho &no1sD Eternity is a long time) 4e may L+st #ind a 1ay to meet +p in the #+t+re) 4e %iller girls seem
to have a 1ay o# getting aro+nd the r+les)G
: snorted a la+gh, tears and snot r+nning +nbidden do1n my #a0eKas i# : 0ared) : t+rned aro+nd and h+gged my dad
good<bye) (e 1as st+rdy and strong #or a good #ive se0onds be#ore he #inally let o+t a ragged 0ry, and : nearly bro&e) @hen
: t+rned to "ar0y, and she gripped me tight, her arms high aro+nd my sho+lders as : 0l+ng to her s&inny 1aist) 'he r+bbed
her hand in my hair and &issed my #orehead)
E@ell 2isher : said good<bye,G she told me) EAnd that other Ler&, too)G
: smiled) E4ill do)G
@hen, #inally, : ret+rned to my mother #or one last bolstering h+g) 'he &issed one 0hee&, then the other, then my
#orehead, and p+t her hands on my sho+lders)
E/ever #orget 1ho yo+ are,G she said)
E4ho is that againDG : as&ed tear#+lly)
E5o+Jre $ory %iller,G she said) E5o+Jre strong and smart and #ier0e and de#iant and 0ompassionate and 0aring and
tr+e) 5o+Jre my da+ghter, and :Jve got yo+r ba0&)G
: smiled as best : 0o+ld and tried not to 0ho&e as : said, E@han&s, %om) 2or everything)G
E5o+Jre 1el0ome, baby)G
2or a long moment, 1e stood there, ga!ing at ea0h other, and even tho+gh : &ne1 this 1as good<bye, and even
tho+gh my limbs #elt heavy 1ith sadness, this 1as so very di##erent #rom the moment :Jd said good<bye to her on Earth)
@here had been so m+0h +n0ertainty then, so m+0h #inality, so m+0h never<ever again) /o1 : &ne1 1here she 1as going
to be, : &ne1 sheJd be sa#e, : &ne1 sheJd be 1at0hing) And the reality o# that made my heart #eel light)
%y mom nodded, then t+rned me aro+nd slo1ly) .rad+ally, I+ietly, a vorteB opened in #ront o# +s, this one 1hite and
long and #ar less intimidating) %y mother leaned #or1ard and 1hispered in my ear) E: love yo+)G
E: love yo+, too,G : said)
A velvet bag appeared in her hands, and she handed it to me) :t 1as heavy, b+lbo+s, and : had a #eeling : &ne1 1hat
1as inside) E(ere,G she said) E5o+Jre going to need these)G
E@han&s, %om,G : said lightly) E5o+ al1ays did give the best presents)G
'he shr+gged and &issed my #orehead) E5o+r mom &no1s 1hat yo+ need better than anyone)G
: smiled, t+rned aro+nd, and stepped thro+gh)
4hen : ret+rned to H+niper anding, : 1as at the #oot o# the bridge, standing right behind HoaI+in, 1ho 1as standing right
behind @ristan) :t 1as as i# no time had passed bet1een the image my mom had sho1n me in the ight and this moment)
Cverhead, the 0lo+ds 1ere starting to brea& +p and disperse, giving 1ay to small, Lagged pie0es o# bl+e s&y)
E(ey,G : said) E4ho diedDG
HoaI+in 1hirled aro+nd, so startled he almost lost his #ooting) E$oryDG
@ristan rose to his #eet) (e &ept his ba0& to me #or 1hat #elt li&e an eternity be#ore #inally t+rning aro+nd) (is #a0e
loo&ed haggard, li&e he hadnJt slept in days) @here 1ere p+rple shado1s +nder his eyes, and a tear 0l+ng to the +nderside
o# his 0hin)
E@oo soonDG : as&ed, biting my bottom lip)
ECh my god)G
:n t1o long strides, he 0losed the distan0e bet1een +s and p+lled me into a deep, passionate &iss, his arms lo0&ing
aro+nd me and bending me ba0&1ard) As : held him, the heavy velvet bag my mom had given me rested against his ba0&)
: #elt the 1arm s+nlight against the side o# my #a0e and la+ghed even as : 1as &issing him)
2inally @ristan p+lled a1ay and loo&ed into my eyes 1ith 1onder, br+shing my hair ba0& #rom my #a0e) E: tho+ght :Jd
lost yo+,G he said) E: tho+ght yo+ 1ere gone #orever)G
E: &no1,G : said as the 0lo+ds 0ontin+ed to part) E'o did :)G : glan0ed at the deserted area aro+nd the bridge, the
do!ens o# m+ddy #ootprints peppering the gro+nd) E4here is everyoneDG
E: sent them do1n to deal 1ith the 0ro1d,G @ristan told me, holding on to my hand) E(ope#+lly theyJre getting things
+nder 0ontrol)G
E4hat the hell happened in thereDG HoaI+in as&ed, hovering to my le#t) E"id "ar0y and yo+r dad get o+tDG
E5eah) @heyJre #ine) EveryoneJs #ine,G : told them) E@hey 1ere released to the ight) %e, my dad, "ar0y, Aaron,
Henni#erMeveryone) 4e ended +p there)G : 0leared my throat) EEveryone eB0ept Krista)G
@here 1as a I+i0& p+lse o# sadness, o# dread) Antil today, Krista had been one o# o+r o1n, someone 1orthy o#
prote0ting, o# loving) :t 1as going to ta&e a 1hile #or any o# +s to a00ept 1hat she had tried to do)
A 0ra0&le split the silen0e) -eaJs voi0e rang thro+gh o+r 1al&ie<tal&ies) E@ristanD Are yo+ thereD Cver)G
(e t+gged his radio o## his 1aistband and hit the b+tton to tal&) E:Jm here) Everything o&ayD Cver)G
E/ot eBa0tly,G she responded) E4e managed to s+bd+e part o# the 0ro1d, b+t the t1ins are on their 1ay to yo+ 1ith
abo+t a do!en others, and theyJre not happy) Cver)G
E"amn,G HoaI+in said) E4hatJre 1e gonna doDG
: #elt the velvet bag hanging heavily #rom my 1rist) E4eJll +se these)G
: held the bag +p, and @ristanJs eyes 1idened) HoaI+in leaned over and opened the &not 0in0hing the top together)
"o!ens o# gold 0oins glinted in the s+nlight) HoaI+in too& the bag and held it 1ith both hands)
E4here did yo+ get theseDG he as&ed)
: smiled, my eyes shining 1ith tears) E2rom my mom)G
E5o+ sa1 yo+r momDG @ristan 1as st+nned)
: too& a deep breath) E5eah) 'he gave me a 0hoi0eP stay in the ight, or 0ome ba0& here and be 1ith yo+ g+ys)G
:n the distan0e, a tr+0& engine roared) @he visitors 1ere 0oming) %y heart th+mped 1ith trepidation, b+t : &ne1 it
1o+ld be o&ay) :t might get a bit messy, b+t 1e 1o+ld 0alm them, 1e 1o+ld +sher them, and they 1o+ld go to the ight)
Everything 1as going to be #ine) 2or the #irst time in #orever, : tr+ly believed that)
@ristan held o+r hands +p bet1een +s and &issed the ba0&s o# my #ingers as he loo&ed into my eyes)
E5o+ 0o+ld have been 1ith yo+r #amily,G he said as he slo1ly pro0essed the gravity o# 1hat :Jd done) E-+t yo+ 0hose
to be here)G
E: 0hose to be here,G : replied, Ebe0a+se yo+ are my #amily no1) And this is 1here : belong)G
@he s+n bro&e over his handsome #a0e as he smiled and p+lled me to him, holding me against his 0hest so : 0o+ld #eel
the solidness o# him, revel in the per#e0tion o# the moment)
4e 1ere together no1Ktogether in o+r 1orld, together in o+r mission, together in o+r loveKand nothing 1as ever
going to tear +s apart again)
$ory and @ristan)
@he #irst 0ar appeared over the ridge, and HoaI+in stepped +p neBt to me, sI+aring o## as i# readying himsel# #or a
#ight) : stood bet1een him and @ristan and pl+0&ed a 0oin #rom the velvet bag 1ith a small, determined smile)
E-oys)G : #lipped the 0oin and 0a+ght it as t1o 0ar doors slammed and the t1ins mar0hed to1ard +s) E4e have some
1or& to do)G
As this bitters1eet proLe0t 0omes to a 0lose, : give h+ge and heart#elt than&s to the i#ersK

anie "avis
Emily %eehan
'arah -+rnes
ogan .arrison
a+ra '0hreiber
'ara 'handler
Hosh -an&
es %orgenstein
i!!y %ason
Hamie -a&er
Kristin %arang
i! "resner
And my in0redible #ans, 1ho are #orever in my heart)
KA@E -$:A/ is the /e1 5or& @imes best<selling a+thor o# the *rivate and *rivilege series) (er other novels in0l+de 2a&e
-oy#riend and %egan %eadeJs .+ide to the %0.o1an -oys)
2or more on Kate -rian and the 'hado1lands series, visit

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