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Note : In this story, the Volturi had already known about Bella

and her being human and with the Cullens. Besides this there is
not much else from New moon/ Eclipse and Breaking Dawn as in
my story Edwards visit to the Volturi and demand for death etc,
does not occur however the Volturi did demand that Bella became
Vampire before their meeting in this story. Some characters may
have been altered/ adapted to suit this piece. Spellings and
grammatical errors may be present.

Inspiration taken from the fact that Bella never really took on the
‘heroin’ role for me and rather waited for Edward or Jacob to save
her. So here I am with my attempt at making her character more
’accident prone’ to say the least, and well almost opposite to how
she is described through the actual series. Is it me or does Bella
appear a bit too... skeletal, personality wise at times? I am NOT
slandering Stephanie Meyer or her awesome saga, this is just my
opinion. Disclaimer: Situation and Characters belong to Stephanie
Meyer. Enjoy ^^

Some things are never forgotten Chapter 1 - 4


Some things are never forgotten...

There was no Renesme...

Edward had never returned...

Alice hadn’t had the vision of Bella dying... she had had no vision
whatsoever... and would never have....

Bella had fallen for Jacob yet everything was soon to change...

Leaving the warmth of Jacob’s arm, Bella left the werewolf sleeping.
Carefully leaving the room she made her exit quiet, trying not to awake
Jacob or alert his father that she had stayed the night. Envying Jacob’s
quick escapes via her bedroom window, she knew that with her attraction
to the A & E wing of the hospital and her lack of balance, she was lucky if
she even managed to run without tripping. Tiptoeing down the stairs,
Bella shrugged her jacket on as the front door silently closed behind her.

A cold breeze swept across the beach. The overcast clouds caused the
sun to disappear. Shoving her hand in her pockets, Bella strolled across
the moist sand, leaving a trail of footprints behind her. The bitter wind
made her hair whip against her pale cheeks. Brushing the stray strands
aside, she shuddered, hugging her coat tightly against her. The weather
was worsening.

Glancing towards the ocean, she watched as the waves crashed

violently against the shore. Past memories resurfaced in her mind.
Determined to rid herself of the ugly thoughts, Bella found herself tossing
pebbles, sending wave after wave of ripples through the water.
Suppressing a shiver, Bella fought the memories, past emotions that she
had long since buried. A sense of calm swept through her as she centred
her thoughts on Jacob.

Human or not, he had quickly become her favourite person. She knew
that the damage caused by those whom she had once considered family,
would never heal yet Jacob, her werewolf friend had slowly mended her.
Even if at first it was purely friendship, Bella couldn’t deny her feelings
presently. She loved him, as much as her mangled heart could. It wasn’t
just friendship or love but a mixture of both plus a brotherly/sisterly
connection. In her mind, Jacob was the only reason she was still in one

Even though she had calmed herself and had finally accepted the pain,
Bella’s mind occasionally wandered to what had been, what could have
been, if he had stayed, Edward. Abandoned in the forest he had left her to
die. An emotional wreck, Bella had Sam and his pack to thank for being
alive. The weeks following had been difficult. Her mind still clung
desperately to the dreams of Edward. Hate coursed through her as she
internally blamed the entire pack for the departure of her beloved Cullens.
Still deluded with her hopes about the vampires returning, it wasn’t till an
unwelcomed visit from a certain vampire, Laurent, that Bella finally
realised what Edward truly was, a liar, a cold blooded, deceiving, heartless
liar. He had promised her dreams, hopes, love. Yet with Laurent cornering
her in the forest, Bella found to her relief, Jacob becoming her saviour.

Drawing back from her memories, she realised that it had started to
rain. Yanking her hood up, Bella froze as the distinct words echoed around

“Who’s to save you now?” the voice menacingly chuckled. Shaking, she
slowly turned to meet her visitor.

“Victoria” Bella answered, her voice small.

“And I thought you’d forget... There’s no one to save you now. No Edward.
No Jacob. Nobody. How does it feel knowing that you’re alone and you
have them to blame for your death...?” The red headed vampire almost
sang her words, her eyes transforming to black.
“My death?”

“Correct” the vampire smiled as her lips curled up intentionally, revealing

the razor-sharp tips of her fangs.

Chapter 1

Shuddering, Bella slowly began to back away, almost tripping several

times over her own feet. Victoria’s smile appeared to be widening until her
manic features became overshadowed by the sadistic grin that masked
the vampire’s face. The sun seemed to eerily shine off the jagged fangs
that filled the vampire’s deadly mouth. A disturbing thought ruined Bella’s
concentration, Within a second she’d be dead, her neck either drained or
snapped in half, all with the skill of Victoria’s teeth.

Desperate to escape, Bella broke into what she would have labelled as
a fast sprint. However before she could even place one foot in front of the
other, Victoria had unnervingly quickly moved in front of her, blocking her
path. With very few options left, Bella resorted to yelling, hoping that the
threat of angry werewolves would be enough to deter Victoria.

“Ja-!” she managed before the vampire had sufficiently cut her off.

With her hand clamped firmly over Bella’s mouth and the sharp press
of her fangs etching slowly closer to the human’s jugular, Victoria had well
and truly captured her prey. A distinct fear flickered through Bella’s eyes.
Laughing venomously, Victoria said,

“James would have been disappointed, such an easy kill but what can I
do? Nobody cares about you and you are simply too good to waste.”

Falling tears continued to dampen Bella’s already sodden cheeks. She

knew that there was no chance of being spared, after all it was because of
her that Victoria was now alone and mate-less.

Glaring down onto the frail human, Victoria felt a moment of triumph;
although her mate was now dead, he would soon be avenged. The death
of the human would soon quickly reach her vampire and werewolf lover
and then the real chase would begin. In her twisted mind the vampire had
planed everything out, after Bella’s death, when her two ‘saviours’ would
be alone, furious and determined for revenge they would hunt her, chase
her until only one amongst them survived.
Her perverse ideas seeped through to her face, replacing her manic
smile with an even more warped expression. The promise of an inevitably
painful death caused Bella to return to her escape, she wasn’t going to die
easily. Struggling against Victoria’s iron grip, Bella found herself
contemplating silently about her next move.

Watching the resilient human with amusant, Victoria began to consider

more excruciating methods of revenge. The girl was definitely
entertaining to watch and her determination was nothing to ignore but
would the human’s death leave her satisfied, Victoria thought.

Releasing her hold on Bella, Victoria stepped back. A puzzled yet

malicious expression now covered her face. With dark eyes contrasting
against her blood red hair, Victoria always appeared threatening.

“I could kill you now but why end the fun so soon?” Victoria hissed
tunefully. Tears continued to stream down Bella’s face as she addressed
the vampire.

“Why? Why me?”

“Why! You killed my mate!” Victoria replied, her voice echoing as her eyes
switched to a bloody red/black.

“But... But.. I didn’t, the Cullens did.”

“The Cullens. Where are they now? Where are your loving family now?
They had the common sense to leave you.”

“No!” Bella screamed.

“No? Why deny the truth? Why would anyone want to associate with a
human?! Especially one as pathetic as you?!”


A hysterical chuckle rippled through the air, ending their conversation.

“Victoria” stated a tall and stunning figure.

“Why Tanya, what are you doing here?”

“To see if the Cullens had truly left” answered the slender vampire.

“Tanya please!” Bella cried helplessly.

Both the vampires exchanged looks before glancing at Bella in disgust.

“As you can see they have.”

“Why, Victoria, this is a dangerous game you are playing, killing the
Cullens’s pet..”

This time it was Victoria’s turn to laugh wildly.

“But Tanya. Don’t you see? They’ve left her. They don’t care about her.
Nobody does.” A smile broke across both the vampires faces. “Would you
care to join?”

Wrinkling her nose in revulsion, Tanya replied, “No. I may loathe the
human but I am still vegetarian.”

“Fine but surely you will watch the kill?”

“No. I have matters to attend to, perhaps next time?” Tanya rejoined as
she speedily exited, leaving no evidence of her presence.

Returning her attention to Bella, the vampire felt a smile tug at her lips
as the human’s noticeable distress mixed with her scent. Up until then
Bella had found herself frozen with fear, unable to move she could only
watch the conversation regarding her death. As she realised that Victoria
was preparing to kill her, Bella felt a scream escape her lips.

Swiftly Victoria lunged at Bella, grappling the human’s neck with her
immense grip. Deafening cries filled the scene as Bella could feel the
vampire’s fangs break through her thin skin. Crippling in Victoria’s hold,
she could feel the rough points of Victoria’s fangs deepening into her
neck. With her faltering sight, Bella could only make out the distinct red of
blood, her blood, trailing down her body. A sickening emotion enveloped
her as she fell into unconsciousness.

A pulsating anguish flowed through her entire body. Engulfed by an

increasing darkness, Bella felt lost as her screams of pains failed to leave
her mouth. Individually moving her limbs, an agonizing pain jolted through
her back causing her to wince. Blinking, she immediately noticed the light,
or lack of it. Completely surrounded by utter darkness, Bella could only
think of one reason, she was dead.
Chapter 2

An intense heat burned through the centre of her back as she stumbled
more into unconsciousness. Now beyond a comatose sleep, Bella was
aware of only one thing, the excruciating, inconceivable pain that now
tore through her entire body. What had once started as a mild flame now
felt like a blazing fire which had engulfed and trapped her. However as
soon as the pain had become unbearable it had seized abruptly and had
begun to fade away. Even though the burning anguish had now left her
she could still feel its tormenting presence.

A cool breeze washed over her stinging body. For Bella it was a
welcomed change. At first the difference between the two sensations
startled her. The breeze felt like a refreshing waterfall consuming her
whole body. The pain seemed to wash away with the soft touch of the
wind, as if like two forces working against each other. Her mind finally
started to work once more. With the smouldering anguish now lost to the
gentle wind that carefully caressed her skin, she summoned the strength
to open her eyes.

Blinking several times, it took her a while to adjust to the bright light.
Moving hesitantly, she cautiously stood up.

“What the...” she managed before being silenced.

Looking around she was startled by the preciseness of everything,

nothing lacked detail. Each curve in the pebbles stood out, the sky was no
longer a plain sheet of blue but a canvas of tiny blue dots. As each wave
crashed she could hear the loud roar of the water that she had never
heard before. Glancing down at her feet she noticed the grainy sand.
Once deemed soft and golden, Bella now could see how far off she had
been. The sand was more of beige/brown, not yellow enough for gold and
certainly not smooth enough to be soft. Returning to the entire scene, she
absorbed all the new information in, as if she had never experienced the
world before.

“You’re alive.”

Startled by the voice, Bella froze.

“What have you done?” Bella asked.

“Nothing. I thought I had killed you, I certainly didn’t mean for this”
Victoria rejoined, her speech showing her seriousness.


“Why, you’re a vampire now. Like me” Victoria happily informed her,
emphasising on the latter part.



“I am not like you!” Bella yelled, placing her hand against her temple in
an attempt of controlling her sudden dizziness.

A smile replaced the blank expression that had covered Victoria’s face.
Allowing her eyes to turn to a deadly shade of black, the redhead sprang
at her, forcefully knocking into Bella. Slamming into the rough pebbles she
had previously admired, Bella was surprised when she felt nothing. Rising,
she watched Victoria’s grin falter.

“I’m not fragile anymore Victoria. In fact I’d say I’m stronger than you”
Bella announced, her voice malicious. A brief flicker of fear raced through
Victoria’s eyes before being quickly hidden. However before Vitoria could
answer there was another voice.

“Bella?” said the figure running towards them. Immensely tall, well
built and tanned, Jacob moved speedily, a fierce expression replacing his
natural softness. Reaching them he only then realised what had

“Bella... you’re a...”

“Vampire” she finished.

“Why? How?”
“Victoria” she answered, only then noticing that the redheaded vampire
was no longer present.

“Victoria!?” he questioned, his speech and eyes becoming engulfed in

rage. “She did this? That little –“he said before being cut off by the
piercing look she was giving him.

Abruptly Jacob’s attitude changed. He became conflicted. Nearing him,

Bella asked,


“Stay away from me” he said through gritted teeth as he slowly backed


Shaking, the werewolf refused to speak any further or look at her.


“SHUT UP!” he yelled, his body heaving as he lost control.

Shocked by his reaction, Bella immediately took to a defensive stance,

something that she had never done before.

“Look at you” he spat.

Still in a defensive crouch, she gradually rose.


“You’re like them. Hell you are one of them!”


“You’re a bloodsucker, a leech, you make my skin crawl.”

Staring at him, she understood what he was getting at. Picking herself
up she questioned,

“You hate me?”

“Yes.... No... I can’t help it.”

“But why? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Yet” he corrected.
“Jacob listen to yourself! I have done nothing wrong. So I’m a vampire
your point is? I’m still the same Bella you once knew. I’m still that girl, the
girl you love.”

Advancing towards her, he radiated a threatening power.

“The girl I love is dead. DEAD! You are a vampire. You are a killer! You’re
a selfish creature and I hate you! Everything about you.... Your evil.”

Stunned by what he had said, Bella was most pained by his final words.

“If I’m evil then kill me.”

Glaring at her, he walked away.

“Kill me!” she ordered.

With little time to react, Bella moved just in time before Jacob hit the
empty air where she had once stood.

“If you want death so bad go to the volturi.”

“Why won’t you kill me?”

“I think you should leave Bella.”


“I’ll tell everyone you were killed, I’ll make sure it’s believable.”

“Why won’t you kill me?!” she repeated.

Slamming her into the water, Jacob released his anger. As she stood
amongst the waves she heard his retreating figure say,

“I love you.”
Chapter 3

With very little choice, Bella could only think of two options, either
returning home and risking her father’s life or leaving, leaving everything
that she had considered hers and home. Taking one lasting look at the
beach, she shut her eyes and breathed deeply in, an action which felt
awkwardly unnatural. Surprisingly it didn’t take her long to deliberate.
Even though her father would be left heartbroken at least he would
remain alive. That thought alone allowed her to leave, nothing little of her
parent’s protection would make her depart.

Opening her eyes, she knew that if she could cry than she would have
done so. The stretching rays of sunlight appeared to be reaching across
the sky, clawing the clouds. Looking at the sand she expected to see her
usual deep footprints. There was no trace of her presence, no shapes in
the sand, nothing. Knowing that she was delaying her departure, Bella
took a sweeping glance before running.
Quickly hitting the forests past her house, Bella only briefly reflected
on her speed, it felt faster than any of the Cullens had managed. A twinge
of pain stabbed through her mind before swiftly calming.

“No Cullens. Not today. They ruined everything. They caused this” she
mumbled, inaudible to anyone else.

The crunching of breaking twigs beneath her feet rang loudly in her
ears as she moved. Unsure of where exactly she was heading to, Bella
was shocked when she found herself surrounded by familiar scenes.
Standing in the meadow, she could remember every detail of the day she
had spent there with Edward. Although it was blurry Bella could recall
exactly how she had felt, feelings that she had long since buried.

Shaking herself off the memories, she clenched her fists; she would not
allow herself to dwell on past lies. Looking up at the branches, she was
pleased when she saw and though of nothing but the wood that stood in
front of her. Still Bella longed to test her limits. If I could just prove that I
didn’t feel anything then I’d be fine, she thought.

Accelerating, she soon found what she had been searching for.
Devoured by overgrown foliage, the Cullens’ house was barely
identifiable. Weaving through the increasing forestry, Bella navigated her
way to the front of the house. It had only been five months since the
Cullens had left yet the house seemed to have aged incredibly. Allowing
her hand to brush against the walls, she shuddered each time an old
memory would resurface. Finally she let go feeling triumphant. She had
imagined it to be torturous however it hadn’t felt like that at all. A sense
of peace and calm now overwhelmed her.

Smiling, she soon remembered what had happened. Thinking

systematically, Bella tried to decide what to do next. I’m a vampire. I’m a
newborn vampire. Which means what, she heard her conscience ask.
Which means I’m unstable and I drink blood, BLOOD! Rather than confuse
her further, her internal conversation she had just had had alerted her to
something that had always repulsed her, blood. The Cullens, the many
stories and Jacob’s fears had all confirmed to her one thing, vampires
were blood drinkers. No matter how moral the vampire was, they always
devoured blood, even the vegetarians.

Feeling no hunger, Bella was far from complacent. She had seen the
hunger strike before, it possessed you, even the strongest of vampires fell
to the pull of feeding. Desperate to do the honourable choice and resist
feeding as long as she could, Bella knew that it was impossible and if she
was to become overwhelmed by the hunger, than it was best if she was
isolated from humans. A shiver passed through her at the thought of such
a thing. Nonetheless if isolation meant her not murdering humans then
isolation was her only choice.

Taking one last look at the house, she washed her mind blank before
racing away towards the mountainous region, which she had heard was
where the Cullens used to hunt. Speedily climbing the rocks, she reached
the top of the cliff-like area. Surrounded by animals, Bella hoped that her
first kill would be easy.

The sun began to set, its red rays illuminating the sky before being
replaced by the night. The moon gradually became evident, bringing with
it an array of glowing stars and a chilly breeze. Mesmerised by the stars,
she found herself acknowledging that she had never seen such natural
beauty; her human sight had done the world an injustice. The choppy
wind that usually would have caused her teeth to chatter had little effect
on her.

Quickly time passed, soon she had waited an entire day yet the hunger
had still to appear. Pacing around, she remained always vigilant. A
passing deer mixed with the wind, causing its scent to travel to where
Bella was. Expecting such a situation to end in a fast kill, she was
surprised and frustrated when she felt nothing. Yeah it’s a deer, so what,
she thought. Another day passed and it was swiftly becoming clear that
the hunger was either waiting or there was something wrong with her.
Perhaps she was only attracted to human blood? Maybe it was a certain
type of animal that she liked? Or maybe she didn’t like blood at all... the
latter solution made Bella laugh. All vampires liked blood, it was what
made them vampires and she was one.

Chapter 4

Knowing that her presence in Forks would soon become an unavoidable

trouble, Bella had only one choice, to leave. Surprisingly, she felt rather
unmoved by such news. Guessing that it was the vampirism finally
settling in, she dismissed her lack of emotion, her only real problem was
keeping her family and friends alive and that meant distancing herself.
Clambering up the tall trees with ease, Bella took a sweeping glance of
the place she had once called home.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”

The sudden voice did not alarm her. She had previously had the
feeling that she had sensed a non-human. Leaping from a great height,
her feet barely made a noise as she connected with the ground.
“Demitri? What brings you here?”

An increasing smile overtook his other fine features.

“Allow me to congratulate you on your change. I must say it suits you
“Thank you” she replied, her tone icy.
“Very well indeed” he continued, stepping closer towards her.

Glancing up, she challenged his gaze, instantly adopting a strong act.
Thinking that he would soon break her down, Demitri quickly grew
hesitant as he discovered Bella’s power.
“Now tell me, what are you doing here? Are you alone?”
“Personal aren’t we?” he chuckled, stepping back.
“What business brings you here?”
“You’re no fun. The Volturi should’ve kept you human. It does not concern
you but I was sent to check for the Cullens.”

Moving further away, she maintained eye contact as she applauded

herself mentally for not flinching at the mention of her former family.
“They are not here.”
“As I discovered. What I did not expect is for them to turn you and then

Clearly the Volturi knew little of the true circumstance or whereabouts

of the Cullens, Bella thought.
“If it is information you seek I have none. I myself have no idea where
they are or why they left.”

Her words caused the guard to grow bemused yet he persisted.

“But you chose to stay?”

Amazed at her own skilful lying and adept improvisation, Bella

sustained her nonchalant act, hoping that he would finally leave.
“I am not as close to them as they would have you believe” she shrugged.
As she tried to move past the brawny vampire, she found herself beaten
and blocked off by Demitri’s natural talent and instinct.
“So you will have me believe that the human the Cullens risked their lives
for, knows nothing?”
“You lie. I can sense it.”
Unprepared for such an accusation, she knew that if she had been
human, her body would have been shaking intensely.
“Then you sense nothing. The Cullens became bored of me, found me
lacking interest.”
“Perhaps Edward loves another?”

The mere suggestion ripped her heart into pieces. The most logical of
all explanations had not disturbed her thoughts. Yet here with Demitri
questioning her, she could only agree with the guard, perhaps he did love
another, she questioned silently. Shirking her doubt away, Bella presented
an indifferent exterior, as if the suggestion had not affected her.

“You are not hurt?” he asked, a certain curiosity filling his voice.
“No. Why should I be?”
“Forgive me for stating but from what I have heard, you Miss Swan are
presumed to be extremely naive and delicate”
“Your point?” she questioned, folding her arms.
“My point is, from what I have seen you are the complete opposite. Not a
frail, pure, pretty but a dangerously attractive beauty.”
“I am sorry but I don’t understand you.”

“Understand this; I believe that you will prove to be a promising asset

to the Volturi” he rejoined enthusiastically.
“You want me to join the Volturi?”
“I thought the Volturi were Italian?”
“I have French ancestry” he answered proudly.

As exciting as Demitri’s personal history was, Bella still remained

awestruck by his proposal.
“You want me to be a guard?”
“Yes but I will have to present you first to the others.”
“What if I don’t want to be a guard?” she challenged.
“Then you don’t but do you really want to be a newborn vampire alone,
especially with so many already after your precious head?” Demitri said,
mimicking Bella’s earlier blasé attitude.

“What would it entail?”

“Nothing much. If you have any talents then them of course, otherwise
just what is expected of a bodyguard.”
“But why me?”
“Let’s just say you have a certain je ne sais quoi” he replied. “So you say
the Cullens are missing?”

With her casual shrug in response, he became silent and thoughtful.

Mercifully the string of questions, suggestions and conversation stopped
entirely there. Taking this as her cue to escape, Bella began to back away,
still watching the puzzled guard as she moved. With no movement on his
part, Bella darted through the trees that surrounded the cliff.

As she moved her mind was consumed with only a single thought, the
volturi are in, or will be in Forks, searching for the Cullens. Her muscles
continued to surge on as she remained unsure of her destination. The
exercise proved to be helpful as she attempted to piece together a plan.
Desperate to elude the vampire royalty at all cost, she knew that she had
to flee Forks swiftly. Demitri may not have been able to track her when
she had been human but now vampire, she wasn’t taking any risks at all.

Comment and rate please xD

But remember, please be nice,

I’m just a teen with a grudge against Breaking dawn =P

Comments = chapters ^^

Translations: Exactement – exactly

Je ne sais quoi – literally meaning: I don’t know what

(tending to be a

compliment, a certain trait etc, that is


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