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Deepak Porwal
Reg no-11108002 ,Section-E3E14,RollNo-A-30
(Lovely Professional University Punjab)
(Department of Electrical & Electronics)

ABSTRACT: The performance of power

decreases with the size, the loading
and the complexity of the networks. This is
related to problems with load flow, power
oscillations and voltage quality. Where
contractual power flows do no more follow the
initial design criteria of the existing network
configuration. Additional problems can arise in
case of large system interconnections, especially
when the connecting AC links are weak. FACTS
devices, however, provide the necessary features
to avoid technical problems in the power
systems and they increase the transmission
efficiency. This paper presents a study on the
design of a shunt connected FACTS device
(STATCOM) and investigates the application of
this device to control voltage dynamics and to
damp out the oscillation in electric power
system. STATCOM is one of the key shunt
controllers in flexible alternating current
transmission system (FACTS) to control the
transmission line voltage and can be used to
enhance the load ability of transmission line and
extend the voltage stability margin.
Keywords: FACTS, STATCOM, transient
INTRODUCTIONThe power system is an interconnection of
generating units to load centres through high
voltage electric transmission lines and in general is
mechanically controlled. It can be divided into
three subsystems: generation, transmission and
distribution subsystems. In order to provide
cheaper electricity the deregulation of power
system, which will produce separate generation,
transmission and distribution companies, is already
being performed. At the same time electric power
demand continues to grow and also building of the
new generating units and transmission circuits is
becoming more difficult because of economic and
environmental reasons. Therefore, power utilities
are forced to rely on utilization of existing
generating units and to load existing transmission
lines close to their thermal limits. However

stability has to be maintained at all times. Hence, in

order to operate power system effectively, without
reduction in the system security and quality of
supply, even in the case of contingency conditions
such as loss of transmission lines and/or generating
units, which occur frequently, and will most
probably occur at a higher frequency under
deregulation, a new controlstrategies need to be
implemented. The future growth of power systems
will rely more on increasing capability of already
existing transmission systems, rather than on
building new transmission lines and power stations,
for economic and environmental reasons. Ideally,
these new controllers should be able to control
voltage levels and flow of active and reactive
power on transmission lines to allow for their
secure loading, to full thermal capability in some
cases, with no reduction of system stability and
security.The location of STATCOM for power
flow control in transmission system has been
presented. The FACTS devices are introduced in
the power system transmission for the reduction of
the transmission line losses and also to increase the
transfer capability. STATCOM is VSC based
controller to regulate the voltage by varying the
reactive power in a long transmission line. The
effectiveness of SVC and STATCOM of same
rating for the enhancement of power flow has been
demonstrated. The modelling of converter-based
controllers when two or more VSCs are coupled to
a dc link has been presented .The optimal location
of shunt FACTS devices in transmission line for
highest possible benefit under normal condition
and has been investigated .A shunt connected
controllable source of reactive power, and two
series connected voltage-sourced converters - one
on each side of the shunt device was presented. An
overview of how series connected and combined
series/shunt connected FACTS controllers are
studied in an AC system has been highlighted. The
optimum required rating of series and shunt
flexible ac transmission systems controllers for
EHVAC long transmission lines by computing
`optimum compensation requirement' (OCR) for
different loading conditions has been demonstrated

A series passive compensation and shunt active
compensation provided by a static synchronous
compensator (STATCOM) connected at the
electrical centre of the transmission line to
minimize the effects of SSR has been presented. A
novel approach for damping inter-area oscillations
in a large power network using multiple
A STATCOM is a controlled reactive-power
source. It provides the desired reactive-power
generation and absorption entirely by means of
electronic processing of the voltage and current
waveforms in a voltage source converter (VSC). A
single-line STATCOM power circuit is shown in
Fig. 1.(a), where a VSC is connected to a utility
bus through magnetic coupling. In Fig. 1.(b), a
STATCOM is seen as an adjustable voltage source
behind a reactance meaning that capacitor banks
and shunt reactors are not needed for reactivepower generation and absorption, thereby giving a
STATCOM a compact design, or small footprint,
as well as low noise and low magnetic impact.The
exchange of reactive power between the converter
and the ac system can be controlled by varying the
amplitude of the 3-phase output voltage Es, of the
converter, as illustrated in Fig. 1.(c). That is, if the
amplitude of the output voltage is increased above
that of the utility bus voltage, Et, then a current
flows through the reactance from the converter to
the ac system and the converter generates
capacitive-reactive power for the ac system. If
the amplitude of the output voltage is decreased
below the utility bus voltage, then the current flows
from the ac system to the converter and the
converter absorbs inductive-reactive .

Fig. 1. The STATCOM principle diagram: (a) a

power circuit; (b) an equivalent circuit; and (c) a
power exchange power from the ac system.

Principle of STATCOMThe STATCOM is made up of a shunt transformer,

a voltage source converter (VSC), a DC capacitor,
a magnetic circuit, and a controller. If there is no

energy storage device coupled to the DC link and

the losses are neglected, neither shunt converter is
capable of absorbing or generating real power so
that only operating in the reactive domain
impossible. The reactive power exchange of
STATCOM with the AC system is controlled by
regulating the output voltage amplitude of VSC. If
the amplitude is increased above that of the AC
system, the current flows through the shunt
transformer from the STATCOM to the AC
system, and the device generates reactive power
(capacitive). If the amplitude is decreased to a level
below that of the ac system, then the current flows
from the AC system to STATCOM. The capacitor
is used to maintain DC voltage to the VSC, which
itself keeps the capacitor charged to the required
levels. Thus, by controlling the VSC output voltage
lead or lag with respect to the AC system voltage,
the capacitor DC voltage can be decreased or
increased, respectively, to control the reactive
power output of the device. When the VSC voltage
leads the bus voltage, the capacitor supplies active
power to the system, reducing its voltage; on the
other hand, when the VSC voltage lags the bus
voltage, the capacitor is charged by Consuming
active power from the system. The structure of a
STATCOM with phase and PWM based .


A typical V-I characteristic of a STATCOM is
depicted in Fig.1. As can be seen, the STATCOM
can supply both the capacitive and the inductive
compensation and is able to independently control
its output current over the rated maximum
capacitive or inductive range irrespective of the
amount of ac-system voltage That is, the
STATCOM can provide full capacitive-reactive
power at any system voltage even as low as 0.15pu.
The characteristic of a STATCOM reveals strength
of this technology: that it is capable of yielding the
full output of capacitive generation almost
independently of the system voltage (constant
current output at lower voltages). This capability is
particularly useful for situations in which the
STATCOM is needed to support the system
voltage during and after faults where voltage
collapse would otherwise be a limiting Factor



Fig. 2. The V-I characteristic of the STATCOM


SYSTEMSWithout losing generality, a three-bus STATCOM
system shown in Fig. is employed to derive the
model. It resembles the case where power is
transmitted through an electrical transmission line
connecting various generators and loads at its
sending and receiving end. i t should be noted that
except the STATCOM parameters, all the
transmission network parameters are not known in

The main reason for reactive power compensation

in a system is: 1) the voltage regulation; 2)
increased system stability; 3) better utilization of
machines connected to the system; 4) reducing
losses associated with the system; and 5) to prevent
voltage collapse as well as voltage sag. The
impedance of transmission lines and the need for
lagging VAR by most machines in a generating
system results in the consumption of reactive
power, thus affecting the stability limits of the
system as well as transmission lines. Unnecessary
voltage drops lead to increased losses which needs
to be supplied by the source and in turn leading to
outages in the line due to increased stress on the
system to carry this imaginary power. Thus we can
infer that the compensation of reactive power not
only mitigates all these effects but also helps in
better transient response to faults and disturbances.
In recent times there has been an increased focus
on the techniques used for the compensation and
with better devices included in the technology, the
compensation is made more effective. It is very
much required that the lines be relieved of the
obligation to carry the reactive power, which is
better provided near the generators or the loads.
Shunt compensation can be installed near the load,
in a distribution substation or transmission

Fig. 3. Three bus system model with STATCOM.


(b) Requires less space as bulky passive
components (such as reactors) are eliminated
(c) Inherently modular and re locatable
(d) It can be interfaced with real power sources
such as battery, fuel cellar SMES (superconducting
magnetic energy storage)
(e) A STATCOM has superior performance during
low voltage condition as the reactive current can be
maintained constant (In a SVC, the capacitive
reactive current drops linearly with the voltage at
the limit (of capacitive susceptance). It is even
possible to increase the reactive current in a
STATCOM under transient conditions if the
devices are rated for the transient overload. In a
SVC, the maximumreactive current is determined
by the rating of the passive components reactors
and capacitors.
A STATCOM is comparable to a Synchronous
Condenser (or Compensator) which can variable
reactive power and regulate the voltage of the bus
where it is connected.


STATCOMSTATCOM by injecting current in parallel with
transmission line could control bus voltage and
active power. For this purpose, the STSTCOM
sampling from DC-link capacitor voltage as well as
the UPFC connected bus voltage and then by
converting these values to dq0 parameters by Parks
transformation and calculating voltages in per unit
as follows:
Vd Vq
VbusandVdcare compared by distinct values
according to the block diagram depicted in Fig. 1,
and generates error signals as follows:
Generated error signals carried to controllers and
output of controllers converted to abcparameters
again and enter to the PWM pulse generating unit.
By adjusting control parameters of controllers and
switching, finally error signals carried to zero. And
accordingly VbusandVdcstabled in their reference

Switching technique is shown in figure 4.
According to this figure, SPWM compares
reference signal and carrier signal which is a
triangular signal to generate switching pulses. In
this technique, if the reference signal is more than
carrier one then switch will be on, else off. Pulse
widths could be changed to control the output
voltage. Although pulse widths could be different
to each other, we can select the pulse width in such
way that desired harmonics come out and the most
common technique is sinusoidal pulse width
modulation (SPWM). As thereference signal in this
way is a sinusoidal form, this PWM technique is
called SPWM. In SPWM, DF is unity and power
factor will be corrected.

Fig. 4. SPWM technique for switching

Modulation amplitude index, ma and Modulation

Frequency modulation, mf are expressed using

following equations
Ma=Vm.sin(e)/Vm,tri = Vm,sin(e)
Vout=MaVdcsin (2*3.14*Fsinet-Q)

MULTILAYER PERCEPTION (MLP)Neural Networks (NNs) have succeeded to solve

several power system problems, such as: planning;

control; analysis; protection; design; load

forecasting; and fault diagnosis. The
last three ones are the most popular . The simple
neuron model is made from studies of the human
brain neurons. A neuron in the brain receives its
chemical input from other neurons through its
dendrites. If the input exceeds a certain threshold,
the neuron fires its own impulse on to the neurons
it is connected to by its axon .A. Concept of
perceptron Type of NN has been created based on
computations unit,that is named perceptron. A
perceptron receives vector ofinputs with real values
and calculates liner composition of these inputs. If
result is more than threshold value, perceptron
output is 1 and otherwise is -1. This concept has
been shown in Fig.5.

The perceptron can be trained by adjusting the

weights of the inputs with Supervised Learning. In
this learning technique, the patterns to be
recognized are known in advance, and a training
set of input values are already classified with the
desired output. Before commencing, the weights
are initialized with random values. Each training
set is then presented for the perceptron in turn. For
every input set the output from the perceptron is
compared to the desired output. If the output is
correct, no weights are altered. However, if the
output is wrong, we have to distinguish which of
the patterns we would like the result to be, and
adjust the weights on the currently active inputs
towards the desired result . For training of a
perceptron used relationship

Structure of MLP:
Building on the algorithm of the simple Perceptron,
the MLP model not only gives a perceptron
structure for representing more than two classes, it
also defines a learning rule for this kind of
network. The MLP is divided into three layers: the
input layer, the hidden layer and the output layer,
where each layer in this order gives the input to the
next. The extra layers gives the structure needed to
recognise non-linearly separable classes. The
structure has been illustrated in Fig.6.


Output of first layer is input vector of second layer,

and also second layer output creates third layer
inputs and third layer outputs are real response of
network. The number of first and third layer
neurons are equal to the number of system inputs
and outputs, respectively. The number of middle
layer is determined based on burdensome of
The threshold function of the units is modified to
be a function that is continuous derivative, the
sigmoid function. The use of the sigmoid function
gives the extra information necessary for the
network to implement the back-propagation
training algorithm. Back-propagation works by
finding the squared error (the Error function) of the
entire network, and
then calculating the error term for each of the
output and hidden units by using the output from
the previous neuron layer. The weights of the entire
network are then adjusted with dependence on the
error term and the given learning rate.

Adjustment of MLP
In this paper, this system has two inputs (dq0
parameters) and three outputs (active and reactive
power as well as current) thus first layer and third
layer of MLP has two neurons and three neurons,
respectively. The number of middle layer neurons
are three neurons determined by trail and error.
Sigmoid function used for middle layer and output
layer. The function has been explained in
Appendix A. Weights between layers has been
extracted by training network. The neural network
has been simulated using Neural Networks
Toolbox in MATLAB software. The process of
MLP controller design follows:
1) Derivation of data by PI controller
2) Neural network training and selection of the
number of middle layer and its neurons
3) Derivation of weights between layers
4) System implementation.
In this paper, perceptron rule was used for
perceptron training. In training, for X=(x1, x2, ,
xn) in each step, weights are changing based on
perceptron rule:

wi = ( t o ) xi
VI. SIMULATION In this section to illustrate
effectiveness as well asreliability of the proposed
controller, work of designed MLPcontroller has
been conventional PI and PID controller. PI
controller is the PID controller lacking the D
branch. PI controller is a kind of feedback control,
and has a fast response time due to the integrated
proportional action. PI controller prevents the
system from the oscillations. Also,could return the
system to the desired state. Although, the PI
response time is less than I controller, but could
work up to 50% of the P controller, therefore this
controller is combinedwith P controller to reduce
the response time.Dynamic performance of
STATCOM has been depicted using time domain
voltage and current waveforms. Test system has
environment, i.e. Fig. 7. In the system, a
STATCOM has-been used to control the power
flow over 230 KV transmission line. This system is
constructed in meshed form which consisting two
buses (bus-1 and bus-2) connectedto each other
through a 500 transmission line named L1. The
system supplied by two infinite buses having phase
to phase voltage equal to 230kV.It should be noted
that the output real and reactive power of infinite
buses are same and equal to (1.642-j0.4089) in per
unit. According to the Fig.7, STATCOM has
located between B1and B2, and was used to control
active and reactive power and injected current of
bus-B1 [19]. Fig.8 shows voltage, current, active
and reactive powers of bus 1

According to the results of Table 1, peak value of

MLP controller is 2.73 and 0.94 kV less than peak
value of PID and PI controllers, respectively. Peak
time of these controllers is 0.0215, 0.0113 and
0.0153 sec. for PID, PI and MLP controller,
respectively. PI and MLP controllers are free fall
value but fall value of PID controller is 3.18 kV.
MLP controller reaches to steady state prior than
that of PID and PI controllers approximately
0.6141 and 0.0161 sec., respectively.

Injected CurrentFig. 9 shows behaviour of controllers when current

injection and Table 2 has presented peak value, fall
value and settle time of Fig.10

(d) Reactive power

Fig. 8. parameters of bus 1 Fig.9 shows voltage of DC
link of STATCOM that has been presented by PI, PID
and MLP controller. In the system, it is assumed that the
DC-link capacitor voltage is 45kV.

PID and MLP controllers have delay timeline. PI

controller starts earlier to rise at t=0.00262 sec. At
the moment 0.00673 sec., PID and MLP controllers
have similar behaviour. In Table 1, three control
parameters have been listed for each controller.
Parameter PID PI MLP
Peak Value(kV) 6.88 5.45 4.51
Fall Value(kV) 3.18 None None
Settle time(s) 0.634 0.0360 0.0199

In this case, peak and fall values have been

considered maximum and minimum swing before
arrive to steady state. Considering results of Table
2, MLP controller has least peak and fall values.
Peak value of MLP controller is less than PID
and PI controllers about 6.799 and 0.034 pu for
peak value, respectively. Peak value occurs at
moment 7.21, 0.445 and 0.411 sec. for PID, PI and
MLP controllers, respectively. Fall value of PID
and PI controller is 4.06 and 2.99 pu more than all
value of MLP controller, respectively. Settle time
of MLP
controller is 0.0136 and 0.0031 sec. less than settle
time of PID and PI controllers, respectively.
Occurrence instant of fall value is 0.00758, 0.701
and 0.555 sec. for PID, PI and MLP controllers,

Active power
Fig. 11 illustrates injected reactive power by
STATCOM controller.

4-Restoration scenarios to be modelled in

PSCAD simulation software
5-FACTs devices introduced to scenario
6-Control systems developed
7-Restoration scenario will then be tested
experimentally using Lab Test Bench


Peak value of MLP controller is 1.155 and 0.23 pu

less than peak value of PID and PI controllers,
respectively. The peak value occurs at 0.0365,
0.0297 and 0.0247 sec. for PID, PI and MLP
controllers, respectively. Fall value of MLP is1.66
and 0.17 pu less than settle time of PID and PI
controller, respectively. Fall time is 0.0190, 0.0172
and 0.0167 sec. for PID, PI and MLP controllers,
respectively. Settle time of MLP controller is
0.0432 and 0.0072 sec., less than PID and PI
controllers, respectively.

Reactive power
Extracted restive power by STATCOM has been
shown in Fig. 12. Table 3 presented three main
control parameters of PID, PI and MLP controllers.

The modelling of a Stat Com for power system
applications is presented in this paper. Three types
of state feedback controllers are developed and
compared. One of the main advantages Of these
approaches is that the nearly linear behaviour of
the Stator response enables linear control methods
to be effectively Employed. This allows a wide
range of design strategies to be explored with
linear tools, while a nonlinear simulation need only
be applied during the final stages of design to
substantiate the control.

Future Use1-Speed of restoration after large blackouts is

an issue
2-During restoration process over long
transmission lines, voltage stability,
Frequency stability are issues
3-Transmission and wind-farm STATCOMs
offers opportunities for coordinated

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