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09 / 07 / 08
Stop the Clock !
Joshua 10: 12 - 14

Sometimes in solemn assemblies, when contending parties deliberate, crucial decisions must be
made, or far reaching agreements arrived at by a specified time, hour or deadline. The parties will
agree to “stop the clock” at a particular hour - say one minute before deadline. Whatever decisions
are made, are recorded as at the time when the clock was stopped (even though deliberations went
far beyond the specified hour).

For reflection Today, we go to the time of Joshua, when “the clock was stopped”. Joshua -
successor to Moses and a mighty man of God, was in a struggle to carve out a space for God’s
people. He had taken over from Moses on their way to the promised land. As new leader and nation,
Joshua and Israel were conquering new territories and meeting new challenges. They were
establishing new rules and ways of living and carving out their own spaces in hostile environments
and conditions. Joshua formed various alliances and fought many battles with the enemies of Israel.

In one such battle, Gibeon was under attack for forging peace and an alliance with Joshua. The
People of Gibeon asked for Joshua’s help with this challenge. Joshua in turn asked help of God.
God assured him not to be afraid because he had delivered the challengers into Joshua’s hand.
Joshua set himself to the task at hand. As he worked on the solution, time became a problem. It
seemed that the coming darkness would prevent him from accomplishing his mission. For Joshua,
the temptation to postpone the struggle to another time must have been strong. After all, God had
promised his aid. Surely if he left it to the next day, God will fulfill his promise? Joshua
commanded the sun to “keep still”! He turned his back on the natural progression of the clock. He
stuck to the task at hand and accomplished the victory promised by God.

How many times, in our own peculiar struggles and battles, have we rested in God’s promise of
sure victory and left the battlefield and its tasks to the next day when conditions may be more
favorable? Sometimes we ease up, take a break and wait for another day when continued focus on
the task at hand would have brought us victory. How many times have we ceased our labours at
precisely the time when victory would have been assured if we “forgot” the time or “stopped the
clock” when the temptation came to cease our labours until another day or more favorable time?
How often have we not accomplished our mission because it is 4.00 o’clock, time for the office to
close, time for the TV show or other more pleasant temptations?

I pray that, as we face our various Gibeons, we “stop the clock”, take our minds off the passage of
time and gain the promised results and mastery for which we prayed.


Ashley R Cain
(As you care, share The Thought Today)

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