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SET 5878 - Instabilidade dos Elementos Estruturais de Ao


A theoretical analysis of the local buckling in thin-walled bars
with open cross-section subjected to warping torsion

Autor do artigo: Andrzej Szychowski

Instituio: Universidade Tecnolgica de Kielce, Polnia
Data de publicao: disponvel online 30 de Novembro de 2013
Veculo de publicao: revista Thin-Walled Structures

Autor da anlise crtica: Pablo Augusto Krahl

31 de outubro de 2014


INTRODUO .................................................................................................................. 3

RESUMO DO ARTIGO ..................................................................................................... 3


Hipteses ...................................................................................................................... 3


Bimomento crtico local............................................................................................... 4


Determinao da tenso de empenamento crtica ........................................................ 5


Coeficientes k da tenso crtica de empenamento...................................................... 8


Exemplos ..................................................................................................................... 9


Concluses ................................................................................................................. 12

CONCLUSES DA ANLISE CRTICA ....................................................................... 13

BIBLIOGRAFIA............................................................................................................... 13

ANEXO ............................................................................................................................. 14

As barras com perfis formados a frio de seo aberta e paredes delgadas so suscetveis
instabilidade local.
Quando existe restrio ao empenamento, variao de momento toror ou seo varivel as
barras de seo aberta e paredes delgadas submetidas toro apresentam tenses normais
seo. O esforo resultante desta distribuio denomina-se bimomento.
(Szychowski, 2014) afirma que os perfis formados a frio podem sofrer instabilidade local
devido exclusivamente s tenses normais provenientes da toro no-uniforme.
O tema pode ser considerado atual, pois normas como o AISI e Eurocode no consideram a
possibilidade da ocorrncia de instabilidade local destes elementos.
(Szychowski, 2014) prope um mtodo simplificado para estimar a tenso crtica de
flambagem local, bimomento crtico e toror crtico que provocam instabilidade local. Este
mtodo proposto a partir de anlises numricas.

2.1 Hipteses
A barra estudada tem enrijecedores de alma e mesas distribudos continuamente ao longo do
comprimento. Nestes pontos a linha do esqueleto considerada rgida, Figura 1.

Figura 1 Barra de seo aberta e paredes delgadas com enrijecedores de alma e mesa
Fonte: Adaptado de (Szychowski, 2014)

Os trechos delimitados por dois enrijecedores so denominados seguimentos. A geometria da

seo e o sistema de eixos adotado para o seguimento so mostrados na Figura 2.

Figura 2 Seguimento da barra

Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

Duas chapas conectadas em uma borda o nmero mnimo para compor um seguimento.
Sendo as chapas que o compe de dois tipos: chapa interna (tipo I) e chapa com borda
longitudinal livre (tipo II). A chapa tipo I apoiada em todas as bordas e a chapa tipo II tem
uma das bordas livre.
Na ligao com os enrijecedores, as chapas so consideradas simplesmente apoiadas.
Na fase anterior a instabilidade assume-se:

A linha do esqueleto indeformvel;


A distoro no plano da chapa desprezada (teoria de Vlasov);

A distribuio das tenses de empenamento seguem da teoria da toro no-uniforme.

2.2 Bimomento crtico local

Pela teoria de Vlasov, sabe-se que o bimomento pode ser obtido pela Equao 1.



tenso crtica de flambagem local


momento de inrcia setorial;


coordenada da rea setorial principal, em que a tenso crtica.

2.3 Determinao da tenso de empenamento crtica

O mtodo simplificado consiste em obter a tenso crtica de Euler para as configuraes da
chapa e com o coeficiente k, obtido por bacos, calcular a tenso crtica de flambagem local
pela Equao 2 e a tenso de Euler pela Equao 3.
, = ,
, =



12(1 2 )


modulo de elasticidade do material;

coeficiente de Poisson;

t s:

espessura da chapa;

bs :

largura da chapa.

Para obter a tenso crtica e assim gerar os bacos necessrio utilizar um mtodo numrico.
Portanto, precisam-se estabelecer as condies de contorno estticas e cinemticas para
determinar o funcional de energia e assim obter os autovalores e autovetores do seguimento.
As condies de contorno das chapas tipo I so:
= 0; 1 ( ) =

; 2 ( ) para = 0, =

Para a chapa tipo II:

= 0; 1 ( ) =

para = 0

= 0;
+ ) 2
= 0 para =

Para cada tipo de chapa admitido um campo de deslocamentos para avaliar a instabilidade
local, mas ambas so sries polinomiais senoidais. Sendo para a chapa tipo I:



( , ) =
E para chapa tipo II:



( , ) =

t s:



adimensional, parmetro funo do deslocamento de placa;


polinmios obtidos da Equao 6;


Algumas das variveis das Eq. 4 e 5 seguem na figura

Figura 3 Chapas tipo I e tipo II

Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

Com os campos de deslocamentos definidos possvel determinar a energia de deformao da

chapa. Lembrando que utiliza-se a energia de deformao de placa, pois na ocorrncia de
excentricidades as tenses normais aplicadas chapa provocam momentos fletores que no
so levados em conta na de estado plano de tenso.
A energia de deformao de placa segue na Equao 7.

( )2 2(1 )

2 0 0

O trabalho das tenses normais aplicadas na direo do plano mdio da placa est associado
derivada do deslocamento lateral em relao direo de aplicao das tenses, como
expresso na Equao 8.

( , )

2 0 0 ,

Sendo ,s a distribuio de tenses ao longo da chapa. Esta distribuio admitida segundo a

teoria da toro no-uniforme de Vlasov. Portanto, a variao das tenses na direo
longitudinal do seguimento depende da forma de variao do bimomento.
As chapas so carregadas com tenses normais de empenamento de acordo com as hipteses
de Vlasov. A Equao 9 representa a distribuio de tenses ao longo da chapa.

Em que

, ( , ) = 0 1

( )

s :

parmetro que descreve a distribuio de tenses na borda carregada;

0 :

tenso de comparao na borda;

s :

coeficiente de distribuio de tenses na direo da largura da placa;

(xs): funo da distribuio normal de tenses ao longo do comprimento.

Com a energia total possvel obter os autovalores e autovetores para um seguimento ou uma
chapa isolada com condies de contorno cinemticas ideais.
No caso da anlise de um seguimento, necessrio considerar a energia de todas as chapas,
alm das seguintes condies de contorno.
A condio de equilbrio dos momentos fletores na i-sima chapa da conexo das r chapas
leva Equao 10.

( ) = 0



A continuidade dos deslocamentos (giro) na i-sima borda de ligao das r chapas leva a r-1
equaes na forma Equao 11.
( ) +1 (+1 ) = 0


Para realizar a minimizao funcional de energia utilizado o mtodo do multiplicador de

Lagrange, Equao 12.

= + ( )




Energia potencial total;


multiplicador de Lagrange;

Rq(fins): condies de contorno, sendo q o nmero de condies de contorno

A tenso crtica ento determinada por meio das Eqs. 13 que representam o problema de
autovalor e autovetor.


( ) = 0


2.4 Coeficientes k da tenso crtica de empenamento

So determinados coeficientes k para barras com seo Z, U e I. Como mencionado, o
objetivo do autor simplificar a anlise de instabilidade local em barras de seo aberta e
parede delgadas submetidas toro no-uniforme. Ento, com os bacos apresentados a
seguir e com o clculo da tenso crtica de Euler (Equao 3), pode-se avaliar a estabilidade
local destes elementos.
Para chegar aos diagramas de k feita a anlise de autovalor e a tenso crtica dividida pela
tenso de Euler e relacionada esbeltez ls / b1. Na Figura 4, Figura 5, Figura 6 so
apresentados os diagramas das sees Z, U e I, respectivamente.

Figura 4 Diagramas para obteno de k de sees Z. (a) tenso de empenamento
comprimindo a mesa. (b) tenso de empenamento comprimindo a alma.
Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

Figura 5 Curvas para obteno de k de sees U

Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

Figura 6 Diagramas para obteno de k de sees I

Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

Nas sees monossimtricas e duplamente simtricas os diagramas de tenso de

empenamento so sempre antissimtricos. Portanto, ao aplicar o toror nos dois sentidos a
tenso crtica a mesma.
Destaca-se que as linhas contnuas, exceto a com m = 0, representam os seguimentos com
gradiente de tenses linear entre enrijecedores e as linhas tracejadas representam os
seguimentos com variao quadrtica.
2.5 Exemplos
Os exemplos apresentados so os mesmos de (Szychowski, 2014). Dentre estes constam:
clculo de bimomento crtico, apresentao do autovetores de instabilidade local e estimativa
do toror crtico da barra a partir do bimomento crtico do seguimento. Somente os problemas
com seo Z so colocados.
Exemplo 1.Determinar o bimomento crtico para um seguimento com seo aberta e paredes
delgadas, cuja barra submetida toro no-uniforme. Admite-se distribuio linear de
bimomento ao longo do seguimento, com gradiente de bimomento m=0,5. Comparar o limite
elstico estabelecido pelo bimomento de plastificao e o limite estabelecido pelo bimomento

crtico. O comprimento do seguimento ls=360 mm, Figura 7. Considera a tenso de

escoamento de 355 MPa.
1) dimenses da linha
b2=120mm; t1,2,3=1,2 mm




2) coordenadas setoriais e constante de empenamento:

1=27 cm; 2=-9 cm; I=389 cm6
3) tenso de Euler para as placas b1 e b2: E,1=74,1 MPa; :
E,2=18,5 MPa
4) pelos diagramas da Figura 4, considerando a esbeltez do
seguimento ls/b1 = 6 obtm-se: k,L = 1,528 e k,R = 6,342;
Figura 7 Seguimento da
barra com seo Z

5) tenso crtica de empenamento paras as chapas do

,cr,L = k,LE,1 = 113,2 MPa
,cr,R = k,RE,2 = 117,3 MPa

6) ento o bimomento crtico local pela equao de Vlasov

Bcr,L = ,cr,LI/1 = 163 kNcm
Bcr,R = ,cr,RI/2 = -507 kNcm
7) bimomento de plastificao: By = fyI/max = 511 kNcm
8) intervalo de aplicabilidade da teoria de Vlasov:
-507 < B < 163 []
Nas sees no simtricas o sentido em que o toror aplicado e consequentemente a
distribuio das tenses de empenamento na seo importante. No caso da seo Z percebese que quando o bimomento aplicado comprime a mesa a tenso crtica de empenamento que
provoca instabilidade local bem menor em comparao situao que a alma comprimida.
No exemplo apresentado, o intervalo de aplicabilidade da teoria elstica de Vlasov reduzido
pela instabilidade local. Para aproximar esse intervalo ao nvel do intervalo da plastificao
necessrio inserir mais enrijecedores. No entanto, em alguns casos essa medida pode ser

Exemplo2. Apresentao dos modos de flambagem locais obtidos pela soluo de autovetor
com o mtodo do multiplicador de Lagrange. O seguimento o mesmo apresentado no
Na Figura 8 so apresentados os modos locais de flambagem considerando o bimomento
comprimindo a alma e a mesa, respectivamente. No primeiro caso, o maior deslocamento se
d na chapa b1 sendo a amplitude normalizada ao valor mximo de 1.

Figura 8 Modos de flambagem local do seguimento com seo Z

Fonte: adaptado de (Szychowski, 2014)

Nota-se nos dois casos a presena das semiondas provenientes da instabilidade local.
No primeiro caso, a instabilidade se d nas mesas comprimidas que se deslocam em forma
antissimtrica. A alma est tracionada, mas sofre deslocamentos. ntida a formao de uma
nica semionda que efeito do gradiente de bimomento m = 0,5. Esta informao pode ser
retirada da curva, para m = 0,5 da Figura 4(a).
No segundo caso, a instabilidade ocorre na alma com formao de duas semiondas
longitudinais, Figura 4(b). As tenses de trao mximas ocorrem nas bordas livres das
mesas. Essas tenses tm a tendncia de impedir a mudana de forma da seo. Portanto, os
deslocamentos so menores nas extremidades.
Exemplo3. Determinar o toror que provoca um bimomento crtico local no seguimento mais
solicitado, Figura 9.
Dados: L = 1440 mm, ls = 360 mm, b1,3 = 60 mm, b2 = 120 mm, 1 = 27 cm, 2 = -9 cm, I =
389 cm6, It = 0,01365 cm4, E = 205 GPa, G = 80 GPa, = 0,3.

Figura 9 Sistema esttico da barra de seo Z com paredes delgadas submetida

toro no-uniforme
Fonte: (Szychowski, 2014)

A partir da soluo da equao diferencial da toro no-uniforme e considerando o fato da

rigidez toro de St. Venant ser bem menor que a rigidez ao empenamento, o toror que
provoca o bimomento crtico local pode ser determinado por:
(/2) =

Sendo os bimomentos crticos os obtidos no Exemplo1, Bcr,L = 163 kNcm e Bcr,R = -507
kNcm. Portanto, os torores que provocam estes bimomentos so Mt,cr,L = 4,5 kNcm e
Mt,cr,R= -14,1 kNcm, respectivamente.
(Szychowski, 2014) apresenta a soluo da barra da Figura 9 retirando os enrijecedores entre
o meio do vo e os apoios. Portanto, a esbeltez de chapa dobra ls / b1 = 12 e o gradiente de
bimomento passa a m = 1. As constantes k resultam em valores muito prximos aos obtidos
anteriormente, consequentemente a tenso crtica no diminui. Ento, (Szychowski, 2014)
recomenda que enrijecedores devam ser inseridos barra em sees cujo bimomento seja
mximo ou em picos de bimomento.

2.6 Concluses
As barras de seo aberta, paredes delgadas e flexveis submetidas toro no uniforme tem
como limite de resistncia o fenmeno de instabilidade local. O bimomento crtico local pode
ser utilizado para avaliar sua resistncia.
A determinao da tenso crtica de instabilidade local realizada pela soluo do problema
autovalor de um segmento da barra.
O sentido de aplicao do momento toror tem grande influncia no valor da tenso crtica de
empenamento. Isso foi constatado nas sees Z. No caso de sees monossimtricas e com
dupla simetria o bimomento crtico local igual para o toror aplicado nos dois sentidos.
As barras de seo aberta e parede delgada, submetidas toro no-uniforme, podem ter o
intervalo do regime elstico limitado pela flambagem local. Segundo, (Szychowski, 2014)
esta afirmativa foi comprovada por resultados experimentais. Portanto, o clculo do toror de

empenamento com base na teoria de Vlasov em todo o intervalo elstico pode acarretar erros
devido instabilidade local de sees abertas com paredes delgadas.


Com base nos exemplos, resultados e concluses apresentadas por (Szychowski, 2014),
conclui-se que:

Com a existncia de mtodos que utilizam aproximaes mais simples para o campo

de deslocamentos, como o mtodo dos elementos finitos, considera-se complexo o campo

adotado pelo autor. Alm disso, apresentado um nmero limitado sees transversais.

A exposio do mtodo numrico e as aproximaes adotadas para obteno dos

autovalores e autovetores permitem a reproduo dos resultados obtidos pelo autor.

No so feitas observaes a respeito do comportamento global das barras e a

interao entre os seguimentos. Comparar os resultados com os de outros modelos numricos

que considerem as barras inteiras pode auxiliar na afirmao da preciso do mtodo proposto.

No item de introduo mencionada a realizao de ensaios experimentais de barras

com seo aberta e paredes delgadas. No entanto, os resultados destes no so apresentados

no artigo. Os resultados experimentais serviriam como referncia para a validao da proposta

No so feitas recomendaes para trabalhos futuros.

Szychowski, A. (2014). A theoretical analysis of the local buckling in thin-walled bars with
open cross-section subjected to warping torsion. Thin Walled Structures, 76, 4255.


Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Thin-Walled Structures
journal homepage:

A theoretical analysis of the local buckling in thin-walled bars with

open cross-section subjected to warping torsion
Andrzej Szychowski n
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology, Al. Tysiclecia Pastwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland

art ic l e i nf o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 3 July 2013
Received in revised form
7 November 2013
Accepted 7 November 2013
Available online 30 November 2013

Results of a theoretical analysis of the local buckling in thin-walled bars with open cross-section
subjected to warping torsion are presented. The local critical bimoment, which generates local buckling
of a thin-walled bar and constitutes the limit of the applicability of the classical Vlasov theory, is dened.
A method of determining local critical bimoment on the basis of critical warping stress is developed. It is
shown that there are two different local critical bimoments with regard to absolute value for bars with an
unsymmetrical cross-section depending on the sense of torsion load (sign of bimoment). However, for
bars with bisymmetrical and monosymmetrical sections, the determined absolute values of local critical
bimoments are equal to each other, irrespective of the sense of torsional load. Critical warping stresses,
local critical bimoments and local buckling modes for selected cases of thin-walled bars with open crosssection are determined.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Thin-walled bars
Open cross-section
Warping torsion
Local buckling
Local critical bimoment
Theoretical analysis

1. Introduction
Cold-formed thin-walled bars with open cross-section belong to
groups of members in which limit load-carrying capacity is pretedermined by local or distorsional buckling. Bending and nonuniform torsion occur in thin-walled steel beams in which transverse
load acts off the shear center of the cross-section. Torsional moments
and bimoments appear in cross-sections in the process of lateraltorsional buckling or exural-torsional buckling of thin-walled members with geometrical (general and local) imperfections. In this case,
torsion moments and bimoments are generated by an amplication
of displacements and angles of rotation along the directions of
geometrical imperfection. Contemporary cold-formed steel members,
or beams welded from thin sheet metals with open section, are
characterized by small thickness of walls and relatively small torsional
rigidity. Bimoment caused by warping torsion can be an essential
component of section load for this class of thin-walled members.
For the purpose of precise description of phenomena occurring
in thin-walled bars with open cross-section subjected to warping
torsion, the following denitions will be applied in the further part
of the study:

 A thin-walled bar with rigid cross-section contour a thinwalled bar whose cross-sections during load increment are

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0263-8231/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

subject to warping displacement, but maintain the original

shape of section contour;
A thin-walled bar with exible cross-section contour a bar
built from at walls (thin plates) in which, after local or distortional critical stresses are reached, local deections of
component plates or displacements of stiffened edges of walls
occur. As a result, the geometry of the cross-section contour of
a thin-walled bar is changed;
A thin-walled bar segment the section of a bar between
transverse stiffenings (diaphragms, ribs, etc.), which assure a
rigid cross-section contour in place of their location.
The constructional system of a thin-walled bar the mutual
geometrical arrangement of component plates (walls), transverse stiffenings (diaphragms, ribs), and local and overall
boundary conditions of a thin-walled bar.

The Vlasov theory [1] refers to thin-walled bars with a rigid

cross-section contour. This fact limits the possibility of its application to the estimation of the limit load-carrying capacity of
currently used thin-walled bars with a exible cross-section
contour in which phenomena caused by local or distorsional
buckling of walls occur. It is not possible to analyze postbuckling load-carrying capacity reserves from the Vlasov theory
because local or distorsional buckling generates change in the
geometry of the cross-section contour. Invariability of the crosssection contour is the fundamental assumption of the Vlasov
theory [1].

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

coefcients of power polynomials
bs ; t s
width, thickness of a plate (wall s)
bimoment function
Bcr;L ; Bcr;R local critical bimoment (left positive, right
rst yield bimoment
plate exural rigidity (wall s)
Young's modulus of elasticity
f ins ; f jqs dimensionless, free parameters of deection function
of a plate (wall s)
shear modulus of elasticity
i, j, n, q, p natural number subscript
the number of half-waves of the sine function in the
direction of the plate (or the segment) length
warping section constant
St-Venant torsion constant
coefcient of critical warping stress
length of a thin-walled bar segment, length of a plate
(wall s)
work done by external forces
component elements of the work done by external
forces function
coefcient which characterizes the longitudinal stress
variation according to (19)
M t;L ; M t;R load of a concentrated torsional moment (left
positive, right negative)
M t;cr
critical torsional moment from the condition of local
M 1 xs ; M 2 xs moments of elastically restrained longitudinal
edges (No. 1, 2) of the component plate (wall s) in a
thin-walled bar segment
degree of the polynomial, number of polynomials
sum of the total potential energy
strain energy of the bending of a plate (wall s)
V injq
component elements of the bending strain energy

In practice, we can distinguish three types of sections of thinwalled bars built from at walls whose behavior under load
generating normal stresses is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Bars
with a rigid cross-section contour, in which dependences: sc o sLcr
and sc o sD
cr (Fig. 1b) occur, i.e. bars with a exible cross-section
contour from the condition of local buckling: sLcr osc o sD
cr or
sLcr o sD
cr o sc (Fig. 1c), and bars with a exible cross-section


xs ; ys ; zs
x; y; z
Y in

deection function of a plate (wall s)

Cartesian coordinates of a plate (wall s)
Cartesian coordinates of a thin-walled bar segment
longitudinal body forces
power polynomials (9) with previously determined
coefcients Ainp
coefcient of stress distribution in the direction of the
width of a plate (wall s)
xs ; x function of normal stress (or bimoment) distribution in the direction of the plate (or the segment)
GI s =EI exural torsional coefcient of a cross-section
parameter describing load of a plate (wall s) on the
edge containing the center of local coordinate system
ys 0
1 xs ; 2 xs angles of a component plate's rotation (wall s) on
longidudinal edges (No. 1, 2) at the connection of
adjacent plates

angle of twist rotation

Poisson's ratio
s ; s
geometrical parameters of a cross-section according to
ps bs =t s slenderness of a plate (wall s)
sc ; st
normal stresses (compression, tension)
s ;
warping stresses (normal, shear)
sLcr ; sD
local buckling stress, distortional buckling stress
critical warping stress from the condition of local
buckling (positive)
sectorial coordinates
a sectorial coordinate corresponding to critical stress
Euler's stress for a plate (wall s)
comparative edge stress in the cross-section of a thinwalled bar
Laplace's operator

Lagrange's function for a thin-walled bar segment

Lagrange's multipliers
multipliers of edge stresses

contour from the condition of distortional buckling for which

cr osc o scr or scr o scr o sc (Fig. 1d).
The necessity of the distinction of thin-walled bars with
a rigid cross-section contour (Fig. 1b) from thin-walled bars
with a exible cross-section contour (Fig. 1c,d) under a load
exceeding local or distortional critical stresses has an essential signicance for the correct interpretation of phenomena

Fig. 1. Types of sections of thin-walled bars with at walls (a) distribution of warping normal stresses, (b) rigid cross-section contour, (c) the exible cross-section contour
from the local buckling condition, and (d) the exible cross-section contour from the distortional buckling condition.


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

accompanying obtainment of a load-carrying capacity. A theoretical determination of critical stresses sLcr ; sD

cr in simple and
composite states of load with regard to warping torsion (generated e.g. by eccentric transverse load in relation to the shear
center of cross-section) is necessary for a more exact design of
thin-walled steel members based e.g. on the effective width
The investigations of local stability of thin-walled bars with
open cross-sections, described in the literature, refer primarily to
axially or eccentrically compressed, bended and sheared sections
without accounting for warping torsion. Only a few studies, e.g.
[25], describe investigations on open thin-walled bars sensitive
to local or distorsional buckling under the load of transverse
bending and torsion.
Murray and Lau [2] examined a cantilever thin-walled bar
with C-section sensitive to local stability loss at transverse loading acting away from the shear center of the section. Kavanagh
and Ellifritt [3] analyzed bended thin-walled beams with channel
section with a single edge fold stiffeners. The investigated
members were supported by transverse brace. The plane of
transverse load did not coincide with the shear center of the
sections and generated additional torsion of beams. Put, Pi
and Trahair [4] presented an experimental analysis of bended
and torsioned cold-formed channel beams. The investigation
concerned simply supported beams transversely bended by
concentrated force at the mid-span. An analysis of the failure
load of a bended and torsioned bar depending on the sign and
eccentricity magnitude, understood as the distance of the line of
the activity of transverse load from the shear center of the
section, was made. The inuence of the local buckling of sections
on the failure load and the failure mode of test models was
observed. Gotluru et al. [5] compared experimental results [68]
of bended and torsioned thin-walled steel beams with lipped
channel sections with the results of numeric calculations. Computer
programs based on the nite elements method (CU-BEAM [8],
ABAQUS [9]) and the nite strip method (CU-FSM [7]) were used
in the numeric analysis of the thin-walled bars. The inuence of the
stiffness of a warping spring of support sections of the investigated
models on angles of twist rotation and torsion stiffness was also
In the above cited investigations [25], warping normal stresses, generated by the warping torsion in a thin-walled bar, did not
exceed the remaining components of the section load generated,
for example, by transverse bending.
In the present design standards for cold-formed steel members,
e.g. [10,11], warping normal stresses are determined on the basis
of geometrical characteristics of gross cross-section. In the above
design regulations, the possibility of occurrence of local buckling
in the thin-walled member with open cross-section, subjected to
warping torsion, is disregarded.
Szychowski [12] proved experimentally and conrmed theoretically the occurrence of the local buckling of nonuniform torsioned thin-walled bars with Z-section without the participation
of other components of load. A local critical bimoment occurred
in experimental investigations, i.e. bimoment which generated
the local buckling of a thin-walled bar. In [12], local critical
bimoment is dened as bimoment which generates local buckling
in the thin-walled bar with open cross-section, subjected to
warping torsion, without the participation of other components
of the section load.
This study presents a method of the theoretical determination
of critical warping stresses sL;cr and local critical bimoments Bcr
from the condition of the local buckling of thin-walled bars with
any open cross-section built from at walls (thin plates). Note: in
the further part of the study the upper subscript L is omitted in
the denotation sL;cr .

2. Assumptions
Theoretical analysis was applied to a thin-walled bar (Fig. 2)
with a nite number of diaphragms (or transverse ribs), which
assures a rigid cross-section contour only at the site of their
It was assumed that diaphragms are innitely rigid in their
planes, and simultaneously, they do not hinder warping of
sections. Diaphragms in the number p divide the thin-walled bar
into p 1 segments. Length ls of particular segments is determined
by the spacing of neighboring diaphragms. The minimal number of
diaphragms is p 2. In this case, a thin-walled bar is built from one
segment. The geometry of a thin-walled bar segment with open
cross-section and the adopted coordinate system of the segment
x; y; z and component plates xs ; ys ; zs s 1;2;3 are shown in Fig. 3.
The centers of all the coordinate systems are located in this crosssection (in the axis of the diaphragm), in which the extreme value
of bimoment occurs. A segment consists of so component plates
(walls) connected by longitudinal edges. On the ith edge, r number
of plates (where: r rso ) are connected. The minimum number of
connected plates on one edge is r 2. Segments built from two
types of plates are considered: the internal plate (I type) and the
cantilever plate (II type). The I-type plate (Fig. 4a) is supported on
all edges. The II-type plate (Fig. 4b) is supported on three edges
with one longitudinal free (not supported) edge. It was assumed
that the boundary conditions of component plates on extreme
diaphragms of segment (x 0, x ls ) are equal to a simple support.
Technical examples of the important sections of open thin-walled

Fig. 2. The constructional system of a thin-walled bar with open cross-section.

Fig. 3. The separate segment of thin-walled bar.

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255


Fig. 4. The separated component plates of a thin-walled bar segment (a) internal plate (I-type) and (b) cantilever plate (II-type).

diaphragms (or transverse ribs), which is in agreement with the

construction of thin-walled steel members, the assumption is
closer to physical reality: y  x and sy 0; where it results:
sx Ex [13].
3. The local critical bimoment
Experimental investigations [12] unambiguously indicate that
warping normal stresses caused by warping torsion (generating
bimoment) can be the cause of local buckling of a thin-walled bar
with open cross-section. The bimoment which generates local
buckling is called local critical bimoment. Local critical bimoment can be determined on the basis of critical warping stress
s;cr from the formula

s;cr I

The problem of the theoretical determination of local critical

bimoment is reduced to the analysis of the local stability of a thinwalled bar segment loaded with warping normal stresses, whose
intensity in the direction of the bar length depends on the function
of bimoment B(x).

4. Critical warping stress

Fig. 5. Diagrams of warping stresses in exemplary thin-walled bars composed of
I- and II-type plates (a) unsymmetric section (in relation to axis), (b) monosymmetric, and (c) bisymmetric.

bars, consisting of the above-mentioned two types of plates, are

shown in Fig. 5.
It was assumed that in pre-buckling range of load, the following hypotheses are important: (1) a thin-walled bar maintains a
rigid contour in the plane of every cross-section; (2) negligibly
small shear deformations in the plane of component plates (bar
walls) are not taken into consideration; and (3) the distribution of
warping normal stresses is in conformity with the hypothesis of
the warping function, according to [1]. Under the above assumptions, the bimoment fuction can be determined on the basis of the
integration of the well-known differential equation of the nonuniform torsion according to the classical Vlasov theory [1].
Vlasov's theoretical assumptions [1] concerning the continuous distribution of diaphragms, which were to eliminate the local
buckling of a thin-walled bar, impose the following conditions:
~ x , where: E~
y 0 and sy  sx , from which results sx E
E=1  2 . Under the assumption of the nite number of

Critical warping stress (within elastic range), obtained from the

condition of the local buckling of the thin-walled bar with open
cross-section subjected to warping torsion, is represented by the
s;cr k sE;s


2 E
121  bs

In order to theoretically determine s;cr , the local stability of

segment (cf. Fig. 3) built from the component plates (walls s)
connected by longitudinal edges was analyzed. The length of the
segment ls is univocally determined by the spacing of diaphragms
(or transverse ribs) aside from the spontaneously formed node
lines ws 0 of local buckling. Geometrical characteristics of the
cross-section and the function of bimoment were determined
in the system of Cartesian coordinates x; y; z. Deections of
the subsequent component plates of number s are described in
local, right-hand coordinate sets xs ; ys ; zs separately for each plate
(cf. Fig. 3). The geometry of a cross-section is described by


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

dimensionless values which refer to a chosen (comparative) plate

marked by number 1



The method of the separation of a thin-walled bar segment into

component plates, known from studies concerning the local
stability of members with closed sections [1419], was used for
the analysis of the local buckling of a thin-walled bar with open
cross-section. Solution of the problem consists in a detailed
analysis and composition of the separated plates (walls) according to the structure of a thin-walled section with regard to the
static and kinematic boundary conditions on the edges of connection of adjacent plates.
It was assumed that after the local buckling of a thin-walled
bar: (1) longitudinal edges of the connection of adjacent plates
remain straight; (2) angles between the adjoining plates remain
unchanged (but a corner can rotate); and (3) continuity of
displacements (rotations) and the equilibrium of edge bending
moments on longitudinal edges of the connection of adjacent
plates are maintained.

being a component part of the thin-walled bars with open crosssection subjected to warping torsion. Polynomials Yin were used in
the following form: Y i1  23 4 ; Y i2  103 154  65 ;
Y i3  263 734 725 246 ;
Y i4 2  32 3 ;
Y i5
 3 ; where ys =bs .
For a II-type plate the deection function, derived and tested in
[21] (for the parameter no 5), was used in the following form:

ws xs ; ys t s
f ins s
i1 n1
The expression ys =bs n in the rst parenthesis of the series (10)
can be treated in practice as one-dimensional polynomial of the
form (9) with coefcient Ainp 1. In the case of elastic restraint
of a II-type plate in a thin-walled bar segment, all fins are nonzero parameters of the deection function, and their initial
values result from static and kinematic boundary conditions on
the conection of adjacent plates [21].
The strain energy of the bending of a I- or II-type component
plate (s) was determined from the formula
2 #)
Z Z (
Ds ls bs
2 ws 2 ws
ws 21 

dxs dys
2 0 0
xs ys
xs 2 ys 2

4.1. Boundary conditions of component plates

The following boundary conditions occur on longitudinal edges
of component plates of a thin-walled bar segment:
(a) I-type plate (Fig. 4a):
ws 0;

2 ws
2 ws

M 1 xs ;
ys 2
xs 2

M 2 xs for ys 0; ys bs ;

(b) II-type plate (Fig. 4b):

ws 0;

2 ws
2 ws

M 1 xs for ys 0
ys 2
xs 2

2 ws
2 ws
3 ws
3 ws

2  2
0 for ys bs
xs ys

Boundary conditions ws 0 on longitudinal edges ys 0;

ys bs of a I-type plate and on the supported edge ys 0 of a
II-type plate fulll the conditions of deections caused by the local
buckling of a thin-walled bar [20].
4.2. Functions of deections and the strain energy
Polynomial-sinusoidal series are used for the description of the
deections of component plates (I- and II-type) caused by the local
buckling of a thin-walled bar.
The proposal of Jakubowski [1719], who used function in the

ws xs ; ys t s
f ins Y in sin
i1 n1
for the description of deections of component plates (walls) with
closed section, was applied to a I-type plate, where
Y in Ainp s :
In [17,18], over 20 different polynomials were tested, and their
formulas together with physical interpretation, as well as reference numbers were provided.
On the basis of tests performed in the present study, polynomials of numbers 2, 10, 13, 14 and 16, according to [17,18], were
found useful to the description of deection of the I-type plate,

Proceeding analogously as in [1719,21], and putting the

deection function (8) for a I-type plate and the function (10) for
a II-type plate to dependence (11), we receive separately for each
plate (wall s)

Ds t 2s io io no no
f f
4bs ls i 1 j 1 n 1 q 1 injq in jq


Elements V injq of the square form (12) depend on polynomial

coefcients, Poisson's ratio (v) and the plate aspect ratio ls =bs .
Due to the fact that the adopted deection functions ((8) for a Itype plate and (10) for a II-type plate) are polynomial-sinusoidal
series with coefcients Ainp determined in advance, elements V injq
can be calculated from the sequence of formulas derived for plates
supported on all edges in [17].
4.3. Membrane stress state in component plates
Thin-walled bars with a exible cross-section contour, considered in the present study, are characterized by considerable
slenderness ps of component plates (cf. Fig. 1c). For this class
of members, the warping of cross-sections is primarily generated
by the geometrical variation in an open thin-walled bar with a
negligibly small inuence of shape strains. The secondary inuence of warping shear stresses on the warping of thin-walled bars
with an exible cross-section contour makes it possible to accept a
hypothesis, put forward by Vlasov [1], about the unlimited shape
stiffness of walls xy 0. Examples of the thin-walled sections
and graphs of warping (normal and shear) stresses caused by
warping torsion are shown in Fig. 5.
An analysis of the statics and the local stability of thin-walled
bars with a exible cross-section contour, subjected to warping
torsion, conrmed by the results of the experimental investigations [12], makes it possible to state that warping normal stresses
s have a decisive effect on the local buckling of this class of
members. The inuence of warping shear stresses in typical,
technically important sections is secondary. The example of the
basic analysis of stresses in Z-section is given in the further part of
the present study (Example 3).
The variation of normal stresses in the direction of the length of
a bar segment depends on the bimoment function Bx. Without
accounting for the inuence of warping shear stresses on the local
buckling of a thin-walled bar, the variation of normal stresses in

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255


Fig. 6. The membrane stress state in a component plate (wall s) at eccentric compression and a longitudinal stress variation caused by (a) warping shear stresses
and (b) longitudinal body forces Xs.

the direction of the segment length can be obtained by the

introduction of longitudinal body forces Xs (which are active in
the middle planes of component plates Fig. 6), according to the
concept presented in [14,21]. Such an approach allows for the
reduction of the deection function by decreasing the number of
the expressions of series (8 and 10) necessary for the approximation of the buckling mode of a thin-walled bar segment.
Component plates (I- or II-type, Fig. 4) are loaded with warping
normal stresses (according to the hypothesis on the warping
function [1]), and their distribution (for plate s) can be presented
in the form

s;s xs ; ys s s0 1  s s xs :
The distribution of body forces generating the longitudinal
variation of warping normal stresses, according to Fig. 6b, assumes
the form

X s xs ; ys 
 s s0 1  s s xs :
In the further part of the study, the inuence of warping shear
stresses on the local buckling of a thin-walled bar segment
with open cross-section is disregarded. The variation of warping
normal stresses, according to (13), in the direction of the length of
a plate, was obtained by the introduction of longitudinal body
forces, according to the formula (14).

2 xs 1  m 2s ;
m 1  s1 =s0 :

The work done by external forces for a component plate (wall s)

was determined from the formula




 ws 2
s;s xs ; ys
dxs dys


Substituting into formula (15) stresses according to dependence (13), and the deection function (8) for a I-type plate,
or (10) for a II-type plate, we receive separately for each plate
(wall s):

s s0 bs t 3s io io no no
Linjq f in f jq


Elements Linjq depend on the coefcient s and the longitudinal

distribution of warping normal stresses along the length of a plate
depending on the bimoment function. Formulas for the elements
Linjq were derived in [21] for: (1) the linear distribution of stress,
and (2) the nonlinear distribution of stress (in accordance with
2nd degree parabola) in the direction of plate length, for which
function xs can be presented, respectively, in the form
1 xs 1  m ;



4.5. Solution of the problem

The problem of the determination of critical warping stress
from the condition of the local buckling of a thin-walled bar
segment was solved with the application of the energy metod.
Strain energy of the bending Vs and work done by external
forces Ls in individual plates as the function of parameters fins are
determined from formulas ((12) and (16)). The sum of the
potential energy of component plates is calculated from the

U V s  Ls


In order to determine the total potential energy of a thinwalled bar segment, static and kinematic boundary conditions on
all the junction edges of adjacent plates are taken into account.
The condition of the equilibrium of bending moments on the
ith edge of connection of r plates leads to one equation

M s xs 0


4.4. Work done by external forces



The continuity condition of displacements (angles of rotation)

on the ith edge of connection of r plates leads to (r 1) equations
in the form
s xs  s 1 xs 1 0


Edge moments M s xs of the elastic restraint and angles of

rotation s xs on longitudinal contact edges can be expressed on
the basis of formulas derived in [17].
Boundary conditions of component plates can be written in the
uniform form:
Rq f ins 0 for q 1; 2; ::::; qo ;


where qo the total number of Eq. (23) which result from

conditions (21) and (22) and numbers (io) of half waves of the
sine function applied for the approximation of the deection
function in the direction of the segment length.
The search for the minimum of the total potential energy in
relation to Eq. (20) and boundary condtions (23) is carried out
with use of the Lagrange multipliers method. Lagrange's function
is created in the form

U q Rq f ins


where Rq f ins left sides of Eq. (23) from the boundary conditions
of component plates.


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

Critical warping stress s;cr of a thin-walled bar segment with

open cross-section is determined from the solution of the equation
f ins
Rq f ins 0

The method of determination of critical warping stresses, local

critical bimoments and the local buckling modes of a thin-walled
bar segment with open cross-section is presented by selected
examples in the further part of the study.

The equation set (25), which is linear and homogeneous in

relation to f ins , represents a generalized problem of eigenvalues.
The critical warping stress (eigenvalue) and the local buckling
mode (eigenvector) are determined from the zeroing condition of
the characteristic determinant of this set.

5. Coefcients (k) of critical warping stresses

In the present work coefcients (k) of critical warping stresses
according to Eq. (2) are determined for segments of thin-walled
bars with Z-section (Fig. 7), C-section (Fig. 8) and I-section (Fig. 9).

Fig. 7. Distribution of warping normal stresses in Z-section generated by (a) bimoment BL left and (b) bimoment BR right.

Fig. 8. Distribution of warping normal stresses in C-section generated by (a) bimoment BL left and (b) bimoment BR right.

Fig. 9. Distribution of warping normal stresses in I-section generated by (a) bimoment BL left and (b) bimoment BR right.

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255


The following (simplied) convention of the denotation of bimoments was applied for considered sections. Bimoment, which
generates warping compressing stresses (positive) on free edges
of a comparative plate b1 (ange) was marked as BL left (with
the sign ). Bimoment, which generates, on this same edge,
warping tension stresses (negative) was marked as BR right
(with the sign -).
The following cases of bimoment Bi L;R distribution in the
direction of the segment length were considered: (1) constant,
(2) linear, and (3) nonlinear in accordance with 2nd degree
parabola. The function of bimoments is written, respectively, in
the form:
Bi;0 x Bcr;i;0 ;


Bi;1 x Bcr;i;1 1 x;


Bi;2 x Bcr;i;2 2 x;


where 1 x according to (17) and 2 x according to (18) for xs  x.

For a univocal distinction of bimoments BL and BR, the coefcients k;L ; k;R were referred to selected edge compressive
stresses s;cr;L ; s;cr;R in the most loaded cross-section of the
thin-walled bar segment (cf. Figs. 7, 8 and 9).
On the basis of dependences derived above, the computational
programs: Z_LBcr.nb, C_LBcr.nb and I_LBcr.nb were developed
in the environment of the package Mathematica [22]. The programs make it possible to determine: critical warping stresses
(eigenvalues), coefcients k, and local buckling modes (eigenvectors) for a thin-walled bars segment with: Z-section (Fig. 7),
C-section (Fig. 8), or I-section (Fig. 9) at arbitrary geometrical
parameters, according to Eq. (4). The segments can be loaded with
bimoment BL or BR of longitudinal distribution, according to
formulas (26), (27) or (28). Selected results of calculations (in
the form of graphs of coefcients k) executed for the value of
parameters: E 205 GPa and 0:3 are presented below.
On the basis of critical warping stresses, determined according
to Eq. (2), from formula (1), it is possible to determine the
eigenvalues of local critical bimoments (Bcr;L or Bcr;R ). Respective
examples are shown in Section 6.

Fig. 10. Comparison of graphs of coefcients (k) of critical warping stresses in a

thin-walled bar segment with Z-section (2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1), with buckling
coefcients (k) for separate plates of limit boundary conditions on supported
edges: (a) k;L and k for plate b1 and (b) k;R and k for plate b2.

5.1. The graphs of coefcients k

5.1.1. The Z-section
In Fig. 10a, the graph of the coefcient k,L of the critical
warping stress in a thin-walled bar segment with Z-section (for
2 2, 3 1, 2 3 1) loaded with a constant bimoment BL
along length is shown by a continuous line. In order to exemplify
the degree of elastic restraint of component plate b1 in a bar
segment, dashed lines show the graphs of buckling coefcients (k)
for a separate plate b1, which is built-in on one-side (upper line) or
simply supported on one-side (lower line). Coefcient k,L for a
segment were determined by the program Z_LBcr.nb, whereas
buckling coefcients (k) for an eccentrically compressed plate b1
(dashed lines) were calculated by the program Ncr_plate_free.nb,
according to [21] for parameter 1 4. In Fig. 10b, the graph of the
coefcient k,R of the critical warping stress is represented by a
continuous line for the same segment loaded with a constant
bimoment BR on its length. Dashed lines represent graphs of the
buckling coefcients (k), known from the literature, e.g. [15] for a
separate plate b2, which is longitudinally built-in on both sides
(upper line) and simply supported (lower line) and loaded with
axial compression.
Graphs represented in Fig. 10 (for m 0) have a character of
garland curves, which makes it possible to estimate the number
of half-waves of the local buckling depending on relation ls =b1 .
For example for Bcr;R by ls =b1 5, three uniform half-wavelengths

Fig. 11. Diagrams of coefcient k;L for a thin-walled bar segment with Z-section
(2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1) under the load of bimoment BL;1 x, according to (26) or
(27) continuous line and BL;2 x, according to (28) dashed line.

will be formed between the diaphragms of the segment (in the

direction of axis x), whereas for Bcr;L , only 2 half-wavelengths will
be formed. The above observation leads to the conclusion, that the
optimum distribution (from the point of view of the local stability
of a thin-walled bar) of the diaphragms (or transverse ribs)
depends on the sense of torsional load which generates local
critical bimoments Bcr;R or Bcr;L . In the considered case, for the
obtainment of the maximum critical warping stress, diaphragms
should be spaced at approx. ls 3:3b1 for bimoment Bcr;L (cf.
Fig. 10a), or approx. ls 2:3b1 for bimoment Bcr;R (cf. Fig. 10b).


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

In the case of variation of bimoment along the length of a thinwalled bar segment, the accuracy of the determined coefcients
depends on parameter io, which determines the number of halfwaves of the sine function in the direction of axis xs (formulas (8),

(10)) and relation ls =b1 . On the basis of the analysis of the

convergence of results, in practical applications io 8 was
assumed for further calculations of coefcients k;L and k;R , where
ls =b1 r 6, which gives a sufcient accuracy from the technical of
standpoint with a simultaneous reduction of calculations.
Figs. 11 and 12 show graphs of coefcients k;L and k;R of
critical warping stresses at longitudinal variation of bimoment as
the function of parameters m and ls =b1 . Graphs refer to a thinwalled bar segment with Z-section (for: 2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1),
under a load which generates the distribution of bimoment
BL (Fig. 11) or BR (Fig. 12) according to formula (26) or (27)
continuous line, and formula (28) dashed line.
The analysis of graphs presented in Figs. 11 and 12 indicates
that for unsymmetrical Z-section (in relation to the axis), coefcients (k;L , k;R ) and critical warping stresses (s;cr;L and s;cr;R )
differ considerably depending on the sense of the torsional load
(sign of bimoment). This results from the specicity of stress
distribution in Z-section caused by bimoments BL and BR (cf.
Fig. 7), and the fact that free edges of plates b1 and b3 (II-type)
are far less resistant to compressive stresses in comparison with
supported edges of plate b2 (I-type).

Fig. 12. Diagrams of coefcient k;R for a thin-walled bar segment with Z-section
(2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1) under the load of bimoment BR;1 x, according to (26) or
(27) continuous line and BR;2 x, according to (28) dashed line.

Fig. 14. Diagrams of coefcients k;L and k;R for a thin-walled bar segment with
C-section (2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1) under the load generating the distribution of
bimoment BL or BR according to (26) or (27) continuous line, and according to (28)
dashed line.

Fig. 13. A comparison of coefcients of critical warping stresses at linear distribution of bimoment BL or BR according to formula (27) when m 0.5 for different
geometrical proportions of the Z-section according to formulas (4): (a) coefcient
k;L , (b) coefcient k;R . (Note: curve 1: 2 2; 3 1, 2 2, 3 1; curve 2: 2 2;
3 5=4, 2 3 1; curve 3:2 2;3 1, 2 3 1 (dashed line); curve 4:2 2;
3 3=4, 2 3 1; and curve 5:2 2; 3 1, 2 1=2, 3 1.).

Fig. 15. A comparison of coefcients k;L and k;R at nonlinear distribution of

bimoment BL or BR according to formula (28) when m 0.25 for different
geometrical proportions of the C-section according to formulas (4). (Note: curve 1:
2 2; 3 1, 2 2, 3 1; curves 2L and 2R: 2 2; 3 4=3, 2 3 1; curve 3:
2 2;3 1, 2 3 1 (dashed line); curves 4L and 4R: 2 2; 3 2=3,
2 3 1; and curve 5: 2 2; 3 1, 2 1=2, 3 1).

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255


Fig. 13 compares the coefcients k;L (Fig. 13a) and k;R

(Fig. 13b) of critical warping stresses at linear distribution of
bimoment BL or BR according to the formula (27) when m 0:5
for different geometrical proportions of the Z-section according to
formulas (4).
5.1.2. The C-section
Fig. 14 shows graphs of coefcients k;L and k;R of critical
warping stresses in a thin-walled bar segment with C-section
(for: 2 2; 3 1, 2 3 1) under a load generating the distribution of bimoment BL or BR according to formula (26) or (27)
continuous line, and formula (28) dashed line.
The analysis of graphs presented in Fig. 14 shows that for
a monosymmetrical C-section (3 1, 3 1), the graphs of
coefcients (k;L and k;R ) are superimposed, and critical warping
stresses (s;cr;L and s;cr;R ) are equal to one another, irrespective of
the sense of torsional load (sign of bimoment). This results from
the antisymmetry of signs and values of sectorial coordinates in
relation to the axis of cross-section symmetry.
Fig. 15 shows the comparison of coefcients k;L and k;R
at a non-linear distribution of bimoment BL or BR according to
formula (28) when m 0:25 for different geometric proportions of
C-section according to formulas (4). For unsymmetrical sections,
graphs of coefcients k;L and k;R were differentiated by denoting
the number of curve with a respective index (L or R).
In the case of unsymmetrical C-section (cf. Fig. 15 curves 2L
and 2R as well as 4L and 4R), similarly as in Z-section, coefcients
(k;L and k;R ) and critical warping stresses (s;cr;L and s;cr;R ) are
differentiated depending on the sense of the torsional load (sign of
bimoment). However, these differences are considerably smaller
than those for Z-section.
5.1.3. The I-section
Fig. 16 shows graphs of coefcients k;L and k;R of critical
warping stresses in a thin-walled bar segment with I-section (for:
2;4;5 1, 3 2, 2;3;4;5 1 ), under a load generating the distribution of bimoment BL or BR according to formula (26) or (27)
continuous line, and formula (28) dashed line.
The analysis of graphs presented in Fig. 16 indicates that for the
bisymmetrical I-section, graphs of coefcients (k;L and k;R ) are
superimposed, and critical warping stresses (s;cr;L and s;cr;R )
are equal to one another, irrespective of the sense of torsional
load (sign of bimoment). This results, similarly as for the monosymmetrical C-section, from the antisymmetry of signs and values

Fig. 16. Diagrams of coefcients k;L and k;R for a thin-walled bar segment with
I-section (2;4;5 1, 3 2, 2;3;4;5 1) under the load generating the distribution of
bimoment BL or BR according to (26) or (27) continuous line, and according to (28)
dashed line.

Fig. 17. A comparison of coefcients k;L and k;R at linear distribution of bimoment
BL or BR according to formula (27) when m 0.75 for different geometrical
proportions of the I-section according to formulas (4). (Note: curve 1: 2;4;5 1,
3 2, 2;4;5 1, 3 2; curves 2L and 2R:2 5=6, 3 2, 4 2=3, 5 1=2,
2;3;4;5 1; curve 3: 2;4;5 1, 3 2, 2;3;4;5 1 (dashed line); curve 4: 2 1,
3 2, 4;5 2=3, 2;3;4;5 1; curve 5: 2;4;5 1, 3 2, 2;4;5 1, 3 1=2; and
curve 6: 2 1, 3 2, 4;5 1=2, 2;4;5 1, 3 1=4).

Fig. 18. The segment of thin-walled bar with: (a) Z-section, (b) C-section, and
(c) I-section under the load generating the linear distribution of bimoment BL or BR
according to (27) when m 0.5.

of sectorial coordinates in relation to the axis of cross-section

Fig. 17 presents the comparison of coefcients k;L and k;R at
the linear distribution of bimoment BL or BR according to formula
(27) when m 0:75 for different geometric proportions of Isection according to formulas (4). For the unsymmetrical section,
graphs of coefcients k;L and k;R were differentiated by denoting
the number of curve with a respective index (L or R).
Also in the case of the unsymmetrical I-section (cf. Fig. 17
curves 2L and 2R), coefcients k;L and k;R are differentiated
depending on the sense of torsional load (sign of bimoment).
However in this instance, similarly as for the C-section, these
differences are considerably smaller than those for Z-section.
The analysis of graphs presented in Figs. 11, 12, 14 and 16
demonstrates that coefcients of critical warping stresses increase
and the garland character of curves, characteristic of m 0,
disappears with an increasing value of the parameter m (from
0 to 1). For the same value of parameters m (eg. m 1) and ls =b1
load of a thin-walled bar segment with a bimoment BL;2 (nonlinear
distribution) gives a smaller critical warping stress in relation to
load with a bimoment BL;1 (linear distribution). A similar regularity
is also found for a bimoment BR (cf. Fig. 12).


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

6. Example of determining local critical bimoments

Example 1. Problem. Determine local critical bimoments for a

segment of a thin-walled bar with (a) Z-, (b) C-, and (c) I-sections
subjected to warping torsion which generates a linear distribution
of bimoment BL or BR over the segment length according to
Eq. (27) for m 0:5 (Fig. 18). Compare values received with the
rst yield bimoment By (neglecting local buckling) for the abovementioned exchanged sections fabricated from S355 steel according to [10] (fyb 355 MPa). The length of the bar segment is
ls 360 mm. (Note: for comparison, sections are characterized by
comparable geometric dimensions).
(a) The Z-section (cf. Fig. 7):
1) dimensions of the midline of cross-section: b1,3
60 mm; b2 120 mm; t1,2,3 1.2 mm;
2) sectorial coordinates and warping constant: 1
27 cm2 ; 2 9 cm2 ; I 389 cm6 ;
3) Euler's stresses for a plate b1 and b2 according to
formula (3): sE;1 74:1 MPa; sE;2 18:5 MPa,
4) for ls =b1 6 according to the program Z_LBcr.nb:
k;L 1:528; k;R 6:342; (cf. Figs. 11 and 12);
5) critical warping stresses for the compressed edges of
s;cr;L 1 s0;cr k;L sE;1 113:2 MPa;
s;cr;R s0;cr k;R sE;2 117:3 MPa;
6) local critical bimoments according to formula (1):

with unsymmetrical section (with respect to the axis) depends on

the sense of the external torsional load (sign of bimoment), or
otherwise, it depends on the settings of the section in relation to
the sense of torsion load. For the considered Z-section, the
absolute value of local critical bimoment Bcr;R (tension on the free
edges of plates b1 and b3) is approx. 3.11 times greater than that of
bimoment Bcr;L which causes compression of free edges of plates
b1 and b3. However, the absolute value of the rst yield bimoment
(By), determined on the basis of the Vlasov theory [1] (neglecting
local buckling), does not depend on the sense of torsional load
(sign of bimoment). For comparison, in the considered Z-section
the absolute value of the rst yield moment (By) is approx. 3.13
times greater than Bcr;L and approximately equal to Bcr;R .
In the case of a thin-walled bar segment with monosymmetrical C-section (Example 1b) or bisymmetrical I-section (Example
1c), the absolute values of local critical bimoments (Bcr;L , Bcr;R ) are
equal to one another irrespective of the sense of external torsional
load (sign of bimoment). However, the absolute value of the rst
yield bimoment (By) is approxim. 2.8 times greater than Bcr;L;R for
C-section and approx. 3.12 times greater than Bcr;L;R for I-section.
It should be noted that in spite of the fact that the considered
I-section (Example 1c) is characterized by the greatest relation
I =max 34:6 cm4 , the greatest absolute value of local critical
bimoment was obtained for Z-section (Example 1a: I =max
14:4 cm4 ) at warping torsion that generates Bcr;R . This results from
the specicity of stress distribution in Z-section for which bimoment
Bcr;R generates the tension of the free edges of plates b1 and b3 (IItype) and the compression of plate b2 stiffened on both sides (I-type).

Bcr;L s;cr;L I =1 163 kNcm ;


Bcr;R s;cr;R I =2  507 kNcm ;

7) rst yield bimoment (neglecting local buckling): By
f yb I =max 7511 kNcm ;
8) comparison of bimoments: jBcr;R =Bcr;L j 3:11; By =Bcr;L
3:13; By =Bcr;R 1:01;
9) interval of applicability of the Vlasov theory:  507 o
B o163 [kNcm2].
(b) The C-section (cf. Fig. 8):
1) b1;3 60 mm; b2 120 mm; t 1;2;3 1:2 mm;
2) 1 22:5 cm2 ; 4  22:5 cm2 ; I 272 cm6 ;
3) sE;1;3 74:1 MPa;
4) for ls =b1 6 according to the program C_LBcr.nb:
k;L k;R 1:706; (cf. Fig. 14);
5) s;cr;L 1 s0;cr k;L sE;1 126:4 MPa;
s;cr;R 3 s0;cr k;R sE;3 126:4 MPa
6) Bcr;L s;cr;L I =1 153 kNcm ;
Bcr;R s;cr;R I =4  153 kNcm ;
7) By f yb I =max 7 429 kNcm ;
8) jBcr;R =Bcr;L j 1; By =Bcr;L 2:8; By =Bcr;R 2:8;
9)  153 o B o 153 kNcm .
(c) The I-section (cf. Fig. 9):
1) b1;2;4;5 60 mm; b3 120 mm; t 1C5 1:2 mm;
2) 1 36 cm2 ; 2  36 cm2 ; I 1244 cm6 ;
3) sE;1;2 74:1 MPa;
4) for ls =b1 6 according to the program, I_LBcr.nb:
k;L k;R 1:536; (cf. Fig. 16);
5) s;cr;L 1 s0;cr k;L sE;1 113:8 MPa;
s;cr;R 2 s0;cr k;R sE;2 113:8 MPa;
6) Bcr;L s;cr;L I =1 393 kNcm
Bcr;R s;cr;R I =2  393 kNcm ;
7) By f yb I =max 7 1227 kNcm ;
8) jBcr;R =Bcr;L j 1; By =Bcr;L 3:12; By =Bcr;R 3:12;
9)  393 o B o 393 kNcm .
The results of the Example 1a conrm the thesis that the
absolute value of the local critical bimoment in a thin-walled bar

7. The example of determining a local buckling mode

In the case of the constant distribution of bimoment (for parameter m 0) over the length of a thin-walled bar segment, the
half-waves of buckling which are formed in critical state have an
equal length and a constant amplitude, and their number depends
on relation ls =b1 . Besides, the symmetry or antisymmetry of local
deections in relation to the transverse axis of the segment is
In the analyzed cases of the variable distribution of bimoment
(for m 4 0), the longitudinal variation of warping normal stresses
inuences the local buckling mode of a thin-walled bar segment.
Half-waves of buckling, which are generated between diaphragms (along axis xs), have different lengths and decreasing
amplitudes. Besides, the conditions of the symmetry or antisymmetry of local deections in relation to the transverse axis of the
segment are not maintained.
Example 2. Problem. Determine local buckling mode of component plates for segments of thin-walled bars considered in
Example 1a and b.
Computational modules of programs: Z_LBcr.nb (Z-section)
and C_LBcr.nb (C-section) were used for the theoretical determination of the local buckling mode, assuming the distribution of
bimoment according to Eq. (27) for m 0.5.
Fig. 19a shows the buckling mode of component plates b1, b2
and b3 of a segment with Z-section (according to Example 1a)
under warping torsion, which generates a left local critical bimoment Bcr;L . Deections were shown in local coordinate sets
xs ; ys ; zs s 1;2;3 , whose center was assumed to be in this crosssection where the maximum value of bimoment occurs. The
eigenvector of the buckling mode was normalized in such a way
that maximmum deections of plates b1 and b3 were 1. Fig. 19b
shows, in corresponding sets of coordinates, the buckling mode of
component plates of the same segment with Z-section under
warping torsion, which generates a right local critical bimoment

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255


Fig. 19. Local buckling mode of component plates b1, b2 and b3 of thin-walled bar segment with: (a) Z-section under the load Bcr;L , (b) Z-section under the load Bcr;R ,
and (c) C-section under the load Bcr;L , for the data according to Example 1a,b.

Fig. 20. The static system of the thin-walled bar with Z-section subjected to
warping torsion (Example 3).

Bcr;R . In this case, the eigenvector of the buckling mode was

normalized in such a way that maximum deections of plate b2
were 1. In turn, Fig. 19c shows the buckling mode of component
plates b1, b2 and b3 of a segment with monosymmetrical
C-section (according to Example 1b) under warping torsion which
generates the left local critical bimoment Bcr;L . In this case, the
eigenvector of the buckling mode was normalized so that the
maximum deection of plate b1 was 1. However, the buckling
mode of the same segment under warping torsion, which generates the right local critical bimoment Bcr;R , is antisymmetric
in relation to the axis of the cross-section symmetry.
The comparison of the theoretically determined local buckling
modes of the considered sections shows that local stability loss is

determined, to a large extent, by slenderness of plates and their

boundary conditions on the most compressed longitudinal edges.
The local buckling mode of a segment with Z-section for Bcr;L
(Fig. 19a), demonstrates that its stability loss is determined by
eccentrically compressed plates b1 and b3 (II-type), which extort
the symmetrical form of deection of the tensioned plate b2. In the
case of the same segment with the Z-sections for Bcr;R (Fig. 19b), its
local buckling is generated by a compressed plate b2 (I-type).
Characteristic deections of plates b1 and b3 result in this case from
the effect of the buckled plate b2, which is limited when they
approach the free edge, due to the straightening effect of warping
tensile stresses. In turn, the local buckling mode of a segment with Csection for Bcr;L (Fig. 19c) indicates that its stability loss is determined
by the eccentrically compressed plate b1 (II-type), which extorts the
unsymmetrical form of deection of plate b2 (web).

8. A theoretical estimation of critical torsional load

In any arbitrary case of multisegment thin-walled bar (containing p Z3 diaphragms or transverse ribs), the conservative estimation of the critical torsional load (from the condition of local
buckling) can be obtained from an analysis of the stability of
separate segments. The accuracy of results obtained in this way


A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

will be greater, the greater is the length of component segments.

In this case, the effect of mutual elastic restraint of component
plates (walls) of adjacent segments decreases.
However, in the case of symmetrically supported and loaded,
and symmetrically transversely stiffened thin-walled bars composed of an even number of segments, deections of component
plates generated by a local buckling are antisymmetric in relation
to the diaphragm which stiffens the cross-section at the mid-span
of a member. The critical torsional load can be determined on the
basis of local critical bimoment for the most loaded segment. Local
boundary conditions of component plates on central segment
joints are, in this case, conformable to simple support. A theoretical determination of critical torsional load of a thin-walled bar
with use of the symmetry of the construction and load is shown in
Example 3.
Example 3. Problem. For a warping torsion in thin-walled bar
(Fig. 20) with Z-section according to Example 1a, determine
the critical value of torsional load from the condition of local
buckling depending on the sense of external torsional moment
(M t;L or M t;R ).
Data: L 1440 mm, l1 360 mm (transverse rib spacing),
b1;3 60 mm; b2 120 mm; t 1;2;3 1:2 mm; 1 27 cm2 ; 2
9 cm2 ; I 389 cm6 ; I t 0:01365 cm4 ; E 205 GPa; G
80 GPa; 0:3.
The constructional system of a thin-walled bar consists, in this
case, of four segments at ls =b1 6. Deections generated by the
local buckling of matching component plates (walls) of central
segments are antisymmetric in relation to the central diaphragm,
in the plane of which the external torsion moment is active.
The differential equation of the nonuniform torsion [1], when
the thin-walled bar is supported and loaded according to Fig. 20,
can be represented in the form
EI IV  GI t II M t x L=2 0


The bimoment function determined from Eq. (29) by boundary

conditions according to Fig. 20 has the form [1]

M t sinhx
2 coshL=2


In the case of thin-walled members, which are characterized by

considerable slenderness ps of component plates, torsional stiffness depends mostly on the stiffness of warping torsion EI . At a
small thickness of walls, the stiffness of St. Venant's uniform
torsion GI t is negligibly small, and the exural-torsional coefcient () of the cross-section shows very small values p

For the considered cross-section, it is only: GI t =EI

3:7  10  3 cm  1 .
On the basis of the above statements, the function of bimoment
for a thin-walled bar, supported and loaded according to the
diagram shown in Fig. 20 at -0, can be determined from the

M t sinhx
Mt x

Bx lim
-0 2 coshL=2
In this case, the absolute value of bimoment at the mid-span is:

Mt L

are: M t;cr;L 4 U Bcr;L =L 4:5 kNcm and M t;cr;R 4 U Bcr;R =L 14:1

kNcm, respectively.
Determined on the basis of the Vlasow theory [1] (within the
pre-buckling range), the maximum warping shear stresses are:
;L 3:5 MPa under load M t;cr;L and ;R  11 MPa under load
M t;cr;R . Small values of warping shear stresses conrm the thesis
concerning their secondary effect on the local buckling of open
thin-walled bars with a exible cross-section contour.
Results of Example 3 also conrm the thesis that the absolute
value of the critical torsional load of a thin-walled bar with an
unsymmetrical section depends on its settings in relation to the
sense of torsional load. Similarly, as for local critical bimoments
(Bcr;L , Bcr;R , cf. Example 1a), the absolute value of the critical
torsional moment M t;cr;R is approx. 3.11 times greater than the
absolute value M t;cr;L .
In the case of a thin-walled bar with an corresponding static
system, as shown in Fig. 20, but containing only the diaphragm at
mid-span (in the plane of external torsional load) and transverse
stiffeners on supports, its constructional system consists of two
symmetrical segments of ls =b1 12. In this case, coefcients of
critical warping stresses, determined by means of Z_LBcr.nb
program (for bimoment distribution according to formula (27) at
m 1) amounted to: k;L 1:528; k;R 6:342, and are practically
equal to coefcients determined in Example 1a for the segment
with ls =b1 6 for m 0.5. (Note: in calculations for the segment
with ls =b1 12, the value of the parameter i0 16 was adopted).
The above result shows that local buckling of the thin-walled bar
with a exible cross-section contour subjected to warping torsion
is determined by its zones maximally loaded with bimoment.
Consequently, the principle of the correct construction of this class
of thin-walled bars is to locate stiffeners (diaphragms or ribs) in
these cross-sections in which an extreme value of bimoment


For the linear distribution of bimoment in central segments

(according to formula (27) for m 0.5), local critical bimoments
according to Example 1a are, respectively: Bcr;L 163 kNcm for
load M t;L , and Bcr;R  507 kNcm for load M t;R .
Critical torsional moments from the condition of the local
buckling of a thin-walled bar depending on the sense of torsion
load and calculated after the transformation of formula (32)

9. Conclusions from the theoretical analysis

The load-carrying capacity of thin-walled bars with a exible
cross-section contour (according to Fig. 1c), subjected to warping
torsion, is preceded and conditioned by the phenomena of
local buckling. An objective measure of local buckling resistance
of this class of members with open cross-section is local critical
Solution of the problem of the local stability loss in a thinwalled bar segment makes it possible to determine the critical
warping stresses, which can be used to determine local critical
bimoments. The local buckling modes are determined by the
slendernerss of component plates and their boundary conditions
on the most compressed longitudinal edges.
Two different local critical bimoments with regard to absolute
value (Bcr;L , Bcr;R ) are found in open thin-walled bars with unsymmetrical cross-section (in relation to axis) depending on the sense
of torsional load (sign of bimoment). The way of the arrangement
of the section in relation to the sense of torsional load determines
the occurrence of a greater or smaller local buckling resistance
of a thin-walled bar in this case.
In thin-walled bars with at least one axis of the symmetry of
cross-section, in which the antisymmetry of the signs and the
value of warping normal stresses in relation to this axis occurs, the
absolute values of local critical bimoments Bcr;L ; Bcr;R are equal to
one another, irrespective of the sense of torsional load (sign of
The variation of bimoment distribution in the direction
of a thin-walled bar length generates the unsymmetrical form of
local buckling. Half-waves with variable lengths and variable
(decreasing) amplitudes are formed between diaphragms (or

A. Szychowski / Thin-Walled Structures 76 (2014) 4255

transverse ribs). The greatest deections of walls are found on the

side of the maximum load of a segment under the action of
The calculation of the warping torsion in thin-walled bars with
a exible cross-section contour (Fig. 1c) on the basis of the Vlasov
theory in the whole elastic range ( By o B o By ) may lead to
considerable errors caused by local buckling. The Vlasov theory
is useful in the analysis of stress distribution in the cross-section of
a thin-walled bar under warping torsion causing bimoment contained in the range: Bcr;R o B o Bcr;L , (cf. Example 1). After exceeding the critical load, a thin-walled bar surrenders to local buckling
and the basic assumption of the Vlasov theory [1] concerning the
rigid cross-section contour loses its validity.
Finer spacing of transverse stiffeners in a thin-walled bar with
a exible cross-section contour leads to an increase of the range of
the applicability of the Vlasov theory. However, ner spacing of
diaphragms (or ribs) in thin-walled steel members currently used
so that the Vlasov theory could be applied in the whole elastic
range is not rational. For example, for the C-section (according to
Example 1b), in order to apply the Vlasov theory to the whole
elastic range, diaphragms should be spaced at approx. 37 mm
intervals. However, the rule of the correct construction of this
class of thin-walled members is to locate stiffeners (diaphragms or
ribs) in these cross-sections in which an extreme bimoment value
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