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Gemma Pisano 1

Assignment One
HBOs The Leftovers
These observations take place during 3 separate episodes in season one of The
Leftovers. This show takes place in the fictional town of Mapleton, New York. On
October 14, 2% of the worlds population disappeared (about 140 million people). This
strange disappearance is referred to as The Departure throughout the show. The people
of Mapleton do not know why this event has happened and they spend the entirety of the
show trying to justify why this could of happened. The show takes place 3 years after the
event and follows many characters as they try to return to their normal lives again. This
proves to be not such an easy task because of the Guilty Remnant. The GR is a cult of
about 200 people that live in Mapleton. Their main goal is to continually remind the
people in Mapleton of the departure. I got hooked on this show by the first episode
because it answered all the right questions and left me asking some too. This show did
seem confusing at first but from episode one, I was sucked in.
Figured World
A figured world is a large social structure that has specific ways of communicating.
Within this figured world there are certain appropriate behaviors, defined by the
community. A figured world does not only include people but as artifacts, ideas, ways of
communicating, ect.
In The Leftovers, there are many unspoken rules within the community. The
Departure affected every single person in the world, whether or not they lost
someone, they were still affected. In Mapleton, it is known to not bring up the
Departure around certain people. Each person in Mapleton has the same goal, to
forget about the Departure and move on. Appropriate behavior in Mapleton is
basically staying sane. If anyone shows that they are unstable, or suicidal, they are
sent to a mental hospital immediately. This is not only a rule for citizens but also
for higher-ups, including law enforcement and town officials. A way that most
townspeople manage to keep their sanity is by pretending that the Departure never
happened at all. All everyone wants to do is live a normal life again so certain
unspoken rules are set throughout the town.
It is also a social norm to shun the Guilty Remnant. The Guilty Remnant is
a cult filled with people wearing all-white who dont talk. Their main goal is to
remind people of who they lost due to the Departure. This being the exact reason
that the entire town hates them. They are disliked so much that even if you are
seen being nice to a GR, you, also, will be frowned upon.
A very common action from the townspeople is trying to justify why the
devastation happened. Some lean toward science, other lead toward religion.
Some try to dispute religion, proving that most of the departed were not perfect
people. Whether you think it was God or nobody at all, the Departure happened,
and there might not be justification for it at all.


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Actors are the people who make up the community. Each person has a specific role and
contributes a significant quality to the group.
Kevin Garvey: Chief of Mapleton police, Kevin is often looked at as the hero in
this show. He is called upon when anything major goes down in the town. Most
commonly, suicides or acts of rage that people in the town express. He tries hard
to maintain this position of authority, but it seems as though he, too, is starting to
become insane. The pressure of being the one everyone looks up to and counts on
starts to get to his head. He is becoming more aggressive throughout the show and
proves that talking about his family is a touchy subject for him. He is the main
character of this show and is accompanied by a wife, daughter and son. He never
lost any of them to the departure, yet he is often alone in the show. His wife
converted to the Guilty Remnant shortly after the departure, his son ran away and
his daughter is acting out in high school. His daughter, Jill Garvey, isnt seen
much in these 3 episodes because the show focuses more on just Kevin. When she
is seen, she is with her high school friends, a group of stoner low lifers who see
no point in obeying any law officials anymore.
Matt Jamison: Matt used to be a pastor but now he preaches an entirely different
message. He goes around Mapleton and informs people that there is no way the
departure was a religious epidemic because some of the departed did evil things.
He himself is ultimately facing the fact that he was not chosen in the sudden
Meghan Abbott: Meghan is a middle age woman who seemed to be happily
engaged but it turns out that she is not as happy as she seems. Her fianc is always
somewhat distant and never pays her any attention. She reaches such a level of
depression that she seeks help from the Guilty Remnant. When people go to the
GR for help, it is often known as a last result. They dont want any help from
people in the town so they just turn to the people who cant talk. She showed up
on the doorstep of the GR and they gladly let her stay. The show follows her as
she goes through a training process before she earns her white clothing and pad of
A tangible object that serves a specific purpose within a community. Often an object or
emotions of great significance.
Blue: This color signifies hope and honor for the departed. Blue flags are often
seen blowing outside of peoples homes, as well as blue ribbons on street lamps.
This color is not a negative reminder of the departed but a happy reminder that
they are still with their loved ones in spirit.
Notepad and Pen: This is the only way that the GR can communicate with not
only each others but the townspeople as well. These signify the only bridge
between the regular people.
White Clothing: The color of choice for the GR, this color clothing is not
something you would want to be seen wearing. This is what makes finding the
GR so easy, and also what makes them such easy targets.
Communities of Practice

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Groups of people that have the same goal or interest. These groups also share the same
literary practices and practices within their community.
The Townspeople: Almost everyone within Mapleton has lost someone from the
Departure, and because of this, they are all bonded. They each know exactly how
the other is feeling so there is no miscommunication. They continue to live their
lives just as they did before the Departure, yet they know it will never fully be the
The Guilty Remnant: A cult of townspeople that have given up on hope for
things to get better. They dress in all-white and made a vow never to speak. They
are loathed by almost everyone in Mapleton. The GR are often subject to drive-by
stonings because people who see them just want them to go away. Just their
presence alone has the ability to anger the entire town. They are not a violent
group and they never retaliate. In fact, they like when people hurt them because
its the exact reaction they are looking for. When people react it shows that they
remember and they care about the departed. Most, if not all, the member of the
GR have given up on life and they do not care what happens to them.
Domain is shared goals or interests toward a particular community of practice. It is the
main focus of a group and is highly valued. It is focused on more as an entire group, not
just by one actor.
Normal Life: Striving for a normal life is the main goal for people of Mapleton.
They want things to back to how they were before the Departure, but they also
know that can never happen. With no end to the GR in sight, it seems as though
they will never be able to live a life without reminders of their departed loved
Practices of the Community
Practices within a community are somewhat of a common ground. It can also be, an
agreed upon way to reach a goal or help each other in a certain way. These may not be
always spoken to each other but they are commonly known without being told.
Live a Normal Life After the Sudden Departure: A common practice within
the town of Mapleton is living a normal life again. So many people were affected
by the Sudden Departure that it seems as though their lives will never be the
same. The townspeople practice not bringing up the departed because all they
want to do is forget and move on.
Remind Everybody about the Departure: This is a practice within the Guilty
Remnant. Though they do not speak, they fulfill this practice in various ways.
Whether it be by holding signs or posting pictures of departed all around the
town. While the entire town is trying to forget, the GR refuse to let them.
Literary Practices
Literary Practices are ways that people within a certain community communicate. This
can be both verbal and/or nonverbal. Some communities practice specific literary
practices that other communities may not practice.
Notepad and Pen: The Guilty Remnant does not speak at all, so, in order to
communicate with others, they rely on a pen and pad. It is never known why they

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do not speak, but this fact alone is what frustrates the townspeople and gives them
an even stronger hate toward the GR. Not speaking also implies that the GR feel
that they are above everyone in the town and that they are too good to speak
with them.
Speech at Parade: The speech given by the Mayor at the Parade was no easy
feet. When addressing such a sensitive topic it is hard to say what you need to say
without offending anybody. She did a great job by honoring heroes and not
dwelling and mourning the departed.

Observation One (Episode 1, Season 1):

1:00mins: A black screen appears with the words October 14 written. A sound of a
baby crying is overheard as a woman (the babys mother) is at a laundry mat while
talking on the phone. As she does her laundry and talks on the phone, the baby continues
to cry. She finishes her laundry and walks to the car and puts the baby into its car seat
(the baby still crying). She then gets into the drivers seat, starts the car and realizes that
the crying has stopped. When she looks back at the baby, it is gone. Moments of frantic
follow; she gets out of the car and screams for her child. All awhile, a little boy is
screaming for his father, cars are being crashed and multiple police sirens are heard.
3:00mins: A screen flashes the words Three years later. Blue ribbons are posted all
along streetlights and pictures of people in black in white are on the sides of buildings. A
man is heard on the radio explaining that today is Heros Day, the day of remembrance
for all the souls lost in the departure. A parade will be held in town.
16:00mins: Chief of police, Kevin, is seen walking into a police meeting with the mayor;
they are discussing the agenda for the parade. Kevin states to the mayor that he feels that
this parade will invite the Guilty Remnant to come and upset all the people in the town.
The mayor refuses to cancel the parade and Kevin storms out of the room.
24:00mins: A group of people (Guilty Remnant) dressed in all white is gathered in a
circle inside of a house. They do not talk but pass notes to each other that say ready?.
They are then all seen filing into cars.
32:00mins: The parade has started. The whole town seems to be participating and most
are dressed in blue. People are seen holding signs saying, Where did they go? and
They will never be forgotten. Screen cuts to many people standing in front of a stage
waiting for the presenter to make a speech. Matt Jamison is seen in the crowd screaming
about certain people that were departed and how they were murders, or rapists and that
there is no way that they were chosen by God. The mayor then gets on stage and gives a
speech honoring those who have departed. A statue honoring the departed is unveiled and
soft clapping ensues. The clapping slowly turns to anger when the Guilty Remnant are
seen walking toward the crowd holding signs. They lift up the signs to create one
message: Stop wasting your breath!. The angry crowd rushes toward the GR and begins
pushing and punching each of them. Kevin and police try to stop the townspeople from
attacking the GR but their emotions have taken over. The GR does not fight back but
continue to be beaten.
Observation Two (Episode 2, Season 1):
10:00mins: Kevin Garvey in sitting in a chair talking to a therapist. The therapist asks
Kevin about his wife, Laurie, and he automatically gets defensive. The therapist then tries

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to talk more about how he feels about his wife but Kevin gets upset, yells profanities, and
leaves the room.
13:00mins: Jill Garvey and her friend are seen walking around town. A woman in all
white (GR member) is pasting pictures of an unknown person onto a wall in town. A car
drives up to her, yells hey looney, and throws what seems to be red paint all over her.
Jill and her friend see this, but dont stop. As they continue walking they are then stopped
by Matt Jamison, who is handing out flyers with a picture of an unknown man.
Underneath the picture it says This man abandoned his family.
21:00mins: Kevin Garvey and another police officer arrive at the Guilty Remnants
house. A woman in all-white answers the door, giving both of them a stern look of
disapproval. Kevin states that they have come to notify a person in the house that a
missing persons report was filed on them. She hesitantly lets them in without speaking
one word. They enter and Kevin sees a woman sitting at a table, dressed in normal,
colored clothing. She immediately catches his eye and he sits down across from her. He
asks her what her name is and she replies, Meghan Abbot. He then asks Are you here
on your own free will, Ms. Abbot?. She says yes. He also asks, Do you need my
help? She takes a few seconds to reply then finally says no. Kevin stands up to leave,
but before he does he hands Meghan a business card with his name on it. He tells her that
if she ever needs someone to talk to that he is always willing to listen. The scene ends
with Meghan putting the card into her pocket and getting bad stares from fellow GRs
dressed in white.
32:00mins: A man bursts into Kevins office demanding information about his fianc.
After the man calms down Kevin informs him that she has been recruited by the GR.
He tells the man that right now she is in the Pledge House which is a sort of orientation
for people who want to be in the GR. The man gets quiet and somber and says, Why
would she choose to go there?. Kevin informs him that the GR often target people who
are not happy with their current lives. The man starts to cry and leaves the room.
Observation Three (Episode 4, Season 1)
Note: I have skipped to episode 4 because episode 3 solely focuses on one character,
Kevin Garvey, and episode 4 connected better with episode 2. This episode takes place
during Christmas time.
5:00mins: Kevin is in his office, sitting at his desk. Adjacent to him is a woman dressed
in all-white (assumed to be a main leader of the GR). Kevin states to the woman that he
would like it if the GR did not interrupt the Christmas festivities. He does not want a
repeat of the Heros Day Parade (Episode 1). He says that this is one time of the year that
people can relax and spend time with their families. The woman begins writing on a pad
of paper and then turns it toward Kevin. It says, There is no family. Confused, Kevin
asks her what that means. The woman grins lightly then stands up and leaves the room.
15:00mins: Kevin and the Mayor are seen talking to a group of police officers telling
them that they are to arrest any GR that do not follow police orders. A few officers roll
their eyes and make rude comments about the GR.
25:00mins: A Christmas gathering is taking place in the gym at a local high school. Most
of the town is attending to dance, drink and be merry with each other. Everyone seems to
be having a great time and all is going smoothly until Kevin gets a call on his radio that
the GR are outside the school. He storms outside and sees about 30 members of the GR

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all lined up outside of the school. Every member of the police force aggressively arrests
the members of the GR, none of them retaliate. The main leader of the GR smiles at
Kevin mischievously. This makes Kevin say Where are the rest of your people? Scene
cuts to members of the GR breaking into peoples homes and stealing pictures of their
family that they have around their house. None of them get caught.

Interview with Kevin Garvey

Q: Reflect, in detail, about the day of Rapture.
A: I was on the job, just patrolling through the neighborhoods. I remember thinking how
beautiful that day was, it was unusually peaceful. Unfortunately, that moment was
followed by complete chaos. My radio would not stop. I was getting calls from police all
over town trying to get my help calming people down. As I drove toward the middle of
town, there were cars crashed into each other, children screaming for their parents and
parents screaming for their children. It was hard to watch. I tried my hardest to get people
to calm down, but the truth was, I didnt even know what was going on.
Q: What do YOU think the reasoning behind the Departure is?
A: I think its just a freak occurrence. No God would ever put his people through this
much pain and suffering. At the same time, I dont think it was science either. Frankly, I
dont know why the hell this happened, but I wish I did know.
Q: Tell me your reaction when you realized your wife and 2 children were still safe.
A: I gave the biggest sigh of relief possible. But I dont think they really were safe. Not
anymore. This event has changed all of our lives. My wife joined a cult that lives to make
people sorrowful. My son left for San Francisco right after the event happened and I
havent heard from him since. And my daughter has to go through her teenage years
living with all of this. So, yes, my family was safe, but they will never be the same.
Q: What are your feelings toward the Guilty Remnant?
A:I hate them. I hate what they do. They see all these people around them suffering, yet
they still continue to remind them of what they lost. Its sick. I hope every single day that
my wife will come back and realize how evil the people she lives with are. They may not
speak, but they prove that actions speak way louder than words.
Q: How do you see the rest of your life playing out?
A: Exactly how it has been. I dont see things getting better, I dont see people forgetting.
This event changed the entire world forever, I think its time that people just learn to
accept that its not going to get better.

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