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Cursor motion & bi-directional text

Flows of energy

by Marijn Haverbeke (license)

Cursor motion & bi-directional text

Wednesday, September 5, 2012 javascript codemirror unicode cm-internals

"Unicode is hard" is a commonplace among developers. And I guess it is hard. Witness the amount
of systems that get things like string en- and decoding wrong. And that is the easy partthe real fun
starts when you need to actually display those strings.
Fortunately, toolkits and libraries are able to hide the horrors of combining characters,
directionality, and word breaking most of the time. Today, most software has moved beyond the
ASCII-only worldview, and makes at least an effort to handle these things properly. You throw
strings at it, it displays them correctly for you.
But there are situations where that doesn't suffice. CodeMirror is a code editor implemented in
JavaScript. It relies on the browser to display its content, and modern browsers are very good at
displaying text. But it also displays a cursor, and controls its movement. To do that, it needs to be
aware of some non-trivial properties of Unicode text.
In this article, I'll outline the solutions I came up with. I was able to find very little useful material
on the subject online. It should be noted that I am in no way an expert in this field, and that I had to
take a number of shortcuts to prevent the size and complexity of my editor librarywhich, as a
JavaScript program, is downloaded by every userwithin bounds. I am also not an Arabic or
Hebrew speaker, and as such have very little experience with bi-directional editing interfaces.
Remarks and corrections are very welcome.



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

The problem
Originally, CodeMirror assumed that each character in a line represented a glyph, and that these
glyphs were shown left-to-right. This means that when, for example, the right arrow was pressed,
the editor could simply move its cursor position one character towards the end of the string, and all
was well.
But some Semitic scripts, notably Arabic and Hebrew, do not start writing on the left of the
medium, but rather write right-to-left. Now if we had to deal only with lines that were entirely
right-to-left (or left-to-right), that would be relatively easyjust move the cursor towards the start
of the line when the right arrow is pressed, since a lower index represents a more rightward position
in the visual representation of the line.
Unfortunately, things are not that easy. Firstly, there is nothing preventing people from mixing
right-to-left and left-to-right scripts in a single line. Secondly, a group of digits ("Arabic
numerals"the ones we use in the West), when occurring in a piece of Arabic text, are to be
rendered left-to-right, within their right-to-left context.
Let us look at an example. Assume that upper-case characters are Latin, and lower-case ones Arabic.
If a string looks like this (logical order):
A B C a b c 1 2 3 d e D E


It is rendered like this (visual order):

A B C e d 1 2 3 c b a D E


The Arabic range ( a to d ) is flipped, and within that, the number ( 123 ) is flipped once more.



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

Bidi algorithm
Deriving a visual order from a string isn't magicthere's a well-formalized algorithm for this
published by the Unicode Consortium. It, in brief, proceeds by categorizing the characters in the
string into categories like "Left-to-Right", "Right-to-Left Arabic", "Whitespace", and a number of
other ones. It then performs a bunch of operations that reduce one category to another based on its
context, for example reducing the category of "Non-spacing marks" to that of the character before
it. Finally, when only a few categories remain, it builds up a visual order by 'flipping' sequences of
characters with a right-to-left category, and within those, flipping sequences of digits back again.
I won't go any deeper into this algorithm. It is well documented. It in fact also declares a mechanism
for inserting RTL and LTR marks, which explicitly control the direction of the text. CodeMirror's
implementation does not currently implement this part of the algorithm.

Quantum cursors
The fact that bi-directional text has 'jumps' in itpositions where visually adjacent characters are
not actually adjacent in the logical representationhas some interesting ramifications for editable
(Note that, though I am going to describe a behavior as if it were normative, this is just what most
non-Windows software seems to be doing, and in fact there are other ways to handle bi-directional
When the cursor is at such a jump, for example at position 3 in the example string, as illustrated
below, it defies some of the assumptions that underlie classical, single-direction cursor interfaces.
A B C a b c D E (logical)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

(The numbers are the indices into the string that are used to represent cursor positions.)
When you type a D (Latin letter) at position 3, all is wella letter is inserted to the left of the cursor,
and the cursor moves to the right to end up after the new letter. Same if you press backspace there
the C is simply deleted and the cursor ends up after the B .

But, if you insert a character from a right-to-left script, say an x (which you should read as being an
Arabic, right-to-left character), you end up with the string ABCxabcDE , and the x will appear, in the
visual order ABCcbaxDE , quite some distance from the cursor. Similarly, when you press delete, you'll
delete the a rather than the c which is visually to the right of the cursor.
What Chrome does in such a situation, and what I've followed in CodeMirror, is to show a
secondary cursor at the other end of the jump. So, visually, you'd see this, with the asterisks
indicating the primary cursor and the plus sign the secondary one.
A B C c b a D E (visual)
Now, at least you'll get a visual hint that something is not normal, and have a quick way to see
where else your editing actions might take effect.

Cursor motion
We will assume what we want the arrows on the cursor motion keys to match the direction that the
cursor actually moves when you press them (this is not standard on Windows, where many
programs move the cursor 'logically' when you press arrow-left and arrow-right, causing it to move
in the opposite direction from the arrow when in right-to-left text).
To do this consistently, we define an ordering of (primary) cursor positions. This ordering must



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

have two properties: it must correspond to the visual order of the linei.e. a position more to the
right in this order is more to the right on the screen, and it must include every possible cursor
position in the stringit would be bad if there were positions that you can't reach with the cursor
keys. In regular left-to-right text, this ordering is trivial. In a three-character string, it would be 0123
(where 0 is before the first character, and 3 is after the last). In a fully right-to-left string, it is
simply the inverse of that, 3210 . The fun starts with bi-directional strings.
The cursor-position-order does not follow trivially from the character display order, because it talks
about positions between characters. This includes assigning an ordering to jump positions. More
concretely, here's an example. First, it shows the logical string, with its possible cursor positions
labelled, and then below it, it shows the corresponding visual order and a possible ordering of
character positions (the numbers refer to string offsets, their position reflects their ordering):
A B C a b c D E (logical)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B C c b a D E (visual)
0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8
This'd mean that when you are at position 3 , pressing the right arrow takes you to position 5 , and
pressing it again takes you to 4 .
This ordering is mostly uncontroversial, except for the positions of 3 and 6 we could also have
flipped them, so that the user would already be taken to position 6 (the leftmost end of the right-toleft section) after pressing right from position 2 .
Whether either of these orders satisfies the 'corresponds to the visual order' restriction depends on
how we draw the primary cursor. At position 6 , we could emphasize that it sits at the rightmost end
of the abc right-to-left section, and draw it to the left to the c , or we could emphasize that it sits
right before the DE left-to-right section, and draw it to the left of the D .



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

Both work, but I've found that the least confusing behavior occurs when biasing cursor positions
towards the dominant direction of the line (which CodeMirror defines to be the direction of the
start of the line, but you could also base it on the percentage of characters that is right-to-left). So
that means that in a line that starts with left-to-right text, when the cursor is on a jump point, the
primary cursor is drawn relative to the character at the left-to-right side of the jump, and the
secondary one relative to the right-to-left side.
Thus, in this schema, we'd reflect this bias by using the order shown above, rather than the one
where 3 and 6 are swapped (which would amount to biasing towards the right-to-left text, which is
not the dominant direction of this line).

Data structure and algorithms

Depending on what you are doing, a display order can be represented in various ways. For cursor
placement, drawing of the selection, and cursor motion, I found it most practical to use a format
that lists the individual single-direction sections of text, from left to right in display order, and for
each section tells me its direction, its start point, and its end point (in logical order offsets).
For cursor drawing, this allows us to find the section that the cursor is inside of, in which case it is
simply drawn between the characters that are adjacent to it, or the two sections that it sits between.
In that second case, we place the primary cursor relative the section whose direction corresponds to
our dominant direction, and the secondary cursor relative to the other.
Selection drawing has to handle selections that look visually discontinuous because of jumps. For
example if, in the example string that mixes numbers and right-to-left text, you select from position
1 (between A and B ) to position 8 (between 2 and 3 ), the selection marker should cover the part
shown by asterisks:
A B C a b c 1 2 3 d e D E



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

A B C e d 1 2 3 c b a D E
*** *****


Drawing this is easily done by iterating over the sections that make up the line, and checking for
each whether it overlaps the selection. If so, draw the part of the selection that falls inside the
section by using coordinates relative to the section.
Finally, cursor movement, done in steps of one, starts by, just like cursor drawing, finding the
section that the start position sits in or between. If it sits between sections, the section with the
dominant direction is chosen as current section.
We then move one character in the intended direction. If we are in a right-to-left section, this is the
inverse of the specified direction (i.e. left, which is normally -1 , towards zero, becomes 1 , towards
the end of the string).
If this motion takes us out of our current section, where 'out of' is defined as beyond the section's
edge for sections of the dominant direction, and onto the section's edge for non-dominant sections,
we need to skip to the next section (in the visual order), entering that one on the correct side (i.e.
the visual right side when moving left, left side when moving right, where the offset corresponding
to that side depends on the section's own direction). If the new section is non-dominant, we skip its
edge, since that offset belonged to the origin section.
The above step may have to be performed multiple times, to allow moving through single-character
non-dominant sections. It stops when we find a position that is actually inside the section that we
are currently looking at.

The bad apple



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

So far, that's all more or less coherent. Unfortunately, there's a problem. Let us try to assign an
ordering to a string that starts left-to-right and ends right-to-left:
A B C x y z (logical)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A B C z y x (visual)
0 1 2 3 5 4 ?
Because the second ( zyx ) section isn't dominant, the positions on its boundaries aren't biased
towards it. Thus, cursor position 3 should obviously be placed after C in the visual order. That
leaves only 6 , the one offset not assigned to any other position, for the position at the end, marked
with a question mark. But there is very little sense in placing it thereat least, the algorithms
described above don't automatically do it.
As a kludge, I made the algorithm that produces the sections, whenever the last section's direction
doesn't agree with the first section, insert an empty, zero-length section with the dominant
direction at the end. This, being dominant, will, be associated with the position at the end of the
string, and cause the ordering and cursor drawing to work out as hoped.

Combining characters
Another feature that was needed to make working with Hebrew text bearable is recognizing of
combining characters.
If I write '', your browser will probably display that as an E with an acute (forward) accent, even
though the source for this page actually contains two characters, first an 'e' and then Unicode point
769 (COMBINING_ACUTE_ACCENT). Such characters are rarely used in Latin languages,
because Unicode point 233 (LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_ACUTE) fills the same role just fine
in a single character. But in Hebrew (as well as several other languages), the combinations are so



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

numerous that assigning a code point to every one isn't practical, and thus people actually use such
combining characters.
When editing text with such combining characters, since only a single glyph is displayed for a series
of one non-combining and N combining characters, the cursor will appear to stay in the same place
when inside this series. This is very annoying, and it seems preferable to simply skip over the whole
section in a single jump.
In Unicode terminology, the code points that are combining/continuing characters are recognized
by the Grapheme_Extend derived core property, as listed in this file. The amount of ranges listed there
is huge, so, as a crummy trade-of between correctness and code size, I only took the ranges of a
number of scripts (Latin, Hebrew, Arabic) and made those into a big regular expression that the
editor can use to recognize continuing characters, leaving out a whole range of other languages.
(Of course, The Right Thing would have been for browsers to expose a JavaScript API for getting
Unicode character properties, since they internally have this information anywaythey need it to
properly display text. I expect it'll probably be another five to ten years before such an API is
considered important enough to standardize. Unicode adoption is a slow process.)
Having this regular expression, I simply make sure that cursor movement by keyboard or mouse
always puts the cursor on the boundary of a visual glyph, never before a combining character.

Cursor motion versus deletion

While the arrow keys have a visual arrow on them suggesting a certain direction, backspace and
delete imply the deleting of characters respectively before and after the cursor, where before and
after are interpreted relative to the direction of the text. So in right-left-text, backspace will delete
the character to the right of the cursor.



Cursor motion & bi-directional text

This means that determining the range to delete in response to these characters is done by looking
at logical rather than visual positions. I also chose not to take combining characters into account
when handling these, so that pressing backspace after '' (E + combining accent) will leave you with
just 'e'i.e. you delete characters, not glyphs.

As mentioned, being only a simple Dutch speaker exposed mostly to Western languages, I expect to
be missing half of the subtleties of bi-directional editing. I will update this post with correction as
they come in.
Regardless of that, I hope this write-up turns out to be useful to somebody. Figuring all this out
without much guidance was a major time sink. I'd be glad to save someone else the bother.


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