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Today I thought that no matter what im never gonna let go of this dream of mine

to one day write a movie script. I know it's a silly dream that will never com
e true and that I dont even have the brainpower to do, but I also realized the d
ream itself is part of my identity because it's part of my desire to create new
things and imagine what nobody else can imagine, and to inspire others with new
ideas and new ways of looking at things and the world in general. The script wo
uld be a story about a future world that is either recovering from a catastrophi
c event or is in the midst of one, and the people are under extreme oppression b
y the gov't. Technology has advanced to the point where it allows people to do
things we'd never think possible these days. It has tapped into the human brain
and allows the brain to command the devices to do things and they do it because
they're connected to our brains. The most advanced of all these technologies i
s a suit one wears that basically allows your thoughts to become reality. But o
nly the gov't has access to these things and won't let the oppressed citizens ge
t a hold of them. Yet some do by stealing them from gov't agents or bribing age
nts to sell them the technology, and thus there's an underground network and mar
ket for these things, especially the suits, because they're the only leverage th
e people have to fight back against the brutal oppression of the gov't. This go
v't is run by a group of elites who came together after the country was rebuilt
following the catastrophe (work out the details of this event- maybe a nuclear w
ar gone horribly wrong or a viral outbreak), and decided this was their chance t
o rule the world. The plot has some similiarities with the hunger games and equ
ilibrium. My plot, however, would focus on a remnant of people who rediscovered
religion and all the values that america was founded on (it turns out that even
though all of human history was destroyed by the catasrophe in terms of physica
l evidence, a group of people came together before it was too late and uploaded
every book, document, pictures, etc onto the internet, on a site the gov't never
found out about). The Remnant discovered this site and began to rebuild or recreate a christian culture in their underground network, one that even surpassed
the christians of the 21st century. It was a throwback to the christians of th
e 18th century, not only in how they talked, but how they treated each other, ho
w they raised their kids, and how they lived their day to day lives. It was int
o this underground environment, away from the eyes of the gov't, (who regularly
killed and tortured citizens just for the sake of their own entertainment becaus
e they had nothing else to do), that the heroes who would eventually rise up and
overthrow the gov't were born.

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